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ASAIO Journal 2024 Clinical Critical Care

Development and First Clinical Use of an Extracorporeal

Artificial Multiorgan System in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure
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Suhail Ahmad,* Alexander Novokhodko ,† Iris W. Liou,* Nancy Colobong Smith,‡ Robert L. Carithers,* Jorge Reyes,§
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Ramasamy Bakthavatsalam,§ Carl Martin,¶ Renuka Bhattacharya,* Nanye Du,† Shaohang Hao,† and Dayong Gao†

Multiple organ failure (MOF) is a common and deadly condition. Replacement System (AMOR) was developed at the University
Patients with liver cirrhosis with acute-on-chronic liver failure of Washington Medical Center. AMOR removes protein-
(AOCLF) are particularly susceptible. Excess fluid accumula- bound toxins through a combination of albumin dialysis, a
tion in tissues makes routine hemodialysis generally ineffective charcoal sorbent column, and a novel rinsing method to pre-
because of cardiovascular instability. Patients with three or more vent sorbent column saturation. It removes excess fluid through
organ failures face a mortality rate of more than 90%. Many hemodialysis. Ten AOCLF patients with over three organ failures
cannot survive liver transplantation. Extracorporeal support were treated by the AMOR system. All patients showed signifi-
systems like MARS (Baxter, Deerfield, IL) and Prometheus (Bad cant clinical improvement. Fifty percent of the cohort received
Homburg, Germany) have shown promise but fall short in bridg- liver transplants or recovered liver function. AMOR was suc-
ing patients to transplantation. A novel Artificial Multi-organ cessful in removing large amounts of excess body fluid, which
regular hemodialysis could not. AMOR is cost-effective and
*From the Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, user-friendly. It removes excess fluid, supporting the other vital
Washington; †Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart. This pilot study’s
Washington, Seattle, Washington; ‡School of Nursing, University of results encourage further exploration of AMOR for treating
Washington, Seattle, Washington; §Department of Surgery, University
MOF patients. ASAIO Journal 2024; XX:XX–XX
of Washington, Seattle, Washington; and ¶Department of Clinical
Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Submitted for consideration September 2023; accepted for publica- Key Words: albumin dialysis, liver failure, liver support system,
tion in revised from February 2024. multiorgan failure
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
D.G. received the Origincell Endowment funding and other gift funds
from the University of Washington. A.N. received funding from the In acutely ill patients, multiple organ failure (MOF) is preva-
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program lent and has increased over the last decades.1 The overall mor-
and the Ron and Wanda Crockett Endowed Fellowship in Mechanical tality risk increases when multiple vital organs fail. The failure
Engineering. The work was also supported by a grant from the Bronco
of vital organs such as liver, kidney, heart, brain, and lungs is
Family. Funding sources played no role in the design of the study, data
collection, analysis, or interpretation. Funding sources played no role common. Treatment of these organ failures requires a complex
in the writing of the manuscript. array of life support equipment, including but not limited to
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL mechanical ventilatory support, continuous renal replacement
citations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are therapy (CRRT), and circulatory support with vasoconstrictors.
provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s
Web site ( Specially trained staff are needed for extracorporeal treatment.
S.A. treated patients, devised the AMOR system, and wrote the man- This raises treatment costs and potential risks. There is a press-
uscript. A.N. devised and conducted in vitro experiments and wrote ing need for a single, user-friendly extracorporeal system to
the manuscript. I.L. treated patients. N.C.S. treated patients and pre- support failing organs, especially as organ failure severity rises,
pared training materials for other staff. R.C. treated patients. J.R. treated
and conventional support methods often fall short.2,3
patients. R.B. treated patients. N.D. devised and conducted in vitro
experiments. S.H. revised the manuscript and analyzed the data. D.G. Patients with acute worsening liver function often experi-
contributed to conceptualization, methodology, supervision, data ence MOF. The prognosis with three or more organ system fail-
analysis, manuscript revision, and funding acquisition of the AMOR ures is extremely poor. 28-day mortality is 75%–90%.4,5 The
research. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. outcome is particularly poor in those who have renal failure
The use of the new system was authorized by a group of institutional
committees including Directors of the Institutional Review Board, requiring dialysis.3 Similarly, Model for End-stage Liver Disease
Risk Management Committee, Transplantation Services, Hepatology, (MELD) score of >35 is associated with a mortality of 80%, and
and Clinical Engineering among others, with the informed consent of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of over 11
the patient or the family members of those with acute decompensated has a mortality risk of 80%–100%.4,6
cirrhosis with multiorgan failure and on ventilatory support in the
Kidney dialysis is usually effective in treating the biochemi-
Intensive Care Unit of the University of Washington Medical Center.
Consent to publish was obtained from participants or their cal abnormalities of renal failure, such as urea, creatinine,
representatives. electrolyte abnormalities, and metabolic acidosis. However,
The datasets used or analyzed during the current study are available renal dialysis often fails to treat the significant accumulation
from the corresponding author on reasonable request. of extracellular fluid (ECF) in liver failure patients. This ECF
Correspondence: Suhail Ahmad, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington. Email: Dayong Gao, University of excess is a barrier to transplantation and adversely affects pul-
Washington, Seattle, Washington. Email: monary, cardiac, and neurologic functions, along with patient
Copyright © ASAIO 2024 outcomes.7 Renal dialysis cannot reduce the concentration of
DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000002174 protein-bound hepatic toxins such as bilirubin.8

