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Islamiyat Complete Notes

Paper1 & Paper 2

Rubina Talaat
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5.1 Paper 1 the year 2024 /2025 onward

1. Major themes of the Qur’an
Three groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to the themes of: God in
God’s relationship with the created world God’s Messengers
Candidates should explore:
• the major theme or themes of the Qur’an that appear in each passage, and
• the importance of these themes in the lives of Muslims today.
Candidates should study the passages in a recognised English translation, but with reference
to the original Arabic text. In the examination passages will be set in both Arabic and
English. Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of the original as well as the translation.
Appendix 1 lists the passages for examination in 2022 and 2023. These are reviewed
periodically and may change.
2. The history and importance of the Qur’an
Candidates should study:
• the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet (pbuh) between the years 610 and 632
• the account of the compilation of the Qur’an under the Rightly Guided Caliphs
• the major themes of the Qur’an as contained both in the passages set for special study
and in other similar
• the use of the Qur’an in legal thinking, and its relationship with the Hadiths, consensus
(ijma‘) and analogy
• its significance as the basis of all thought and action in Islam.
3. The life and importance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Candidates should study:
• the main events of the Prophet’s life from his birth to his call to prophethood
• the main events of his activities in Makka and his experiences with his opponents
• the main events of his activities in Madina, his leadership of the community there and his
conflicts with the
Makkans and others
• his actions and character
• the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim individuals in their personal conduct
and relations
with others including women and non-Muslims
• the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with
other states
• his significance as Seal of the Prophets and last Messenger of God.
Candidates should be able to give accounts of the main events of the Prophet’s life, and his
significance in Muslim beliefs. They should also be able to explain the importance of his
actions and experiences in the history and beliefs of Islam, particularly in the way they
provide examples for present day Muslim individuals and communities.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.
4. The first Islamic community
Candidates should study:
• the Prophet’s wives
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• his descendants, including his children, grandchildren and the direct line recognised
among Shi‘a Muslims
as Imams
• his leading Companions, including the Ten Blessed Companions, his Scribes, the major
characters who
surrounded him in his ministry, the Emigrants and Helpers, and the four Rightly Guided
Caliphs during his
lifetime. (Note that the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs’ rules after the time of the
Prophet (pbuh) is
included in the syllabus under Paper 2.)
Candidates should know the names of the main characters who lived with and near the
Prophet (pbuh), and the significant facts of their lives. They should also be able to explain
the importance of their actions and experiences in the history and beliefs of Islam.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.

Islamiyat Paper2

Major teachings in the Hadiths of the Prophet

Two groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to:
• individual conduct
• life in the community.
Candidates should study the teachings contained in each passage about what Muslims
should believe and how they should act.
Candidates should study the passages with reference to the original Arabic text as well as
the English translation. In the examination, passages will be set in both Arabic and English.
Appendix 2 in Syllabus) contains the passages for examination in 2022 and 2023. These are
reviewed periodically and may change.
2. The history and importance of the Hadiths
Candidates should study:
• the history of the compilation of the Hadiths
• the earliest collections
• the main musnad and musannaf collections
• the main compilers and their activities
• the methods based on examination of the chain of transmitters (isnad) and the text
(matn) of a Hadith to
test the reliability of the Hadith
• the main features of the six collections of Sunni Hadiths and the four collections of Shi‘a
• the major themes of the Hadiths as these are contained both in the passages set for
special study and in
other similar passages
• their use in legal thinking, and their relationship with the Qur’an, consensus (ijma‘) and
analogy (qiyas)
• their significance in thought and action in Islam.

The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as

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Candidates should study:
• the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs
• their policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• their approaches to leading the community
• their main achievements
• the main difficulties they encountered
• their significance as examples of leadership
• the importance of their rules as models for government today
• their importance as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with other states.
(Note that the lives and activities of the Caliphs during the Prophet’s lifetime are included in
the syllabus under Paper 1.)
Candidates should know the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs, and should explore
the significance of these events for the early and later history of Islam. They should also
understand the importance of their rules as examples for later times.
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.
4. The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam
Candidates should study:
• the Six Articles of Faith:
– God, including what Muslims believe about him
– angels, their nature and duties
– books, their contents and purpose
– prophets, their character and function
– God’s predestination and decree, its meaning and significance
– Resurrection and the last day, the main events and its significance.
• Jihad in its range of meanings, physical, mental and spiritual.
• the Five Pillars of Islam:
– the declaration of faith, shahada, including the significance of what it contains
– prayer, salat, including preparations, its performance and importance, congregational
prayers on
Fridays and festivals, times of prayer, the place of prayer, private prayer, delayed prayer
– alms-giving, zakat, how it is performed and its significance in the community
– fasting, sawm, including the way it is observed, its significance and those exempted
– pilgrimage, hajj, including the main observances involved and their significance.
Candidates should know about each of these beliefs and observances, and should also
understand their significance in the faith and action of individual Muslims and of Muslim
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions on this topic.

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Passages from the Holy Quran

1: sura, 2. 255 (Ayat ul Kursi)

A: Theme:

Theme of this long verse is God himself.It‟s a verse of sura al-Baqarah,a Madni
sura.It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of oneness of God) as
Surah Ikhlas confirms;

“Say: He is Allah, the One and Only”.

Ayat ul Kursi then elaborates various aspects of unity of God that make him
matchless God is fee from all weaknesses and limitations, has perfect knowledge of
all times. Surah Al- Anaam says;

“No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps over all visions”.

This verse says that Allah is not dependent on anyone for his survival and enjoys
autonomy in exercising His authority.His authority and his rule encompass the entire
universe.This makes God not only unique but also elevates him to the heights, we
just can‟t imagine and that is mentioned in the Quran as: “then He established
Himself on the throne” (10:3, 13:2)

B: Importance of the Theme:

This passage tells Muslims to believe in Tawhid in terms of God‟s uniqueness,

majesty and glory.The theme is important for Muslims as it crystallizes the belief of
Tawhid and trains them to condemn shirk.There is repetitive mention of God‟s
authority, unlimited knowledge and powers in order to strengthen the faith of its
readers.For example, it says “He is exalted in power,Wise.He created the heavens
without any pillars”31:9-10, Luqman) and “but God is the one free of all wants
“(35:15,Fatir).The objective is to remind Muslims that God alone is to be worshipped
and no authority can be compared with him.Many Muslims recite this verse regularly
to reiterate God‟s power and high position as compared to any worldly
authority.Muslims all over the world recite Ayat-ul- Kursi to seek Allah‟s protection
from satan and worldly evils.

2: Surah: 6. 101—103 (Al-An’aam)

A: Theme:

Surah Al- An‟aam is a Makki Surah.Theme of this passage is God in Himself.It

elaborates some of the fundamental aspects of unity of God (Tawhid).It describes
God as the originator of universe and rejects any kind of misconception of God
having any family.Surah Al Ikhlas confirms that Allah has no family.

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“He does not beget, nor is He begotten”. It also refers to His unbounded knowledge,
power and grasp on His created world.Ayat ul – Kusisays;“He knows what is before
or after or behind Him”. The passage further stresses on the sublime nature of God
and inability of human imagination to encompass God‟s person, though He himself
can see to the unfathomable depths, as endorsed elsewhere in the Quran:“for God is
He Who understands the finest mysteries” (22:63).

B: Importance of the theme

This passage is important for Muslims to clearly understand the doctrine of Tawhid in
terms of God‟s nature and powers. Muslims need to learn that though God is too
sublime to be perceived,He is everywhere and all powerful.The Quran reminds
Muslims this repeatedly:“and He is with you whereever you are” (57:04, Al-hadid),
and “for We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein” (50:16,Qaf). The passage
also categorically negates the false belief of God having any wife or children and
thus, it strikes at the roots of shirk (associating partners with God). Muslims,in this
way, develop a clearer concept of tawhid and feel themselves bound to adore God
only.They remember that shirk is the only unpardonable sin in the sight of God.

3: Sura 41.37 (Surah Fussilat)

A: Theme:

This verse is from sura fussilat\Ha-Mim,an early Makkan sura, it describes the theme
of God in Himself. It mentions some of the signs and phenomena of nature that
reflect God‟s unity and majesty. It refers to the cycles of day and night as evidence of
divinity. The Quran supports it elsewhere as: “behold! In the creation of the heavens
and earth; in the alternation of the night and the dayare signs for the people who are
wise‟‟ (3:190).The passage commands us to worship the Creator of the sun and
moon and not the creations themselves because the Creator is always superior to
the creations. “… such is Allah, your Lord-only His is the kingship.”

B: Importance of the theme:

Theme of this passage urges Muslims to observe various objects of nature that
reflect God‟s presence, majesty and glory.Since humans cannot afford to see God
physically, they are asked to identify the real creator through his creations that bear
witness to is existence. Such observation encourages Muslims to develop a strong
belief in Tawhid in all its aspects.The Quran, for this reason, frequently refers to the
need of pondering and observing:“verily, in the alternation of the night and the day,
and in all that God has created in the heavens and the earth, are signs for those who
fear Him” (30:40,Al-Rum). So, Muslims should express their gratitude to God for
enabling them to see and think deeply.

Muslims will thus avoid Shirk that the earlier communities fell victim to, and worship
one Supreme God.

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4: Sura Al-Shura (42.4-5)

A: Theme:

The two verses are from sura al-Shura, revealed in Makka shortly after sura fussilat
and its theme is God‟s unity expressed by His grandeur and authority.He enjoys
unshared authority over entire universe.The Quran says:“His are all things in the
heaven and on the earth”(2:255).It also mentions the effect of God‟s might on the
heavens that hardly sustain this immense burden.The passage also refers to the
countless angels who are busy in the prayers and glorification of the Lord and also
invoke His mercy and pardon for humans who tend to disobey their lord.The Quran
declares this weakness of humans as:“It is man that wrongs his own soul” (10:44).

(b) Importance of the theme

Theme of this message guides Muslims about two articles of faith: belief in Tawhid
and angels.The passage tells Muslims about God‟s power, authority and glory in
order to make them His obedient servants.

By referring to the angels praising God and seeking forgiveness for humans, it tells
them about God‟s mercy.Humans, because of free will, can commit sins but God is
ready to forgive them.Belief in God‟s mercy and forgiveness prepares Muslims to
repent over their misdeeds.The Quran re-assures Muslims by saying:“Despair not of
the mercy of God; for God forgives all sins, for he is oft-forgiving, Most merciful‟‟
(39:53 al-zulmar). Surah 97(al-Qadr) also tells about:“the angels and the spirit”
descending in the night of Power to distribute God‟s mercy.

5: Surah Al-Ikhlas (112)

A: MainTheme:

Theme of this early Makkan is God in himself in terms of His unique person.It
outlines the most fundamental and cardinal aspects of Tawhid (oneness of God).
Surah Al- An‟aam states” That is Allah, your Lord! There is no god but He, the
Creator of all things.”(6:102)

It rightly declares God‟s unity and emphatically negates the false belief of God
having ancestors and descendants.” how can He have a son when He has no
consort?” (6:101)

It further highlights God‟s unity by saying that God‟s nature or person can never be
compared to anyone throughout the universe.It also mentions God‟s freedom from
time and space by saying that he has always been and will always be there.This
way, the passage crystallizes the belief of

B: Importance of the Theme:

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Theme of this passage purifies Muslim‟s belief in Tawhid and that is why the
passage is named al-Ikhlas (the purity of faith). Muslims learn from this passage that
God is unique in all aspects.This uniqueness and supremacy of God highlights
human inability and limitation before his Lord.Thus, it eliminates all forms and
degrees of shirk or associating partners with God. Muslims recite this sura in daily
prayers in order to reiterate rejection of shirk.It is so important that the holy prophet
declared it equivalent to one third of the Quran. Its theme is so important that the
Quran repeatedly mentions this:“and your God is one God”(2:163, al-Baqarah) and
“God! There is no God but He” (2:255).Belief in Tawhid, in turn affects the conduct of
Muslims as they develop a strong sense of God‟s presence and knowledge.

6: Sura 1 AL-FATEHA (1-7)

A: Main Theme

This is the opening chapter of the Quran and its theme is God‟s relation with his
created world.It is believed to be the first complete sura revealed in Makka.It
declares that God alone is the sustainer of all the known and the unknown worlds,
ultimate source of mercy, justice and guidance for mankind.Only He can guide man
to the way of life acceptable to him though he doesn‟t compel anyone to follow that
way.Instead, in the words of the Quran, it is man‟s duty to beg before Him for
guidance:“and your Lord says: call on Me, I shall answer your
supplication”(40:60).He also tells man the consequences of following this code of
conduct or going astray.Therefore, man needs to praise and worship him and resort
to him alone to seek Allah‟s favours, protection and forgiveness.Concluding Surah of
Quran, Surah Al- Nas says; Say ;I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind.

B: Importance of the Theme

This passages sums up the message of the Quran. Muslims are told to worship God
by following the right path contained in the Quran and Sunnah and invoke God‟s
mercy, because according to the Quran:“he has inscribed for himself the rule of
mercy” (6:12,54, al-an‟am).They should be pious because God is not only Merciful,
He is also Just as He will dispense absolute justice on the Day of Judgment.They
should remember that they will surely get reward in the hereafter as is promised in
the Quran:“and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense”
(3,185, al-Imran).Obedience to God enables Muslims to earn His blessing and avoid
his anger.

7: Sura Al-Baqarah (2.21-22)

A: Theme:

Theme of this passage is God and his created world.The two verses of sura al-
Baqarah a Madni sura outline God‟s power to create and make arrangements for the
sustenance and growth of mankind through all ages.The passage commands
humans to identify their real Lord by serving and worshipping Him.It further
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commands them to reject any form or degree of associating partners with God as he
alone is the supreme creator, cherisher and care-taker of all as enunciated
repeatedly in the Quran: “… there is no god but I;therefore worship and serve Me”
(21;25) and also, “and your God is one God” (2:163).

B: Importance of the Theme:

The passage conveys the message of inculcating taqwa (piety/fear of God) and a
sense of gratitude to God for his countless bounties. Muslims should closely observe
God‟s favour and blessing as is frequently mentioned in sura 55:“then which of the
bounties of your Lord will you deny?, “ the best way of remembering God‟s favour is
to obey and worship him by rejecting Shirk.Taqwa is the focal point of a Muslim‟s life
and the Quran very clearly instructs in this regard:“O, you who believe!Fear God as
he should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam” (3:102, al-Imran).So,
Muslims should sincerely worship God and refrain from sins.8:

Surah Al-Alaq (96:1-5)

A: Theme:

Theme of the passage is God and his created world.It mentions God‟s power to
create and ensure the survival and growth of mankind.He created man from a low
origin and then matured him physically, intellectually and spiritually by enabling him
to read and write.Human ability to acquire knowledge means to learn, both worldly
and divine sciences so that man is able to find means of physical survival as well as
take care of his intellectual and spiritual development. God has revealed divine
books for spiritual guidance of mankind. Thus, man is totally dependent on his
creator Lord in all spheres of life and activity.

(b) Importance of the theme:

According to the theme of the passage, Muslims are required to acknowledge God‟s
goodness and greatness as he created man from a low origin and then enabled him
to acquire worldly and religious knowledge.Human ability to learn has made him
superior to all other creatures and the Quran endorses this fact:“We have indeed
created man in the best of moulds” (96:4al-Tin). Muslims are taught to identify their
lord through the perspective of religious knowledge and adore him alone because of
his bounty of divine guidance mentioned in the Quran:“It is He who has taught the
Quran” (55:2, al-Rahman).

9. Surah Al-Zilzal (99)

A: Theme:

Theme of the passage is God„s relation with the created world.It elaborates the
events and the final outcome of the day of reckoning or end of time.That day will be
marked by the most intense convulsions that will reverse all the normal physical

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phenomena. Mankind will be shocked to see earth emitting all its hidden contents, as
mentioned elsewhere in the Quran:“and when the earth is flattened and casts forth
what is within it and becomes empty” (84:3-4).Finally all mankind will appear in the
divine court of justice for the rewards of their worldly deeds.

(b) Importance of the Theme

This passage asks Muslims to have strong faith in God‟s power to end time and
make all stand accountable before Him for the ultimate justice.With such a belief,
Muslims will learn about the worthlessness of this world and realize the value of true
worlds by saying:“Nay you prefer the life of this world, but the hereafter is better and
more enduring” (87:16,al-A‟la).Genuine and sincere faith in the hereafter shapes the
conduct of Muslims. this belief reminds them of God‟s mercy justice and powers the
Quran repeatedly talks of this theme by using several expressions that include:
“when the sun is folded up” (sura: 81) “when the sky is clef a sunder” (sura 82) and
“when the earth is flattened out” (sura 84).The objective of this repetition is to remind
Muslims of the Hereafter.

10: Sura Al-Nas (114)

A: Theme

This is the last surah of the Quran and its theme is God‟s relation with his created
world.It mentions God‟s three-fold relation with man and, therefore asks man to seek
God‟s shelter against all evils that are crafted by Satan and his host of assistants
who may be humans or Jinns.They inject devil in man‟s heart and the Quran warns
us about this:“for Satan is an avowed enemy to man” (12:5).

Man should however, also remember the Quranic instruction:“and on God let the
believers put their trust”(99:51)

(b) Importance of the Theme:

This passage together with sura 113, teaches Muslims to seek God‟s refuge against
all evils as Satan is always there to misguide them. Muslims should, however
strengthen their relation with God toward of all evil forces.The best way to do this is
remember God as enunciated n the Quran:” and establish regular prayer in order to
remember me” (20:14, Taha).Recitation of the Quran also shuns evil by bringing the
reader closer to God:“when you recite the Quran, seek God‟s protection against the
evil ones” (16:98, al-Nahl). Muslims should also be ready to identify evil forces led by
Satan and his assistants who accomplish their ugly task in various ways the holy
prophet used to recite sura 113 and 114 to guard against evil, after his Makkan
enemies had cast magic spell on him.

11: Al-Baqarah (2:30-37)

A: Theme:

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Theme of the passage is God‟s messengers.It describes the story of creations of

Adam and his especially elevated status granted by God‟s decree.This superiority of
Adam was duly acknowledged by all angels except Iblis who showed arrogance
(since he was a Jinn, not an angel). Adam and Eve were granted paradise but Iblis
maneuvered their exile from there, out of jealousy and malice.On repentance on their
mistake Adam and Eve were pardoned by God who awarded them a new phase of
worldly living.The Quran mentions this phase at another place as:“it is We,Who have
placed you with authority on earth” (7:10).

(b) Importance of the Theme:

Theme of this passage contains important lessons for Muslims. They are told the
reason for making human being superior over all other creatures. God appointed
man (byway of Adam) as his vicegerent on earth because of the knowledge and free
will. The free will is a test for humans as they can be enticed by Satan to commit
sins. The Quran warns about this by saying: “for Satan is an avowed enemy to man”
(12:5, Surah-Yusuf). The passage further tells about God‟s mercy and forgiveness
as he accepted repentance by Adam.The Quran reminds Muslims repeatedly of this
attribute of God: “if anyone does evil, or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seek
God‟s forgiveness. He will find God Oft-forgiving and most Merciful” (4:110, Al-Nisa)

12: Surah Al-an’aam (6:75-79)

(a): Theme:

Theme of this passage is God‟s messengers and this passage outlines the story of
Prophet Abraham in search of One Supreme God. Abraham was gradually guided to
identify the real Creator and Lord by way of his creations such as the Sun, the Moon
and the Stars.He eventually realized that God is eternal and therefore He rejected
the polytheism (shirk) that was the hallmark of the society around him.He finally,
declared the shahada (proclamation of belief in one God) as a sign of acquiring
internal peace.

“He has made subject to you the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and
the stars are in subjection by his command” (16:12, Al-Nahl).

(b) Importance of the Theme

Theme of this passage teaches Muslims to refuse Shirk i.e. associating partners with
God and to believe in Tawhid.They should learn that celestial bodies merely reflect
God‟s glory and are only God‟s creatures.They should never be worshiped. Muslims
should also believe Godgranted prophet-hood to his messengers by various modes
and that all these messengers preached the universal message of Tawhid.Prophet
Ibrahim‟s proclamation of Tawhid was not different from the shahada taught by the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).Therefore Muslims should respect all the messengers

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13: Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:110)

(a) Theme:

Theme of this passage is God‟s association with His messengers. It describes God‟s
address to Jesus in the Divine Court in the presence of children of Israel.It outlines
the prophetic signs of Jesus that include his ability to speak from the cradle, give life
to the dead and cure the leper and the blind. Above all he was taught the divine
wisdom through the Torah and the Gospel but despite all this he was rejected by his
people who even tried to crucify him. The Quran referred to this fact as:“thus
does God make clear to you His signs in order that you consider” (2:219,al-

(b) Importance of the theme:

Muslims are taught many important things though the theme of this passage.They
are required to believe that, like other messengers Jesus was also a man chosen by
God.He was granted miraculous powers so that men of wisdom should identify him.
consider” Muslims also learn that God‟s messengers were always rejected despite
such clear signs by the „spiritually dead‟ and „sick in heart‟ people who are
mentioned by the Quran as: “those who reject our signs are deaf and dump and
midst of darkness profound”(6:39,al-An‟am). Muslims also learn that the rejecters
of truth will stand accountablebefore God in the Hereafter.

14: Sura Al-Duha (93)

(a) Theme:

Theme of the passage is God‟s special relation with the Holy Prophet.The passage
was revealed after a long break that worried the prophet, and his makkan enemies
began to mock him. God consoled him re-assuring that he would not abandon him.
God reminded the prophet some of His past favours on him.The prophet was a born
orphan but God made arrangements for his growth and upbringing. God then
granted him prophet-hood,His greatest reward.Purpose of these reminders is to re-
assure him of similar support in future.However, God instructed him to be kind to
those in need as this would reflect his gratitude to God. The Quran says ;

““it is righteous to spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kins, for
orphans” (2:177,al-Baqarah)

(b) Importance of the Theme

The theme of this passage teaches Muslims the importance of faith in God‟s
help.The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was re-assured by God in the midst of mockery in
Makkah. Muslims today should also retain their faith in difficult times by
remembering the Quranic promise:“So, verily with every difficulty there is a relief”
(94:5,al-Inshirah). Muslims should believe that all messengers of God were

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rejected and ridiculed but they remained firm in their mission.They should also
believe that the relationship with God can be strengthened by their kindness to the
weak and unsupported people because such an attitude is an expression of love
for God.

15: Sura Al-Kauthar (108)

(a) Theme

Theme of the passage is God‟s relation with his messengers.It mentions God‟s
special care for the Holy Prophet (SAW) in time of difficulties.The Prophet was
mocked by the Makkans on the death of his sons from Khadija (RA). God consoled
him by promising him abundance of success and destruction of the ones who
insulted him.He told the prophet to remember God through regular prayer and to
develop the spirit of sacrifice so that he could continuously strengthen his bond with
God and to get constant divine support .Surah Al- Duha says ;

“And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before.”

(b) Importance of the Theme:

This passage, like surah 93, teaches Muslims to have faith in God‟s support that
surely teaches the noble people.The holy prophet was assured of “abundance” in the
face of persecutions in Makka.This “abundance” came in the form of his countless
followers and his descendants through his daughter Fatima.His insulters, on the
other hand, perished for ever.So, a noble mission always survives though it is
rejected by the misguided people.The Quran testifies to it:“rejected were the
Messengers before you; with patience and constancy they bore their rejection“
(6:34,al-An‟am).The passage teaches Muslims to develop spirit of sacrifice and
establish prayer as these are the best means of getting closer to their lord, as is
endorsed by the Quran:“and establish regular prayer in order to remember Me”

Themes of Quran: Allah in Himself. Q.2 Compulsory Question RubinaTalaat

The Holy Quran is the final book of Allah, revealed on the Holy Prophet (saws) through angel
Gabriel in twenty three years. The Holy Quran describes and elaborates details about the
nature and attributes of Allah. It deals with his theme in a remarkable, concise and
convincing manner. Surahs and passages which have been set for special study in syllabus ,
describing the theme of Allah in Himself are Ayat ul Kursi(2:255) Surah Al -Anaam(101-
103),Surah Fussilat (41:37) ,Surah as Shura(42:4-5) and Sura Al Ikhlas. The most important
theme is the unity of Allah as the doctrine of Tauhid is the first belief of the Muslim Faith
.Ayat ul Kursi starts with the confirmation of the unity of Allah.It says

“Allah! There is no God but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting.”

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This theme explains how Allah is alone in His and the only one. No God except Him is the
responsible for the existence of this world.Surah Al-Ikhlas beautifully confirms Allah’s unity
in the following verses

“Say, He is Allah.the one, Allah, the Absolute (Eternal). He does not beget nor is He
begotten. And there is none like Him.” Allah is unique in status. Allah’s attribute “As Samad”
mentioned here means ‘He who does not need anyone rathereveryone is in need of Him.’

Allah is free from all worldly weaknesses as he does not possess any family. Along with
Surah Al Ikhlas, Surah Al Anaam verse 101 says,

“…how can He have a son when he has no consort”.

Allah does not even have a partner in marriage. About the Person of Allah, the Holy Quran
declares that He is Limitless and His knowledge is absolute. He is the source of all knowledge
and the fact all whatever knowledge people possess is only which Allah grants them. The
verse of Throne (Ayat ul Kursi) says;

“He knows what is in front of them and what is behind them, while the compass nothing of
His knowledge, except what He wills. “

Allah is the only one who knows about the past, present and future, He Alone is the owner
of every thing that is in the heaven and the earth .The Oneness and Uniqueness of Allah is
reinforced by the declaration of Ayat ul Kursi as it says

“To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth”.

Surah Al Anaam further elaborates this theme. It says;

“No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all visions:”

Allah is complete in knowledge, power and authority.Nothing is beyond His comprehension

.He is the only Creator of the heavens and the earth. Every thing is in His complete control.
Thus, He alone is to be worshipped. Throuout history many people have begun worshipping
the Sun and the Moon, due to their beauty or power. Surah Fussilat (Hamim) clearly tell us
that Allah is the only Creator of all in the heaven and the earth. It says;

“Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish
to serve”.

Besides the sun and the moon people worship other heavenly bodies, trees, rivers, fire and
many other creations .Quran says that power and beauty are the signs of Allah which cannot
be shared. Angels are Allah’s most obedient creation of Allah praise Allah who all the time
.They not only seek Allah’s favour for them but they also pray to Allah for mankind. Sura
Shura says;

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“ and the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for being on
earth “.

Thus Allah is Supreme, the Majestic (the Omnipotent), presents every where (the
Omnipresent) and Allah has absolute knowledge of the heaven and the earth ( the

Finally the theme of Allah in ‘Himself’ demands all Muslims to believe in the unity of Allah
and worship Him alone by rejecting Shirk which means associating partners with Allah.

Allah in His relation to His Created World Rubina Talaat

Q. Give an account of the teachings of Quran, you have studied in the given passages about
Allah’s relation to his Created world.

Ans. The Holy Quran was revealed as the final book of Allah to the Holy Prophet (SAWS)to
guide the humankind. This divine message is replete with descriptions of Allah’s relationship
with His creation. First of all, it teaches about the status of Allah, that there is none to be
worshipped except Him. The passages and Surahs set for special study to describe and
explain Allah’s relation to mankind include Surah Al-Fatiha (1:1-7), Surah Al-Baqarah(2:21-
22),Surah Al- Alaq(96:1-5),Surah Zilzal (99:1-8) and Sura Al- Nas (114:1-6).Surah Al- Fatiha
the opening surah of Quran starts with confirming Allah’s Unity as the following verse is the
part of this surah,which says “In the name of Allah ,most Gracious , most Merciful”

Allah’s lordship is highlighted in these passages as He is the only Lord which means Creator,
Cherisher and Sustainer of the universe.The Holy Quran mentions that the people and their
ancestors have been created by Allah ,and it He alone they should worship Him. Allah’s
bounties to His creation are recounted in Surah AL- Baqarah, verse 22. It says;

“Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy ;and sent down the
rain from the heavens.”

Sincere worship and obedience of Allah inculcates in us a consciousness of Allah’s presence

.This guides us to refrain from sin and evil. Surah Al- Fatihah says;

“You we worship, and your aid we seek .Show us the straight way”.

To distinguish between right and wrong, Allah Almighty has given knowledge by making
man the superior human being (Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqat).The first five verses of Surah Al -Alaq
, revealed to the Holy Prophet were about the importance of knowledge .The word Iqra
means to read. These verse no. 4 and 5 say;

” He, who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know”.

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The first human sent on the earth was Allah’s messenger Adam, who was prostrated by the
angels on Allah’s order due to knowledge, given to Him. Quran says

“And He taught Adam the names of all things.”

Allah has given limited knowledge to human kind.The power of speech can be used either to
be good or evil to humanity.Similarly Allah has bestowed upon man the skills of learning,
understanding and differentiating right from wrong. Allah will not force man to commit sin
and then punish him. This worldly life is temporary.Allah gives human beings repeated
chances and opportunities to be ashamed and seek His forgiveness. In various surahs of the
Holy Quran, Allah has described the horror of the last day and the accountability of the
mankind based on their good or bad deeds. Surah Zilzaal refers to the violent and terrifying
natural calamity that turns everything upside down and is destructive. It says;

“When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion, and the earth throws up her

This theme guides Muslims to perform righteous deeds which have been defined by Allah to
be destined in the Paradise and to reject evil deeds which may a Muslim lead to Hell. Allah is
the King, Lord and the God of mankind. The last surah of the Holy Quran is Sura-Al -Nas
which is pendent surah of Surah Al- Falaq which concludes its message by reminding man
that Allah has exclusive power to protect the mankind from the evils among men and jinns.
It says;

“Say I seek refuge with the Lord of Mankind, the King of Mankind, the God of Mankind ,
from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, who whisper in the hearts of Mankind,
from Among Jinn and men.”

Muslims understand and strengthen their faith in Allah and His power to deter evil from
them. Muslims should be beware of those suspicious whispers that rise in their hearts
prompting them to evil, as well as those persons who encourage them to towards evil acts.It
is possible by rejecting Shirk which is greatest of sins.

Allah’s relation with His Messengers

Q. Give an account of the teaching of Quran, given in the passages you have studied about
Allah’s relationship with His messengers

The Holy Quran describes different stories to link Allah’s relationship with the prophets and
the messengers who were assigned special mission to guide the mankind. The passages, we
have studied include Surah Al- Baqarah verse 30 to37, SurahAl-Anaam verse 75 to 79,Surah
Al- Maidah, SurahAl -Duha verse 1 to 11 and Surah Al- Kausar verse 1 to 3. The main theme
or themes of these passages is selection of Allah’s messengers, who were pious, honest and
kind to fulfil responsibilities given by Allah. Surah Al- Baqarah describes the story of Hazrat
Adam who was the first prophet and the first human being created by Allah out of clay. The

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Surah describes superiority of Hazrat Adam, who was given knowledge to distinguish
between right and wrong, as the verse 31 says;

“And He taught Adam the names of all things.”

Angles the most obedient creation of Allah was instructed to prostrate before Adam, who
did except Iblis, who later became Satan and a sign of evil and misguided Adam and his wife
Eve. As this Surah further says”

“The Satan made them slip from there, and got them out of what they had been in “.

Relationship between Allah and His messengers demands their obedience to Allah as he had
to complete their prophetic mission. The theme further expresses Allah’s forgiveness and
mercy for His messengers. Eventually Allah forgave Adam, who was misguided by Iblis.The
Holy Quran describes the attributes of Allah, as the one, unique and ever living. Hazrat
Ibrahim was born in a community of idol worshippers. Even his father was an idol maker,but
being a believer Hazrat Ibrahim was in thirst to find the real god. Allah showed him the way
of righteousness and finally Hazrat Ibrahim was successful to differentiate between the
creator and created things.As he studied the heavenly bodies like the Sun, Moon and Stars,
which all declined after a specific time and again rose. Surah Al -Anaam verse 75 to 79
describe Hazrat Ibrahim’s struggle that how he found Allah,the creator of the universe
including the heavens and the earth, the Sovereign as no one can share His ultimate
supremacy. This verse confirms the same theme;

“For me, I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him, who created the heavens and
the earth, and never shall I give partner to Allah.”

The Holy Quran further describes special favours and miracles of Allah, given by Him to His
selected messengers particularly Hazrat Issa. Bani Israel, had shown disobedience to Hazrat
Musa, were misguided and misled. Allah sent Hazrat Issa to guide them, who was born
miraculously, son of Hazrat Mariam, without father which shows Allah’s unlimited powers as
He has authority to make impossible to possible. Surah Al- Maida says;” Jesus son of Mary!
recount My favour to you and your mother….so that you spoke to the people in childhood
and in maturity .This verse further mentions Alllah’sfavours and miracles , awarded to
Hazrat Issa that he could make birds out of clay and could give life to them on Allah’s order
,he could treat blinds, lepers and could give life to dead. Surah Al -Maida further says;

“This is nothing but evident magic.”

Finally these passages describe Allah’s protection for His messengers from their enemies to
spread His teachings through them to all mankind and for that reason Allah sent the Holy
Prophet (pbuh). Allah completed His teachings upon the last messenger. Surah Al- Duha an
early Makkan Surah was revealed to console and comfort the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to ensure

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Allah’s support and protection for His Messenger that He never lets His beloved servants
suffer in the times of difficulty. This Surah says;

“And truly the Hereafter will be better for you than the present”.

Surah Al – Kauthar was also revealed on the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to console and reward the
Holy Prophet (SAW) . It says;

“To you we have granted abundance.”

Allah comforted His last messenger Muhammad (pbuh) on the death of his two sons as he
was mocked by unbelievers of not having the male issue. Allah assigned His Messenger to be
regular in prayers and be ready to sacrifice. Finally these themes conclude that Muslims
must follow the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.

The Revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet between the years 610
and 632:
 With age and growing understanding, the Holy Prophet became more and more
disturbed because of the corrupt society around him during the period of darkness.
 He often thought of the God of his forefathers, especially Hazrat Ibrahim.
 A few years before the conferment of Prophethood, he became more and more fond
of solitude.
 He spent days in the cave of Hira and took supplies of dates and water with him. He
was 40 years old then.
 The Holy Prophet (SAW) received revelations.
 Quran says
 “It is not fitting for a man that Allah should (directly)speak to him except by ‘wahiy’
or from behind a veil or by sending of a messenger to reveal with authority from Allah”.
 The above verse listed three kinds of revelations
 1. Allah directly inspired the Holy Prophet (SAW) without angel, or any voice or any
of his (the Prophet’s) senses.The inspiration was directly on the heart of the Holy Prophet
 2. Allah conveyed the message directly to the Holy Prophet (SAW) He heard the
voice which was different from the voice of human beings, and the process was beyond
human comprehension.
 3. Allah conveyed the message through an angel. At times the angel was not seen;
only his voice was heard. Sometimes the angel was seen in human form.
 One such day, towards the end of Ramzan an angel appeared before him and asked
him to read.
 The Prophet replied that he could not read since he had not received any formal
 The angel then hugged him tightly and asked him again to read.
 The Prophet again replied that he could not read.

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 The angel again squeezed the Prophet tightly and repeated his demand for the third
time. The Prophet finally asked, what should I read?
 In response, the angel recited the first 5 verses of Surah Alaq:
 Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, 2. Created man out of a clot of
congealed blood: 3. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, 4. He who taught by the
pen, 5. Taught man what he did not know.
 These were the first five verses of the Holy Quran and they were imprinted on the
Prophet’s mind.
 From this onwards, the Prophet continued to receive revelations throughout the rest
of his life, for a period of about 23 years.
 The Holy Quran was not entirely revealed at once but in steps.
 Because if the revelations had been revealed at once, it would have put a lot of
stress on the Prophet and would have overburdened him.
 Similarly, different verses were revealed to address different situations and solve
different problems that were under consideration.
 The last revelation received by him was in the Plains of Arafat after he had
performed the Hajj and delivered the sermon: “…this day have I perfected your religion for
you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion…”
 The revelations revealed were then compiled to form surahs.
 The surahs can be divided into 2 types i.e.Makki and Madni surahs. Makki surahs
were the ones revealed in Makkah in the period of thirteen years and the Madni surahs
were revealed after Prophet’s migration from Makkah to Medina from 622 to 632 CE.
 The Makki surahs were generally brief.
 They dealt with belief in Allah and other Articles of faith and contained teachings to
develop ones moral character. Surah Ikhlas is an early Makkan Surah which confirms the
Unity of God.
 “ Say : He is Allah, the One and Only”.
 The Madni surahs, on the other hand, dealt with the pillars of Islam and social duties
and obligations of Muslims. Surah Al- Baqarah the longest Surah of Quran says;
 “O believers! Fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed for those
before you so you may attain piety”.
 Makki surahs used a stronger vocabulary and language as compared to Madni
 The process of revelation is called ‘nuzul. The word ‘nuzul’ is derived from the root
word ‘nazala, meaning to bestow or, sent down , or cause to descend. The verbal forms
‘anzala’, ‘nazala etc. are mostly used for the revelation of the Holy Quran and the earlier
 “ And We sent down the Quran into pieces so that you may read it to mankind at
intervals and We sent it down gradually bit by bit (17:106).
 Whenever a revelation came to the Prophet, he experienced different sensations.
 He heard ringing sounds, he perspired in the cold; he became so heavy that the
animal he was riding could feel his weight. Hazrat Ayesha reported that Harith bin Hisham

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asked the Holy Prophet (SAW)“O God’s Apostle! How is the Divine Inspiration revealed to
 The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied,” Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell.
This form of inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes off after I have
grasped what is inspired”. ( Bhukhari)
 Hazrat Ayesha , his wife says,” I saw revelation coming down upon him in the
severest cold and when that condition was over, perspiration ran down his forehead.”
 Zaid bin Harith related that he was sitting with his leg under the leg of the Prophet
(SAW). Arevelation came at that moment and he felt his leg wouldcrush under the
 After receiving a revelation he would ask his literate companions to write it down as
he himself was ‘Ummi’ (who could not read and write).
 He would then ask the scribe to read it back to ensure that he had written it
 This way, the Prophet ensured that the word of Allah was saved in the correct form.
 The revelations were written on pieces of leather, stone tablets, bones of camels and
palm tree leaves.
 Several copies of the Quran existed in this form at that time but it was not complied
in the form of a book.
 The Quranic verses were initially not arranged in any proper order but towards the
end of Prophet’s life, he informed the scribes of the real order of the Quranic verses and
 These instructions were given to the Prophet by Allah through angel Gabriel.
 The Quran was not compiled in a book form during the life of the Prophet.
 But he used to recite the entire Quran once in each Ramzan with angel Gabriel so as
to maintain accuracy; and did so twice in his last Ramzan.
2(a) Give an account of the Prophet’s experience of receiving the first revelation of the Qur’an.
Use the AO1 Levels of Response. Candidates may include some of the following information. All
other relevant information must be credited.
The Prophet (pbuh) had increased the time he spent in solitude in the cave of Hira. He used to
meditate for a month, as was the Arab tradition, only returning home for provisions. When he was
40 the revelation came to him, during the month of Ramadan: The angel Jibril came to him and
instructed him to read (iqra) and the Prophet (pbuh) replied he could not. The angel squeezed him
hard (‘the angel pressed me until I could not bear it anymore’). He repeated the command and
squeezed the Prophet (pbuh) again, then after a third time the angel released him and the Prophet
(pbuh) recited the first few verses of Sura Alaq (96.1–5), saying it was as though they were imprinted
on his heart. The first verses of Sura Alaq are:
‘1. Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, 2. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
3. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, 4. He who taught by the pen, 5. Taught man what he
did not know.’
The Prophet (pbuh) came out of the cave and saw the angel on the horizon. The angel told him, ‘You
are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibril.’ He was confused and shaken and he ran home and asked
his wife to cover him. She consoled him, saying God would not disgrace him, and went to see her
cousin, Waraqa ibn Nawfal, who confirmed his prophethood. Waraqa also predicted the Prophet
(pbuh) would face opposition from the Makkans. Answers can be elaborated on with detailed

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description and quotations. Some candidates may also mention customs of spending time in
isolation (tahannuth) or give more details of the background. All variations of some events, as
recorded in reliable historical accounts are acceptable.
2(b) What was the significance of the Qur’an being revealed over 23 years? *4+
Use the AO2 Levels of Response.
Candidates may include some of the following information. All other relevant information must be
credited. Giving the Prophet (pbuh) the Qur’an in small portions was an easier way for him to absorb
and teach the message to others. It also made it easier for the new followers to implement their new
faith. Some of the passages were revealed in response to specific events, so they came when they
were needed, over the Prophet’s lifetime. Not giving a complete book meant that it was less likely
for people to claim the Prophet (pbuh) had written it himself or had taken it from elsewhere. Other
relevant answers should be credited.

Compilation of Quran during the time of Rightly Guided Caliphs

At the time of the Prophet’s death no official copy of the Qur’an existed in a complete
written form. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr some people declared themselves to be
prophets. Among them was Musalima. Abu Bakr waged a war against him and around 360
companions laid down their lives in that battle, known as the battle of Yamamah.

Hazrat Umar realized that these ‘’oral copies’’ of the Qur’an would gradually diminish
because of natural death or martyrdom in future battles.

He suggested to Abu Bakr that the Qur’an should be compiled for the future generations or
else it would meet the same fate as the previous scriptures.

Hazrat Abu Bakr, however, hesitated and said that how could he do something that the Holy
Prophet did not do.

Hazrat Umar argued that under the circumstances this was an absolute necessity. According
to Hazrat Abu Bakr, ‘’Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was
convinced that he was right so I accepted his suggestion.’’Abu Bakr directed Zaid bin Thabit,
one of the scribes of the Qur’an, to collect the Quranic verses from every part of the Islamic
empire and compile them in a book form.

A commission was appointed and headed by Zaid bin Thabit and its members were a
number of companions.

Zaid collected the chapters of the Qur’an from every person who had it in their possession.
He collected it from palm leaves, stones, and pieces of wood and people who had
memorized it.

He not only collected it, but also verified it from people who had heard it from the Holy

Though he himself was a Hafiz of the Qur’an, he always tried to find a verse in writing before
including it in his manuscript.

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Zaid is reported to have said that he felt it would be far easier to carry a mountain on his
head than to shoulder such a great responsibility.

The script prepared by Zaid remained with the first Caliph and after his death was
transferred to Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph.

After Hazrat Umar’s death it was transferred to Hazrat Hafsa, a widow of the Holy Prophet
and Umar’s daughter.

This copy of the Qur’an came to be known as Musaf al-Hafsa i.e. Hafsa’s copy of the Holy

Compilation of Quran during Hazrat Uthman’ Caliphate

By the time of Usman’s Caliphate the Islamic state had expanded well beyond Arabia.

The new converts of these areas recited the Qur’an in their own dialects.

Disputes rose among these people and some of them insisted that their style of recitation
was correct and the others were not.

One of the companions of the Prophet Hazrat Anas/ Huzaifa bin Nauman approached the
Caliph and told him about the possible danger of the division of the Ummah. Usman took
immediate action and he declared that the Muslims should unite on a uniform way of

He got the copy of the Qur’an from Hazrat Hafsa and gave it to a team of four companions
which was headed by Zaid bin Thabit along with Abdullah bin Zubair, Abdur Rehman bin
Harith and Saed bin Al- Aas

It was decided that one standard version of the Qur’an would be written in the dialect of the
tribe of the Quraish.

The Holy prophet was from the Quraish, the Quran had been revealed in that dialect, and it
was felt that this was the right dialect for the recitation of the Qur’an.

This team made several copies from the original text and made sure the surahs, too, were
arranged in order.

The Qur’an was read out loudly from the beginning to the end in the Prophet’s mosque
from these copies, so that not a shadow of doubt remained in anyone’s mind that changes
had been introduced in the text.

These copies were sent to the capital city of every province of the Muslim states with a
teacher to teach how to recite the Qur’an properly and correctly.

Instructions were also given that in the future, copies should be made only from the official
text and that if anyone had a copy with a different text, it should be burnt.

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Hazrat Usman is known as the Jami-al-Quran which means that he brought the Muslims
around to a uniform reading of the Quran.

The Quran that is being read today is the same as in the time of Abu Bakr.

Nothing has been added or deleted from it and the arrangement of the chapters and verses
are in the same order as proclaimed by the Holy Prophet, in accordance with Divine

In North Africa, Libya, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia were conquered by the middle of the
7th century. Imam Zuhri said; several victories were gained and the Islamic Empire
expanded from Kabul to Cyprus”.

In 651 AD, the standardization of the Quran on the basis of Mushaf-e-Hafsa was done.

Recitation on the model of only this copy was allowed and the rest burnt.

Official copies dispatched to all provincial capitals.

Two of the original manuscripts of his time exist even today.

Sources of Islamic Legal Thinking

The Holy Quran Sunnah, Ijma (consensus) and Qiyas (analogy) are the four sources of Islamic
Law. Quran and Sunnah are two primary sources of Islamic Law, while Ijma and Qiyas are
two secondary sources.

