Year Planner 2024

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Company Overview and Vision

Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation and Excellence
From humble beginnings, Posidex has grown to become a pioneer in enterprise
customer data management, thanks to our relentless pursuit of innovation. We
proudly completed two decades of game-changing technology in 2023.

With 100% retention with clients over 18 years old, we have unequivocally
redefined how businesses connect with customers.

Global Footprint

Posidex is now making waves globally. We expanded our reach to North America
and the UAE, making a significant stride in serving diverse markets. And our
journey doesn't stop here. Plans are underway for further expansion into SouthEast
Empowering Decisions, Igniting Growth

With the belief of an inch wide and a mile deep, our mission is crystal clear. Craft
the world's top-tier customer MDM platform, fueling data-driven decisions and
driving unparalleled growth.
Putting Customers at the Core

Customer-centricity isn't a strategy. It’s the very essence of how businesses operate
in the coming time. That remains our vision—placing your customers at the heart
of all operations.

The values we hold dear—integrity, customer centricity, innovation, respect for

people, and responsibility—are the guiding stars that lead us forward.
Product Architecture Page
Customer MDM (header in centre)

(benefits listed around the header)

● Low TCO
● High ROI
● Minimum Risk
● Better Business Growth
● Full Compliance

● Prime 360
● PrimeVer
● Collateral 360
● ScReEn
● Non-Obvious Hidden Relationship

Solutions (page bottom, horizontal line)

1. Prime Customer 360

2. Prime UCIC
3. Prime Golden Record
4. Prime NOHRD
5. Prime Screen
6. Prime Instant Loan approval
7. Prime GCID
8. Prime GCID
9. Prime Cross sell
10. Collateral 360 for Housing and Vehicle Loans

Verticals (left side of page, vertical line)

● Banking
● Financial Services
● Insurance
● Government
● Telecommunications
● Retail

Product Spotlight

Real-time entity search and match

Access and process accurate, up-to-date information instantaneously to make

informed decisions rapidly and provide a seamless and dynamic customer


Bulk entity search and match

Scalable, efficient processing of large volumes of data. Achieve significant time

and resource savings when deduplicating and linking records.

Automating the validation process of customer information coming from multiple


Diminish manual intervention, prevent errors, and improve data accuracy. Reach
faster processing, lesser processing costs, and a more seamless customer


Credit risk assessment tool that prevents the financing of the same collateral twice

Eliminate the risk of overleveraging. Boost the accuracy of credit risk assessments,
safeguard against fraudulent activities, and gain a more reliable lending process.


Name screening against global watchlists

Proactively identify and mitigate potential risks. Build a robust risk management
framework, maintain legal compliance, and safeguard the reputation of your

Non-Obvious Hidden Relationship

Discovery for building a network of relationships and associates

Uncover valuable connections within the data that are not immediately evident.
Gain a deeper understanding of your data landscape and detect fraud.

Prime Customer 360
Unifying Data, Empowering Decisions
Gain a holistic, real-time, and actionable understanding of your customers, empowering
unparalleled engagement and informed decision-making.
Prime UCIC
Streamlining Operations, Enhancing Efficiency
A single unified identifier for precise customer management and unmatched operational

Prime Golden Record

Precision Unleashed
A singular, accurate, and most trusted data at the enterprise level, usable by anyone to
transform decision-making and transform customer interactions with unmatched insight.

Unlocking Strategic Connections
Unearth non-obvious and hidden relationships among entities to maximise engagement,
mitigate risk, eliminate fraud, and propel business.

Prime Screen
Proactive Risk Mitigation
Strengthen your compliance arsenal with robust screening for anti-money laundering (AML) and
enhanced due diligence (EDD). Safeguard against financial threats seamlessly during
onboarding and transactions.

Prime Instant Loan approval

Swift, Data-Driven Assessments
Be part of the industry standard with straight-through processing and approve or reject credit in
less than 10 seconds for any volume of data. Empower business agility and mitigate risk.

Prime Federated GCID

Federated global customer search meeting data localization and data privacy.

Prime GCID
Group Level customer ID, for business growth

Prime Cross-sell
Cross-Sell/Upsell Solution for Business Growth

Collateral 360
Defending Financial Integrity
Perform intelligent checks during housing and vehicle loans to prevent duplicate financing and
instil confidence in lending practices.
Pioneering Industry Impact (header)
10 Second Loan
For the world’s 7th largest bank.

300 Million Records

Managed for India’s largest Private Sector Bank.

