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Vocabulary list
Unit 1 .............................................................. 2
Countries and nationalities ........................................ 2
Personal information............................................... 2
Jobs .............................................................. 2
Unit 2 .............................................................. 3
Family ............................................................ 3
Describing people ................................................. 5
Months ............................................................ 6
Unit 3 .............................................................. 6
Rooms in a home ................................................... 6
Things in rooms ................................................... 7
Furniture ......................................................... 7
Drinks and snacks ................................................. 8

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Unit 1
Countries and nationalities

capital city (noun) – Ciudad capital

"Paris is the capital city of France."

country (noun) - Pais

"There are three countries in North America: Canada, Mexico, and
the United States."

nationality (noun) - Nacionalidad

"The students in my university are many different


Personal information

last name (noun) - apellido

My name is Igor Chernov. My last name is Chernov.

college (noun) – Universidad (American English) o Instituto

(British English)
AmE: I studied law at college
BrE: I studied art at one of the best colleges in the country.

email address (noun) – correo electrónico

A: What's your email address?

B: It's

company (noun) - compañía

A: What's the name of your company?
B: I work at ABC Sales. My company name is ABC Sales.


doctor (noun) ⁠– doctor/doctora

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Doctor Vazquez treats ill or hurt people.

artist (noun) ⁠– artista

Alejandra makes beautiful art. She is an artist.

chef (noun) ⁠– cocinero/cocinera o chef

Gordon works in a restaurant or a hotel. He’s a chef

hotel clerk (noun) ⁠– recepcionista

María help guests when they arrive. She’s a hotel clerk

salesperson (noun) ⁠– vendedor/vendedora

They work at the department store. They sell things to people.

server (noun) – mesero/garzón

Manuel’s a server at Michele’s restaurant. He gives food and

drinks to people.

student (noun) ⁠– estudiante

Alex is a student. He studies at Universidad de Concepción.

teacher (noun) ⁠– professor(a)

Esteban and Lucy are teachers. They teach math in a school.

Unit 2

father (formal) / dad (informal) (noun) – padre / papá

"I am Simon. I am Jenny's dad."

mother (formal) / mom (informal) (noun) – madre / mamá

"I am Catherine. I am Jenny's mom."

parent (noun) – padre/madre

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"Simon and I are Jenny and Ricky's parents."

husband (noun) – esposo

"This is James. He is my husband."

wife (noun) – esposa

"This is Maria. She is my wife."
child (singular noun) – niño/niña
"He is a child."

children (plural noun) – niños/niñas

"They are children."

daughter (noun) – hija

"I have two children. This is my daughter Jenny."

son (noun) – hijo

"Jenny is my daughter and I have one son, Ricky."

sister (noun) – hermana

"This is Michael's sister, Jenny."

brother (noun) – hermano

"This is Jenny's brother, Michael."

grandfather (formal) / grandpa (informal) (noun) – abuelo

"Here is a photo of me and my three grandchildren. I am the


grandmother (formal) / grandma (informal) (noun) – abuela

"Here is a photo of me and my three grandchildren. I am the


grandparent (noun) – abuelo/abuela

"This is my son's child. We are his grandparents."

aunt (noun) – tía

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"My sister had a child. Now I am an aunt."

uncle (noun) – tío

"Juan is my dad's brother. He is my uncle."

cousin (noun) – primo/prima

"My uncle has three children, Jordan, Ruby, and Marcus. They are
my cousins."

Describing people

boring (adjective) – aburrido

"The class is boring."

friendly (adjective) – amigagle

"They are really friendly."

funny (adjective) – divertido

"My son is so funny."

interesting (adjective) – interesante

"The class is not boring. It is really interesting."

old (adjective) – viejo/antiguo

"This is my grandfather. He is old."

short (adjective) – bajo (de estatura)

"He is short."

shy (adjective) – tímido/tímida

"My daughter is very shy around new people."

smart (adjective) – inteligente

"She's really smart."

tall (adjective) – alto (de esta

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"He is tall."

young (adjective) – joven

"This is my grandson. He is young."

January – Enero February - Febrero
March – Marzo April - Abril
May – Mayo June - Junio
July – Julio August - Agosto
September – Septiembre October - Octubre
November – Noviembre December – Diciembre
“Today is September 12th”
Recuerda que, para hablar de fechas, utilizamos los números
1st – first (primero)
2nd – second (segundo)
3rd – third (tercero)
4th – fouth (cuarto)
5th – fifth (quinto)
11th – eleventh (decimo primero)
12th – twelfth (decimo segundo)
21st – twenty first
22nd – twenty second

Unit 3
Rooms in a home

bathroom (noun) – baño

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"My apartment has a small bathroom."

bedroom (noun) – dormitorio

"My bedroom has a big window next to the bed."

dining area (noun) – area de comedor

"My apartment doesn't have a dining room. But there is a small
dining area in the living room."

floor (noun) – piso o suelo

"The children's toys are on the floor."

kitchen (noun) – cocina

"My apartment has a big kitchen. But I don't cook often."

living room (noun) – área comun de la casa (living)

"There's a big sofa in my living room."

Things in rooms

door (noun) – puerta

"My house has a red front door."

picture (noun) – retrato o foto

"This is a picture of my aunt."

wall (noun) – muralla o pared

"White walls are so boring. We should put some pictures on

window (noun) – ventana

"That big window lets a lot of light into the room."


bed (noun) – cama

"There is a new bed in my bedroom."

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bookcase (noun) – estante de libros
"There are a lot of books on my bookcase."

chair (noun) – silla

"There are four chairs in my dining area."

couch (noun) – sofa

"There is a big couch in my living room."

desk (noun) – escritorio

"There is a desk in my bedroom. It has my school books on it."

table (noun) – mesa

"We eat at a table in the dining area."

lamp (noun) – lámpara

"There is a lamp next to my bed."

refrigerator (noun) – refrigerador

"I always have a lot of nice food in my refrigerator."

rug (noun) – alfombra

"There is a cool rug on the living room floor."

shower (noun) – ducha

"There is a shower in the bathroom."

sink (noun) – lavamanos o lavaplatos

"There is a big sink in the kitchen."

television (noun) – televisión

"I have a big television in my living room."

Drinks and snacks

coffee (noun) – café

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"I drink coffee every morning."

cookie (noun) – a small, hard, sweet cake

"I like to have a cookie with my coffee."

milk (noun) – leche

"I have milk in my coffee."

sugar (noun) – azúcar

"I like coffee with sugar."

tea (noun) – té
"I don't like milk in my tea."

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