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BeWise Classes – Sudarshan Batch Organism and Populations

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Biology Class 12 - Chapter- 13

Organisms and Populations
1. Our living world is fascinatingly ____ and amazingly ____.
2. We can try to understand its ____ by investigating processes at various levels of
biological organisation–_____, cells, ____, organs, individual organisms, ____,
communities, ecosystems and ________.
3. ‘How does the bird sing?’ Or, ‘Why does the bird sing ?’ The ‘how-type’
questions seek the ______ behind the process while the ‘why-type’ questions
seek the ______ of the process.
4. For the first question in our example, the answer might be in terms of the
operation of the _____ and the _______ in the bird, whereas for the second
question the answer may lie in the ____ need to _____ with its mate during
breeding season.
5. When you observe nature around you with a scientific frame of mind you will
certainly come up with many interesting questions of both types - Why are night-
blooming flowers generally white? __________
6. How does the bee know which flower has nectar? ___________
7. Why does cactus have so many thorns? ______________
8. How does the chick spures recognise her own mother? __________.
9. You have already learnt in previous classes that ____ is a subject which studies
the ____ among organisms and between the ____ and ______ (abiotic)
10.Ecology is basically concerned with ___ levels of biological organisation –
organisms, _____, _____ and biomes.

Organism and Its Environment

11.Ecology at the ______ level is essentially _______ ecology which tries to

understand how different organisms are adapted to their ____ in terms of not
only ____ but also reproduction.
12.You may have learnt in earlier classes how the ____ of our planet around the
Sun and the tilt of its axis cause ______ in the intensity and duration of ______,
resulting in distinct seasons.

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13.These ________ together with ________ in precipitation (remember

precipitation includes both ___ and ____) account for the formation of major
biomes such as desert, rain forest and _______.

The given figure depicts: Biome distribution with respect to annual ______
and ___________.
14._______ and _____ variations within each biome lead to the formation of a wide
variety of habitats.
15.On planet Earth, life exists not just in a few _______ habitats but even in ____
and ____ habitats – scorching Rajasthan desert, __________, deep ocean
trenches, _________, _________ (snow laden) polar regions, high mountain
tops, thermal springs, and __________, to name a few.
16.Even our intestine is a unique habitat for _____ of species of microbes.


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17.The given figure shows: Major biomes of India : (a) _________; (b)
__________; (c) ________; (d) __________.

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18.What are the key elements that lead to so much variation in the physical and
chemical conditions of different habitats? The most important ones are ____,
water, light and ______.
19.We must remember that the _________ (abiotic) components alone do not
characterise the ____ of an organism completely; the habitat includes _____
components also – pathogens, _____, ______ and _______ – of the organism
with which they interact constantly.
20.We assume that over a period of ____, the organism had through ________,
evolved adaptations to optimise its _____ and _____ in its habitat.
21.Each organism has an invariably defined range of conditions that it cannot
tolerate, diversity in the resources it utilises and a distinct functional role in the
ecological system, all these together comprise its niche. (T/F)

Major Abiotic Factors

22.Temperature: Temperature is the most important ecologically relevant
23.You are aware that the average temperature on land varies ____, decreases
progressively from the ____ towards the ___ and from _____ to the _______
24.It ranges from ____ levels in polar areas and ____ altitudes to ______ in tropical
deserts in ________.
25.There are, however, unique ____ such as ____ and ________ vents where
average temperatures exceed ____.
26.It is general knowledge that ____ trees do not and ____ grow in temperate
countries like _______ and _____, _______ are not found in ____ forests and
____ fish are rarely caught beyond ____ latitudes in the ocean.
27.You can appreciate the significance of ______ to living organisms when you
realise that it affects the _____ of enzymes and through it the ________and other
________ of the organism.