Million Policies
For India’s largest Life Insurance company, through automated processing

Second TAT
Reduced 3-minute TAT to 2 seconds, enabling faster and higher customer onboarding

100% Customer Retention

Of all clients.
Second Response Time
Achieved for instant credit decisioning

Of the 15 Biggest NBFCs
Identified by RBI are served by us

Client Success Stories

Banking & Finance
Redefining Business Possibilities for India’s Largest Private Bank

The bank faced a multitude of challenges, from handling high data volumes from diverse sources to a
surge in daily applications. The data itself presented hurdles—incomplete, duplicate, and
inaccurate—demanding real-time processing within a fraction of a second.
● Prime360 proved to be a game-changing solution for the bank. The robust tool showed its
mettle, effortlessly handling vast data volumes with pinpoint accuracy, minimising false positives.
● A new request routing system and efficient queuing optimised the processing pipeline for
seamless operations.
● Identifying time-consuming tasks, we also re-engineered processes to cut down on processing
times without compromising accuracy.

Fuelling Growth, Instantly Approving Dreams

For the largest consumer finance company

Posidex Technologies played a pivotal role in propelling business growth through instant loan
decisioning. With incomplete, duplicate, and siloed data, the company needed a better solution for instant
approval or rejection.

Posidex’s customer MDM turned the challenges into opportunities for instant and scalable success:

● Real-Time Progress: Real-time decisioning with a TAT of less than a second.

● Cost-Efficiency: Significantly reduced hardware and database licence costs.
● Explosive Growth: Enabled a massive expansion of the loan book.

Insurance & Govt

Unlocking the Power of Data for an Unparalleled Customer Experience

For the Largest Life Insurance Company in India

The life insurance company faced a monumental challenge—managing and deduplicating a staggering
700 million customer records. Their existing solution struggled with precision and recall, creating
duplicate Unique Customer IDs (UCIDs) and hindering efficient cross-selling, customer experience,
service customisation, and claims management.

Tackling complexities such as incomplete, duplicate, and inaccurate records, Posidex's bespoke solution:

● Addressed precision and recall issues.

● Built golden record for the entire 700 million records
● Identified and merged a volume of duplicate records, creating 400 million unique customer
● Reduced response time to 4 hours
● Made daily UCID processing possible
Pioneering Social Welfare Precision with Unparalleled Accuracy

Posidex scripted a groundbreaking success story for a state government with a visionary project
leveraging big data, machine learning, and citizen master data management. The initiative not
only eliminated inclusion and exclusion errors in the state’s welfare programmes worth about
Rs. 50,000 crore per year but also set a benchmark for India's welfare scheme implementation.

Addressing historic issues of bogus and duplicate beneficiaries, it drastically reduced ₹500 crore
worth of leakages in welfare schemes. Instead of conventional Aadhaar-centric models, Posidex
implemented a state family database by sourcing data from various government departments
like tax, ration cards, birth certificates, GST, land records, etc.

The project marks a transformative milestone in governance by reaching precision beyond par.

● Minimal false positives and increased positive matching accuracy

● Real-time responsiveness ensured swift beneficiary verification.
● Dynamic rule-setting empowered flexibility and adjustments to evolving requirements.
● Successfully handled variations in names and addresses, ensuring comprehensive data
● API-based integration led to swift deployment, meeting the urgency of welfare initiatives.

Retail and Telecom

Revamping Retail Dynamics

Posidex orchestrated a seamless UCID creation for a retail giant spanning diverse lines of
business under the umbrella firm. Handling a colossal 126 million records, the solution added
real-time adaptability, so UCIDs were created and updated daily. The result was a year of
innovation, efficiency, and enhanced customer relationships through:

● Strategic Insights: Transaction and value calculations for informed decision-making.

● Targeted Campaigns: Precision in SMS and email campaigns, maximising customer
● Loyalty Boost: Identifying and catering to repeat customers, elevating brand loyalty.

Revolutionising Compliance in the Telecommunications Landscape

One of the biggest mobile service providers in India faced the challenge of efficiently managing and
complying with TRAI regulations. The telecom giant turned to Posidex Technologies for a solution that
not only met regulatory requirements but also streamlined their operations.
● Set Match: Posidex introduced a robust bulk matching system, streamlining the process of
deduplication. It efficiently identified and clustered subscribers within the circles, ensuring
compliance with TRAI's G1, G3, G5, and G9 reporting requirements.
● Prime Match: In sensitive circles where KYC norms demanded real-time awareness of
multiple connections during new subscriber onboarding, Posidex implemented a cutting-edge
real-time matching system. This involved exposing a synchronous API consumed seamlessly by
the telecom’s applications, ensuring instantaneous and accurate matching.

Results and Impact:

Efficiency Boost: A significant improvement in operational efficiency by automating bulk matching

processes, reducing manual efforts, and enhancing accuracy.

Regulatory Compliance: Posidex's solutions not only met but exceeded TRAI's compliance requirements,
providing a robust mechanism for reporting in the specified CSV format.

Real-Time Responsiveness: Empowered to meet KYC norms efficiently, especially in sensitive circles,
ensuring a smooth onboarding experience for new subscribers.

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