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Material designed by

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Jotto Kawachi

Prof. Ms. Leny Pereira Costa

Hi, everyone! It’s so good to see you all! Nesta unidade, nosso objetivo geral é apresentar a vocês
algumas expressões básicas em inglês, úteis para contatos iniciais. A ideia é ampliar um pouco
esse vocabulário que, talvez, vocês já conheçam.

Portanto, nossos objetivos específicos são aprender e praticar:

• Expressões / palavras essenciais para diálogos do cotidiano, em inglês (idade, profissão,

curso de graduação, cidade natal etc.)
• Spelling (sons das letras do alfabeto)
• Gramática: formas e usos do verbo to be

Linguistic literacy

Let’s begin with the beginning…

1. What information is important when you meet someone for the first time? Write them below
and share them with the class.

Name… Age….

2. What question(s) would you ask to know more about someone’s…

a) Name? __________________________________________________________________
b) Age? ___________________________________________________________________
c) Hometown? _____________________________________________________________
d) Job/major? ______________________________________________________________

3. Can you think of other common expressions for the situations below?

Speaking literacy
4. Let’s work with some of these expressions. Complete the spaces with information about other
people in the class. Add an extra question according to your own ideas.

QUESTION Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4





Listening literacy 1

Para ilustrar tudo isso que vimos, vamos ver vídeo bem curto em que algumas pessoas se
encontram pela primeira vez. Algumas expressões que vimos agora mesmo vão aparecer no
vídeo, porém outras serão novas.

5. Answer the questions before watching the video, just based on the picture.

a) How many people are in this situation? _______________________________________

b) What are they saying? _____________________________________________________

6. Watch the video and answer the questions:

a) What words / expressions did you understand?


b) Where are they?


c) What is their relationship? Are they friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend?


d) What was the misunderstanding (mal-entendido) in that situation?


7. There are some missing words in the dialogue in the video. Watch it again and write them in
the correct place.


Penny: Oh, hi! Penny: Oh! Ok! Well, guess I'm your __________
________________, Penny
Leonard: hi Leonard: Leonard, Sheldon
Penny: hi!
Sheldon: hi Sheldon: hi
Leonard: hi
Leonard: hi Sheldon: hi
Leonard: well, uh... __________ to the __________.
Sheldon: hi Penny: Oh, __________! Maybe we can have coffee
Penny: Hi? Leonard: oh, great!
Penny: great
Leonard: We don't mean to interrupt, Sheldon: great
we live across the hall. Leonard: well, uh
Penny: bye
Penny: Oh! That's__________! Sheldon: bye
Leonard: bye

8. Do you think this conversation is formal or informal? Why?


Speaking Literacy 2
Você provavelmente já estudou os sons individuais de cada letras em inglês. Por isso, o exercício
a seguir é mais uma prática de revisão, mas ainda assim, muito importante para diversos
momentos de produção oral nessa língua.

9. In your opinion, which letters are more difficult to pronounce? Why?

Listening Literacy 2
10. Listen to some people spelling their names. Answer the questions.

(until 0:27) (0:53 – 1:05) (2:47 – 3:13)
What are their names? What is her name? What are their names?
1st person: 1st person:
2nd person: 2nd person:
3rd person:
Where are they from? Where is she from? Where are they from?


11. Look at the picture below and answer the questions.

a) What do you see in this picture? _____________________________________________

b) Where are they? __________________________________________________________
c) What is the weather like? __________________________________________________

12. Listen to the interview and mark T (true) or F (false).

a) His name is Mike Burney. ___________________________________________________

b) He’s from the US. _________________________________________________________

c) He’s married. ____________________________________________________________
d) Sally Burney is his wife. ____________________________________________________
e) She’s a photographer. _____________________________________________________
f) They’re twenty-six years old. ________________________________________________

13. Add the underlined words from exercise 9 to columns A and B below.

A (woman) B (man)
First name
Last name
Age Thirty-five
Job / Occupation Explorer
Country Canada
Marital status Married
Relationship wife

14. Listen to the interview again and circle all the verbs you can find.

I: Hello. What’s your name? I: Why? What’s her job?

M: My name’s Mike Burney. M: She’s also an explorer and we often
I: Are you from Great Britain? travel together.
M: Yes, I’m from the UK, but I travel all the I: Is she from the UK too?
time. M: No, she isn’t. She’s from Canada.
I: And are you married? I: Are you the same age?
M: Yes, I am. My wife’s name is Sally. She M: No, we aren’t. I’m thirty-six and Sally is
isn’t at home at the moment. thirty-five.

15. Look at those verbs again. When do we use them?

Grammar focus

Observe alguns fatos sobre o verbo ser/estar em inglês.

● O verbo “to be” é um dos verbos mais usados na língua inglesa.

● Ele é considerado um verbo irregular por ter várias formas dependendo do pronome
ou sujeito
● Importante: em português ele pode significar “ser” e “estar” dependendo do contexto.

Agora, veja alguns exemplos.

• “be” com o sentido de SER • “be” com o sentido de ESTAR

The verb “to be” has three different forms in
the “simple present” tense:

● Am (I)
● Is (he, she, it, João - name)
● Are (you, we, you, they)

As you can see, the form depends on the

pronoun or noun (substantivo).

Linguistic Literacy 2

16. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verb be.

a) _________ you Anne? e) _________ you students?

No, I _________. My name Yes, we _________.
_________ Karina.
f) _________ Pam married?
b) _________ you Chinese? No, she _________. She _________
Yes, we _________. I _________ single.
from Hong Kong and he _________
from Shanghai. g) What _________ your job?
c) _________ Jaime from Bolivia? I _________ a scientist.
Yes, he _________.
h) Adele _________ an American
d) How old _________ Leo? singer, right?
He _________ eighteen. No, she _________. She _________

17. Write AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE sentences according to your personal opinions.

a) I / hungry now. ___________________________________________________________

b) I / interested in foreign languages. ___________________________________________
c) It / cold in Barão Geraldo. __________________________________________________
d) I / afraid of dogs. _________________________________________________________

e) My institute or college / really big ____________________________________________
f) Food and drinks / cheap in Barão Geraldo ______________________________________
g) My hometown / far from Unicamp ___________________________________________
h) Professors at Unicamp / nice ________________________________________________

Writing literacy

18. Watch the following video and answer the questions. Then, we will create something
similar: a personal profile.

a) What is her name?


b) What is her occupation?


c) What does she do at EXL?


d) What is her project about? [main words]


(Source: EXL Instagram -

19. Now, go on to our class group on Flip

( and make a short video (no more
than 1 minute) similar to Naomi’s video. Mention
your name, your age, your major and anything else
you might want to share J


Write a very short biography for a social media

profile. What basic information goes here? What
would you like to share?

Nesta unidade, nossos objetivos específicos são:

• Ampliar a prática com as formas do verbo to be

• Vocabulário: aprender e praticar palavras associadas a relações familiares
• Gramática: conhecer as formas e usos do caso possessivo (‘s)

Listening literacy 1
Vamos começar esta unidade observando as implicações de uso do verbo to be na prática. Para
isso, vamos discutir os aspectos linguísticos e culturais evidenciados em um vídeo.

1. What do you know about this actor?


2. Watch the video and answer the questions:


a) What's the "problem" in this interaction? Why did this problem happen?

b) Besides a vocabulary problem, there was also a grammar mistakes in the girl's question.
What was the mistake?

c) Como a pergunta da brasileira poderia ser refeita, com a gramática normativa?


Linguistic and reading literacy

3. When you think of “family”, what words come to mind? Write them below.

4. In groups, write and discuss your definition of “family”.


5. Look at the family tree. Complete the colored boxes with the appropriate vocabulary.

6. Take a look at the following text and answer the questions:

Carol Einhorn is a busy professional in New York. She was about 35, she was single like many
other women; she was unmarried and wanted to have a child. Fortunately, she had a friend
who wanted to help her.

