Carbon Fiber-Polyetherketoneketone Composites. Part I - Anideal and Uniform Composition Via Solution-Basedprocessing

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Received: 22 January 2022 Revised: 13 February 2022 Accepted: 26 February 2022

DOI: 10.1002/pc.26577


Carbon fiber/polyetherketoneketone composites. Part I: An

ideal and uniform composition via solution-based

Bolan Li | Feng Zhang | Mengxiao Jiao | Yanbo Li | Xin Wang |

Xiaohua Zhang

Key Laboratory of Textile Science &

Technology (Ministry of Education),
College of Textiles, and Innovation Center As limited by the low dissolubility, powder- and dispersion-based composition
for Textile Science and Technology, methods are used to prepare carbon fiber (CF)/polyaryletherketone (PAEK)
Donghua University, Shanghai, China
prepregs. Owing to the high content of ketone groups, polyetherketoneketone
Correspondence (PEKK) is found to have a high dissolubility in fluorine- and/or chlorine-
Xiaohua Zhang, Key Laboratory of Textile
containing solvents. It is revealed that PEKK can form colloidal solutions with a
Science & Technology (Ministry of
Education), College of Textiles, and particle size down to tens of nm, paving the way for a true solution-based
Innovation Center for Textile Science and impregnation toward advanced CF/PEKK composites. After a fabrication route
Technology, Donghua University,
Shanghai 201620, China.
of impregnation, preheating, and compression molding, PEKK was found to uni-
Email: formly and tightly cover all the CFs within a thickness of 1–3 μm in the final
composites. Such limited spacing and the fiber surface strongly suppress the
Funding information
Fundamental Research Funds for the crystallization of PEKK. As a result, the composites exhibited a tensile strength
Central Universities, Grant/Award of 1.85 GPa, 94.9% that of the ideal one according to the rule of mixture.
Number: 2232021G-01; National Natural
Science Foundation of China, Grant/ KEYWORDS
Award Number: 62176158
composites, mechanical properties, poly(ether ketones), processing

1 | INTRODUCTION temperature window. Note that PEKK can be prepared via

a Friedel–Crafts acylation reaction with diphenyl ether, ter-
As a family of high-temperature semicrystalline thermo- ephthaloyl chloride (T) and/or isophthalic chloride (I).[18,19]
plastics, polyaryletherketones (PAEKs) have attracted Therefore, different PEKK can be synthesized regarding the
growing attention due to the comprehensive properties T/I ratio, and as a result, their physical properties are also
such as high temperature stability, high mechanical prop- quite different.
erties, electrical insulation, and radiation and chemical Besides the above structural and physical differences
resistances. According to the different compositions and between PEEK and PEKK, another essential difference
sequences of ether and ketone linkages, PAEKs are divided lies in the chemical feature of ketone groups. There is a
into polyetherketone (PEK), polyetheretherketone (PEEK), general polarity ranking of functional groups, namely
polyetherketoneketone (PEKK), and so on. Recently, PEEK
has become an important matrix for high-performance amide > acid > alcohol > ketone
composites,[1–8] and PEKK is gaining more interests as  aldehyde > amine > ester > ether > alkane:
a competitive candidate to PEEK.[9–15] As compared to
PEEK, PEKK exhibits a higher stiffness and toughness, Thus due to the rich ketone groups, PEKK has an
and a higher and modulable glass transition and enhanced molecular polarity, that might improve the sol-
melting temperatures,[16,17] leading to a wider processing ubility as highly polar molecules can interact easily with