The Holy Quran is the most important and fundamental source of Islamic law. It constitutes
the foundation of Islamic Law and is therefore the primary and most reliable source. All
other sources must be in conformity with the Quranic instructions and injunctions. It is the
final book of Allah, revealed to the Last Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (SAW). The Holy
Prophet then conveyed the divine message to the people as the source of guidance in all
walks of life.. The Holy Quran itself says;

“This is the Book; in it is sure guidance, without doubt, for those who fear God”.

The Quran further declares;

“Nothing have we omitted from the Book” (6:38)

The Quran assures us of its authenticity and genuineness. Its supremacy in deciding the
matters of daily life including the judicial issues is an established factor. Quran says;

“And we have sent down to you a Book explaining all things.”

Quran further says;

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“We have sent down to you the Book in truth so that you may judge between men, as
guided by God.”

The Quran not only provides guidance for the spiritual and moral uplift of Muslims but it
also deals with social, economic, judicial and even political spheres. It provides details of
social behavior and ethics. The Holy Prophet (SAW) Said;

“Whosoever desired guidance from any other (source) except the Quran, shall go astray.”

Allah’s commandments in the Quran are called ‘nas and its plural is’ nusses’.All five
obligatory acts of worship including Prayer. Fasting, Zakat and Hajj are direct ‘nusses’ of the
Holy Quran which says;

“And be steadfast in prayer, and give the poor-due and bow down your heads with those
who bow down”.

“Fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed to you as you may self

The Holy Quran provides guidelines about the law of inheritance;

“Allah advises you concerning your children: to the male a portion to that of two

Quran encompasses all areas related to individual and communal Muslim conduct. It
prescribes the simple rule of “an eye for an eye” for many criminal matters. Quran says;

“Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for
equal. But if anyone remits the relationship by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for
him self ”.

The Quran includes many instructions about personal behavior;

“O you believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones and arrows are
abomination of Satan’s handiwork: shun them so that you may prosper. (5:90)

Quran prescribes punishment for fornication and slander.

“The woman and the man guilty of adultery, flog each of them with a hundred

And those who launch a charge against chaste women and do not produce four witness, flog
them with eighty stripes“. (24.4)

Similar guidance is found in the Quran about Islamic food laws.

“Do not eat anything on which Allah’s name has not been pronounced.” (6: 121)

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Quran encourages lawful earning but usury or interest is forbidden in Islam. It says

“But God has permitted trade and forbidden Riba”.

Quran is the book of commandments while Sunnah and Hadith provide detail of these
injunctions. These two are called ‘Primary Sources of Islamic Law.’

Use of Quran and Sunnah and Hadith together In Islamic Law

In Islamic Law it means Prophet’s tradition. Hadith of the Prophet is the medium or channel
through which Sunnah has reached us, e.g. the Hadith Books. These emphesise and expand
on verses in the Quran, salat and zakat,; they are also used when the Quran is silent on a
matter. Many verses support the use of Sunnah;

“And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you.
(4:59).Quran also says;

“So, take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you. (59:7)
The Holy Prophet approved it in these words;

“I leave you with you two things. If you hold fast by them both, you will never be
misguided, the Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet.” (Al- Muatta) .The Holy Prophet
(pbuh) during his farewell said;

“And I have left among you a thing which if you adhere to, you will never be misguided
after this- the Book of Allah and what you get from me by questions.”

The Holy Quran commands observances of the pillars of Islam.

“Establish prayer and pay zakat”

The method, timings&rakaats of prayers were decided by the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He said;

“ Say prayer as you have seen me praying.”

Similarly Quran is silent about how much of one’s wealth (Nisab) is to be paid as zakat. Since
Quran simply commands Muslims to pay zakat. The Prophet (SAW) gave all details e.g.2.5 %
tax on 7.5 tolas of gold and 52.5 tolas of silver etc.

The Holy Quran does not recommend the share of non- Muslim relatives in inheritance.
Prophet’s hadith explains it;

“A Muslim may not inherit from a non- Muslim, nor a non- Muslim inherit from a Muslim”.

The Quran sets the punishment for fornication as hundred stripes, how ever it is silent about
adultery (illegal relationship between man and woman). The Sunnah sets the punishment of
stoning to death for adultrater.”

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The Quran gives the list of the people to whom a person cannot marry but some of the
prohibitions were provided by the Hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) said;

“A woman and her paternal aunt cannot be united nor a woman and her maternal aunt.”

Quran prohibits practice a charging Riba (interest/usury) in these words;

“But God has permitted trade and forbidden Riba”

Quran strictly rejects drinking and gambling but does not recommend any punishment. It

“O you believe intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones and diving of arrows are an
abomination of Satan’s handiwork: shun them.”

The Holy Prophet prescribed a punishment whipping 40 stripes to a person found guilty of
drinking wine (later Hazrat Umar doubled this punishment)

Ijma (Consensus of opinion)

Ijma is the third source of Islamic Law. Its literal meaning is agreeing upon, uniting in
opinion. Ijma is derived from the word jamma or jumma meaning congregation. Quran says

‘You are the best of the people evolved for the mankind enjoining what is right and forbidding
what is evil’ (Al Imran 3:110). The word ijma’ itself means collecting or gathering or
unanimity and is a secondary source of Islamic law. It is referred to when there is no clear
teaching in the Qur’an or sunnah but is always in harmony with the primary sources of
Islamic law. There are two broad kinds of ijma’, the first is the general agreement of all
Muslims in matters of belief and the second one is related to legal matters and can be
defined as an agreement among a group of Muslims about an issue on which the Qur’an and
sunnah have not given a final word. There is a difference of opinion amongst legal experts
about who makes up this second group of Muslims. According to some it is agreement
amongst the residents of Madina, others think it is the Prophet’s (pbuh) Companions whose
ijma’ is valid as they were the most knowledgeable after the Prophet (pbuh) in matters of
Islamic law. Yet others believe it should be the Rightly Guided Caliphs. According to Shi’a
Muslims ijma’ of jurists of the same period as the Prophet (pbuh) or the Shi’a Imams is
binding, another opinion is that ijma’ should be done by jurists who are experts on legal
matters whilst yet another view is that the agreement of the Muslim community at large
constitutes ijma’.

Ijma is secondary source of Islamic Law, it refers to the consensus reached by the Muslim
Scholars on some matter about which detailed answer in the Quran and Sunnah is
unavailable as such. The Holy Quran says;

“And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you.
(4:59).” Quran also says;

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“If you do not know, ask of those who possess knowledge”. (16:43)

“Thus we have made you a community justly balanced (2:143)

“And hold fast all together the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourself.” (3:103)

“The Holy Prophet (SAW) said;

“My community will never agree upon error.” He also said;

“Avoid the branching path and keep to the general community.”

In the light of these references, the practice of Ijma ensures the safety of community by
means of universal agreement on controversial matters. The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
encouraged consensus at several times where he could not get divine guidance, for example
he accepted the opinion of his young companions to fight outside Madinah against the
Quraish of Makkah at the battle of Uhad. He also approved the suggestion of Salman Farsi of
digging trenches around Madinah at the battle of Trench.

Ijma of companions: After Prophet’s death Ijma had been practiced by his companions.
Examples of this Ijma include the election of Hazrat Abu Bakr, two Azans for friday prayers,
in the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman, offering of Taraweeh prayer in twenty rakaats,
compilation of the Holy Quran in one manuscript.

With the passage of time new advancements in technology and science have led up to a
complicated life style which has given rise to many new problems. Ijma is used as an
effective tool to settle such problems in the light of Islamic principles.

Ijma of jurists; A typical example is the issue of test tube baby or permissibility of IVF or
genetic engineering which did not exist at the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his
companions . Those knowledgeable about Islamic law decide on new matters such as IVF
based on what they know already from Quran. Cloning a new research by the West has
been disapproved by Muslim jurists is an example of consensus. In the light of the teachings
of four jurists or Imams; Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafai, Imam Maalik and Imam Hunbal.
The issue of lost individual is decided by the present day jurists. A seven year wait is
suggested and after this time limit the person would be considered as dead.

Ijma of Scholars (Religious experts)

Ijma of scholars is not binding on all the Muslims and could be revised or changed according
to the demand of time and conditions. Present day examples include, ‘Telephonic
Nikkah,’prayer timings for those living in the north and south poles. Using skype to learn and
teach Quran etc.

Ijma of local community: The Holy Quran instructs Muslims to stop all kinds of business
transection at the time of Friday prayer. A Muslim community suspends all kind of

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transection during Friday Prayers. Another example is about the use of intoxicants. At
present day many new drugs have been introduced such as heroine, cocaine, marijuana etc.
Muslim community rejects it unanimously. Moon sighting for Ramadan- ul Mubarak and
Idul-Fitr (Eid-ul- Fitr). Timings for Friday and Eid prayers are also decided by the local

Qiyas(Analogy) Rubina Talaat

Qiyas is the fourth source of Islamic law ,used when Quran , Sunnah& earlier examples of
Ijma are silent on a new situation. It is a secondary source, basically a legal method of
deriving one principle from another by comparing them together. In Islamic Shariah ability
of an individual legal expert to reach a decision by comparing a new situation (Far’) with the
Principles contained in the Holy Quran and Sunnah (Asl). This is a sunni source of legal
thinking while Shia Muslims prefer ‘aql’ over Qiyas. Quran supports Qiyas in thefollowing

“Then take admonition O you with insight” (59:2)

“There are signs in this for people who understand” (13:3)

Prophet (pbuh) had appointed Muadh bin Jabal as the governor of Yemen and permitted
him to exercise his own opinion when no answer was found in the Quran & Sunnah. Prophet
(pbuh) said:

“Judge upon the Book of God, if you do not find in it what you need, upon the Sunnah of the
Prophet (pbuh), and if you do not find in it also. Then use your personal opinion.”

After the demise of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) the Islamic state expanded beyond Arabia. New
issues emerged which were not directly solved by the Holy Quran, Hadith or Ijma.
Therefore, Muslim scholars had to decide the matters according to their personal opinions
being characterized as Qiyas (Analogy) which constitutes the fourth source of Islamic Law.

Examples of Qiyas

Quran says;

“Marry women of your choice two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be
able to dealjustly, then only one.”(4:3)

Now a man himself will know whether he can do justice or not.

At the time of the Treaty of Hudaibiya Hazrat Ali wrote the terms, Makkan chief Suhail bin
Amr insisted him to write Prophet’s name ‘Muhammad bin Abdullah’ while Hazrat Ali wrote
Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. Prophet (pbuh) made no objection to Ali’s exercise of
personal judgement. Ali had respectfully refused to erase the wording ‘Muhammad the
Messenger of Allah’.

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The Holy Quran says; “Turn your face in the direction of Sacred Mosque” Imam Shafai, the
great legal expert argued that Muslims should face the Kaabah when they cannot see it,
using reason to determine by the sun, stars etc. where its direction lies. This is called Qiyas.

Q (b) Why do some scholars criticize Qiyas or Analogy?

Ans.According to Sunni Islam, Qiyas comes after the Quran, Sunnah and Ijma. Shia Muslims
do not accept it for reasons. They have expressed more unease about Qiyas than many
Sunnis, because it can be subjective, depending on the opinion of only one single individual.
In its place, they accept the use of reason,’aql, which is the judgement of the legal expert on
the basis of the Quran, Sunnah, and consensus. This allows the individual a great deal of
personal freedom in arriving at a judgement, though Shias have always agreed that the duty
of the experts is to keep to the way set by the Imams in making decisions.

In principle, Sunni and Shia views about the fourth basis of legal thinking are different. But
in practice they do not differ by a great deal. Both Sunni and Shia agree on the Quran,
Sunnah and Ijma, of course, Shias would add that the teachings of the Imams are a guide to
understanding the meaning of both Quran and Sunna.

Past Paper Questions

1) The Quran is the main source of Islamic Law. Write an account of how it is used with each
of the three sources? (10) (May/ June 2016)

b) Do you think that both Ijma and qiyas are equally important for solving present day
issues. (4)

2)” My community will never agree upon an error.” The Prophet’s Hadith encourages the
use of consensus of opinion ( ijma’). Outline. (May/June 2017)( 4 )

(i)What consensus of opinion (ijma) is, and how many kinds of Ijma there are? (10)

(ii) Who is qualified to practise it? Give examples of how the Prophet (SAW) and the Rightly
Guided Caliphs practiced ijma?(10)

(b)Why are some Muslims not in favour of the use of analogy (qiyas) in solving present day
issues? (4)

Biography of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

Life in MakkahBirth and Upbringing:

The prophet (PBUH) was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D.
His father had died six months before his birth.
At his birth, he was given to his foster mother, Halima Saadia, who took him to a village and
he returned at the age of six.

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When he came back, his mother, Aamnah, took him to Yasrib to meet a few relatives and
visit the grave of the Prophet’s father.
However, on their way back Hazrat Aamnah fell ill and died.
The Prophet was escorted back by a slave girl Umm-e-Aymen.
Back in Makkah, the Prophet’s grandfather, Abdul Mutalib took his custody; but he too
passed away two years later.
So, now, the prophet’s paternal uncle, Abu Talib, took his care and trained him as a
Once, the Prophet was accompanying his uncle on a trade journey to Syria, when on their
way they met a Christian Monk, Bahira. Bahira recognized in the prophet, signs of prophet
hood and cautioned them to not continue their journey ahead.
When the prophet was 15 years old, war broke out between two tribes. '
The Prophet accompanied his uncles in this war – known as the sacrilegious war – but he
had no major role in them apart from collecting arrows thrown by the enemy and handing
them over to his uncles.
After this war, a committee was formed in Makkah to prevent further bloodshed.
This was called the Half-ul-Fazul, and the Prophet was not only present but actively
He is reported to have said “I was present at the house of Abdullah Bin Judan at so
excellent a pact that if toady in Islam I were summoned unto it I would gladly respond”.
Sadiq Al Amin.
The Holy Prophet was known for his honesty and trustworthiness. People called him ‘Al
Sadiq – Al Amin’. Hazrat Saad , his
Marriage to Khadija
During his early years, the Prophet came to be known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin.
In such times, a widow trader, Hazrat Khadija, needed a trustworthy person to carry her
goods to Syria.
She heard of the good character of the prophet and decided to hire him.
She sent her slave girl Maisara along on the trade expedition, and when they returned not
just had the Prophet made huge profits, but Maisara spoke a lot good about the Prophet.
Hazrat Khadija was so impressed that she sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet, which
was accepted on his behalf by Abu Talib, his uncle.,
Although Hazrat. Khadija was 15 years older than the Prophet, they had a successful
marriage and had 6 children, 2 of whom died in infancy.
Fixing of Black Stone:
Later, once, when the Ka’abah was being rebuilt, the issue of fixing the black stone aroused.
Everybody wanted to this prestigious task and none was willing to compromise; so much so
that bloodshed was feared.
In such a hostile situation, an elderly man suggested that anybody who entered the Ka’abah
at first would make the decision.
Fortunately, it was the Holy Prophet who made a very widecision.
He laid the stone on a sheet and told the leaders of the tribes to hold the sheet from each
corner and lift it up.
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When the stone reached the desired level, the Prophet picked the stone and placed it on its
position. Thus everyone was happy.
Gradually, when the Prophet was nearing the age of 40, he used to take dates and water
and meditate in the cave of Hira, pondering over the ill practices of Arabs.
(a)Give an account of the main events of the Prophet’s preaching up until the public
declaration on Mount Safa.
After the Prophet (pbuh) received his first revelation, he told his wife Khadija, and later her
cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal, about the event. Khadija was the first to accept the message.
After verses from sura Mudaththir were revealed to him, the revelation came frequently
and regularly. The main message at this point was to reject idols and believe in one God. For
three years the Prophet (pbuh) taught and practised in secret. The first converts were those
who were close to him in his household, such as Khadija, Zayd bin Harith and ‘Ali ibn Abi
Talib. After this Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s close friend, converted and many prominent
companions became Muslim through him. The Prophet (pbuh) would meet and teach these
new converts in secret, from the revelations he was continuing to receive. The Muslims
prayed twice a day and would retreat to the mountains to do so. After there were more
than 40 or so converts it could not be kept a secret anymore. Then sura 26:214 “ And
admonish your nearest kinsmen”was He called his own clan to dinner; Abu Lahab rejected
the message, while Abu Talib promised protection. Soon after he received another
revelation “ Expound openly what you are commanded” ( 15: 94) to preach the message
openly so the Prophet (pbuh) called the people of Makka to the mount of Safa.He said “if I
were to tell youthat a large army has collected on the other side of the mountain and is
ready to attack you, would you belive me” . The all said they would, since they never heard
himtell a lie.When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) told them about the new faith and believing in
one God. His message was rejected. After this, persecutions started on the early converts
but Makkans continued to convert to Islam. Answers should focus on the Prophet’s
deliverance of the message, and not the events of the revelation itself or the persecution of
the Prophet (pbuh) and his followers, though some brief mention in the right context is fine.
(b) What do the Prophet’s struggles in these early years teach Muslims about dealing
with their own difficulties? The Prophet (pbuh) was not able to preach his message
openly, and even when he did, he was rejected and treated badly. Some lessons could
be that Muslims should realise that they should stick to what they believe in even if they
are finding it hard to do so - especially if they believe what they are doing is good and is
what God asks of them. For example, colleagues may not want a Muslim to pray openly
or wear hijab, but they should try their best to stick to it and keep their belief strong.
They could also learn that there are times when they do not have to tell people what
they are doing, especially if they fear they will come to harm, and so it is acceptable for
them to do their good actions in secret. An example could be when moving to new a
country a person can keep their faith hidden to avoid persecution. Other relevant
answers should be credited.
Migration to Abyssinia
After three years secret preaching ,when the Holy Prophet (pbuh) proclaimed the message
of Islam to the Quraish of Makkah, they not only rejected the invitation to accept Islam but
they started opposition and persecution on early converts particularly the poor and slaves

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.By the 5th year of the Prophethood the situation became worsened for Muslims. This was a
depressing time for them. Hazrat Bilal, an Abyssinian slave was inhumanly tortured by his
master Ummaya bin Khalaf , Ammar bin Yasir and other like them also suffered torture
and severe persecution at the hands of their chiefs .They were thrown into prison ,starved
and they even beaten with sticks. They were also exposed to the scorching heat. The Holy
Prophet (pbuh) received the revelation that hinted at allowing the Muslims to migrate to a
safer place.

“…good is for those who do good in this world, and Allah’s earth is spacious, only those
who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning”(Surah Zumar).

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) therefore allowed a group of earliest Muslims to migrate to
Abyssinia (present day Ethiopia) in Rajab, 5th year of Prophethood (615 CE) . Its Christian
king Ashama whose title was Najashi or Negus was fair and kind hearted .The first group of
twelve men and four women including Hazrat Uthman bin Affan and his wife Ruqqayya
Daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).The Holy Prophet (SAWS) remarked:

“They are the first people to migrate in the cause of Allah after Ibrahim and Lot.”

Among the migrants in first and second batch some important figures were including Hazrat
Zubair bin Awam, Abdur Rehman bin Auf, Umme Salama, her husband Hazrat Abdullah bin
Asad and Hazrat Umme Habiba along with her Husband Ubaidullah bin Jahsh.These migrant
found the safe haven in Abyssinia under the just and sympathetic ruler. Shortly afterwards,
a second batch of emigrants left Makkah. This was a large group with 83 men and 19
women. They were also welcomed. The Quraish chiefs got worried over this new
development and, decided to counter the move. Two notable Makkans Amr bin Al Aas and
Abdullah bin Rubiya were dispatched to influence Nagus against the Muslim emigrants and
they carried rich bribes with them and complained to the military generals as well as the
king Negus about the escape of their fellow Makkans. The emigrants, they blamed, had
renounced their religion not for the sake of Christianity but for a new Faith. The king called
the emigrants who included such notables as Uthman and Jaffar bin Abu Talib. Negus asked
them about Islam and Jaffar gave satisfactory answers to silence all. He then recited the
verses of Surah Al- Maryam;

“We sent to her our spirit. He said:I am only a messenger from your Lord, that I may give
you the news of the birth of a holy son “.

The Negus and his generals could not resist weeping as they felt their hearts softened by the
recitation. Negus said;

”By God this and the Gospel are the lights of one candle.” The Negus dismissed the appeal
of the Makkan pagans and granted full permission to the Muslims to live happily in his
country.In 7 AH he accepted Islam.

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Opposition and Persecution by the Quraish:

During his early years, the Prophet had to face severe persecution and opposition from the
Quriash, some examples are mentioned below:
*When the prophet first called them to Islam at the mount of safa, he was ridiculed and
made fun of.

Once, when the Prophet was praying a Quraish threw the intestines of a camel on his back
while he was prostrating.
Umm-e-Jameel, the wife of Abu Lahb, used to throw thorny bushes on the path of Prophet.
Abu Lahb told his sons to divorce their wives who were the Prophet’s Daughters, just to add
to his worries.
During the tie when there was a gap between the revelations the makkans used to mock the
Prophet that his God had abandoned him.
A lady used to throw rubbish on the Prophet.
The Makkans wrote poems to ridicule the Prophet and called him a magician.
They also offered him bribes like making him king or marrying him to the prettiest girl so
that he would stop preaching Islam.
When both of the Prophet’s sons passed away in infancy, the Quraish called him “abtar” –
he who has no male descendants. Surah Kauthar was revealed to console and comfort the
Holy Prophet (pbuh).
In between such persecutions, Prophet’s wife Hazrat Khadija and his uncle Hazrat Abu Talib
passed away. This was a huge loss for the Prophet because both of them had been a source
of immense support for the Prophet. It was because of this tragic loss that the Prophet
called this year the year of grief.
Sometime later, the Prophet visited Taif to preach Islam. He was accompanied by his
adopted son Zaid Bin Haris. When the Prophet called the people of Taif to Islam, he had to
face a very negative response. The young boys of Taif hurled stones at the Prophet and was
forced to retreat in a badly bleeding condition.
The final blow was when the Makkans gathered at Dar-un-Nadwa and made a plan to
assassinate the Holy Prophet, so much so that he and his followers were forced to migrate
to Madinah.
Not only the Prophet himself, but his followers also had to face maltreatment and the hands
of Quraish. Cited below are some examples:
Hazrat Bilal – an Abyssinian slave – was tortured by his master Ummaya Bin Khalf. Ummaya
would tie a rope around Hazrat Bilal’s neck and drag him on the streets. He would also make
Hazrat Bilal on burning coal and place a stone on his chest so that he could not move. Yet,
Hazrat Bilal never renounced his faith and remained steadfast. He was later freed by Hazrat
Abu Bakr. Ummaya bin Khalaf said”
Hazrat Abu Bakr himself was tied with a rope along with Hazrat Talha.
Hazrat Usman was tortured by his very own uncle.
Hazrat Zinra was persecuted to an extent that she lost her eye sight.
Hazrat Talha and Zubair were dragged in streets and suffocated.

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The parents were of Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir were tortured to death. Infact, his mother
Hazrat Summayah was the first female martyr of Islam.
Suhaib Rumi eventually lost control of what he said due to extensive persecution.
Khabab bin Arrat was made to lie on burning coal.
Abu Fukaih, too, was made too lie on hot burning stones until his tongue dropped out.
Abu ZarrGhaffari was attacked by a crowd of non believers and he fell down senseless.
For 3 whole years, all the people of Bani Hashim except Abu Jahl were forced to leave in a
secluded valley in the outskirts of Makkah. A total boycott, social and economic was done
with them so much so that they had to survive on boiled leather for food.

Boycott of Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib Rubina Talaat

In 6th Year of Prophethood Prophet’s uncle Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Umar bin Khattab
had accepted Islam which greatly upset and enraged the Quraish of Makkah. Kind
treatment of Abyssinian ruler Najashi towards the Muslim immigrants increased the anger
of pagans. They demanded that the Banu Hashim withdraw their protection from the Holy
Prophet (SAW) and hand him over to them or face a complete boycott. This demand was
turned down, Thereafter, in the 7th Year of Prophethood, all the tribes of Quraish drew up a
joint agreement A meeting was held at Khaif Banu Kinanah in a place called Wadi Al-
Muhassab ,and formed a confederation hostile to both Bani Hashim and Bani Abdul
Muttalib. They all took an oath not to have any business dealings with them nor any sort of
inter-marriage, social relations, visits and even verbal contacts until the Prophet (SAW) was
given up to them to be killed. Bagheed wrote the terms of boycott, which was hanged in the
wall of Kab’ah. Abu Talib took his family except of Abu Lahab whether believer or non-
believer to his property, known as the gorge of Abu Talib or Shib - e- Abi Talib in outskirt of
Makkah. All the roads leading into the valley were blocked. No one could venture forth from
the Shib except in the season of pilgrimage, when the besieged were allowed to come out,
even then, the food stuff was unjustly overpriced. They stayed in the gorge for three years.
The food had eventually finished and then came a time of difficulty. Cries of little children
suffering from hunger could be heard clearly, adults fed on boiled leather and leaves of
trees and the valley echoed with the cries of helpless people. Hazrat Khadija’s nephew
Hakim bin Hizam was once on the way to smuggle some wheat to Hazrat Khadija was
intercepted by Abu Jahl, but Hakim managed to reach his destination with the help of Al-

These conditions continued till 10th Year of Prophethood, until a few kind -hearted men
among the unbelievers moved by pity, decided to break the agreement and lift the ban.
Hisham bin Amr, who used to smuggle some food to Bani Hasim secretly went to see Zuhair
bin Abi- Ummaya and condemned this boycott. On the ground of motivation by ties of
kinship, a group of five people was formed. They swore they would never give up until the
parchment of boycott was torn to piece and the pact broken at once.Abu Jahl refused to

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accept it. Abu Talib meanwhile told the that a revelation had been sent to the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) to the effect that ants had eaten away all their declaration that had points of
injustice and aggression except those parts that bore the name of Allah. Al – Mutim a
Makkan went to see it and found the claim of Abu Talib absolute true. The Holy Quran says;

“ But if they see a Sign, they turn away ,and say’ This is continuous magic”(54:2)

Thus the boycott was lifted by the intervention of Allah Himself. The Quraish , however,
remained just as unconvinced as before.

Visit to Taif Rubina Talaat

Q. Give an account of the Holy Prophet’s visit to Taif. (10)

Ans. After three years of hardships the boycott on Banu Hashim was lifted in Muharam 10 th
year of Prophethood. Just a few months later Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib passed away and in
Ramadan, same year his wife Khadija died. These went brought immense sorrow for the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the year was named ‘The year of grief’ or Aam- ul Huzun.’Abu
Talib acted as a protecting shield to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) but after his death Quraish of
Makkah increased their tyranny against the Prophet (pbuh). Facing all the situation he
decided to preach Islam beyond Makkah and Taif was selected mostly inhabited by Bani
Thaqeef. Taif was an oasis about sixty km from Makkah. Taif at that time was a resort like
place for rich people with lush green gardens and other luxuries. In the month of Shawwal
10th year of Prophethood the Holy Prophet (pbuh) left for Taif along with his freed slave and
adopted son Hazrat Zaid Bin Harith.First they met Umairs‘s family who were quite influential
in Taif but they refused to accept the message of Islam and used abusive language against
the Holy Prophet (pbuh).He then turned to three brothers, the chiefs of Thaqeef tribe but
the also rejected the invitation to Islam and said.

“Muhammad had to leave their city”

For the next 10 days Prophet (pbuh) continued his mission by talking to noble and influential
of Taif about Islam but all turned deaf and none of the inhabitants answered his call. Finally
the people of Taif made vagabonds chased the Prophet (pbuh) and his companion and
hooted as well as pelted stones at them, till they reached the outskirts of the city. Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was severely injured, blood flowed down to his shoes, Hazrat Zaid who
acted as protecting shield of Prophet (pbuh) was injured by a stone and he fainted. Both of
them took refuge against the wall of a vine yard which belonged to sons of Rabiah, who
were wealthy Makkans. Prophet while resting prayed to Allah.

“I seek protection in the light of your face which illuminates the darkness. “

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Seeing this desperate situation, owners of the vine yard Utbah and his brother Shaiba sent
their Christian slave Addas with a tray of grapes which Prophet (pbuh) accepted. Addas on
his return said to those brothers;

“There is nothing better than that man. He has informed me about a matter that only a
Prophet would know.”

Prophet headed back to Makkah. On the way at ‘Qarn- al-Manazil’, Allah sent him Angel
Jibrael along with angel of mountains Al-Akshbyan who asked the Prophet to bury the land
between two mountains on which Prophet (pbuh) said:

“No, I hope that Alllah will let them beget children who worship Allah alone and none
besides Him”. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) again resumed the journey and between way to
Makkah he also stayed at valley of Nakhla for a few days The visit to Taif was a turning point
in the life of the Prophet and became one of the reasons for the migration to Madina.

Isra-al Miraj 10th Year of Prophethood

In the 10th year of prophet hood, the prophet was taken for Isra and Mairaj.
While the Holy Prophet (SAW) was asleep, Jibrael came and he awake him up took
him to Kabbah and was taken on Burraq (a horse like creature) from Makkah to
Jerusalem by the angel Jibrael.

At Jerusalem in Masjid- Aqsa, he met all the prophets who had preceded him (from
Adam to Isa) and he led them in prayer.

The Quran says about this:

“Glory to Him who carried His servant from the sacred Mosque
to the distant Mosque – the precincts of which we have blessed-
in order that we might show him some of Our Signs”
The Prophet (pbuh) again rode the Burraq and soon they reached the lowest heaven.

There the prophet saw a man sitting with a large group of people on his both sides.
When the man looked at those on his right he laughed, when the man looked at
those on his left he wept. The prophet was told that he was Prophet Adam – those
on his left were the souls of his descendants who were the inhabitants of hell, while
those on his right were the inhabitants of Paradise.

The prophet was taken to all the seven heavens where he met the Prophet Jesus,
John, Joseph, Idrees, Aron and Moses. And on the seventh heaven he met
Prophet Abraham.
Then Jibrael led the prophet to Lote-tree beyond which Jibrael could not go but the
Holy Prophet was permitted to go beyond it and Allah spoke to him directly.
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Here the last verses of Surah al Baqarah were revealed, and prayer was also made
obligatory for the Muslims five times a day.

He was also shown Paradise and Hell.

Importance of this event to him:

It was a ray of hope that Allah had not abandoned him. It strengthened him
spiritually and prepared him for the second period of his life, which was to come.

He lost his closest supporters and was mocked by people for being left God. Thus,
this event reassured him of his closeness with God and his status among other
messengers thus giving him spiritual support.

Physical support came from his companions who believed that if the prophet said it
happened then it happened.

Reactions of Makkans:
On the morning following these events and the prophet’s return to Makkah he told
Quraish what had happened.

Makans mocked Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as it seemed so impossible but he

described in detail a caravan that he had seen to prove that he had actually made the

This event shows how unique Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was and how he had been
particularly blessed by Allah to experience this event.

Even some Muslims didn’t believe him at first. But Abu Bakr believed him without any

Q. Give an account of the pledges of Aqabah Makkah Pledges of Aqabah

Ans. After the unpleasant experience of visit to Taif, the Holy Prophet was now determined
to preach Islam to the people other than Makkans and people of Taif.He resumed his
preaching concentrating more on strangers, who came to Makkah for the pilgrimage. In 620
CE, the eleventh year of Prophethood the season of pilgrimage was at hand.The rites were
nearly over and the multitude about to disperse when , six pilgrims from the tribe of Khazraj
in Yathrib ,who had come to Makkah met the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and he invited the tribe
of Khazraj to Islam .He explained to them his doctrine. In reply they said that they would
accept his mission but they were not sure of helping him, because they themselves were
entangled in feuds. The city of Madinah previously known as Yathrib was more than 200
miles away. Jewish tribes were dominating. When that small group saw Muhammad (SAWS)

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, they recognized him as the prophet whom the Jewish ‘rabbis’(priests) had described to
them. They accepted Islam on hearing the message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Some of
them were Abu Ummah Asad, Raffih bin Malik and Jabir bin Abd Allah. On their return to
Yathrib they spread the news that “a prophet had arisen among the Arabs to set them free
from the evil ways”. The Jews were already acquainted with the Holy Prophet as zealous
supporter of their scriptures. Next year in 12th year of Prophethood, a deputation of 12 men
came from Yathrib purposefully to meet the Holy Prophet. They took first pledge of Aqabah
.Ten of them were of the Khazraj tribe and two of the Aws tribe. These Muslims promised to
spread Islam in Yathrib.

“We will not associate anything with Allah, we will not steal nor commit adultery not
fornication. We will not kill our children. We will obey the Prophet in everything that is
right and we will be faithful to him to weal and woe”.

The Holy Prophet sent Musaab bin Umair with them to preach Islam to the residents of the
city. In the 12th year of Prophet, about 73 men came from Yathrib on the occasion of annual
pilgrimage and accepted Islam .This time they had intention to invite the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) to Yathrib. Abbas bin Abudul Muttalib, one of Prophet’s uncles who loved him
insisted the deputation to respect , ,protect and honour his nephew .He further said;

“And mind you! You are prepared to withstand the united opposition of the Arabs.”

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) to them recited to them a passage from the Holy Quran and he
addressed, including these words;

“Your blood is my blood, you are of me and I am of you.“

Then the Holy Prophet (pbuh) selected nine persons from khazraj including Saad bin Rabi,
Abdullah bin Rawah and Abdullah bin Amr and three men from Aws including Usaid bin
Hundair as leaders. After the second pledge of Aqabah the Holy Prophet (pbuh) allowed
Muslims to migrate to the Yathrib and he waited for Allah’s call. The two pledges of
Aqabahhad a positive effect on the spread of Islam at Madinah. They raised the self- esteem
of the Muslims in Makkah and Madinah.

(b) Explain the importance of the pledges of Aqabah to early Muslims.


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Main events of Migration:

 The Prophet allowed his followers to migrate to Yasrib.
 When the Quraish got to know of it, they gathered at Dar-un-Nadwa and
unanimously decided to assassinate the Prophet.
 Allah informed the prophet about this plot through a revelation and permitted him
to leave. Prophet asked Hazrat Ali to sleep in his bed to fool the Quraish and also to return
the valuable people had kept with the Prophet.
 The Prophet then left for Madinah with Hazrat Abu Bakar.
 They were aware that they were being pursued by the Quraish; therefore they
decided to hide in a cave, named Saur, for some time.
 They stayed for 3 days. When the Quraish came looking for the Prophet, they did not
bother looking inside the cave as a pigeon had laid eggs at the threshold of the cave, a
spider had formed a web and branches of a tree were covering the entrance – these were
all miracles of Allah.
 During this stay, Hazrat Abu Bakr was worried so the Prophet consoled him by
saying: “have no fear for Allah is with us”.
 During their stay, Hazrat Abu Bakr was bit by a snake but he did not even shout as
the Prophet was sleeping in his lap and he did not want to disturb him.
 This shows how much he cared for the Prophet. While their stay in the cave, Hazrat
Abu Bakr’s son, Abdullah used to bring them news about the Quraish and his daughter,
Asma, would bring them food supplies.Amr bin Fuhaira ,slave of Hazrat Abu Bakr brought
milk for them.
 After three days when the Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakar were sure that the Quraish
were no longer following them, they continued their journey.
 Suraqa bin Malik a bounty hunter tracked them and began to pursue them. Suraqa,
however ,had to abandon pursuit, as his horse would not move forward by the command of
 On the way they stayed in the tents of UmmeMa’bad al- Khuzai’yah to refresh
themselves.Buraidah bin al Husaib al Aslamialong with his 80 men accepted Islam.
 They again stopped at Quba for 14 days where Hazrat Ali joined them and the 1st
mosque of Islam was built.
 When the people of Madinah heard of their arrival, they were anxiously waiting.
 Upon their arrival, they publicly welcomed them wholeheartedly and young girls
even sang songs for the Prophet. Ref.

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 Everybody wanted the Prophet to stay with them but the Prophet said that his camel
was under divine instructions so he would stay where the camel stopped.
 The camel stopped at an open ground which belonged to two orphans, and the
Prophet decided to build a mosque on that place after paying the orphans its price.
 Meanwhile, the Prophet stayed at Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari’s residence
Mosque of the Prophet:
 Upon his arrival, they publicly welcomed the Prophet wholeheartedly and young girls
even sang songs for him.

 Everybody wanted the Prophet to stay with them but the Prophet said that his camel
was under divine instructions so he would stay where the camel stopped.
 The camel stopped at an open ground which belonged to two orphans, and the
Prophet decided to build a mosque on that place after paying the orphans its price.
 Meanwhile, the Prophet stayed at Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari’s residence.
 This mosque was known as the Mosque of the Prophet – Masjid-e-Nabawi.
 The materials used for the construction included unbaked bricks which were used to
make the walls.
 The roof was made of mud and date palm leaves.
 Trunks of date palm were used as pillars.
 A large platform with a thatched roof was built in one of the corners. It was known
as Suffah. The Prophet himself took part in building the mosque and was assisted by many
of his companions.
 It served as a residential place for the Prophet and his family.
 It also became the political and military head quarter of the state and served as an
institute of learning.
The Makkans had left their families and belongings in Makkah and now they needed
financial support.

 Therefore, each emigrant was paired with an Ansar –the people of Medina – and
they were declared as brothers.
 The Ansars shared all their wealth and property with the emigrants and they were
even allowed to inherit from them.
 In some cases, they even shared wives.
 The Ansar offered endless support to the emigrants and tried their best to facilitate
 The emigrants, on the other hand, did not become a burden on the Ansar and soon
started living independently.
Covenant of Medina:
* In his attempt to achieve good relations with all the inhabitants of Medina, the Prophet
devised the Covenant of Medina. He drew a covenant with the people of the town, whether
Muslims or non Muslims (including Jews) which clearly defined the duties and privileges of
all the people. It said:

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1. All people of Medina would defend the city collectively

2. There would be complete religious freedom for all
3. If a conflict arises within the Medinites, the Prophet will be consulted for decision.
(a) Give an account of the tribes living in Madina and the details of the Constitution of Madina
that brought them all together.
Use the AO1 Levels of Response.
Candidates may include some of the following information. All other relevant information must be
A comprehensive answer will provide an account of the people living in Madina, the Prophet’s
interactions with them and the Treaty they agreed upon. The Aws and the Khazraj were two of the
most prominent tribes of Madina. Most of the people belonging to these tribes had become Muslim
and were together called ‘Ansars’ after the migration. These tribes had been fighting for 120 years.
The Battle of Bu’ath was fought between them near the city of Madina before the arrival of the
Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet’s migration resolved the rivalry between them. There were also some
Jewish tribes living in Madina, most prominent of which were Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu
Qurayza. They had been waiting for the arrival of a prophet, but they had expected him to come
from the lineage of Ishaq. There were also some Christians living there. After the arrival of the
Muslims in Madina, another group was formed called ‘hypocrites’ in the Qur’an, although this was
not a tribe. All three Jewish tribes were rich and powerful, and also considered themselves more
knowledgeable than the Arabs. Whereas the Arabs were all farmers, the Jews were the controllers of
industry, business, and commerce, in Arabia, particularly in goldsmithing. Consequently, they had a
high profile in the economic life of Madina. As there had been fighting between the tribes, and there
was also the chance that the Quraysh would try to attack the Muslims in Madina, the Prophet (pbuh)
tried to unite the residents of Madina. He hoped to maintain friendly relations with them. One way
to do this was to create a treaty for the citizens of Madina, including non-Muslims, about their rights
and responsibilities as part of the community. The constitution had two parts, the first part governed
the relations between the believers, Migrants and Helpers, while the second part included Jews. The
treaty included that believers and Jews were to form one Umma (nation). Each would have complete
freedom to practice their religion. The Jewish tribes and the Muslims were to offer peace and expel
any enemy facing the city. If anyone were to attack, Jews and Muslims would help each other to
fight off the attack. Anyone causing oppression or breaking the Treaty would have to face the
consequences. The Prophet (pbuh) would judge between them if disagreements occurred among
them. Madina would be a sanctuary for all the people of the document. No protection or refuge will
be granted to Quraysh or their allies. The constitution also had provisions for a system of financial
aid. The Quraysh were to be boycotted commercially. The constitution stayed in place for 10 years
and initially the relations between the different groups remained sound. They engaged in
commercial dealings with each other and gave and received help from each other. Details about the
migration itself, the Pledges of Aqaba, the Brotherhood of Madina and the Prophet’s activities in the
early days, apart from those mentioned above, are not relevant, so are not credited.
(b) In your opinion, what important lesson(s) can be learned from the Constitution of
Madina by Muslims today?
Give reasons to support your answer. Use the AO2 Levels of Response. Candidates may
include some of the following information. All other relevant information must be credited.
Candidates will select lessons; this should show their understanding. It is important for
Muslims to understand that when living with people of other faiths they should try to live
amicably and protect the rights of each other. Whether they are a minority where they live,
or the majority, they should understand the needs of others living with them and ensure
they have equal rights and respect each other’s. Candidates can also share examples of the
lessons learned from the Constitution of Madina being applied in today’s world such as
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entering into agreements with other communities and nations to establish common goals.
For example, sharing resources through economic co-operation agreements or establishing

Battle of Badr Rubina Talaat

Q. Give an account of the Battle of Badr.

Ans. The battle of Badr took place in 2 AH /624 CE. When the Holy Prophet and his
companions migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the Quraish had looted all the belongings
of the Muhajirin which they had left in Makkah. Abu Sufiyan collected everything and most
of them he took with him to sell during his trade journey .Later he was bringing all the
money, some trade articles and his caravan with him .To reach Makkah they had to pass by
the city of Madinah.The Muslims declared to intercept that caravan that they could get at
least some share of their belongings .Abu Sufyan got that news and sent a man to get some
help from Makkah. Hearing this, the Quraish including Abu Jahl marched towards Madinah
with 1000 men. In the meantime, Abu Sufiyan changed his route and returned to Makkah
along with the sea coast. By the time he reached Makkah. When Quraish came to know
about that, AbuJahl and some others wanted to fight and they reached the village of Badr.
In the month of Safar 2 AH , Allah had already given permission to fight against the
unbelievers ,Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you “.

The Quraish planned to kill the Holy Prophet (pbuh). When he came to know about their
intentions, he prepared an army of 313 Ansar and Muhajrin who were ill equipped, had two
and seventy camels. Quraish of Makkah were fully equipped .They had 300 horses and 700
camels and huge quantity of food. . Both armies encamped at the place of Badr, about
eighty miles away from Madinah. The Muslims reached the battle field earlier and the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) gained the first strategic supremacy by getting access to water for army..
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) instructed his men in the following words;

“Do not move to break your lines but stay on; do not commence fighting until I order”.
Before the battle started, the Holy Prophet prayed to Allah to help them against the
enemies of Islam. The prayer was accepted and Allah’s assistance was promised in these
words of the Holy Quran;

“I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks”.

Meanwhile there was heavy rain and the Muslims collected sufficient water for their use.
Ultimately, the two armies met and the battle started.While the battle was going on , the
Holy Prophet prostrated before Allah and prayed:

“O Allah! If this small band of men perish, there will be no one alive to worship you , and
your faith will be destroyed forever.”

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According to Arab custom three leaders of the Quraish named Shaiba, Utba and Waleed bin
Utba challenged three Muslim generals to a single combat, Hazrat Obaida, Hazrat Hamza
and Hazrat Ali .The Quraish leaders fought bravely but they were defeated and killed. In
general fighting, the Muslim army fought bravely and after a decisive battle defeated the
Quraish army. 70 of their men were killed including Abu Jahl ,the bitterest enemy of the
Holy Prophet(pbuh).70 men were made prisoners. The Muslim army lost only 14 of whom
six were Muhajirin and eight were Ansar. The Quran mentions this victory in these words.
“Allah had helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force.” When news of
this defeat reached Makkah the whole town was struck with grief and decided to take
revenge of their defeat. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) ordered his followers to treat the
prisoners with kindness and liberality. All those captives who could pay were freed after
payment of ransom. The poor and the old were freed without ransom. Those who could
read and write were charged with the duty of teaching to Muslim children each and to get
their freedom after a fixed period of teaching. The battle proved as the first victory of Islam.

Battle of Uhad Rubina Talaat

Q. Give an account of the battle of Uhad. (10)

Ans. The battle of Uhad took place in 625 CE/3 AH between the Quraish of Makkah and the
Muslims of Mdinah. After the defeat of Makkans in the battle of Badr ,the Quraish had
started open preparations against Muslims for a war on a much large scale .The whole of
profits of Abu Sufiyan’s caravan were devoted to buy arms and ammunition for coming war.
The Makkan poets incited the people by means of their poetry to fight against the Muslims.
Abu Sufyan took a vow that he would not touch oil or women till the defeat was avenged.
The Quraish even invited Bedouin tribe to join them against Muslims.

