Lesson Plan Magalzo

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At the end of the lesson students will be able to :
 Define the different types of suicide according to Durkheim.
 Illustrate some reasons why people commit suicide and
Identify the warning signs of suicide
 Perform a drama showing the implications of suicide (Moral,
Social, and Economic).


Topic: Suicide
References: https://www.opencollege.info/types-of-suicide/
Materials: Instructional materials, Visual Aid
Integration: Moral, Social, and Economic.



I. Preliminaries


Teacher: “Good afternoon Students: Good afternoon, ma’am!


B. Prayer

Teacher: Before we start our

lesson, may I request student 1 will Student 1: Okay, everyone, please
lead the prayer. stand.
Let us bow our head and feel the
presence of God.
Our Father
Our Father who is in heaven ,
Holy be your name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
On earth as it in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against
Do not bring us to the test
Bu deliver us from evil. Amen.

Teacher: Once again good Students: Good afternoon, ma’am .

afternoon, class.
Teacher: Okay, you may sit down.

C. Checking of attendance

Teacher: For today’s attendance, Beadle: Yes, Ma’am am all

beadle please give me the list of students are present.
students who are absent?

Teacher: Very Good.

D. Motivation

Before we start our lesson, I have

here an example scenario
pertaining to our topic . Please read

Friend struggling and drinking
heavily after a breakup
You’re on your way to a campus
party when you notice a friend
standing around, staring at the
counselling office. You know this
friend has been drinking more
heavily and frequently recently
because you’ve been to the bar
with him a couple times. You invite
him to the party, but he refuses,
saying his ex-girlfriend will be there.
You know they have recently
broken. You ask him how he’s
doing with that, and he shrugs and
looks away. He says he just has to
“man up.” As he goes to turn away
you hear him mutter, “She’ll be
sorry when I’m gone.”
Student 1: I will talk to him and give
Teacher: What will you do to save advices .
your friend who attempt to suicide?

Teacher: Excellent!

Teacher: I know you already have Students: Yes, Ma’am.

an idea on what topic we are about
to tackle this afternoon, right?

2. Lesson Proper

Our topic for today is all about

suicide, to know some reasons why
people commit suicide and to
identify the different ways on how to
prevent suicide

Now, let us first define what is Students 1: Suicide is the act or an

suicide? instance of taking one's own life
voluntarily and intentionally.
Teacher: Very Good! let give
student 1 a round of applause. Student 1: Thank you, ma’am .

Suicide is a death caused by

injuring oneself with the intent to
die. It means ending your own life.
It is sometimes a way for people to
escape pain or suffering

Suicide attempt is when someone

harms themselves with any intent to
end their life, but they do not die as
a result of their actions.

Suicidal thoughts is when someone

thinking or having intention to
commit suicide at some point in the

There are 4 types of suicide

according to Durkheim in his theory
of suicide.

Teacher: Student 4, kindly read the

first type of suicide.
Student 4: Egoistic suicide is seen
as stemming from the absence of
social integration. It is committed by
individuals who are social outcast
and see themselves as being alone
or an outsider. These individuals
are unable to find their own place in
society and have problems
adjusting to groups. They received
little and no social care. Suicide is
seen as a solution for them to free
themselves from loneliness or
Teacher: Thank you! Example of excessive individuation.
this is when an isolated, lonely
male who feels disconnected from
society completes suicide. Another
example is when a woman with no
goals or ambitions feels like an
outcast from society and dies by
suicide as a result.

Teacher: Next type of suicide

please read student 7.
Student 7: Altruistic suicide occurs
when social group involvement is
too high. Individuals are so well
integrated into the group that they
are willing to sacrifice their own life
in order to fulfil some obligation for
the group. Individuals kill
themselves for the collective benefit
Teacher: Thank you! Example of of the group or for the cause that
Altruistic suicide is willing to be the group believes in.
killed to save your boyfriend or
girlfriend during an attack is a form
of altruistic suicide. This means
they are ready to die because they
swore to protect or die for the other
partner. Also, soldiers willing to
take a bullet for the nation are
altruistic suicide.
Students: Anomic suicide is caused
Teacher: Next, kindly read by the lack of social regulation and
everyone. it occurs during high levels of stress
and frustration. Anomic suicide
stems from sudden and unexpected
changes in situations.

Teacher: Thank you! Anomic

suicide for example, when
individuals suffer extreme financial
loss, the disappointment and stress
that individuals face may drive them
towards committing suicide as a
means of escape. Student 5: Fatalistic suicide occurs
when individuals are kept under
Teacher: Last type of suicide, kindly tight regulation. These individuals
read student 5. are placed under extreme rules or
high expectations are set upon
them, which removes a person’s
sense of self or individuality.

Teacher: Thank you! Fatalistic

suicide for example, when a slave
completes suicide to escape the
control of his or her owner. A
woman who is stuck in a loveless,
abusive marriage with a controlling
husband who decides to take her
own life is also an example of
fatalistic suicide.
Student 5: The possible reasons
What are possible reasons why are the following;
people commit suicide ? •Previous suicide attempt
•History of depression and other
mental illnesses
•Serious illness such as chronic
•Criminal/legal problems
•Job/financial problems or loss
•Impulsive or aggressive
•Substance use
•Current or prior history of adverse
childhood experiences
•Sense of hopelessness
•Violence, victimization and/or
•Family/loved one’s history of
•Loss of relationships
• conflict or violent relationships
•Social isolation

