Recitation 1

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EE232: Electrical machines IGEE(ex-INELEC) Spring semester: 2022/2023

Recitation N°1: Problems Set in Three Phase Systems

❖ Part 1: Three-phase systems/ Per-phase circuit analysis:
Problem N°1
A balanced, three-phase, delta-connected load is supplied by a balanced, wye-
connected source over a balanced three-phase line. The source voltage data are given in
abc phase sequence in which Van is 7.62∠0° kV and the line impedance is 1 + j7 Ω. If the
balanced load consists of three equal impedances of 15 + j10Ω, determine the following:
(a) The line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic.
(b) The phase voltages Vab, Vbc, and Vca of the delta-connected load
(c) The phase currents Iab, Ibc, and Ica of the delta-connected load
(d) The phasor diagram of the phasors found in parts (a), (b), and (c).
Problem N°2
A three-phase, wye-connected induction motor is supplied by a three-phase and
four-wire system with line-to-line voltage of 220 V and the impedance of the motor is 6.3
+ j3.05 Ω per phase. Determine the following:
(a) The magnitude of the line current
(b) The power factor of the motor
(c) The three-phase average power consumed by the motor
(d) The current in the neutral wire.
Problem N°3
A balanced three-phase load of 15MVA with a lagging load factor of 0.85 is
supplied by a 115 kV. If the line impedance is 50 +j100Ω per phase, determine the
(a) The line current of the load
(b) The power loss due to the line impedance
(c) The power factor angle of the load
(d) The line-to-neutral voltage at the receiving end (load side).
(e) The voltage drop due to the line impedance
(f) The line-to-line voltage at the sending end (source side).
Problem N°4
A balanced, three-phase, delta-connected load is supplied by a balanced, three-
phase, wye connected source over a balanced three-phase line. The source voltages are in
abc phase sequence in which Van is 19.94∠0° kV and the line impedance is 10 + j80 Ω per
phase. If the balanced load consists of three equal impedances of 60 + j30Ω, determine the
(a) The line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic
(b) The phase voltages Vab, Vbc, and Vca of the load

EE232: Electrical machines IGEE(ex-INELEC) Spring semester: 2022/2023

(c) The phase currents Iab, Ibc, and Ica of the load.
Problem N°5
Consider the balanced and delta-connected three-phase load that is shown in
Figure. Assume that each impedance is 3 +j6Ω and that the load is supplied by a balanced
three phase source where Vab= 12,470∠30° V so that Va=Van ≅ 7,200∠0° V. (In other
words, line voltages lead phase voltages by 30°.)
Determine the following:
(a) The line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic
(b) The total (i.e., three-phase) average power in watts

Problem N°6
Consider the Figure below and assume that a delta-connected source is supplying
power to a delta-connected balanced load. If the generator has Vab=480∠30°V, Vbc=
480∠270°V, Vca =480∠150° V, and load impedances of Zab =Zbc=Zca = 5 + j5 Ω, determine
the following:
(a) The load (phase) currents Iab, Ibc, and Ica.
(b) The line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic.
(c) The total real and reactive power supplied to the load.
(d) The total complex power supplied to the load.
(e) Draw the current and voltage diagrams.

Problem N°7
A balanced three-phase load of 8000 kW with a lagging power factor of 0.90 is
supplied by a three-phase source of 34.5 kV line voltage. If the line resistance and
inductive reactance are given as 5 and 7 Ω per phase (The same system shown in previous
exercise), determine the following:
‒ The line current of the load
‒ The power factor angle of the load
‒ The line-to-neutral voltage of the line at the receiving end (i.e., the load side)
‒ The voltage drops due to line impedance

EE232: Electrical machines IGEE(ex-INELEC) Spring semester: 2022/2023

‒ The line-to-line voltage of the line at the sending end (i.e., the source side)
‒ The power loss due to line impedance.
Problem N°8
The figure below shows a three-phase power system with two loads. The source
generates a line voltage of 480 V. The line impedance is ZL=0.09 + j0.16 Ω.
The first load is Y connected, with a per-phase impedance of 2.5∠36.87° Ω, while
the second load is D connected, with a phase impedance of 5∠‒20°Ω.
(a) What is the line voltage of the two loads?
(b) What is the voltage drop on the transmission lines?
(e) Find the real and reactive powers supplied to each load.
(d) Find the real and reactive power losses in the transmission line.
(e) Find the real power, reactive power, and power factor supplied by the generator

❖ Part 2: Unbalanced systems:

Problem N°9
An unbalanced three-phase, three-wire, wye-connected load is connected to a
balanced, three-phase, three-wire, wye-connected source, as shown in Figure P2.6. If the
line-to-neutral source voltages Va, Vb, and Vc are 220∠30°, 220∠270°, and 220∠150° V,
respectively, and the load impedances Za, Zb, and Zc are 4∠0°, 5∠90°, and 8∠30° Ω per
phase, respectively.

Circuit of the problem 9.

EE232: Electrical machines IGEE(ex-INELEC) Spring semester: 2022/2023

Determine the following:

(a) The mesh currents I1 and I2 using determinants and Cramer’s rule
(b) The line currents Ia, Ib, and Ic.
(c) The potential difference between the source neutral NS and the common node of the
load, that is, NL
(d) Whether or not a neutral wire connecting the neutral point NS and NL is required.
Problem# 10:
With the same data and same circuit given in the previous problem, We Assume
that three Wattmeters are connected to measure the total power received by the
unbalanced three-phase load, as shown in the
Ignore the small impedance of the
current coils in the Wattmeters and determine
the following:
(a) The power recorded on each wattmeter
(b) The total power absorbed by the load.

❖ Part 3: Power factor correction:

Problem# 11:
If a balanced, three-phase, 15MW total load is fed by a 138 kV power line at a 0.85 lagging
power factor, determine the following:
(a) The line current.
(b) The value of the capacitor in μF per phase, if a wye-connected capacitor bank is shunt-
connected to correct the power factor to a 0.95 lagging power factor.

Problem# 12:
If a balanced, three-phase, 20 MW total load is fed by a 138 kV (line-to-line) power
source at a 0.8 lagging power factor, determine the following:
(a) The line current
(b) The value of the capacitor in μF per phase, if a wye-connected capacitor bank is used
to correct the power factor to a 0.9 lagging power factor.
(c) If a delta-connected capacitor bank is used in part (b), the value of each capacitor in
such a bank. [Hint: Use the results of part (b).]


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