George Russel is a chiropractor and Carol’s good friend. He decided to donate his sperm. This
is an option for many women in their late years who want a child with no emotional attachment
to the biological father.

Why is this family unconventional? George is in a stable relationship with his partner, David.

George’s donation gave Carol a beautiful boy with curly blonde hair named Griffin. But, there’s
more to it.

Although George is not legally Griffin’s father, Griffin knows him as his dad. George is usually
in his own apartment with his partner, but sometimes he spends some nights with Griffin, his
partner and Carol in Carol’s apartment.

On Sundays, the four of them spend the day together. Once Griffin is in bed, Carol, George,
and David are in the living room, sharing good company and drinks. Carol wants Griffin to have
a friendly relationship with his dad regardless of how unconventional their family is.

(Source: adapted from

a) Who is Carol? b) Who is George? c) Who is David? d) Who is Griffin?

Grammar focus – Possessive case

These are some sentences from the text we read before:

Em inglês, essa estrutura (apóstrofe + s) é bastante

George is Carol's good friend...
comum e tem a função de indicar posse. A palavra
George's donation...
que está recebendo o apóstrofe + "s" é a pessoa
George is not legally Griffin's father...
que possui algo.

Em português, não falamos dessa maneira "invertida". Talvez pra nós, seria mais natural dizer:

the sister of Louise is Estaria errado? Não... mas é MUITO incomum ver isso em inglês.
Samira... Assim, ao invés de usar sempre duas palavras separadas por um
"of", sempre prefira usar o caso possessivo, isto é, o 's

Por exemplo:

a) the students of Guilherme = Guilherme's students

b) the book of João = ____________________
c) the brother and sister of Rafael = ____________________
d) the dog of my mother = ____________________

6. Write sentences as in the model. Use the possessive case.

Writing and speaking literacy

7. Let’s practice some vocabulary. Complete the sentences with one word from the box below.



a) Your father’s brother and sister ______________,______________

b) Your brother’s daughter and son ______________, ______________
c) Your uncle and aunt’s son or daughter ______________
d) A brother, but from one different parent ______________
e) Your husband or wife’s mother ______________
f) Your mother or father ______________
g) Your parent’s mother or father ______________
8. Use the space below to draw your own family tree. Write the names of the people and their
relationship towards you (eg: Paulo – brother).

Reading literacy 2
9. How do you understand these definitions below? What do they mean? Use the vocabulary
we learned to define them.

Nuclear family ________________________ Childless family ________________________

Single parent family ____________________ Stepfamily ____________________________
Extended family _______________________ Grandparent family ____________________

10. Read the article below. Is there something you disagree with?

Gone are the days when nuclear families (mother, father + one or more kids) are considered
the norm. These days, different family types are not only common but also much more
accepted than they were in the past. It's not uncommon to be raised by a single mother or be
part of a mixed family.

What's even more interesting is that each different family type has a unique family dynamic.

Here Are 6 Different Family Types and Their Unique Family Dynamics:

1. Nuclear Family - two parents and their children.
2. Single Parent - one parent with one or more kids
3. Extended Family - families with two or more adults who are related through blood or
marriage, usually along with children.
4. Childless Family - families with two parents who cannot have or don't want kids
5. Stepfamily - A stepfamily is when two separate families merge into one.
6. Grandparent Family - A grandparent family is when one or more grandparent is raising
their grandchild or grandchildren.


Nas unidades anteriores, revisamos a estrutura do verbo to be e

vimos como funciona o caso possessivo em inglês, com o uso de
apóstrofe e "s". Nesta unidade, vamos expandir esse tópico e
focalizar os pronomes possessivos.

Nesta unidade, nossos objetivos específicos são:

• estudar os pronomes adjetivos possessivos;

• estudar os pronomes objetos.

Reading and speaking practice

1. Look at the picture below. What do you know about her?


2. Read the text and rewrite the underlined parts using the possessive case (‘s). For example:

The movie of Tarantino = Tarantino’s movie

Amy Jade Winehouse was an English singer and songwriter known for she/her expressive vocals and
her eclectic mix of musical genres, including soul, R&B (rhythm and blues), and jazz. a)The 2003 debut
album of Winehouse, "Frank", was a critical success in the UK. She/Her 2006 follow-up album, "Back to
Black", was nominated for five Grammy Awards; she/her was the first British female artist to win five

Grammys. She/her died of alcohol poisoning on July 23, 2011, aged 27. She/Her album "Back to Black"
became, for some time, b) the best-selling album of the United Kingdom in the 21st century.

Amy Winehouse was born in north London, to Jewish parents. She/Her father, Mitchell "Mitch"
Winehouse, was a taxi driver; she/her mother, Janis Winehouse, a pharmacist. Amy also had an older
brother, Alex (born 1979).

Many of the c)maternal uncles of Amy Winehouse were professional jazz musicians. d) The paternal
grandmother of Amy, Cynthia, was a singer and dated English jazz legend Ronnie Scott. She and e) the
parents of Amy influenced f) the interest of Amy in jazz. She/Her father Mitch often sang Frank Sinatra
songs to her. g) The parents of Amy Winehouse separated when she/her was nine, and she/her lived
with she/her mother and stayed with she/her father and he/his girlfriend in Hatfield Heath, Essex, on

a) The 2003 debut album of Winehouse: _____________________________________________

b) the best-selling album of the United Kingdom: ______________________________________
c) the maternal uncles of Amy Winehouse: ___________________________________________
d) the paternal grandmother of Amy: _______________________________________________
e) the parents of Amy: ___________________________________________________________
f) the interest of Amy: ___________________________________________________________
g) the parents of Amy Winehouse: _________________________________________________

3. Now, circle the pronouns in bold in the text. Then, answer: what is the difference between

Grammar focus – Pronouns (possessive adjectives and object pronouns)

4. Based on this difference, which pronouns would you use to complete the comic below: a
personal pronoun, a possessive pronoun or both?

5. Complete with the best possessive pronoun + one word in bold below.

6. Take a look at another comic by Garfield. Which pronouns would you use in each box?

7. In this case, what is the difference between both pronouns that we used?

A resposta é: usamos pronomes diferentes porque se tratam de pronomes com funções

diferentes. Veja:

He - used as a subject;
Him - used as an object

Pode ser mais fácil pensar assim:

• HE (subject pronoun) geralmente vem antes do verbo

• HIM (object pronoun) geralmente vem depois do verbo.

8. Let’s practice. Which object pronoun best substitutes the underlined words/expressions?

a) The teacher always gives the students a lot of homework. ________________

b) I am reading the book to my little sister. ________________
c) The boys are riding their bikes. ________________
d) My father is writing a letter to John. ________________
e) I don’t know the answer. ________________
f) Sally can’t visit Anne today. ________________
g) Open the window, please. ________________
h) My mother gave my sister and I a big present. She really loves my sister and I.
i) The money is for Peter. ________________
j) Can you help my friend and I, please? ________________

9. Complete the blanks with an object pronoun.

a) John is marrying Leila because he loves _______.

b) Your daughter is making a lot of noise! Can you ask _______ to be quiet, please?
c) Where are my glasses? I really need _______ !
d) Apples are healthy and delicious. I love _______ !
e) Lisa always talks about her ex-boyfriend. I think she still likes _______.
f) Where is my book? I think I lost _______!
g) What is the name of that movie? I can't remember _____.
h) We really need your help. Can you help ______?
i) "What do you do with old papers?" "I recycle _______ ."
j) I don't want to watch the Spielberg movie because I watched _______ yesterday!
k) My kids are terrible in school. I'm worried about _____.
l) "Do you like Alan and Tim?" "No, I hate _______."
m) I like this teacher because he always helps _______.
n) My mother is fantastic! I like _______ very much.
o) Take the children to bed. Don't let _______ watch this movie.
p) We are waiting for Mr. Perry. He needs to talk to ______.


How well do you know your university? Do you know

how many people study here? How many professors
work at Unicamp? Are you familiar with some specific
vocabulary we use in this context? Let's first focus on
vocabulary, and then, we'll look at some statistics.