Teacher: Excellent!
Teacher: Suicide is preventable
and requires strategies at all levels
of society. Everyone can help Students: The warning signs of
prevent suicide by learning the suicide are indicators that a person
warning signs. Kindly read may be in acute danger and may
everyone about the warning signs urgently need help.
of suicide.
•Talking about wanting to die or to
kill oneself;
•Looking for a way to kill oneself;
•Talking about feeling hopeless or
having no purpose;
•Talking about feeling trapped or
being in unbearable pain;
•Talking about being a burden to
•Increasing the use of alcohol or
•Acting anxious, agitated, or
•Sleeping too little or too much;
Withdrawing or feeling isolated;
•Showing rage or talking about
seeking revenge; and
•Displaying extreme mood swings.
Teacher: Thank you, so how we are
going to prevent suicide? Kindly Student 7: The different ways on
read student 7 about the different how to prevent suicide:
ways on how to prevent suicide. •Effective clinical care for mental,
physical and substance use
•Easy access to a variety of clinical
•Strong connections to family and
community support
•Support through ongoing medical
and mental health care
•Skills in problem solving, conflict
resolution and handling problems in
a non-violent way
•Cultural and religious beliefs that
discourage suicide and support

Teacher: So, if someone Student 1: Call the emergency

threatening to hurt or kill him/herself services and stay with the person to
or talking about wanting to die. secure it’s safety.
Especially if the person has a
weapon or item to hurt
himself/herself. What are we going
to do?

Teacher: Very Good! Stay with the

person while you contact
emergency services. It’s important
to keep you and the person safe.
This might also mean organizing for
someone else to stay with him until
they get help or go with them to get
help, if necessary.

D. Application


Teacher: Okay after introducing the

reasons why people commit suicide
and its prevention, please group
yourselves into 3 groups, we have
a role play each group is given a
task to be presented in front

Student: Count off 1-3

Count off 1-3

For the group 1: You show/act your

ideas about the implications of
suicide in morality
For the group 2: You show/act your
ideas about the implications of
suicide socially
For the group 3: You show/act your
ideas about implications of suicide

Each group is given 5 minutes to

prepare its presentation.

Criteria for judging role play;

Mastery of play……………..50%
Voice Quality………………..25%
Total …………………………100%

Teacher: Time is up, Group 1

present your ideas in front. Group1: Shows the different
implications of suicide in morality
Teacher: Excellent! Class, let us • A sin in the eyes of God
give group 1 a round of applause. • Only God has the right on where
Yes indeed in order to prevent and when to end our life.
suicide we should build a strong
relationship with God in that way he
can guide us in every decision that
we made and challenge that we
Group 2: Shows the different
Teacher: How about group 2? implications of suicide in social
Teacher: Very Good! Give them a • Poverty
round of applause. Yes of course in •Isolation
order to prevent suicide we should
have a strong relationship with our Group 2: Thank you, ma’am .
family and friends.

Teacher: Thank you so much group

2 ,let us give them a round of
Group 3: Shows the different
Teacher: Group 3 it’s your turn implications of suicide economically
• Poverty
• Lack of Job opportunities

Teacher: Thank you so much group

3. Class, give them a round of


Answer the following questions correctly .
1. What is suicide?
2-5.What are the four types of suicide?
6. What are the reasons why people commit suicide? Cite two reasons.
7. What are the warning signs of suicide? Give at least two.
8. How to prevent suicide?
9-10 You see your friend who wants to kill herself , What will you do stop

Answer the following questions correctly.
1.What is Teenage Pregnancy?
2-5. Give at least 4 struggles that teenage mothers faces?

Prepared by:
Belarmino, Mary Ann P.
Mary Ann P Belarmino
BSED. Val. Ed.3
Demo Handouts

Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and
Suicide is a death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. It means
ending your own life. It is sometimes a way for people to escape pain or
Suicide attempt is when someone harms themselves with any intent to
end their life, but they do not die as a result of their actions.
Suicidal thoughts is when someone thinking or having intention to commit
suicide at some point in the future.

There are 4 types of suicide according to Durkheim in his theory of

1. Egoistic suicide is seen as stemming from the absence of social
integration. It is committed by individuals who are social outcast and
see themselves as being alone or an outsider. These individuals are
unable to find their own place in society and have problems adjusting
to groups. They received little and no social care. Suicide is seen as
a solution for them to free themselves from loneliness or excessive
2. Altruistic suicide occurs when social group involvement is too high.
Individuals are so well integrated into the group that they are willing to
sacrifice their own life in order to fulfil some obligation for the group.
Individuals kill themselves for the collective benefit of the group or for
the cause that the group believes in.
3. Anomic suicide is caused by the lack of social regulation and it
occurs during high levels of stress and frustration. Anomic suicide
stems from sudden and unexpected changes in situations.
4. Fatalistic suicide occurs when individuals are kept under tight
regulation. These individuals are placed under extreme rules or high
expectations are set upon them, which removes a person’s sense of
self or individuality.

The possible reasons why people commit suicide are the following;
•Previous suicide attempt
•History of depression and other mental illnesses
•Serious illness such as chronic pain
•Criminal/legal problems
•Job/financial problems or loss
•Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
•Substance use
•Current or prior history of adverse childhood experiences
•Sense of hopelessness
•Violence, victimization and/or perpetration
•Family/loved one’s history of suicide
•Loss of relationships
• conflict or violent relationships
•Social isolation
The warning signs of suicide are indicators that a person may be in
acute danger and may urgently need help are the following;
•Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself;
•Looking for a way to kill oneself;
•Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose;
•Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain;
•Talking about being a burden to others;
•Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs;
•Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless;
•Sleeping too little or too much;
Withdrawing or feeling isolated;
•Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge; and
•Displaying extreme mood swings.

The different ways on how to prevent suicide are the following;

•Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorders
•Easy access to a variety of clinical interventions
•Strong connections to family and community support
•Support through ongoing medical and mental health care relationships
•Skills in problem solving, conflict resolution and handling problems in a
non-violent way
•Cultural and religious beliefs that discourage suicide and support self-

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