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Christyl – The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) is a

service institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) that is principally
mandated to mitigate disasters that may arise from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
tsunami and other related geotectonic phenomena.
Angel – It predicts the occurrence of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and their related
geotectonic phenomena and determine how eruptions and earthquakes shall occur and also
areas likely to be affected.
Quincey – They generate sufficient data for forecasting volcanic eruptions and earthquakes
and mitigate hazards of volcanic activities through appropriate detection, forecast and
warning system.
Jethro – The NVMW Program constitutes PHIVOLCS' core program for integrated
monitoring of the country's most active volcanoes, by which high-quality geophysical,
geodetic, geochemical and other observation data are generated in support of volcano
information, warning and eruption prediction services.

Quincey – How can we prepare for before a volcanic eruption? You need to know your
area’s risk from volcanic eruption then asks local emergency management for evacuation
and shelter plans, and for potential means of protection from ash.
Angel – Learn about community warning systems by signing up for a free service called the
Volcano Notification Service (VNS) that sends notifications about volcanic activity.
Jethro – Get necessary supplies in advance, including nonperishable foods, cleaning
supplies and water for several days, in case you must evacuate immediately or if services
are cut off. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Do not forget
pets’ needs for medication and food.
Christyl – Have a shelter-in-place plan if your biggest risk is from ash.
Angel – How to survive during a volcanic eruption?
Quincey – You need to listen to alerts. The Volcano Notification Service provides up-to-
date information about eruptions. Avoid areas downwind, and river valleys downstream, of
the volcano. Rubble and ash will be carried by wind and gravity.
Jethro – Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash in the location where you are, if you
have enough supplies. Cover ventilation openings and seal doors and windows.
Christyl – If outside, protect yourself from falling ash that can irritate skin and injure
breathing passages, eyes and open wounds. Use a well-fitting, certified face mask, such as
an N95.

Christyl – What do we need to do after volcanic eruptions?

Quincey – Listen to authorities to find out when it is safe to return after an eruption. Stay
indoors until authorities say it is safe to go outside.
Jethro – Send text messages or use social media to reach out to family and friends. Phone
systems often are busy after a disaster. Only make emergency calls.
Angel - Avoid driving in heavy ash. Driving will stir up volcanic ash that can clog engines
and stall vehicles and avoid contact with ash if you have any breathing problems. People
with asthma and/or other lung conditions should take precaution in areas with poor air
quality, as it can worsen symptoms.
Jethro – Do not get on your roof to remove ash unless you have guidance or training. If you
have to remove ash, then be very careful as ash makes surfaces slippery. Be careful not to
contribute additional weight to an overloaded roof.
Quincey – Wear protective clothing and a mask when cleaning up. Children should not
help with cleanup efforts.

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