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TEST -1. TOTAL :70


1.40ml of methane is completely burnt using 80ml of oxygen at room temperature the volume of
gas left after cooling to room temperature is
(A) 40ml CO2 gas
(B)40ml co2 gas and 80ml H2O gas
(C)60ml CO2 gas and 60ml H20gas
(D) 120ml co2 gas

2.The number of water molecule In a drop of water water weighing 0.018 g is

[a] 6.022 * 10 power 26
[b] 6.02 * 10 power 23
[c] 6.022 * 10 power 20
[D] 9.9 * 10 power22

3 the equivalent mass of ferrous oxalate is

[a] molar mass of ferrous oxalate divided by one
[b] molar mass of oxalate divided by 2
[c] molar mass of ferrous oxalate divided by 3
[d] none of these

4 which of the following is are 4 which of the following compound as have percentage of carbon
same as that in ethylene C2 H4
[a] propane
[B] ethylene
[c] benzene
[d] ethane

5 2 electron occupying the same orbital are distinguished by

[a] azimuthal quantum number
[b] spin quantum number
[C] magnetic quantum number
[d] orbital quantum number

6 splitting of spectral lines in electric field is called

[a] zeeman effect
[b] shielding effect
[C] Compton effect
[D] stark effect

7 how many electrons in an atom with atomic number one nought 5 can have n plus one is equal
to 8?
[A] 30
[b] 17
[C] 15
[d] unpredictable

8 what could be the iupac name for an element with atomic number of 222
[a] bibibiium
[B] bididium

9 the group of element in which the differentiating electron enters the anti penultimate shell of
atom are called
[A] P block elements
[B] d block element
[C] S block element
[d] F block element

10 which of the following element will have the highest electron activity
[a] chlorine
[b] nitrogen
[C] cesium
[D] fluorine

11 Rate of diffusion of gas is

[a] directly proportional to its density
[b] directly proportional to its molecular weight
[c] directly proportional to its square root of its molecular weight
[d] inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight

The value of universal gas constant depends upon
[a] temperature of the gas
[b] volume of the gas
[C] number of moles of gas
[d] unit of pressure and volume

13 the intensive property among the quantities below is

[a] mass
[b] volume
[C] enthalpy
[d] mass divided by volume

14 which of the function following is not the thermodynamic function

[a] internal energy
[b] enthalpy
[c] entropy
[D] frictional energy

15 the temperature of the system decreases in an

[A] isothermal expansion
[b] isothermal compression
[C] adiabatic expansion
[d] adiabatic compression

Answer any 6 questions

16 what do you understand by the term mole
17 define modern periodic law
18 define electronegativity
19 state the first law of thermodynamics
20 give the mathematical expression that rates gas volume and mole
21 define Gibbs free energy
22 explain the diagonal
23 state Boyle's law
24 why are the potassium and Ceasium rather than lithium used in photochemical cells

Answer any 6 questions

25 distinguish between oxidation and reduction

26 distinguished between diffusion and effusion
27 what are state and path functions give to examples
28 state and explain pauli’s exclusion principle
29 list the characteristics of internal energy
30 state the 3rd law of thermodynamics
31 List the characteristics of Gibbs free energy
32 why halogen act as oxidising agent
33 how would you explain the fact that the second ionization potential is always higher than the
first Ionization potential

Answer all the question

34 [a] [one] derive the relationship between CP and CV for an ideal gas
[2] write the relationship between delta H and delta U
[b] explain how heat absorbed at constant volume is measured using bomb calorimeter and neat

35 [a] [one] enlist the postulate of bohr's atom model

[2] derived D broglie equation
[b] explain the measurement of heat change at the constant pressure with the neat diagram

36 [a] [one] distinguish real and ideal gases

[b] [2] what is the density of north 2 gas at 227 degree Celsius And 5.0 zero ATM pressure?
[r is equal to 0.082 l ATM K -1 mole -1]
[b] define effective nuclear charge arrange SP D&F orbitals in the descending order of their
effective nuclear charge

37 [A] show that the circumference of bOhr Orbit for the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of
the d broglie wavelength associated with the electron revolving around the nucleus
[B] describe the Aufbau principle
38 [A] Calculate the empirical and molecular formula of a compound containing 76.6 percentage
carbon 6.38 percentage hydrogen unrest oxygen its vapour density is 47


[B] [one] define enthalpy of combustion

[2] define molar heat capacity give its unit

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