Events The Quraish prepared an army of 3000 men led by Abu Sufiyan proceeded towards
Madinah, including 700 mailed warriors and 100 cavalry men. There were fifteen women
including Hinda Abu Sufiyan’s wife, Umm Hakeem Abu Jahl and Fatima’s granddaughter and
Fatima Khalid bin Waleed’s sister. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) learned about the plans of
the Quraish, he consulted his companions wanted to remain within Madinah but the
younger men were eager to fight in the open .The Prophet (pbuh) accepted the suggestion
of majority. Soon one thousand men including 300 men of Abdullah bin Ubay (leader of
hypocrites) joined him who had also wanted to stay in Madina and afterwards he made it as
an excuse to leave the Muslim force with his 300 men that his request was not honoured.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) marched towards Uhad a mountain located to the north of
Madinah 4 to 5 km in length and encamped with 700 men to the rising ground with mount
Uhad behind it. This had the advantage that it became difficult for the Makkan Army to
approach them thus reducing their numerical strength. The Muslim women also
participated in the battlefield including Hazrat Ayesha, Umm Salamah, and Umm Ammara
who supplied water to the wounded soldiers washed and dressed their wounds. The
Prophet (pbuh) posted 50 archers under to command of Abdullah bin Jubair to guard a pass,
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and protect the Muslim Army from the possible attack from behind. They were strictly
instructed by Prophet (pbuh) not to leave their position in any case.

‘’Stick to your place, and don’t leave if even you see birds snatching us. “….and if you see
that that we have defeated the infidels and made them flee., even then you should not
leave your place till I send for you. “

At the beginning of the battle the Muslims fought bravely. They killed and wounded many
warriors including Talha who was killed by Zubair bin Awam in the battlefield leaving behind
a great deal of booty. The Muslims on seeing that the victory was certain they left their
positions, and greedily fell upon the booty. 38 of the archers who had been posted to guard
the pass also deserted their positions and joined them in the pillage. Khalid bin Waleed who
had not yet accepted Islam got an opportunity and collected his cavalry to attack the
Muslim Army from the rear (raised area).As a result , panic was created among Muslims
who started running in chaos. Some retreated to the top of mountain. The retreating
Quraish army turned back and attacked the Prophet (pbuh) who was surrounded by his
companions. He suffered wounds on the face, lost a tooth and became unconscious. As a
result, a rumour was spread that he had been killed which demoralized Muslim army but
soon Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Umar found the Prophet (pbuh).In no time thirty Muslims
gathered around him, including Talha and Zubair, they still fought bravely. Seventy four
Muslims were martyred including Prophet (pbuh)’s uncle Hamza who was martyred by
Wahshi on the order of his master Jubair bin Mutim to take revenge of his uncle’s death in
the battle of Badr. Jaffar bin Amr reported that Wahshi said;
“Jabir bin Mutim said to me, “ if you kill Hamza in revenge for my uncle, then you will be
set free. “

Hazrat Hamza also killed Utba father of Hinda wife of Abu Sufiyan in the battle of Badr. Hind
mutilated Hamza’s body. She chewed Hamza’s liver to avenge the death of her father. The
Quraish of Makkah also mutilated the bodies of other Muslims. The Holy Quran says about
this battle. “Allah did indeed fulfill his promise to you when you, with his permission, were
about to annihilate your enemy, until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order
and disobeyed.” Quraish were happy on their victory. Abu Sufiyan said.

“This is a day of (revenge) for the day of Badr and the Issue of war is undecided.( Sahi

The loss of Muslims lowered their prestige in the eyes of neihbouring desert tribe. Banu
Nazir of Jewish tribe broke the treaty with Prophet(SAWS) by helping Quraish of Makkah.
The battle was a great lesson for Muslims. (Rubina Talaat)

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Fifth Year of Hijrat (628 AD)

1. Battle of Trench
2. Banu Quraiza
1. Battle of Trench
An example of Trench
After battle of Uhad Muslims were able to regain their former position, Quraish were
worried about increasing power in Muslims was threat to their Political status.
Jewish tribe Banu Nazir kept plotting against Muslims they asked for help from Quraish and
the agreed to support them they also gain support of Ghatafan and some other tribes. With
an army of ten thousand men under the command of Abu Sufyan, they marched to
Quran says” Behold:they came on you from above you and from below you” The
hypocrites made excuses”.And a band of them asked for leave of the Prophet,saying. ‘Truly
our houses are bare and exposed, though they were not exposed: they intended nothing
but to run away”.
Holy prophet called companions, Hazrat Salman Farsi (one of the companions) advised to
dig a trench, three sides of Madinah were safe because of population and oasis, the fourth
side was unsafe it was Syrian route. Holy prophet agreed to dig a trench on the side it was
open to attack. Banu Quraiza also broke treaty with Muslims and turned against then, this
battle is also called battle of Ahzab. The siege last for a month in which Muslims need to
face hunger, coldness and attacks by enemies. Allah is always there for believers, one night
a blast of cold wind came it blew enemies tents and their fire were extinguished. Sever sand
and rain beat in their faces, enemies withdrew in utter confusion. Muslims gained victory
.Quran says” We sent against them a hurricane and forces that you saw not, But Allah sees
all that you do.”
 it was the last battle between Muslims and Quraish which resulted into the complete
destruction of Quraish as they were never able to recover from this defeat.
 it exposed the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza which had openly joined Quraish
 battle proved to be in favor of Muslims
 the confidence of Muslims was regained as they saw the divine support given to
them in form of storm
 many tribes saw growing power of Islam they either accepted Islam or offered
alliance with the Muslims
 Quran contain number of references about this battle
2. Banu Quraiza
Banu Quraiza was a Jewish tribe, in violation of agreement signed with holy prophet, had
helped the enemies of Islam in battle of Ahzab. Holy prophet therefore advanced against
their fortresses and surrounded them. the siege continued for about a month after which
Banu Quraiza surrender.

Sixth year of Hijrat

1. Treaty of Hudaibiya

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1. Treaty of Hudaibiya
Holy prophet had a dream that he had entered a sacred Mosque at Makkah. Therefore, he
decided to go Makkah to perform Umrah. Holy prophet with fourteen hundred unarmed
companions set out for Makkah. Quraish did not allow them to enter Makkah. Holy prophet
therefore stopped at Makkah and sent his companion to Quraish to tell them that we are
unarmed and we want to perform Ummrah. The companion didn't return then another was
sent, when he also didn't come back holy prophet sent Hazrat Usman. Hazrat Usman also
didn't come back rumor spread that he is killed. Then holy prophet collected all of his
followers under the oasis of Rizwan. He took from them oath that they would lay down their
lives in the name of Allah. This oath is known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
Quraish were disturbed when they heard of this they decided to sign a treaty (Treaty of
Hudaibiya) with Muslims. It had following terms:
1. Muslims would return to Madinah that year
2. They would be permitted to come for pilgrimage next year but would stay
only for three days in Makkah
3. if Quraish from Makkah would join Muslim without permission of their
guardians they would be sent back, but if Muslims from Madinah went to Makkah
will not be sent back
4. There would be no fighting for ten years.
Many of Muslims including Hazrat Umar were not happy with terms because the terms were
very harsh and against the interests of Muslims.
Quran says” Verily we have manifested you a clear victory”.
 peace was established between Makkah and Madinah
 holy prophet sent letter out of Arabia so Islam was Propagated
 Quran called this victory
 Muslims got chance to visit Makkah
 it led to conquest of Makkah
 Chance to perform Umrah
 Khyber expedition
Seventh year of Hijrat (630 AD)
1. Massage of Islam to Kings and Emperors
2. Khyber Expedition
3. Relations Between Prophet and Jews
4. Performance of Umrah
Massage of Islam to Kings and Emperors
Now holy prophet decided to sent invitation to neighboring kings and emperors.
Among those to whom the holy prophet sent his letter were:

Heracuils, the roman Emperor: He had read out later sent by holy prophet. Later sent to
Abu Sufyan who was enemy of holy prophet, he was greatly impressed. He didn't accepted
but sent a polite letter to holy prophet.

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Chosroes, Emperor of Persia: He insulted holy prophets messenger and tore the letter into
pieces. When holy prophet heard that he said his kingdom would soon be broken, and that
happened. His own son killed him and ascended the throne but after sometime drank
poison and died.
1. Negus, Emperor of Abyssinia: He was impressed and embraced the Islam and
sent some presents to holy prophet
2. Cyrus, Ruler of Egypt: He treated holy prophets messenger with a great
honor and sent some presents these include Hazrat Maria whom holy prophet later
married and a horse name Duldul. He did not embrace Islam.
3. The Rulers of Bahrain and Oman: Both of them embraced Islam.
2. Khyber expedition
Banu nazir and Jewish tribe after being exiled from Madinah kept plotting againtsmuslims
they were supported by Ghatafan tribe and Hypocrites of Madinah.
When they came to know about Muslims terms with Quraish they thought Muslims had got
weak, they began to prepare to attack on Muslims. When Jews saw Muslims army under the
command of Holy prophet (pbuh) at Khyber, Jews shut themselves in their seven well-
guarded fortresses. Jews then from their fortresses showered arrows over Muslims, Holy
prophet commanded to attack. Muslims captured all fortresses without any difficulty, but
fight continued for twenty days when they reach fort Qamus which was strongest fort.
Seeing Muslims army under the command of Hazrat Ali and Mahrab Jews warrior came out
of the fort to fight Hazrat Ali killed him in first attack and then Jews got to surrender and
Muslims captured the fort.

Relations between the Prophet and the Jews

The Holy Prophet came to Madinah he made agreements with Jews to defend their city.
Instead of defending it they created a campaign of slander against Islam and its followers.
They also contacted Quraish of Makkah against Muslims. They did not help Muslims in the
battle of badr as sign in treaty, after the battle Ka'ab the leader of the Jews and propagated
against Muslims. He even tried to murder holy prophet. Banu Qunaiqa (one of the three
tribes of Jews) were the first to break the treaty and fought with Muslims between the
periods of Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhad. Siege was enforced against Banu Qunaiqa as a
result they were expulsed from Madinah. Ka'ab was executed in third year of Hijrat because
of his attempts against Makkah and Madinah.
In fourth year of Hijrat Banu Nazir tribe planned to murder holy prophet, holy prophet sent
them message to leave Madinah within ten day but they refused and shut them in their
fortresses after the siege of two weeks they surrendered.
The third tribe of Jews Banu Quraiza supported Quraish in Battle of Ditch. After battle they
were told to leave city but by their refuse Prophet sieged their settlements, then they
surrendered and agreed on Jewish old law of the Old Testament. Their men were slain,
women sold as captives and their land was divided among Muslims. In 5th A.H. the
fortresses at khyber were besieged and captured by the Muslims, Jews were allowed to
remain there by the contributing a share of their produce with Muslim Government. Still
many Jews attempted to murder prophet but fortunately he was saved.

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Performance of Umrah
According to treaty of Hudaibiya, Muslims can perform Umrah next year. So holy prophet
told his companions to not take any arms with them and they were allowed to enter
Makkah. After three days in Makkah the left for Madinah.

Eighth Year of Hijrat ( 631 AH)

1. Battle of Mutah
2. Conquest of Makkah
3. Siege to Taif

1. Battle of Mutah
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) sent and message with a letter to Roman Emperor who was
Christian. Messenger was killed at Mutah, place in Syria. Holy prophet sent an army of three
thousand Muslims. One by one different leaders were sent to due to deaths. Muslims army
under command of Khalid bin Walid defeated enemy.

2. Conquest of Makkah 630 CE/ 8AH

After the treaty of Hudaibiya Khuza tribe joined Muslims, while Banu Bakr became ally of
Quraish. One of the terms of the treaty was that neither party would fight an ally of other
party. Quraish along Banu Bakr killed men of Banu Khuza. Deputation of Banu Khuza asked
for the help from holy prophet. Holy prophet sent message to Quraish offering them three
1. To pay blood money for the men of Banu Khuza.
2. To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr.
3. To declare that treaty of Hudaibiya stood dissolved.
Quraish chose third options. Muslims had no other option other than to fight. Holy prophet
declared order of jihad.
The Holy Prophet with an army of ten thousand reached Makkah on 10th of Ramazan. Holy
prophet divided his army in four groups and gave them instructions that don't attack unless
they were attacked. Unit under the command of Khalid bin waleed was attacked by Banu
Bakr and also by some of hostile Quraish.
Before entering Makkah holy prophet announced a general pardon that people who laid
down their arms would be safe and that anyone who closed the door of his house will be
safe. Entry of holy prophet's army in Makkah was very peaceful. Holy prophet preformed
Tawaf, after that Prophet ordered destruction of 360 idols placed in Ka'abah by non-
believers. When Holy Prophet(SAW) came out of Ka'abah there was huge crowd of Quraish
including Holy Prophet’s bitterest enemies.
Holy prophet asked them what treatment they could except at his hands. They cried out:
"You are our noble brother"
On this, the Holy prophet said, "there shall be no reproach against you this day, go, you are

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 It opened a new era in Islam
 It settled struggle for supremacy in Arabia
 Prophet Muhammad's position was elevated to a paramount position.
 Many people came in crowds to embrace Islam
 Holy prophet stayed for fifteen days in which many tribes came to embrace Islam
Siege to Taif
After their defeat at Hunain, Some of enemies took refuge at Taif. The Holy Prophet
deputed a small army which defeated them and captured many of them. There after Holy
Prophet (pbuh) proceeded with his army and laid siege to the fortresses in which they had
taken refuge. The siege continued for twenty days after which it lifted. In 9 A.H., whole taif
embraced Islam.

Ninth Year of Hijrat (632 AD)

1Tabuk Expedition
2Reasons of fights with Quraish

1. Tabuk Expedition
In 9th A.H. Holy Prophet received information that the Roman Emperor had organised a
huge army which the Emperor himself was commanding and had arrived near the frontier.
Holy Prophet ordered for preparations to be made to meet his challenge.
Problems were:
At that time famine in Hejaz there was scarcity of water in Madinah and surrounding areas
due to intense heat.
It was the time of ripening of fruits and plucking of dates.
Arms and equipment for fighting the large army of Roman Emperor was not available
For these reasons this is called Expedition of Straitness.
Holy Prophet made an appeal for donations. On which Hazrat Uthman gave one thousand
gold dinars and three hundred camels laden with grains. Hazrat Umar gave half of his cash,
household and cattle and Hazrat Abu Bakr donated everything that he had.The Holy Prophet
(SAW) asked him” AbuBakr what you have left for your family” Abu Bakr replied “ I have left
Allah and His Apostlefor my family.” Women donated their ornaments generously.
Hypocrites made excuses to not to accompanying the Muslim army.
Quran says about Hypocrites.” Those who were left behind rejoiced in tarrying behind
the messenger of Allah….Say.The fire of Hell is hotter, did they but understand”.

Holy Prophet with army of thirty thousand men and encamped at Tabuk. The strength of
army demoralised the Romans who dispersed without any fighting. Holy Prophet remained
at Tabuk for twenty days in which number of tribes came to embrace Islam. Tabuk
expedition was the last military expedition in which Holy Prophet personally took part.

(a) Write about the main events of two of the following battles: Khaybar, Mu’ta, Hunain and
Tabuk. [10]

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(b) Choose one of the four battles mentioned and explain what Muslim leaders now can
learn from it. [4]

(a) Khaybar: fought in 628 (7AH) against the Jews who had broken their agreements with
the Muslims; Muslim army caught the city by surprise; ‘Ali was given the banner to carry;
Muslims attacked the first fort of Naim; this was taken and the Muslims carried on until they
reached the most powerful fort, An-Nizar/Qamus; ‘Ali is said to have moved a door by
himself which would have taken many men to move; Jewish leader was killed; Jews
requested they stay in the oasis and in return give half their produce to the Muslims; battle
strengthened the Muslims and the Prophet’s leadership.

Prophet(pbuh) said “Tomorrow I will give the banner to a man who loves Allah and
HisMessenger and Allah and His Messenger and Allah and His Messenger love him”

Mu’ta: this was the fiercest battle during the Prophet’s lifetime; fought in 629 (8AH); The
Prophet had sent Al-Harith bin ‘Umair al-Azdi carrying a letter to the ruler of Basra; he was
intercepted and killed by the governor of al-Balqa’; the Prophet mobilised an army of 3000
men; people near the scene of al-Harith’s murder would be invited to Islam and if they
accepted no battle would ensue; Zaid bin Haritha was to lead the army, Ja’far bin Abu Talib
would replace him, and ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha would replace Ja’far if he fell; Heraclius sent
100,000 troops with another 100,000 from tribes allied to the Byzantines; Khalid bin Walid
stepped up to take leadership and showed his skills as a strategist; the Muslims gradually
retreated and the Byzantines, thinking they were entrapped, stopped their pursuit allowing
the Muslims to incur minimal casualties.

Prophet (pbuh) ordered “Fight the disbelievers in the Name of Allah, neither plunder not
conceal booty, kill no children or women, nor an ageing man or a hermit be killed moreover
neither trees should be cut down nor homes demolished.”

. Hunain: The sects of Hawazin and Thaqif did not want to submit to Islam so they decided
to fight against the Muslims; the Prophet marched to meet them with 12,000 men; the
enemy were already waiting for the Muslim army, hiding and waiting to hurl stones and
arrows at them; when this happened, the enemy attack became fierce and the Muslims
started to retreat; the Prophet called his troops back and they went on to defeat the army;
because their leader Malik bin ‘Awf had told everyone to take their families and belongings
with them, the Muslims captured huge spoils of war. This battle is mentioned in sura Tawba,
verse: 25.

1“Assuredly Allah did help you in many battlefields and on the day of Hunain “.

2 Surah Tawba says” He punished the unbelievers: thus doth He reward those without

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Battles of Hunain and Ta’if 8 AH/ 630 CE

The conquest of Makkah by the Muslims, and the wholesale conversion of the Quraysh to
Islam came as a shock and a surprise to the neighbouring tribes.
The tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif who inhabited the tract between Makkah and Ta’if, a
distance of about sixty miles attributed the fall of Makkah to the cowardice of the Quraysh.
When they were offered Islam, they ridiculed the offer and declared that they were no
cowards like the Quraysh, and know how to fight.
They Holy Prophet accepted the challenge, and marched out of Makkah to the valley of
Hunain at the head of the force thirteen thousand strong. They included ten thousand men
of the Madinah force and three thousand man of the Quraysh.
In the Hunain valley the Muslims met an initial reverse when a wing of the army was
ambushed in a narrow defile. The situation was, however soon brought under control, and
in the confrontation that took place at Autas, the tribes were routed, and they retreated to
After the battle of Autas, the Muslims marched to Ta’if.
Ta’if, a holy city, was fortified. Instead of fighting the Muslims in the open the tribes decided
to shut themselves in the fort which enjoyed reputation for impregnability.
The Muslims besieged the fort. The siege dragged on for two months. As other urgent
matters awaited the attention of the Holy Prophet he lifted siege of Ta’if and returned to
After having made arrangements for the administration of Makkah the Holy Prophet and
the Madinah army returned to Madinah.
After some time Malik b Auf (the leader of the people of Ta’if) visited Madinah, accepted
Islam, and they tendered the submission of the city of Ta’if.
The Year of Deputations
When the other tribes of Arabia came to know of the fall of Makkah, and the conversion of
the Quraysh of Makkah to Islam, they felt that they should also cast in their lot with the new
During 631 C.E. which came to be known as the "Year of Deputations", deputations of
various tribes from all over Arabia flocked into Madinah to offer allegiance to the Holy
Prophet and accept Islam.
All the pagan tribes in Arabia accepted Islam, and written treaties were made with them
specifying their privileges, and responsibilities.
Muslim missionaries were sent to the various tribes to teach them the fundamental
principles of Islam. Residents on behalf of the government of Madinah were also posted
with various tribes.
The Christians of Najran who did not wish to forsake Christianity were allowed to retain
faith. They were offered protection subject to the payment of a poll tax known as "Jizya".
Expedition to Tabuk
After spreading Islam in Arabia, the next task of the Holy Prophet was to protect the
borders. In the West the Byzantine power posed a threat to the Muslim state.
The Byzantines had defeated the Persians, and the Byzantine emperor planned more
conquests. On the borders of Arabia and Byzantine there were many Arab tribes who had
adopted Christianity, and accepted the suzerainty of Byzantium.

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The strategy of the Byzantines was to convert more and more Arab tribes to Christianity.
The task before the Holy Prophet was thus not merely to protect the physical frontiers, he
had to protect the spiritual frontiers as well.
In 629 C.E. the Holy Prophet had sent an expedition to Mu’tah with the object of securing
the frontiers. The expedition had not succeeded, and the Muslim army was extracted from a
difficult position with
great difficulty.
After the conquest of Makkah the Muslim position had been considerably strengthened and
in 631 C.E. the Holy Prophet decided to pursue the project which had suffered a setback at
The Holy Prophet accordingly gave the call to arms, and mustered a force thirty thousand
This was the largest army that the Holy Prophet had so far led.
At the head of this army the Holy Prophet marched to Syria, and after a weary and arduous
march reached Tabuk midway between Madinah and Damascus. From the camp at Tabuk,
the Holy Prophet sent emissaries to the Christian Arab tribes.
Some Christian tribes accepted Islam. The Christian Arab prince of Aylah did not agree to for
sake Christianity, but he agreed to pay an annual tribute to the Muslims and accept the
suzerainty of the government of Madinah. Ukaidar bin Malik the chief of Daumatul Jandal
refused to accept Islam or to pay tribute to the Muslims. An expedition headed by Khalid bin
Walid went to Daumatul Jandal.
Ukaidar was taken prisoner and brought before the Holy Prophet. He was released on his
agreeing to pay an annual tribute to the Muslims and accept the suzerainty of the
government of Madinah.
Within Syria the Byzantine emperor collected a large force.
The Holy Prophet did not deem it expedient to cross the frontier and clash with the
Byzantine army. His main purpose in undertaking the expedition was to protect the frontiers
by winning the allegiance of the border tribes.
As this object had been achieved the Holy Prophet decided to return from Tabuk to
Proclamation about the paramountcy of Islam
In 631 C.E. on the occasion of the Hajj led by Abu Bakr and Ali, it was proclaimed, in
pursuance of a revelation, that henceforward the non-Muslims were not to be allowed to
visit the Holy Ka'abah or perform the pilgrimage.
No one was to circumambulate the Holy Ka'abah naked. Polytheism was not to be tolerated.
Where the Muslims had any agreements with polytheists such agreement was to be
honoured for the period stipulated in the agreement.
Where there was no agreement, a grace period of four months was to be given, and there
after no quarter was to be given to the pagans.
From the day this proclamation was made, a new era dawned in Arabia. Henceforward
Arabia was to be a Muslim land.
Farewell pilgrimage
In 632 C.E., the first anniversary of the Islamicisation of Arabia the Holy Prophet decided to
celebrate the Hajj on a large scale.
Messages were sent to all parts of Arabia asking the Muslims to gather at Madinah for the
purpose of proceeding to Makkah for pilgrimage.

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In response to this call over one lakh Muslims collected at Madinah. The Holy Prophet led
this caravan to Makkah.
At DhulHalifa the Holy Prophet and his followers put on the Ihram.
When all the Muslims were dressed alike in the sacred attire the Holy Prophet gave the call
"Labbbayk, AllahummaLabbayk. “Here I am at your service, O lord!". This was repeated by
all the pilgrims and the hills and dales echoed with the sacred call.
The party reached Makkah on the 4th of Dhul Hajj after a journey of nineteen days. On the
8th of Dhul Hajj, the party left Makkah for Mina and passed the night there.
Next day the party proceeded to Mount Arafat. After midday prayer on the 9th of Dhul Hajj,
the Holy Prophet addressing the pilgrims delivered his historic address.
He wanted the Muslims to regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. He
said, "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you".
He forbade usury. He declared, "O men, women have rights over you just as you have rights
over them".
He observed that no prophet would come after him. He wanted the faithful to worship
Allah, say their prayers, observe fasts and pay Zakat.
He ordained that all Muslims had the same rights and responsibilities. He held "None is
higher than the other unless he is higher in virtue".
He said, Know that a Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, and they form one
brotherhood". He decreed, "There is no superiority of a Arab over a non-Arab or vice versa".
Having spoken the Holy Prophet turned his face to the Heaven and said. "Be my witness O
God, that I have conveyed Thy message to Thy people". And then the entire congregation
said, "Yes, You have done so."
That day God revealed: This Day have We perfected for you your faith, And completed Our
blessing on you, And have ordained Islam for you as religion.
After having performed the pilgrimage, the Holy Prophet and his followers returned to
Illness and death of the Holy Prophet
A short time after returning from Farewell Pilgrimage the Holy Prophet fell ill.
His illness took a turn for the worst and the faithful got alarmed as to what would happen
them if the Holy Prophet passed away.
When the Holy Prophet felt some relief he attended the mosque, and addressing the faithful
said: I have come to know that the rumour of your Prophet's death has alarmed you, but has
any prophet before me lived for ever that might make you think that I will live with you
As the last exhortation to his people the Holy Prophet said: I do but go before you, and you
will soon follow me. Death a waits us all, and let no one then seek to escape it. My life has
been for your good, so will be my death.
A few days later, the Holy Prophet passed away.
When the news of his death spread and the faithful gathered in the mosque, Umar said,
"Who says the Holy Prophet is dead. Moses like he has gone to visit Allah and erelong he
would return to us".
Abu Bakr soon removed this impression. Addressing the people assembled in the mosque he
said: “Those who worshipped Muhammad, let them know that Muhammad, being mortal is
dead. From God he came and to God he has returned. Those who worshipped the God of
Muhammad, let them know that God being immortal lives and will live forever.”
Achievements of the Holy Prophet

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Within the brief span of his Prophethood extending over twenty-two (22) years, the Holy
Prophet built an Ummah out of the people never united before; established a religion that
elevated the soul; created an egalitarian society; laid the basis of an empire; and set up new
ideals before mankind.
He aimed at freeing human beings from all the shackles that bound them. All power was to
be exercised as a sacred trust on behalf of Allah.
He liberated the society from priesthood, and ordained that there was no church in Islam.
He abolished all distinction between the temporal and spiritual aspects of life.
He declared in unequivocal terms the equality of all men. He liberated men.
He liberated man by planning for him a new political, economic and social order free from
Under such an order democratic equality was to be more effective and dynamic than
anywhere else; claims of birth and wealth were to have no value; the slave and the free
were to be at par, the foe once a Muslim was to be dearer than any kinsman; the pagan,
once a Muslim might rise to any heights of spiritual eminence.
Saviour of Humanity
The Holy Prophet was the embodiment of virtue, the epitome of wisdom, and the living
example of good conduct--indeed a model of human perfection.
He was not only a prophet; he was a leader of men, a teacher, an administrator, a
statesman, a ruler, a military commander and a reformer as well.
His character was pure and stainless.
His house, his dress, and his food were all characterized by simplicity.
He was unpretentious; he would even mend his clothes or shoes himself.
He visited the sick and provided relief for those in distress. He was accessible to all.
He was sympathetic, generous and forbearing.
He was conspicuous for his unconquerable will, inflexible resolve, fixed indomitable
perseverance, unyielding persistency, infinite and interminable patience, calm endurance,
irresistible courage, and tenacity of the ego.
As a ruler and statesman he took measures with due tact and prudence.
As a commander he displayed great military skill in the field.
He had the strictest ideas of the responsibilities pertaining to the administration of justice.
The poorest suitor, however trifling his cause, never failed of a hearing from him.
He was slow to resent an injury, and quick to pardon an offender.
His magnanimity and his profound knowledge of the humanity stamped him as the supreme
leader of men, the Saviour of humanity and mercy for all the worlds

The Prophet’s letters to the Kings (7 AH)

After the treaty of Hudaibiya the Holy Prophet (SAWS) planned to send messengers to invite
the Kings beyond the Arabian Peninsula to Islam in 7 AH. He made a silver seal on which was
engraved: “Muhammad the Messenger of Allah”.He proclaimed ‘Dawaa’, invited the non
Muslim rulers and kings; as the Holy Quran says;

“Let there be no compulsion in religion”

The name of Negus, the King of Abyssinia was Ashmah bin Al – Abjar and the message was
dispatched by Amr bin Ummayah. When Negus received the letter, he gave full respect to

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the messenger and confessed his faith in Islam .He died in 9 Ah. The Holy Prophet of Allah
announced his death and offered his absent funeral prayer.

Letter to the King of Egypt Maquqas was sent by Habit bin Abi Baltah.The King did not
accept Islam but he sent gifts to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) including two maids who belonged
to noble families, some clothing and a horse.

The Holy Prophet wrote a letter to the emperor of Persia named Khusro Pervaiz and sent
Hazrat Abdullah bin Huzaifah there.Khusro was a very proud emperor. On seeing the name
of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) above his own name, he went angry and tore the letter into
pieces and immediately ordered the governor at once deputed two troops to Madinah.
Meanwhile the Holy Prophet was informed by Allah that Khusro had been killed by his own
son. So when the troops came to him, he told them about the murder of Khusro Pervaiz by
his son. They returned and told the governor, who later accepted Islam. Khusro’s son latter
died by taking poison.

Dihyah bin khalifah Kalbi was ordered to hand over the letter to the governor of Basra who
would send it to Ceasar. The Roman emperor Hercules called Abu Sufiyan a Quraish leader,
who was present in Syria for trade. He was asked many questions about the Prophethood of
Muhammad (pbuh). Abu Sufiyan replied

“Muhammad never tells a lie nor betrays the people”.

Abu Sufyan also mentioned Prophet’s honesty and firm faith in one God. Hercules was
extremely impressed, however he did not embrace Islam as he was afraid of his people who
were not ready to accept new faith.

Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) sent AL- Ala bin Al- Hadrami to the governor of Bahrain and Amr
bin Sahmi to the Ruler of the king of Damascus and Oman who accepted Islam.

Holy Prophet (pbuh)´s Outstanding Qualities

(1) Honesty and Truthfulness

• All the people in Makkah appreciated and recognized his honesty and
truthfulness and used to call him Al-Sadiq, The Truthful and Al-Amin – The
• Hazrat Khadija married him because of his qualities of honesty and
• Even the bitterest enemies of Islam, Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan, admitted that
Muhammad (PBUH) was not a liar; they just thought that what he said, they
did not deem to be right and so they opposed him.

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• When he started preaching Islam publicly for the first time and asked. “O
Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountain,
would you believe me?” They all unanimously said: “Yes, because we have
never heard you tell a lie.”
• He practiced these qualities all through his life, no matter what the
circumstances were and this was acknowledged by all, even those who were
hell-bent to eliminate him one-way or the other.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to
Jannat. A man persists in speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a
truthful. Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to the Fire (Hell), and a person
persists on telling lies until he is enrolled as a liar.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

(2) Humility and Modesty:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah has revealed to me that you should
humble yourself to one another. One should neither hold himself above nor
transgress against another.” He practiced it to an extent that he disliked if
anyone stood up when he entered a room, for he never wished to be treated
as a ruler.
• When Hazrat Ayesha was asked what did Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) used to
do inside his house, she said: “He used to keep himself busy helping members
of his family and when it was time for salat, he would get up for prayer.” (Al-
• It shows how humble and modest the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was because he
never deemed it as an insult and indignity when he extended his cooperation
to women in household affairs.
• When he entered Makkah as a conqueror, he exhibited humility, gentleness
and modesty and not pride, arrogance or self-conceit, in line with what has
been commanded in the Holy Quran:
• “And walk not on earth with conceit and arrogance.” (17:37)
• “And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence
through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster.” (31:18)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of Islam is
modesty. (Ibn Majah)…. Modesty is part of faith, and faith is in Paradise and
indecency is from evil and evil is in Hell.”(Ahmad and Tirmizi)
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• All the Messengers of Allah practiced and preached humility. The Holy Quran
• “Before thee we sent (messengers) to many nations, and we afflicted the
nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility.”(6:42)
• “And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.” (26:215)
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only himself lived a simple, modest life but
taught his followers to be humble, kind and courteous to all.

(3) Fulfillment of Promises and Honoring the Covenants:

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always fulfilled his promises, so much so that
people used to keep their valuables with him for safe keeping. He was so
meticulous in it that when he secretly migrated to Medina to avert the murder
plan of the Quraish, he left Hazrat Ali behind so that he could return the trusts
that people had left with him.
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wrote a letter to Heracleus, the Caesar of the
Byzantine Empire, inviting him to embrace Islam, the Roman Emperor checked
up the credentials of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Abu Sufyan who, like him,
happened to be in Palestine at the given point of time. What a tribute it is to
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that even his worst enemy confirmed to Heraclius
that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had never broken his promise and that allover he
was reputed to be a trustworthy and truthful person.
• It certainly speaks of the perfection of character when we visualize the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) returning Abu Jandal, a Muslim from Makkah, who escaped
prison and managed to reach the place where the Treaty of Hudaibiya was
being written, to the enemies saying:
“O Abu Jandal ! Be patient, we can not break the treaty. Allah will soon find a
way for you.”
• The same he did when he disallowed two of his Companions to participate in
the Battle of Badr because they had pledged to the Makkahns that they would
not fight on the side of the Muslims while seeking release from them.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
• “For everyone who breaks his covenant, there will be a flag on the Day of
Judgment, and it will be said: `This is (proof of) betrayal by so and so.”
• “Allah Almighty said: “I will contend against three (types of) people on the
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Day of judgment: A person who has made a covenant in My Name and then
has broken it……..” (Al-Bukarhi)
• “Whoever possesses these four characteristics is a hypocrite; and anyone
who possesses one of them in fact possesses a trait of hypocrisy until he gives
it up: When he is entrusted (with something), he proves dishonest…. When he
makes a covenant, he breaks it….”. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
• By his personal example, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) set an example for all
mankind. The Holy Quran says: “O you who believe! Fulfill (all) obligations.”
(5:1)…. “And fulfill the covenant, for the covenant shall be questioned about.”

(4) Forgiving others’ Offences:

• Allah, the Exalted, says:

• “Let them forgive and Passover (the offence). Do you not desire that Allah
should forgive you?” (24:22)
• “Repel evil with that which is best.”(23:96)
• A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge
from anyone, so much so that he forgave even his bitterest enemies. When he
conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to
ruthless torture, humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long
years, he pardoned everyone by granting general amnesty to all, something
which hardly has any parallel in world history.
• When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was maltreated at Taif, the angel of
mountains greeted him and said:
• “O Muhammad, Allah listened to what your people had said to you so that
you may give me your orders. If you wish I will bring together the two
mountains that stand opposite to each other at the extremities of Makkah to
crush them in between.” But Allah’s Messenger said: “I rather hope that Allah
will raise from among their descendents people as will worship Allah the
One, and will not ascribe partners to Him (in worship).” (Al-Bukhari and
• In the Battle of Uhd, when the face and head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
were bleeding, his Companions asked him to curse the enemies, but he said
that he was not sent to curse but to invite people to the path of Allah.
• Only a man of his sterling personality could have forgiven Wehshi, who killed
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Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Uhd or Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had
torn out and chewed Hazrat Hamza’s liver.
• Whenever he dealt with any situation, he always kept in view the commands
of Allah who says:
• “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish.”
• “So overlook (O Muhammad) their faults with gracious forgiveness.” (15:85)
• “And Verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be
from the things recommended by Allah.” (42:43)

Some Outstanding Qualities of the Prophet

Honesty and Truthfulness

He was truthfull and honest person. He was poor orphan who started trading
and because of his honesty and fair dealings with the people he came to
known as Al-Sadiq (The Truthful) and Amin (The Trustworthy). Everyone in
Makkah called him by these names.

Incidents and Examples of His Honesty and Truthfulness:

 Hazrat Khadija was a rich widow who heard about Holy Prophet's
honesty, she asked him to take his goods to Syria for trade on profit sharing
bases. His trading in Syria resulted in large profits for Khadija. She was so
impressed by his honesty that she proposed marriage to him.
 Dispute arose in various tribes of Makkah about laying the black stone
everyone wanted the honour. The elders agreed that who came first next
morning in Ka'abah would decide the issue. Holy Prophet was first to enter
Ka'abah. People were very happy to accept his decision.
 When he was told to openly preach islam, he gathered the Quraish near
the mount of Safa and asked them: "O Quraish! if I say that an army is
advancing on you from behine the mountain, would you believe me?" They all
replied! "Yes, because, we have never heard you tell lie"
 Even Abu Jahl, the bitterest enemy of Holy Prophet said: "Muhammad, I
do not say that you are liar, but what you say I do not think is right" (Afzal-ur-
Rehman: Muhammad: Encyclopedia of Seerah)
 The Holy Prophet practised honesty and truthfulness in his life and
preached it to others. He lived his life in purity and never lied.

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The Holy Prophet was very humble person. He never boasted of his social or
political status even after his success at Madinah.
Incidents of his humility reported by his companions:
It is reported by Anas that when Prophet Muhammad performed pilgrimage,
he kept on repeating: "O Allah! Make this pilgrimage a pilgriamge without
pretence and fame." (Tirmizi)
His companions had great respect for hime; however he dislikes it when his
companions stood up for him when he entered, he did not wanted to be
treated as a ruler. (Tirmizi)
Some one asked Hazrat Aisha about Holy Prophets life at home. She replied
that he did household work, he mended cloths. He shared and ate his meals
with the slaves and poor.
An expression of humility and gentlleness was on his face and he lowered hi
head in such a way that it touched the saddle of his camel.
The Holy Prophet lived always in a humble way and taught his followers to do
same. He lived his life as an ordinary person.

Forgiveness was a great quality of Holy Prophet that he always forgave his
enemies and didn't take revenge. Quraish rebuked him, beat him and abused
him they even tried to kill him, many of his companions said him to curse
them, but he didn't and forgave them.
After the conquest of Makkah, the Abyssinian slave who had killed Hazrat
Hamza and Hinda who had torn out his liver, they came to Holy Prophet and
embraced Islam and both were forgiven.
Holy Prophet was an example of forgiveness and kindness, as mentioned in
Holy Quran: "hold to forgiveness; command what is right,"

Ten Blessed Companions

Prophet (pbuh) said “My companions are like stars whosoever will follow
them, will be guided”.

Hazrat Abu bakr

During Prophet’s Life

 Abu Bakr, whose real name was Abdullah, was one of the Prophet’s closest friends.
 Even before accepting Islam, he led a pious and chaste life.

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 After the Holy Prophet had received his first revelation he thought of approaching
those closest to him so he told Abu Bakr the whole story of his experience.
 Abu Bakr responded to his call and immediately embraced Islam.
 He was the first free adult male and the first person outside the family of the Prophet
to become a Muslim.
 The Qur’an describes his acceptance as: ‘’and he who comes with the truth and he
who confirms it.....such are the people who do right’’ (39:33).
 He was the first person to testify to the Messenger’s event of Miraj (Prophet’s
ascension to the heavens) and was given the title of ‘’Al Siddique’’ due to his
immediate belief of the journey.
 After accepting Islam he devoted his life and wealth to preaching Islam.
 Abu Bakr’s acceptance proved to be a milestone in the prophet’s mission.
 Prominent companions like Usman, Talha and Zubair are said to have been
persuaded by him to accept Islam.
 He bought and freed a lot of slaves, Bilal being one of the prominent ones.
 When the Holy Prophet started preaching openly he faced fierce opposition.
 During all such hardships Abu Bakr stood by his side.
 The first public address of inviting people to offer allegiance to the Prophet’s
message was delivered by Abu Bakr.
 At this the youth of Quraish beat Abu Bakr till he fainted.
 In 620AD when the Prophet’s wife died, Abu Bakr’s daughter Ayesha was engaged to
the Prophet whom he married after his migration to Medina.
 In 622AD on the invitation from the Muslims of Medina, the Prophet ordered
Muslims to migrate.
 The migration took place in batches and the Prophet was the last one to leave
accompanied by Abu Bakr.
 Both remained in the cave of Saur for three days to hide from the Makkans who
wanted to kill the Prophet and his companion.
 This event is mentioned in the Qur’an: ‘’he being the second of the two when they
were in the cave’’ (9:40).
 At Medina Abu Bakr continued his services to Islam.
 He paid for the piece of land selected by the Holy Prophet for the mosque of the
Prophet (Masjid-e-Nabvi).
 He rendered valuable services in all the battles.
 In the battle of Badr, he was in charge of the right wing of the troops and fought
against his own son Abdur Rahman.
 In the battle of Uhad, he negated the rumour of the Prophet’s death and acted as a
shield to save him.
 In the battle of Hunaian, he remained firm and reorganised the scattered troops that
had started running away.
 When the Holy Prophet began to raise funds for the Tabuk expedition, Abu Bakr
placed all his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet. Prophet (pbuh) asked Hazrat
Abu Bakr “What you have left for you and your family”. He replied “ I have left Allah
and His Messenger for me and my family. “
 He was present at the time of the treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the signatories.
He was also one of the ten blessed companions who were given tidings of heaven
during their lifetime.

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 He was appointed the first Ameer-e-Hajj (the chief guide of pilgrimage). Abu Bakr led
the daily prayers during the last days of the Holy Prophet’s illness.
 Finally it was Abu Bakr who normalised the critical situation arising out of the death
of the Holy Prophet, as nobody was ready to believe this including Umar.
 Abu Bakr on this occasion recited these verses: ‘’Mohammad is no more than a
messenger: many messengers that were before him passed away, if he died or were
slain will you then turn back on your heels?’’ (3:144).
 Nobody led the funeral prayers of the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar were the
first of worshippers.
 He was unanimously elected the first Caliph of Islam.
 Abu Bakr continued to perform meritorious services for Islam even after the death of
the Holy Prophet.

Hazrat Umar as one of the ten blessed companions

Umar belonged to the Banu Ádi clan of the Quraish.
His father Al-Khatab was an influential leader of Makkah.
Umar was tall, well built, a fierce fighter and well educated.

He was elected the spokesperson of Quraish.

He remained a bitter enemy of Islam and the Holy Prophet before his conversion.

He treated the early converts of low origin quite mercilessly and according to a tradition the
Holy Prophet had prayed to God for the conversion of Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin Hisham
(Abu Jahal).The prayer was soon granted. Umar one day decided to kill the Holy Prophet and
with that intention started towards his house with a sword. On the way, he was informed
that his sister and her husband had embraced Islam. Infuriated, Umar changed his course
and went to his sister’s house who was reading the Holy Qur’an loudly.

This enraged Umar so much that he attacked her and her husband.

On Umar’s insistence his sister recited some verses from Surah Taha.

The words of the Holy Qur’an softened his heart and tears began to fall from his eyes and he
immediately decided to embrace Islam.

He approached the Holy Prophet and embraced Islam.

This was a great occasion as the morale of the Muslims boosted so much that now they
started offering prayers openly in the Kaabah after Umar took the bold step of entering the
Kaabah with a small band of Muslims.

The Holy Prophet was so pleased on hearing this that he gave him the title of ‘’Farooq’’
(one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood). The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said” Follow
the two after meout of my companions Abu bakr and Umar”.

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He started preaching Islam openly and boldly. Abdullah bin Masood reported” We have
been powerful since Umar embraced Islam”.

He is counted amongst the 10 blessed companions and is also a scribe of the Divine
revelation. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said; “The sun has not risen over a man better than

His daughter Hafsa was married to the Holy Prophet.

He also migrated to Medina shortly after Ammar and Bilal had departed. He said “ I am
migrating to Madinah. If anyone wants to check me, let him come out. I am sure that his
mother would cry for his life”.

It was Umar who gave the suggestion of summoning the believers for Daily prayers by
Adhaan (call for prayer).

He also rendered remarkable services in all the battles including Badr, Uhad, Trench, Khyber
and Hunain.

He was also present at the treaty of Hudaibiya and took part in Bait-e-Rizwan.

He participated in the victorious march to Makkah.

In the Tabuk expedition he donated half of his wealth and in the battle of Hunain, he was
among those handfuls of Muslims who stood firmly by the side of the Holy Prophet.

Umar was not ready to believe in the death of the Holy Prophet till Abu Bakr called him
down by reciting the verse (3:144).

Soon after, he started making arrangements for the Holy Prophet’s burial together with Abu

In the meantime they heard of an Ansar meeting to discuss the issue of succession.

Both reached the spot and finally, due to Umar’s wisdom and timely intervention, Abu Bakr
got elected as the first Caliph of Islam.

Umar himself performed extra ordinary services for Islam during his Caliphate (634-644).

Hazrat Uthman bin Affan

During Prophet’s Life

Usman belonged to the powerful clan of Banu Umayyad of the Quraish.

He was modest and honest since his childhood and abstained from corrupt practices such as
gambling and drinking even before Islam.

He was a trader and soon became a wealthy person.

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He was known as Ghani (the generous one).

He was literate as well. He became a Muslim on Abu Bakr’s invitation and was one of the
earliest converts.

He is counted amongst the 10 blessed companions, was a scribe and later became the third
Caliph of Islam.

Soon after his conversion he married Ruqqaya, the divorced daughter of the Prophet.

He faced persecution in Makkah and migrated to Abyssinia along with his wife with the first
batch of emigrants.

He remained there for some years and then returned to Makkah.

As the persecutions increased, he again migrated with his wife, this time to Medina.

After his wife died in 2A.H, he married the Prophet’s divorced daughter Umm-e-Kalsum. This
earned him the title of ‘Zun Nurrain’ (the possessor of two lights).

Being a wealthy man, he generously donated his wealth to the poor amongst both Mahajirin
and Ansar.

He purchased a piece of land according to the wish of the Holy Prophet in order to extend
the Prophet’s mosque.

He would purchase a slave from his master and set him free on every Friday.

He actively participated in all the battles led by the Prophet except Badr, due to the illness
of his wife Ruqayya.

He donated generously in the battle of Tabuk.

He accompanied the Prophet in the journey towards Hudaibiya.

