Dropshipping .

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 Four pillars in dropshipping,

- Product
- Website
- Ad copy
- Marketing
 Pillar one – product researching
1. ‘/collections/all?sort_by=best-selling’ - add this link to the end of
the url to see what is the best seller or that website.
2. Top websites for product researching
- Ecomhunt
- Dropshipspy
- Alishark
3. Choose the best niche (search from google bard)
4. Checklist for Products that ACTUALLY Sell,

 Does the product solve a problem or is it something people are passionate

about? People want their problems solved, whether it'd be pain or an
insecurity, they're willing to pay for it. Passionate products revolve around
things that people are passionate about such as their pets or hobbies. If this is
your first time dropshipping, I would recommend going the problem solving
product route as it is less difficult to market.
 Is the product difficult to find in stores? This is one of the most important
aspects of finding a good product for dropshipping. When the customer sees
your product they should feel like the only place to purchase it is from your
website. Otherwise people will buy it at Walmart or on Amazon.
 Does it have a "wow" factor? Is it unique? Will it stop someone who is scrolling
through their Tik Tok or Instagram feed?
 Does the product appeal to a broad market? It doesn't have to appeal to
everyone but you obviously don't want a product very few people would be
interested in.
 Is it a quality product? Search through Aliexpress reviews and even check on
Amazon to make sure that this is a product people are satisfied with. You don't
want to deal with chargebacks or angry customers down the line.
 Are there any competitors doing well with the product? I
would definitely google the product as well as search through social media to
see if anyone is currently running ads for it. You can search the name of your
product on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok and see if anyone
is CURRENTLY heavily advertising the product!
 Are people buying the product on Aliexpress? It should have at least a couple
hundred orders on the most ordered listing on Aliexpress as well as some
 Will you have a good enough profit margin? You can play around with your
pricing but take into account that you'll be paying good money for getting your
ads in front of eyeballs.
 Would you or someone you know be interested in buying the product? If you
can't think of anyone that would actually want this product, then it is most
likely is not a very good idea!

 Pillar two -
Jordan’s library

Module 1
Vid 2 -Initiation
 Vision boards
 https://autods.com/partners/jordan-bown/ auto ds
https://shopify.pxf.io/c/3125287/1061744/13624 shopify
Vid 2 – dropshipping 101
 Dropshipping: Dropshipping is a form of e-commerce where a
business doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, the
seller will purchase and fulfill their orders when needed and have
the supplier or fulfillment service handle the logistics.
 The key to succeeding in dropshipping
The best way for you to stand out amongst your competitors and
run a successful dropshipping store is determined by your ability to
brand your company. Throughout this course, pay close attention
to the different brands I talk about and study them hard. (Nike,
 Study the audience & niche
 Study the problem their product solves
 Study the community that purchases their products
 Study the emotion of their products
 Study the way they market themselves
 Study everything you possibly can about these companies
 7 Figure Blueprint
1. Locate a Winning Product by scouring social media.
» Browse TikTok sponsored ads and find successful products.
2. Order the product from Amazon and ship it to your house.
» While it’s shipping, create an amazing website through
3. Remake trending videos you have already seen for that product.
4. Start posting 2-3 organic TikTok's a day for this product.
5. Organic videos that perform well - turn them into spark TikTok
» Start paying for traffic on successful videos.
6. Continue creating and posting videos, and keep running your
spark ads.
7. At this point - if you have a good product and successful ads you
should easily be hitting $10k revenue per day.
» Average ~20% profit margin that's $2k profit to reinvest in
your brand!
8. Begin outsourcing your customer support through a Virtual
Assistant (VA)
» Don’t worry, I plug you with my personal VA
9. Connect with a 3PL team and have them fulfill all of your orders.
» This should be done when you are averaging 5-10 orders a
10. Start using UGC creators or influencers to outsource your
video creation.
» Have others do this for you so you can scale your brand
11. Hire a full-blown agency to take over media buying (paid
advertising) for you.
» At this point, you will have lots of expenses and overall
profit will lower, but you can be hitting million-dollar
12. Hire an email and SMS retargeting team.
» Once again, I have all of this ready for you within the course
13. Focus on buying your product in bulk and customizing your
» Send those products to a USA-based 3PL team.