Copyright © ASAIO 2024

We studied AOCLF instead of acute liver failure (ALF) (listed below) were added at concentrations reflecting those
because the course of the disease is better defined, the patient found in the blood of liver failure patients. The blood side and
population is more homogenous, and in the United States, dialysate side flow rates were 150 ml/min. For BSA dialysis,
there are many more AOCLF patients than ALF patients. ALF the dialysate side had 2 g/dL BSA, while the negative control
accounted for only 1.9% of US transplant candidates in 2021.9 had no BSA. BSA was chosen because it has 76% homology to
Several systems based on the concept of using albumin- human serum albumin (HSA) and is frequently used as a lower-
containing dialysate to remove albumin-bound toxins have cost substitute.19 Differences between human and bovine albu-
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been developed. The Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating min may be a confounding factor. The dialyzers used were the
System (MARS) is the only extracorporeal liver support system Fresenius F3 dialyzer (polysulfone, surface area 0.4 m2). For
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currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the in vitro work only, dialyzers were cleaned and reused after
in the United States.10 Two small randomized controlled tri- clinical protocols.20,21 The solutions’ pH was adjusted between
als (RCTs) supported the use of MARS to improve survival in 7.35 and 7.45 using NaOH and HCl. pH was measured by a
AOCLF patients.11,12 However, two large RCTs did not show pH meter (OrionStar A211, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA).
improved survival or transplantation rates.13,14 In these large Pressure was measured by Omega PX409 or Honeywell RSC
RCTs, MARS reduced protein-bound and water-soluble toxins, sensors. The blood and dialysate reservoirs were immersed in
however improvements in hepatic encephalopathy, length of a 37 °C water bath (Benchmark, Sayreville, NJ). The trial dura-
hospital stay, and mechanical ventilation requirement did not tion was five hours.
consistently attain statistical significance.
Past work from our group established two key observations. Toxins
First, albumin dialysate removes protein-bound toxins across
Blood side solution contained BSA, bilirubin, cholic acid,
commonly used dialyzer membranes, eliminating the neces-
creatinine, indoxyl sulfate, copper, and manganese dissolved
sity for a specially designed membrane like the one reported
in dialysate. These toxins have distinct BSA binding sites.22–25
for MARS.15 Second, charcoal columns can regenerate albu-
Including multiple toxins accurately represented the complex
min dialysate by removing clinically relevant toxins such as
milieu of liver failure. For this study, bilirubin was measured
and reported. Bilirubin was dissolved as previously described
Based on these experiments and in vitro data, we created a
using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and sodium carbonate.17
liver dialysis system with recirculating and regenerating albu-
Bilirubin initial concentration was approximately 20 mg/dL in
min dialysate. The combined hemodialysis (HD) and albumin
the benchtop setup.17 In regeneration trials, a bilirubin concen-
dialysate system provides both liver and kidney dialysis. Our
tration of approximately 10 mg/dL was chosen to mimic used
experience and in vitro experiments show that the charcoal
albumin dialysate from the benchtop trials.
column rapidly loses its efficiency. Thus, unlike previous sys-
