5th Adolescents Final Exam 2012

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5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 1 - 2012

Name : __________________________________ Centre : ____________________________________

I) Reading Comprehension: Read the following article. Four sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap 1-4. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A. It probably found a shelter among the lettuce leaves which kept it.

B. A policewoman offered to accompany me there.

C. From the very beginning, the trip was terrible.

D. Finally, I took a taxi and showed the driver the address.

E. However, the service was the worst I have ever experienced in my life.

F. The train service from the airport to the city centre starts at 8 am on Sundays.

Robert Green has been a travel writer for 12 years and

has travelled around the world to collect experiences
and include them in his book. The last trip he wrote
about was this :

“On my annual summer holiday, I travelled to Odessa, one of

the four biggest cities in Ukraine. (0)……………(C)………. .First
of all, my plane was five hours late and so I arrived at my
destination airport at 3 am on a hot August Sunday morning.
Bad day for arrival. (1) ……………………………….. Consequently,
I had to wait five long hours at the airport before being able to take it.

Once I arrived at the centre, I had to find my hotel. I had booked my room in advance to be sure to have
accommodation but I couldn’t find the hotel. I had the address and walked around the city centre,
asking the few people I met but I couldn’t understand their directions. (2)…………………………. He took
me to the hotel, which was just round the corner from the place where I had taken it. I checked in
without any inconveniences and decided to rest.

The next morning was sunny so I decided to go to the beach for a swim and some sunbathing, which
is healthy before 10 am. Unfortunately, the sea was freezing cold and polluted because there was a
chemical factory next to the beach. I was exhausted after swimming and made up my mind to have a
light meal to cheer myself up a bit, so I headed for a fashionable restaurant, which was situated next
to the port.

The atmosphere and the interior were rather special. (3) ................................. I had
to wait for 20 minutes just to get the waiter’s attention, and to make things worse, he
was quite rude and unfriendly. I waited for 30 more minutes for my freshly-
squeezed juice and was about to leave but decided to give this place one more
chance and ordered a seafood salad and some ice-cream. When I finally got the
salad, I was shocked to find a snail which wanted to escape from the salad! (4)
…………………………… The ice-cream was another disgusting surprise which
made me rather sick. It was salty and some vinegar was used instead of cream. So I
knocked the ice-cream down on the floor and covered it with the salad. The only
one who was enjoying all this show was a lucky snail that was having the best holiday of its life.”

No matter how sad it may sound, this amusing experience improved my mood and gave me something to tell my
friends about.”
5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 2 - 2012

I) Reading Comprehension ( cont. )

True or False:

1. The train Robert took at the airport left him round the corner from the hotel. ( …….)
2. Robert walked around the city centre in search of a hotel he had reserved . (……..)
3. Robert was satisfied with the food. (…….)
4. Robert didn’t eat what he had ordered at the restaurant. (…….)
Answer the questions:

1) Why was Sunday a bad day for arriving at the airport in Odessa?
2) Why did Robert feel exhausted after going to the beach?
3) What is Robert´s opinion about the service at the restaurant?
4) What was positive about Robert’s experience?

II ) Fill in the blanks: Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box which you must use.
The other six should be provided by you.

The film studios of Hollywood have produced many classics. 'It's a Wonderful Life' is the title of
(1) .................. of the best-loved films that (2) …………….. ever been made. The film was produced just
over fifty years (3) ……............and it was immediately accepted by audiences all over the world . From
the beginning 'It's a Wonderful Life' was considered as a great American film.

It is (4) …………to say exactly what it is that makes a film special. In the case (5) …...............'It's a
Wonderful Life' there are ( 6) …………………….factors. For a start, the acting was superb. James Stewart,
(7) ….............is a great actor, offered an unforgettable performance and his co-star Donna Reed provided
the perfect balance.

The (8) ……………. was well written. The film (9) ____________ based on a short story about a man with
an empty and dull life who decides to kill himself .

The great film director Frank Capra recognized that an excellent storyline was everything necessary for a
(10) ………………… film

several- successful- plot- difficult


1) Did you know that a new _________________ hotel will be opened in my town ?

a) five stars b) five- star c) five - stars

2. The computer I bought last week didn´ t work properly but I couldn’t ________________ to the
shop because I couldn ´ t find the guarantee.

a) take it in b) take it back c) take it on

5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 3 - 2012


3) When I want to find a solution to a problem I turn _____________ my mum for support.
a) to b) up c) over

4) The doctor said that new drugs ____________________ to the market to cure cancer.

a) is being sent b) were being sent c) have sent

5) Look at the babies ! They are looking at ______________ in the mirror !

a) himself b) themselves c) yourselves

6) As soon as the plane ____________ I started feeling sick.

a) got on b) took off c) delayed

7) Yes, I am really happy because I ________________ the perfect partner!

a) ‘ve found b) ‘ ve been finding c) find

8) As a child I _________________ listen to my grandma stories . I have good memories of that time .

a) used to b) didn’t use c) didn’t used to

9) I have no doubt ! The show was ______________ fantastic!

a) absolutely b) very c) rather

10) I would like _________________ by plane but waiting at airports is tiring to me .

a) to travel b) travelling c) fly

IV) Complete the dialogue

At the moment Tim is having an interview to get a summer job at a fast food restaurant

Interviewer: So you’ve just finished school, Tim. (1) ___________________________next year?