Action steps
 Read and learn the 7 principles.
♦ Principle of mentalism – “The all is mind; the universe is
♦ Principle of correspondence –“As above, so below; as within so
♦ Principle of vibration – “Nothing rests; everything moves;
everything vibrates”
♦ Principle of polarity –“Everything is dual; everything has poles;
everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the
same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may
be reconciled.”
♦ Principle of rhythm –“everything flows, out and in; everything
has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing
manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right
is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
♦ Principle of cause and effect –“Every cause has its effect; every
effect has its cause; everything happens according to law;
changes is but a name for law not recognized; there are many
planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”
♦ Principle of gender- “gender is everything; everything has its
masculine and feminine properties; gender manifests on all planes.”
Vid 4 – transform
 How to Create a Vision Board
1. Identify Your Goals: Think about what you want to achieve in
your life. Your goals can be related to your personal life, career,
health, relationships, travels, or any other area you care about.
Try to be specific about what you want to accomplish.
2. Gather Your Materials: You'll need a board (this can be a cork
board, poster board, or even a digital platform like Pinterest),
magazines or printed images, scissors, glue, tacks, and any other
materials you want to use.
3. Find Your Images and Words: Search for images online that really
align with your goals. For example, if one of your goals is to travel
to Paris, you might cut out pictures of the Eiffel Tower or French
words. Then print these images and words.
4. Arrange Your Images and Words on Your Board: Start laying out
your images and words on your board. You can organize them by
different areas of your life, by timeline, or in any other way that
makes sense to you. The most important thing is that the board
feels right to you.
5. Place Your Vision Board Somewhere Visible: The point of a vision
board is to keep your goals and dreams in your mind, so place it
somewhere you'll see it often. This could be in your office,
bedroom, or even as a wallpaper on your computer or phone if
you've made a digital vision board.
6. Update Regularly: As your goals and dreams evolve, so should
your vision board. Feel free to add, remove, or change things as
needed. Or make a whole new vision board!
Vid 1 – TikTok case study (Loving surprise)
 Loving surprise - https://lovingsurprise.com
 Wera felicity - https://wearfelicity.com
 Tik tok acc - https://www.tiktok.com/@lovingsurprise

Vid 2 – Facebook case study (street style men)

 Street style men - https://www.streetstyle-men.com/
 FB acc - https://www.facebook.com/stretstylemen/

Vid 3 – top niches and store examples

What I Know Works For Niche Stores
 Beauty Niche
 Products that Solve a Problem
 Clothing (Facebook)
 Very Passionate Communities
Beauty-Related Stores to Study
 https://forchics.com/
 https://sillygeorge.com/
 https://dimebeautyco.com/
Problem-Solving Related Stores to Study
 https://zamatsleep.com/
 https://bleame.com/
 https://www.miraclebrand.co/
 https://theraice.com/
Clothing-Related Stores to Study (Facebook)
 https://www.cowboyelf.com/
 https://rovuxfootwear.com/
 https://www.ahaselected.com/
Passion Community Stores to Study
 https://golfdaddy.com/
Teeth Whitening Related Stores to Study (For Branding Tips)
 https://hismileteeth.com/
 https://www.trysnow.com/
 https://purelywhitedeluxe.com/
Other DropShipping Stores to Study
 https://sootheez.com/
 https://mintandlily.com/
 https://www.twinklingtree.co/

vid 4 – building a skyscraper

When you're building your skyscraper, there are a bunch of key things
you have to keep in mind. The foundational work of your skyscraper
will include:
 Long-Term Vision for Your Brand
 Your Product
 Your Name
 Your Niche
 Safety Precautions (Patents, Trademarks, etc)
 Demographic
 Content (Social Media)
 Ads (TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc)
 Building a Backend
 Building Teams
 Outsourcing Work
 UGC Influencers
 Manufacturers
 Fulfillment

Vid 5 – Importance of product

Winning Product Blueprint
o It has a Wow Factor
o Sales Price is $40 or More
o Product Cost is Around $10
o Has a High Perceived Value
o It Solves a Problem
o It is Used Daily
o Has a specific and passionate community that is interested in it
o Is the Product Relatively Small and Lightweight
o Not a Cheap and Shitty Electronic, Made of Glass, or Ingestible
o It is an Evergreen Product
Use this Checklist for every product you find to see if it is a winner!

Vid 6 – Finding winning product

The Reverse Method (BEST METHOD)
For This method, you want to sit on TikTok and scroll for hours, looking
at paid TikTok ads. The reason for this is that other companies are
PAYING TikTok to promote their videos, and they are obviously not
gonna continue paying TikTok to promote their videos if it isn't making
them money.
I would recommend making a brand new TikTok account strictly for
product research. You want to only interact with dropshipping ads
(Don't worry, over time you will know which is a dropshipping ad).
This means:
 Watching the video
 Liking the video
 Commenting on the video
 Clicking the link and viewing their store
 Adding the product to cart
 COPY the video ad link and save it
 COPY the website link and save it
When you do all of this, the TikTok algorithm understands that you
want to see those ads and keeps feeding them to you. The better you
train TikTok's algorithm, the better ads you will find.
DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCE.SS This process can sometimes take days, if
not weeks to find a TRUE winning ad and product. Take your time, and
compile a list of 15-20 potential products.