He was sent to Makkah to hold talks with the Quraish, but a rumour was spread of his
murder, as he had to stay longer than expected.

The Prophet on hearing the news took a pledge from his companions to avenge Usman’s

This historic pledge was became known as Bait-e-Rizwan.

Usman returned safe, but the whole episode reflects his importance and the Prophet’s love
for him.

Usman was a prominent figure during the Prophet’s life and during the Caliphate of the first
two Caliphs until he himself became a Caliph.

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The Prophet used to pray: ‘’O God! I am pleased with Usman. I beseech (beg) you to be
pleased with him.’’

Modesty was his most prominent feature and the Holy Prophet once said: ‘’Even the angels
of God envy the modesty of Usman’’.

Usman was murdered by conspirators in 35 AH and is buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi

Hazrat Ali

Life of Hazrat Ali as one of the ten blessed companions

* Ali was the first cousin of the Holy Prophet and so belonged to the Banu Hashim.

 His father was Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, who had brought up Mohammad in his
 Ali was about ten years old when the Prophet received the first revelation.
 Ali got the special opportunity of living in the company of the Prophet and so
developed great love for him since his childhood.
 Ali was brave and literate and was a very intelligent youth of Makkah.
 He led a pious and noble life, hated idol worshipping, drinking, gambling and
 He was first among the children to embrace Islam. .
 One day he saw his cousin and his wife put their foreheads on the ground.
 Hazrat Ali looked at them amazingly.
 Never before had he seen anybody saying prayers in this style.
 When the prayer was over, Hazrat Ali asked his cousin about this strange act.
 He explained: "We were worshipping Allah, the One," the Holy Prophet said, "I
advise you to do the same and never bend your head before Lat, Uzza or any other
idol." Next morning Hazrat Ali accepted Islam.
 When the Holy Prophet asked the Hashimites to help him in his mission,
 Hazrat Ali was the only person to respond to his call. After that Ali started supporting
the Holy Prophet bravely and the Prophet declared him as ‘’my brother and my
 The Prophet gave his youngest daughter Fatima in marriage to Ali and Hassan and
Hussain were born from this marriage.
 Ali demonstrated utmost courage and boldness by sleeping in the bed of The
Prophet on the night before migration to Medina.
 At that time he had entrusted to Ali the task of returning the belongings of the
people that had been placed in the Prophet’s custody for safe keeping.
 In Medina, when the Prophet declared the emigrants and helpers as brothers, the
Holy Prophet declared that Ali would be his brother.
 Hazrat Ali was a brave warrior and showed great courage in all battles.
 At the time of the Battle of Badr, he was chosen to carry the Muslim banner.
 During the Battle of Uhad, he was one of the few Muslims who defended the Holy
Prophet. After the battle he, along with his wife Fatima washed the Prophet’s

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 During the Battle of Trench, when some of the pagans were able to cross over the
ditch, Ali killed them.
 He was one of the leaders in the siege of the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah.
 He showed great bravery in the battle of Khyber, using a door as a shield.
 At Hunain he defended the Holy Prophet and at the time of the conquest of Makkah,
he again carried the Muslim banner.
 For his bravery, the Prophet gave him the title of Asad Allah/Lion of Allah.
 Hazrat Ali did not take part in the Tabuk Expedition as he remained in Medina as the
Prophet’s deputy.

On his complaint that he was not going with the army, the Prophet said to him: ‘’you are
to me as Haroon was to Musa, except that there will be no prophet after me.’’ (Agreed

 He was among those who had taken the oath of Rizwan for the sake of Usman’s life
and then he drafted the treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the witnesses as well.
 He was one of the 10 blessed companions.
 He was one of the scribes of the Divine Revelation.
 He also wrote the letters sent out by the Prophet to different kings and emperors.
 He was present at the time of the death of the Holy Prophet.
 He washed his dead body and was one of those who lowered the Prophet into the

Note: You can add more quotations

Hazrat Talha:
Early convert
* Accepeted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr
* Accompanied Hazrat Sawdah, Hazrat Fatima and HazartUmmeKulsoom on the migration
to Medina
* Prophet sent him to check the whereabouts of Makkan caravan at Badr
*Hence he could not participate in th battle itself
* Deflected a sword aimed at the Prophet with his own hands –got 75 wounds
*Fingers of that hand remained useless throughout his life
* Known as living martyr ‘ Prophet (SAW) said Whosoever is pleased to see a martyr on the
* surface of the earth, let him look at Talha bin Ubaidullah”.
* Present at the treaty of Hudaybia
*His bravery led to the victory at Battle of Hunain
● Known as Fayyaz – the generous one
● Donated wealth to the poor and led a simple life
● Member of the Islamic council during 1st and 2nd caliphates
● Amongst the 6 chosen by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate
● Fought the battle of Camel against Hazrat Ali and died in 35 AH.

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Ref. Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in Paradise”.

Hazrat Zubair:

● Cousin of the Prophet

● Nephew of Hazrat Khadija
● Early convert
● His uncle would wrap him in a mattress and set it on fire
● He did not renounce his faith saying that he must die as a believer
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Fought at the Battle of Badr and Uhad
● Amongst the leader of Muslim force on their entry to Makkah
● Married to Abu Bakr’s daughter
● Amongst the 6 chosen by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate
● Fought the battle of Camel against Hazrat Ali and died in 35 AH

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah

● Early convert
● Accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr
● Suffered persecution
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Killed his own father army at the Battle of Badr
● Used his teeth to extract the metal links of the helmet straps from Prophet’s cheek at
● Was declared judge by the Prophet for a Najran delegation
● Leader of one of the squadrons of conquest of Makkah
● Led expeditions to Dhul-al-qassa and al-khabbat
● Went on expedition to Syria
Nominee for 1st caliphate
Conquered Damascus Known as Ameen-ul-Ummat. Prophet (SAW) “ For every people,
There is a man of Trust and the man of trust for this people is UbuUbaidah bin Jarrah.”

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas

Maternal uncle of the Prophet
Early convert
Accepted Islam on the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr
First one to have shed blood for Islam
● Participated at Badr
● Prophet handed him arrows to shoot at Uhad
● Present at the treaty of hudaybia
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● Took part in conquest of Makkah

● Leader of Battle of Qadisiya during 2nd caliphate
● Governor of Kufa during 3rd caliphate
● Was offered the 4th caliphate but he refused
● Did not pay homage to Hazrat Ali

Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf

● Early convert
● Accepted Islam on Hazrat Abu Bakr’s invitation
● Suffered persecution
● Kalab was his’ and Prophet’s common ancestor
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Paired with Ansar Saad Bin Al-Rabi
● Started selling cheese and butter to earn a living
● Soon established as a wealthy merchant who sent out trading caravans
● Shared his camel with Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar at the Battle of Badr
● Got 21 wounds at Uhad
● Gave shoulder to the Prophet on his son, Ibrahim’s death
● Leader of raid at Dumat-al-Jandal
● Prophet said a prayer behind him at a voyage
● Appointed Ameer-e-Hajj during Hazrat Abu Bakr’s caliphate

Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid

● His father had given up idol worship

● He was an early convert
● His wife was Hazrat Umar’s sister
● He could read and wrire
● Was sent to check the Makkan caravan at Badr
● Commander of army that conquered Syria in the 2nd caliphate
● Conquered Damascus
Made governor of Damascus but resigned due to love for Jihad

Prophet’s Wives:
1. Hazrat Khadija:

● Prophet’s first wife

● Only wife of the Prophet until she died
● Mother of the only surviving children of the Prophet

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● Helped Prophet most in his early years

● 15 years older than the Prophet
● Be7fore marrying the Prophet, she had been married twice and widowed
● Was a renowned female trader of her times
●Hired Prophet for a trade trip to Syria after hearing accounts of his trustworthiness
● Her slave, who accompanied the Prophet on the trip, told her how well he had handled the
● In 595 A.D she sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet
● It was accepted on the Prophet’s behalf by his uncle.
Surah Al- Duha says “ And He found you in need and made you independent.”
● Hazrat Khadija gave the Prophet moral and financial support, which alleviated many of his
● Both husbandand wife lived together for 25 years, and had six children, 2 of whom died in
● Hazrat Khadija comforted and reassured the Prophet after he came home with his heart
beating severely after receiving the first revelation. Prophet said” She hailed my mission
whenevery one was against it and supported me when there was hardly a believer. How
can I forget her”.
● Hazrat Khadija took him to her cousin and Christian scholar, Warqah Bin Naufil
● was the 1st person to accept Islam and learn how to pray
●Remained with the Prophet throughout and suffered persecution with him
● Spent her wealth in the way of Islam.
● She died in 10th Year of Prophethood 619 CE. and was buried in Makkah. Prophet (SAW) called
it the year of Grief Aam-ul-Huzn”.
Prophet (SAW) said “The noblest women of the world are Hazrat Mariam and Hazrat
2. Hazrat Sawdah:

● 2nd wife of the Prophet

●Married in 620 A.D
●Married the Prophet few months after Hazrat Khadija’s death
● She was 30 years old and the Prophet was 50
●She was a widow and amongst the early converts to Islam
● She had migrated to Abyssinia along with her husband
● Took care of the Prophet and his children
● Migrated to Medina once her apartment had been built over there
● Was very punctual about prayers
● Wholeheartedly welcomed the new wives of the Prophet
●Did not even perform the Umra after the Prophet’s directive to not leave the house
● Narrated 5 traditions● Died in 23 AH

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3. Hazrat Aisha:

● Amongst the favorite most wives of the Prophet

● Daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr
● Prophet visited her house since her childhood
● She was six when the Prophet married her
● Their marriage was solemnized in Medina
● Prophet used to play games with her
● Held special place in Prophet’s life
● Her beauty and lively character attracted him to her
● The hypocrites played a role in slander against her after she was seen coming home from
a fair with an unknown man; however verses of Quran were revealed to prove her
● During his last days, the Prophet requested to be shifted to her apartment and even died
in her lap
● She was 18 when the Prophet died
● She lived quietly during the 1st two caliphates
● Showed disagreements over the policies of the 3rd caliph, but opposed killing him
● Fought the Battle of Camel – which she lost and was escorted back with privilege
● She freed many slaves
● Hazrat Umar kept for her double allowance in pensions for widows
● She was often sought by leading Muslims and her approval was considered important
● She narrated 2210 Hadith and has a whole section on her name in Hanbal’sMusnad
● Died in 58 AH and buried in Medina

4.Hazrat Hafsah

● Daughter of Hazrat Umar

● Married to Khunais
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Husband died in Battle of Badr
● Prophet married her in 3 AH to strengthen ties with Hazrat Umar
● Lived with Hazrat Aisha and Sawdah and became their good friend
● Spent her time reading and writing
● She was fasting when the Prophet died
● She kept in her safe custody the Mushaf-e-Hafsa
● Asked her brother to distribute all her property amongst the poor at her death bed
● Narrated 60 hadith
Prophet (SAW) said “ She is one who keeps fast during the day and who stands during the night
for worship”.
● Died in 45 AH.

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The opening verses of S ratal-Ta r m describe an incident in which the Prophet, peace and
blessings be upon him, prohibited himself from something in order to please his wives. The
classical commentators provide two opinions: one is strong and authentic, and the other is
weaker and provokes controversy.

It has been authentically narrated on the authority of Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her,
that the Prophet prohibited himself from drinking honey (maghfir) to please his wives. Aisha
and Hafsa were upset that the Prophet was spending more time with his wife Zainab on
account of a honey drink she would serve him, so they secretly agreed to pretend to be
offended by the odor. The Prophet did not want to offend his wives, so he swore an oath
never to drink it again. Allah revealed the verses telling the Prophet not to prohibit what is

Aisha reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would spend time with his
wife Zainab bintJahsh and he would drink a concoction of honey. Hafsa and I agreed that
whomever the Prophet visited first, we would say, “I notice a strong odor of mimosa gum on
you.” The Prophet visited one of them and she said this to him, so the Prophet said:

I have taken a honey drink at Zainab’s house and I will

not do it again.

The verse was revealed:

Why do you forbid yourself from what Allah has made lawful for you?
(66:1)Source: a Muslim 1474, Grade: Sahih

5. Hazrat Zainab binteKhuzaymah

● Daughter of Khuzaymah bin Abdullah

● Married to Abdullah bin Jahsh
● Husband died at Battle of Uhad
● Prophet married after a year after she was widowed to give her protection
● She was called Umm-ul-Masakin due to her generosity
● She died within three months of her marriage to the Prophet
● The Prophet himself led her funeral prayers
● She is buried in Jannat-al-Baqi
6. Hazrat Umme-Salamah

● Amongst the early converts who migrated to Abyssinia

● 1st woman to migrate to Yasrib
● Her husband was wounded in Uhad and passed away at another expedition, leaving behind
many children
● She initially refused to the Prophet’s proposal to marry but later agreed on persuasion

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● She went to battles with the Prophet

● Suggested that the Prophet give Sadqa after the treaty of Hudaybia
● Her style of recitation was identical to that of Prophet’s
● Narrated 378hadith
● Died in 60 AH and buried in Jannat-al-Baqi
7. Hazrat Zainab Bin Jahsh
● 1 cousin of the Prophet
● Married to Zaid bin Harith
● She did not want to marry Zaid since he was a slave but she did so on Prophet’s insistence
● However her marriage with Hazrat Zaid was unsuccessful and they got divorced
● Then the Prophet proposed to marry her.
● She was initially reluctant but got married after orders to do so came in the Quran
● Brought along a dowry of 400 dirhams
● Used to do needle work to meet expenses.
● After the death of the Prophet, she refused to take allowance from the state and gave it to
the needy
● Was the first one to die after Prophet’s death in 20 AH
8. Hazrat JawariaBinteHaris

● She was a captive taken from an expedition against Banu Mustaliq in 5 AH

● Given to Sabit Bin Qaisin as booty
● She wanted to pay her ransom and be free
● Prophet saw her nobility and agreed to pay ransom and marry her
● Likewise all her tribesmen were freed
● Her father was a tribal chief - also converted to Islam
● She died in 50 AH
9. Hazrat UmmeHabibah

● Former name was Ramlah

● Daughter of Abu Sufyan
● Early convert
● Migrated to Abyssinia with husband, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh
● There he converted to Christianity so she divorced him
● On hearing this, the Prophet married her and built for her an apartment
● When her father came to see the Prophet she did not allow him to sit in the Prophet’s bed
● Took food and water for Hazrat Usman while he was besieged during his caliphate
● Died in 44 AH
10. Hazrat Saffiya Binte Huyyay:

● Daughter of a Jew: Huyyay Bin Akhtab – one of Prophet’s leading opponents

● Left Medina when her tribe, Banu Nadir, was exiled in 3 AH

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● In 6 AH, Muslims conquered Medina, where her tribe was settled

● She was initially given to another Muslim, but when the Prophet saw him, he put his cloak
on her as a sign of marrying
● This is why she was called the chosen one
● She accepted Islam from the Prophet
● Narrated many ahadis
● Died in 50 AH
11.Hazrat Maimoona

● She had been married before twice and was a widow

● She was sister in law of Hazrat Abbas, Prophet’s uncle
● Hazrat Abbas suggested her marriage to the Prophet while he was performing Umra in 7
● Prophet proposed her during pilgrimage
● He invited Makkans to a feast but since the Makkans wanted him to leave in 3 days as
agreed, the married outside Makkah
● She died in 61 AH , at the same spot where they were married
● She was last of the Prophet’s wives to follow him
12.Hazrat Rehana:

● Belonged to Banu Qurayza

● Captive of war
● Prophet proposed
● Initially reluctant, but finally agreed.
13.Hazrat Maria Qibtia

● She was a Christian

● Sent by the archbishop of Alexandria in Egypt as a gift to the Prophet
● She accepted Islam before reaching Medina
● Prophet married her
● Gave birth to Prophet’s son Ibrahim, who died in 10 AH

Mothers of Faithful (wives of the Holy Prophet (SAWS)

Hazrat Ayesha bint Abu Bakr

During the life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Rubina Talaat

Hazrat Ayesha, the Holy Prophet’s (pbhi) third wife, was the favourite of his later years. She was the
daughter of his close companion Hazrat Abu Bakr and one of his reasons for marrying her may have
been to strengthen friendly ties with his friend. Hazrat Ayesha was married to the Prophet(SAWS) in
10 the year of Prophethood at the age of six in Makkah , but the marriage was solemnized three
years after migration to Madinah, in About 2 AH /624, Hazrat Ayesha went to live in the Holy

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Prophet’s (pbuh) in Madinah. Throughout the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) life, Hazrat Ayesha held a
special place in his affections and was looked on his principles. Her beauty and lively character
attracted him to her. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said;

“Ayesha enjoys superiority over all other women”

Some verses of Surah Al- Nur were revealed to prove Hazrat Ayesha’s innocence .This was as she
was accompanying the Holy Prophet (pbuh) on an expedition and she went for the call of nature and
got delayed as her necklace was dropped there and she started finding it. Hazrat Muhammad’s party
moved without noticing her absence, and she sat waiting in the desert. People in Madinah started
gossiping about this. She was eventually brought back by an Ansar Safwan bin Mu’attal an coming
from the rear reorganized her as he had seen her before the verse enjoining the veil was revealed,
and brought her on his camel to Madinah, himself walking behind the animal. He made her sit on the
camel and led the camel by foot. This incident caused a malicious scandal .The leader of Hypocrites
Abdullah bin Ubay exploited the situation and spread a wicked scandal against Hazrat Ayesha. But
there was no evidence against her. Allah revealed the verses of Surah Nur;

“Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses,
such men in the sight of Allah are themselves liars. “

These verses not only absolve (to make some one free of guilt) the position of her but also
emphasize that the false accusations are strongly disapproved by Allah

Hazrat Ayesha was known as Humaira. She was a very pious and God fearing lady. Apart from the
five obligatory prayers, she would offer extra prayers as well. She fasted very often and was
particular about the pilgrimage. She would often purchase slave in order to free them. She took part
in the battle of Uhad. During his final illness, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) went to stay in her apartment
after seeking permission from his other wives. He died with head resting on her lap. She lived for48
years after the Prophet’s death.

After Prophet’s death: She had thorough knowledge of the Holy Quran and traditions and practices
of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). She is the pioneer of coordination of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.
She was one of the most authentic source of traditions. She narrated 2,210 Ahadith. She was an
eloquent lady of great intelligence and excellent memory. Musa bin Talha said; I have never seen
anybody more eloquent than Aisha. She died in 57 AH, at the age of sixty six.

(b) From the example of Aisha, what lessons can be learnt about education in Islam?

Some lessons could be that it shows that education is important for men and for women, and that
men can learn from women and vice versa, as long as they keep proper etiquette as Aisha would
have. It also tells us that knowledge should be taken from authentic and reliable sources – Aisha
took her knowledge from the Prophet (pbuh) and people took their knowledge from Aisha because
of her accuracy and reliability. Other relevant answers should be credited.

Hazrat Juwariyabint al Harith

Her real name was Barra. She was among the captives taken by the Muslims after the
expedition against the Banu Mustaliq in 5 AH/ CE 627. She had been given to another

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Muslim as part of his booty but she wanted to pay her ransom and be set free. Seeing her
nobility, the Prophet Muhammad offered to pay her ransom on her behalf, and to marry
her. She accepted this and asked for all the captives from her tribe to be freed. She was the
daughter of a tribal chief of Banu Mustaliq, and she and her father accepted Islam. She was
a very pious lady and a devout Muslim. She died in 50 AH.

Safiyah bint Huyayy bin Akhtab

Her real name was Zainab. She was the daughter of the chief of Banu Nadir,
who was the bitterest enemy of Prophet (SAW). She was twice married. In 6th Year of Hijra
her second husband was killed at Khyber during the conquest of Khyber. She became a
captive. She appealed to the Holy Prophet who married her and renamed Safiyah. She
accepted Islam She narrated a n umber of Ahadith. She was pious, generous, and God
fearing lady. She sided with Hazrat Uthman during the turmoil and would bring him food
and water when he was besieged. She died in 50 AH and buried in Janat ul Baqee.

Maimunahhbint Harith
The Prophet’s last marriage was with Maimunah.Her real name was Barra. She had been
married before, but was living as a widow when the Prophet (SAW) performed umra in 7
AH/ 629 CE. At the suggestion of Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle who was also her brother in
law, Prophet proposed to her when he was making this pilgrimage. He invited the Makkans
to the marriage feast.She was a pious, generous and a humble lady. She narrated seventy
sixAhadith. She died in 51 AH and buried in Janat ul Baqee.

Rihanabint Zayd
She belonged to the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza and was married to one of her own tribe
men. She became a captive during the battle with Banu Quraiza. The Prophet (SAW) set her
free and then married her. She died in the lifetime of the Prophet (SA ).

Maria Qibtiya

She was one if the wives of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). In 7 AH Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) wrote
letters to non- Muslim rulers and emperors , inviting them to Islam.One of those letters was
delivered by Hazrat HatibBaltah to Maquqas, the king of Egypt. Although Maquqas did not accept
Islam, he treated the messenger and message with great respect the sent some gifts to the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) including two women Maria Qibtiya and her sister, and his personal horse. On their
arrival to Madinah, Prophet (pbuh) married Maria Qibtiya who belonged to a very rich and noble
family of Egypt, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) took care of her, honoured her and arranged a house to be
built in a garden. After Hazrat Khadija it was Maria who had the honour to be the mother of
Prophet’s (pbuh) son Ibrahim, who died in infancy. She was a charming and God fearing lady. Both
the Caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar held her in great esteem and her pension was given to

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her relatives even her death. She passed away after the Prophet (pbuh) and was buried in Janat-ul
Baqeeh. Rubina Talaat

Important Personalities Paper 1 Choice Q.

Rubina Talaat
a) Describe the roles played by Abu Talib and Hamza in the life of the Prophet. [10]

(b) Did the role of Abu Talib help strengthen the early Muslim community? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]

(a) Both men were uncles of the Prophet, one who accepted Islam and the other did not.

Abu Talib He was the brother of the Prophet’s father Abdullah and son of Abdul Muttalib., and the
leader of the Banu Hashim clan, making a respected leader amongst the Quraysh; the Prophet came
into his care after the death of the Prophet’s mother and then grandfather,

Quran says” Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter.” Abu Talib was a lifelong protector
and helper of his nephew. He took Muhammad (pbuh) on a trade journey to Syria, when he was
about twelve years old. They met a Cristian monk named Bahira at Basra who saw some signs of
Prophethood in him. He told Abu Talib to protect his nephew from Jews who could harm him. Abu
Talib immediately sold his merchandise and came back.

The Prophet worked for him and went on trade journeys with him; the Prophet chose ‘Ali to adopt
and look after when Abu Talib faced financial difficulty; after prophethood, the Quraysh would try to
get Abu Talib to stop his nephew from his mission, but he remained in support of him;

Prophet (pbuh) said’ O uncle; Even if they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left
to force me to renounce my mission, I would not stop until God fulfills my mission or destroys me in
the process.” Abu Talib said to him” Go and preach what you please, for by God I will not forsake

His support of the Prophet provided him with protection from the Quraysh hostilities; Abu Talib
died after the boycott, in 619 CE/ 10 of Prophethood. The year came to be known as Aam-ul- Huzun
or the Year of Grief and the Prophet was greatly saddened by his death.

Hazrat Hamza:

He was an uncle and foster-brother of the Prophet as Thaubiya, Abu Lahb’s slave girl nursed him
and she also nursed the Holy Prophet (SAW) for a few days after his birth.

The Prophet (pbuh) said” Hamzah is my brother by reason of fosterage”.

He was a warrior and sportsman and had little interest the issues of Makkah. Once the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) was sitting on the hill of Safa, Abu Jahl passed by and abused, the Prophet did not say
anything in reply. Shortly after that , Hazrat Hamza became furious and immediately went in search
of Abu Jahl and he hit him ; He said “ I too follow his religion and accept what he preaches “, after
that he became Muslim; it gave the Muslims a lot of strength and they were able to pray in public; in

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the battle of Badr he killed leading men of the Quraysh including Hind’s father Utbah; she vowed
revenge and hired Washi to kill Hamza which he did at the battle of Uhud; he was given the title
“chief of Martyrs”. Prophet led his funeral prayers.

(b) Candidates can give a yes or a no answer but they have to give reasons. Other reasons can be
given but they have to be relevant to the question. They could say yes it did, for example, because
he allowed the boycotted Muslims to stay at Shib-i-Abi Talib, which gave them a place to stay in a
time of difficulty; that he supported the Prophet at all times, which in turn supported the followers
of the Prophet and this would have helped them carry on in their mission; that when the Quraysh
offered the Prophet bribes and the Prophet refused, Abu Talib said he would not ask him again,
which again helped strengthen the support given to the Prophet and his community. They could say
no it did not, for ex ample, because he did not become Muslim – if he had more people may have
converted, him remaining non-Muslim gave the Quraysh continued reason to oppress the Muslims.

Abu Sufyan:

He was born in 560 CE in Makkah, belonged to a prominent and powerful clan BannuUmmayad. He
was a prominent and powerful figure among the Quraysh, and a staunch opponent of the Prophet
and the Muslims but he did not physically harm the Holy Prophet. It was his caravan returning from
Syria that was the basis for the battle of Badr, in 624. He was afraid that Muslims might intercept his
caravan to reach safely to Makkah. He asked the Quraish for help. However he adopted another
route and safely reached Makkah. He asked the Quraish to come back but they decided to fight the
Muslims. Abu Jahl was killed in the Battle of Badr and he became the leader of Quraish. After the
loss at Badr, revenge was sought and Abu Sufyan led the Quraysh army to Uhud. His wife Hind also
went seeking revenge for the death of her father. After Uhud, Abu Sufyan vowed to fight again and
the next time they met was at the Battle of the Trench. In 7 A H when the Holy Prophet wrote a
letter to Non Muslim Rulers and Emperors including the Roman emperor. Abu Sufyan at that time
was in Jerusalem for business, Heraclius called Abu Sufyan and his companions in the court and
asked them about the Holy Prophet’s character and his family. Abu Sufyan attested to the fact that
the Prophet was truthful and never broke the promise. He wanted to lie but he was forced to admit
the truth.

He said “By Allah; Had II not been afraid of my Companions labelling me a liar, I would not have
spoken the truth about the Prophet”.

After the Quraysh broke the treaty of Hudaybia, Abu Sufyan went to Madina to attempt to restore
the treaty, but without success; he subsequently converted when the Prophet marched towards
Makkah, and the Prophet honoured him by announcing ” Who so entered Abu Sufyan’s house
would be safe.’

Propet (pbuh) set an example of forgivenee despite his fierce opposition for many years. At Ta’if,
Abu Sufyan lost an eye, and at Yarmouk he lost the other; he was made governor of Narjan; he died
aged 90 in Madinah. His daughter Ramla ( Umm Habiba) was Prophet’s wife.

Hazrat Bilal
He occupies a great name and fame in early history of Islam. He was a negro slave of Ummaya bin
Khalaf, a pagan master in Makkah who tortured him mercilessly. Sometimes a rope was put a round his neck and street

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boys made drag him through the streets and even the hillocks of Makkah. Ummayah bin Khalaf had a giant stone
brought and placed it upon his chest.
He said. “ By Allah ; I will not stop until you are dead or until you reject Muhammad and worship Lat and Uzza”.
Yet Bilal was suffering, he said ,” Ahad Allah the one ,’Ahad Allah the One” after he had embraced Islam. Hazrat Abu
Bakr bought him and freed him, after that he remained in Holy Prophet’ s service till his sad demise.
After Hijrat, he was declared the brother of Hazrat Abu Raziyah under the brotherhood pact. He
enjoyed the rank of Maudhan-i-Islam. He was appointed to give a call from prayer (Azaan) when it
became obligatory in 1 A.H. It was he, again, who enjoyed the unique honour of reciting the first
on Holy Kaaba’ s roof by Holy Prophet’ s orders at the conquest of Makkah. He also participated in all the battles. He
enjoyed the most coveted honours of being Holy Prophet’sstaff bearer, treasurer and personal
servant. He enjoyed the honour of being among the Ashab-i-Suffah. He was being honoured of being
addressed as“Our Leader Bilal” Prophet said “ Bilal; I heard your footsteps in Paradise.”
by Caliph Umar Farooq he also enjoyed extraordinary love and respect by all the companions of the Holy Prophet(S)- He
was over 60 years when he died
Abu Lahab
He is known as
“Father of the Flame”.
His real name was Abd-ul-Uzza, a son of Abd-ul-Muttalib and elder uncle of the Holy Prophet(S),
who with his wife Umm e Jamil violently opposed Islam. In the early years, he subjected the Prophet
to all sorts of abuse and torment. His two sons Utba and Utaiba were married to Prophet’s two
daughters Ruqqaya and Ume Kulthum respectively. He forced his sons to divorce Prophet’s
daughters. The revelation of Surah 111(Lahab) says; “Perish the hands of Abu Lahb, and perish he.
His wealth and children will not profit him”.
Abu Lahb’s wife used to tie up bundles of thrones and strew them on Prophet’s way to injure him.
When Prophet’s second son Abdullah died in infancy,Quraish of Makkah particularly Abu – Lahb
mocked him declaring him as al abtar (man without progeny).On Allah’s command the Holy Prophet
(SAW) invited his relatives to Islam, Abu Lahb interrupted him and spoke so rudely to him.
When he became the chief of the clan Hashim after the death of AbuTalib the tension was one of
the major considerations that led to Hijra. Abu Lahab perished just after the Battle of Badr when
Umme-ul-Fazal (one of the early women converts) the wife of Abu Lahab’sbrother Abbas cracked
him over the head with a wooden post for attacking a Muslim slave in their house. So a great enemy of
Islam was finished.
Khalid bin Waleed
He was the younger son of Waleed bin Mughaira,a well known chief of Banu Makhzoom
tribe of Quraish,who was an arch enemy of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Khalid bin Waleed was
born in about 591 CE. He supported his father to oppose the Holy Prophet (pbuh) He was
skilled in lancing ,horse riding, and wrestling during his childhood and grew up to be a great
warrior. His father was killed in the battle of Badr. In the battle of Uhad, he became the
reason for the defeat of Muslim. He accepted Islam after the Treaty of Hudaibiya six months
before the conquest of Makkah. He was heartily welcomed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and
with the passage of time he became an important organ of Muslim army. The Holy Prophet
(pbuh) gave him the title of Saifullah (sword of Allah).He served gallantly in all the battles as
a commander of the cavalry with the Holy Prophet (pbuh).After Prophets death during the
caliphate of Hazrat Abubakr ,he as a general was able to subdue the Apostasy movement
and suppress the false prophets. Hazrat Abubakr said that he had heard the Prophet (pbuh)
sayabou him” He is the best slave of Allah and the sword of Allah that he has unshea for

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the disbelievers, the hypocrites and polytheists.”He also played crucial role in expanding
the Muslim Empire to the Persian and Byzantine lands. During Hazrat Umar’s caliphate he
continued his victories till the battle of Yermouk. Even though Hazrat Umar removed him
from the post as commander, he requested to be allowed to serve as an ordinary soldier,
which proved him as a devoted and sincere person. He narrated about 150 Ahadith. He died
at the age of sixty in 21 AH.

Aminah bint Wahab

She was the mother of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). She was married to the Prophet’s father
Abdullah a few months before the Year if the Elephants. Her husband Abdullah died a few
months before Prophet’s birth. She named her child “Ahmed” . She loved him greatly and
believed that she had been granted a blessed child. When the Holy Prophet (SAW0 was six
years old, she took him along to visit her family in Yathrib for a few months, as well as to
visit her husband’s grave. On the way back to Makkah, she died and was buried at Abwa.

Halima bint Abi Dhu’ayb

She belonged to Banu Saad clan of the Hawazin tribe, hence her title Saadia. The Banu Saad
was known for the purity of Arabic Language. According to the custom of the rich Makkan
families, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was given to Halima Saadia for nursing and training where
he stayed till the age of six. During this period the event of the purification of Prophet’s
heart by angel Jibrael took place. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was about two years when
Halima took him to her desert home. The harsh desert climate with open and fresh air
toughened the physique of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Prophet (pbuh) learned pure and
refined Arabic. He would later say proudly,

“ Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you, my descent is from the Quraish and my
dialect is from Banu Saad. “

The Holy Prophet always expressed his love and respect for Halima, during his later years by
calling her’ My Mother’. Even when he as married he used to help her financially. One day
when she visited the Holy Prophet (SAW )spread his cloak for her to sit on . She passed away
while he was at Madinah , but he used to give great honour to her daughter Sheema, who
was also his foster sister.

Write an account of the lives of Amina bint Wahb and Halima Sa’adia during their time with the
Prophet (pbuh).

Mark according to the marking grid for AO1 – Knowledge.

Answers may include some of the following ideas, but all valid material must be credited. Amina bint
Wahb: She was the mother of the Prophet (pbuh). She had only been married to ‘Abdullah for a few
months when he passed away, leaving her widowed and pregnant. She said she did not feel any
hardship during her pregnancy. At his birth, Amina said: ‘When I delivered him a light came out

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with him that illuminated what is between the East and West. The light illuminated palaces and
markets of Syria until I saw the necks of the camels in Basra. I saw three flags erected: one in the
East, one in the West and a third over the Ka’ba.’ From this she knew that her son would be special.
Amina sent her baby to a wet-nurse in the desert as was the custom of that time. When he was 2
years old, his foster mother took him to Aminah and requested that she let him remain with her, to
which Amina agreed. After the incident in which Prophet (pbuh) was visited by some angels who
came to clean the Prophet’s heart, he was returned to Amina. When the Prophet (pbuh) was six, his
mother took him to visit family in Yathrib, as well as the grave of his father ‘Abdullah. She became ill
and on their return to Makka she passed away at a village called Abwa.

Halima Sa’adia: She was the Prophet’s wet-nurse. She had decided to take the baby Muhammad
(pbuh) when no one else wanted to, as she did not want to go back to her home in the desert
without a baby. She had started noticing some miracles on their way back from Makkah. Her and her
family’s fortunes changed while the Prophet (pbuh) lived with them, their animals gave more milk,
and were healthier. Due to the good fortune, he had brought them, she asked to keep the Prophet
(pbuh) for longer than the initial two-year period because she felt a close bond with him. While living
with his foster family, the Prophet (pbuh) was visited by some angels who came to clean the
Prophet’s heart, and she was shaken by the story and worried something was going to happen to the
Prophet (pbuh) in her care. She therefore returned the Prophet (pbuh) to his mother.

The Prophet (pbuh) was known to call Halima ‘my mother’. Halima once returned to the Prophet
(pbuh) at Makka and Khadija gave her 40 sheep as gift. It is said that Halima Sa’adia once again came
to the holy city of Madina in her last days. She died there and was buried in Janatul Baqi. 5(b) The
Prophet (pbuh) was an orphan and raised by various people. How might this be an example for
Muslims today?

(b) Answers may include some of the following ideas, but all valid material must be credited. You
might learn that family is important, but it doesn’t always have to be blood relations that look after
you. Whether they are blood relations or not, living with people who look after you with care and
love develops lifelong bonds. Being raised by different people can give you a different perspective on
life and could provide a greater range of learning. It could help to understand people by being able
to live amongst others who have different traits and different backgrounds. It also sets an example
for Muslims to look after orphans and vulnerable children which is a highly meritorious act in Islam.

Salman Farsi

He was from Persia belonged to a wealthy family. He was in search of true religion ,which
made him to leave his home . He wandered from one country to another till he reached the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) at Madinah. First time he met the Holy Prophet (pbuh) at Quba. He
took part in the battle of Trench and thereafter, in every battle. At his suggestion trenches
were dug at the northern border of Madinah during the Battle of Trench. Salman Farsi said “
O Messenger ofAllah! When siege was laid to us in Persia we used to dig trenches to
defend ourselves”. It was really un precedented wise plan. Salman Farsi was very
knowledgeable and God- fearing. During the caliphate of Hazrat Umar, he was made the
governor of Madain. He died during the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman.

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Abdul Muttalib

He was the grandfather of Hazrat Muhammad ((SAW) ,belonged to Banu Hashim tribe of
Quraish of Makkah. Hazrat Abullah, father of the Holy Prophet (SAW) was one of the twelve
sons of Abdul Muttalib. He was respected for his honesty and determination. Abdul
Muttalib is known in history for three things i.e restoring the well of ZumZum, having a
dialogue with Abraha, the king of Yemen who had come to destroy Kaabah, and for raising
up his grandson Muhammad (pbuh) When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was born, Abdul
Muttalib suggested his name Muhammad. He was extremely loving and caring for his
grandson. The holy Quran says

“He found you an orphan and provided you shelter”.

Zaid bin Harith

Zaid bin Haith was a Syrian kidnapped by bandits and sold as a slave to one of Hazrat
Khadija’s nephews, who presented him to her, who in turn presented him to the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) after marriage. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) loved and cared him. Zaid found
such love and affection from both husband and wife that even when his father came to take
him back, he refused to leave. Prophet (pbuh) adopted him as his own son and he began to
be called Zaid bin Muhammad. Later Quranic verse of Surah Ahzab revealed which
commanded that adopted sons should be called after their father’s name. So he reverted to
his old name. His status and standing amongst the Holy Prophet’s family, however,
remained the same. He married Umme Aiman (who was the maid of Prophet’s (pbuh)
mother) who bore him Usama bin Zaid. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) treated Usama like his
grandsons Hassan and Hussain. Prophet (pbuh) said “O Allah! Love them, I love them too”.
Zaid bin Harith was among the earliest converts to Islam. He accompanied the Holy Prophet
in his visit to Taif in 619 CE and acted as human shield when he was being pelted with
stones. He migrated from Makkah to Madinah. Later he married Zainab bintJahsh a cousin
of the Holy Prophet daughter of Umaimabint Abdul Muttalib. However the marriage was
not successful as she and her brother Abdullah bin Jahsh were not happy due to class
difference and marriage was ended after one year. Allah ordered Prophet (SAW) to marry
Zainab in order to abolish the old custom that a man could not marry the wife of his
adopted son. Allah says; “Then when Zaid has dissolved (his marriage) with her with the
necessary (formality) we joined her in marriage to you.”

He took part in the battle of Badr, Uhad and Trench. He was also present at the Treaty of
Hudaibiyah. He was martyred in 8 AH, in the Battle of Mautah. The Prophet (SAW) sent an
army of three thousand men under the command of Zaid bin Harith. The Prophet (SAW)
informed the Companions about the martyrdom of Zaid and the other two commanders
before the news of their death reached them, he said with tears in his eyes “ Zaid took the
flag and was martyred”.

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Scribes of the Divine Revelation Rubina Talaat

Scribes were the early Muslims during the life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and during the
caliphates of Hazrat Abubakr who preserved the Holy Quran in writing and learned the
verses by heart. During Hazrat Uthman’s caliphate ,copies of Quran were made by the
scribes .There were about forty scribes among them were the first four Rightly guided
Caliphs, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Masood, Ubay bin Kaab, Ameer Muawiya ,Muaz bin
Jabal etc.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) could not read and write. He was ‘Ummi which means that he was
taught by Allah through divine revelations. When he received the first revelation of Surah Al
Alaq , Angel Jibrael poured the light of wisdom in his heart. Whenever the Holy Prophet
received a revelation, he himself immediately dictated them to his companions (scribes)
who could write. They wrote the revelations on different objects such as shoulder blades of
camels, leather, date palm leaves, tablets of stones and pieces of wood. They also learnt the
revelations by heart. The Holy Quran says;

“(written ) by the hands of scribes, honourable, pious and just”.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself listened to them whatever they wrote and approved them
by checking each and every word .He guided them to arrange new verses from time to time
and then asked his companions to read out loudly what they had written to ensure their
accuracy. Quran says”

“And they say, Tales of the ancient which he has caused to be written: and they are
dictated before him morning and evening”.

The scribes followed the teachings of Quran and practically demonstrated the righteous
deeds as they were pious. Honest and truthful. They even observed the slightest actions of
the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Zaid bin Thabit said;

“We used to compile the Quran from small manuscript in the presence of the Holy
Prophet (pbuh)”.
After the death of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Battle of
Yamama took place against the most dangerous false Prophet Musailma, in which about 360
memorizers of Quran were martyred. On Hazrat Umar’s suggestion Hazrat Abu Bakr made
arrangements to compile the Holy Quran in to a book form. Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit was
appointed as the chief of scribes. At the beginning he was hesitated but later was convinced.
He said: “By Allah! If Abu Bakr had ordered me to shift a mountain from one place to
another, It would not have been heavier for me then this ordering me to collect Quran.”
Scribes assisted Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit. They travelled for many years, collected the verses
from above mentioned objects. Scribes not only preserved the Holy Quran but ensured its
correctness and originality. The approved manuscript was known as Mushaf-e- Hafsa.During
Hazrat Uthman’s caliphate Zaid bin Thabit along with Abdullah bin Zubair, Saad bin Al Aas

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and Abdur Rehman bin Harith made copies of Quran and sent them to all Provinces. Add
brief description of Abdullah bin Masood and Ubbay bin Kaab. Mark Scheme

(a)Outline the tasks performed by the Prophet’s scribes during his lifetime. The Qur’an was
written in its entirety during the Prophet’s time even though it was not compiled in one
text. There were various scribes who had different roles as companions, who wrote the
verses down on a number of materials. They wrote on parchments, bone, dried leaves,
amongst other things. Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters for him (for
example Ubayy ibn Ka’ab) whilst some became scribes because they kept their own
personal copies of the revelations for example ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As. He sought the
Messenger’s specific permission asking, ‘May I write down everything I hear from you in
the states of contentment and anger?’ He replied, ‘Yes, for I speak nothing but the truth.’
A number of companions had their own personal copies of the words of the revelations,
which were later used to verify the one copy in the time of Abu Bakr. Companions who kept
a private record of the text of the Qur'an satisfied themselves as to the purity of their record
by reading it out to the Prophet. Some of the tasks of the scribes were writing letters and
treaties, for example Abdullah ibn Masud was his regular scribe in charge of writing and
responding to letters. He was one of the scribes who wrote down all the Revelation as well
as Zayd bin Thabit, who the Messenger commanded to learn how to write Hebrew so that
he could respond on his behalf to those who wrote to him in that language. ‘Ali was also an
important scribe and wrote treaties for the Prophet. The Prophet used to instruct the
scribes about the sequence in which a revealed message was to be placed in a particular
Sura (chapter). In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of the Qur’an in a systematic
order till the end of the chain of revelations. Zayd ibn Thabit reported, “We used to record
the Qur’an from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God. “Some companions,
who did not write down the revelations, had memorized them instead and their versions
were used to verify the written copies after the Prophet’s death.

b) The scribes had the Prophet as a source of information. How useful is the internet as a
source of information about Islam? Candidates could say it is a useful source of information
because e.g. there is a lot of information easily available on the internet so it is possible to
do a few searches and find a lot of sources available for you to read on a subject. The Qur’an
and most hadith books are all online now, so people can easily access the information they
need. People who may not have access to books about Islam can learn about it online, and
would be useful for those interested / new to Islam. They could say it is not useful because
e.g., the internet has a lot of information about Islam that is questionable, and it would be
difficult to know which sites are presenting the material in the correct way / giving the
correct information about an issue. Better answers may say that the Prophet said, “go to
those who know”, meaning that people should learn from scholars who have studied in a
traditional way, as they would provide an understanding that a person would not
necessarily get from the internet. Those interested in Islam may be put off by the sites that

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present Islam inaccurately, and it can also lead to people hating Islam / Muslims because
they have read information that is not true.

Ansar and Muhajirin and the Bond of Brotherhood (Muakhat)

Rubina Talaat

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his followers migrated to Madinah in 622 CE on the invitation
of Aus and Khazraj tribe of Madinah during the pledges of Aqabah and later Allah instructed
the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to leave Makkah. Quran says in this regard.

“The Believers are but a single brotherhood. “


Prophet’s companions and followers who migrated from Makkah to Madinah in the way of
Allah, left their homes, business, properties even their families for the sake of Allah. They
are known as Muhajirin, meaning the emigrants .Also included in this are those who
migrated from elsewhere to Madinah to live with the Holy Prophet (pbuh).The Holy Quran

“The foremost (of Islam) are the first of those who forsook (their homes, the
Muhajireen)……well pleased is Allah with them.”

They are the people who left their material possession for the sake of Islam. They suffered
at the hands of the Quraish to an extent that is severer that any suffering by the Muslims till
to date. They were tortured , beaten ,starved, imprisoned, socially and economically
boycotted to stop them to follow the teachings of Islam. They stood firm and did not give up
their faith. Among them the most prominent figures were Abubakr, Umar, Uthman ,Ali,
Abdur Rehman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqas, Talha, Zubair and lot many. Quran says;

‘”Those who believed and fled (their homes) , and strove hard in the way of Allah’s way
with their property and their souls, are much higher in rank with Allah.”(9:20)

ANSARS are referred to as those who received and helped Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and
his followers after the immigration to Madinah .The Ansar (Helpers; singular Ansari) are the
Muslim population of Madinah belonged to Aus and Khazraj tribes. They invited the Prophet
(pbuh) to their city, extended him the love, help and support that most of his relatives had
refused. Ansars were happy as they not only took the Muhajireen not only to their homes,
but into their hearts. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said;

‘If all the people in the World would go one way, and the Ansar another, I would choose
the path of Ansar.’