tems, our device allows sorbent columns to be regenerated to
maintain their functionality. This novel Artificial Multi-organ Detoxification of Toxin Containing BSA
Replacement System (AMOR) has been used in critically ill Solution by Charcoal Column
liver failure patients with grade 4 encephalopathy on ventila- Figure 1 shows a schematic of our charcoal column setup
tor and vasopressor support requiring HD for kidney failure. to test the efficacy of charcoal column regeneration. Adsorba
Results of the in vitro studies and the use of AMOR in 10 criti- 300 columns (Baxter) were used to remove toxins from the
cally ill patients are presented in this manuscript. dialysate with toxins and BSA. Columns were primed accord-
ing to the instructions. After the priming, the inlet tubing was
Materials and Methods placed in 500 ml of BSA dialysate. Priming fluid was discarded
into a waste container until yellow pigment was seen at the
column outlet. Now the system was switched into detoxifica-
In Vitro Studies
tion mode. BSA dialysate was recirculated through the column
The in vitro studies were based on our prior work using a for three hours. Samples were taken at the inlet and outlet.
benchtop model that showed that albumin dialysate can remove The column dead volume was determined using the volume
bilirubin from “blood side solution” and charcoal columns can of priming fluid.
regenerate albumin dialysate.15–17 In addition, negative control
experiments were added, without any albumin on the “dialysate Charcoal Column Regeneration Using Dialysate Solution
side” to determine the capacity of pure dialysate to remove tox-
ins. Experiments were also conducted to test the possibility of After three hours of toxin-laden BSA flow at 120 ml/min, regen-
regenerating used charcoal columns, to increase their efficient eration began at 50 ml/min with outflow to waste for 30 minutes
life. The Supplementary Methods, Supplemental Digital Content using dialysate without albumin and toxins. Simultaneously, the
1,, include reagent purities used BSA dialysate in the column was discarded.
and purchasing information and assay design information. After regeneration, the column was reconnected to the
BSA circuit with a 120 ml/min flow rate, with regeneration
fluid discarded to prevent toxin loss in experimental tubing.
Benchtop Setup
Discarding stopped when yellow pigment appeared in the
The setup, detailed elsewhere,15 involved a dialyzer with charcoal column outlet. The discarded volume was used to
dialysate fluid flowing through both blood and dialysate sides. measure column dead volume. Once regeneration fluid was
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was added to the blood side at removed, toxin-laden BSA dialysate recirculated for another
2 g/dL, a clinically relevant level for severe liver failure.18 Toxins three hours.

Copyright © ASAIO 2024


Statistics included a charcoal column (Adsorba 300, Gambro/Baxter,

Lund, Sweden) which was periodically cleaned. Blood from
Unless otherwise noted, comparisons were done using the
the outlet of the albumin dialyzer flowed to a Fresenius 2008K
unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test without assuming equal vari-
HD machine, where regular HD was conducted, using Diacap
ance. Calculations were done in Microsoft Excel. A value of P <
LOPS15 hemodialyzer (B. Braun, Melsungen, Germany) and
0.05 was considered statistically significant. For albumin dialysis
blood and dialysate flow at 200 and 500 ml/min, respectively.
trials, the percent of solute removed was calculated as follows:
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Ci − C (t = 5) Regeneration of Charcoal Column