Polymer Composites. 2022;1–9. © 2022 Society of Plastics Engineers 1


PEKK.[20] As a result, the preparation process of carbon DCE, or 50 C for 4CP and 4CP-DCE (the melting point
fiber (CF)/PEKK composites can be greatly different from of 4CP is 42.8 C). PEKK/water suspensions (12 wt%)
that of CF/PEEK. However, it is still challenging to were also prepared by ultrasonicating 30 min.
obtain a uniform composite structure toward the utiliza-
tion of the advanced properties of both CF and
PEKK. Generally, for the impregnation of thermoplastics 2.2 | Solution-based impregnation
into CF bundles, melt impregnation, solution impregna-
tion, film stacking, fiber mixing, and powder impregnation The impregnation was realized by immersing CF bundles
have been used.[21] Among them, powder impregnation in PEKK solutions or suspensions. The bundle was led to
is the major one for PAEKs,[22] and to improve the pass through a series of guide rollers (5–7) in the immer-
uniformity, the powder should be ultrafine. Thus liquid sion bath, at a rate of 0.5 m min1. These rollers can
suspensions are prepared for this purpose, due to the induce a strong tensioning force due to the friction with
reduced particle size.[23–25] However, such treatment is the bundle, ensuring a high degree of CF alignment. Con-
still difficult to realize a satisfying composite structure, as sequently, the solution- or suspension-treated CFs were
the aggregated PAEK particles can hardly distribute uni- treated at 120 or 100 C for 4 h to fully remove the
formly inside CF bundles. As PEKK has a high molecular solvents.
polarity, it becomes possible to develop a true solution
impregnation toward advanced composites, owing to at
least two advantages. First, PEKK no longer aggregates as 2.3 | CF/PEKK composites
a large-size particle, and thus can impregnate efficiently
and uniformly inside CF bundles. Second, the dissolved An HG-3622 M Electrical Forming Machine (HengGuang
PEKK can form more intimate and tight interaction Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Kunshan, China) was
with CFs. used to mold the CF/PEKK composites. The as-
Herein, we report that PEKK can be fully dissolved in impregnated prepreg tape was cut into strips with a
fluorine- and/or chlorine-containing solvents by forming length of 90 mm (the size of mold). Then a strip was
tiny colloidal particles, and thus be efficiently impreg- placed into the mold to get heated and compressed, with
nated into CF bundles. The impregnation is deep into the three different molding profiles discussed in the
interior of CF bundles, leading to a full covering over all main text.
the CFs with a uniform and thin PEKK layer. The com-
posite structure is nearly the ideal one, leading to a high
strength retention ratio of CFs in the composites. It is 2.4 | Characterizations
also found that the crystallinity of PEKK is suppressed in
the limited spacing between CFs. The viscosity of PEKK solution was tested with an LVDV-
1T Digital Rotational Viscometer (Minyi Electrics Co.,
Ltd., Shanghai, China). The aggregation degree of PEKK
2 | EXPERIMENTAL in solution was evaluated with a BI-200SM dynamic light
scattering system (Brookhaven Instruments, USA) fitted
2.1 | PEKK solutions with a solid-state laser at λem = 532 nm, a BI-200SM goni-
ometer, and a BI-9000 digital correlator.
The PEKK powders (Shandong Kaisheng New Materials Co., The tensile tests for CF/PEKK composites were per-
Ltd., Zibo, China) were synthesized by using diphenyl ether, formed with an Instron 5967 Universal Testing Machine
terephthalic chloride, and isophthalic chloride,[18,19,26] and (Instron Corp., Norwood, USA). For the test, the
had a T/I ratio of 50/50. The unsized TZ300 CFs (12 K, diam- CF/PEKK strip was cut into smaller ones with a width of
eter 7 μm, density 1.78 g cm3) were provided by Guangwei 3 mm. The sample's two ends were adhered with stiff-
Composites Co., Ltd., Weihai, China. The trifluoroacetic acid ening plates on both sides, leaving a gauge length of 20–
(TFA), 4-chlorophenol (4CP), and 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) 25 mm. The tensile rate was 1 mm min1.
compounds were used as received. The microstructures of PEKK particles and CF/PEKK
The PEKK solutions were prepared by adding PEKK composites were characterized with a Tescan Vega-3 scan-
powders into a solvent at a mass ratio of 5:95, 8:92, 10:90, ning electron microscope (SEM, Brno, Czech Republic).
12:88, and 15:85, respectively. TFA and 4CP were used as The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was con-
the single solvents, and their mixtures with DCE at a ducted with an HS-DSC-101 analyzer (HESON Instrument
mass ratio of 1:1 as the mixed solvents. Magnetic stirring Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China) and a DSC250
(6–8 h) was used at room temperature for TFA and TFA- analyzer (TA Instruments, New Castle, USA) in N2, by

