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S Healthcare Essay
The United States population is the most enormous and most diverse society in
the world. As the health care percentage grew 2.7 percent in 2021, the U.S now spends
$4.3 trillion or in simpler terms $12,914 per person. The U.S is one of the very few
nations where all of its citizens do not have medical coverage. Even though the U.S
spends massively on healthcare and has one of the most advanced medical technology
systems in the world, it is not the healthiest nation. The healthcare system is so poor
that it leaves 112 million Americans struggling or not even able to pay for healthcare.
In my opinion I believe that our healthcare system should have the cost lowered
because the cost is so out of control. So if the cost is lowered the people that are
struggling with paying have an opportunity to actually have healthcare.
First I believe the idea that healthcare is based on your job is a bad idea. Here’s
why, no matter what the job is, people can still get hurt. So I think that everyone no
matter what the job is is entitled to having healthcare.
The U.S pricing is really expensive. Not everyone has enough funding to pay for
their healthcare because it is so expensive. There are many factors that contribute to
the high cost of healthcare in the U.S. These factors include wasteful systems, rising
drug costs, medical professional salaries, profit-driven healthcare centers, the types of
medical practices, and health-related pricing. This is because the free market is so bad
at controlling the cost of healthcare in America. The free-market raising the prices are
often a result of market power, with minimal input from consumer buying power. The
governmental Regulation:competition without meaningful regulations can lead to
higher prices and other emotive outcomes. Incentivizing insurance companies to only
offer insurance to the wealthiest americans.
Companies raise their prices to earn more revenue. Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid services project that spending for retail prescription drugs will be the fastest
growing health category and consistently outpace that of other health
spendings.Overutilization leads directly to higher health care costs. There are many
reasons overutilization occurs, including the way in which the U.S. health care
pharmaceutical delivery system works. For example, in a fee-for-service system, many
physicians are ultimately paid based on the number of services they provide;
pharmacies are reimbursed by the number and day supply of prescriptions they fill,
and pharmaceutical manufacturers receive income based on volume of
pharmaceuticals that is driven off of formulary placement. Overutilization can also be
driven by direct drug marketing that creates demand from patients who observe drug
advertisements for a condition they may have and request their physicians prescribe
drugs without adequate information on alternatives, contraindications, side effects, or
How does medicaid work? Medi-Cal is California's various Federal Medicated
programs. Medi-Cal offers no-cost and low-cost health coverage to eligible peop;e
who live in California. The Department of Health Care services oversees the mediCal
Program/ Your local county office manages most medi-Cal cases. Medi-Cal is the same
as Medicaid in California. Medicaid impacts the cost of care by medicaid expansions
results in reductions in uninsured hospital clinics, or other provider visits and
uncompensated care costs.
To wrap it all, as a country we would thrive if we can fix our broken medical
system. If the free market was to lower the prices then more people will have more
opportunity to get good healthcare insurance that they need to survive

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