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) became the ruler of the Muslim state of Madinah and he is not
considered as Muhajir.

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The Bond of Brotherhood (Muakhat)

After migrating to Madinah the Holy Prophet (pbuh) made a bond of Brotherhood between
an Ansari and a Muhajir. Around forty five to fifty Ansars were placed in a brotherly
relationship with an equal number of Muhajireen. This was carried out at the residence of
Anas bin Maalik. The Ansari divided all of his assets in two halves, and handed them over to
his Muhajir Brother. It was the first example in the History of such kind of love and sacrifice.
Prophet (pbuh) declared Hazrat Ali as his brother. Saad bin ar- Rabi and Abdur Rehman bin
Auf were made brothers and Saad was willing to share half of his property and divorce his
wife for Abdur Rehman to marry. He refused, preferring to work himself. Saeed bin Zaid was
made brother of famous Ansari scribe Ubbay bin Kaab. The Ansar wanted to share their
date palms with the Muhajireen but the Muhajireen refused, so the Ansar offered them to
work in their orchards ( fruit farms ) and in return they were given dates. In this way the
Ansar of Madinah gave them protection and material assistance to their Makkan brothers
and the Makkans came with their faith to share and spread their knowledge and skills in
agriculture and trade in Madinah.The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said;

“There is no life except the life of the hereafter, O Allah have mercy on the Ansar and the

Though the Muhajireen exceedingly appreciated the concern of their Ansar brothers, yet
they did not wish to be burden on them for long. They made an effort to find means of
earning their livelihood, and soon succeeded in them

1Hazrat Ali
2. Hazrat Imam Hassan
3. Hazrat Imam Hussain
4. Hazrat Zain-ul-Abidin
5. Imam Muhammad
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq
7. Imam Musa Kazim
8. Imam Ail Raza
9. Imam Muhammad
10. Imam Ali Naqi
11. Imam Hassan Askari
12. Imam Muhammad

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2. Hazrat Imam Hassan

 Son of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima and the Elder grandson
 Born in Madinah on the 1st Ramadan 3 AH and was named by Holy Prophet
 Also known as Shabbar. The prophet used to carry Hazrat Hassan on his shoulders
 Holy prophet passed away when he was only 8 years old
 Hazrat Fatima also passed away after 6 months
 He learnt Quran by heart and fought battles in Hazrat Ali’s caliphate
 In charge of Bait-Ul-Maal
 On 21st Ramadan 661 AD he become the Imam with 40/45 votes
 Anba war was lost against Hazrat Ameer Muawiya resulted in desertion
 He was poisoned by one of his wives
 Buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi
3. Hazrat Imam Hussain:
 Born on 3rdShabaan 4 AH
 He had resemblance to the Holy Prophet (Bukhari)(Tirmizi)
 Hazrat Hassan handed over the charge of Imamat on his deathbed to Hazrat Imam Husain
at Madinah
 In 60 AH, after the death of Ameer Muawiya, his son Yazid succeeded him as the Imam of
 In 60 AH, people of Kufa invited Imam Hussain to protect them from the persecutions of
Yazid’s forces
 Friends of Imam warned him about the deceitful nature of Kufa people
 When Imam Husain sent a cousin “Muslim” to Kufa; they paid warm homage to him and
Hazrat Imam Husain
 Hazrat Imam Husain wanted to help them and departed for Kufa from Madinah. But
Muslim was killed and Imam was stopped at Karbala
 On 7thMuharam61 AH Yazid’s forces cut every source of water and food
 Battle of truth began
 On 10thMuharam, all devotees of Imam were martyred. Imam Hussain handed the charge
of Imamat to Hazrat Zain-ul-Abideen and started to fight alone
 Though Imam was martyred but he place and everlasting victory of history at Karbala
4. Imam Zain Ul Abideen
 Only son of Imam Husain who survived
 He lived in Madinah after Karbala event
 Born in Madinah in 36 AH
 His mother was the daughter of the Persian king Yazgard
 Died in Madinah in 83 AH.
 Known as Sajjad
 His narrations are known as Sahifah-sajjadiyah
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir
 Son of Imam ZainulAbideen and Fatimah (daughter of Imam Hassan)
 Born in Madinah 57 AH
 4 years old at Karbala

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 Very knowledgeable person

 Wrote many traditions
 Scholar and a Muslim jurist
 Died in 114 A

6. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq

 Son of Imam Baqir
 Born in 83 AH
 He had a vast knowledge of shariah taught and made 4000 scholars of Hadith
like Imam Abu Huraira and Jabar bin hayyan
 He remained Imam for 34 years
 Faced severe restrictions in life by Abbasid Ruler
 Died in 148 AH
 Buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi
7. Imam Musa Kazim
 Son of Imam Jafar
 Born in 128 AH
 Pious, knowledgeable, generous, brave and gentle person
 Remained Imam for 35 years
 Arrested by Abbasid Ruler from Masjid-e-Nabwi
 Died in a prison after 14 years in Baghdad in 183AH
8. Imam Ali Raza
 Born in Madinah in 148 AH
 Completed recitation of the Holy Quran in 3 days
 Great debater
 Knowledgeable, generous, pious
 Confronted rebellion’s politics
Died in 203 A
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi
 Son of Imam Ali Raza
 Born in 195 AH
 Remained in Baghdad
 Imamat for 17 years
 Dies in 220 AH
10. Imam Ali Naqi
 Son of Imam Muhammad Taqi
 Born in Madinah 214 AH
 Patient, soft spoken, gentle, pious, generous
 Abbasid Ruler detained him at Iraq but he remained patient
 Imamat for 33 years
 Died in 254 AH in Iraq
11. Imam Hassan Askari
 Son of Imam Ali Naqi

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 Born in Madinah in 232 AH

 Gentle, humble, most prostrating
 Abbasid Ruler restricted on his movement
 Had Imamat for approximate 7 years
 Died in 261 AH in Iraq
12. Imam Muhammad Mehdi
 Son if Imam Hassan Askari
 Born in 255 AH in Iraq
 Father died when he was 5 years old
 Titled :Muntazir (expected), Hujja (proof of trust), Qaim (the living standard), Mehdi (guided
329 AH disappeared and will appear to fight with Dajjal.

Descendants of the Prophet


The Prophet had seven children, 3 of whom died in infancy. When his sons passed away in
Makkah, Surah Kausar was revealed to comfort the Prophet, since all his sons did not live long,
your syllabus primarily requires you to have brief knowledge of his 4 surviving daughters.

1 .Hazrat Zainab:

● Eldest daughter
● 2nd child after Qasim
● Mother to maternal cousin, Abul Aas
● She converted to Islam but he didn’t
● He fought against the Muslims in Battle of Badr and was taken as captive
● When he was ransomed, the Prophet requested Zainab to come to medina (before this she was
living in Makkah)
● She had two children – son Ali daughter Umama
● Umama was later married to Hazrat Ali
● 3 years later Hazrat Zainab’s husband converted to Islam too and came to medina
● Shepassed away from a wound she had received by an enemy of Islam while on the migration to
Madinah in 8 AH
Hazrat Ruqqaya:
● 2nd daughter
● Married to Abu Lahab’s sonUtbah
●Marriage ended after the Prophet started preaching Islam

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● Married then to Hazrat Usman

●Migrated with him to Abyssinia and returned when ban was lifted.” They are the first to
migrate in the way of Allah after Ibrahim and Lot”.
●She was amongst the Muslims who were instructed to migrate to Medina before the Prophet
himself left
● She died in 2 AH while Prophet was at Battle of Badr.
Hazrat Umme-Kulsoom:
● 3rd daughter
● Married toUtaiba son of Prophet’s uncle Abu Lahab
● Marriage was broken after revelation of Surah Lahab ‘ Perdition overtake both hands of Abu
Lahab, and he will perish.”
● Migrated to Medina with Hazrat Sawdah
● Remained at home until Hazrat Usman married her in 3 Ah
● She died in 9 AH while her father and husband were at the Tabuk Expedition
Hazrat Fatima:

● 4th daughter
● Born in Makkah in 605 AD
● Travelled to Medina with HazratSawdah when Prophet called them
● Married to Hazrat Ali in 2 AH
● Lived in a small house near the Mosque of the Prophet
●Like other emigrants, the couple experienced much poverty
● In 3 AH, she gave birth to her first son, whom Prophet named Hassan, the beautiful one.
● In 4 AH, she gave birth to her 2nd son, whom Prophet named Hussain, the little beautiful one
● She had two daughters, Umme-Kulsoom and Zainab
● Prophet had special affection for her
● She was often near him in his stressful moments
● Washed his head when Makkans threw dirt on him
●Washed his clothes when Abu Lahab threw entrails of camel on the Prophet while praying
● Tended to his wounds after Uhad
● Prophet said:
1 “you are the highest of the women of the people of paradise, except for Maryam, daughter of
2.” Fatima is a part of me, whoever annoys her annoys me, and whoever harms her harms me.”
● Prophet gave his chair to her sit on when she visited him in his last days
● In his last days, the Prophet told him that she would be first of his family to follow him
● Likewise, she died in 11 AH, 6 months after Prophet’s death

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Hazrat Hassan:

● Born in 3 AH in Medina
● Prophet named him the beautiful one. “ O Allah , I love him, so I beseech you to love him”
● He used to climb on the Prophet’s back when the Prophet was prostrating in prayer
● Prophet interrupted his sermon once to come down and puck Hazrat Hasan when he fell down
● Hazrat Hasan used to take water to Hazrat Usman when he was besieged in 35 AH
●Sent to Kufa, during Hazrat Ali’s caliphate to seek reinforcements in battle of Camel
● Fought in battle of Siffin along with father
● Supporters claimed caliph after father’s death in 40 AH
●Muawiya, governor of Syria, rejected his claim and moved forces against him
● Hasan reacted slowly as he did not want fights between the Muslims
● Desertions to Muawiya’s side made him weaker
● Finally he renounced caliphate after less than a year
● Settled in Medina and died in 50 AH
● Poisoned by wife, Jada, who was enticed by Muawiya on promises of money
● He is buried in Medina
● Regarded by Shias as 2nd Imam

b.Hazrat Hussain:

● Born in 4 AH in Medina
●He was a great joy for grandfather. Prophet (SAW) said” Hussain is from me and I from Hussain”.
● Prophet took him on his knees and carried him on his back
● Loyal supporter of father
●He was reluctant to accept Hazrat Hassan’s renunciation of caliphate,
● Though he knew that Muawiya was too strong to resist
● He refused to accept Muawiya’s son, Yazid, as caliph
●People of Kufa invited him to lead an uprising against Ummayads
● Sent cousin, Muslim, to see the situation
●Muslim saw Kufan support and sent a letter to Hazrat Husain, telling him to come
●After dispatching the letter, Muslims was captured by governor of Basra and killed
● Strict measures were taken against Husain’s supporters in Kufa
●Meanwhile, Hazrat Husain left Medina for Makkah in Rajab 59 AH
● Sensing trouble during hajj, he set out from Makkah with members of his family and close
supporters on 8th Dhul Hajj 59 AH
● Muslims advised him against this and people he met on his way cautioned him

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● But he was not to be turned aside

● His will strengthened when he heard that his supporters had been killed in Makkah and troops
had been sent against him
● On 2nd Muharram, 60 AH he camped at Karbala, a desert near Kufa
● The next day, the Ummayad army surrounded the camp and prevented anyone from taking water
from river Euphrates
● Negotiations took place for some days, but failed
● Battle began with 72 people of Husain and 4000 Ummayad troops on 10 Muharam 60 AH
● Initially there were small skirmishes and the army did not attack with force
● Gradually, Hussain’s supporters were killed one by one
● His camp was set on fire
● When a handful of supporters were left they went to the river to get water but were surrounded
● Hazrat Husain resisted but was struck down due to being outnumbered
● His head was cut off and taken to Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad, governor of Kufa and then to caliph Yazid
at Damascus
● His body was buried at Karbala, modern day southern Iraq.

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Prophet’s behavior towards his companions (friends) Rubina Talaat

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) set an excellent example of kindness, affection and concern for his
companions. He shared their joys and sorrows and was never indifferent to any one of them.
He said; “My companions are like stars, whichever you follow, you will be guided”.

He used to enquire about the welfare of each of his companions. He would get worried if any
one of them did not visit him for a couple of days. He took interest in their welfare as well as to
resolve their personal problems .After the death of Hazrat Khadija, he married to Hazrat
Abubakr’s daughter Hazrat Ayesha and Hazrat Umer’s daughter Hazrat Hafsa to strengthen the
friendly ties with these two close companions. He consulted his companions about the best
way to meet the enemy. The consensus of opinion was that the Muslims should go out of
Madinah to meet the enemy while the Holy Prophet wanted to stay in Madinah. In the battle of
Trench the Holy Prophet (pbuh) honoured his companion Salman Farsi by accepting his
suggestions to dig trenches in the north of Madinah to stop the enemy. Once when he entered
upon a gathering, those present stood in respect for him. He expressed dislike at this action,
and said that a person who desired that other stand in his presence would never enter
paradise. One of the poor companions got married. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) intended to help
him without hurting his self respect and thus offered to buy his camel. When they agreed on a
price, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) paid the cash. When the companion was about to leave, the
Holy Prophet (puh) gave him the same camel as a gift. This is an example of the Holy
Prophet(pbuh) to be followed by present day Muslims.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) showered his love for his companions and acknowledged their services
to Islam and to appreciate Hazrat Zubair , he said;

“Every Prophet has qa sincere friend and mine is Zubair”

Hazrat Anas reported the Holy Prophet (SAWS) as saying:

“ The most compassionate person among my people towards my people is Abu Bakr, the most
rigorous regarding Allah’s affairs is Umar, the most genuinely modest is Uthman, the one who
knows best how to recite the Quran is Ubay bin Ka’ab.

The Holy Prophet (SAWS)’s Relations towards non – Muslim States

The Holy Prophet(SAWS) established relation according to the teachings of Islam on the basis of
equality and parity without compromising on the principle of Islam. He was very strict in
maintaining warm political relations with neighbouring states and always received their
delegations and deputations with great respect and dignity. He personally cared for them and
served them during their stay in Mad9nah. He not only maintained friendly relations with all

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tribes but also tried to settle their mutual problems with justice. In the First year of Hijrah , as
the ruler of the first Muslim state of Madinah , he set up a friendship treaty with Jews in which
the Holy Prophet ( SAWS)had granted the freedom of worship to them and made an alliance
with them. However the Jews in later years themselves broke the treaty by violating it. The
treaty of Hudaibiya was signed between the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Quraish of Makkah,
according to the treaty ,a Muslim who would go from Makkah to Madinah could not be
retained while a Muslim from Madinah to Makkah would not be returned. Many young men of
the Quraish became Muslims and left their city, but could not be accepted by Madinah
government because of the terms of the treaty. Abu Jandal, one of the younger son of Suhail
had accepted Islam. His father had imprisoned him on account of his change of faith. Abu
Jandal came to Madinah and sought refuge but the Holy Prophet (SAWS) returned him by

“ Be patient Abu Jandal ”said the Holy Prophet (SAWS)”Allah will surely give you and those
with you relief and a way out. We have agreed on the terms of a truce with these people, and
have given them our pledge, just as they have done to us, and we will not now go back on our

If any state adopted the policy of agression, then the Holy Prophet (pbuh) firmly faced the
enemy and in most of the battles got the victory including the battle of Badr, battle of Trench
,battle of Khyber ,Hunain and so on. (Give brief description of the battles)

In 7 AH , after the treat of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) extended his foreign policy by
inviting the rulers of non – Muslim state by following the teachings of Quran which says’

“Let there be no compulsion in religion.’

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) did not forcibly converted them to Islam, instead he sent his
ambassadors to convey his message of Islam. Muslims were the first to give foreigners their
rights without any discrimination.

The Prophet (pbuh) strictly followed the instructions of the Holy Quran regarding physical Jihad
against the non- Muslim states. Quran says;

“Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you. But do not transgress the limit. Surely
Allah does not like the transgressors. “

After getting the victory in the battle of Badr the Holy Prophet (pbuh) set an excellent example
of good conduct towards the Quraish of Makkah .He invited them to Islam, gave them the
option to pay Jiziya or educated prisoners could teach ten Muslim children for their freedom.
He did not adopt any harsh policy towards them.

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(b ) What lesson can modern Muslim states learn from the teachings of the Holy Prophet to
improve their relations with other states.


Status of Women in Islam as mother, wife and daughter Rubina Talaat

Q. Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women as wives, mothers and

Ans. According to Islam woman is completely equated with man in terms of her rights and
responsibilities because the Quran says:

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily. To him (or her) We give
a new life that is good and pure”.

In the light of these Quranic verses, there is no distinction of gender for the reward of Allah and
accountability before Him .

Before the advent of Islam women were treated as article of trade as they were sold and
bought. On the other hand Islam gives equal status to men and women.

Status of women as mother: Islam gives special status to parents. Quran says; “Treat your
parents with kindness”.

The Prophet (pbuh) accorded an exalted status to women in the capacity of mother He said
“ Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.”

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The special status was given to mothers because of their sufferings and endurance during birth
and upbringing of their children. The Holy Quran says;

“And we have enjoined upon man to be parents; his mother bears him in weakness upon

The mother sacrifices her comfort and desires for her children. Once, a person asked the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) about the rights of mother. He thrice insisted on serving one’s mother and only
fourth time he told the questioner to serve his father. The Prophet’s own kind treatment
towards his foster mother Halima Saadia is a wonderful example. He used to call her” my
mother”. When Sheema, daughter of Halima and foster sister of Prophet (pbuh) was brought as
captive in Hunain, he released her immediately and upon hearing that she was his sister , the
entire clan of Banu Saad was freed. At present day a Muslim should obey, serve and respect his
mother and must not create any unpleasant situation including insulting , shouting and

Status of women as wife; In Islam women are granted dignified status as wives. The Quran
declared husbands as the maintainers and protectors of wives by saying “Men are maintainers
of women “.

According to Islamic law, man cannot be forced to marry against her will. She has been given
the right of ’dower, which is a gift in the form of cash or valuables given by husband. Quran

“And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them. The Holy Prophet (pbuh)

“The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and the best of you are those who are
best to their wives. “

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself demonstrated this by giving equal love to all of his wives. He
even played with Hazrat Ayshe the youngest of his wives. He respected the family and friends
of Hazrat Khadija after her death and would give them gifts. Islamic law has given the right of
‘Khula’ (to ask for divorce).Women were also ensured a due share in the property left by their
deceased husbands and parents .The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said that the best among the
Muslims is the man whose behavior towards his family is the best.. A Muslim husband is
required to be caring, loving, helpful and considerate towards his wife and the wife should in
return show honesty and sincerity towards her husband .The Holy Prophet (saws) in his last
sermon laid an emphasis on the rights of wife. He said

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“Treat your wives with kindness and love , verily you have taken them on the security of
Allah”. The wives should not be forced to earn livelihood for themselves and their family.

He also said” you have rights over your wives and your wives have rights over you”. It means
that both husband and wife should be tolerant and patient towards each other. The Holy
Prophet (pbuh) had four daughters. His two daughters Hazrat Ruqqaya and Umm Kulthum were
married to Hazrat Uthman bin Affan. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) gave him the title of
‘ZunNoorain’ possessor of two lights. The Holy Prophet said; “

“ A man who has two daughters and he brings them up and educate them properly, they will
cause him to enter paradise. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) loved his youngest daughter Fatima from
the core of his heart. He often said;

“ Fatima is a part of my body, whosoever hurts her hurts me.”

He would stand up to receive her and offer her his place to sit. She would do the same on
receiving her father. The Holy Prophet (pbuh), during his last days of illness told Fatima that she
would be the first to meet him in paradise. Islam tells us to be polite, loving, kind and
affectionate with daughters. They should not be scolded, beaten, punished, insulted or
deprived of their rights. Their basic rights of food, shelter, clothes and education should be
given to them. Sons should not be preferred on daughters. They should not be buried alive
after their birth. They should be facilitated with religious and worldly education. Their early
marriage should be avoided. Rubina Talaat

Task to do(4)Q.(b) Why is it important in Islam for a male and a female to respect each other?


Hadith 1
‘Religion is sincerity.’ We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, his Book,
His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’


1. Islam demands sincere and genuine faith.

2. This sincerity is needed in the fundamental beliefs as well as towards the leaders and
the members of the community.
3. This means strong belief in Tawhid (oneness of God), the divine message of the Quran
and the messenger of God who conveyed this Message to us.
4. Also, the leader of the community, who follows the Quran and Sunnah, should be
sincerely followed:

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5. “And obey God and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among
you.” (4:59)
6. Finally, Muslims should believe in respecting and caring for the fellows in the


1. Belief in Tawhid, Quran and the last Messenger is demonstrated by following the eternal
guidance of the Quran and Sunnah.
2. Muslims should observe the five pillars of Islam:
3. “And establish regular prayer and pay the charity tax”
4. As for cooperating with the leader of the community, Muslims should remember the
speech of Abu Bakr on his election as caliph:
5. “Help me if I am in the right, set me right if I am in the wrong”
6. Similarly, sincerity towards fellows should be expressed by being kind, polite and
respectful to them.

Hadith 2

None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.

(a) 1. Muslims are bonded together with common faith:

2.“Believers are a single brotherhood” (49:10) this bond of fraternity has been established by
God Himself, and so, all Muslims should make it part of their faith.

3. A heart without love and care for the fellow Muslims is devoid of true faith, & so, genuine
faith is linked with affection for the other members of the community.

4.“None of you believes” refers to imperfect faith, and not absence of faith. This means that
any believer might fall prey to a lack of love for fellows.

1. Muslims should negate selfishness, promote spirit of sacrifice and love for the fellow
2. Should develop a sense of collective welfare and make efforts to ensure comfort and
benefits for others as much as for himself:
3. “It is more beneficial for one to give his land free to his brother than to charge him a
fixed rental” and:
4. “That you desire for others that what you desire for yourself”

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5. True believers should not look down upon others and should not taunt them or call
them by offensive nick names.
6. hers and should take initiative in re-establishing good relation. They are also not
supposed to break ties with fellow brothers.

Hadith 3

Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him
who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who
believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.


1. Power of speech not only a great bounty by God but also a means of expressing faith:
2. “He has created man. He has taught him the speech (and intelligence),” (55:3, 4)
3. With this belief, a believer should learn, “To keep quiet is better than telling a bad
4. Several evils, transgression and indecencies originate form misuse of the tongue.
5. Similarly, faith is also linked with good social conduct because Muslims believe that
observance of acts of worship is one aspect and being kind to others is another aspect
of demonstrating faith.


1. Muslims should avoid all indecencies : “Believers will surely get through ………who avoid
vain talk” (23:1-2)
2. They should show hospitality towards those around them e.g., neighbors & guests: “He is
not a true believer who eats to his fill but his neighbor sleeps hungry” and
3. “Whoever believes in God and the last day should not harm his neighbor, and whoever
believes in God should honour his guest”
4. The Prophet set several examples of hospitality, towards both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Hadith 4

A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think
that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful
and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise?
He said: Yes

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1. This Hadith sums up the secret of entry to Paradise.

2. Prayer and fasting are the two of the five pillars on which is erected the building of
3. “He who gives up prayer has indeed disbelieved.”
4. “What stands between a believer and disbelief is abandonment of regular prayer”
5. “The fast is a shield (against Satan).”
6. These two pillars train believers to believe in the importance of the lawful and the
7. “…….he (the Prophet) allows them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from
what is bad” (7:157)


1. Muslims should be regular and punctual in daily prayer as it keeps them from evils:
2. “Verily, regular prayer refrains from shameful and unjust deeds” (29:45)
3. They should fast in Ramadan to promote self-restraint
4. Observance of both these trains them to tell right from wrong and earn by Halal
(permitted) means while shunning all Haram (forbidden) actions:
5. “So take what the Messenger gives you and refrain form what he prohibits you” (59:7)
6. Such self training will ensure individual and collective welfare in this world and the

Hadith 5

Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly
between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting
up his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers
is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.


1. Muslims should consider all their physical powers as a gift of God

2. This will enable them to express gratitude to God by helping fellow Muslims in daily
3. They should consider such acts as charity e.g., settling disputes of the people and
removing harmful objects from the roads.
4. Such acts should be equated with exerting energy in the worship of God

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5. Islam encourages charity and other measures that benefit others: “The best among the
people are those who are a source of benefit to the people” (Hadith)


1. True believers should shape their conduct in such a way as can help the fellows in day to
day affairs.
2. They should try to end disputes between fellows because the Quran says: “Believers are
a single brotherhood; therefore make peace between your two contending
brothers” (49:10)
3. They should hurry to offer their prayer, share the burdon of fellows and, wherever
possible, remove anything harmful from thoroughfares.

This they should do along with other acts of charity because Islam has broadened the scope
of charity.
Hadith 6

Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to
do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the
weakest of faith.


1. Islam teaches its followers to first establish a true Islamic society based on the teachings
of the Quran and Sunnah
2. It further commands them to defend the society against all possible evils with whatever
available resources.
3. This involves use of physical force or verbal rejection or at least condemning it from
heart, though it is the lowest degree of faith of a believer
4. Believers should remember that struggle against evil is a constant phenomenon as the
ultimate source of evils is Satan:
5. “Verily Satan is an avowed enemy to man” (12:5)


1. Eradication of evil involves struggle of varying degrees depending on the available

resources with the Muslim community and government.
2. If sufficient resources are available, then the Muslim state may permit physical Jehad:
3. “Believers……….. strive hard in God’s way with their possessions and their own
selves” (49:15)

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4. Otherwise, evil may be suppressed through speech or writings, and in case an individual
believer is unable to utilize either resource, he is required to shun evil internally.
5. The best way of doing this might be to seek God’s refuge: “Say I seek refuge with the
Lord of day-break. From the evil of the things created” (al-Falaq)

Hadith 7

It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah
(may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of
Allah with his person and his property.’


1. Jehad or struggle in the way of God is an act of worship and shows genuineness of faith.
2. Jehad is aimed at suppressing evil, stopping aggression and transgression but within the
limits prescribed by the code of conduct of war in Islam.
3. Muslims believe that all their physical and financial resources are granted by God, and
so, they develop the spirit of placing them at God’s disposal.
4. Therefore, according to their belief, those who sacrifice their lives during Jehad, are not
5. “Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord.” (3:169)


1. Jehad is the ultimate expression of one’s faith as it involves sacrificing everything in

God’s way and defending Islam.
2. Those engaged in Jehad are trained to sacrifice their belongings and lives without
hesitation: “Fighting is prescribed to you though you may dislike it” (2:216)
3. For this reason, the Quran and the Prophet have repeatedly admired those busy in
Jehad and ranked them as the best Muslims.
4. The Holy Prophet fought battles, received wounds and also witnessed martyrdom of his
close associates.
5. He declared his uncle Hamza as “the chief of all the martyrs” as he had first migrated
twice for Islam and later, laid down his life in the battle of Uhud.

Hadith 8

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whom do you count
to be a martyr among you?’ They said: O Messenger of Allah, whoever is killed in the way of

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Allah is a martyr. He said: 'In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few! He who
is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a
martyr, he who dies in the plague in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in
the way of Allah is a martyr.’


1. The Hadith has expanded the scope of martyrdom by including those not involved
directly in any physical fight/struggle (Jehad) in God’s way.
2. Muslims are taught to believe that there are a number of non-war martyrs and they
include those who endure any sudden or prolonged pain that eventually kills them.
3. For example, natural death, death from plague and cholera.
4. The Prophet has repeatedly said “in the way of God” and that means to die in a state of
strong faith in God.


1. Believers should be ready to lay down their lives in God’s way only.
2. They should develop the spirit of withstanding all serious and fatal sufferings with a
strong belief that everything is by the supreme will of God Almighty who alone has
power to give life and death.
3. They should be ready to sacrifice their lives while fighting on God’s command as well as
while suffering any physical ailment with this Quranic instruction:
4. “…….but give glad tidings to those who patiently preserve. Who say, when afflicted
with calamity: To God we belong, and to Him is our return” (2:155-156)
5. This way, serious ailments and sudden trials will not shake their faith.

Hadith 9

No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand


1. Islam related struggle for lawful earning with the performance of obligatory rituals:
2. “To earn a clean living is also a duty next to the obligatory duties of faith” (Hadith)
3. Islam instructs the believers to work hard and earn by legitimate and fair means without
dependence on others: “One who works for himself is a friend of God”.
4. This means the Muslims should believe that hardwork of any kind is a means of earning
not only material bounties but also God’s pleasure and favour.

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1. The Muslims should follow the example of the Prophet who set several guiding
2. He would mend his shoes and clothes, work as ordinary worker in the construction of
the mosque and digging of the ditch.
3. They should reject all such unlawful and undesirable means of earning as bribery, usury
(riba) and beggary because the Prophet strictly warned his followers of the
consequences of these antisocial practices:
4. “The one who offers and the one who accepts the bribe will both go to the Fire of
5. They should obey the Quranic command:
6. “Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good, and do not follow footsteps of
Satan” (2:168)

Hadith 10

One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts
himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or fasts in the day.


1. Islamic teachings train the believers to develop a sense of fulfilling the rights of God as
well as those of the fellow beings.
2. Islam strictly instructs us to take care of the less privileged in the society. Such people
have been equated by the Prophet to a regular worshipper and the one who strives in
the way of God.
3. The Quran links true faith with a supportive attitude towards the poor and declares
those who fail to do so as the rejectors of faith:
4. “Have you seen the one who denies the judgement?....... and who does not encourage
the feeding of the indigent”. ( 107, al-Ma’un)

1. The Muslims should follow the example of the Prophet who married the widow and
often gave away his share of meal to those in need:
2. “ Nor repulse the petitioner unheard” (al-Duha, 93)
3. They should support those in need by regular charity and almsgiving in a way that the
honour of the needy is not hurt: “There is a man who gives charity and conceals it so
much that his left hand does not know what his right hand spends” (Hadith)
4. This means there should be no showing off.

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5. The best way of supporting a widow is her remarriage with her consent as it is the
Sunnah of the Prophet.
6. The weak in the society should be supported and taken care of, just like the Prophet
himself did in Makka and Madina.

Hadith 11

‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his
two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.


1. Islam instructs its followers to be caring and considerate towards the unsupported and
the needy.
2. It promises greater rewards for such noble attitude, e.g., earning the pleasure of God
and closeness to His Messenger.
3. It also associates such nobility with the love for God:
4. “And they feed for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan and the captive” (76:8)
5. Care and support of the orphan is greatly admired by the Quran and Sunnah, as both
promise huge rewards for those who are kind towards the orphan.
6. This Hadith guarantees such people closeness to the Prophet in Paradise → for any
believer this is no less than a fabulous award in the Hereafter.


1. The Prophet, himself being an orphan, always took special care of the orphan and the
2. He was reminded in Surah al-Duha: “Did He not find you an orphan and give you
shelter? ”
3. He therefore, showered special love on the orphan
4. Muslims should imitate his examples in whatever possible ways
5. They should donate generously for the orphanages run and maintained by various
charity organizations.
6. They should adopt orphan children in the light of the admiration expressed by the
Prophet, “ the best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated”.
7. Such noble tasks strengthen the communal bonds among the members of the Muslim

Hadith 12

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) sent Abu Musa and Mu‘adh
ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said: ‘Be gentle and
do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.’

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1. This Hadith highlights the importance of the responsibilities of a Muslim ruler

2. Being the leader of the Muslim community is a huge responsibility and a great trust of
God with the ruler.
3. A Muslim ruler is required to consider himself the custodian of his people, responsible
for their prosperity and welfare:
4. “Leader of the community is indeed its servant” (Hadith)
5. “Your best rulers are those whom you love and they love you” (Hadith)
6. Such an attitude is based on a strong sense of accountability before the people as well
as the Supreme Lord.
7. True Muslim rulers try their best to win the hearts of their people by kindness and by
being very close to them, avoiding any degree of harshness.


1. The Prophet and his four successors set glorious traditions about how to act as rulers
2. They devoted their energies for the general welfare and collective prosperity of their
3. Muslim rulers need to follow these model rulers who ruled not only the state but also
the hearts of their subjects.
4. They should remove all barriers that separate them from their people and should treat
them in a kind and fatherly way so that people do not fear but respect them with
5. Caliph Ali remarked: “The state might survive with paganism but might not survive
with injustice”.
6. They should ensure justice and follow this instruction of the Prophet: “Make things easy
and don’t make them hard, and cheer up people and don’t repel them”.

Hadith 13

He who studies the Qur’an is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he will
keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away


1. The conduct of the Muslims depends on the degree of their association with the Quran
because it is the basis of their lives.
2. The Prophet has linked this bond with the ownership of the tethered camels
3. As long as the camels are supervised and kept tethered, they remain under control.

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4. Similarly, as long as a Muslim remains attached to the Quran by recitation, learning and
comprehending it, the Quran continues to benefit him; but if this relation is weakened,
the effect of the Quran gradually fades away.
5. The Prophet admired those devoted to learning and teaching of the Quran: “The best
among you is the one who has learned the Quran and teaches it”


1. The Muslims should encourage regular recitation and learning the Quran by heart so
that their ties with the Quran are strengthened”
2. “Keep refreshing your knowledge of the Quran for I swear by Him in whose hand is my
soul, that is the more liable to escape than camels which are tethered”
3. The Quran should be recited in the manner prescribed by the Quran itself: “And recite
the Quran in slow, measured rhythmic tones” (73:4)
4. Also, its message should be comprehended in order to shape our conduct according to
the Quranic command.

Hadith 14
May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he
demands his money back.


1. Economic teachings of Islam stress on honesty and justice on one hand, while mercy and
lenience on the other.
2. Buyers and sellers should not have any intention of exploiting or cheating each other:
3. “One who cheats is not among us” (Hadith)
4. Sellers should believe that honesty and generosity are liked by God.
5. Buyers similarly should not have any ill intention of exploiting any weakness of the
6. Creditors should believe that God alone enabled him to be a source of helping those in
need and so, he should develop spirit of magnanimity when some needy person
approaches him. (b)

1. The Prophet conducted trade with full honesty and dedication

2. He would not hide defects of merchandise while selling any items.
3. Muslim traders should follow this and should not try to unduely maximize profits.
4. While buying anything, Muslims should observe some limit of bargaining so that the
seller does not feel uncomfortable.
5. A creditor should be generous enough to give any relief to the debtor because the
Prophet greatly admired such degree of kindness:

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6. “Whoever has a claim on a brother which is payable and he allows respite to the
debtor in his payment, he will be given the reward of charity”.
7. Islam forbids any usury and instructs to extend “the beautiful loan” (Interest-free
loan). Hadith 15

God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others


1. Among all attributes of God, mercy is very special because according to a Hadith-i-
Qudsi:“Truly My mercy overcomes My wrath”
2. God, therefore, loves those who show mercy to others, and He commands the Muslims
to seek His mercy and extend mercy on others.
3. The Holy Prophet is called “mercy for all creatures” in the Quran (21:107)
4. The Prophet encouraged his followers to keep alive the spirit of mercy and compassion
so that they get entitled to God’s mercy in the Hereafter.
5. None can be more ill-fated than the one who gets deprived of God’s mercy.


1. The Muslims are required to follow the footsteps of the Prophet who never cursed his
enemies and insultors in Makka, Taif and the battlefield.
2. In the battle of Uhud, when some companion asked him to curse the Makkans, his reply
3. “I have not been sent to curse”
4. He kindly treated captives of Badr and forgave his fatal enemies on the conquest of
5. Muslims today may imitate such noble conduct and generosity of heart.
6. They should not overburdon their employees and should have the moral courage of
forgiving the insultors because they will receive huge reward from their Lord:
7. “Be compassionate to those on earth and He, who is in the heavens, will be
compassionate to you”.

Hadith 16

The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected, and if his head is
affected he is all affected.


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1. Islam established the universal Muslim brotherhood when the Prophet migrated to
2. “The believers are a single brotherhood” (49:10)
3. All Muslims regardless of social and geographical background were united as a single
4. Since it is a divine arrangement, all Muslims are bound to observe it
5. They should develop a strong sense of belonging to the same community or family so
that if any of the fellows experiences discomfort, he too should feel it.
6. The Prophet also used another comparison :
7. “One believer to another is like the bricks of a building; each one is holding and
supporting the other”.


1. The believers may follow this Hadith in a variety of ways.

2. The Ansar of Madina accommodated the Muhajireen of Makka by sharing all their assets
with them.
3. During congregational prayers and the pilgrimage to Makka, Muslims come closer to
each other and this trains them to share joys and sorrows.
4. They should care for fellow Muslims in hour of need and trials
5. The Prophet linked true belief with a sense of brotherhood: “you cannot be true
believers unless there is reciprocal love among you”.
6. They can also promote unity by collectively following the Quranic guidance :
7. “And hold fast all together the Rope of God and do not be divided” (3:103)

Hadith 17
Modesty produces nothing but good.


1. Moral teachings of Islam are intimately linked with modesty

2. Modesty is the barrier, like piety, against all indecencies and evils and is thus a source
of strengthening faith and submission before divine commands.
3. The Prophet said: “Modesty and faith are companions; when one is taken away, the
other follows it”
4. So, modesty strengthens and accompanies faith, and faith, in turn, promotes mental
5. Mental piety reflects a believer’s obedience to God and is a means of earning God’s
6. Modesty is antidote to evil acts and disobedience to God.

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1 Islam teaches ways of observing modesty both towards God and the fellow members of
the community.

2 Regular prayer effectively wards off evil thoughts and actions :

3“for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds” (29:45)

4 This way, a believer’s conduct is shaped according to the divine commands and guidance.

5 Another way of observing modesty is to put interests of fellows before one’s own

6 Such an attitude surely eliminates evils and social problems so that a balanced society
develops. Hadith 18

He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and
he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise.


1. According to Muslim belief, true faith alone guarantees a believer’s salvation from the
fire of Hell and entry to Paradise.
2. Faith promotes the spirit of submission before the will of God and thus negates pride.
3. Pride symbolises disobedience as is evident from Satan’s refusal to obey God:
4. “We said to angels: “Bow down to Adam”, and they all bowed down except for Iblis; he
refused and was haughty” (2:34)
5. A believer with the slightest degree of faith will eventually be freed from Hell and a
person with the slightest amount of pride will be denied Paradise and driven to Hell: “Is
there not in Hell an abode for the Haughty” (39:60)


1. Muslims should promote humbleness and submission before God so that they earn His
2. The Quran mentions the ways of being humble towards God and reward of such
3. “The believers must eventually win through. Those who humble themselves in their
prayers” (23:1, 2)
4. By strengthening a sense of humility, pride can be effectively resisted and controlled.
5. This ensures pleasure of God:
6. “for God does not love the arrogant” (4:36)

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7. Following the divine guidance is the best means of promoting humility and resisting

Hadith 19
The world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise


1. God is the Creator of this world and the Hereafter.

2. He created charms in this world to test His obedient servants.
3. A believer is trained by Islamic teachings to consider this world a prison where he is not
free to live a life of his choice and so, can’t get attached to it just as a prisoner can’t
develop a lasting association with the prison.
4. A true believer gradually develops an approach to the worldly life that the Quran
mentions as:
5. “What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the
Hereafter.” (6:32)
6. He strongly believes in the eternal joys of the Hereafter whereas a non-believer is fully
enticed by the temporary glow of this world and thus, denies the Hereafter.


1. A staunch belief in the temporariness of this world and eternity of the life after death is
demonstrated by a believer’s submission to God’s will:
2. “Say ‘I believe in God and then act uprightly.” (Hadith)
3. He lives in this world just as a prisoner or a stranger in the light of this instruction of the
4. “Live in this world as if you were a stranger or a wayfarer” Unlike the non-believers
who are totally absorbed in the world, a believer considers his life as a testing phase or a
cultivating ground the fruits of which will be awarded in the Hereafter:
5. “This world is a seedbed for the Hereafter” (Hadith)

Hadith 20

God does not look at your forms and your possessions, but he looks at your hearts and your


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1. This Hadith categorically declares the criterion by which God judges actions and
2. God does not consider outward appearance or worldly gains made by a person.
3. He simply considers a person’s conduct and the intentions behind it because the
Prophet clearly stated in another Hadith: “Actions are judged by intentions”
4. However good appearance we may carry and whatever success we get, God is so
supreme and high that everything is worthless before Him because He is “Lord of all the
worlds” and “He knows secrets of hearts.”
5. So, a true believer strives to act according to the Quran and Sunnah and with sincerity of


1. Muslims should struggle to live a righteous life instead of focusing on material gains
2. They should follow the Quran and Sunnah since this alone can guarantee success in the
Hereafter. They should reject any form or degree of hypocrisy or showing off and
develop sincerity of faith and intention, keeping in mind:
3. “Whether you hide whatever is in your hearts or reveal it, God knows it all.” (3:29)
4. They should do all noble deeds with the pure intention of earning God’s pleasure,
however ordinary these deeds might seem to others

History and Importance of Importance of Quran Q. 2 Compulsory


Time :22 min. Marks 14

Suggested Questions
1( a).Give an account of the ways of the revelations , revealed to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) between
610 and 632.
(b) Explain the significance of Quran , being revealed to the Holy Prophet (saw) .
(b)What does the Prophet’s first experience of revelation tell us about the nature of prophet hood in
2 ( a) Give an account of the ways of the revelations of Quran, revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW), after
the first revelation.
Q 3 Give an account of how the Holy Quran developed into a book form.
(b)What is the significance to Muslims today of having the Quran in the form of a book .
Q 4 (a) Give an account of how the Quran was compiled in the years following the Prophet’s death.
(b) Explain why the first community of Muslims thought it was necessary to compile the Quran.

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Q 5 (a) Describe how the two main sources of Islamic Legal Thinking are related.
(b)Give an example to show how the Quran could be used in the exercise of Qiyas (analogy) .
Q.6( a) Write about the way in which the two primary sources of Islamic legal thinking are used.
(b) How is the use of Ijma(consensus) important to Muslims today.
Q. 7.(a) Give an account of how the Qur’an developed into a book form.
(b)What is the significance to Muslims today of having the Quran in the form of a book?
Q. 8 (a) From passages you have studied from the Qur’an, write about God’s relationship with
(10 humankind.
(b) Explain the significance of the Qur’an being revealed to humankind.
Q.9 (a) Describe what the following surahs tell Muslims about the circumstances in which they were
revealed:112(Al-Ikhlas) and 108( AlKawthar).
(b) To what extent is the Qur’an the basis of legal thinking in Islam.
Q. 10 (a) Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings about God in the Qur’an.
(b) How might these teachings affect a Muslim’s life today?
Q.11 (a) Write about the methods used to compile the Qur’an into a book after the death of the Prophet
(SAWS). (10 )
(b) Why is understanding the teachings of the Qur’an important to Muslims?
Q.12 (a) The Sunnah is often used with the Qur’an as a primary source of Islamic Law. Describe the ways
in which they are used together.
(b)” The Qur’an is not as relevant to Muslims now as it was 1400 years ago. “Give reasons to agree or
disagree with the statement.
Q. 13(a) Write about how the Qur’an is used with three other sources in Islamic Legal Thinking.
(b) How important is the use of Ijma or qiyas in Islamic law in present day situations? Give reasons for
your answers.
Q14 (a) Write about the preservation of the Qur’an in the form of the mushaf held by Hafsa.
(b) Memorising of the Qur’an is no longer important because the Qur’an is preserved as a book.” Discuss
whether you agree or disagree with this statement , giving reasons for your answer.
Q.15 (a) Give an account of the revelation ,revealed to the Holy Prophet(SAWS) in 610 CE.

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(b)Why was the Holy Quran revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAWS). Explain.
(4) Q.16 (a) The Qur’an is the main source of Islamic Law. Write an account of how it is used
with each of the other three sources. (10)
(b)Do you think that both ijma and qiyas are equally important for solving present day issues? Give
reasons for your answer.

Structure of Hadith: 2 Parts Isnad – Chain of Narrators and Matn -Text of Hadith
Each hadith consists of two parts
First part-Isnad is plural of the word Sanad means to support because it is the authority for the
genuineness of Hadith.Isnad are the series of authorities who are called narrators or transmitters of
Hadith or Muhaddisin. These authorities can be as few as one, two ,three even four, five ,six
depending on how far the compiler’s time was from the Holy Prophet (pbuh). For Example Muhammad
Ibn Al Muthana took Hadith from Abdul Wahab who took Hadith from Ayub, from Abu Qilabaa who
related Hadith from Malik that Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Say prayer as you have seen me Praying”

Another Example Imam Malik> Imam Nafi> Abdullah bin Umar > Prophet (pbuh)

Matn- The second part nof Hadith consists of the words of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself. Matn
means the Text of Hadith. For example “Say prayer as you have seen me praying”. The Matn, as the
report of an act or statement of the Holy Prophet (SAW) helps to build up a picture of his teachings and
thus a basis for Muslim beliefs and rites.

Two Main Types: HadithQudsi and Hadith Nabwi

A hadith thatcontai s words from Allah is call4d Hadith Qudsi. For example Allah says “Fasting is for me
and I shall certainly compensate it.”