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28.A few organisms can ____ and thrive in a ____ range of temperatures (they are
called _______), but, a vast majority of them are restricted to a ____ range of
temperatures (such organisms are called ______).
29.The levels of thermal tolerance of different species determine to a large extent
their __________.
30.Can you think of a few eurythermal and stenothermal animals and plants?
31.In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the gradually _____
average global ________.
32.If this trend continues, would you expect the distributional range of some species
to be affected? ______________.
33.Water: Water is another the most important factor ______ the life of organisms
34.In fact, life on earth originated in ____ and is _______ without water.
35.Its availability is so limited in ____ that only special adaptations make it possible
for organisms to live there.
36.The _____ and ______ of plants is also heavily dependent on water.
37.You might think that organisms living in ____, lakes and ____ should not face
any ________ problems, but it is not true.
38.For aquatic organisms the _____ (chemical ______, pH) of water becomes
39.The ____ concentration (measured as _____ in parts per thousand), is ________
in inland waters, ________ in the sea and > 100 in some _________.
40.Some organisms are tolerant of a wide range of _______ (euryhaline) but others
are ____ to a narrow range (stenohaline).
41.Many ______ animals cannot live for long in _____ and vice versa because of
the _________, they would face.
42.Light: Since plants produce food through ________, a process which is only
possible when ______ is available as a source of energy, we can quickly
understand the importance of ____ for living organisms, particularly ____.
43.Many species of _______ (herbs and shrubs) growing in forests are adapted to
_____ optimally under _______ light conditions because they are constantly
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overshadowed by tall, canopied trees. Many plants are also dependent on

sunlight to meet their _______ requirement for flowering.
44.For many _____ too, light is important in that they use the ____ and ______
variations in light ____ and duration (photoperiod) as cues for timing their
_____, reproductive and ______ activities.
45.The availability of ____ on land is closely linked with that of ____ since the sun
is the source for both.
46.But, deep (>100m) in the oceans, the environment is dark and its inhabitants are
not aware of the existence of a celestial source of energy called Sun. (T/F)
47.What, then is their source of energy? ___________
48.The _____ quality of solar radiation is also important for life.
49.The ________ of the spectrum is harmful to many organisms while not all the
colour components of the ____ spectrum are available for ____ plants living at
different depths of the ocean.
50.Among the red, green and brown algae that inhabit the sea, which is likely to be
found in the deepest waters? Why? ____________________.
51.Soil: The ____ and properties of soil in different places vary; it is dependent on
the _____, the weathering process, whether ____ is transported or _____ and
how soil ____ occurred.
52.Various characteristics of the soil such as _________, _______ and _______
determine the _______ and ____________ of the soils.
53.These characteristics along with parameters such as ___, ________ and _______
determine to a large extent the vegetation in any area.
54.This in turn dictates the type of ______ that can be supported.
55.Similarly, in the ____ environment, the _________ often determine the type of
_______ animals that can thrive there.

Responses to Abiotic Factors

56.Having realised that the _____ conditions of many habitats may vary _____ in
time, we now ask–how do the organisms living in such habitats cope or manage
with stressful conditions?
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57.But before attempting to answer this question, we should perhaps ask first why
a highly variable ___ environment should bother organisms after all.
58.One would expect that during the course of _______ of their existence, many
species would have evolved a relatively constant ____ (within the body)
environment that permits all _____ reactions and _______ functions to proceed
with ____ efficiency and thus, enhance the overall ‘____’ of the species.
59.This constancy, for example, could be in terms of _________ and
____________ of body fluids.
60.Ideally then, the organism should try to maintain the constancy of its _________
(a process called ________) despite varying external environmental conditions
that tend to upset its homeostasis.
61.Suppose a person is able to perform his/her best when the temperature is ___
and wishes to maintain it so, even when it is _________ or freezingly cold
62.It could be achieved at home, in the car while travelling, and at workplace by
using an _________ in summer and _______ in winter.
63.Then his/her performance would be always ______ regardless of the weather
around him/her.
64.Here the person’s _________ is accomplished, not through ________, but
artificial means.
65.How do other living organisms cope with the situation?

66.The figure shows: Diagrammatic representation of _________________.

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67.Regulate: Some organisms are able to maintain _____ by physiological