Nesta unidade, nossos objetivos específicos são:

• estudar a pronúncia e escrita dos numerais cardinais e ordinais
• estudar vocabulários referentes à vida universitária

Linguistic literacy
1. Match the words on the left to their meanings on the right.

Part I: college life

a) Course ( ) Bacharelado
b) Teaching degree ( ) Curso de graduação
c) Bachelor’s Degree ( ) Licenciatura
d) College ( ) Disciplina
e) Major ( ) Faculdade
f) Student housing / dorm ( ) Ementa
g) Scholarship / aid ( ) República
h) Fraternity / sorority ( ) Moradia estudantil
i) Research ( ) Pesquisa
j) Syllabus ( ) Bolsa

Part II: college people

k) Dean ( ) Orientador/a
l) Advisor ( ) Calouro/a
m) Faculty ( ) Corpo docente
n) Freshman ( ) Reitor
o) Senior ( ) Veterano/a
p) Undergraduate student ( ) Estudante de graduação
q) Graduate student ( ) Estudante de pós-graduação
r) Master’s Degree ( ) Pós-Doutorado
s) PhD ( ) Doutorado
t) Post-doc ( ) Mestrado

2. Look at the numbers below. They belong to a survey conducted here, at Unicamp, in 2020.
Can you guess what they refer to? Match the boxes.

20,085 6,702 5,810 1,782

Faculty PhD Master’s Undergraduate

(professors) students students students

3. How do we pronounce / write these numbers?

a) 1,782 = _________________________________________________________________
b) 5,810 = _________________________________________________________________
c) 6,702 = _________________________________________________________________
d) 20,085 = ________________________________________________________________

4. What about some other numbers?

e) 116 = _________________________________________________________________
f) 538 = _________________________________________________________________
g) 4367 = ________________________________________________________________

Just like in Portuguese, we also have ordinal numbers in English. Take a look.

1 = one / 1st = first

2 = two / 2nd = second
3 = third / 3rd = third

Os três primeiros números são bem diferentes dos demais (quando comparamos seus modos
cardinais e ordinais). É importante lembrar disso porque eles serão usados para formar outros
números (por exemplo: vigésimo primeiro, septuagésimo primeiro...)

Os outros números seguem uma regra: adicionar "-th" ao final do número cardinal.

4 = four / 4th = fourth

5 = five / 5th = fifth*
6 = six / 6th = sixth
7 = seven / 7th = seventh
8 = eight / 8th = eighth
9 = nine / 9th = ninth*

5. Why do you think numbers 5 and 9 have *asterisks*?


Diferentemente do português, em que conjugamos todos os numerais ordinais (por

exemplo: septuagésimo primeiro), no inglês, apenas o segundo numeral é conjugado. Veja:

97th = ninety-seventh
34th = thirty-fourth
21st = twenty-first

Take a look at this picture for more information.

6. For some quick practice, answer the questions below:

a) What year are we in? __________________________________________________________

b) When is your birthday? ________________________________________________________

c) when is your best friend’s birthday? ______________________________________________

Reading literacy



Not all continents are equally diverse in the number of spoken languages. Whereas Asia leads
the statistics with 2,301 languages, Africa follows closely with 2,138. There are about 1,300
languages in the Pacific, and 1,064 in South and North America. Europe, despite its many
nation-states, is at the bottom with just 286.

Chinese has more native speakers than any other language, followed by Hindi and Urdu, in
India. English comes next with 527 million native speakers. Arabic is used by nearly 100 million
more native speakers than Spanish.

The United States is not as linguistically diverse as many other nations. If you randomly select
two people in Cameroon, for instance, there is a 97 percent chance that they will have different
mother tongues. In the United States, there is only a 33 percent likelihood that this is going to

This chart shows how many people learn a language all over the world

Whereas English is behind in the number of native speakers, it is by far the world's most
commonly studied language. Overall, more people learn English than French, Spanish, Italian,
Japanese, German and Chinese combined.
Some languages have only recently gained attention: The number of U.S. colleges that teach
Chinese has risen by 110 percent between 1990 and 2013, making the language more

7. Read the text and complete the blanks.

a) 2.301 = the number of _______________________________

b) 1.300 = the number of _______________________________
c) 286 = the number of _________________________________
d) 527 = the number of ________________________________
e) 97% = change the 2 people will have different mother languages in ____________
f) 1.5 billion = ___________________________

8. Look at this picture:

a) What is this?

b) What is it about?

c) Are there other similar works like this one?


d) How would you write/pronounce that number?


There are some specific situations where numbers are pronunced a little differently. For example:

I was born in 1986

1986 = nineteen eighty-six

When we talk about years, you break it down

into 2 pieces, like so:

1854 = eighteen fifty-four

1999 = nineteen ninety-nine

Depois dos anos 2000, duas maneiras

passaram a ser aceitáveis. Até 2009, só havia
uma forma; depois, duas formas são possíveis.

2008 = two thousand (and) eight

2014 = two thousand
fourteen OR twenty fourteen

Listening and speaking practice

9. Let’s talk about the process of learning English. Discuss, in groups, and complete the boxes

a) What are the easiest and the hardest parts of learning English?

b) How often do you have contact with English? Where? How?

c) Where is English spoken as an official language?

10. Watch the video.

a) What can you see in the video? What is happening?


b) Is it possible to see/hear a difference in the accents?


c) Which words had the biggest differences?


d) How do you pronounce those words?


(Available at

Listening literacy

11. Listen to part of a TV show about restaurants in different countries. Then, answer the

a) What time is it?


b) Where is the TV presenter?


c) Why is the restaurant popular?



In our last lesson, we learned more about numbers (cardinal and ordinal).
We also talked about numbers. In this unit, our specific objectives are:

• focus on a specific verbal construction: there is / there are

• focus on plural nouns;
• focus on demonstrative pronouns;
• focus on vocabulary (house; nationality)

Linguistic literacy
1. Look at the image below. Do you know the name of each part of the house?

a) What is your favorite part of the house? What objects can you find there?


b) Describe your bedroom. What is there in that place?


Grammar focus

In English, we do not use the verb HAVE to talk about existence. This is very common in
Portuguese, but not in English. Compare:

• What is the difference between THERE IS and THERE ARE? From the examples above, we
can notice that the difference is:
o There is = singular
o There are = plural

• We can use "there is / there are" in affirmative, negative, or interrogative sentences:

• In negative sentences:
o don't have good food at home L there isn't good food.... J
o don't have a place to study at CEL L there isn't a place to study… J

3. Complete each sentence using “there is / there are” in affirmative, negative or interrogative

Speaking and Reading literacy
4. Look at the picture and describe it. What does it say about our country?

5. Let’s read a text taken from the United Nations Organization (UN) site. Complete with the
best verbal construction.

UNHCR Brazil - Information for asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons

Welcome to UNHCR’s HELP Platform. The protection of refugees and populations displaced
by war, conflict and persecution ________ (to be) the main mission of UNHCR, which seeks
adequate and durable solutions for these populations.

We have created this site to support refugee applicants, refugees, their families and
organizations involved in this context. Information can be accessed
in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Ukrainian and Russian.

Public shelters

Where to get shelter?

If you arrive in the country and have no place to stay, you should contact the
nearest Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center for information (Monday to Friday,
8am to 6pm). The stay in public shelters _________ (to be) free; however, places _________
(to be) limited .

While _________ (verbal construction: existence) some shelters specifically designed to

receive asylum seekers and refugees, they have limited spaces. Most places in the shelters
_________ (to be) open to Brazilians, refugees and migrants in vulnerable situations. Shelters
often have limits on length of stay, ranging from just one night to a few months.

Can asylum-seekers and recognized refugees rent a house?

_________ (verbal construction: existence) no impediments for asylum seekers and refugees
to rent a house or apartment in Brazil. Renting must be done through a rental contract. For
more information, access the material created by Caritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo, a
partner organization of UNHCR.