“Truly my mercy overcomes my wrath. It is called Hadith Qudsi. Such Hadith do not form a part of the
Holy Quran, yet they are recognized as sayings that the Holy Prophet related from Allah Himself. So it is
called Hadith Qudsi or Divine Hadith.

A Hadith that contains words the Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself spoke is called Hadith Nabwi, for example
“ Modesty produces nothin but good”.

Collection of Hadith Musnad and Musannaf Collection

Musnad means supported. It refers to the collections of Hadith in which the material is arranged
according to the namesof their original narrators irrespective of their subject matter or theme. Hadith
which form a part of the Musnad collections are gathered according to the name of the first transmitter
who is Propht’s companion. The entire isnad is mentioned which allows the Hadith to be traced back to
Prophet(SAW) The best known example is “ Musnad of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal’ by Imam Ahmaed bin

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Hanbal. The book begins with Companions of Prophet (SAW) , Rightly Guided Caliphs , Wives of the Holy
Prophet. Such as Musnad of Ali, Musnad of Ayesha, Musnad of Abu Huraira.

Musannaf Collection of Hadith

In this collection, Hadith are arranged according to the subject matter or theme. The word Musannaf
literally means a compilation with divided up Hadith. All traditions reported by various narrators on a
particular theme were put together in one chapter. The compilers examined the Matn rather than Isnad,
for example chapters on Prayers, inheritance, brotherhood. Best known example is ‘Al Muwatta by
Imam Malik.

The History and Importance of the Hadith

What methods were used by the collectors of six authoritative collections to
ensure that the Hadith which they accepted were authentic. (10)
It was not until 3rd century of Islam that the authentic Hadith were separated from unauthentic or
less than authentic ones. Imam Bukhari was the first person to conceive the idea of compiling the
most authentic Hadith. Following his footsteps, his contemporaries made authentic collections. For
this they used strict parameters to check the authenticity and reliability of both the Isnad and Matn
of every Hadith which they accepted.
Isnad is the chain of the names of transmitters. It is the authority of the authenticity of Hadith. It
guarantees that the Hadith is originated with the Prophet(S).
The collectors of Hadith ensured that the first person in the chain must be a companion of
the Prophet(S) which means that he could have seen and heard the Prophet(S) as a Muslim.
Therefore the reports of Non-Muslims were not accepted as authentic.
They also checked that the date of birth and date of death of each transmitter should
overlap with those of the person before him in time and the person after to prove that they
actually met each other.
They also checked that the transmitters should have met each other in an age where they
could understand and remember the teachings of the Prophet(S). Therefore the reports of
children were not accepted.
Each transmitter must have a sound memory which means that he exactly reports what he
learnt from his teacher and know how a change of words can change its teachings.
Each transmitter must be honest and upright therefore the reports of liars were not
Matn is the body of the text of Hadith. It contains the actual teachings of the Prophet(S) handed
down the centuries.
It should not contradict the Quran because the Prophet(S) acted according to the divine
It should not contradict other reliable Hadith because the Prophet(S) never contradicted
It should not give specific details of the events that took place after Prophet(S)’s death.
It should not praise an individual or a tribe being superior to others except for its piety.
It should not accuse the family of the Prophet(S) or His closest companions.
It should not contain expressions uncharacteristic of the Prophet(S). Such as abusing or
It should be in the same Arabic dialect of the Quraish in which the Prophet(S) used to
address his companions.

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It should not promise the greatest reward for minor deeds or severe punishment for minor
It should be according to common sense and people’s normal experience because the
Prophet(S) always preached what He himself practiced.
In this way the collectors of the Hadith ensured that the Hadith they accepted were the most
authentic and therefore their collections are known as ‘Sihah al Sittah’ i.e. the most authentic
Compilation during Life of Holy Prophet (pbuh):

Prophet himself would give instructions about the transmission of what he taught,
“Preach what you hear me say. Also let those who see and hear me, take upon themselves to
communicate my words to others and preach to their children, relatives and friends.”
There is another report according to which on the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet said,
“He who is present here should carry this message to him who is absent.”
The companions considered it their duty to preach the Ahadis to those who had not seen or
listened to him A party of students called Ashab-e-suffah lived in the mosque itself were
entrusted with the teaching of religion to tribes outside Madinah . From this group most
famous was Abu Hurairah who remained in The Prophet’s Company at all the times and store
up his memory every thing that Prophet said or did. Abu Hurairah efforts were from the very
beginning directed towards the preservation of Ahadis.

It is related from Abu Hurairah that once one of the companions told the Prophet of his inability
to remember what he heard from him. His reply was:
“Take the help from your right hand” (Tirmizi)

i.e., write it down. Abdullah bin Umar (R) began to write down whatever he heard from the
Holy Prophet (SAW) . His collections contained around 10,000 Ahadis. Abdullah bin Umar
himself said: “I used to write everything that I heard from the Prophet (SAW) intending to
commit it to memory”. I spoke about it to the prophet (SAW) who said:
“Write down, for I only speak the truth” (Abu Daud)

An other report of Abu Hurairah: ‘None of the companions preserved more traditions than
myself , but Abdullah bin Umr is an exception for he used to write and I did not’. Hazrat Ali used
to write down ahadis concerning the Orders, Instructions issued from Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Hazrat Aisha also used to preserve the sayings of Holy Prophet (pbuh) Abdullah bin umar and
Abdullah bin Abbas were engaged in preserving and transmitting the ahadis. The Compilation of
Abdullah bin Umar was known as SahifaSadiqa. Process of compilation started in the Life of
Holy Prophet (pbuh)
Collection and Compilation After death Of Holy Prophet (s):

After the Death of Holy Prophet (pbuh), Islam was widely spread, new converts wanted to hear

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about Prophet (pbuh) from close companions and associates The companions were the best
authority for Knowledge of hadith and sunnah as they had listened to Prophet (pbuh) Abu
Hurairah, Abudullah bin Abbas , Abdullah bin Umar, Anas bin Malik became the centre to whom
people came from different parts of the Islamic empire to gain Knowledge about the Prophet
(pbuh). Prophet (pbuh) wives were also vital custodians of Ahadis and were approached for
instruction by other companions. Hazrat Aisha, Hazrat Hafsa,Hazrat umm-e- Habibah, Hazrat
Maimunah and Umme-e-Salamah are among the earliest and most distinguished transmitters.
2(b) Why do you think the chain of narrators (isnad) of a Hadith is given so much importance in
establishing its genuineness?
An evaluative response is needed in order to answer this question effectively. Candidates could say that
isnads helped to document that a Hadith had truly come from the Prophet (pbuh). Since they helped
establish religious practice and Islamic law as well as day to day conduct of an individual, it was
important that only the genuine ones were documented for use etc. All valid responses need to be
credited on their own merit
2(a) Why did it become important to compile the prophetic Hadiths after the time of the Rightly
Guided Caliphs?
Candidates in their respse could begin by saying why it was important to compile the Hadiths of the
Prophet (pbuh) and why this need became all the more urgent after the end of the caliphates of the
Rightly Guided Caliphs in 661. The answers could say that the Islamic governments that followed the
Khulafa e Rashidun were more political and divisive. Other compelling reasons could be given such as:
• The four Rightly Guided Caliphs were close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). They followed his
Sunna closely and after the end of their caliphate it became important to compile the Prophetic Hadiths
so that future generations could use the Prophet’s example to clarify and resolve questions and
• Some people fabricated Hadiths. Overzealous teachers, perhaps with the best of intentions, made up
Hadiths to advance the teachings of Islam. Yet some heretics attributed Hadiths to the Prophet (pbuh)
that were false.
• The increasing number of people accepting Islam needed guidance on the Islamic way of life and
wanted to follow the pattern of conduct set by the Prophet (pbuh).
• The close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were also passing away due to age or wars, and a need
was felt to preserve the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) even more with their demise.
• Islamic jurisprudence was developing rapidly and needed a compiled collection of authentic Hadiths as
source material.
• In order to eliminate genuine errors in Hadiths on account of verbal narrations, faulty memories,
forgetfulness, etc., Hadiths needed to be compiled. For all these reasons, it was felt that it was crucial to
preserve and compile the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) for all generations to follow. Candidates can
refer to other reasons apart from the ones given above and, if valid, marks should be credited. Some
well-developed answers could go on to say that the command to follow the Prophet (pbuh) is given in
the Qur’an and it was with the help of the Hadith movement that the Prophet’s Hadiths were preserved
and spread for all time. [10]
2(b) In your opinion, can Islam be practised without the Hadiths?
Candidates could say either: that Islam could or could not be practised without Hadiths. Whichever
their viewpoint, they need to support their choice with reasons. Answers could say that the most
fundamental belief in Islam is tawhid which one can know from the Qur’an. Others could say that, to
practise the Pillars of Islam, guidance is needed from the Hadiths. They could say that the instruction for
prayer is given in the Qur’an but its performance is taught by the Prophet (pbuh) and without his
Hadiths, Muslims would not be able to offer their five daily prayers as they are supposed to do. It is the

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strength of the evaluation which is to be taken into account and marked accordingly.

The Age of Companions ( 11-100 AH ) Approximately During this period Caliph Umar bin Abdul
Aziz an Ummayad Khalifa wrote to the governor of Madina to write down all the tradition of
the Holy Prophet(pbuh) During this period the companions spread far and wide and settled in
almost all the countries conquered by the Muslims. There was no book of compilation. The only
alternative was to go to companion and hear the tradition from him. Thus, different centers of
learning arose Students were not satisfied with only one centre, because that particular
companion might have no Knowledge of all the traditions. It was reported that Jabir bin’
Abdullah travelled from Makkah to Syria to hear a single hadith. Similarly there were many
companions who undertook long journeys to verify or hear sayings of Holy Prophet (pbuh) The
important works of that period were: 1 : The works of Shihab Al Zuheri. 2: Collection of Abu
Bakr Al Hazim

The Age of followers of the Companions (Tabaeens 101-200 AH): This is the age of followers of
the companions of the Prophet (pbuh). The most important works of this period were carried
out by:

 Abudullah bin Mubarik at Khorasan.

 Abu Bakr Rabi Shybah at Kufa
 Sufyan bin’Uyaina at Madina
 Imam Makhul in Syria.
 Abu Kilabah.

The out standing works of this period were:

 Al Muwatta by Imam Malek bin Anas Kittab

 Al-Athar by Imam Ahu Hanifa
 Al-Musanaf by Imam Razzak
 Jami Thauri by Imam Sufyan al-Thauri Kitab
 Al-Kharaj by Imama Yousaf
 Masnad Ahmed bin Humbal by Imam Ahmed Hanbal
 Al-Maghazi by WaqidiThe Hanafi and Maliki School of Legal thoughts were formulated
during this period in the light of the ahadith. Abu Hanifa founded the school of
deduction or Qiyas By the end of second Century Imam Shafey and Imam Ahmed bin
Hanbal also flourished.

Age of followers of the followers (TabaTabaeen 200-300 AH): This is Golden age of
Traditions. The six authentic books of traditions (al Sahah –al Sitta) were written. These
are the most reliable books of traditions.

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1. Sahih Bukhari: Written by Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah’ Ismael al-Bukhari (195-256 AH)
Took 40 years for collection. His Sahih is next to Quran in authenticity. He selected
nearly 7275 out of 600,000 traditions. He accepted only reliable traditions.
2. Sahih Muslim: written by ‘Abdul Hussain Muslim bin al Hajaj al-Nishapuri-Qushaieri
(304-216 A.H) . He travelled many places to learn Hadith. His Sahih consist of 9200
traditions selected out of 300,000. It is considered next to Bukhari . Any tradition
accepted by both Bukahri and Muslim has been termed as agreed.
3. Sunan of Abu Daud: Abu Daud wrote it during 202-275 AH. He travelled to all important
centers of traditions. It consists of 4800 traditions selected out of 500,000 and it took
him 20 years to complete his book.
4. Jami Tirmidhi: written by Abu’Isa-al-Tirmidhi during 209-279 AH. He was first man to
determine the names, surnames and titles of narrators of traditions.
5. Sunan of Nisai: was written by Abu’Abdur Rahman an Nisai during 214-303 AH . It also
contains weak and doubtful traditions.
6. Sunan of ibn Majah: written by Mohammad bin Yezid ibn Majah during 209-273.AH.

2(a) Write an account of the compilation of Hadiths during the period of the Successors of the
Successors (tabi’ altabi’in). [10]

This period is considered as the Golden Age of Hadith compilation and many hundreds of
thousands of Hadiths were compiled by the Successors of the Successors. During this period,
Hadith scholars established rules of Matn and Sanad to sift through the Hadiths to categorise
them and include them in their collections. A large number of jurists combined the two
categories of musnad and musannaf in the form of sunan / sahih books. A sunan was organised
topic-wise and thus could be easily used as legal reference, and it focussed on Ahadith-e-Nabavi
with full isnads. Foremost amongst the jurists at this time were Bukhari and Muslim. They broke
away from the tradition of using weak Hadiths in law and their collections were devoted only to
Hadiths whose isnads met with the requirements of authenticity. The collections of Bukhari and
Muslim became the most famous books of Hadith collection called the Sahihayn (literally
meaning the two Sahihs). Bukhari devoted sixteen years of his life to sifting the Hadiths he
included in his Sahih from a pool of 600 000 narrations. The finished work was a massive
expression of Bukhari’s vision of Islamic law and belief. Backed with Hadiths, the author felt the
most rigorous standards of authenticity were met. Muslim’s Sahih contains fewer chapters and
lacks Bukhari’s legal commentary. Muslim kept all narrations of a certain Hadith in the same
section but without the commentary reports from Companions and later figures. Their work had
a great influence on their students and contemporaries. Candidates can go on to give the names
and collections of the other muhaddithun of this time to develop their answer. Four books in
particular attained great renown and together with the Sahihay have come to be known as the
Sahih Sitta. The names of these four books with some detail about them and a brief account of
the Shi’a collections that are comparable to the Sahih Sitta could be given by candidates to
develop their answer. Clarity of the points in the answer and their development will help the
candidates get to the higher levels.

2(b) Why do you think the chain of narrators (isnad) of a Hadith is given so much importance
in establishing its genuineness?

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An evaluative response is needed in order to answer this question effectively. Candidates could
say that isnads helped to document that a Hadith had truly come from the Prophet (pbuh). Since
they helped establish religious practice and Islamic law as well as day to day conduct of an
individual, it was important that only the genuine ones were documented for use etc. All valid
responses need to be credited on their own merit


Authentic books of Shia’s were also compiled during that period. Important are:

1. Al-Kafi fi ilm al deen (the sufficient in the science of religion): it was written by Abu
J’afar Muhammed who died in 339 AH.
2. Al-Istibsar (the prespective): written by Abu J’afarBin Al Hassan who died in 389AH.
3. Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkam (the revision of judgemens)t: written by Abu J’afar Mohammed Bin
Al Hassan.
4. Man la Yahzoroh ul Fiqh (one who
5. has no legal expert present): written by Abu J’afar Muhammad’ Ali. (a)Hadith as source
of guidance/Law

Hadith is counted as a second source of islamiclaw.It is used in a very wide sense as including
not only the decisions and percepts of the prophet(s) but also His conduct and practice. It
explains and completes the Quran. The conduct of Prophet(s) formed an important source of
law as they wer accepted as inspired and binding authority.
There are many verses in the Holy Quran which justify Hadith as a source of Islamic
law.Some of these are:

 "He who obeys the messenger obeys Allah"(4:80)

 "You have indeed in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct"(33:21)

The Prophet (pbuh) declared;

"Behold I have been given the book and a similar thing (Sunna) along with that"
The Prophet(s) have also said,"My words are not contarary to the words of God but the words
of God can contradict mine"
History and Importance of Hadith

Types /Categories of Hadith Rubina Talaat

Hadith includes sayings, actions, unspoken approvals, treaties and letters of the Holy Prophet

There are four types of Hadith according to the authenticity of Haith.

1 Sahih / Authentic Hadith

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It is considered next to Quran as each Hadith goes back to the Holy Prophet (SAW). It is totally
reliable with Isnad (unbroken chain of narrators) and Matn (Text of Hadith).

Isnad are the series of authorities who are called narrators or transmitters of Hadith or
Muhaddisin. These authorities can be as few as one , two ,three even four, five ,six depending
on how far the compiler’s time was from the Holy Prophet (SAW). For Example Muhammad Ibn
Al Muthana took Hadith from Abdul Wahab who took Hadith from Ayub , from Abu Qilabaa
who related Hadith from Malik that Prophet (SAW) said

“Say prayer as you have seen me Praying”

Another Example Imam Malik> Imam Nafi> Abdullah bin Umar > Prophet (SAW)

Matn- The second part of Hadith consists of the words of the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself. Matn
means the Text of Hadith.For example “Say prayer as you have seen me praying. The Matn, as
the report of an act or statement of the Holy Prophet (SAW) helps to build up a picture of his
teachings and thus a basis for Muslim beliefs and rites.

Examples of Sahih Hadith

1. “Actions are judged by intentions”.

2. “Modesty produces nothing but good”.
(2) Hasan/ Approved Hadith

This type of Hadith is good but not authentic as Sahih Hadith but still acceptable.
There is slight weakness in Isnad, e.g. defective memory of some of its narrators. Hasan
Hadith has its own subdivisions.
Example: A woman of Bani Fezara consented to marry on accepting just a pair of shoes;
the Prophet remarked, “Did you consent for your life and assets only in exchange for a
pair of shoes?She replied “ Yes . According to Imam Tirmizi it is Hasan Hadith as he
claimed andquoted a number of Hadith about Dower money, narrated by Hazrat Umar,
Abu Huraira and Hazrat Ayesha.

(3) Daeef/ Weak Hadith. It is a type of Hadith which raises many questions about its
authenticity. It may have defects in Isnad or Matn both. It has several sub categories depending
on the one of the narrators found to be liar or had bad repute; some of narrators didn’t meet
Each other ie, broken chain or the first narrator is a Tabaee instead of Companion. degree of
weakness. Doubts about Matn e.g.

“ Acquire knowledge even though you have to go to China” , but since it does not
contradict to fundamentals of Islam, it remains acceptable.

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Other weak Hadith may have unacceptable Matn e.g. Hadith in which the Holy Prophet
declared Salman Farsi as a member of Al al Bait ( Member of the Family

(4) Maudu/ Fabricated Hadith

It is false Hadih, It is not authentic at all, not related to Islamic belief and practice.
Compilers made separate compilations of this type of Hadith. Example
”: Most of the traditions about the advent of Dajjal and Imam Mehdi towards the endof

Hadith is divided into two more sub-groups:

1. Mutawatir: meaning “Consecutive”. Hadith being reported such a large number of rightful
companions that it is agreed upon as authentic.
2. Ahad: meaning “Isolated”. The one which has been narrated by a countable number of
It has been further categorized into three sub-types:

1. Mash’hur: meaning “Famous”. Hadith which is related by more than two individuals.
2. Aziz: meaning “Rare yet Strong”. The one having only two reporters in its Isnad.
3. Gharib: meaning “Strange”. Saying of Holy Prophet (PBUH) with only one narrator in its

History and Importance of Hadith

Teachings of Hadith to an Individual Muslim.

Rubina Talaat

Q. Outline the teachings of Hadith which you have studied about the responsibilities of an
individual Muslim.

 You have indeed in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of


Behold I have been given the book and a similar thing (Sunna) along with that"

Ans. The teachings of the Quran and Hadith provide guidance to an individual and the whole
Muslim Community in the everyday life matters. The Holy Prophet (saws) set several examples
for an individual Muslim to become a true believer and source of comfort to others. He
commanded the Muslims to affirm faith in Allah, His books, His prophets, the Day of Judgement
and Allah’s predestination and decree. The Holy Prophet (SAWS)stressed on the sincerity to the

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pleader of a Muslim community or state. The leaders must be followed as long as they follow
Allah and His Prophet. The Holy prophet said

“Religion is sincerity. To Allah, His Book ,His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to
their common people.”

Sincerity to people also implies that their lives, honour and property must be protected. Every
Muslim as an individual must propagate good and forbid what is evil.

The Holy Prophet (SAWS) laid emphasis on the worship of Allah, pray five times a day, give
charity and fast in the month of Ramadan.He taught an individual Muslim how to distinguish
between right and wrong and lawful and unlawful. Hence he refrain from drinking,
gambling, eating pork adultery and fornication. He guided an individual Muslim to learn the
Quran, ponder over its meaning ,action it and teach it to others. He advised Muslims to recite it
regularly so that they do not forget it. The Holy Prophet said;

“He who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he will
keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go astray.”

The Holy Prophet urged every Muslim to work hard to earn lawful earning for his lively hood.He
should refrain from unlawful means of earning e.g ,smuggling ,taking interest ,hoarding, black
marketing etc.A Hadith says;” No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work
of his hand”.

Islam attaches great importance to the dignity of manual labour and confers great reward for

lawful earning. Jihad is struggle in the way of Allah against evils. When the time and occasion
arises, every Muslim must be ready to strive in the way of Allah with his life and property
.Prophet was asked about excellent Muslim and he replied that the believer who strives hard in
the way of Allah with his person and his property is excellent of men.

Modesty is a virtue of true believer, as he keeps himself away from all immoral and sinful
thoughts and actions. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is the best example of a modest person. He told
us to be truthful, honest, trustworthy, kind and polite in every day matters. A Muslim should
eat halal food, dress up completely, speak politely in low voice as Prophet resembled loud voice
with the voice of ass. Holy Prophet (pbuh) said;

“Modesty produces nothing but good “.

An individual Muslim also be modest in his dealing with other people; he should never been
proud and should not be arrogant and boastful. He must shun all kind of pride and be simple in
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nature. Worldly possessions are not for ever to support a person, the real qualities in a true
Muslim are humility and honesty. In this regard the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said;

God does not regard your appearances and your possessions, but he regards your hearts and
your actions.”

On the Day of Judgement Allah will judge a person according to his intentions and not according
to his worldly status. The Holy Prophet(SAWS)stressed Muslims to be kind to orphans, widows,
needy and poor. They should not be humiliated, insulted or beaten by any Muslim. They should
be provided with food, shelter and clothes. One of the sayings of the Prophet(SAWS) highlights
this teaching in the following words.

“I and the man who brings an orphan will be in Paradise like this. ’And he pointed with his
two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.”

It means that a Muslim should perform an act of good deed, which was considered by the Holy
Prophet as charity.He said that even smile is charity.

Teachings of Hadith to a Muslim Community Compulsory Question 2

Rubina Talaat
The teachings of Quran and Sunnah provide guidance to an individual and the whole
community in the everyday matters. According to the Holy Quran, all Muslims are considered as
single brotherhood regardless of geographical, social and economic boundaries. It says; The
believers are but a single Brotherhood”. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) further emphesised on the
need of brotherhood and fraternity of Muslims; thereby he established the ‘Bond of
Brotherhood ’by joining Ansar and Muhajirin, who became united. He further strengthened
Muslim ummah by uniting the warring tribes of Arabia and bonded many communities and
classes in a single community.He said; ”None of you believes until he wants for his brother
what he wants for himself.”

Muslim brotherhood lays certain responsibilities on its members. The Muslims must work for
the welfare of their Muslim brothers .They must stand by each other and help one another at
the time of need and difficulty and support each other morally and financially .At present day,
we must help Muslims in climatic disaster such as floods, earthquake and drought .Our Kashmiri
and Palestinean brothers need our moral and economic support. The Holy Prophet (SAWS)
commanded the Muslims not to harm their neighbours with words of deeds. He also advised to
be hospitable towards our guests. He said “…and let him who believes in Allah and the Last
daybe generous to his neighbours and let him who believe in Allah and the last day
begenerous to his guest. “ The Holy Prophet also guided to speak good, to be kind and merciful

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to other people .All good deeds and acts of righteousness are sadaqah (charity).Every Muslim
has certain duties towards his fellow- beings; performance of these duties is meritorious in the
sight of Allah and carry the reward of a charity .A Hadith says,

“To act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount ,lifting him onto
it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity”.

Charity or sadaqah is not restricted is not restricted to fulfilling the material needs .Even
meeting other with a smiling face is considered as a charity.

Sovereignty belongs to Allah. Man is vicegerent on the earth. Leaders are appointed to work
for rhe welfare of the people. Islam commands Muslim leaders to be kind and gentle. They
must give them ease and administer to their comfort .The Holy prophet was polite, kind and
supportive to his companions and followers of Islam. At present day , all people in power must
not be harsh ,rude or unfair to their sub- ordinates .The Muslim leaders are also responsible to
guide their subject regarding their religious matters .The Holy Prophet (pbuh)said;

“Be gentle and do be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.”

The longest verse of the Holy Quran is the ‘Ayat al Bay’ or thee verse of Transection. It lays
down intimate details about buying selling and business dealings .The Holy Prophet (SAWS)
further explained the rules of lawful earning .He himself was called ‘ Al Sadiq and Al Amin due
to his honesty and trust worthiness. He said;

“May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he
demands his money back.”

In the light of this Hadith the seller should be kind in his dealings with the buyers. He should
be honest in his dealings and give proper weight and measurements. The buyer on the other
hand should pay the seller without delays .The debtor should pay the debt as soon as possible
.The creditor should be lenient and provide relief to the debtor and should give him extra time.

Allah is the fount of mercy. His attributes include Al -Rehman and Al- Rahim (Most Merciful and
most Gracious. Hadith Qudsi says that Allah’s mercy overcomes His wrath. The Holy Prophet
laid down the condition for Allah’s mercy for those who show mercy to others. He said;

“God will show mercy to those who show mercy to others. “

The ,Muslim Ummah is similar to human body .If any limb of the body feels pain, the entire
body feels pain and responds with fever and restlessness. Similarly when a Muslim falls into
disaster the entire Muslim Ummah is sympathetic and feels pain and come to his aid and

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rescue. The Holy Prophet said; “ The believers are like a single man ;if his eye is affected he is
affected, and if his head is affected he is all affected.”

Islamic brotherhood lays certain responsibilities on its members. Whenever any Muslim is in
pain and distress all Muslims rush to help them such as the earthquake of 2005, which badly
affected northern areas of Pakistan. People from all over Pakistan as well as from various
countries generously helped Pakistan in its hard time. Recent example is the killing of innocent
Muslims of Palestine. Muslim ummah must raise voice in OIC and UNO.

Quran and Sunnah have laid special emphasis on the rights of orphans, needy and widows .
They should be looked after and their needs must be fulfilled .They should be treated with kind
turn away the poor without giving although it be a piece of date .The rich Muslims should pay
zakat to poor and needy to bridge the gap between wealthy and poor to make a strong and
peaceful Muslim Community.Rubina Talaat

Four Rightly Guided Caliphs : Hazrat Abu Bakr

During Prophet’s Life

 Abu Bakr, whose real name was Abdullah, was one of the Prophet’s closest friends.
 Even before accepting Islam, he led a pious and chaste life.
 After the Holy Prophet had received his first revelation he thought of approaching those
closest to him so he told Abu Bakr the whole story of his experience.
 Abu Bakr responded to his call and immediately embraced Islam.
 He was the first free adult male and the first person outside the family of the Prophet to
become a Muslim.

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 The Qur’an describes his acceptance as: ‘’and he who comes with the truth and he who
confirms it.....such are the people who do right’’ (39:33).
 He was the first person to testify to the Messenger’s event of Miraj (Prophet’s ascension
to the heavens) and was given the title of ‘’Al Siddique’’ due to his immediate belief of
the journey.
 After accepting Islam he devoted his life and wealth to preaching Islam.
 Abu Bakr’s acceptance proved to be a milestone in the prophet’s mission.
 Prominent companions like Usman, Talha and Zubair are said to have been persuaded by
him to accept Islam.
 He bought and freed a lot of slaves, Bilal being one of the prominent ones.
 When the Holy Prophet started preaching openly he faced fierce opposition.
 During all such hardships Abu Bakr stood by his side.
 The first public address of inviting people to offer allegiance to the Prophet’s message
was delivered by Abu Bakr.
 At this the youth of Quraish beat Abu Bakr till he fainted.
 In 620AD when the Prophet’s wife died, Abu Bakr’s daughter Ayesha was engaged to the
Prophet whom he married after his migration to Medina.
 In 622AD on the invitation from the Muslims of Medina, the Prophet ordered Muslims to
 The migration took place in batches and the Prophet was the last one to leave
accompanied by Abu Bakr.
 Both remained in the cave of Saur for three days to hide from the Makkans who wanted
to kill the Prophet and his companion.
 This event is mentioned in the Qur’an: ‘’he being the second of the two when they were
in the cave’’ (9:40).
 At Medina Abu Bakr continued his services to Islam.
 He paid for the piece of land selected by the Holy Prophet for the mosque of the Prophet
 He rendered valuable services in all the battles.
 In the battle of Badr, he was in charge of the right wing of the troops and fought against
his own son Abdur Rahman.
 In the battle of Uhad, he negated the rumour of the Prophet’s death and acted as a
shield to save him.
 In the battle of Hunaian, he remained firm and reorganised the scattered troops that
had started running away.
 When the Holy Prophet began to raise funds for the Tabuk expedition, Abu Bakr placed
all his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet. Reference :
 He was present at the time of the treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the signatories. He
was also one of the ten blessed companions who were given tidings of heaven during
their lifetime.
 He was appointed the first Ameer-e-Hajj (the chief guide of pilgrimage). Abu Bakr led the
daily prayers during the last days of the Holy Prophet’s illness.
 Finally it was Abu Bakr who normalised the critical situation arising out of the death of
the Holy Prophet, as nobody was ready to believe this including Umar.

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 Abu Bakr on this occasion recited these verses: ‘’Mohammad is no more than a
messenger: many messengers that were before him passed away, if he died or were slain
will you then turn back on your heels?’’ (3:144).
 Nobody led the funeral prayers of the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar were the first of
 He was unanimously elected the first Caliph of Islam.
 Abu Bakr continued to perform meritorious services for Islam even after the death of the
Holy Prophet.

 ELECTION: 632 CE (11AH)

 Prophet did not nominate a successor.

 After his death there was an argument between the ansar and mahajireen.
 Both wanted that the caliph should be from their group.
 Ansar gathered at the House of
 A suggestion was given that there should be two caliphs, one from each group.
 Abu Bakr reminded them that the prophet instructed that the leader should be from the
Quraish tribe.
 He suggested the names of UbuUbaidah bin Jarrah and Umar bin Khataab.
 But Umar took Abu Bakr’s hand and pledged his loyalty to him. Umar said” Abu Bakr is
the best of all of us because Allahnn has mentioned him in the Holy Quran saying, ‘ The
one of the two in the cave”.
 On seeing this everyone did the same.
 He was unanimously elected the first Caliph
 Quotation“ I have been elected your Ameer,although I am not better than you. Help
me,if I am in the right:set me right if I am in the wrong: Obey me as long as I obey Allah
and His Prophet”.


The issue of the refusal to pay Zakat was a great test of the moral courage of Abu Bakr as
the first Caliph of the Holy Prophet.

 After the demise of the Holy Prophet many surrounding tribes of Medina which had
offered allegiance to Islam, sent a deputation to Abu Bakr with the proposal that their
agreement with the Muslims had ended.
 A fresh agreement was necessary in which they should be relieved from the obligation
to pay Zakat. Abu Bakr argued that Zakat was a fundamental injunction of Islam and had
to be paid.
 Seeing their proposal being rejected these tribes decided to forego Islam. Their decision
was to attack Medina when the main Muslim army was in Syria.
 They attacked at night but found Abu Bakr with his army ready to fight.
 The apostates were defeated; many tribesmen died while others fled in confusion.

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 After this battle many tribes sent their delegates to Medina, offered allegiance and paid

 After the Prophet’s death, some of the people rose in revolt against the authorities in
Medina and renounced Islam.
 Abu Bakr, without any delay, launched an expedition against this movement.
 After collecting the troops at Medina, he divided them into eleven battalions each with
an experienced commander, and sent them in eleven different directions to crush these
 He instructed each commander to first invite these tribes to Islam. If any refused to
comply they were to be attacked.
 Some of the tribes accepted Islam but the others were stubborn and were dealt with
 All campaigns were successful and Abu Bakr was able to re-establish control of Islam
throughout the Peninsula.

In the last days of the Prophet’s life some misguided people arose to claim prophet hood.

 When Abu Bakr was elected as the Caliph they started their preaching openly.
 Among these false prophets were Tulaiha, Aswad Ansi, Musailamah and Sajjah. Tulaiha
belonged to the Banu Asad tribe in the northern Arabia.
 .
 They
 decided to join forces and later Musailma marrie An army under Khalid bin Walid was
sent which met them at Buzaka.
 After a fierce battle Tulaiha’s army surrendered and he himself fled to Syria. He
embraced Islam during the time of the second Caliph.
 Aswad Ansi belonged to the Ansi tribe in Yemen.
 He was an ugly man who kept his face veiled all the time.
 He was nicknamed ‘’the veiled prophet’’.
 Being leader of his tribe he revolted with the cooperation of the neighbouring chiefs.
 He was the first false prophet who collected a large army in open revolt against Islam.
 He was defeated and killed by the Muslims.
 The most dangerous of the false prophets was Musalima.
 He belonged to a tribe of central Arabia.
 His tribe accepted him as a prophet.
 Abu Bakr sent Shurbhil and Ikramah to crush the rebellion; later Khalid bin Walid joined
them. Musalima,s army was defeated after a fierce battle at Yamamah in
633AD.Musalimah was killed.
 In this battle about 800 Muslims were martyred. Amongst them were 360 Huffaz
(memorizers of the Holy Qur’an).
 Sajjah was a woman who belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe.

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 She claimed to be a prophetess and succeeded in mustering a large following.

 When Musalimah heard about her claim he invited her to Yamamah d her which ended
her adventure of prophet hood and she lived in obscurity for the rest of her life.
 When the Muslims conquered Iraq she entered the circle of Islam along with her tribe.

In the battle of Yamamah several Huffaz laid down their lives.

 Hazrat Umar approached Hazrat Abu Bakr about the compilation of the Holy
Qur’ran. He was of the opinion that soon the preservation of the Qur’an will become a
major problem owing to the deaths of the Huffaz.
 Abu Bakr did not agree in the beginning but was later convinced by Umar and he
ordered the compilation of the Holy Book under the supervision of Zaid bin Sabit.

3) (a) Trace the major stages in the compilation of the Qur’an in the time of the Rightly
Guided Caliphs.
(b) Why did these Caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of the Qur’an?
ANS 3(a):

At the time of the Prophet’s death no official copy of the Qur’an existed in a complete written
form. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr some people declared themselves to be prophets.
Among them was Musalima. Abu Bakr waged a war against him and around 360 companions
laid down their lives in that battle, known as the battle of Yamamah.

 Hazrat Umar realized that these ‘’oral copies’’ of the Qur’an would gradually diminish
because of natural death or martyrdom in future battles.
 He suggested to Abu Bakr that the Qur’an should be compiled for the future
generations or else it would meet the same fate as the previous scriptures.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr, however, hesitated and said that how could he do something that the
Holy Prophet did not do.
 Hazrat Umar argued that under the circumstances this was an absolute necessity.
According to Hazrat Abu Bakr, ‘’Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion
till I was convinced that he was right so I accepted his suggestion.’’
 Abu Bakr directed Zaid bin Sabit, one of the scribes of the Qur’an, to collect the Quranic
verses from every part of the Islamic empire and compile them in a book form.
 A commission was appointed and headed by Zaid bin Sabit and its members were a
number of companions.
 Zaid collected the chapters of the Qur’an from every person who had it in their
possession. He collected it from palm leaves, stones, and pieces of wood and people
who had memorized it.
 He not only collected it, but also verified it from people who had heard it from the Holy

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 Though he himself was a Hafiz of the Qur’an, he always tried to find a verse in writing
before including it in his manuscript.
 Zaid is reported to have said that he felt it would be far easier to carry a mountain on his
head than to shoulder such a great responsibility.
 The script prepared by Zaid remained with the first Caliph and after his death was
transferred to Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph.
 After Hazrat Umar’s death it was transferred to Hazrat Hafsa, a widow of the Holy
Prophet and Umar’s daughter.
 This copy of the Qur’an came to be known as Musaf al-Hafsa i.e. Hafsa’s copy of the
Holy Book.
 By the time of Usman’s Caliphate the Islamic state had expanded well beyond Arabia.
 The new converts of these areas recited the Qur’an in their own dialects.
 Disputes rose among these people and some of them insisted that their style of
recitation was correct and the others were not.
 One of the companions of the Prophet approached the Caliph and told him about the
possible danger of the division of the Ummah.
 Usman took immediate action and he declared that the Muslims should unite on a
uniform way of recitation.
 He got the copy of the Qur’an from Hazrat Hafsa and gave it to a team of four
companions which was headed by Zaid bin Sabit.
 It was decided that one standard version of the Qur’an would be written in the dialect
of the tribe of the Quraish.
 The Holy prophet was from the Quraish, the Quran had been revealed in that dialect,
and it was felt that this was the right dialect for the recitation of the Qur’an.
 This team made several copies from the original text and made sure the surahs, too,
were arranged in order.
 The Qur’an was read out loudly from the beginning to the end in the Prophet’s mosque
from these copies, so that not a shadow of doubt remained in anyone’s mind that
changes had been introduced in the text.
 These copies were sent to the capital city of every province of the Muslim states with a
teacher to teach how to recite the Qur’an properly and correctly.
 Instructions were also given that in the future, copies should be made only from the
official text and that if anyone had a copy with a different text, it should be burnt.
 Hazrat Usman is known as the Jami-al-Quran which means that he brought the Muslims
around to a uniform reading of the Quran.
 The Quran that is being read today is the same as in the time of Abu Bakr.
 Nothing has been added or deleted from it and the arrangement of the chapters and
verses are in the same order as proclaimed by the Holy Prophet, in accordance with
Divine instructions.

Compilation of Quran

 Abu Bakr, being a staunch follower of the Prophet, was reluctant to compile the Quran
but on Umar’s both were driven by different circumstances.

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 insistence, was convinced of doing so.

 He realized if the memorizers of the Quran were either killed or died naturally with the
passage of time, a situation of confusion might arise throughout the Muslim world
regarding the exact number of verses and surahs of the Quran.
 If the future generations of the Muslims had no single copy of the Quran, they might be
misled as the Quran is the basis of all thought and action for the Muslims.
 Usman, likewise, faced another challenging situation.
 Several newly converted Muslims in non-Arab territories began to argue about the ways
of recitation of the Quran.
 There was a danger of the growth of sects amongst Muslims regarding the way of
recitation because every group insisted that their dialect was the correct one and the
others were wrong.
 This meant that various groups might oppose each other and disunity amongst Muslims
might threaten their fraternity.
 So Uthman took a wise, timely action by compiling and standardising the Holy Book and
burning all the copies which did not match the official and approved text.

Abu Bakr is rightly called the saviour of Islam because of the vital services rendered by him.
Soon after the Prophet’s death, he was the one to calm down the shocked Muslim community.

 Most of the companions including Umar were not ready to believe in the Prophet’s
death. Abu Bakr on this occasion, delivered a convincing speech told all about the
mortality of Mohammad by reciting: ‘’Mohammad is no more than a messenger: many
messengers that were before him passed away, if he died or were slain will you then
turn back on your heels?’’ (3:144).
 Later as a Caliph he suppressed the apostasy movement and thus preserved the
fundamentals of Islam.
 False prophets challenged the second component of Shahada—‘’Mohammad is the final
Messenger of God.’’ He defeated the false prophets and thus kept the unity of Islam.
 He fought and won against the tribes refusing to pay Zakat. By eradicating both, Abu
Bakr defended the basic principles of Islam.
 Finally by compiling the Qur’an, Abu Bakr ensured the unity of the Muslim community
that depended on the Qur’an.


* First free male to accept Islam.

 Believed in the ‘’miraj’’ (Prophets ascension to the heavens)

 ADMINISTRATION:Laid the foundation of a truly democratic state.

 Always took advice from the great companions of the Prophet in all important matters.
 Divided the state into provinces, each had a governor.
 The governor was responsible for military and administrative affairs.

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 Governer had an ‘’amil’’ to collect taxes and ‘’qazi’’ to administer justice.

 All commanders and governors were selected on merit.
 He offered himself and his officers for strict accountability.
 He built a ‘’bait-ul-maal’’ (treasury) to collect revenue.
 Established military cantonments and maintained a reserve force.
 Expanded the Muslim Empire to Iran Syria and Rome.
 Ensured the safety of non-Muslim subjects and allowed them to perform their religious

His annual income was 6000 Dirhams which he returned to the state by issuing instructions to
sell a piece of land he owned when he was on his death bedin 634 CE.

Hazrat Umar as one of the ten blessed companions

 Umar belonged to the Banu Ádi clan of the Quraish.
 His father Al-Khatab was an influential leader of Makkah.
 Umar was tall, well built, a fierce fighter and well educated.
 He was elected the spokesperson of Quraish.
 He remained a bitter enemy of Islam and the Holy Prophet before his conversion.
 He treated the early converts of low origin quite mercilessly and according to a tradition
the Holy Prophet had prayed to God for the conversion of Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin
Hisham (Abu Jahal).
 The prayer was soon granted. Umar one day decided to kill the Holy Prophet and with
that intention started towards his house with a sword.
 On the way, he was informed that his sister and her husband had embraced Islam.
Infuriated, Umar changed his course and went to his sister’s house who was reading the
Holy Qur’an loudly.
 This enraged Umar so much that he attacked her and her husband.
 On Umar’s insistence his sister recited some verses from Surah Taha.
 The words of the Holy Qur’an softened his heart and tears began to fall from his eyes
and he immediately decided to embrace Islam.
 He approached the Holy Prophet and embraced Islam.
 This was a great occasion as the morale of the Muslims boosted so much that now they
started offering prayers openly in the Kaabah after Umar took the bold step of entering
the Kaabah with a small band of Muslims.
 The Holy Prophet was so pleased on hearing this that he gave him the title of ‘’Farooq’’
(one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood).
 He started preaching Islam openly and boldly.
 He is counted amongst the 10 blessed companions and is also a scribe of the Divine
 His daughter Hafsa was married to the Holy Prophet.
 He also migrated to Medina shortly after Ammar and Bilal had departed.
 It was Umar who gave the suggestion of summoning the believers for Daily prayers by
Adhaan(call for prayer).

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 He also rendered remarkable services in all the battles including Badr, Uhad, Trench,
Khyber and Hunain.
 He was also present at the treaty of Hudaibiya and took part in Bait-e-Rizwan.
 He participated in the victorious march to Makkah.
 In the Tabuk expedition he donated half of his wealth and in the battle of Hunain, he
was among those handfuls of Muslims who stood firmly by the side of the Holy Prophet.
 Umar was not ready to believe in the death of the Holy Prophet till Abu Bakr called him
down by reciting the verse (3:144).
 Soon after, he started making arrangements for the Holy Prophet’s burial together with
Abu Bakr.
 In the meantime they heard of an Ansar meeting to discuss the issue of succession.
 Both reached the spot and finally, due to Umar’s wisdom and timely intervention, Abu
Bakr got elected as the first Caliph of Islam.
 Umar himself performed extra ordinary services for Islam during his Caliphate (634-644)

Hazrat Umar 2ndRighly Guided Caliph (634-644)

Known as “successor of the successor of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and Ameer ul

Hazrat Abubakr nominated him as the 2nd Rightly Guided Caliph.

Battles fought against Persians and Byzantine

 Battle of Namaraq 634 CE

 Muthana bin Shaybani and Khalid bin Waleed had conquered Hira. Persian King sent
Rustam, a famous general with a large army to fight Muslims
 Hazrat Umar sent Abu Ubaid to reinforce the army of Muthana . Muslims defeated the
 Battle of Marwa/ Jasr/Bridge 634 CE
 Persians under the command of Rustam prepared a force against Muslims to take
revenge of their defeat at Namaraq. Muslims were 9,000 in number.
 Muslim leaders wanted to fight to stay on the bank of River Euphrates but their
commander decided to fight across the river.
 Muslims built a bridge of boats across the river and crossed it.The ground was uneven
and Muslim army could not move freely.
 Persins brought a force of elephants, each elephant carried Howdah (seat for soldier
who were armed with bows and arrows).
 Arab horses got frightened and went out of control, which led up to confusion. Muslim
cavalry got disorganized.
 Abu Ubaid ordered cavalry to dismount and attack on foot. He himself the attack.
 The Muslim army cut the ropes of Howdahs, brought down the riders and killed them.