(sometimes _______ also) means which ensures constant _______, constant
_________, etc.
68.All ____ and ____, and a very few ____ vertebrate and ____ species are indeed
capable of such regulation (______ and __________).
69.___________ believe that the ‘success’ of mammals is largely due to their
ability to maintain a _____________ and thrive whether they live in _____ or in
the ___________.
70.The mechanisms used by most ____ to regulate their body temperature are
similar to the ones that we humans use.
71.We maintain a constant ____________ of 37oC.
72.In _____, when outside temperature is ____ than our body temperature, we ____
73.The resulting _______ cooling, similar to what happens with a ________ in
operation, brings down the __________.
74.In ______ when the temperature is much ______ than 37oC, we start to ______,
a kind of exercise which produces ____ and raises the body ________.
75.Plants, on the other hand, do not have such mechanisms to maintain _______
76.Conform: An overwhelming majority (_______) of animals and nearly ______
cannot maintain a constant ______ environment.
77.Their body temperature changes with the ambient _________.
78.In _____ animals, the _____ concentration of the body fluids change with that
of the ambient ___, water _____ concentration.
79.These animals and plants are simply ________.
80.Considering the benefits of a constant ____ environment to the organism, we
must ask why these ____ had not evolved to become _____.
81.Recall the human analogy we used above; much as they like, how many people
can really afford an air conditioner? Many simply ‘_________’ and resign
themselves to _____ performance in hot ____ months.
82.Thermoregulation is ______ expensive for many organisms.
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83.This is particularly true for small animals like _____ and _________.
84.Heat ____ or heat ____ is a function of surface area.
85.Since small animals have a larger surface area relative to their ____, they tend
to ___ body heat very fast when it is ____ outside; then they have to expend
much ____ to generate body heat through _______.
86.This is the main reason why very small animals are rarely found in __ regions.
87.During the course of _____, the costs and benefits of maintaining a constant
_____ environment are taken into consideration.
88.Some species have evolved the ability to ____, but only over a ____ range of
environmental conditions, beyond which they simply _____.
89.If the _____ external conditions are localised or remain only for a ____ duration,
the organism has two other _______ for survival.
90.Migrate: The organism can move away temporarily from the _____ habitat to a
more ______ area and return when ____ period is over.
91.In human analogy, this strategy is like a person moving from Delhi to Shimla
for the duration of ____.
92.Many ______, particularly birds, during winter undertake long-distance
migrations to more hospitable areas.
93.Every winter the famous _______________ (Bharatpur) in Rajasthan host
thousands of migratory birds coming from ____ and other extremely cold
________ regions.
94.Suspend: In ____, ____ and ____ plants, various kinds of thick-walled spores
are formed which help them to survive ______ conditions – these germinate on
availability of ____ environment.
95.In higher plants, ___ and some other vegetative ____ structures serve as means
to ___ over periods of ____ besides helping in _____ – they germinate to form
_______ under favourable _____ and ______ conditions.
96.They do so by reducing their ________ and going into a state of ‘_______’.
97.In ______, the organism, if unable to _____, might avoid the stress by escaping
in time.

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98.The familiar case of ____ going into ______ during winter is an example of
escape in time.
99.Some ____ and fish go into ________ to avoid ________ problems-heat and
100. Under favourable conditions many zooplankton species in lakes and ponds
are known to enter diapause, a stage of suspended development. (T/F)

101. While considering the various alternatives available to organisms for ___ with
extremes in their environment, we have seen that some are able to ___ through
certain _______ adjustments while others do so _______ (migrating temporarily
to a less stressful habitat).
102. These responses are also actually, their _____.
103. So, we can say that ______ is any attribute of the organism (morphological,
______, _______) that enables the organism to ____ and ____ in its habitat.
104. Many adaptations have evolved over a long _________ time and are _____
105. In the ____ of an external source of ___, the kangaroo rat in
_______________ is capable of meeting all its water requirements through its
__________ (in which water is a by product).
106. It also has the ability to _____ its urine so that ____ volume of water is used
to remove ____ products.
107. Many desert plants have a ___ cuticle on their leaf surfaces and have their
___ arranged in deep pits (____) to minimise water ___ through transpiration.
108. They also have a special _______ pathway (___) that enables their stomata to
remain ___ during ___ time.
109. Some desert plants like ______, have __ leaves – they are reduced to ____–
and the photosynthetic ____ is taken over by the flattened ____.
110. Mammals from ____ climates generally have ____ ears and limbs to minimise
heat ___. (This is called the ___________.)

