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Team name: Relentless Innovators

12 March 2022

Problem statement:
Green tech:
PS2: The accessibility of charging stations and their ease of use to address range
fatigue that can improve the EV uptake in India

1. Voltery aims to increase accessibility of charging stations by implementing
‘Battery As A Service’ model
2. Our main objective is to tackle high vehicle cost, operational range, battery
replacement cost, and the long charging time of batteries.
3. Voltery allows customers to lease batteries as a separate component from cars.
Leasing the battery saves the upfront purchase cost of an electric vehicle.
4. Battery leasing can help the EV owner save purchase costs and address shorter
range issues. The service is also less time-consuming and requires minimum
infrastructure compared to charging the battery at a station.
5. Voltery will provide the location of every battery leasing center around their
current location and will provide the data of availability of batteries at particular

Value proposition:
1. Our applications track and guide the user to the nearest battery swapping station which is
compatible with their car model.
2. We will introduce a subscription based model which allows the user to lease the battery
on a monthly or yearly basis.
3. The users will be able pre pre-book slots for leasing and will be able to instantly swap
batteries at the station using QR code.
4. We will provide an option to view their battery swapping history.
5. Our application will save customer’s time by cutting off the charging time and the
customer won’t have to wait in a long line to charge their batteries .

About Team:
Kaustubh Gharat: Web
Arjun Haridas: Web Developer and ML
Kaustubh Gode: Web Developer and web designing

Current competition:
Maxnetwork is an upcoming EV battery swapping project by Yulu, and is the biggest current
competition that Voltery is facing.

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