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Upsi Deut Times

October, 2011

TDX Pledges Win Chapel Sing

CORRESPONDING Theta Delt pledges proved their loyalty to Wabash traditions by winning this years Chapel Sing competition. With TDX having placed in the at least the top two for the past four years, Sphinx Club members from outside of TDX were on the prowl for this years pledge class. This did not prevent the Brothers from provoking Sphinx Club members to challenge the pledges. Brother Garret Redweik 12 caught the attention of several Sphinx members and compiled them into the line of TDX pledges. We have done this to our pledges for several years, Redweik said. To my knowledge, we were very prepared for Chapel Sing as we always are. Why not prove that on the Mall and in the Chapel? The pledges overcame Brother Redweiks challenge, but four members of the pledge class were brought into the Chapel as a result one member went in twice before the formal portion of the competition. Eddy Pingel 15 was that pledge. Being in the Chapel was not all that scary, Pingel said. in Homecoming despite the Houses small size. Weeks later, after professors started embedding TDXs Chapel Sing victory into their classes through historical comparisons, the rest of Wabash fraternity men began to criticize Chapel Sing. A junior member of FIJI said, I think the Chapel Sing competition is unfair. Theta Delts pledge class is a lot smaller than pledge classes in other fraternities, so the Sphinx Club pays more attention to them. It gives them a chance to parade in their glory and recognize themselves as a fraternity on Wabashs campus. Two years ago, FIJI won Chapel Sing. At that time, TDX did not have any members in Sphinx Club. The FIJI pledge class won with three Ws. Needless to say, this years pledge class certainly earned their victory, being the first pledge class to win Chapel Sing since this years senior class did in 2008. And, in the course of TDXs accomplishments in Chapel Sing, our House has been humble towards Wabash traditions by showing their respect for Old Wabash in a winning manner.


Left to right: Matt Bupp 15, Zach Boston 15, Eddie Pingel 15, Fritz Coutchie 15, Corey Egler 15, Joe Sukup 15, Tim Tan 14, and J.D. Burns 15 not only know Old Wabash, but won this years Chapel Sing and chant competitions. They were the first pledge class to win both events since this years senior class won in 2008.

However, I found it pretty odd that the Sphinx Club members had us start from different sections of the song rather than at the top, like we practiced in Chapel Sing practice. Regardless, all four Theta Delt pledges made it out of the Chapel with a pure white t-shirt, marking the sixth year in a row that Theta Delt did not receive a W. The Brothers of TDX were

confident about this years pledge class because it was one of the largest pledge classes in the Houses history. The pledge class had a chance to be louder in front of the Sphinx Club during the formal part of the competition. This was our year to win it, TDX President Jordan Ferguson 12 said. My pledge class was about the same size and we won Chapel Sing. The articles title gives the

rest of the story away. After the formal portion of the Chapel Sing competition ended, Sphinx Club President Tyler Wade announced TDXs victory, which initially did not come with much criticism. The night after Chapel Sing, the pledge class won the chant competition and brought an epiphany to the rest of campus: Theta Delt is a legitimate house that can dominate the rest of Wabashs fraternities

Ding! Ding! Monon Bell is Near

Cheer Your Alma Mater on with TDX
The Little Giants look keep The Bell on campus for their third year straight. After demolishing the Dannies 47-0 in last years game at home, the football team is confident in winning against its rivals from the south. Wabash remains undefeated; DePauw, on the other hand, is struggling this season. This years game will be on DePauws turf. Come join the Brothers of Theta Delta Chi before the game for a tailgating party at Blackstowe Stadium. The Brothers will be in the parking lot early around 11 a.m. We will leave the Fraternity around 10:00 a.m., if you wish to ride along with us. Following the game, we will come back to the Fraternity house to celebrate.

If you still need a ticket, contact Corresponding Secretary John Dykstra at (219)-662-1726 or President Jordan Ferguson at (765)-346-3166.
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Jordan Ferguson 12, President Brett Birch 12, Vice President Peter Santa Maria 13, Treasurer John Dykstra 13, Corresponding Ian Baumgardner 14, Recording PHILANTHROPY Peter Santa Maria 13, Chair Michael Hodge 13, Chair IFC Peter Santa Maria 13, Representative RUSH Matt Meyer 12, Chair Chris Zabriskie 12, Chair SOCIAL Garret Redweik 12, Chair Alejandro Maya 13, Chair Kris Klondaris 12, Risk Manager INTRAMURALS Joe Granger 13, Chair SCHOLARSHIP Josh Jones 14, Chair

STUDENT SENATE Michael Hodge 13, Senator HOUSE MANAGEMENT Mark Stoops 14, Manager EC CONTACT INFORMATION ( Jordan Ferguson, jbfergus12 Brett Birch, bdbirch12 Peter Santa Maria, pjsantam13 John Dykstra, jhdykstr13 Ian Baumgardner, idbaumga14

Dear Old Wabash, thy loyal sons shall ever love thee, And oer thy classic halls, the scarlet flag shall proudly flash; Long in our hearts well bear the sweetest memries of thee, Long shall we sing thy praises, Old Wabash.

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