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 The elephants killed 3000 Muslims soldiers. A white elephant trampled down Abu
 His brother took command, he too fell then Abu Ubaid’s son took command. Many
Muslim were killed
 Aman of Banu Thaqif had broken the bridge so that Muslim army might not be able to
run away.
 MuthanaShaybani took command of Muslim Army and ordered to rebuild the bridge. In
the meantime he held back the enemy with a small force asking others to cross the
bridge.Out of 9000, only 3,000 could survive.
Battle of Buwaib (April 635)
 The memory of defeat at Jasr/ Marwa was fresh in Muslims minds but Hazrat Umar
consoled and motivated them by preparing a new force comprising Cristian Arabs as
well. MuthanaShybanpi though seriously wounded was placed in command and he
effectively encouraged the Muslim force. The battle took place at Buwaib. The Persian
Army of 120;000 led by Mehran fought desperately but finally he was killed. His death
left his troops demoralized and retreated. The Arabs blocked their access to the bridge
and killed most of the Persian army. Southern Iraq now came under Muslim control.
The Battle of Qadissiya (November 636-7 CE)
 The Persian Emperor Yazdgird assembled a large army under the command of Rustam.
When Hazrat Umar came to know, he gave a call for Jihad and an army was sent under
the command of Saad bin Waqas. Hazrat Umar was accompanied by including 70 of
those companions who had participated in Badr, 300 who were with the Prophet (SAW)
at the Treaty of Hudaibiya and about 700 of the sons of notable companions and tribal
leaders. At the time of the battles, Khalid bin Waleed and UbuUbaidah bin Jarrah were
busy in Syrian front. Hazrat Umar made Saad bin Abi Waqas the commander with
30,000 force who encamped at Qadissiya a small town near Kufa. The Persian army of
120,000 also included an elephant corps and a large cavalry battalion. A group of
fourteen Muslims under Saad bin Abi Waqas met the Persian Emperor Yazdgird inviting
him to accept Islam or to pay jizya or to opt out for the battle. The emperor insulted the
Muslim delegation by calling the Arabs backward, poor and compared to the
Persians. Muslims showed patience and eventually a small fighting was started in which
Muslims were successful. Finally general war was started which continued for 3 day and
4 nights. A reinforcement of 1,000 men was sent by Abu Ubaidah from Syria . Rustam
was killed. Saad bin Abi Waqas chased the Persian Army to Babul where they sought
refuge and the Muslims were able to capture, Madain and some other important towns
. With these victories the whole of the territories between Euphrates and Tigris came
under Muslim control.
 Battle of Nahawand 641
 A peace Treaty was signed between the Persians and Muslims but the Persians broke it
and marched with 60,000 men and encamped at Nahawand under the command of

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Mardan Shah. Hazrat Umar appointed Nauman bin Miqran as the commander who had
30,000 men. He marched to Nahawand.
 The battle began.It was a fierce battle, took place at Nahawand in which the Persians
were completely defeated and their 40.000 men were killed . Muslim commander
Nauman was also killed but Muslims got the victory. There after a number of small fights
took place and the Muslim army conquered Hamadan, Azerbaijan and Armenia by 644
 Battles and Conquests against Byzantine
 Conquest of Damascus took place in Sep. 634. Khalid bin Waleed organized the siege
and captured Damascus, the famous city of Syria known for its wealth and culture. The
Syrian were hoping for reinforcement from the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius but the
Muslims led by Khalid bin Waleed laid a siege of the city and finally occupied it. In the
battles of Fihl and Hims Muslims were victorious.
Battle of Yermuk 636 CE
 When Heraclius was given the reports of the defeat of Romans at Damascus, Fihl and
Hims ,Jordan and Emissa were added, he decided to recover Palestine. He prepared a
large army of 260,000 to recapture these areas. When Khalid bin Waleed learned about
it , he prepared an army of 40,000 men along the River Yermuk. Romans tried to
negotiate with Muslims but Khalid bin Waleed declined the offer and the battle was
started. The Romans were several times more than Muslims. The Muslim force was
initially led by Khalid bin Waleed but during the battle Hazrat Umar appointed Abu
Ubaidah bin Jarrah as the commander in chief. A fierce battle was fought that lasted for
six days in which Romans were eventually defeated. Heraclius withdrew from Syria and
moved his capital to Constantinople.
 Fall of Jerusalem 637 CE
 After the victory at the battle of Yarmuk, Muslims spread in all directions in Jorden and
Palestine. After capturing many towns, Muslim forces moved towards the city of
Jerusalem. It was sacred to the Jews and Christians was strongly fortified . It was
protected on every side by deep valleys. The Muslim army moved towards Jerusalem
and laid siege. Cold winters caused difficulties for the Muslims. Amr bin Al -Aas led the
Muslim army to Jerusalem. After the capture of Antioch and other key cities of
Byzantine empire, Abu Ubaidah joined him. They laid the siege of the of Jerusalem. The
inhabitants of Jerusalem offered a peaceful truce provided the caliph Umar came in
person to sign the treaty in their presence, hence Hazrat Umar came to Jerusalem
accompanied by his
Slave sharing ride of camel.
 Khalid bin Waleed added Damacus, Jordan and Emmessa, one after another to the
Muslim Empire. Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner on the request of
Patriarch Sophronius

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 He requested that the ‘king’ of Muslims should himself come and receive the keys of
the city.
 Umar himself met Sophronius and signed a peace treaty under which full religious
freedom was given to the citizens of Jerusalem on the condition of paying Jizya.

 Sanctity of the Church of Resurrection and other churches was also guaranteed.
 Fall of Egypt.
 Finally Egypt was also conquered in 640 AD by Amr bin Al-Aas who had to persuade
Umar with great difficulty.
 Amr bin Al-Aas argued that Egypt could be used by the Romans as the naval base to
launch operations against the Muslims.
 By April 641 AD Babylon was also captured and the new city of Fustat was founded in
642 AD on the eastern bank of the Nile.
 Umar appointed able and efficient governors in all these conquered territories.


Hazrat Umar framed the constitution of the State on the basis of democracy.

 He established a Majlis-e-Shoora consisting of prominent companions of the Holy

Prophet from both Muhajirin and Ansaar.
 The Muslim Empire had grown tremendously in size and therefore it was inevitable
(unavoidable) to divide it further into a greater number of provinces.
 Each province was governed by a governor or Wali who held the executive authority.
 The Wali was assisted by a number of officers e.g. the Treasury Officer, the Revenue
Collector, the Vigilance Officer and the Judge (Qazi).
 Each province was divided into districts which were administered by Amils.
 All appointments were made in consultation with the Majlis-e-Shoora.
 All the officers were summoned to Makkah on the occasion of Hajj to be answerable to
the Caliph.
 They were paid handsome salaries to make them incorruptible.
 The Caliph himself was the central authority with the headship of religious and non-
religious departments but he would always consult the Shoora in all important matters.
 In order to uphold Islamic morals and maintain law and order, Umar set up a
department of police (shurta).
 Umar reorganized the ‘bait-al-maal’ or public treasury, which was soon full to the brims
with the funds from various sources.
 These sources were: Zakat, Jizya, Kharaj (land tax), Ushr (special land tax), the goods left
out by the retreating armies of the enemy and a tax paid by non-Muslim traders.
 Special care was taken to distribute the funds among the poor and the disabled. Umar
established a special department, the Diwan or the Register of Pensions.
 It was aimed at disbursement of the public funds among the Muslim tribes.

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 It was based on certain principles, for example, the whole Ummah had a share in the
public funds.
 Secondly, each Muslim had a share according to his/her relationship with the Prophet,
priority in accepting Islam and services to Islam.
 Huge spending were made in the construction of mosques, schools, office buildings,
canals, rest houses and expansion of the Haram and the mosque of the Prophet.
 Umar founded some new cities like Basrah and Kufa in Iraq and Fustat and Jizah in
Egypt. Umar also introduced the Hijrah calendar. This makes a long list of the reforms
and development projects introduced by Umar.

How was Hazrat Umar martyred?

 After the battle of Nahwand, many Persians including women and children became
 Among them was Firoz known as Abu Lulu.He was purchased by the Governor of Basra
 Firoz came to Hazrat Umar and complained that his master Mughaira bin Shuba
assigned him duties on the term to give him freedom and his master violated the terms.
 Hazrat Umar inquired and when Feroz came to Hazrat Umar,he told him that his master
was right.
 In Zil Haj23 A.H/644 C, while Hazrat Umar was leading the morning prayers, Feroz
attacked Hazrat Umar with a dagger and inflicted several wounds. He fell on praying mat
. After few days he died.
 He was buried alongside the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr in Medina.

 Umar left behind him an effective system of administration throughout his empire by
appointing extremely efficient governors and Qadis (judges) and other state officials.
 His Caliphate brought a great deal of propriety (respectability) and strength for the
 Importance of Hazrat Umar to Islam
 Umar was one of the early converts of Islam.
 His conversion gave the morale of the Muslims a significant boost.
 He devoted his life and energy to the cause of Islam and openly supported the Holy
Prophet throughout his mission in Makkah and Medina.
 He performed valuable services in all the major battles fought against the enemies of
Islam. He placed about half of his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet on the
occasion of the Tabuk expedition.
 He played a vital role in the election of Abu Bakr.
 He also convinced Abu Bakr to allow the compilation of the Holy Quran in a book form.
 His own Caliphate was the most successful and glorious period of early Islamic history.
 He not only consolidated the new Muslim Empire by establishing an effective system of
governance, but also expanded its borders by capturing Persia, Syria, Palestine,
Jerusalem and the fertile land of Egypt.
 He himself led a simple and pious life and conducted patrolling at night to ensure the
peace and comfort of his people.

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 He laid down the foundations of a lasting administrative system by dividing the Empire
into provinces and by placing them under able administrators, governors and Qazis


* Umar was a powerful Makkan both physically and socially.

 He was an open persecutor and oppressor of Muslims. Conversion of Umar was an

important event for the early Muslim community in Makkah that lived a very hard life.
 The Prophet had prayed to God for the conversion of Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin
Hasham (Abu Jahal) and therefore, he expressed satisfaction over the conversion of
 Umar, known for his fiery and impulsive nature, made his conversion public in a bold
 He was the most open about public praying.
 This raised the confidence of the persecuted Muslim community.
 Muslims could not pray at the Kaabah until he became a Muslim.
 They now began to offer prayer openly in the Kaabah without any fear.
 Umar’s physical and social strength, after his conversion, was dedicated to the growth of
Islam and raising the morale of the Muslims in Makkah (and later in Medina).
 The Prophet, in recognition of Umar’s conversion, gave him the title of Al-Farooq (the
one who can differentiate between the truth and falsehood).

Hazrat Uthman bin Affan

3rd Rightly guided Caliph

 Main Events
 1)Elections
 2) Conquest and crushing of rebellions in Persia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
 3)Change of governors and allocation of wealth of Baitul-Maal to governors
 4)Preservation and burning of old copies of Quran
 5)Charges against Hazrat Uthman
 6)Reasons for the assassination and Martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman
 7) Importance as the Third Rightly Guided Caliph

Hazrat Uthman bin Affan 3rd Rightly guided Caliph (644-656 CE) Rubina Talaat

During Prophet’s Life

* Usman belonged to the powerful clan of Banu Umayyad of the Quraish.

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He was modest and honest since his childhood and abstained from corrupt practices
such as gambling and drinking even before Islam.

 He was a trader and soon became a wealthy person.

 He was known as Ghani (the generous one).
 He was literate as well. He became a Muslim on Abu Bakr’s invitation and was one of
the earliest converts.
 He is counted amongst the 10 blessed companions, was a scribe and later became the
third Caliph of Islam.
 Soon after his conversion he married Ruqqaya, the divorced daughter of the Prophet.
 He faced persecution in Makkah and migrated to Abyssinia along with his wife with the
first batch of emigrants.
 He remained there for some years and then returned to Makkah.
 As the persecutions increased he again migrated with his wife, this time to Medina.
 After his wife died in 2A.H, he married the Prophet’s widowed daughter Umm-e-Kalsum.
This earned him the title of ‘ZunNurrain’ (the possessor of two lights).
 Being a wealthy man, he generously donated his wealth to the poor amongst both
Mahajirin and Ansar.
 He purchased a piece of land according to the wish of the Holy Prophet in order to
extend the Prophet’s mosque.
 He would purchase a slave from his master and set him free on every Friday.
 He actively participated in all the battles led by the Prophet except Badr, due to the
illness of his wife Ruqayya.
 He donated generously in the battle of Tabuk.
 He accompanied the Prophet in the journey towards Hudaibiya.
 He was sent to Makkah to hold talks with the Quraish, but a rumour was spread of his
murder, as he had to stay longer than expected.
 The Prophet on hearing the news took a pledge from his companions to avenge Usman’s
 This historic pledge was became known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
 Usman returned safe, but the whole episode reflects his importance and the Prophet’s
love for him.
 Usman was a prominent figure during the Prophet’s life and during the Caliphate of the
first two Caliphs until he himself became a Caliph.
 The Prophet used to pray: ‘’O God! I am pleased with Usman. I beseech (beg) you to be
pleased with him.’’
 Modesty was his most prominent feature and the Holy Prophet once said: ‘’Even the
angels of God envy the modesty of Usman’’.
 Usman was murdered by conspirators in 35 AH and is buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi
 Main Events during his caliphate
 1)Elections
 2)Conquest and crushed rebellion
 3)Change of governors and allocation of wealth of Baitul-Maal to governors
 4)Preservation of Quran
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 5)Reasons for the assassination and Martyrdom *6) Significance of his Martyrdom
Hazrat Uthman 3rd Rightly Guided Caliph 644 -656CE Election
Umar nominated Ali, Talha, Zubair, Usman, Abdur Rehman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Waqas.
All were one of the 10 blessed companions.

 Umar’s choice was Abdur Rehman but he was not willing to shoulder the responsibility.
 Talha was not in Medina so the choice was now restricted to the remaining four.
 It was decided that as Abdur Rehman had stepped down, therefore he should choose
the next Caliph.
 He consulted each one individually; Ali chose Usman and Usman chose Ali, Saad
supported Usman while Zubair mentioned both Usman and Ali.
 He asked the opinion of other prominent men as well and came to the conclusion that
the majority favoured Usman.
 Abdur Rehman first took the pledge of allegiance followed by Ali and other companions
and then there was a general pledge.
 He became the 3rd Caliph on the 4th of Muharram 24 AH.
 MAIN ACTIVITIES DURING HIS CALIPHATE (expansion + administration):
During the early years, the process of expansion of the Empire continued.
 The army moved in all directions and for the first time in Islamic history, utilized naval
 During his Caliphate, for the first time a fleet of nearly 500 ships was built to fight with
the Greeks on the Mediterranean Sea.
 His earliest focus was the Persian Empire in the East. Khurasan, Merv, Tus, Sarakhs and
then Khawarzim were captured in 650 AD.
 This brought 40,000 captives and rich booty to Medina.
 Towards the West, the Byzantines forces were defeated and Cyprus was conquered in
649 AD.
 In North Africa, Libya, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia were conquered by the middle of
the 7th century. Imam Zuhri said; Several victories were gained and the Islamic Empire
expanded from Kabul to Cyprus” .
 In 651 AD, the standardization of the Quran on the basis of Mushaf-e-Hafsa was done.
 Recitation on the model of only this copy was allowed and the rest burnt.
 Official copies dispatched to all provincial capitals.
 Two of the original manuscripts of his time exist even today.
 Continued to improve on the administrative network laid down by the previous Caliphs.
Regrouped some of the provinces and created new provinces for the newly conquered
 Majlis-e-Shoora or council of consultation was maintained. Held periodic conferences of
the district authorities in order to keep himself informed of the conditions of the
country. Used to hear public complaints after Friday prayers.
 He allowed Arabs to acquire agricultural lands in the conquered territories.
 Expanded the Prophet’s mosque. Constructed new mosques, inns, border outposts etc.

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 Made arrangements for the supply of drinking water for travelers by digging wells by the
sides of roads and highways.
 A dam was built to protect Medina from floods. Raised the salaries of the officers and
the armed forces. Increased the allowances paid to people by 25%.
 Is said to have sent religious teachers to India to spread Islam.
During the last years of his Caliphate, he faced serious difficulties that eventually led to
his martyrdom
 in 35 AH.

 He was a very gentle and soft hearted person. The people who wanted to create chaos
among Muslims took advantage of his soft nature.
 Umar was a very strict administrator and the machinery of the government worked
smoothly in his time
 Usman used to overlook the minor faults of the appointed Amils, provincial heads as
well as the new converts.
 They took an advantage of his leniency and rebelled against him. Abdullah bin Saba, a
Yemenite Jew who outwardly accepted Islam, embarked on a subtle campaign of
creating dissension (conflict) among the Muslims.
 He and his followers established their headquarters in Egypt and began to circulate
forged letters that complaints against the Caliph, his governors and other state officials.
 Efforts were made to highlight the long forgotten rivalry between Banu Hashim and
Banu Umayya.
 Usman did not take timely action against him.
 Even some of the noblest actions of his were mis-projected before the public; for
example, the standardization of the Quran and the expansion of the compound of the
 The uprisings in Iraq, Kufa and Egypt. Finally in 35 AH troops from all three provinces
arrived at Medina to take their complaints directly to the Caliph.
 Usman had pacified them and they were on their way home when they got a hold of a
letter supposedly from ‘Usman to the Governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the
group put to death on their return. Seeking vengeance they returned and killed him.


 One of the main allegations against him was that he had appointed his inefficient
relatives as governors. There were 12 provinces in the country and he appointed his
relatives in 4: Egypt, Syria, Kufa and Basra.
 All the governors appointed by him were people of great calibre. Ameer Muaviya, a
relative of his was appointed by Umar as the governor of Syria and Usman let him
continue his job because he was doing it well.
 Abdullah bin Saad, his foster brother, was appointed governor of Egypt also by Umar.
 Usman appointed Saad bin Abi Waqqas as governor of Kufa. When he was unable to
control the situation there, he was replaced by Walid bin Uqba (Usman’s foster brother)
who proved his worth.

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 Abu Musa Ashari was deposed at the demand of the people of Basra. Was replaced by
Abdullah bin Amir (Usman’s cousin) according to the wishes of the people. He proved
very successful.
 Thus none of the governors appointed by him proved a failure.
 It was also alleged that he was too lenient and did not keep a check on his governors.
He, unlike Umar, gave the governors a free hand in running the provinces and did not
interfere in their day to day affairs.
 His burning of the Qur’an was seen by some as destroying God’s Word. This was done
after consultation with the other companions and it was a great service that he
rendered to Islam.
 He gave a convincing reply to each of the charges in the presence of the Prophet’s
companions. His explanation was accepted.
 The rebels however stuck to one point—their demand to depose the Caliph.
 To achieve this end, finally in 35 AH troops from Egypt, Kufa and Basra marched to
Medina and encamped outside the capital. Rubina Talaat
 Usman had pacified them and they were on their way home when they got a hold of a
letter supposedly from ‘Usman to the Governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the
group put to death on their return. Seeking vengeance they returned and killed him.
Expansion, mention the areas conquered.
 Naval fleet.
 Compilation.
 Because of compilation and appointing relatives as governors led to several uprisings.
 The uprisings in Iraq, Kufa and Egypt. Finally in 35 AH troops from all three provinces
arrived at Medina to take their complaints directly to the Caliph.
 Usman had pacified them and they were on their way home when they got a hold of a
letter supposedly from ‘Usman to the Governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the
group put to death on their return. Seeking vengeance they returned and killed him
The rebels were on their way home when they got hold of a letter supposedly from
Usman to the governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the group put to death on their
 They returned to Medina after four days shouting for revenge.
 They laid siege to his house by hundreds and did not allow food and water to reach him.
 Ali deputed his sons, Hassan and Hussain, and Zubair deputed his son Abdullah to
protect him.
 Some companions who were successful in reaching him, wanted to help him and fight
the rebels or send for the army.
 But Usman refused saying that he did not want to shed Muslim blood.
 The siege lasted for 50 days and finally some rebels jumped into his house, injured his
wife Naila and killed him while he was reciting the Quran.
 The copy of that particular Quran still exists with his blood on it. He died on Friday, 18th
of Zil Hajj 35 AH.

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It was a great tragedy with far reaching consequences. It marked the start of
sectarianism among the Muslims.
 The future events proved it.
 His murder reflected the growing strength of anti Islamic forces that had long been busy
in hatching conspiracies against the Muslim community secretly. The same conspirators
would create difficulties for the 4th Caliph, Ali.
 The event also reflected the gentle disposition and simple mindedness of Usman who
didn’t take any action against the rebels on the ground that he did not want to shed
Muslim blood

Hazrat Ali (656-661 CE)

 Life of Hazrat Ali as one of the ten blessed companions
Ali was the first cousin of the Holy Prophet and so belonged to the Banu Hashim.

 His father was Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, who had brought up Mohammad in his
 Ali was about ten years old when the Prophet received the first revelation.
 Ali got the special opportunity of living in the company of the Prophet and so developed
great love for him since his childhood.
 Ali was brave and literate and was a very intelligent youth of Makkah.
 He led a pious and noble life, hated idol worshipping, drinking, gambling and
 He was first among the children to embrace Islam. .
 One day he saw his cousin and his wife put their foreheads on the ground.
 Hazrat Ali looked at them amazingly.
 Never before had he seen anybody saying prayers in this style.
 When the prayer was over, Hazrat Ali asked his cousin about this strange act.
 He explained: "We were worshipping Allah, the One," the Holy Prophet said, "I advise
you to do the same and never bend your head before Lat, Uzza or any other idol." Next
morning Hazrat Ali accepted Islam.
 When the Holy Prophet asked the Hashimites to help him in his mission,
 Hazrat Ali was the only person to respond to his call. After that Ali started supporting
the Holy Prophet bravely and the Prophet declared him as ‘’my brother and my
 The Prophet gave his youngest daughter Fatima in marriage to Ali and Hassan and
Hussain were born from this marriage.
 Ali demonstrated utmost courage and boldness by sleeping in the bed of The Prophet on
the night before migration to Medina.
 At that time he had entrusted to Ali the task of returning the belongings of the people
that had been placed in the Prophet’s custody for safe keeping.
 In Medina, when the Prophet declared the emigrants and helpers as brothers, the Holy
Prophet declared that Ali would be his brother.

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 Hazrat Ali was a brave warrior and showed great courage in all battles.
 At the time of the Battle of Badr, he was chosen to carry the Muslim banner.
 During the Battle of Uhad, he was one of the few Muslims who defended the Holy
Prophet. After the battle he, along with his wife Fatima washed the Prophet’s wounds.
 During the Battle of Trench, when some of the pagans were able to cross over the ditch,
Ali killed them.
 He was one of the leaders in the siege of the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah.
 He showed great bravery in the battle of Khyber, using a door as a shield.
 At Hunain he defended the Holy Prophet and at the time of the conquest of Makkah, he
again carried the Muslim banner.
 For his bravery, the Prophet gave him the title of Asad Allah/Lion of Allah.
 Hazrat Ali did not take part in the Tabuk Expedition as he remained in Medina as the
Prophet’s deputy.
 On his complaint that he was not going with the army, the Prophet said to him: ‘’you are
to me as Haroon was to Musa, except that there will be no prophet after me.’’ (Agreed
 He was among those who had taken the oath of Rizwan for the sake of Usman’s life and
then he drafted the treaty of Hudaibiya and was one of the witnesses as well.
 He was one of the 10 blessed companions.
 He was one of the scribes of the Divine Revelation.
 He also wrote the letters sent out by the Prophet to different kings and emperors.
 He was present at the time of the death of the Holy Prophet.
 He washed his dead body and was one of those who lowered the Prophet into the

Hazrat Ali’s Caliphate (656-661)

Election of Hazrat Ali 656 CE /35 A
* There was no Caliph of Islam for three days after Hazrat Usman's murder. Medina was
completely in the grip of rioters.
 Most of the Companions had left Medina during the dark days of the holocaust (a war in
Which many ordinary people are killed)
 The few who remained felt absolutely helpless.
 After three days, when the rebels decided to return to their homes, they felt it was
necessary that the new Caliph should be chosen before they left Medina.
 In this connection there were differences among the rebels.
 One group favoured the election of Ali (Egypt); another favoured the election of Talha
(Kufa) while the third wanted Zubair (Basra).
 The Egyptians and some prominent companions requested Hazrat Ali to accept the
office of the Caliph but he refused.
 The rebels then offered the Khilafat to Talha and Zubair but they too refused.
 They next requested the Ansar to choose a Caliph from amongst themselves, but they
declined and said in that in the presence of Ali, no one else deserved to be the Caliph.
 There was a complete deadlock in the matter of election.

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 They then gave the ultimatum that unless the Caliph was chosen within the next 24
hours, they would be forced to take some drastic action (mass murder).
 Hazrat Ali had talks with those of the Companions who were still in Medina. They
favoured him to forward and serve the people.
 ·So Hazrat Ali agreed to take responsibility of guiding the affairs of the Muslims. He
consented to become the fourth Caliph of Islam.
 All came to the Prophet's Mosque to receive the pledge of loyalty. Malik Ushtar was the
first to take the pledge. He was followed by other people.
 Talha and Zubair, the two noted Companions, were in Medina at the time. They were
among the six electors nominated by Umar. Hazrat Ali wanted to have their confidence.
Both of them took the pledge.
 ·Members of the Umayyad family all fled to Syria. They took away with them the blood-
stained shirt of the late Caliph and the chopped fingers of his wife, Naila.
 Hazrat Ali knew well that difficult times lay ahead. The forces of lawlessness had been
unleashed. It would require tireless work, great patience and much tact to restore law
and order. Ali hoped to accomplish the task with the co-operation of his people

Change of Governors Issue

After becoming the Caliph, Hazrat Ali felt that in the interest of the state, it was
necessary that there should be a change in the provincial governors.

 He therefore decided to remove the governors appointed by Usman and appoint new
people to take their place.
 Many of his friends advised him not to take such a step before establishing himself as
the Caliph.
 With regard to Muaviya, the governor of Syria, they particularly asked him not to
interfere because the appointment of Muaviya was not made by Usman but by Umar.
 Also because he was popular in Syria and the people were happy with him.
 Against the advice of his friends, Ali decided to replace Muaviya also along with the
 He appointed new governors for Syria, Egypt, Kufa, Basra and Yemen. Then he sent
them to take charge of their provinces.
 The governors appointed in the provinces of Basra, Egypt and Yemen was able to take
charge of their provinces without any resistance.
 But the governor for Kufa had to return to Medina after having failed to assume the
charge of his office.
 Similarly the Governor for Syria was met by a Syrian army who told him to go back as
they did not acknowledge Ali as the Caliph. Muaviya was not ready to accept Ali as
Caliph. The main crisis started here.

Battle of Camal (Jamal) 656 CE/35 AH

Banu Ummayads who were in power in Syria raised a cry for revenge for Usman’s blood.
Muawiya was the governor of Syria and close relative.

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 He exhibited the blood stained clothes of Usman and the chopped fingers of his wife to
instigate the people.
 Many people in Makkah and Medina also joined them and demanded punishment for
the assassins.
 Ali agreed but argued that he would do so only after re-establishing peace in the
country. He realized that the assassination of Usman was not the work of a few
individuals who could be easily punished.
 Due to the chaotic conditions during the last days of Uthman it was very difficult to
establish the identity of the murderers, and Ali refused to punish anyone whose guilt
was not lawfully proved.
 When Talha and Zubair, who were the first to acknowledge Ali as a Caliph, saw that he
was taking no positive steps to avenge Usman’s death, they became furious.
 They approached Hazrat Ayesha, who was herself deeply grieved at Usman’s murder,
and prevailed (influenced) upon her to join them in demanding revenge for Usman’s
 They raised an army of a few thousands men and persuaded Ayesha to accompany
 In the meantime, Ali was preparing an army to cope with the situation in Syria whose
governor Muaviya had refused to take oath of allegiance. He diverted his attention
towards Basra and met Ayesha’s forces in October 656.
 Ali did not wish to fight Ayesha and sent one of the Prophet’s companions to assure her
that the delay in punishing the murderers of Usman was due to non-availability of
 Ayesha also wanted to prevent bloodshed and agreed to negotiate. The negotiations
began between the two parties and ended in mutual agreement.
 This was not in favour of the rebels who had gone to such great lengths to cause fighting
amongst the Muslims.
 A band of them masterminded an attack on Ayesha’s army during the night, provoking
them to retaliate against Ali’s army.
 In the fighting that followed, Talha and Zubair were killed. Ayesha’s own camel was
finally over powered and its legs were cut, thus giving the name Battle of the Camel to
this event.
 She was treated with respect and honour and was sent to Medina escorted by her
brother where she led a retired life and never took part in politics again.
 10,000 combatants lay dead from both sides in this very first civil war of Islam.
 As a result of the victory at Basra, Ali’s Khilafat came to be acknowledged by the entire
Muslim world except Syria.
 After this battle, Ali shifted the capital to Kufa.

Why did Talha and Zubair oppose Hazrat Ali?

Talha and Zubair opposed Ali for a number of reasons.

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 They had initially taken oath at Ali’s hand and hoped Ali would take quick action against
the killers of Usman.
 Ali, however, having his own plans and strategies, acted differently.
 He began to dismiss the governors appointed by Usman since he considered them to be
the root cause of all troubles.
 While doing so, the actions against Usman’s killers got delayed and this delay drove a
wedge between Ali and the two close companions of the Prophet.
 They began to oppose Ali’s policies as they wanted urgent steps against the rebels.
 Failing to see Ali introducing any reforms to control the crisis, Talha and Zubair joined
Ayesha to worsen the conflict.

Battle of Siffin 657 CE/36 AH


After his election, Ali deposed Muaviya from the governorship of Syria. Muaviya refused
and under his influence no one in Syria took the oath of allegiance to the new Caliph.

 Muaviya raised a cry for revenge for the blood of Usman and displayed his blood stained
clothes and his wife’s fingers in a mosque in Damascus.
 He claimed that his election as Caliph was illegal and was carried out under the
pressure of the rebels who had killed Usman.
 He presented Talha and Zubair as martyrs who laid down their lives for the blood of
 He criticized Ali for the ill treatment of Hazrat Ayesha.
 His propaganda spread to Iran and Iraq.
 Muaviya gained enough strength in a year to challenge the Caliph.
 Ali wrote him a letter telling him that he had been elected in the same way as the
former Caliphs had been elected. Muaviya replied that he was not ready to accept Ali as
a Caliph.
 Events:
 Ali managed to collect an army of 80-90 thousand men and Muaviya also collected a
large army.
 Both armies met at Siffin. For several months the rival soldiers remained facing each
other. Except occasional skirmishes no decisive battle took place.
 Ali sent messengers to Muaviya asking him to submit in the interest of the unity of
 Muaviya in reply demanded that Usman’s assassins should be punished first. All
negotiations for peace broke down and both sides got ready for war.
 The main battle began on the 8th of Safar 37 A.H. on the fourth day the position of
Muaviya’s army began to worsen.
 Muaviya, on the advice of Amr bin Aas ordered the soldiers in the front ranks to fasten
the Holy Quran on their lances as a sign that the war should end.

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 Many officers in Ali’s army refused to fight, so the war was stopped and it was decided
that the matter be referred to an arbitration (mediation/settlement).

Quran says” If the two parties amongthe believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace
between them: ‘but if one of them transgresse beyond bounds against the other. Then
fight ye (all) against.The one that transgresses until it complies with the command of
Allah. But if it complies, then make peace between them. With justice and be fair: For
Allah loves those who are fair”. (49:9)

 Ali appointed Abu Musa Ashari and Muaviya appointed Amr bin Aas. They were to
settle the dispute in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah and announce their
decision by Ramadan. In the meantime all hostilities were to cease.
 Ali left the battlefield of Siffin for Kufa. The battle of Siffin led to the birth of the first
sect among Muslims that came to be known as Kharijites.

Write a descriptive account of the Battle of Siffin and the arbitration that followed it. The Battle
of Siffin was fought in 657 between ‘Ali and Mu’awiya, the Governor of Syria. Both sides met at
Siffin and offered to negotiate. When no compromise could be reached ‘Ali challenged
Mu’awiya to settle their difference through single combat. Mu’awiya side stepped this
dangerous invitation and single combats took place among their forces which proved indecisive.
The actual Battle of Siffin began on 8th of Safar. ‘Ali led his army from the centre, surrounded by
the men from Madina, the armies of Kufa and Basra formed the two side wings. Fighting raged
for three days and nights and a morning with a huge loss of life on both sides. By the fourth day
it looked like ‘Ali would win the battle. At this critical time, a body of Syrian cavalry rode out
between the battle lines with the Qur’an tied to the heads of their lances. Crying out ‘Let the
word of Allah decide between us and you….’ ‘Ali and his commanders feared this was a trick by
Mu’awiya to delay imminent defeat and urged his men to continue the fight, but they refused
and it was decided to settle the dispute through arbitration. Arbitration took place. Abu Musa
was selected to be the arbitrator from ‘Ali’s side and Amr ibn Al-Aas was chosen to arbitrate
from Mu’awiya’s side. He had commanded one of the division from Mu’awiya’s side and had the
secret assurance of being restored as Governor of Egypt for his support of Mu’awiya. Details of
the arbitration were drawn two days after the battle had stopped. It read that both parties
would abide themselves by God’s word. The disenchanted elements from the Kufa and Basra
regiment bitterly opposed the arbitration and broke away from the main army and came to be
called the Kharijis. ‘Ali treated them with compassion, reminded them that he had pleaded with
them to continue the fight but it was their wish to support the Syrians that had led to the
arbitration. In January 658, the arbitrators met at Damut ul Jandal to announce as per their
agreement that both ‘Ali and Mu’awiya should step down. Amr asked Abu Musa to make the
announcement first which he did but when it came to his turn he back tracked and announced
Mu’awiya as the caliph. The conference broke up and the Kharijis very upset with this outcome
set up their own community in Nahrawan.

Q.Why did Muawiya oppose Hazrat Ali?

Ali had been elected in unusual circumstances, mainly on the insistence of the rebels
against Usman.

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 Ali wanted to restore peace first and then deal with the assassination of Usman, so he
issued orders of the governors appointed by Usman.
 Muaviya’s name was in the list.
 Ali ordered Muaviya to surrender his position as governor of Syria.
 Since Muaviya would not accept `Ali as caliph he did not do this.
 Ali refused to take steps against the killers of Muaviya’s uncle `Usman.
 Muaviya insisted that `Ali should punish them before he would obey him.
 Muaviya’s opposition was a combination of personal ambition and desire for justice.

Q: Why did some supporters of Hazrat Ali leave him after the Battle of Siffin ? (4)

* They demanded hazrat Ali to attack on Syria , but Hazrat Ali refused to accept it.

 This was the just action and they thought `Ali was wrong not to do it.
 Ali’s supporters at Siffin thought he was the leader of the community and those who
opposed him were wrong.
 So they thought he was wrong to arbitrate with sinners.

In Ramadan Abu Musa Ashari and Amr bin Aas met at Dumat-ul-Jandal, a place between

Kufa and Damascus for arbitration

The question put to them was ‘’are the two eligible for the post of Caliph.’’

Abu Musa announced that both Ali and Muaviya would resign and the people should be
given a right to choose any one of them as Caliph.

 Amr bin Aas announced that he agreed with Abu Musa to depose Ali but he himself had
decided to retain Muaviya on his post.
 Because Muaviya is a successful governor and his people have no complaints against
him, so the election for the Caliph should take place while Muaviya retained his seat.
 The decision was one sided so Hazrat Ali, on principle did not accept it. Now the only
way for him was to fight against Muaviya once again.


* The term Kharijites literally means separatists or out goers. These people had taken part
in the revolt against Usman and were involved in his murder.

 When Muaviya raised the cry for revenge for the blood of Usman, they allied
themselves with Hazrat Ali and fought on his side in the Battles of Camel and Siffin.
 · When the troops of Muaviya asked for cease fire, they responded to the call and forced
Ali to suspend hostilities, although victory for his forces were near.

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 When Hazrat Ali was going to Kufa after the decision of arbitration right after the Battle
of Siffin, they insisted that Hazrat Ali should attack the Syrians. Ali replied that he could
not break the agreement signed by him.
 Their argument was that neither Ali nor Muawiya were worthy of rule.
 They based it on a verse of the Quran 49:9 which said that there is no arbitrator but
 In fact, they went so far as to say that the true caliphate came to an end with 'Umar and
that Muslims should live without any ruler over them except God.
 When they arrived near Kufa, 12000 men separated and marched towards Harwara,
where they formed a party and started their activities against Hazrat Ali.
 In this way these people separated from the main body of the Muslims.
 While Hazrat Ali made preparations to attack Muaviya, the Kharijites from all over the
country collected at Nahrawan and began to create problems.

 So Ali had to fight against them first. The Kharijites were defeated badly. Out of 4000
only a few dozen managed to escape.
 The survivors vowed to take revenge.
 This decisive victory diverted his attention from the main struggle against Muaviya.
 It was because of this war that Hazrat Ali was assassinated by a Kharijite two years later.

Fall of Egypt

 When Hazrat Ali decided to step forward against Muaviya, his troops disobeyed.
 Muaviya took advantage of the disobedience and ordered Amr bin Aas to attack Egypt.
 Governor of Egypt was defeated and Egypt came under the control of Muaviya.
 After the fall of Egypt, a rebellion broke out throughout the Muslim Empire against the
 Ali signed a treaty with Muaviya in which it was decided that Syria and Egypt will be
ruled by Muaviya and remaining territories would remain under Hazrat Ali.
 The Kharijites did not want peace to prevail and they now started preparation to kill
Hazrat Ali.

* After the Battle of Nahrawan, the Kharijites became his bitter enemies. The survivors of the
battle wanted revenge for their friends who were killed in the battle.

 In 40A.H some of the Kharijites assembled in Makkah and decided to kill Ali, Muaviya
and Amr bin Aas simultaneously.
 They claimed that neither Ali nor Muawiya were worthy of rule.
 In fact, they went so far as to say that the true caliphate came to an end with 'Umar and
that Muslims should live without any ruler over them except God. They vowed to kill all
three rulers, and assassins were dispatched in three directions.
 The assassins who were deputed to kill Muawiya and Amr did not succeed and were
captured and executed.

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 Abdul Rehman bin Muljim was selected to assassinate Ali.

 On the 18th of Ramazan when Ali was leading the morning prayers in a mosque at Kufa,
Muljim attacked him with a poisonous sword.
 The wounds proved fatal and he died on the 21st of Ramazan.
 His son Hassan killed Muljim the next day.
 There are different versions as to the place of his burial. Majority of the people hold that
he was buried in Najaf.

He did not name anyone as his successor

 Administration

 The whole period of his caliphate passed in civil wars therefore he did not have a
chance to pay proper attention to administration or conquests.
 He administered the state on the lines laid down by the previous caliphs without making
 any changes.
 The divisions of the provinces remained the same as during Umars time with a few
 The capital was changed from Medina to Kufa and some of the officers and governors
were changed.
 Was very particular in taking care of non-Muslims.
 He constructed castles for the women and children who were widowed and orphaned in
Iran during the days of revolt.
 He introduced Islamic injunctions which included whip lashes to drinkers and cutting of
hands on stealing.He passed laws to provide food to the prisoners

Articles of Faith

 The word faith is synonym of the Arabic word ‘’Iman’’.

 To have strong belief or trust in someone or something is known as Faith.
 The fundamental (basic) beliefs, which serve as the foundation of a religion, are called
articles of faith.
 All the messengers of Allah tried their best to transfer these beliefs to their followers.
 The Holy Prophet (pbuh) too began propagating his message by focusing attentions on
these beliefs.
 These beliefs are related in Iman-e-Mufasil in these words:
 "I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in
the fact that everything good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty Allah, and in
the life after death".
 These articles of Faith are as under:

1. Belief in the Oneness and Unity of Allah or Tauheed.

2. Belief in the Angels.

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3. Belief in Revealed Books.

4. Belief in the Prophets.
5. Belief in the Last Day of Judgment.
6. Belief in Life after Death.
7. Belief in Predestination.


 Tauheed or the belief in the Oneness of Allah is the first and the main principle of Islam.
 It means that Allah is the Only Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Iman e Mufassil
 "I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in
the fact that everything good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty Allah, and in
the life after death".
 He is Ever-Living without a beginning or an end (the first and the last).
 He is Independent while others are dependent on Him for their existence and survival.
 He is the source and support of all life.
 He is the only one worthy of worship. Allah is Omnipotent (having unlimited authority or
 He knows everything; the hidden and the manifest (obvious, apparent).
 He is not bound by space and time; He is everywhere and has knowledge of the past,
present and future.
 Surah Ikhlaas proclaims this in the most comprehensive way:
 '' Say He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Eternal. He does not beget nor is He begotten,
and there is none like Him'' (112:1-4).
 Surah Ikhlaas is also called one-third of the Qur'an which means that one-third of the
subject matter of the Qur'an revolves around Tauheed.
 A person becomes a Muslim just by believing and uttering the expression:
 '' There is no god but Allah and Mohammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah''. The
first part of this message occurs repeatedly in the Qur'an in slightly different shades.
For example the Verse of Throne begins as: ''there is no God but He...'' (2:255).
 The first Surah of the Qur'an begins as: ''Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds"
 According to the leading scholars of Islam, there are three kinds of Tauheed:

1. Tauhid-ar-Rabubiya (Oneness of Lordship of Allah)

2. Tauhid-al-Auluhiya (Oneness in the Worship of Allah)
3. Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat (Oneness of the names and qualities of Allah)\

 Tauhid-ar-Rabubiya refers to the belief that Allah is Self-Existent; He is the Creator and
the Sustainer of the universe.

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 ‘’ Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Guardian over all things’’ (39:62). Allah
is Omnipotent, the Law Giver and the Judge.
 The verse of the Throne says: ‘’….who is there who can intercede in His presence except
as He permits…’’ (2:255).
 It also to the belief that He is entirely immune to all forms of human weaknesses and
needs such as hunger, thirst and the need to rest or sleep etc.
 ‘’…no slumber can seize Him nor sleep…’’ (2:255).
 He is above the grip of space and time, ‘’ He is the First and Last, the evident and the
hidden…’’ (57:3).
 Tauhid-al-Auluhiya refers to the belief that since Allah is the creator, He is the only one
worthy of worship.
 All supplication, beseeching (Pleading) and imploring (begging) are due only to Allah.
 So we as Muslims, must observe all the religious practices such as prayers, Hajj, fast and
giving alms to the poor etc. for His sake only.
 ‘’I created Jinn and mankind only to worship me’’ (51:56).
 ‘’ You alone we worship and your aid we seek’’ (1:4).
 Tauhid-al-Asma-wa-Sifat refers to the belief that Allah is matchless not only in His
Essence but also in His names and Attributes.
 This belief includes that we must not name or qualify Allah except with what He and His
Messenger have named or qualified Him.
 None can be named or qualified with the names or qualifications of Allah, for example
Karim, Raheem, Rehman etc. ‘’And there is none like unto Him” (112:5).
 We must believe in all the qualities of Allah which He has stated in His Book or
mentioned through His Messenger without changing, twisting or ignoring their meaning.
 The acknowledgement of Tauheed is the fundamental belief in Islam and is the basis of
salvation (rescue).
 The basic message of all the prophets was the same i.e. there is no god but Allah.
 All the previous scriptures preached the Unity of Allah but due to alterations made in
their text over the passage of time, the doctrine (set of guidelines) of Tauheed was
changed. Finally when the need arose for final and universal guidance, Allah sent His last
Messenger with the Qur’an to set the people on the straight path and correct their
 We cannot see Allah but His existence is confirmed when we ponder over the universe,
that such an organized and well coordinated world could not have come into existence
on its own; just like a letter cannot be written without an author.
 ‘’who created the seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any flaw in
what the Lord of mercy creates. Look again! Can you see any flaw? Look again! And
again! Your sight will turn back to you, weak and defeated.’’ (67:34).

 The Arabic word ‘’shirk’’ means ‘’to share’
 In religious sense it means associating partners with Allah.
 There is an Arabic proverb, ‘’things become known through their opposites.

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 ’’ In the light of this saying, it is necessary to understand the nature of Shirk for the
better knowledge of the oneness of Allah. The avoidance of Shirk is the fundamental
teaching of the Qur’an, because Shirk is nothing but the reverse side of Tauheed.
 Given the fact that the proclamation of Tauheed is the first pillar of Islam and Tauheed
itself is the first principle of Islam, one begins o understand why Shirk is so strongly
criticized and why.
 According to the Holy Qur’an it is the only unforgiveable sin: ‘’indeed Allah forgives not
that a partner should be associated with Him, but less than that, He forgives
whomsoever He wills.’’ (4:48)
 The acknowledgement of the Unity of Allah is bound in human nature, since humans
were created with the knowledge that ‘’there is no god but Allah.’’
 The prophets were
 sent as a reminder of what was already in their original nature.
 Hence to associate others with Allah is to go against the most basic instincts of the
human species. It is, so to speak, to go against human nature.

 Belief in the existence of angels is an article of Islamic faith. The non-believers
considered angels to be deities and Allah’s daughters.

"I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in
the fact that everything good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty Allah, and in the
life after death".

 This article of faith purifies the belief in the unity of Allah.

 Allah has appointed many of His Angels for the management of this Universe.
 Angels have been created from light and are not visible to ordinary mortals.

They belong to the category of the unseen unless they appear in human form.