% Removed (t) = 100% ∗
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The charcoal column was periodically cleaned with 500–

1000 ml of 5% dextrose normal saline solution (D5NS) every
where Ci is the solute concentration at time 0. C (t = 5) is the
60 minutes. While the charcoal column was rinsed, Albumin
solute concentration at time t = 5 hours. The concentration at
dialysis was on hold, but the HD was continued through the
the dialyzer inlet is used.
Fresenius machine.
Charcoal column regeneration was analyzed using slopes
between the first and last points of specific time periods: “First
Hour” (0–60 minutes), “Pre-regeneration” (120–180 minutes), Clinical Studies
and “Post-regeneration” (210–270 minutes). Each set of slopes
was compared using unpaired two-tailed t-tests without assum- The use of the new AMOR system was authorized, with the
ing equal variance. informed consent of either the patient or the family member of
those with acute decompensated cirrhosis with MOF and on
System ventilatory support in the Intensive Care Unit of the University
of Washington Medical Center. The University of Washington
AMOR System Description. A schematic drawing of Human Subject Division (Institution’s Review Board [IRB])
the AMOR system is shown in Figure 2. Patient blood first advised that the proposed work did not require formal IRB
flowed through the albumin circuit hemodialyzer (Exeltra approval. The IRB determined that liver-kidney dialysis was
210, Baxter). The albumin circuit contained 2%–4% albumin provided solely for clinical care; it was not performed for
dialysate, recirculated at a rate of 20 ml/min. This circuit also research purposes. IRB approval was granted for specimen and
data collection and analysis. The IRB permitted limited use of
the system in 15 patients. The IRB reviewed the protocol and
consent form.

The patients were listed for liver transplantation but were
marked inactive on the transplant wait list because of their
unstable clinical condition (Table 1).
All patients had multiorgan involvement (>4 organ system
1. Kidney failure with large extracellular volume (ECV) of
excess fluid and requiring HD treatment.
2. Central nervous system involvement, in deep coma.
Figure 1. Charcoal column regeneration in vitro test setup. The 3. Respiratory failure on ventilatory support.
main detoxification circuit is in black. The rinsing circuit is in gray.A
4. Cardiovascular involvement with hypotension requiring
circuit showing a container of toxin-containing BSA dialysate, an
albumin dialysate loop, and a charcoal column. A second circuit vasopressor support.
showing a bag of regeneration fluid, a charcoal column, and a waste 5. Hematological system involvement with active bleeding
container, with flow from the regeneration fluid into the waste. from multiple sites;

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the AMOR system. AMOR, Artificial Multi-organ Replacement System.Adiagram showing blood from the
patient entering an albumin dialyzer, then entering a hemodialysis machine (2008 K, Fresenius) and then being returned to the patient. On the
dialysate side of the albumin dialyzer there is the albumin dialysate albumin circuit containing recirculating 2-4% albumin dialysate, a charcoal
column, and the charcoal cleaning circuits.

Copyright © ASAIO 2024


Table 1. Patient Demographics

Patient No. Age Gender Days on Transplant List SOFA Score MELD Score

 1 52 F 5 18 39
 2 54 F 17 19 40
 3 53 M 32 19 40
 4 59 F 6 19 34
 5 43 F 35 17 35
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 6 57 F 12 18 34
 7 55 M 27 20 40
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 8 57 F 35 20 39
 9 57 F 28 18 36
 10 55 F 73 19 40
Mean ± SD 54.2 ± 4.5 8:2 (F:M) 27 ± 19.8 18.7 ± 0.9 37.7 ± 2.6

MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver Diseases; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.