Speaking literacy
6. In groups, let’s discuss about the positive and negative aspects in our university. Complete the
chart below. You may want to use some quantifiers.

There are a lot of different people at There aren’t many places to relax…

Here's what we studied previously:

• there is / there are (to talk about existence)

• plurals
• demonstrative pronouns

In this unit, our specific objectives are:

• focus on Simple Present (I, you, we, they)

• focus on vocabulary
• focus on listening and watching videos

Speaking and listening literacy

1. Look at the photos and answer the questions.

a) How many people are there in the photo?

b) Where is she?
c) Who is she?
d) What is her job?

2. Read her profile below and complete the blanks with an appropriate pronoun (subject, object,
or possessive = she, her or her)

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was born on March 28, 1986. ______ is known
professionally as Lady Gaga. ______ is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. ______ is
known for ______ image reinventions and musical versatility. Gaga began performing as a
teenager, singing at open mic nights and acting in school plays. ______ studied at Collaborative
Arts Project 21, through New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, before dropping out to
pursue a career in music. After Def Jam Recordings canceled ______ contract, ______ worked
as a songwriter for Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Gaga rose to prominence with ______ debut
studio album, The Fame, and its chart-topping singles "Just Dance" and "Poker Face". ______
second full-length album, Born This Way (2011), explored electronic rock and techno-pop and
sold more than one million copies in its first week.

3. Watch the videos below and answer the questions.


a) Question: "How important is sexuality to you?"

Answer: It's as important to me as __________________________________________________.

b) Question: "Are you scared that people will only focus on the sexual references?"
Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

c) Question: Why does she love the gay community so much?

Answer: Because I love them so much. ______________________________________________.

d) How does she compare male and female artists?


Grammar focus
The sentences below are about Lady Gaga. Take a look:

a) Her name is Lady Gaga. She is a pop singer from the United States.
b) Gaga and her pets live/are live in Los Angeles.

4. Read sentences a) and b) above. What are the main verbs? What makes them different?

5. Now read sentence b) again. In your opinion, which verbal construction is better: live or are
live? Why?

Não se usa o verbo to be (am / is / are) com outros verbos (live / work / study / like /
etc......). Isso só é possível se quisermos usar o gerúndio, ou seja: "eles estão morando" = "they
are living". Aí, sim, o verbo to be pode ficar junto a outros verbos, desde que o segundo esteja
composto por -ing.

Verb conjugation is very different between English and Portuguese. Take a look:

Look at some other examples: This is how Simple Present is formed:

I work at CEL. SUBJECT + verb + complement

We study History at Unicamp.
You teach English.

Now look at these sentences below. Which one has the correct structure of negative sentences?
Can you explain why?

i. My fans are not judge me.

ii. My fans not judge me.
iii. My fans don't judge me.

Look at the chart below comparing the affirmative and negative forms of Simple Present.

What about in questions?

Do you like pop music? and not Are you like pop music?
What do you study? and not What are you study?
Where do you work? and not Where are you work?

Here is the rule:

Auxiliary verb + SUBJECT + verb + complement

Portanto, lembre-se dessa regra: usa-se o verbo auxiliar (DO ou DON’T) somente em frases
interrogativas ou negativas.

A tabela a seguir resume a formação de sentenças afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas no

Simple Present.

6. Add the auxiliary verb “do” in the correct position in the sentences below.

a) What you do? ____________________________________________________________

b) Where you live? __________________________________________________________
c) You like cooking? _________________________________________________________
d) What time you go to bed? __________________________________________________
e) You have a pet? __________________________________________________________
f) You eat at bandejao? ______________________________________________________

7. Now, answer the questions with your own personal information.


Reading literacy
8. Before reading a short text, let’s work on vocabulary. Match the words below to their
definitions. Then, use them in the right context in the text.

a) longing ( ) but; nonetheless (expresses a contrast)

b) to preach ( ) to write or talk or discuss about something

c) enslavement ( ) a wish; a dsire
d) however ( ) to give a religious speech
e) develop ( ) the act of making a slave of someone
f) to approach ( ) to create or to start something


On 5/23/21, Lady Gaga tweeted,“Born This Way, my song and album, were inspired by Carl
Bean, a gay Black religious activist who _____________, sang and wrote about being ‘Born This

The fact that a white woman found inspiration in a Black artist reflects the importance Black
music has played in American culture since the days of _____________, providing a way to
express a _____________, for freedom. Historically, the musical expressions of gay Black
men—dealing with racism and homophobia—reveal this desire to _____________, in music,
the categories of gender and sexuality.

The stories of these artists—and others like them—are not usually told in the history of pop
music. This mirrors the larger marginalization of gay men in the Black community and Black
men in the gay community. The impact of these men, _____________, is undeniable. They
_____________ creative pathways for artists who seek to break free of society’s ties.

Adapted from


a) Which verbs are in the Simple Present?


Listening literacy

11. Watch the trailer and complete with the missing words.

When my mom was sick, I tried to start cooking, to help out. But she was like, " _________
_________”. I was going to be a doctor. Now _________ _________ to show my face on
campus. Ever been on the cover of a newspaper for having inflicted harm on a large group of

Since this is _________ _________ _________ I'm going to move on to _________ now, if
that's okay.

Oh, _________ _________ _________!

My character, Ji-Yoon Kim, is the newly-minted chair of the _________ _________ at

Pembroke University.

Our _________ _________ chair!


_________ _________ a single mom. Taking care of an elderly _________. She had to cancel
at the last minute.

One of the things that we aligned on was how dizzying it can be to be a woman in a _________
role but also to be a _________ _________ _________ on top of that.

We need more _________ _________ _________
As soon as one of them retires, gets kicked out, or dies.

Reading literacy 2

12. Look at the images below. Do you recognize these places? Where are they? What do they
have in common?

13. Read the text and complete with verbs that fit the context.

Cities Around The World Are Going Car-free: Why and Where to Find Them

Many cities and towns around the world are going car-free, reducing pollution and improving many
other aspects of people’s lives. __________ a myth that removing cars to make room for cyclists and
pedestrians will damage local businesses. However, according to several case studies, the opposite
__________ true.

When the mayor of São Paulo, a Brazilian megalopolis with a population of over 12 million, decided
that the city’s most famous avenue would close for cars on Sundays, the move was seen with
resistance from residents and business owners in the area.

Many were afraid that the car ban would increase noise pollution and decrease sales along the iconic
Paulista Avenue, with its six lanes of traffic. But nowadays, about three quarters of city residents
___________ the program should be expanded to other major streets, and managers of local
stores ___________ the ban can be expanded to other days of the week.

“With the closing for cars, people started to walk a lot more, and the sales on Sundays grew a lot,”
___________ Erivan Soares, manager of Martins Fontes, a large bookstore located on Paulista
Avenue. “It was the best thing that could have happened for us. Sundays are now, by far, our busiest

“I think people ___________ better when they can get out of their houses and be outside on the
weekends, and that translates to better sales as well,” the bookstore manager says.

Rüya Üçel, a student from Turkey, was strolling there on a Sunday in August. She was introduced to
the area by a local friend, and enjoyed hanging out next to Museu de Arte de São Paulo. “I
___________ the avenue because even though it feels huge, with the large buildings and everything,
___________ so many different kinds of concerts going on,” says Üçel. “The music ___________ my
favorite part.”

Adapted from:;


Last week we started talking about the Simple Present. We
saw how it is used in affirmative, negative, and
interrogative sentences, but we focused on some specific
• I • We
• You • They

In this unit, we'll stick to the same topic, but focusing on the
third person singular pronouns:

• Simple Present (he, she, it)

Linguistic literacy

Take a look at the picture. It was taken from

DERI's website in English. A good tip to practice
your English is reading about topics you are
familiar with, so that you won't get confused by
the content and you can focus on the language.

1. Look at the picture, then. What is the best

verbal construction to complete the blank?