scanning the temperature from 50 to 400 C at a rate of formed suspensions in both TFA and 4CP, either at room
10 C min1. The DSC crystallinity was calculated by temperature or 50 C, while PEKK was fully dissolved in
χ c = ΔHm/ΔH100%  100%, where ΔHm is the melting TFA at room temperature and in 4CP at 50 C. The TFA
enthalpy and ΔH100% is the melting enthalpy of the 100% solution exhibited a clear Tyndall effect (laser wavelength
crystalline PEKK, usually taken as 130 J g1. The X-ray 532 nm), while such effect was weak for the 4CP solu-
diffraction (XRD) characterization was performed with a tions, indicating that the particle size in TFA should be
D8 Advance XRD (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) by using smaller.
Cu Kα radiation (λ =1.54 Å). The viscosities of the two solutions were different
(Figure 1C). The PEKK/TFA solution showed a low vis-
cosity of 681 cP at 12 wt%, while it was 7880 cP for the
3 | R ES U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N PEKK/4CP solution. Clearly, the particle size of PEKK in
TFA should be smaller. To show this, the solutions were
3.1 | Dissolution and impregnation diluted to 0.05 wt%, and thus by drying them, the particle
of PEKK morphology and aggregation degree were clearly
observed (Figure 1D). PEKK can be dispersed into una-
The rich ketone groups make PEKK quite dissoluble in ggregated small-size colloids in TFA, just up to tens of
highly polar solvents. As 4CP can dissolve PEEK above nm, but forms several-μm-large aggregations in 4CP due
120 C,[20] fluorine-containing solvent like TFA can also to the crosslinking between colloid particles.
be a choice. Furthermore, for a facile processing, it is The different colloid size was also reflected by
important to dissolve PEKK at low temperatures. As dynamic light scattering (Figure 1E). For TFA, the inten-
shown in Figure 1A,B, PEEK was not dissolved but sity peak was at 17 nm, and the total intensity was more

F I G U R E 1 Dissolution and impregnation of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK). (A) Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) formed suspensions, and
sedimentation took place very soon. (B) PEKK was dissolved to form colloids. The Tyndall effect was strong in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA),
and weak in 4CP. (C) Viscosity–concentration plots for various PEKK solutions. (D) Different PEKK aggregation by drying the dilute
(0.05 wt%) solutions. (E) Particle size analysis on the dilute solutions by dynamic light scattering. The dotted red circles mark the major peak
of size distribution. The integrated intensity was 77.3% and 57.1% at 200 nm for the two solutions, respectively

F I G U R E 2 Capillary-driven impregnation of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) solution into a piece of carbon fiber (CF) bundles. The
solution concentration was all 5 wt% and the drop was about 0.05 ml in volume

than 60% and up to 77.3% by integrating to 17 and finishing the impregnation, the low concentrated solu-
200 nm. Clearly, colloids smaller than tens of nm domi- tions (5 wt%) were used for the evaluation (Figure 2). The
nated in the solution. On the contrary, a strong peak TFA and TFA-DCE solutions could fully impregnate and
appeared at 5000–7000 nm in the 4CP solution. The inte- spread along the fiber direction within 40–50 s, while it
gration was below 40% up to 30 nm, and just up to 57.1% took more than 300 and 200 s when the solvent was 4CP
until 200 nm. This is ascribed to the aggregation and 4CP-DCE. The two mixed solvents both showed a
(or entanglement) of PEKK colloids, leading to the high higher efficiency than the single solvents. Thus the mixed
viscosity for the 4CP solution. solvent of TFA-DCE was the best choice.
Although PEKK can be well dissolved in TFA and 4CP,
the solution viscosity is still quite high. For a better impreg-
nation into CF bundles, it might be more beneficial if the 3.3 | Fabrication of CF/PEKK
viscosity can be further decreased. For this purpose, mixed composites
solvents were considered because of the ability to modulate
the solubility and viscosity. DCE was used as it can induce Owing to the efficient impregnation of PEKK/TFA-DCE
electron reassign and transmit among the benzene ring and solution, such solution-based strategy can well overcome the
ketone motif, and increase the polarity of PEKK.[27] Thus key obstacle of uniform composition in the powder-based
the interaction between PEKK and TFA or 4CP can be compression molding. As the solvent is volatile, a sealed
strengthened. Note that DCE itself does not dissolve PEKK impregnation tank was used (Figure 3A). A series of guide
as it just interacts with small segments of polymer chain. rollers were used to maintain the CF straightness. By control-
When DCE is mixed with TFA or 4CP, it has more chances ling the drawing speed to ensure a sufficient impregnation,
to interact with the dissolved PEKK and feedbacks with the as-impregnated CF/PEKK prepreg tapes were obtained.
enhanced PEKK polarity to improve the dissolubility. The Although the low concentrated solutions possess a
solution viscosity was indeed further decreased by DCE high impregnation rate, the final mass fraction of PEKK
(Figure 1C). At 12 wt% the TFA-DCE and 4CP-DCE solu- is insufficient due to the rapid filling of PEKK between
tions exhibited viscosities of 248 and 675 cP, respectively. CFs. On the contrary, when the concentration is too high,
the high viscosity suppresses the impregnation. Thus the
PEKK mass fraction in the as-impregnated prepregs was
3.2 | Impregnation efficiency evaluated (Figure 3B), where the optimal fraction of
38 wt% was obtained by using the 12 wt% solution.
To evaluate the impregnation efficiency of different Based on the ideal composition (Figure 3C) the PEKK
PEKK solutions, the impregnation process was recorded mass fraction can be obtained by the inter-fiber
by dipping a drop of PEKK solution onto a piece of CF spacing δ. The PEKK pffiffiffi has an area per CF of
bundles. As high concentrated solutions would dry before APEKK ¼ Atotal  ACF ¼ 3ðd þ δÞ2 =2  πd2 =4, where d is