Vid 8 – Supplier and fulfillment

A 3PL company is responsible for;
 Fulfilling products
 Sourcing for products
 Giving pricing
 Helping on refunds and returns
AutoDS - https://autods.com/partners/jordan-bown/
COGS Sheet -

Vid 9 – Branding in depth

Framing & Positioning
 The frame of the picture is more important than the subject.
When it comes to selling stuff, how you frame your product,
matters more than what it actually is. So even if you've got a
crappy product, you can still make bank if you present it well and
make it look appealing. But if you want to stay in business for
the long haul, you gotta make sure your product is actually good
quality too.
First, Best, or Different
 The best way you will be looking to succeed long-term in the e-
commerce industry is to either be the first, best, or different.
 You can be the first to a specific niche
 You can position yourself to be the best in the industry
 You can be different from everyone else
The 5 Pillars of a SOLID Brand
 What is the purpose of your brand?
 How do people perceive your brand?
 What is the personality of your brand?
 How are you going to position your brand?
 How are you going to promote your brand?
Pain Points
 Your marketing, content, video ads, and descriptions should
always capture a customer's pain points and sell them on the
idea that your product is the perfect solution to solve their
problems. That's how you are able to hook your customer in
most effectively and truly sell them on your vision and brand.
Action Steps
- Make sure you know the pain points of your brand.
- Make sure you know what influencers you want to work with.
- Make sure you know what guarantee you are going to provide
and the novelty of your product.
- Make sure you understand the 5 Pillars of YOUR brand.
Vid 1 – legal troubles
Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
Before you dive into any product or brand name, you must do your due
diligence to see if there are any active patent's on your product or
trademarks to your name.
To search for patents just google the company name + patents and see
what comes up. Then read through the documents and see if your
product would be infringing on any laws.
 [brand name] + patent
 Ex. Tooletaries patent
If you really can't tell if a product is patented or not, you can always
hire a patent attorney, but it is pricey and not recommended.
Trademarks & Copyrights

When selecting a brand name, it's crucial to ensure you're not

infringing on any existing names. Here's how you can do this
1. Identify the classification of your product: To determine the
trademark class your product falls under, perform a Google search
using your product name and add the term "trademark class".
This will help you identify the appropriate category.
2. Conduct a search on the Trademark Electronic Search System
(T.E.S.S): T.E.S.S allows you to see if there are any names similar
to the one you've chosen.
a. (kylie[bi] and 003 [ic] and live[id] and ‘rn > “0”) [ALL]
I. Replace "Kylie" with your brand name
II. Replace "003" with your trademark class
Vid 2 – AI and how to use it
Limitless Opportunities
AI is not fully at a point where it can fully replace a working part in your
e-commerce journey, but it definitely can be used to aid you in a lot of
Brainstorming + Consulting
ChatGPT can serve as your best friend when it comes to brainstorming
and refining your ideas. It's an exceptional tool that generates well-
considered responses, growing more knowledgeable with every
question you ask. You can explore a variety of research topics with
ChatGPT, including:
 Product Ideas
 Niche Ideas
 Marketing Ideas
 Branding Ideas
 Content Ideas
Treat ChatGPT like a friend sitting across from you in the room. Go back
and forth with it to gain so the tool can learn more about your
questions. Trust me guys, this method of brainstorming is truly the
You can take advantage of ChatGPT for copywriting tasks. This could be
anything from crafting product descriptions to creating content for
email or text message marketing, and even whipping up ad copies. You
can even ask it to rewrite anything in various tones to better resonate
with your target audience.
Have fun with ChatGPT, you can literally go back and forth with it for
hours and use it as a consultant for your store!
Vid 3 – Naming your brand
Choosing a Name
When choosing a name for your brand, you want to give off the
emotions that you are the only one that is selling that product and that
your company invented the product you are trying to sell. This will help
significantly with conveying trust in your customers and making them
feel safe when purchasing off your website. When choosing your name,
you want to make sure its:
 Short
 Simple
 Rememberable
Be careful when choosing a name that is not trademarked because
dealing with legal issues later down the line when you have scaled your
business to 5 or 6 figures a month is the LAST thing you want to deal
with. It's just not worth stepping on anyone's toes.
Purchasing a Domain
When you go and purchase a domain for your website, you should
purchase it from Google Domains. This is the only domain provider I
would ever recommend because it comes with your own Gsuite
account and its seamless integration with Gmail. Don't waste your time
purchasing a domain from Shopify or any other providers.