2. The next one is about housing [moradia]. Which verbal construction best completes each


3. The next picture focuses on undergraduate student. Mark the best option. Why did you choose
that one? Why are the other ones incorrect?

a) offer b) is offer c) offered d) offers e) offering

Look at those two options:

• Unicamp currently offer • Unicamp currently offers

The difference is:

we user OFFER (or any verb in their we use OFFERS (or any verb with -s) for the
"original" form) for the subjects I + YOU + subjects HE / SHE / IT

O sufixo "-s" indica que o verbo está conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular: he, she or it.

Take a look at some other examples

• He works at • She plays the • This article

IMECC... guitar... presents an
important result...
The charts below summarize the rules:

4. Complete the boxes with the verbs in the Simple Present.

a) To have

b) To teach
c) To stimulate

Take a look at how we form negative and interrogative sentences:

Em frases negativas e interrogativas, devemos usar o verbo auxiliar: DOES ou DOES NOT

Observe alguns erros comuns:

She doesn’t has a cat

Não devemos usar o "-s" duas vezes; o verbo volta pra sua forma infinitiva. Take a look at more

He doesn't like to eat papaya. [not = doesn't likes]

This app doesn't work on my cell phone. [not = doesn't works]
That girl doesn't study here anymore. [not = doesn't studies]

5. Complete using negative or interrogative constructions.

a) To provide

b) To know

Listening literacy
6. Look at the picture below. Do you know this woman? What do you know about her?


7. Watch the videos and answer the questions.

Part I (until 0:37)

a) Which words did he use to describe her?

b) Listen again and complete using the Simple Present Tense.

Interviewer: bell hooks - a cultural critic, a feminist, a theorist, a political activist - _______ (to be)
recognised as one of America's leading intellectual, __________ a distinguished professor at the City
College of New York. She ____________ (to take) her name from her great-grandmother in recognition
of female legacy, and she __________ (to use) lower case lettering to reflect her wariness about ego
and fame.

Her previous books “Ain't I a woman” and “Black looks” _____________ (to provide) new scholarship,
mixing academic writing with personal testimony. “Killing rage: ending racism” is her latest book and I
___________ (to be) pleased to have her back here. Welcome back.

bell hooks: ______________________________.

Part II (11:27 – 12:39)

a) Before you watch, read the text and circle the best option. Then, check your answers.

bell hooks: Now, you hardly ever hear/hears about bell hooks in the press. Newspapers don’t/doesn’t
call me anymore to say “What do you think about?”, because I was seen as “the bad girl”, “the girl who
say/says the things they don’t wanna hear”. And again, I have/has such a subculture of readers that I
certainly can’t complain, but I am ever cognisant of the fact that a lot of things like “The New York
Times”, a lot of places never review/reviews bell hooks books. Last year I came out with a book on
class, where we stand, class matters, and luckily these books sell/sells, but they don’t/doesn’t get
reviewed. Things that are not seen as topical, clever, witty in a shallow sense, we often don’t/doesn’t
hear. I don’t wanna just talk about bell hooks. Dissident speech is not valued in our nature, whether it
come/comes from white men, rich white men or poor white men. I think the real issue is: we are in
danger as a nation of silencing any form of speech that go/goes against the status quo.

8. Read the text below about bell hooks. Complete with the verbs in parentheses.


Ameena Qobrtay, Jan 27, 2022, 2:00 AM

bell hooks was a Black feminist, activist and writer.

hooks published more than 30 books, wrote countless
articles and appeared in many interviews.

Throughout these works, hooks explored topics like

race, feminism, patriarchy, capitalism, masculinity
and imperialism, how all of them __________ (to
work) together to construct our identities.

hooks borrowed her pen name from her great-grandmother, Bell Blair Hooks. Famously, hooks
demanded that her pen name be spelled in all lowercase as a symbolic gesture, signaling that
when she was writing about community and society, she wasn’t centering her own identity.

She died on Dec. 15, 2021, surrounded by friends and family, and her legacy __________ (to
live) on not only through her loved ones but also through her work. Everyone can benefit from
reading hooks because she wrote for all of us. Although dealing with complex issues and
espousing revolutionary ideas, her works __________ (to remain) accessible to all.

Though all of hooks' works __________ (to be) worthwhile, here is a brief collection of her
words that are particularly inspiring:

“Ain’t I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism”

Many departments __________ (to require) students to read “Ain’t I a Woman? Black Women
and Feminism,” a book hooks started writing as an undergraduate. hooks __________ (to
explore) how Black women have been oppressed historically.

"All About Love: New Visions"

What is love? __________ (there to be) different kinds of love? “All About Love: New Visions”
__________ (to explore) society’s obsession with “love”, as reflected in our pop culture, , yet
our inability to define what love is.

hooks __________ (to define) a range of definitions of love and ultimately __________ (to
conclude) that it is love that __________ (to have) the ability to transform each of us.
hooks __________ (to be) the soft hand that gently turns our head to the great injustices of
the world and also the never-ending love that __________ (to exist) in and around us.

Adapted from

Grammar focus

9. Complete with the verbs below.

Speaking literacy

10. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parenthesis and ask the questions to a partner.

Model: _______ you _________ near here? (live)

Do you live near here?

a) Where ___________ your family ___________? (live)

b) ___________ you ___________ any TV shows in English? (watch)
c) ___________ you ___________ go to work / to Unicamp by car? (go)
d) What kind of movies ___________ you ___________? (like)
e) ___________ you ___________ coffee in the evening? Why (not)? (drink)
f) ___________ you ___________ a favorite singer, actor or actress? (have)
g) ___________ you ___________ any sports? Which ones? (play)
h) ___________ your mother / father ___________ any foreign languages? (speak)
i) ___________ you ___________ to music and study at the same time? (listen)
j) ___________ your best friend ___________ here at Unicamp? (study)
k) ___________ you ___________ ebooks? (read)

l) What things ___________ your pet ___________ ? (do)
m) ___________ you ___________ for your friends? (cook)
n) What kind of music ___________your English teacher ___________? (like)

Listening literacy

Before we watch the video, let's take a look at the title and the description of this video.

11. Complete the title of the video with the verb "to scoop".

12. Still thinking about the video, read the description and complete with the verb "to talk".

13. Now, watch the video and answer the questions.

a) Watch from the beginning until 0:30. Dê a resposta completa.

What kind of animal does she have?

b) From 0:40 until 1:00

According to her, she is a weird [estranha] dog person. Mention 2 things she does
related to her dog.
c) from 1:00 until 1:20

About the dog

The dog ____________ her son's face.

About her husband

Her husband ____________ sentences when he ____________ to the dog.

d) from 1:35 until 2:08

About Jimmy's dog
What is the dog's name?
Her name ____________ Gary. She ____________ her name. She ____________.

About the Julianna’s dog

What is the dog's name?
Her name is ____________.

How does her son explain the dog's name?

He said it's ____________.

e) from 2:45 until 3:10

Where does she put her dog's poop?
She ____________it in a bag with Trump's face.


This week, our goal is to keep practicing the structure

we just learned and also focus on writing.

Also, we’re going to work a little more with headlines.

Let’s go, then!

Linguistic literacy
1. Can you find the mistake in these headlines?

2. Complete the headlines with the correct form of the verbs in affirmative, negative, and
interrogative forms.


Reading and speaking literacy

3. Before we read a text about the theme exercising, talk to a partner about the following

a) Do you exercise regularly? How often? What do you do?

b) Which kind of exercise do you love and hate?
c) What are the positive points of exercising? Are there any negative ones?
d) Do you think about calories when you are exercising? Why / why not?

4. Read the text and complete with the verbs in parentheses.


In a new documentary, Horizon: The Restaurant that Burns off Calories, Fred Sirieix and GP
Zoe Williams ______________ (to challenge) people to confront how much exercise is required
to 'work off' calories in a restaurant meal. Along the way, they ______________ (to discover)
how our relationship with food is altered when we’re across this knowledge. Here, the maitre
d’ ______________ (to reveal) what happened.

Does equating calories to exercise make us eat less?