F I G U R E 3 Solution impregnation of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK). (A) Schematic of the impregnation process. (B) PEKK mass
fraction as a function of the solution concentration. (C) Schematic showing the dependence of PEKK content on the spacing between carbon
fibers (CFs). (D) As-impregnated microstructure, where PEKK particles did not strongly adhere to CFs, leading to the easy separation
between them. (E–G) after being compression molded, an excellent composite structure was obtained, where the PEKK covered all CF
surfaces (E), uniformly impregnated inside CF bundles (F), and had a thickness of 1–3 μm (G)

the fiber diameter. Using the densities ρPEKK =1.28 g cm3 could be peeled off, leaving the particles as a shell. After
and ρCF =1.78 g cm3, the PEKK mass fraction is 37% at a molding at 360 C and 50 MPa, the PEKK particles fully
δ =2 μm, identical to an overall density of 1.55 g cm3. melted and covered around all the CFs (Figure 3E). The
The advantage of solution impregnation is the uni- overall cross-sectional morphology (Figure 3F) shows
form composition. In the as-impregnated sample such composite structure was quite uniform, and the
(Figure 3D), the CFs were indeed coated uniformly by enlarged view (Figure 3G) clearly shows that the PEKK
PEKK particles. However, due to the weak adhesion, CFs between CFs had a thickness of just 1–3 μm. Clearly, this

F I G U R E 4 Powder
impregnation of
polyetherketoneketone (PEKK).
(A) the PEKK/water mixture
was a suspension without a
Tyndall effect.
(B) Sedimentation took place
within just several hours.
(C) Scanning electron
microscope (SEM)
characterization of the dried
suspension showing that PEKK
was undissolved. The particles
size ranged from 10–20 μm to
100 μm. (D, E) cross-sectional
and side views of the
microstructures of powder-
impregnated carbon fiber (CF)/
PEKK composites, after the
compression molding

is a composite structure very close to the ideal one. The distribution in CF bundles, as confirmed by the cross-
density of the molded composites was about 1.5 g cm3, sectional and side views (Figure 4D,E) of the molded
in agreement with the above analysis. sample, where the impregnation depth was just 10–
20 μm, and the distribution of PEKK along CFs was
3.4 | Comparison with powder
3.5 | Mechanical properties
Thus far, there has not been such solution impregnation,
but solid-based methods including the film stacking, As PEKK is still in the form of particles in the as-
powder or suspension prepregging, and yarn wrapping. impregnated prepreg (Figure 3D), compression molding
For example, CF fabrics and PEEK or PEKK films can be is required to finalize the composition. Three profiles are
stacked then molded by hot compressing.[28,29] Such shown in Figure 5A, including the non-isothermal and
impregnation is just within a shallow skin of CF fabrics, isothermal crystallizations, and cold molding. The mold-
leaving a large un-impregnated region. The powder ing pressure on the specimen was Pmold = 50 MPa for all
impregnation is also widely used, where PAEK powders the procedures. The molding temperatures were
with a size of several μm are coated on CF fabrics.[30] The T mold = 340–380 C for the non-isothermal treatment,
ð1Þ ð2Þ
impregnation can be improved by using PAEK disper- T mold = 360 C and T mold = 280–320 C for the isothermal
sions, also called as wet powders.[23,24,31,32] However, the treatment, and T mold = 180–280 C for the cold molding.
problem of small impregnation depth still exists. Further- The compression molding had an evident effect on
more, the composition is also realized by commingling the fracture of composites (Figure 5B). The non-isothermal
PAEK fibers with CFs to form co-wrapped yarns.[33–35] treatment ensured a uniform and tight binding between
This would further induce non-uniformity due to the PEKK and CFs, and thus efficient across-fiber load
localized impregnation. transfer, leading to a neat and flat fracture. For the isother-
To show the advantage of solution impregnation, mal treatment, it was difficult to uniformly distribute
PEKK/water suspensions (12 wt%) were also prepared for stresses along the CFs, and sliding between CFs domi-
the powder impregnation. As shown in Figure 4A,B, nated in the fracture. The worst situation was observed in
there was no Tyndall effect, and sedimentation took place the cold molding, where the CFs could not be adhered
just in minutes, until all the particles settled out in 4 h. together and showed an exploded morphology when
The dried suspension showed that the particle size being fractured.
ranged from several to 100 μm (Figure 4C). Therefore, Figure 5C shows the typical stress–strain curves of
such impregnation could not result in a uniform PEKK the samples obtained at the optimal molding