Make sure to include the custom email in your purchase for $6 a month
because you want your email to be professional and aligned with your
brand name. This conveys trust. You don't want to have an email that
says AvidMilkEnjoyer69@gmail.com as a support email, do you?
vid 4 – Logo design
Logo Creation
Canva Pro: https://partner.canva.com/b3jq79
The biggest thing you need to keep in mind when designing a logo is what
kind of emotion it is going to convey to your audience. What kind of story
is your logo going to give to your audience?
Have fun with your logo and experiment with it. Try to use bigger brands
as inspiration or just browse through the canvas designs until it clicks.
Here are some do's and don'ts for logo design.
 Keep it Simple
 Make it Relevant
 Consider Versatility
 Make it Original
 Make it Timeless

 Complex
 Too Many Colors
 Confusing
 Copy Someone Else
 Illegible
Vid 5 – Shopify setup
Shopify Setup Checklist
o Connect Existing Domain
o Shipping Details
o Activate Shopify Payments
o Purchase Virtual Address
- iPostal1: https://ipostal1.com/?ref=4655
o Purchase Virtual Number
o Add Banking Information
o Proper Checkout Information
o Tipping (Optional)
o Add Refund Policy
o Add Privacy Policy
o Add Terms of Service
o Add Shipping Policy
o Add Contact Information
o Pick the Basic Plan
When copying any of the policy information, make sure to change
anything that says "thenuecup" to your brand name. Do not leave my
email or address on your website or you will get shut down if Shopify
reviews your store.

Vid 6 – Early game apps

Debutify - Theme: Enterprise Version
I recommend using the Enterprise version for your store because it
comes with all the bells and whistles you will need in the long run of
running your e-commerce store. These add-ons such as bundles,upsells,
cart upsell, cart goal, sticky add-to-cart, quantity breaks, FAQ, and
many more! If you use any other themes, you will have to install
various apps to have these features integrated, and this will end up
costing you more collectively.
These add-ons are essential for any large business because it helps
increase your Average Order Value (AOV) which will bring in more
money for your business and allow you to spend more money on
acquiring new customers.
However, if you currently don't have the funds to afford to get the
enterprise version, just get a cheaper version and selectively choose the
add-ons you are able to use.

Loox - Shopify Reviews


Having reviews is ESSENTIAL to your business, there is no way around it.

This is an add-on you cannot skip, I'm, sorry. Without having proper
trust in your website, your customers will get scared and leave. Having
a business without reviews is setting yourself up for failure.
Use Loox to import as many reviews as you can onto your website, you
want as many reviews as you can to convey trust to your customers.
You can never have enough reviews so I would say try and shoot for
100 reviews, if you can't get that many, that's ok. Just try your best to
get as many reviews as possible.
Vid 7 - Importing products
Product Title
Choosing the right product titles is relatively straightforward but there
are a few things I would recommend.
1. Include your brand name in the title. This helps build trust.
2. Include a trademark symbol (TM). This also helps build trust.
Your description should tell a story and convey emotion to your
audience. It needs to let the customer know that your product is the
best and only solution for their problems. Touch on pain points first and
then go into how your product is the solution.
Pretty straightforward. Observe your competitors and see what they
have listed for their costs. But make sure that your price is not so high
that people won't buy, but also high enough that your margins are good
and you will be making money through running paid ads (3x-4x markup)
Doesn't matter until you actually hold stock. You can put whatever for
When you are grabbing images for your product, make sure you are
grabbing them from Alibaba because they are from the manufacturers
and those images are fair game. Then look at your competitors and find
some of their high-quality images with designs and mimic their style
with your own design and brand colors. I would recommend creating all
of these on Canva. https://partner.canva.com/b3jq79
Vid 8 – Website design
My Shopify Store
In this course, I have shared my personally constructed and
meticulously crafted Shopify store which has made me $10k in revenue
in a span of two weeks. This template is available for you to use; just
make the appropriate adjustments to ensure it aligns with your own
store and brand identity.
In order to use the theme that I have provided you are going to need to
use Debutify's Enterprise plans which include all the add-ons that I have
If you asked me if would I rather spend $100 on ads or $100 on this
theme, I would choose this theme. I really recommend spending the
extra money on this theme to convey professionalism and really try to
drive up that AOV right off the bat.
However, if you are on a budget, you can use the cheaper theme, you
just will not have access to all the bells and whistles that are included in