The programme ______________ (to focus) on research published by Loughborough

University. They got the results of previous studies to see if physical activity calorie equivalent
(PACE) labelling on food could help in the fight against obesity. The idea is, if we are faced with
the reality of what it’ll take to burn off that chocolate bar, we might be more likely to choose
something healthier.

The results showed that PACE labelling could lead to people cutting up to 200 calories from
their diet. Professor Daly, who led the study, explains: “The evidence ______________ (to
show) that even a relatively small reduction in daily calorie intake (100 calories) combined with
a sustained increase in physical activity is likely to be good for health and could help fight
obesity. PACE labelling may help people achieve this.”

6. Look at the following pictures. What are they?

a) What adjectives can you find in each one of them?

b) Write down the opposites for the adjectives above.

7. In groups, write ads for the “products” your professor will give you. Be creative and convincing!



In this unit, our objectives are:

- focus on vocabulary about times;

- expand vocabulary about adjectives and occupations;
- focus on another construction using "like".

Vocabulary practice

1. Look at the image below. What time is it?

Option 1: _______________________________
Option 2: _______________________________

2. Thinking about both ways of telling the time, write them down after each picture.


3. Do know what AM and PM means when we talk about times?

Some countries use the 12-hour clock format including am and pm. What _______ these abbreviations
________ (to mean – Simple Present)? Is midnight am or pm?

Two 12-Hour Periods

The 12-hour system ____________ (to divide – Simple Present) the 24 hours of a day into two periods of 12
hours each. The first 12-hour period is designated as am. It ____________ (to go – Simple Present) from
midnight to noon. The second period, marked pm, ____________ (to cover – Simple Present) the 12 hours from
noon to midnight.

The abbreviations am and pm ____________ (to derive – Simple Present) from Latin:

• AM = Ante meridiem: Before noon

• PM = Post meridiem: After noon

4. Practice with a friend. “What time do you….”

a) Wake up? _______________________________________________________________

b) Have breakfast? __________________________________________________________
c) Focus on your studies? _____________________________________________________
d) Have lunch? _____________________________________________________________
e) Have a snack? ____________________________________________________________
f) Go home from the university? _______________________________________________
g) Exercise? ________________________________________________________________
h) Have dinner? _____________________________________________________________
i) Go to bed? ______________________________________________________________
j) Watch Netflix (or something similar)? _________________________________________

Linguistic literacy

5. Are you familiar with the expression “early bird”? What do you think it means? What would be its opposite?

6. Are you familiar with these other expression using animals? Talk to a partner, discuss their possible meanings
and write their definitions in English.

a) To take the bull by the horns = _______________________________________________

b) To have butterflies in your stomach = _________________________________________
c) The elephant in the room = _________________________________________________
d) Hold your horses = ________________________________________________________
e) Kill two birds with one stone = _______________________________________________
f) Plenty of fish in the sea = ___________________________________________________
g) To chicken out = __________________________________________________________
h) Let the cat out of the bag = _________________________________________________
i) Raining cats and dogs = ____________________________________________________

7. Look at the definition of “early bird” again:

A person who likes waking up early

The second verb is in an -ing form. What does that mean?

( ) the verb is in the gerund form = the action is happening at the moment
( ) the verb is in the infinitive form = the action happens sometimes

Look at the image below to know about the uses of “ing” in English:

8. With a partner, complete the sentences using VERBS that you both agree on.

a) When we’re exhausted, we love _______________________________.

b) Here at Unicamp we really hate ____________________________________.
c) In general, on vacation, we don’t really like ___________________________.
d) We know a lot of Brazilians who dislike ______________________________.

Listening literacy
9. Watch the video and complete with the words you hear.


From 0:09 until 0:32

I love the way she ____________ my heart feel. I love the warmth that ____________ throughout my chest
when I ____________ at her. I love how ____________ she is. And I’m ____________ to see who she
____________ .

She is talking about…

0:33 until 1:02

A hummingbird is a good way to describe her. Even though they kind of ____________ and ____________ really
quickly, it’s like, you know when you see a hummingbird. She is really ____________ and she also ____________

She is talking about…

4:52 until 5:15

____________ an artist in Brazil, she’s called Marisa Monte and she ____________ from her heart. I
____________ her voice, it ____________ like ____________ in a sound.

7:13 until 7:59

She is extremely ____________ and ____________ with her love, she always ____________ at me like I’m at the
top of the world and it ____________ what I’ve done or where I’ve been. I think the most unique about her is her
hair. She has really dark, black, thick, curly hair. She ____________ four legs.

She is talking about…

10. What grammar class do the words belong to?

11. Talk to a partner and give examples of these things:

a) An expensive food
b) A dangerous sport
c) A long book
d) An old song
e) A very rich person
f) A hot place (city / country)
g) A difficult language
h) A good young musician
i) A cold place (city / country)
j) A tough / hard subject in college
k) A dirty place
l) A bad movie
m) A cheap drink
n) A safe means of transportation

12. Watch another video and answer the questions:

a) Where is she from? Where does she live?

b) What does she do a lot?

c) Where does she go very often?

d) Where does her family come from?

e) What do they use a lot?

f) What does she feel inspired by?

g) What does she do when she comes back from her


h) What does she consider to be healthy?


Previosuly, we studied aspects like:

• Adjectives
• Like (would like and other structures)
• Infinitives

Here, our specific objectives are:

- focus on adverbs of frequency

Speaking and vocabulary practice

1. When it comes to times of the day…

a) Do you consider yourself a morning person or an evening person? Explain why.

b) What are some activities that are better to do in the morning? What about at night?
c) If you could choose between 24 hours of sunlight or 24 hours of no sunlight, which one
would you choose? Why?

Reading literacy

2. Read the text below. Choose the best options in the text.


Sarah Strand lives/live in Longyearbyen, in Norway, with a population of around 2,200.

Longyearbyen’s proximity to the North Pole means/mean that during the summer, it’s light all
the time. And then, from mid-October to mid-February, the sun never rises at all. That’s right:
twenty-four hours of total darkness, for almost four months straight.

Despite the extreme conditions, studies have shown that people living in northern Norway
doesn’t/don’t report higher rates of depression. “Residents are usually able to avoid the

wintertime suffering experienced elsewhere, going to warmer, brighter, more southern
locations,” wrote Kari Leibowitz, who studied this trend in Tromsø, Norway.

So how does/do Norwegians cope with these many months of darkness?

Strand says that residents who don’t/aren’t natives of Longyearbyen (there are many, since
it’s a university town) usually find their first winter in the dark to be relatively easy. “The first
winter most people find it really new and they’re just excited to see what it’s going to be like,”
she says. “But then after that, you know.”

While Strand admits/admit that she sometimes takes a vacation during part of the long winter,
she also appreciates/appreciate some of the peace and quiet of the dark season. These are
her recommendations for maintaining your happiness, and your motivation, during the long,
dark winter months:

It’s critical to maintain a consistent schedule. Some residents often walk their dogs as an excuse
to get outside and maintain a sense of normality.


Although it doesn’t always feel natural when it’s cold out, planning social activities can help
you avoid feelings of isolation, which can have serious effects on your mental and physical
health. People plan simple indoor activities, like making dinner together or seeing a film at the
local movie theater.


Lights that ease the wakeup process are very popular on Svalbard, Strand says. Light therapy
can be helpful in fighting the wintertime blues. Just make sure you choose the right one.

3. Look at these sentences:

I. The sun never rises.

II. She sometimes takes a vacation.
III. New residents usually find their first winter to be easy.
IV. Residents are usually able to...
V. It doesn’t always feel natural…

a) What do the words in bold have in common? __________________________

b) What is the difference in sentence IV? ________________________________
c) Based on sentence V, how do you form negative sentences using those words?

