Cookery 10 Q3 Week 6

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Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 1

This module specifically crafted to focus on the different activities that will assess your
level in terms of skill and knowledge necessary for Grade 10 Cookery.
Before starting this module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb while
enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objective
of this module.

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning,
that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in this module.
4. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
5. Enjoy studying!
After finishing all the activities of this module, you are expected to end up with an idea of
having job opportunities and experience independently to set up a business enterprise
which will generate jobs for others.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

LO2: Cook poultry and game bird dishes

2.1 prepare poultry and game birds hygienically to minimize risk of food spoilage and
2.2 cook various poultry and game bird dishes appropriately.

Find out how much you already know about the lesson by answering the test below:

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Answer the following questions and choose the letter of the best answer.

Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 2
_____1. What is the transfer of bacteria or other contaminants from one surface, substance to
another especially because of unsanitary handling procedures?
a. Cross-contamination b. Pollution c. Sanitation d. Spoilage
_____2. What is the deterioration of food and perishable goods?
a. Cross-contamination c. Sanitation
b. Pollution d. Spoilage
_____3. What method of cooking involves the direct contact to fat or circulation of hot air or to
transfer heat?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of Dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these
_____4. What method of cooking uses liquid, water, or steam to cook the food?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of Dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these
_____5. Which temperature is best cooking for poultry?
a. Low heat c. Moderate to high heat
b. Low to moderate heat d. High heat
_____6. What can be done to improve the palatability of lean poultry meat?
a. Basting c. Roasting
b. Boiling d. Steaming
_____7. Which of these methods involves cooking meat with either its own juices, a sauce or
a. Basting d. Frying
b. Broiling e. Sauteing
_____8. What equipment can be used to avoid spoilage of food?
a. Blender c. Oven
b. Food processor d. Refrigerator
_____9. What do the food handlers, employees or workers must practice to avoid food
a. Communication skills c. Problem-solving skills
b. Proper personal hygiene d. None of these
_____10. Which method of cooking is best for matured birds?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of Dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these

Directions: Complete the graphic organizer by writing the market forms of poultry inside
each box.


Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 3
You learned the different market forms and cuts of poultry and game birds from the
previous lessons. This time you will know how to cook poultry and game dishes.
You will also learn to prepare poultry and game birds hygienically to minimize the risk of
food spoilage and cross-contamination.

Principles of Poultry Cookery

1. The fat distribution and maturity of the fowl affect

the quality of the product. Mature birds are best
cooked using a moist heat method. Dry heat method
is suitable for young birds. Moist-heat method uses
liquid, water, or steam to cook the food. Dry-heat
method involves the direct contact to fat or circulation
of hot ai or to transfer heat.
2. The best cooking temperature for poultry is at low
to moderate heat. This temperature range produces
a more flavorful and tender product. This also
minimizes nutrient loss and shrinkage of meat.

3. To prevent the risk of microbial contamination, stuffing of turkey and chickens should be done
immediately before roasting. It is best not to fill the cavity completely as this will prevent the
poultry from being thoroughly cooked.
4. Because of its susceptibility to microbial growth, cooked poultry should be eaten immediately
or refrigerated if not consumed. Leftover stuffing should be stored separately to prevent
5. Because poultry meat is pale-colored, it is best to employ dry heat cooking with fat for a
brown color.
6. When roasting chicken, cuts should be placed with the breast-side down to produce a juicier
and tender product.
7. To improve the palatability of lean poultry meat, basting can be done. Basting involves
cooking meat with either its own juices, a sauce or marinade.

Causes of Food Spoilage and Contamination

Cross-contamination is the transfer of bacteria or other contaminants from one

surface, substance to another especially because of unsanitary handling procedures. Spoilage
is the deterioration of food and perishable goods. All food should be safe and free from
contamination and spoilage at all points in its journey from its source until it reaches the
consumers. Food may be contaminated by different microorganisms or by chemicals that can
cause health problems for anyone who eats it. The common causes of food contamination and
food spoilage are:

1. Failure to properly refrigerate food.

2. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food.
3. Infected employees/workers/food handlers because of poor personal hygiene practices.
4. Foods prepared a day or more before they are served.
5. Raw, contaminated ingredients incorporated into foods that receive no further cooking.
6. Cross-contamination of cooked foods through improperly cleaned equipment
7. Failure to reheat foods to temperature that kills bacteria.

Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 4
8. Prolonged exposure to temperatures favorable to bacterial growth.


Directions: Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank with the
correct answer. Choose your answer from the box below.

basting palatability quality breast-side down low to moderate

1. To improve the __________ of lean poultry meat, basting can be done.

2. When roasting chicken, cuts should be placed with the __________ to produce a juicier
and tenderer product.
3. To improve the palatability of lean poultry meat, __________ can be done.
4. The fat distribution and maturity of the fowl affect the _________of the product.
5. The best cooking temperature for poultry is at _________ heat.

Activity 2: TRUE OR FALSE

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_____1. Properly clean the equipment used in cooking to avoid cross contamination.
_____2. Food handlers, employees or workers must practice personal hygiene.
_____3. Properly refrigerate food to avoid spoilage.
_____4. Foods must be prepared a week before they are served to avoid spoilage.
_____5. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food will cause food spoilage.

Activity 3. LET’S COOK

Directions: Prepare a poultry dish as you apply all the learning about the preparation and
cooking of poultry and game bird.

Take note of the following:

Prepare a recipe written in a bond paper that includes:
a. Name of your recipe
b. Ingredients
c. Tools and equipment needed.
d. Procedures
e. Picture of finish product
✔ You may use any ingredients that are available in your kitchen or nearby stores for the
poultry dish.
✔ Observe the rules for safety precautions while doing the task.

✔ You should be guided with your parents/guardian during the preparation process.

✔ Your performance (recorded video) and output (poultry dish) will be graded using the
given rubric. Enjoy cooking!

Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 5
(3) (2) (1)
1. General appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
d. correct consistency
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
1. Use of resources
a. kept working table is kept orderly while preparing the
b. used only the proper and needed utensils and dishes
c. used time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. was well- groomed and properly dressed for cooking, used
clean apron, hair nets, hand towel and potholder
b. Observed sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. followed proper preparation and cooking procedures
b. followed the recipe correctly
Score: (maximum 42 points)

Critical Thinking Question:

1. Why is it important to prepare poultry and game birds hygienically?


2. How can this lesson help your family in your daily life?

There are principles in cooking the poultry and game bird dish that we must
consider. Knowing the right method of cooking will help us to become successful in
cooking. Moist heat cookery may be applied to all classes and kinds of poultry, but dry
heat cookery is reserved for young tender poultry tender birds.

Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 6
In preparing poultry and game bird dishes, it is important to have proper hygiene
to minimize risk of food spoilage and cross-contamination. This will help to avoid health
problems for anyone who eats it.

Find out how much you learned from the lesson by answering the test below:

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Answer the following questions and choose the letter of the best answer.

_____1. What is the transfer of bacteria or other contaminants from one surface, substance to
another especially because of unsanitary handling procedures?
a. Cross-contamination c. Sanitation
b. Pollution d. Spoilage
_____2. What is the deterioration of food and perishable goods?
a. Cross-contamination c. Sanitation
b. Pollution d. Spoilage
_____3. What method of cooking involves the direct contact to fat or circulation of hot air or to
transfer heat?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of Dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these
_____4. What method of cooking uses liquid, water, or steam to cook the food?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of Dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these
_____5. Which temperature is best cooking for poultry?
a. Low heat c. Moderate to high heat
b. Low to moderate heat d. High heat
_____6. What can be done to improve the palatability of lean poultry meat?
a. Basting c. Roasting
b. Boiling d. Steaming
_____7. Which of these methods involves cooking meat with either its own juices, a sauce or
a. Basting c. Frying
b. Broiling d. Sauteing
_____8. What equipment can be used to avoid spoilage of food?
a. Blender c. Oven
b. Food processor d. Refrigerator
_____9. What do the food handlers, employees or workers must practice preventing food
a. Communication skills c. Proper personal hygiene
b. Problem-solving skills d. None of these
_____10. Which method of cooking is best for matured birds?
a. Dry-heat method c. Combination of dry-heat and moist-heat method
b. Moist-heat method d. All of these

Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 7
Directions: Write a reflective learning in preparing poultry and game dishes
by completing the statements inside the box below.

Upon learning the preparation of poultry and game dishes

I realized that __________________________________________________________.

I became aware that _____________________________________________________

The significance of this lesson in my life is ____________________________________.


K to 12 Learning Module in Cookery 10. Department of Education. Pages 297-298.

Team Leader



Quarter 3 -Week 6 Page 8

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