Story Superstition

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If thirteen people sit down at a table, will one die within a year?

Any association to this number

can be invoke fear even in the hearts of people who would call themselves rational. In those
times and such land was born a boy on Friday, December 13th.
Except his parents, no one else looked forward to his company. His name was Tom but he had
a nickname “ShunTom” . While the whole town was invited to his birthday celebrations every
year , it mostly stayed a close family affair.
When Tom turned 12, every senior in the town advised Tom’s parents to exercise caution. Yet,
something really exciting happened that day. A state lottery was announced by the Governor of
the state. The queue to purchase the lottery was really long and by the time Tom arrived to join
it, it stretched almost a kilometer till the banks of the river. Yet, curiously enough a slot was
empty in the queue and Tom immediately understood that nobody wanted to take that slot under
the fear of misfortune.
Tom utilized the opportunity and took that shunned position in the queue and purchased a
lottery. Even the man at the ticket counter gave a wry smile at Tom but Tom had learnt to ignore
such fears which he thought were based more on unknown than known.
To the town’s surprise Tom’s lottery ticket was the winning ticket that year. The prize was a
million dollars, a prize so big that even the most serious doubters decided to befriend Tom. Now
that Tom’s family was rich, Tom was welcome everywhere.
On this 13th birthday, which turned out to be Friday that year, Tom’s parents organized a
magnificent party.
Unlucky 13

“If 13 people sit on a table, one dies”.

There was once a village in the tribal areas of Northern USA. There lived a girl, Urmila who was a gentle
soul, was rational and against all kinds of superstitions. Problem was that she was born on the 13 th of
December in a land where people believed such especially unlucky people should be sent out of the
town. Ravaged by this existential crisis, she tried to persuade people but also had to agree to some
concessions. The entire villages split into two groups- one that said that she should be allo or the other
which will hold orthodox people to account for this crisis.

So, a gloomy Urmila just lived her life quite gloomily due to people forbidding her from the socially
active area just to her bad luck. One day, she went to the village respected citizens who narrated that
during the Civil war, a plot no 13 witnessed two world wars and two battle which shaped history. They
believed that this would cause misfortune and this prevented them from using the number in their life.

As she came to that land, she discovered that it was one of the most prosperous land where agriculture
flourished. Several inscriptions were found depicting the same and thus it relieved her fears. However,
nobody else shared her optimism and thus nobody refused to believe her.

So they decided to add 13 to the clock on her birthday. She added the no quite secretly without
nowboady knowing. She waited there to see if something bad happened. The loudspeaker went loud
“13:00”. People woke up immediately. Tjey gossiped but something unexpected happened- a bright light
flew over the village depicting to everyone to not be afraid. This made her a heroin in the native places.
My story is about a popular superstition in the world “If 13 people sit on a table, one dies”.

There was once a village in the tribal areas of North Usa. There lived a girl, Urmila who was a gentle soul
and was against all kinds of superstitions. Problem was that she was born on the 13th of December
where people believed such extra unlucky people should be sent out of the town. Ravaged by this crisis,
she persuaded people not to worry but also had to sign some concessions. Thus, the villages split in two
groups- one who should send her out or the other which will hold orthodox people to account for this

So, a gloomy Urmila just lived her life quite gloomily due to people forbidding her from the socially
active area just to her bad luck. One day, she went to the village respected citizens who narrated that
during the Civil war, a plot no 13 witnessed two world wars and two battle which shaped history. They
believed that this would cause misfortune and this prevented them from using the no in their life.

As she came to that land, this land was one of the most prosperous land where agriculture flourished.
Several inscriptions were found depicting the same and thus it made her not to worry. But, nobody
refused to believe her.

So they decided to add 13 to the clock on her birthday. She added the no quite secretly without
nowboady knowing. She waited there to see if something bad happened. The loudspeaker went loud
“13:00”. People woke up immediately. Tjey gossiped but something unexpected happened- a bright light
flew over the village depicting to everyone to not be afraid. This made her a heroin in the native places.

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