F I G U R E 5 Mechanical
properties of carbon fiber (CF)/
polyetherketoneketone (PEKK)
composites. (A) Molding
profiles of CF/PEKK
composites. (B) Fracture
morphologies of three different
CF/PEKK composites.
(C) Stress–strain curves for the
three treatments at the optimal
molding temperatures.
(D) Mechanical properties of
CF/PEKK composites under
different treatments

temperatures for the three treatments, and Figure 5D the stresses on the fiber and matrix, and vf and vm are the
provides the comparison in strength and modulus for volume fractions. As the strength of PEKK (100–110 MPa)
these treatments as a function of Tmold. The 360 C non- is much smaller, the contribution is mainly from the CFs.
isothermally treated sample showed the highest strength For the ideal case (Figure 3C), vf = 54.9% when δ =2 μm.
of 1.85 GPa. However, its modulus (54 GPa) was smaller Thus the strength is σ c ≈ σ fvf = 3.56  54.9% = 1.95 GPa.
than the isothermally treated ones (60–66 GPa). For the Clearly, the 360 C non-isothermally treated sample was
cold molded ones, it was difficult to improve the strength very close to the ideal one, see also Figure 3G. Furthermore,
and modulus simultaneously. Clearly, a full melting at the flat and neat fracture (Figure 5B) also indicates that the
360 C is required to remove the voids in the as- load transfer between CFs was as efficient as the ideal case.
impregnated prepreg, and the over heating above 380 C
would cause PEKK leakage due to the reduced viscosity.
By considering the mechanical properties of the CFs 3.6 | Reduced crystallinity
(the average strength was 3.56 GPa from 20 tensile tests),
one can estimate the strength of the ideal composition. The We suspect that the crystallization of PEKK is suppressed
rule of mixture gives σ c = σ fvf + σ mvm, where σ f and σ m are by the presence of CFs, and the very limited spacing

F I G U R E 6 Crystallinity analysis for polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) by using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms
(A) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) diffractograms (B)

between CFs as well. Therefore, amorphous PEKK domi- 4 | CONCLUSION

nates in the composites. To prove it, the crystallinity in
the strongest CF/PEKK composites via different molding Owing to the high molecular polarity, fluorine- and/or
methods was evaluated by DSC and XRD (Figure 6), chlorine-containing solvents like 4CP, TFA, and DCE
where two pure PEKK specimens were also characterized can dissolve PEKK into colloidal particles with a size
for a comparison. The PEKK specimens were treated at down to 20 nm. The solution impregnation leads to a full
50 MPa and 360 C for 60 min, by using the non- covering around CFs by PEKK particles, and a uniform
isothermal profile in Figure 5A, with and without the and nearly ideal composite structure after hot compres-
preheating stage, respectively. sion. Such structure utilizes the mechanical properties of
The PEKK exhibited a strong and wide endothermic CF as fully as possible, as reflected by the high tensile
melting DSC peak above 300 C (Figure 6A), with melting strength of 1.85 GPa, 94.9% the theoretical maximum.
enthalpies of 30.59 and 45.85 J g1 (crystallinities of Another reason for the improved performance is the
23.5% and 35.3%) for the preheated and non-preheated amorphous state of PEKK, as the presence of CF and the
samples. Differently, the endothermic peak was quite limited inter-fiber spacing remarkably suppress the crys-
small for all the composites, with melting enthalpies of tallization of PEKK.
23.56, 25.68, and 24.01 J g1 (crystallinities of 18.1%,
19.8%, and 18.5%) for the non-isothermal, isothermal, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and cold molded samples, respectively. Clearly, the crys- This work was supported by the Fundamental Research
tallization of PEKK was strongly suppressed after being Funds for the Central Universities (2232021G-01) and
composited with CFs. National Natural Science Foundation of China
The XRD results also confirmed the suppressed crystal- (62176158).
linity (Figure 6B). The preheated PEKK showed peaks at
18.9 , 20.9 , 23.3 , and 29.0 of the crystal Form I,[26] while CONFLICT OF INTEREST
the other one at 15.9 , 18.7 , 22.8 , and 28.2 of the Form No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
II,[16,36] as thermal history strongly affects the crystalliza- authors.
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