 They perform their assigned duties according to the Decree (order) of God.
 They are sent to protect men, to administer Allah’s punishments, to carry His messages
and to perform various other functions.
 Allah describes their entire submission to Him in the following words:
 "They never disobey Allah's Command and do as they are commanded."(16:50)
 The Angels are also called messengers in the Holy Book as they conveyed the Divine
message of Allah to the Prophets.
 The Angels were also appointed duties in the human form; they appeared before
Abraham to give him the glad tidings of a son.
 Hazrat Lut was also warned about impending doom of his town.
 Hazrat Maryam was also blessed with the news of a Holy son by angel Gabriel.
 Hazrat Zakriya also experienced the same experience of visiting of an angel.
 Angels are Allah's creation having necessary powers and qualities.

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 They are not His daughters nor are they objects of worship.
 They have no knowledge except that what Allah has taught them.
 They prostrated before Adam when Allah commanded them to do so.
 Angels glorify and praise Allah. They never get tired.
 They neither need sleep nor do they require the things needed by human beings.
 Angels are the guardians of Hell-fire.
 They will welcome in Heaven all those who obey Allah's commands and will throw the
wrong doers into Hell.
 The name of the angel in charge of Paradise is Rizwan while Malik is in charge of Hell.
There are many Angels like Kiram-an-katibeeni.e. angels on our shoulders having
records of our good and bad deeds.
 They are many in numbers.
 The Qur’an says: ‘’But verily, over you (are appointed angels) to protect you- kind and
honorable, writing down (your deeds)’’. (82:10-11)
 There are also Munkar and Nakeer, they go to the graves of the newly dead to ask them
questions. Besides, there are many angels having various assignments with them they
are as under;
 1 Hazrat Gabriel, who brought revelations from Allah to the Prophets including Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) He is called 'Rooh-ul-Allah' or ‘Rooh-ul-Ameen’ because he never
changes the messages of Allah. He is also called Ruh ul Qudus.
 2. Hazrat Izrael, the angel of death. He is responsible for taking our souls upon death.
 3. Hazrat Israfeel, who will blow the trumpet at the time of the end of the world, i.e. on
the Day of Judgment. With his second blow everyone will rise again for the Day of
 4 Hazrat Mekaeel, who is responsible for rainfall and distribution of ‘rizq’( means
sustenance) MARKING SCHEME

 Angels are entirely obedient to God.

 They are created
 And are made of light.
 They have particular tasks.

[Give 1 mark for one example of an angel performing a task, e.g. Jibril bringing
revelation to Muhammad (pbuh).
Give 1 extra mark for another example of a different angel performing a task.]


 Belief in life after death, bodily resurrection, final judgment and the eternal life in
Paradise and (or) Hell is one of the articles of faith.
 "I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in
the fact that everything good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty Allah, and in
the life after death".

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This world as we know it will come to an end one day and the dead will rise from their
resting place for their final and fair trial.

 Muslims believe that the time of Qiyama is preordained by Allah but is unknown to
 The trials and problems preceding and during the Day of Resurrection are described in
detail in the Quran and Hadith. The Quran says:
 “Anyone who denies God, His angels, His books, His messenger and the Day of
Judgment has gone far, far astray.”(4:136)
 Islam teaches us that there are four definite stages of every human life.
 The first is in the womb of our mother. There, the flesh is united with the spirit.
 The second stage of our life begins in this world.
 We are born, grow from children to adults and then reach old age and die.
 Some people die in their youth while others live longer than most.
 The third stage starts after our death. Quran says “ Any who believe in Allah and the
Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord”.
 A person’s life on this earth ends with his/her death, after which another life begins in
the state of Barzakh, which is an intermediate state in which the soul is placed after
death till resurrection.
 The state of grave is therefore, the same state as that of Barzakh.
 Immediately after death the lesser Judgement or Qiyamat-e-Sughra takes place, after
which the righteous are spoken of as tasting the fruit of their good deeds while the evil
doers have to taste the evil consequences of their wrong deeds.
 The fourth and final stage of our existence is eternal.
 It will begin with the end of the world.
 The entire universe with all forms of life will be brought to its ends by its Creator.
 At many places in the Quran the details of the onset and outcome of the Day of
Judgment have been given.
 That Day will start by the first blow of Trumpet by Hazrat Israfil.
 The Quran says:“When the Trumpet is sounded a single time. When the earth and its
mountains are raised high and then crushed to powder with a single blow. On that
Day the Great Event will come to pass.” (69:13-15)
 The second Trumpet will be blown and there will be resurrection of everything that
existed in this world.
 A new world will emerge with a new sky.
 All human beings who had lived on this earth since its inception (start) will come back to
life, this is called Hashr.Quran says “ …then He wil cause you to die, and will again bring
you to life; and again to Him will you return” (2:28)
 Now all humans will stand before Allah for accountability of all their deeds in the
worldly life. Allah will set the Scale of Ultimate Justice.
 The account of our deeds will be examined in many ways.
 Some people will be interrogated in secrecy and if the person concerned confesses
his/her sins honestly, fearing Allah, they will be pardoned.

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 Some will be subjected to a very severe interrogation during which they will have to
explain their each and every deed and utterance.
 The people undergoing such an interrogation will be sent to Hell.
 No injustice will be done on the Day of Judgement.
 People’s hands, feet and tongue will bear witness against them.
 There will be no bargaining, no friendship or intercession.
 Our good and evil deeds will be sorted out.
 If we persecuted or harmed anyone in any way, we may lose some of our good deeds to
them by way of compensation and if we have no good deeds left then the other
person’s bad deeds will be transferred to our account.
 Then our deeds will be weighed on the scale mentioned before and the true weight of
our conduct will be shown to us.
 People will be given their book of deeds which they will be asked to read.
 The good will be given their record in their right hand, while the sinners in their left
hand or from behind their backs.
 The Qur’an says: ‘’then he who is given his record in his right hand will have an easy
reckoning (calculation) and return to his people well pleased. But whoever is given his
record from behind his back will cry out for destruction and he will enter a blazing
fire.’’ (84:7-12)
 Finally according to the deeds people will be awarded forever and ever.
 The Quran promises eternal dwelling place as a reward in Paradise for the pious and the
 The evildoers and the sinners, on the other hand will be given horrible punishment.
 When the judgment is finished, a bridge will be stretched over the top of the pit of Hell.
 This bridge, called the Sirat, will lead to Paradise which will be on the other side.
 Everyone will have to cross this bridge (Sirat).
 The Prophets and the righteous people will zoom right over and enter Paradise.
 Quran says” Gardens of eternity will they enter…(35:33)
 The treading of the bridge by the people will be based on the nature and enormity of
their good or bad deeds.
 The two states of Heaven and Hell are not spiritual.
 They will be experienced in physical forms by the new bodies with which Allah will raise

 An angel will blow the last trump.

 Everyone will be resurrected from the dead at the end of time.
 All will have to face judgement before God.
 Actions performed during one’s lifetime will be examined.
 The consequence will be either paradise or hell.
 [1 mark for supporting quotations.]
BELIEF IN REVEALED BOOKSHuman beings are the servants of Allah and need
guidance to carry out their various duties and responsibilities.

 This guidance is mentioned in Books revealed to various Prophets.

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 So for this guidance Muslims are required to believe in the Books.

 Allah says in the Holy Book:
 "Those who believe in the revelation sent down to you (Mohammad) and in what was
sent before you…" [2:4]

There were several revealed books but only four out of them are famous"

The Holy Quran, revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Injil or the Gospels was revealed to Isa. The Christians failed to act upon it; they distorted it and
introduced the doctrine (policy) of trinity and redemption through crucification; although Isa
clearly told his followers that Allah was his and their Lord.

Quran says” We bestowed on him the Gospel ( Injeel) …” (57:17)

According to the Quran Injil confirms the Torah.

Zubur or Psalms, revealed to David.

Quran says “And to David we gave the Psalm ( Zabur)”. (17:55)

Torah was revealed to Moses for the guidance of Bani Israel. It contained Allah’s command,
warning and mercy. “ And we gave Moses the Book(Torah) in order that they might receive

The original book was changed. Its followers distorted the words of Allah. Allah says, ‘’they
change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was

The Qur’an also mentions the Suhuf of Ibrahim.

Books were also revealed to other messengers, who were sent at different times among
different nations having different languages.

Their teachings were in the language they spoke and they were for the guidance of that
particular community.

The teachings contained were, the Uniqueness and Oneness of Allah, the concept of reward
and punishment for one's deeds in the life after death.
All the heavenly books were from Allah and whatever Allah said in them is to be believed in.
However due to changes and alternations, their originality and purity has been brought into

The preservation of the Holy Scriptures was the duty of their respective followers.

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The basic purpose of these books was the acknowledgment of the Oneness of Allah.

These books made it clear to the people that they should believe in the prophets of their times.

 If anyone failed to do so, their faith in Allah would not merit any rewards.
 These books also testified that all the Prophets were truthful and they should not
differentiate among them.

Each Prophet (pbuh), after all, was sent by Allah with guidance, and the primary message of
each was the same.

These books also reformed the wrong beliefs of people concerning Allah’s Essence, His
Messengers, books, and the life after death and acts of worship.

Instead of preserving the scriptures in their memories and on tablets, they distorted them. The
outcome is that these scriptures cannot be relied upon to be the same as when they were sent

Since Islam is based on the Quran, and the Qur’an is Allah’s last book, Allah took the
responsibility of preserving whatever is contained in it.

The following holy verse testifies this, “We have sent down the Quran Ourself and We Ourself
will guard it…” (15:9)

It is the living miracle of the Quran that no one ever produced even a verse like that of the

The Qur’an, unlike the other divine books which were meant for a particular community, is a
guide book for all communities for all times to come.

The Qur’an is a universal book, sent to the entire mankind for all ages.


 These contain God's will and guidance for humankind.

 They were given from God to humans by a succession of prophetic
 Messengers.
 They include the Suhuf, the Tawrat, the Zubur, the Injil and the Qur'an.
 (1 mark for two or more of these, 2 marks for four or more)
 Each was meant for a particular community,
 Except the Qur'an which was meant for the whole world.
 Belief in Prophets and Messengers
 Belief in Prophets is one of the articles of Muslim’s faith. Throughout the history,
prophets were sent as a source of guidance and wisdom for mankind. Prophethood is a

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prerogative given by Allah to His servants that are the special ones. It cannot be
obtained by personal efforts or tremendous amount of worship.
 “It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration or from
behind a veil or by sending of a messenger to reveal with Allah’s permissions what Allah
 Angel Jibrael (R.A) who brought upon them, the revelations from Allah, guided all the
prophets sent by Allah. They were all human beings, normal mortals and lived an
entirely normal life like others. They had wives, relatives and children. Despite of being
humans, they were sinless. This means that they never disobeyed Allah’s orders
deliberately. They were pious and truthful and Allah favored them over other creations
e.g. humans and Jinns. He chose the prophets Himself and guided them throughout
their mission of preaching faith. They only preached the message of Allah and not their
own beliefs. The Quran incites that the prophets were raised in order to be obeyed and
“We sent not a messenger, but be obeyed in accordance with the will of Allah.”
The messages and commands received by prophets, contained the same key teachings
i.e. belief in Oneness of Allah, belief in Hereafter etc. Those messages also contained
instructions about fundamentals and moral principles. Some of the prophets were gifted
with books and scriptures i.e. Torat on Moses (R.A), Psalms on David (R.A), Gospel of
Jesus Christ (R.A) and Holy Quran on Prophet (PBUH). Only the last book, Holy Quran, is
still in its original form. The followers according to their own requirements have
corrupted the rest revealed books. Prophets were also blessed with miracles as a sign of
their divine powers gifted by Allah: Moses (R.A) was given the miracle of a stick, which
turned into a snake when it was thrown down. Jesus Christ (R.A) could heal the lepers
and blinds and cure them. He also had the authority of resurrecting the dead but with
the command of Allah. The prophets were sent with guidance for a particular
community and for a specific period of time e.g. Moses (R.A) was sent for Bani Israel.
Only Prophet (PBUH) was sent as a source of guidance for whole mankind till the Day of
Judgment. The Hadith states that a line of messengers from Adam (E.A) numbered
124000 but Quran mentions only 25 of the major individual including Moses, Jesus
Christ, Joseph, David etc.
 Muslims also believe that Prophet (PBUH) was the last messenger and there will be
none after him. Quran says:
 “Muhammad is not the father of any you men but the messenger of Allah and seal of
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself said:
 “I am the seal of prophets and there will be no prophet after me.”
 According to Muslims belief, all messengers were equal in status, neglecting their
communities, miracles and books revealed on them. Holy Quran says:
 “And we make no distinction between the one and the other of His messengers.”
 Muslims believe that God has guided mankind throughout history through specially
appointed prophetic messengers. This process started with Adam (the first Prophet) and
ended with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
 The Holy Quran mentions 25 of these prophets such as:

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 Abraham, Noah, Jesus, and Moses. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet,
sent for all humankind with the message of Islam.
 The prophets and messengers sent by Allah were men. They had wives and children and
they were entrusted with the task to guide their people. They were absolutely obedient
to the command of Allah and they refrained from all sorts of sins.
 This was a special gift given by Allah to them. Allah selected prophets and messengers,
not because of their intelligence or deeds but, only because He wanted to do so and He
bestowed them with the gift of prophethood.
 The prophets and messengers demanded their people obey Allah and follow him.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final prophet of Allah who explained each
and every aspect of Islam (practically) with the help of the Quran.
 The Quran has mentioned various prophets and messengers such as Hazrat Ibrahim
(A.S) and Hazrat Isa (A.S). It is mandatory for Muslims to believe in all the prophets and
messengers sent by Allah

Belief in the Divine Decree (order by a leader) is mentioned in the Imaan-e-Mufassal.

"I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His Books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in the
fact that everything good or bad, is decided by Allah, the Almighty Allah, and in the life
after death".

This means that everything, good or bad, is decided by Allah, is an article of faith and without
this our faith is not complete.

 Faith in predestination means that the Most High Allah has decreed all things; whatever
happens in the world whether it is concerning the conditions and operations of things or
the happenings in our lives is decided by Allah.
 The belief in Divine predestination includes belief in 4 things:

1 Allah is the creator of everything. According to the Muslim Faith, Allah is the sole
Creator and Cherisher of the universe. His power is not limited in any sphere. The
Qur’an says: ‘’ Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the Guardian over all
things’’ (39:62).
2 Allah knows everything; what has, is and will happen.Therefore it will not be wrong to
say that God not only has knowledge of each and every affair of the entire universe but
also all the matters and occurrences are under His control. ‘’…He knows what is in front
of them and what is behind them…’’ (2:255)
3 Allah has recorded all that has passed, all that is happening and all that will happen. We
know from the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet that amongst the very first creations of Allah
was the pen. He commanded it to write down His knowledge. Thus all that is to happen
is contained in the written tablet of the decrees of Allah which is called the Loh-e-

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Mahfooz. ‘’Are you (Prophet) not aware that God knows all that is in the heavens and
the earth? All this is written in a Record which is easy for God.’’ (22:70)
4 Whatever Allah wills, happens and whatever He wills not, does not happen. We
ourselves can see the Divine Will in many objects and phenomena around us. The
Qur’an invites us to appreciate by saying: ‘’It is not permitted to the sun to catch up to
the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each just swims along in its own orbit
(according to the Divine Will)’’ (36:40). These are demonstrations of Allah’s unlimited
power and command.

 Similarly, man, the most supreme creation of Allah is no exception to this Divine Will.
 Humans have been granted liberty and free will, but at the same time they are
submissive to the laws of nature.
 Allah has predestined the span of every person’s life, their share of good and ill fortune
and the fruits of their efforts in accordance with His eternal knowledge.
 This is to say that He has ordained (designed) the things as they were to take place in
this world and in the life to come.
 This however does not imply that whatever we do is predestined to be done by us and
we have no freedom of action.
 No one is forced to do a certain thing because of its predestination.
 Allah has given every human the ability to do good or bad in life. People decide what to
do, but Allah has knowledge of our deeds even before we were created.
 He knew what we could and would do but does not make us do it.
 Constant praying to Allah is important because ‘’dua’’ or humble invocation is the only
thing that can change our destinies
 While Allah has given free choice to people, man has also been shown the correct way
by means of revelation through His prophets.
 Man has the final choice to accept or decline this Divine guidance. His choice rests on his
will as the Qur’an says: ‘’ Surely, We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful
or ungrateful (rests on his will)’’ (76:3).

Pillars Of Islam
The Declaration of Faith, Shahada:

Shahada is the first pillar of Islam. It is the declaration:

 “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger
of Allah”
 This is the testimony or profession of faith, containing knowledge, commitment and
declaration. It consists of two parts.
 The first, that there is no god but Allah, attests not only to the oneness and uniqueness
of Allah, but it also signifies the oneness of Lordship, the sovereignty, and the authority
in the universe. Allah is accountable to no one, He creates what He pleases, giving each
of His creation the role He desires. The Quran says:
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 “You do we worship and your aid we seek”

 True unity of Allah means that Allah is unique in person, that there is no other god but
Him, unique in attributes, that man cannot acquire perfection in the attributes of Allah,
and unique in action, that no one can do the works that Allah has done or may do.
 Associating partners with Allah is called shirk. Shirk is not only the worship of idols but
also offering prayers and supplications to anyone dead or living, believing that they hold
the same attributes as Allah.
 Thus the belief that Allah is not sovereign or independent or that deities can intercede
with Him and any attempt to implore any other being besides Allah.
 The Quran considers shirk to be an unpardonable sin. It says:
 “Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him”
 The second part of this declaration is that Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah.
 For Muslims, it is necessary to believe that Prophet (SAW) was the last in the line of
messengers sent by Allah, and he is the seal of Propjets.
 He is distinguished in many ways from the previous prophets.
 For example, his prophet hood is universal and eternal i.e. he was not sent for a
particular nation or country but the entire human kind.

Prayer, Salat:
Timings of Prayer:

1. Fajr: from dawn until just before sunrise

2. Zuhr: after midday until afternoon
3. Asr: from afternoon until just before sunset
4. Maghrib: after sunset until the end of daylight
5. Isha: from evening until just before dawn

Preparation of Prayer:

 Wudu: washing of hands, mouths, nostrils, face, arms, across the head, ears, back of the
neck and feet.
 Satar: proper dress code i.e. from navel to knees men must be covered and for women
whole body except hands, feet and face
 Qiblah: facing the Ka’bah
 Niyat: intention of prayer
 Place of Prayers


 After saying the niyat, worshipper stands still with his hands on his sides and feet on the
ground, only slightly apart
 Then he raises his hands up to his ears and says Allah u Akbar
 He then folds his hands on the navel and recites the Sana followed by Tasmia and the

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 He then bows down in ruku by placing both his hands on his knees and says: “Glory to
the God, The mighty” thrice
 He then stands erect, hands by his side, in wuquf
 After saying Allah u Akbar again, the worshipper prostrates by touching his forehead on
the ground
 In this position, he says: ”Allah is the highest” at least thrice
 He then sits up in the jalsa position and the prostrates again
 The second prostration completes one rakat

Importance of prayer:

The importance of Prayer in Islam is great as it is the fore most duty of the Muslims, and the
chief of the pillars on which the structure of Islam stands. It is the first thing that was made
obligatory on Muslims and the first thing they will be questioned about on the Day of
Benefits to Individual Muslim
 Obedience and Humility “Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in their
prayers”.(Quran 23:9)
 Punctuality and Regularity
 Spiritual and Physical Purity “ Purity is half of Faith”. (hadith)
 Self – Discipline and Self- Control
 Piety and Taqwa“ Establish regular prayers, for it restrains from shameful and unjust
deeds.”(Quran 29:45)
 Patience and Perseverance
 Benefits to Muslim Community
 Equality and Unity
 Brotherhood and Fraternity
 Good will is developed
 Solution of social issues
 “ Prayer, prayer and what your right hand possess.”
 Punctuality, Discipline

Congregational Prayers:

1. Friday Prayers:

 Take place of the Zuhr prayers of Friday , Quranic Quotation

 Cannot be offered as qaza
 Must be offered in congregation, Hadith “ Two or more constitute a congregation
 Obligatory on all adult men
 Women, slaves, minors, sick are exempted
 2 azaans
 Sermon (Khutba) is delivered (Description)
 Listening to it is obligatory

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 While the sermon is being delivered no conversation is allowed, not even reciting the
 The sermon consists of 2 parts
 In the first part the Imam recites and explains Quranic passages and then after a short
rest stands up again to deliver the 2nd part which includes general prayers for the
welfare of Muslim Ummah
 2 obligatory rakat are offered after the khutba

2 Eid prayers:

 2 Eids in one Islamic calendar Quotation

 Eid-ul-Fitr on 1st Shawal
 Eid-ul-Adha on 10th Zilhajj
 A day of thanksgiving when Muslims assemble in a brotherly atmosphere
 Congregational prayer for men. Women and children can also offer Eid Prayers.
 Women, minors, travelers, sick are exempted
 Can be offered from sunrise to early noon
 Offered in large empty grounds, parks or mosques.
 No replacement of any other prayer
 Cannot be offered as qaza
 Prayer on Eid- ul- Adha is offered bit earlier than the Prayer of Eid ul Fitr.
 Consists of 2 rakats
 After rakats, Imam delivers khutba (sermon) in two parts which focuses on
SadqahtulFitr in Eid ul Fitr and importance of sacrifice on Eid ul Adha
 Muslims exchange greetings after offering prayers
 Take alternate routes while coming and going to meet as many people as possible

Private Prayer.DuaIt is an invocation or supplication or Dua.A Muslim prays to Allah to

seek His favour, protection and forgiveness. Quran says,” And He gives you of all that
you ask for”.Quran says “And your Lord says : Call on me I will answer your prayer”
.Prophet (SAW) said” Prayer is the core of worship and weapon of a believer.”
* No Qiblah

 No wudu
 No satar
 No fixed language
 No Niyat
 Not obligatory

Delayed Prayer:

 If a Muslim misses an obligatory prayer, he must make up for the loss

 These qaza prayers must be offered as soon as possible
 Only Farz and Witr can be offered as Qaza

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 Conditions in which it is allowed to miss a prayer:

 If several prayers are missed in aday, then the Qaza should be offered in proper
order,fajr,zuhr so on.Qaza prayers are to be offered as soon as possible except at times
when prostration is forbidden. Delayed Prayer is offered due to following reasons.
In battle field

Taking care of seriously ill patients

If a person sleeps with necessary arrangements but fails to wake up on time

If a person is sick or injured


 A place where believers get together for religious purposes

 Educational, political and social centres of society
 House of Allah
 One should enter the mosque with respect, in clean clothes and footwear must be
 Indulging in wordly affairs is not allowed in mosque.
 Learning and Teaching center

Alms-giving, Zakat:

How it is performed:

 Zakat consists of giving set proportions of possessions for the poor

 Compulsory on all adult rich Muslims to gibe zakat which they’ve had in their possession
for more than one calendar year
 Its rate on annual savings is 2.5%
 If a person has 7.5 tolas or more of gold, 2.5% of it is due as zakat
 If a person has 52.5 tolas or more of silver, 2.5% of it is due as zakat
 If a person has 40-120 goats, then one goat is due in zakat
 No fixed date of payment
 However, usually paid in the month of Ramzan
 Recepients of zakat:” “ It (Zakat) should be collected from the well to do and distributed
to the poor.” Hadith

1 Poor and Needy

2 Newly converts to Islam
3 Travelers
4 Slaves
5 Those appointed by state to collect Zakat
6 Those who are in bondage or in debt

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7 Those who can’t fulfill an obligation

Quran says” Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to administrators
the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the Truth) ; ……..

2. Significance in the community:

 Helps poor people stop starving

 Sense of brotherhood develops between rich and poor
 It reduces financial difference between rich and poor .
 Prophet (SAW) said Allah has enjoined Zakat upon you so that rest of your wealth is
cleansed through it.”
 Encourages a bond of social responsibility
 Brings the society closer
 Encourages unity in society
 Does not hurt the self-respect of needy and poor.
 Circulates wealth and discourages accumulation of wealth.
 “And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah:
announce unto them a most grievous penalty.”
 It purifies wealth. Quran says “ Takesadaqah( charity) from their property in order to
purify and sanctify them”

Fasting, Sawm:

1 The Way it is Observed:

2 Quran says“Fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you as
you may self restrain”

 Carried out in the month of Ramzan. Nineth month of Islamic Calendar.

 Starts from the sighting of the moon of Ramzan and ends at the sighting of the moon on
 All adult Muslims should fast during day light hours i.e. from dawn to dusk
 They take their sehr (meal) before dawn,
 The intention for the fast should be made.” I intend to keep Tomorrow’s fast”
 After that they refrain from eating or drinking until sunset
 During a fast, Muslims abstain from smoking, indulging in evil and indecent acts, abusing
 They remember Allah throughout the day by offering prayers and reciting the Quran
 However, they cannot ask for concessions is their work and must lead the normal daily
 At the Maghrib prayers, they break their fast with dates and water
 “ Muslims recite the following prayer: O”O Allah! I fasted for you and I believe in you
and I put my trust in you and with the sustenance you have given me. I now break the

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 After the Isha prayers they offer 20 rakat of taraweeh prayers

 “ Glory to Him to whom belongs all honour and all greatness”
 During the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramzan, they search for Laila tulQadr, the
night when Quran was revealed
 Muslims even withdraw to mosques and sit in Aitkaaf for the last ten days, i.e. they
avoid any contact with the world and submit themselves to Allah

Those exempted:

 Sick
 Pregnant women
 Travelers
 Elderly people
 Minor , insane

+Pilgrimage, Hajj:
“ Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah-those who can afford the journey”(3:97)
Quran says” And remember, Abraham and Ismail raised the foundation of the House of Allah.”

1. The Main Observances Involved:

8 Zilhajj Meeqat - perform wudu
- wear Ihram
- offer 2 rakat
- make niyat
- recite Talbiah
8th Zilhajj Ka’abah - perform tawaf-e-qudum,
encircling Ka’abah 7 times
- kiss the black stone
8th Zilhajj Multazim - say private prayer
8th Zilhajj Maqaam-e-Ibrahim - offer 2 nafal
8th Zilhajj Safa and Marwa - sayee, starting at Safa and
ending at Marwa, 7 times

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8th Zilhajj Mina - offer Zuhr, Asar, Maghrib,

Isha prayers
9th Zilhajj Arafat - listen to sermon
- offer combined Zuhr and
Asar prayers
- perform wuquf-e-arafat
9th Zilhajj Muzdalifah - perform Maghrib and Isha
prayer combined
-collect pebbles for rami
- spend night in
rememberance of Allah
10th Zilhajj Mina - stone Jamarat-ul-uqba 7
times with pebbles
-offer sacrifice
- men cut their hair and
women clip a lock
Talbiya is stopped
Pilgrims may wear their
common day dress
11th – 12th Zilhajj Mina - perform rami, symbolic
stoning of satan
- perform tawaf-e-ziyarat
between one of these days in
- perform tawaf-e-wida
before leaving Makkah


 On 8th ZIL HAJJ, after sunrise put on the Ahraam for Hajj preferably from Masjid Al-Haram
at Makkah .
 Before entering Makkah-tul-Mukarramah, take a bath without using soap or make Wudu
and enter reciting Talbiyah. Thereafter move towards Hajr-e-Aswad reciting Talbiyah to
perform Tawaaf-e-Qudoom ,encompass around Kaaba seven times.At the end of the
seventh circuit, kiss again the Hajr-e-Aswad for the eighth time and then the Tawaaf is
complete. Then Pilgrims try to reach Mina at a time that the Zuhr-Salaah can be performed
there in its Mustahab time. Stay at Mina and perform therein five obligatory Salaah from
the Zuhr of 8th till the Fajr of 9th ZIL HAJJ.


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1. Taking Bath
2. Putting Ihraam
3. Intention / Niyyah of Hajj
4. Reciting Talbiyah:
“Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners.
Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no
partners, here I am”


1. Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah


1) Tawaf-e-Qudoom
2) Drinking Zamzam
 At the sunrise on 9th ZIL HAJJ, proceed to Arafat reciting Talbiyah and Takbir. On seeing Jabl-
e-Rahmaat Mountain of mercy, a hill at Arafat, recite Takbir, Talbiyah, and Durud Shareef
and make Du’aa. Stay as near as possible to the Masjid-e-Namirah. Sermon of Hajj will be
given there. After having meal, take a bath before mid-day or make Wudu and do not follow
the Imam in the Masjid where Zuhr and Asr-Salaah will be performed together at the time
of Zuhr. Perform each Salaah separately at its prescribed time with other fellow Hajji in
congregation inside the comp. After the Salaah engage yourself in Istighfaar, Azkaar and
Du’aa and stay as near as possible to Jabl-Rahmaat. But do not climb the mountain. Facing
the QIBLAH stand on the place where you are staying and engage in Du’aa up to the sunset.
Sitting and sleeping are also permitted. STAY AT ARAFAT FOR KHUTBAH IS MUST FOR
HAJJ.Prophet (SAW) said: “Haj ishalting at Arafat “
After sunset without reading Maghrib-Salah, proceed to Muzdalifah via Mazmin following the
Imam and do not stay in the way. On reaching the out-skirts of Muzdalifah, get down from the
conveyance and enter Muzdalifah walking on food. At Muzdalifah, the Maghrib and Isha-Salah
will be performed together with one Azan and one Takbir at the time of Isha. No other Salah
should be performed between these Salah. The Sunnah of Maghrib and Isha as well as Witr
should be performed after the Isha-Salah. It is appreciable to keep awake all the night at
Muzdalifah performing Nafil-Salah, reciting the Glorious Qur’an and doing other virtuous
deeds.Muzdalifa is also called the ‘Sacred Monument’. 49 pebbles are collected from Muzdalifa
for Rammi.


1. Wuquf-e-Arafat

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1. Stay at Muzdalifah

1. Spending 9thZil-Haj night at Mina

2. Leaving Mina after Sunrise on 9th for Arafat
3. Taking Bath in the stay at Arafat
4. Leaving Arafat after the departure of Imam
 At dawn of the 10 ZIL HAJJ when it is still dark, read Fajr-Salah following the Imam if
possible, otherwise individually. And then before sunrise, return to Mina very patiently and
humbly reciting Talbiyah and remembering Allah.
After reaching Mina, go from the center of the valley near by the last Jamarah, the symbolic
stone. Stand to a distance of more than five feet from the Jamarah in such a way that Mina is
on your right side and Makkah on the left. Pick up the pebbles with thumb and forefinger of the
right hand and throw it at the Jamarah.

Stop reciting Talbiyah on throwing the first pebble and recite, “BISMILLAHI ALLAHU AKBAR,
RAGHMAN LISH-SHAITAAN WA RIZAN LIR-RAHMAAN”. Raise the hand while throwing the
pebbles to an extent that the armpit exposes. After pelting, slaughter a goat/sheep or one
seventh portion of a big animal should be offered and then get the hair of head shaved or
trimmed. But shaving is preferable for men. Women should cut their hair equal to a finger’s tip.

Then go to Makkah preferably on the same day and perform Tawaaf-e-Ziarah. Thereafter,
return to Mina. Now Ihram is removed and recitation of Talbiyah is stopped. All the things and
acts, which were prohibited because of Ihram, become permissible.


1. Tawaf-e-Ziarah can be performed either on 10th, or 11th, or 12thZil-Haj


1. Stoning the devil at Jamarah al Uquba in Mina

2. Sacrifice of Animal at Slaughter area in Mina
3. Shaving the head (males);Shortening the hair(females)

1. Spending 10thZil-Haj night at Muzdalifah

2. Leaving Muzdalifah after Sunrise on 10th for Mina
3. Taking Bath in Mina after shaving of head and Putting off the Ihraam.
th th th
 On 11 , 12 and 13 ZIL HAJJ as well, if one stays in Mina; the Ramee-pelting of all the
three Jamarah will be performed. On each day, seven pebbles after the Zawal will be pelted
on each Jamarah beginning with the one near to the Masjid-e-Kha’if then the middle one

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and finally the last one. Make Du’aa facing the QIBLAH after pelting the first and the middle
Jamarah as well. There is no Du’aa after the pelting of final Jamarah.
On returning from Mina, if possible alight at Muhassab even for a short moment. Now the Hajj
is complete and one, who intends to depart from Makkah, should perform Tawaaf-e-Wida’.
After performing the Tawaaf, read two RakaatNafil-Salah and then go to Zam-Zam well and
drink its water to heart’s content


1. Individual: Like a new born baby free of sins, closer to RUBB.

2. Communal: Unity, Harmony, social interaction, Brotherhood.

3. Economic: Circulation of wealth from one person and nation to

Another - Trade element.

4. Financial: Reduces financial gaps of status; equal chances



Hajj is like Prayers: Du’aa, 5 Prayers, ablution, closer to Allah.

Hajj is like Fasting: Feelings of Hunger and Thirst for poor, Patience.

Hajj is like Payment of Zakat: Love for Allah not for wealth

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Hajj is like Jihad: Leaving all comforts for the cause of Allah.Hajj is like
the mirror of Qur’an: Allah’s Signs can be seen; Safa, Marwah, Zam-Zametc

Pillars of Islam Choice Question of Paper 2 -Selected Questions Rubina Talaat

1) What does the word Shahadah mean? Outline the main teachings of Islam about
Shahadh. (10)
b) Why is it important for Muslims to put these teachings in to action. (4)

2)what are the conditions of prayer (salat)that must be fulfilled before

Performing them. S.12, w.14) (10)

( b) Explain the importance of mosque in Muslim Communities (4)

3)Give an account of the main features of Friday Congregational prayers. (10)

(b)Explain the importance of the congregational prayers to the Muslim Community.

4) Describe the particular features of congregational both daily and on Fridays (jumma).

(b)In your opinion why are congregational prayers considered to be beneficial to Muslims.
(W.15) (4)

5) Give an account of the importance of obligatory prayers to an individual Muslim and

Muslim Community. (10)

6) Describe and how and why Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr and EidalAdha.

(b)How do the two Eids bring the Muslim community together? (w. 13) (4)

(7) (a) The Prophet (SAWS) said, ‘ Between a person and disbelief is discarding prayer’.
What benefits do Muslims find in regular prayer (salat).

(b)Why do Muslims regard delayed (qada) prayers as a sign of God’s mercy? Give reasons
for your answer. (w.14)

7)In which circumstances is delayed prayer permissible.?


Fasting and Zakat

1) Outline the features of the Ramadan Fast and identify which Muslims are exempted
from fasting during this month. (s.12) (10)

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(b)What advantages does the fast of Ramadan bring to the Muslim Community.
(2) Give an account of the importance of obligatory fast to the Muslims.(10)
(b)In which conditions is delayed prayer and fasting permissible? (4)
(3) Describe the ways in which Zakat is carried out. (10)
(b) What are the ways of charity other than Zakat? (4)
(4) Give an account of the importance of Zakat to Muslims.
5)Write about the practice of fasting in Ramadan and the moral benefits that a Muslim
gains from fasting in this month. (10)
(b) How do you think observing the pillar of giving alms (zakat) benefits the giver?
(S.15) (4)


1) And complete the Hajj or Umra in the service of God(al- Baqara2:196). What
observances does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra
2) and how is umra different to Hajj. (10)
(b) explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrims
inner spirituality. (4)

3) ‘ Pilgrimage to the House of Allah is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the
journey’.(Al’Imran 3:97) (10)

(i) What things are forbidden to pilgrimage(hajj) compulsory, and which Muslims are
exempted From it.?

4 (ii)What things are forbidden in the state of Ihram? (b)

(b) Some Muslims are exempt from performing the annual Hajj . Why do you think this is so ?
(W.14) (4)

(5) How do Muslim individual and the Muslim Community benefit from the annual pilgrimage
(hajj)? (10)

(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrimage (hajj) and God?

(6) Give an account the method of annual pilgrimage (10)

(b) Explain the importance of Hazrat Ibrahim in the performance of Ha j

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Jihad (Struggle in the way of Allah) For Q. 4 or 5 in Paper 2 Rubina Talaat

In literal term, Jihad means to struggle or exert oneself to achieve a particular goal. In Islamic
terminology, it means to struggle in the way of Allah to achieve and establish righteousness and
shun evil. The term Jihad is not restricted to fighting in the physical sense only which is just one
method of carrying out Jihad. The Holy Quran says;

“Believers are only those who believe in Allah and his Messenger (pbuh) without any doubt,
and Strive Hard in Allah’s way with their possessions and their own selves.”
There are three main categories of Jihad. In total there are five forms of Jihad.

(1) Spiritual Jihad

(2) Mental Jihad
(3) Physical Jihad
Spiritual Jihad (Striving to suppress the inside evil).

Jihad Akbar or the greater jihad means to fight against the evil desires of one’s own self. The
human being has been granted innumerable abilities and powers. He is called superior
being (Ashraf ul Makhlookat) by giving him the ability to distinguish between right and
wrong. The Quran says that Allah had placed both good and evil within the soul. Spiritual
Jihad is also known as ‘TazkiyaNafs. It is the name given to a believer’s struggle against his
own self in order to ward off any evil idea, temptation or desire. The lower self in the
terminology of the Quran is called Nafs – Ammarah from where the spiritual development
starts. It is totally exposed to attack by Satan whose mission is to besiege and mislead a
believer at this stage or even to roll him down to an lowest stage. Thus it demands a regular
fight against one’s own self. A Muslim must strive to conquer his animal instinct and
harness his energies to get spiritual and worldly rewards. The Holy Quran says;

“ Successful is he who purifies (his nafs) and lost is he who succumbed (to nafs).91:9.

Apereson who keeps him self away from evil thoughts and actions is called Muttaqi (a pious
person). In the Maskkan Surahs, the term jahadu is used in the sense of fighting against
one’s evil desires.

“for verily Allah is with those who do right. “

The Holy Prophet (pbuh)is reported to have said.:

“The greatest Jihad is the fight against the evil passions of one self.”

A well known example of spiritual jihad is the significant improvement in the socio
economic status of the Muslims in Madinah after the conquest of Khyber which introduced

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them to wealth and prosperity after spending a long time in hardships. He warned his
followers to be ready to fight against their worldly desires and temptations. The last surah
of the Holy Quran , Surah Al- Nas says’;

“ Say I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind…….From the evil of the whisperer (Satan) who
whisper and withdraw, who whispers in the hearts of Mankind.”

Hence Spiritual Jihad is a continuous battle against the evil which remains settled in the
deep recesses of our heart and mind.

Mental Jihad inviting all towards Islam)

This is known as Da’wah. This kind of Jihad involves utilizing one’s intellect, knowledge and
brilliance to propagate the teachings of I slam. Exercising one’s mental potentials to make
people understand the true spirit of Islam is a noble form of worship and an excellent way
to show gratitude to Allah for all the blessings. It includes answering any questions or
objections raised by the un-believers and non- Muslims about the relevance and
genuineness of Islam as a way of life. Mental Jihad is practiced through pen (jihad bilQalam)
and by tongue (jihad bilLisaan ) The Holy Prophet(SAW)remained engaged in this type of
jihad throughout his Makkan period of his Prophetic Mission. He received very clear
instructions from Allah Almighty in this regard:

“Therefore , listen not to the unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost
strenuousness with(the Quran)”,

The Quraish of Makkah used to come to the Holy Prophet (SAWS) with a great variety of
challenging questions and the Holy Prophet (SAWS), with the help of Allah, would always
silence them by convincing argument and reasoning .In one such encounter ,the Quraish
were challenged to compose just three verses on the pattern of Surah Al- Kausar on their
own but they were unable to complete the task even after fifteen days. The Holy Quran
repeatedly strengthened the position of the Holy Prophet ( SAWS) by exposing the weak
and hollow position of the infidels. Quran says;

“And no question do they bring to you but We reveal to you the truth and the best
explanation thereof.”

The Holy Prophet (SAWS) sent letters to non – Muslim rulers inviting them to Islam through
his messengers, who were well conversant and polite , followed the instructions of Quran
which says;

“Let there be no compulsion in religion”.

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For present day Muslims , it is to remember that they should carry out mental jihad in a
decent, polite and convincing way. The preacher must have thorough knowledge of Quran
and Sunnah .Da’awa is not a simple and easy task as it may involve harsh and abusive
response. So a preacher should be determined and well prepared to preach Islam by speech
or writing skill. Quran says; Rubina Talaat

“….but if you persevere patiently and guard against evil ,then that will be a determining
factor in all affairs.”

The companions of the Holy Prophet (SAWS) spent their entire live spreading Islam such as
Hazrat Uthman sent missionaries to far flung areas and Islam expanded from Kabul to
Cyprus. In modern day electronic media including T.V and , radio, websites, internet
,mobiles along with news papers, magazines and books can be used to preach Islam without
hurting self respect of non- Muslim and infidels. Muslim preachers are spreading the
message of peace, love and tolerance throughout the world. They should be well trained,
and organized and must portray matchless character to attract new people in to the fold of

Physical Jihad(waging war against evil forces)

Physical Jihad include Jihad bil- yad and jihad bil- Saif. Jihad bil-yad (jihad by the hand) refers
to choosing to do what is right and to combat injustice and what is wrong with action. The
Holy Prophet (SAWS) said ;

“Whosoever of you sees an evil action ,let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able
to do so then with his tongue,and if he is notable to do so then with his heart, and that is
the weakest of faith.”

Jihad bis- saif(jihad by sword) referring to qital fi sabilillah (armed fighting in the way of
Allah), is the most common usage-a term that has been exploited and used as’ holy war’.

Sometimes in order to protect Islam and innocent people, force is required .Thus physical
jihad would involve the use of force3 I n order to establish good over evil .Qitaaal is the
ultimate form of struggle in the way of Allah when all other methods and techniques have
failed. It is the most difficult and crucial form of jihad because it involves facing the enemies
of Islam and justice , their weapons and threat to life .For this reason Allah had allowed
jihad. Quran says;

“ Fighting is prescribed upon you, though you may dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike
a thing which is good for you. …But Allah knows and you do not know.”

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In 2AH, Allah gave permission to the Holy Prophet to launch Jihad against the Quraish of
Makkah.” Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you .But do not transgress the
limit.”The permission was given to the Muslims of Madinah ,who had suffered injustice, and
were forced to leave their homes and migrate without justification . According to the Holy
Quran, if the enemy ceased hostilities and sought peace ,Muslims were to seek peace as

“ if your enemy inclines towards peace, then you should seek peace and trust in Allah. Verily
,He is Allah- Hearer, the All Knower.”

The Quran instructs Muslims to honour the unbelievers who seek to make peace with them.

“Therefore if they (unbelievers) send you guarantees of peace, know that Allah has not
given you a licence (to fight them).”

Jihad, using force, is mainly as collective act performed by the believers in circumstances
and conditions clearly defined by the Holy Quran and fully explained and demonstrated by
the Holy Prophet (SAWS).Jihad is to be performed under a the ruler or leader of a Muslim
State or community.The Holy Prophet (SAWS) said;

“Jihad (Qitaal) is obligatory on you only in the presence of a Muslim ruler.”

War efforts by individuals are not at all allowed in Islam. Jihad should be performed by free and
independent Muslims who must have a collective social system that is governed by an Ameer or
Chief. They are not allowed to disturb peace .Non-combatants should not be attacked ,private
property cannot be confiscated, non – Muslim religious sites cannot be damaged, and so on .

The Holy Prophet ( SAWS )instructed Hazrat Ali ,when he was dispatched towards war of
Khyber He said;

“Ali try them to invite them to Islam, then make a peace treaty with them. If they disagree to
both these offers, then fight them.”

According to the Holy Prophet (SAW) women children and old people should mot be harmed. In
the battle of Mutah he said:

“Fight the dis-believers in the name of Allah, neither plunder nor conceal booty, kill no children
or women, nor aging man or hermit be killed; more over neither tree should be cut down nor
homes demolished”.

The Prophet (SAW)’s teachings guide us that corpses of the enemy should not be mutilated,
ambassadors should not be ill treated or kill. Rubina Talaat

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Q.There are five forms of jihad. Write an account of any three of them.

Candidates could well begin their answer by defining jihad. It could be said that jihad has many
meanings and can be seen as the internal and external efforts by an individual to be a good Muslim. It is
simply striving in the way of God. For jihad of the heart/soul (jihad bin nafs/qalb) it could be said that
this is referred to as the greater jihad and is one’s inner struggle of good against evil. Jihad of the tongue
(jihad bil lisaan) is defending Islam and spreading it by scholarly lectures, speeches and debates. In the
Last Sermon the Prophet (pbuh) asked those who were present to spread his words to those who were
not there. Jihad of the pen/knowledge (jihad bil qalam/ilm) is studying Islam, understanding its
teachings and spreading it. The Prophet (pbuh) said: The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a
martyr. Jihad of the hand (jihad bil yad) is jihad of action rather than words. It can overlap with zakat
and hajj, for example, giving charity to the poor and needy, or performing Umrah. Jihad by the sword
(jihad bil sayf) sometimes becomes necessary to undertake and involves the use of weaponry. Qital is an
aspect of this jihad as it allows the believer to engage in combat in self-defence or in defending Islam. It
allows fighting as a defensive action not an offensive one and has strict rules of engagement. Details and
development of the three forms of jihad the candidate chooses to write about need to be given to get to
the higher levels. 10

5(b) In your opinion, which is the most important kind of jihad?

Give reasons for your answer. Candidates need to choose any one of the five forms of jihad. They can
choose one from the three they have written about in 5(a) and say why, in their opinion, it is the most
important one. All valid answers to be credited.

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