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James Kristoff B.

Saren Grade XI- Galilei


Good day everyone my name is James Kristoff B. Saren and today we are gonna talk about Economic

First things first,let's talk about what is Economic Inequality.Economic inequality is the uneven
distribution of wealth, resources, and opportunities in a society. It arises from disparities in income,
access to education, and employment opportunities. These imbalances can affect social well-being and
limit upward mobility, creating differences in living standards among various groups.

So let's talk about the causes of Economic Inequality.Economic inequality happens for a few reasons.
Some people don't get the same chances for a good education or job opportunities, which affects how
much money they make. Discrimination at work and differences in skills also lead to unequal incomes.
Tax rules and new technologies can make the gap even wider. If rich families pass down their money and
opportunities, it keeps inequality going. All these things together create a complex problem where some
people have a lot more money and resources than others.

When some people have a lot more money than others, it can cause problems. People might feel upset
because they don't have the same chances. It can also make it harder for them to be healthy and get a
good education. When only a few people have a lot of money, it can slow down how well the whole
country does. And sometimes, the rules might not be fair for everyone. So, economic inequality can
make it tough for everyone to have a fair shot at a good life.

In conclusion, economic inequality arises from unequal access to education, job opportunities, and
discriminatory practices. Factors like tax policies and technological changes worsen the wealth gap,
perpetuated by the intergenerational transfer of wealth. This imbalance not only causes social
dissatisfaction but also hampers overall societal well-being. Addressing economic inequality requires
comprehensive efforts to ensure fair opportunities and create a more just and inclusive society.

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