vid 9 – Klaviyo setup

Klaviyo Setup
Klaviyo is an email marketing automation app that will send marketing
emails to anyone who leaves an item in their cart, reminding them to
finish their purchase. It can be set up in a ton of different ways and having
this app is essential for any business to recapture any purchases that may
have fallen in between the cracks.
CuO2dOdHxamqPvDQ/edit - Klaviyo example

vid 10 – Content creation

Crushing Content
The basis of a solid brand is a solid marketing strategy. You gotta figure
out what video styles and tricks really click with your brand. The best way
to get the hang of it is to get right into posting organic TikTok content -
trust me, it's a lot less tough than it sounds.
My best piece of advice for creating organic TikTok videos is to mimic
other brands and recreate viral videos. There is no point recreating the
wheel here, find a video that is PROVEN to do well based on its views and
create that EXACT video.
And remember, you don't have to just copy companies who are right in
your niche. Look at other brands for inspiration – like HiSmile, for
example, and see how they're nailing their video ads. Take a good look
at what's working for them, and then sprinkle in a bit of your own
touches when you're showcasing your product in your videos.
Content Creation Blueprint
"The person that tests the most, wins the most"
From all my experience, I've noticed one thing that differentiates
successful students from those who don't quite make it, and it's
surprisingly simple: they just aren't testing enough ads. They take their
foot off the gas in their marketing, hoping that the same video ad will
keep their revenue flowing indefinitely. But honestly, that's not how it
works. You're doing well if a video ad stays profitable for a few days to a
couple of weeks. It's pretty rare for a video ad to keep up the profits for
more than a month unless it's a viral hit.
Whatever number of videos you thought was enough for your brand, 10x
that shit. Seriously, ads are the lifeblood of your business. As soon as you
stop pumping out ads, your business starts to slowly die.

Vid 11 – Crushing organic

Crushing Content
You want to get the hang of organic marketing before spending money
on paid advertisements. The best place we are going to be doing this is
TikTok. Managing several social media accounts can take up a lot of time
so I partnered with a company called Repurpose.io that seamlessly takes
all your TikTok videos and reposts them on all your other social media
accounts in seconds. And the beauty of this is that it can all be automated
for you!
"The person that tests the most, wins the most"
You want to post as frequently as possible, ideally 3-5x a day but if you
can do more, I would recommend that. Throw as many darts at the board
until something sticks and then double down on that video or strategy.
Posting Times & Hashtags
For TikTok, there isn't really a best time to post, as long as your video is
good, it will do good. However, if a video you really thought would do
just flops, I would change the hook and repost it at a different time.
For hashtags, I found that no hashtags work best. Let TikTok's algorithm
decide where to put it.
People Commenting on Your Video is ESSENTIAL
Whatever approach you use, try your best to make people comment on
your video, this will help boost your video in TikTok's algorithm and give
you a higher chance of success. This can either be done through
controversial moments, shock factors in the video, or intentional mess-
ups in your video so people will comment and try to correct you

Vid 12 – Content creation in action

Video Ads
Don't just shoot in the dark and make a video ad that you THINK will do
well. You want to find a high- performing ad and mimic it as best as you
can. However, you also want to figure out what kind of stuff you can do
to make the video better.
Some Tips:
 Video Ads should be 10-20 seconds
 Don't use any TikTok audios
 Post 3-5 times minimum with different hooks
Different Hooks / Video Styles (3:03)
I gave you the time stamp above to go back to this video and review my
explanations of each of these different styles.
 Random Hook Clip
 Disrupting Style
 Good Looking People
 How to Guide
 Random Stranger
 Challenge Based
 Review Style
 Negative Review
 Stitching Random Other Viral Videos
 Testing Videos
Action Steps
1. Plan out your brand.
2. List out at least 20 videos you're going to mimic.
3. Make 5 variations or more for each video.
4. Redistribute on RePurpose.io.

Vid 13 – TikTok setup

TikTok Setup
Use the link below to set up your TikTok Ads Manager. The process is
pretty straightforward forward but please watch through the video
carefully and follow along with the process so you make sure you don't
mess anything up.

vid 14 – Profit Tracking (TrueProfit)

TrueProfit is a business management platform that helps e-commerce sellers
manage their operations, analytics, and finances in one place. It provides a suite of
tools that enable sellers to track their sales and expenses, calculate profits, and
generate reports. Key Features:
 Profit and loss tracking
 Analytics and insights
 Financial management
 Inventory management

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