All patients had advanced renal failure with massive fluid

overload requiring HD. Despite using various dialytic meth-
ods such as traditional HD, sequential ultrafiltration (UF) and
HD, slow continuous UF (SCUF), or slow low-efficiency HD
(SLED), effective fluid removal was limited due to hemody-
namic instability. Patient characteristics are summarized in
Table 1; average age was 54.2 ± 4.5 (mean ± SD). All had an
SOFA score >16, averaging 18.7 + 0.9 (mean ± SD), and a high
MELD score with a mean of 37.7 + 2.6 (mean ± SD).


In Vitro Experiments
In vitro testing showed that albumin dialysate removes bili-
rubin. Figure 3 shows that bilirubin removal was significantly
greater in albumin (BSA) dialysis than in the control (P = 0.01,
n = 3).
Figure 4 shows bilirubin concentration over time during the
albumin regeneration experiment using the Adsorba 300 char- Figure 4. Change in bilirubin concentration over time before and
after regeneration of charcoal column.A figure showing the decline
coal column. In the first hour of the experiments, the bilirubin of bilirubin concentration over time in the regeneration trial.
concentration declined at a rate of 1.89 mg/hr. Through the hour

“preregeneration,” this rate decreased to 0.48 mg/hr, which is

significantly lower than the first hour (P = 0.0046). During the
hour of “postregeneration,” the concentration declined at a rate
of 1.35 mg/hr. This rate was a significant increase from the “pre-
regeneration” period (P = 0.027). The “post-regeneration” bili-
rubin decline rate did not differ significantly from the first-hour
observation (P = 0.22). The dead volume of the charcoal column
discarded during regeneration was 207 ml ± 12 ml. For concen-
tration decline measurements, five experiments were conducted.

Clinical Outcomes
All patients responded to the AMOR therapy with improve-
ment in hepatic encephalopathy, respiratory function, and
hemodynamic parameters. Ventilatory and vasopressor sup-
ports were no longer needed. Patients lost a significant volume
of extracellular fluid excess. Based on transplantation, patients
Figure 3. From the blood side to dialysate more than 5 hours. The fell into two groups (Table 2): in group 1, there were five patients
negative control is dialysate without BSA. N = 3. The symbol * indi- who either eventually underwent liver transplantation (n = 4) or
cates BSA dialysis removed significantly more bilirubin than dialy-
recovered liver function (n = 1); in group 2, five patients died
sate without BSA (P ≈ 0.01); values are mean ± standard deviation.
BSA, bovine serum albuminA figure showing that the BSA dialysate while waiting for a liver transplantation (Figure 5). There were
removes significantly more bilirubin than the negative control (dialy- no significant differences between the two groups in terms of
sate without BSA). age, gender, or severity of the disease, SOFA and MELD scores

Copyright © ASAIO 2024


Table 2. AMOR Treatment Data

Patient No. Clinically Improved Received Liver Transplant Total AMOR Treatments Total Weight Loss, kg

    Group 1 Patients received transplants or recovered

 1 Yes Yes 5 5
 2 Yes Yes 11 8
 3 Yes Yes 16 45
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 4 Yes Yes 5 16

 5 Yes No* 11 37
Mean ± SD 9.6 ± 4.7 22.2 ± 17.9
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    Group 2 Patients improved but expired while waiting for a transplant
 6 Yes No 10 34
 7 Yes No 16 20
 8 Yes No 20 33
 9 Yes No 12 13
 10 Yes No 13 16
Mean ± SD 14.2 ± 3.9 23.2 ± 9.7

Clinical Improved: extubated, vasopressors discontinued, recovered from coma.

*Recovered liver function.
AMOR, Artificial Multi-organ Replacement System; SD, standard deviation.