Tim: I’m going to study at university .

Interviewer: (2) ________________________________________________ at “Burger World”?

Tim: Because your restaurant is the most popular in town, you know.

Interviewer: Oh, thank you. Yes, our customers are satisfied not only with our products but
also because our staff is friendly and polite.

Tim: As a waiter? No, never. But last year I helped at the school canteen. I really
liked it!!
Interviewer: (4) _________________________________________________________________?

Tim: I think I’m patient, hard-working and dynamic.

Interviewer: Well, Tim. The salary is not high and you’ll have to work on Saturdays or Sundays
but (5) ______________________________________________________________?

Tim: Next Monday? Yes, great! What time do I have to be here?

5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 4 - 2012

For questions 1 – 5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1) I have a Maths test at University tomorrow at 8 am. (AM)

I ___________________________________________________ tomorrow at 8 am.

2) My computer has broken down . It has to be fixed . (HAVE)

I need to ________________________________________________________________.
3) As soon as I arrived home , an old friend came unexpectedly . (UP)

As soon as I arrived home , ______________________________________________

4) Luis Miguel ¨s fans send him encouraging e-mails . (BY)

Encouraging e-mails are _________________________________________________


Read the text below and decide which word A, B C or D best fits each space. There is an example
at the beginning.

“ It was a Present”, I said

Listening (0) ___TO___ music is one of the most (1) ________ ways to spend
your free time. There is music for everybody . If you are feeling sad, it can be very
comforting to listen to classical music. If you feel (2) _______ dancing, then some
loud disco or rock music could be just for you . On my 14 th birthday, Granny bought
me Shania Twain’s latest CD. She knew I was (3) _______ love with her voice,
which for me, was as smooth as (4) _______. I was very impatient to get home and
listen to it. I opened the parcel (5) _________, I put it in the CD player. I pressed
“play” but (6) _______ happened. Imagine how upset I was! So I went to the store
in order to tell them that the CD (7) _______ damaged. I didn’t have the (8)
_________ but the case was in perfect condition so I hoped that they would change
the CD for me. They asked me when I had bought it but I explained to them that it
had been a present. As I was a regular (9) ________, one of the shop assistants recognised me, so
everything was fine. I came back home and couldn’t stop (1) __________ to it.

0) a-for b-to c-the d-about

1) a-enjoyable b-enjoyed c-enjoying d-enjoyment
2) a-as b-like c-such d-unlike
3) a-on b-with c-in d-out
4) a-silk b-jam c-rock d- wood
5) a-faster b-quick c-quickly d-quickest
6) a-nothing b-everything c-anything d-none
7) a-were b-is c-have d-was
8) a-recipe b-receipt c-prescription d-card
9) a-seller b-employee c-passenger d-customer
10) a-to listen b-listening c-listen d-hearing

5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 5 - 2012


For questions 1 – 10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.

I travel _________________ because of my job and two years ago I fell in love REGULAR
with Barbara on my business trip to London. After _________________ I was BOARD
just trying to put my hand luggage into an overhead locker when a
beautiful flight _______________ offered to help me. I fell for her the moment ATTEND
I set my eyes on her. _________________, Barbara agreed to meet me that FORTUNE
evening in London. That’s how it all started. Since she was _____________ we ENGLAND
could see one another only four, five times a year but we kept in touch by phone
and e-mail. Last year she came to New York for two weeks. At first we had a
_____________________ time together but then we had more and more FASCINATE
_____________________ and our relationship came to an end. Despite this ARGUE
_____________ending we have been good friends till today. Some love stories HAPPY
can be very rewarding, mine was not. However, you always learn something
from a ______________ between two people : it is time that has the last word. RELATE

VIII) WRITING ABILITY : Look at the following rubrics and choose only one. Write your
composition in a suitable style using between 120 – 180 words. Do not write any addresses

1. You are on holidays and you have met a new friend . Write a letter to your cousin Paula and tell her
everything about your new friend. Remember you have to describe not only his/ her physical appearance
, but also his / her character, likes, dislikes, what you like about him / her and what kind of things you do
together .

Physical appearance character

What I like about him / her My new friend

Why ?

Give an example
Together, we ….
likes/ dislikes

2. You saw this ad on the local newspaper and you want to buy the laptop
computer .





Computer Services . 2175 Wall Street : Cambridge . United Kingdom

5th Adolescents Final Exam- Opportunities Intermediate 1-6- Page 7 - 2012


2. But before you buy the Laptop Computer HP 576 you have some questions so write an e- mail
to get this information about it .

 Fast enough ?  Download my favourite computer game : “Championship 700 “?

 Headphones included?  Not too heavy to carry ? Expensive ?

3. Imagine last year you went on holidays to Rome . Unfortunately , you had an accident there. Write a
letter to your friend Mark and tell him :

 When you went

 Where you stayed
 Who you went with
 What you did
 What happened while you were ….
 How you felt after the accident
 Who helped you ( the language was another problem )
 If you could finish your trip or not
 What you will do next time

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