Remember these grammar rules:

4. Order the words to create questions using adverbs of frequency.

a) often / you / buy / online books / do


b) you / do / usually / buy / online / what


c) how / spend / you / do / often / money / on food


d) my bike / sometimes / I / ride / to Unicamp


e) always / are / we / for / the English class / on time


f) subtitles / she / watches / English / with / often / movies


g) give / doesn’t / usually / us / the professor / homework


h) rarely / the bus / late / is / in Campinas


i) study / I / on the weekends / hardly ever


j) eat / exercising / before / always / something / you / do / ?


k) normally / end of the semester / you / tired / are / at / ?


l) you / do / often / buy / online / what / ?


m) he / travel / doesn’t / his / usually / hometown / to / Saturdays / on


5. Watch the beginning of the video and answer the questions.


a) What is she talking about in the beginning of the video?

b) What is its location? What does it contain?


c) What are some examples of things you might find there?


6. Read the transcript of her talk and complete with the missing words.

For the few of you who may not recognize this picture, this is what has come to be known as
a junk drawer. It's a straightforward concept. Let me explain. _____ ____________ the top
drawer of any chest of drawers containing every random object we own but apparently
haven't found a better spot for. The junk drawer is home for things like safety pins, scratched
sunglasses, some unpacked aspirin rolling around. If you're lucky, a bunch of coins. ____
_______ __________ cemetery for broken tools or dried out pens. It's simple: The bigger the
drawer, the more junk you accumulate. _____ _____________ _____ _____ to rearrange your
junk to be able to close the drawer again, after of course not having found what you were
looking for. _______ ________ ________ __________? The junk drawer is, in my opinion, the
ultimate proof of how we in Western societies have got it all wrong and are now trapped in a
mad circle of consumption. Don't get me wrong, by no means am I an exception. I was part of


In the past units, we studied adverbs of frequency, which is something very common when we
use the Simple Present tense. Remember?

In this lesson, we are going to talk about another structure that is also used in the Simple
Present/ So, our specific objectives are:

- focus on the modal verb CAN

Speaking and vocabulary practice

1. What are some things you are good at? What about things you’re bad at? Write 4 sentences
about your own abilities.



I’m good at cooking but I’m at making some desserts.


Listening literacy
3. Watch the video and answer the questions.
a) What is his name?
b) What does he do for money?
c) Where does he do that?
d) What are/is his talent(s)?

4. Do you know anyone who has a strange or unusual talent like that?

Linguistic focus

5. What benefits can come from learning a new language? Can you think of some examples?

6. Read the text below and match the phrases in the box in the correct part of the text.




By Nicole Chang, 19th July 2022

Speaking a second or even a third language a)______________ obvious advantages, but

occasionally the words, grammar and even accents can get mixed up. This b) _____________
surprising things about how our brains work.

I'm standing in line at my local bakery in Paris, apologising to an incredibly confused customer.
He just asked how many pastries I would like, and I responded in Mandarin instead of French.
I'm equally baffled: I'm a dominant English speaker, and haven't used Mandarin properly in
years. And yet, here in this most Parisian of settings, it somehow decided to reassert itself.

Multilinguals commonly juggle the languages they know with ease. But sometimes, accidental
slip-ups can occur. And the science behind why this happens is revealing surprising insights
into how our brains work.

Research has shown that when a multilingual person wants to speak, the languages they know
c) ______________ at the same time, even if only one gets used. These languages d)
________________ with each other, for example intruding into speech just when you don't
expect them.

"From research we know that as a bilingual or multilingual, whenever you're speaking, both
languages or all the languages that you know are activated," says Mathieu Declerck, a senior
research fellow at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels. "For example, when you want to say 'dog'
as a French-English bilingual, not just 'dog' is activated, but also its translation equivalent, so
'chien' is also activated."
If you think about it, the ability of bilingual and multilingual speakers to separate the languages
they have learned is remarkable. How they do this is explained through the concept of
inhibition – a suppression of the non-relevant languages. When a bilingual volunteer is asked
to name a color shown on a screen in one language and then the next colour in their other
language, it is possible to measure spikes in electrical activity in parts of the brain that deal
with language and attentional awareness.

When this control system fails, however, intrusions and lapses e) ______________. For
example, insufficient inhibition of a language f) ______________ it to "pop up" and intrude
when you're meant to be speaking in a different one.

Adapted from

6. Based on text, explain briefly – using your own words – what happens when bilingual or
multilingual people speak sometimes.

7. Based on the verbs you used to complete the sentences, answer: when do we use the modal
verb CAN? Look at the box to check your answers.
8. Write an example for each situation.

9. Mark TRUE or FALSE to the sentences below.

a) “Can” is never used with the preposition “to”. ( )

b) We need to add “s” to “can” for he/she/it. ( )
c) To form negative sentences, we need to use “don’t” before “can”. ( )

10. Check your answers at the chart below. Take a look at some examples and rules.

11. Complete the sentences using CAN + a verb from the box below.


a) Slow down! I _______________ as fast as you!

b) I’d like to get a job in Spain, but I _______________ Spanish.
c) I have no idea where I left my keys. I _______________ them anywhere.
d) _______________ you _______________ the piano?
e) I _______________, but I don’t have a car.
f) Speak up, please. We _______________ you.
g) Could you please get out of the way? I _______________ anything.
h) I _______________ when there is light in my room. It bothers me.
i) She _______________ great photos. She’s an amazing professional.
j) I don’t think I am allowed in this room because I am not a doctor, so I _______________

There are other ways to talk about ability without using CAN. This chart might help you:

12. Based on the chart above, use one word to complete the sentences.

a) Do you ___________ how to say something in Russian?

b) Are you ___________ at giving advice?
c) ___________ you remember people’s names easily?
d) Are you ___________ at singing or playing musical instruments?
e) ___________ you play any sports?
f) Do you ___________ how to fix a flat tire?

13. Imagine you work at Unicamp (at DAC, for example) and some students are asking you
questions about life at the university. How would you answer?

a) Hi, I want to study English at CEL and I know I am an advanced student. Can I just go to
DAC’s website and register for English 5?

b) Hello, I am a grad student at Unicamp and I want to study languages at CEL. Can I do it?

c) Hi, my family is from Campinas and we live here, but we live very far from Unicamp. Can
I apply to live at the student housing, please?

d) Hi, I am an undergrad student at Unicamp and I am pregnant, so I can’t go to campus
anymore. What are my options?

e) Hello, I study History at Unicamp but I really like Physics. So can I take Physics 1 just for

f) Hi, I am a freshman at Unicamp, so this is my first semester. I have some family

problems now and it’s impossible for me to focus on my major. What are my options?

Previously, we studied the modal verb CAN. We practiced other ways to express "ability", with
and without CAN. In this unit, we are going to start our last topic in this course:

- Countable and uncountable nouns

Speaking and vocabulary practice

1. What are your top 3 favorite foods? List them below and write a short definition for them.

Number 1: ____________________________________________

Number 2 ____________________________________________

Number 3 ____________________________________________

2. These are mine. Do you
recognize them? Which ones
do you also like?

3. How would you explain

what a PF is to a foreigner in

4. These next pictures portray my favorite ingredients. I can’t live without them. Write their

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________

What are the ingredients you can’t

live without?

5. How do you say these in English?

1. 5. 9. 13. 17.
2. 6. 10. 14. 18.
3. 7. 11. 15. 19.
4. 8. 12. 16. 20.

Grammar focus

6. Let’s think about an important aspect of nouns in English: countable and uncountable.
Which quantifier best completes each sentence: A or SOME?
a) I have ________________ cookie here.
b) I have ________________ cookies here.

c) I have ________________ sugar here.
d) I have ________________ bag of sugar here.

• A / AN (um; uma) = used for singular countable nouns

I have a good friend who lives in Barão

We have a dog at our house
I want to eat a sandwich now.

• SOME (alguns; algumas) = used for plural countable + uncountable nouns

There are some nice books here

I like some songs by Alanis Morissette
She can play some instruments.
There is some important information in this file.
I have some news for you.
Let's eat some soup?

Now look at the next sentence. Which word best completes it, A, SOME or ANY? Can you
explain why?

a) I don’t have ________________ sugar here.