Figure 5. Patient outcomes after AMOR treatment. AMOR, Artificial Multi-organ Replacement System.A flow chart showing patient out-
comes, noting that 4 patients were transplanted, 1 patient recovered without transplantation, and five patients died waiting for livers. Among
the patients that died, clincal improvement, extubation, and an average decline of 23 kg in extracellular fluid was observed. Causes of death
were mostly bleeding (n = 4), sepsis (n = 3), stroke (n = 1) and cardiac arrest (n = 1). Some of the five patients had multiple listed causes of death.

were not different between the two groups (Table 1). The first was measured at both the inlet and outlet of the liver dialyzer
group received slightly fewer AMOR treatments than the sec- simultaneously. By subtracting outlet bilirubin from the inlet,
ond group (9.6 vs. 14.2, P = 0.12). The patients who did not we calculated the bilirubin removed from the blood. The study
survive were on the liver transplant waitlist for an average of 35 revealed a strong positive correlation (r2 = 0.69) between albu-
days after the initiation of AMOR, with one patient waiting for min concentration and bilirubin movement across the dialyzer
73 days before dying from sepsis and bleeding. membrane (Figure 6A).

Fluid Removal
Bilirubin Removal with Time of Treatment
AMOR’s fluid removal ability was quite remarkable. All
Total bilirubin concentration in the albumin dialysate was
patients before using AMOR had difficulty in fluid removal
measured at the inlet and outlet dialysate of the liver dia-
with usual dialytic techniques, including intermittent renal
lyzer at start, 30 minutes, 4, 6, and 10 hours of treatment. As
replacement therapy (IRRT), SCUF, or SLED. Often, weight loss
expected, inlet bilirubin increased from zero at the start and
was minimal (<0.4 Kg), or they gained weight due to IV fluids
continued to rise. However, post-dialyzer bilirubin concentra-
for intra-dialytic hypotension. In the same patients with AMOR
tion remained higher with a positive delta value (postdialyzer
treatment, ultrafiltration was well tolerated even at a rate of 1 L/
minus predialyzer concentration). As seen in Figure 6B, the dif-
hr (upper limit set by the protocol). The range of fluid weight
ference between the inlet and outlet concentration decreased
loss was 5–45 kg (Table 2) with an average loss of 22.7 kg.
with time representing the effect of saturation of binding sites
and decrease in gradient.
Dialysate Albumin and Bilirubin Removal
The relationship between dialysate albumin concentration
and total bilirubin removal was studied in two patients. Varying
dialysate albumin concentration was used during 17 proce- The present article has two components, in vitro experi-
dures. The concentration ranged from 2.1–3.92 g/dL. Bilirubin ments, and clinical observations in a small number of patients

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Figure 6. A: Relationship between dialysate albumin and bilirubin removal in patients undergoing liver dialysis. Two values where data
points are plotted together shown as (2). B: Delta bilirubin concentration in the albumin dialysate. Delta bilirubin concentration is defined as
(postdialyzer, concentration minus predialyzer concentration). It is plotted against the duration of the AMOR treatment. N = 19 sessions in
two patients. r = 0.69. P < 0.05. AMOR, Artificial Multi-organ Replacement System.A figure with two panels. On panel A, the reduction in bili-
rubin concentration is compared to the dialysate albumin concentration, showing a trend towards more bilirubin removal at higher dialysate
albumin concentration (N = 17). In panel B, the delta bilirubin concentration during a single pass through the liver dialyzer is shown over time
during a treatment (N = 19).

