Activity A7 Comparative Table

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ELEMENT Microeconomics Macroeconomics

Microeconomics is the study of economic actions of individuals Macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole and not a single
and small groups of individuals. Microeconomics focuses on unit but combination of all. macro- refers to the "big picture" version
supply and demand, and other forces that determine price of economics like how interest rates are determines and why some
levels, making it a bottom-up approach. countries' economies grow faster than others'.

Study the problems on an individual level General economic issues

Individual economic units Aggregate economic variables
Demand and supply Aggregate demand and supply
The Relationship Between
Bottom-up approach Top down approach
Microeconomics and
- Consumer decision making and utility maximization. - Effects of general taxes such as income and sales taxes on output
Macroeconomics - Firm production and profit maximization and prices
- Individual market equilibrium - Causes of economic upswings and downturns
- Effects of government regulation on individual markets - Effects of monetary and fiscal policy on economic health
On demand side is to maximize utility whereas on the supply Full employment, price stability, economic growth and favourable
side is to minimize profits at minimum cost. The objective is to balance of payments. The objective is economic growth,
Objective analyze and predict the behavior of employment,
these groups, be it the supply of goods and services price stability, external equilibrium, equality in
in the market, income, factors that determine income distribution and environmental equilibrium.

It helps in determining the prices of a given product It is useful for determining the balance of payments,
and also the prices of various factors of production. along with the causes of deficits and surpluses.
It is based on a free enterprise economy, which means It makes decisions regarding economic and fiscal
that the company is independent in making decisions. policies, and resolves public finance issues.

The assumption of full employment is unrealistic.

Disadvantages It analyzes only a small part of an economy, while a Only covers aggregate variables.
larger part is not studied.

Household consumption. Salary of a worker. Inflation. Unemployment. Balance of payments.

Consumer preferences. Consumer tastes. Private debt.

Effects of general taxes such as income and sales taxes

Consumer decision making and utility maximization, firm
on output and prices, causes of economic upswings and
production and profit maximization, individual market
Important subjects downturns, effects of monetary and fiscal policy on
equilibrium and effects of government regulation on
economic health and effects of and process for
individual markets.
determining interest rates.

One difference is thatconcerns things that Concerns things economists are wrong about
Differences economists are specifically wrong about, is about the generally, is about money the government is out
money you don?t have of.

Modern macroeconomics is responsible for studying a

Micro refers to the observation of small economic
series of problems of great relevance to the
units, such as the effects of government
Chatacteristics economies of countries. Among the most important
regulations on individual markets and consumer
topics are: inflation, economic cycles, unemployment,
decision making.
among others.

Microeconomics appears as a part of economics Modern macroeconomics did not emerge until the
from the marginalist and neoclassical school, in the 1930s, the time of the Great Depression, when
19th century, with the purpose of analyzing small there was a strong stagnation of productive
economic agents. activities and a very high level of unemployment.

Beggs, Jodi. (2023, April 5). Microeconomics Vs. Macroeconomics. Retrieved from

Difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. (2018, July 24). Differentiator. Retrieved September 1,

Difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. (2018, July 24). Differentiator. Retrieved September 1,

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