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Test Case Sunstar Pricing ( BOM Présentoir)

Sales order 4223 ( one présentoir ) :

With order reason (header level ) ZP3 : -35%

- Item Category TAQ ( Price on header item )

- Item Category TAP ( Price on item level )
On S4HC We can not create / change item category (only work with standard SAP )
- Soit Prix aux niveau du Header avec: Material Item Category Group ERLA (ds la fiche produit)
qui implique/induit Sales Order line-item category TAQ (pour le Header product ds la SO),
- Ou Prix au niveau des Composants avec : Material Item Category Group LUMF (ds la fiche
produit) qui implique/induit Sales Order line-item category TAP (pour le Header product ds
la SO).
No Price on Header item of the BOM ( because we are using item category TAP )

We have Condition Type ZDFP on BOM items

We have ZDFP as a result of access sequence ZFPP Table position 005 ( order reason )
Condition Record ZP3.
Analysis Pricing :

Condition Record ZDFP .

APP: Set material Prices
Sales order 4224 (Présentoir + reasort )
In this case the added product (Réasort : a product that exist in the Présentoir but they want
more of it inherited the discount because we have Routine 2 based on Order reason ), but
Thomas is okey with that as it can be changed manually by back desk ( products that are
added after the presentoire must not have same discount )

The discount of reassort was 35% but we could Successfully change it manually to 15% and
save it
More details of Condition Record ZP3:

There was no scale .

Sales order 4225 (Presentoir + stand alone product / scale )
Added scale for condition type ZDFP – order reason ZP3 130% / 370%

ZDFP 70% Discount successful ( BOM PARTS )

Stand alone product ( was 70% because of routine 2 , but can be changed manually to
whatever discount Sunstar wants ) .

Pricing Analysis for stand alone product :

We can mix different Presentoir as long as they have the same Discount (order reason
ZP330% /ZP440% /ZP550% )

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