with extremely poor prognosis. In vitro experiments reveal that ongoing disposable costs. MARS costs approximately
dialysate containing albumin is effective in bilirubin removal, $24,000 more than AMOR’s off-the-shelf components.
while dialysate without albumin is ineffective (Figure 3). In 2. Affordable treatment: MARS incurs a per-treatment cost
vitro experiments also show that a charcoal column can regen- of around $3,000, while AMOR’s cost is roughly $700.
erate albumin dialysate by removing bilirubin. The efficiency AMOR’s treatment closely resembles standard HD, sim-
of charcoal columns, in terms of bilirubin removal, declines plifying staff training and reducing associated expenses.
with time, however, rinsing the column restores its efficiency 3. Efficient combination: AMOR uniquely combines albu-
(Figure 4). min dialysis with traditional dialysis in a single treatment.
MOF involving the lungs, heart, and kidney is commonly This integrated approach excels at removing excess ECF,
seen in intensive care patients. The prognosis worsens with previously unmatched, and reduces the need for addi-
increasing number of organ system failures. In one report, tional costly dialysis sessions.
over 50% of ICU deaths occur despite advanced organ sup- 4. AMOR’s ability to remove fluid improves the pulmonary
port.26 During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, MOF mortal- and cardiac functions.
ity surged by 341%.27 Critically ill patients are treated using
Our in vitro results show that the bilirubin removal rate
various machines to support their failing kidneys, liver, heart,
declined within 2 hours of use, but was restored through
and lungs. This article presents a prototype system that inte-
regeneration (Figure 4). We introduced a periodic rinse of
grates kidney and liver support while managing excess fluid
the charcoal column during clinical use. The hourly rinse
and blood acid-base abnormalities.
with dialysate initially produced dark yellow fluid, gradually
AMOR was used in patients with AOCLF with failure of
lightening. This novel design worked very well without any
other organs where standard dialysis treatment was not able
complications. Future research should quantify its impact on
to control fluid excess that complicated pulmonary function
maintaining charcoal column efficiency.
and hemodynamic stability. The patients who were treated
A recent device, ADVOS (Advitos, Munich, Germany), has
had potential risk of high mortality. A 28-day survival of less
been used for critically ill MOF patients. It provides liver, kid-
than 25%5,28 is reported in such patients. With the deteriora-
ney, and lung support. It aims to regenerate albumin in the
tion in clinical condition, patients become too unstable for
dialysate through pH modulation and filter out waste like bili-
liver transplantation. Various dialysis methods, including char-
rubin via ultrafiltration. While pH modulation is believed to
coal hemodetoxification, IRRT, CRRT, and standard plasma
aid the patient’s acid-base balance,36,37 data regarding bilirubin
exchange, proved ineffective in improving the odds of being
removal is lacking and contradicts some reports.38 Although
transplanted in AOCLF patients.5,29–31 Devices like MARS and
biomarkers show improvement, no clear survival benefit has
Prometheus showed clinical and biochemical improvements
been demonstrated.39
but lacked consistent success as bridges to liver transplants in
We have presented a multiorgan support system that
AOCLF with MOF.13,14,29,32–35
achieved 28-day survival of 80% in very ill patients (Tables 1
and 2) compared to 25% expected 28-day survival in
AMOR Has Many Advantages Over MARS published reports in AOCLF with >3 organ failures.4 Ten
patients with severe AOCLF, requiring life-sustaining mea-
1. Cost-effective: AMOR uses readily available pumps sures like ventilation, vasopressors, and dialysis, saw sig-
and tubes, significantly lowering both initial setup and nificant improvement with AMOR. This included extubation,

Copyright © ASAIO 2024


vasopressor discontinuation, and significant fluid loss. One Acknowledgment

of the most striking effects of AMOR was its ability to per- This work was supported, in part, by the Origincell Endowment
form ultrafiltration without causing hemodynamic instabil- and other gift funds from University of Washington. We are grate-
ity. Patients who couldn’t tolerate this with traditional HD ful to the University of Washington Medical Center dialysis lab for
or CRRT managed ultrafiltration rates as high as 12 ml/kg/ Adsorba 300 columns. This work was also supported by the National
hour, possibly due to substances removed by the Albumin Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program grant DGE-
1762114. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
Dialysis segment preventing blood pressure drops. The rea-
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expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessar-
son for this difference between traditional HD and AMOR ily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We acknowl-
requires further investigation. It may have been a result of the edge the Kidney Dialysis Pheresis Services Office at the University of
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removal of some vaso-depressant substance by the Albumin Washington Medical Center for providing materials for this research.
Dialysis segment preventing the significant drops in blood
pressure. This aligns with the theory that plasma exchange References
improves the condition of ALF patients by clearing vaso-
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