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Topography Vocabulary Terms:

Here are some key terms related to topography:

General Terms:

• Topography: The physical features of a land surface, including its shape, relief, and
• Relief: The difference in elevation between different points on a land surface.
• Elevation: The height of a point above a reference level, typically sea level.


• Mountain: A large, landmass that rises significantly above the surrounding area.
• Hill: A smaller landmass that rises above the surrounding area, but not as high as a
• Valley: A low area between hills or mountains.
• Plateau: A large, flat area of land at a high elevation.
• Plain: A large, flat area of land at a low elevation.
• Ridge: A long, narrow elevation of land that extends above surrounding terrain.
• Basin: A low-lying area of land surrounded by higher ground.

Other Important Terms:

• Contour line: A line on a map that connects points of equal elevation.

• Slope: The incline of a surface.
• Gradient: The steepness of a slope, usually expressed as a percentage or ratio.
• Aspect: The direction a slope faces.
• Drainage pattern: The way water flows across a landscape.
• Watershed: An area of land that drains into a specific body of water.
• Geomorphology: The study of the origin and evolution of landforms.

Remember: This is not an exhaustive list, but it provides a good starting point for
understanding and describing topographical features.

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