This chart sums up what we’ve seen so far:

There are other words that also only agree with countable or uncountable nouns:


8. Let’s practice. Complete the sentences using a, an, some or any.

a) Are there ___________ eggs here?

b) She usually has ___________ cookie with her coffee.
c) I like ___________ bread, please.
d) There isn't ___________ salt in this soup.
e) I often have ___________ apple for breakfast.
f) Do you have ___________ lentils?
g) There isn't ___________ orange juice.
h) Would you like ___________ nuts?

9. Read the dialogue below. These people are talking about satay, a popular dish in Indonesia.

A: To make satay we need any / some chicken. Can

you buy a / some kilo when you go to the

B: Sure.

A: And we need a / an onion too.

B: There are any / some onions in the fridge. Can we

have a salad with it?

A: Good idea.

B: We need a / some tomatoes.

A: And I'd like a / some olive oil as well. There isn't

any / some left.

B: OK. So we need any / some chicken, tomatoes,

and olive oil. Anything else?

Listening literacy

10. Watch the video, in parts, and answer the questions.


Part I
a) What's her name? Where is she from? ___________________________________________________
b) Who is with her? ____________________________________________________________________
c) What does she love? _________________________________________________________________

Part II
d) What is she going to cook? ____________________________________________________________
e) How much time does she have? ________________________________________________________

Part III
f) When did her problem start? ___________________________________________________________

11. Watch the video again and complete with the words you hear.
PART I - I'm Christine, from Houston, Texas, and I'm a graduate student. My husband's here supporting
me. He's my biggest fan. I love food, I love eating it, I love creating it. I feel like regardless of what your
background is, your gender, your religion, food is something everybody has in common in this world, so
I think food is what connects people together. I'm definitely a competitive person. I really want to get
this apron. I am here for a reason. I am supposed to be graduating in school but I set aside my thesis to
get an apron and become the next Masterchef.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.
- And... first name is?
- My name is Christine.
- Christine, in the history of Masterchef, we've never had a blind contestant. Welcome.
- Thank you, thank you chef.
- The... gentleman with you?
- That's my husband, his name is John.
- Right, great. What are you cooking?
- I'm cooking Vietnamese comfort food, it's a catfish brazed in a clay pot and I pickled vegetables to go
with it and some rice.
- Okay, Christine, you have 5 minutes to complete that dish.
- Thank you.

Christine, were you born blind?
- No, no chef. When I was... maybe about 10 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune
condition that affected my nerves, my spinal cord and optic nerves, and so I lost my vision gradually
over the past 10 years.
- In your mind, you're visualizing what you put on a plate?
- Yes, that's correct. You know, I felt the plate and things like that before, and uh... a lot of it is
obviously by memory.
- The catfish. How did you cook it?
- With some ___________ that I made by... just caramelizing ___________ on the stove. And using
coconut soda as well. And with shallots and ___________.
- The base of the broth is made up of what?
- ___________ ___________.
- I love the fact that you kept the... fish on the bone. Why?
- Catfish is just, it's really tender I didn't want to pick it apart and make it look... unappetizing. So I left
it as a ___________, I think it looks more appealing, and that's just the way Vietnamese people eat.

Appendix 1 – To be

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of verb to be:

1. The weather ________ nice today.

2. I ________ sad.
3. Ann ________ a student.
4. Ann and Mary ________ students.
5. We ________ from Brazil.
6. The students in this classroom ________ 7 years old.
7. He ________ at home now.
8. John ________ (negative) married. He ________ single.

B. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of verb to be:

a) Hello! I’________ Nancy!

b) Hello, Nancy! My name ________ Paul.
a) Nice to meet you, Paul!
b) Nice to meet you too!
a) Where ________ you from, Paul?
b) I’________ from the USA, and you?
a) I’________ from Mexico.
b) What ________ your job?
a) I’________ a student. What about you?
b) I’________ (negative) a student. I ________ a nurse.

C. Now write complete sentences about yourself:

1. (name?) _____________________________________________________
2. (from?) _____________________________________________________
3. (age?) _____________________________________________________
4. (job?) _____________________________________________________
5. (married?) _____________________________________________________

D. Write true sentences (affirmative or negative) using verb to be:

( I / interested in football )
I am (OR I am not) interested in football

1. ( I / hungry / now )
2. ( My hands / cold )
3. ( I / afraid of spiders)
4. ( Brazil / a very big country)
5. ( Rome / in Spain )

Appendix 2 – Possessive case

1. Add ‘s to the correct word in the sentences, as in the model.

João’s last name is Silva.

a) Louise son is Alexander.

b) Paula is Joaquim daughter.
c) Pedro girlfriend is Raquel.
d) His girlfriend sister name is Júlia.
e) The boys who study with me are Maria and José distant cousins.

2. Circle the correct possessive pronoun.

a) I / My parents are Spanish.

b) I / My am the only boy in my family.
c) Where are you / your parents now?
d) Why are you / your here today?
e) She / Her is a photographer.
f) He / His uncle is in the US.
g) We / Our family is from Asia.
h) They / Their cousins are both girls.

Appendix 3 – Pronouns

Appendix 4 – Numbers and articles

Indefinite articles.

Why do we say "a book" and "an apple"? What is the difference between "a" and "an"?

Well, the simple explanation is:

• A = used before consonants (a car, a pizza, a cell phone)

• AN = used before vowels (an elephant, an Android phone, an intelligent person)

It is a difference in grammar, but the meaning is always the same: an indefinite article (tradução:
"um" ou "uma")

But of course, as you can see, there are exceptions. Let's discuss those!

1. When the word starts with a vowel, but that vowel has a consonant sound, we use "A". For

• a university ("u" has the sound of "y", like "you-niversity")

• a European country ("eu" has the sound of "y", like "you-ropean")

2. In some cases, the reverse is also true: the consonant has NO sound, so it is treated as
a vowel:

• an hour ("h" has no sound, so the next sound is a vowel = "o")

3. And in some cases, both forms (a / an) are possible. The accent determines if the first letter is
considered a consonant or a vowel.

• a herb / an herb

UK accent: a herb - letter "h" is pronounced, so the first sound is of "r"

USA accent: an herb - letter "h" is not pronounced, so the first sound of "ê"

Appendix 6 – plurals, demonstrative pronouns

When we talk about nouns (substantivos) or any physical object, it's important to know how
to form their plurals. We have several categories in English:
1. regular plurals = add letter "s"
book = books
cat = cats
kitchen = kitchens
2. words that end in -ch, -sh, -s, -ss or -x
watch = watches
flash = flashes
bus = buses
class = classes
box = boxes
3. words that end in -y after a consonant
baby = babies
story = stories
* if a word ends in -y after a vowels, it's a normal plural
play = plays
way = ways
4. some words that end in -f or -fe
knife = knives
wife = wives
Irregular plurals are quite common in English, and a lot of them are very popular. Do you
What is the plural of...
a) person?
b) child?
c) man?
d) woman?
e) mouse?

Grammar appendix 8 – Demonstrative pronouns

In Portuguese, we have several demonstrative pronouns, which also vary according to


esse; esses; essa; essas; isso

este; estes; esta; estas; isto;

aquele; aqueles; aquela; aquelas; aquilo

In total, we have 15 (FIFTEEN!!!!!) demonstrative pronouns in Portuguese. Are you sure you
want to complain about English??

In English, we have... wait for it... FOUR.

this; that; these; those

But what is their difference?

Appendix 7 – Simple Present

1. Write affirmative (+) and negative (-) sentences, and questions (?).

a) She (work) on a boat (+).

b) He (have) children. (-)
c) (your husband / work) in an office (?)
d) Sarah (study) languages in college (+)
e) Pedro (teach) Japanese (-)

2. Complete the sentences with the simple present form of the verbs.

a) I ________________ (have - neg) a job.

b) My son ________________ (go) to school by bus.
c) This class ________________ (end) at 7:00 PM.
d) ________________ your mother ________________ (work)?
e) What ________________ Barney ________________ (do)?
f) Lola ________________ (speak - neg) English.


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