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111. In the polar seas aquatic ____ like ___ have a thick layer of ___ (____) below
their skin that acts as an ____ and ____ loss of body heat.
112. Some organisms possess adaptations that are _____ which allow them
to respond quickly to a _______ situation.
113. If you had ever been to any ___ altitude place _______ Rohtang Pass near
Manali and Leh you must have experienced what is called __________.
114. Its symptoms include _____, ________ and heart _____.
115. This is because in the ___ atmospheric pressure of ___ altitudes, the body
does not get enough ______.
116. But, gradually you get ____ and stop experiencing altitude sickness.
117. How did your body solve this problem? The body compensates low oxygen
availability by _______ red blood cell _____, decreasing the _______ of _____
and by increasing _________.
118. Many tribes live in the high altitude of ______.
119. Find out if they normally have a higher red blood cell count (or total
hemoglobin) than people living in the plains. _________
120. In most _____, the _______ reactions and hence all the ____ functions
proceed optimally in a narrow temperature range (in humans, it is ____).
121. But there are _____ (archaebacteria) that flourish in ______ and __________
where temperatures far exceed _____.
122. How is this possible? __________.
123. Many fish thrive in ____ waters where the temperature is always below ____.
124. How do they manage to prevent their body fluids from freezing? ___________
125. A large variety of ____ invertebrates and fish live at great depths in the ____
where the pressure could be ________ the normal atmospheric pressure that we
126. How do they live under such high pressures and do they have any special
enzymes? ____________.
127. Organisms living in such ______ environments show a fascinating array of
________ adaptations.

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128. Some organisms show _______ responses to cope up with variations in their
129. _________ lack the physiological ability that ____ have to deal with the ___
temperatures of their habitat, but manage to keep their body temperature fairly
constant by _______ means.
130. They ___ in the sun and absorb ___ when their body temperature drops below
the ____ zone, but move into ____ when the ambient temperature starts
131. Some species are capable of ____ into the soil to ___ and ___ from the above-
ground heat.

Population Attributes

132. In nature, we rarely find ____, ___ individuals of any species; majority of
them live in groups in a well defined geographical area, ___ or ____ for similar
____, potentially interbreed and thus constitute a ______.
133. Although the term _____ implies __________, a group of individuals
resulting from even asexual reproduction is also generally considered a
population for the purpose of ecological studies.
134. All the ______ in a wetland, ___ in an abandoned dwelling, teakwood trees
in a forest tract, ____ in a culture plate and ____ plants in a pond, are some
examples of a population.
135. In earlier chapters you have learnt that although an individual organism is the
one that has to cope with a changed _____, it is at the population level that
_______ operates to evolve the desired traits.
136. _________ is, therefore, an important area because it links ecology to
population ____ and _____.
137. A population has certain ______ whereas, an individual organism does not.
138. An individual may have ____ and ____, but a population
has _______ and _________.
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139. In a population these rates refer to ______ births and deaths.

140. The rates, hence, expressed are change in ____ (increase or decrease) with
respect to members of the population.
141. Here is an example. If in a pond there were 20 lotus plants last year and
through reproduction 8 new plants are added, taking the current population to
___, we calculate the birth rate as 8/20 = ___________.
142. If 4 individuals in a laboratory population of 40 fruitflies died during a
specified time interval, say a week, the death rate in the population during that
period is ___________________________.
143. Another attribute characteristic of a population is ________.
144. An individual is either a ___ or a ____ but a _______ has a sex ratio (e.g., 60
per cent of the population are females and 40 per cent males).
145. A ________ at any given time is composed of individuals of different ___.
146. If the _______ (per cent individuals of a given age or age group) is plotted for
the population, the resulting structure is called an ________.
147. For human population, the age pyramids generally show age distribution of
___ and ____ in a diagram.
148. The shape of the pyramids reflects the growth status of the population - (a)
whether it is ______, (b) ______ or (c) _______.

149. The figure shows: Representation of ________________________.

150. The size of the _____ tells us a lot about its status in the habitat.
151. Whatever ecological processes we wish to investigate in a ____, be it the
outcome of ____ with another species, the impact of a ____ or the effect of a
____ application, we always evaluate them in terms of any change in the
population size.
152. The size, in nature, could be as low as ___ (Siberian cranes at Bharatpur
wetlands in any year) or go into _____ (Chlamydomonas in a pond).
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153. Population size, technically called _____________ (designated as __ ), need

not necessarily be measured in ______ only.
154. Although total number is generally the most appropriate measure of
____________, it is in some cases either meaningless or difficult to determine.
155. In an area, if there are _________ (Parthenium hysterophorus) plants but only
a single ___ banyan tree with a large _____, stating that the population density
of banyan is ___ relative to that of carrot grass amounts to underestimating the
enormous role of the Banyan in that community.
156. In such cases, the per cent cover or _____ is a more meaningful measure of
the population size.
157. Total number is again not an easily adoptable measure if the population is
huge and counting is ________ or very __________.
158. If you have a dense laboratory culture of bacteria in a petri dish what is the
best measure to report its density? __________.
159. Sometimes, for certain ecological investigations, there is no need to know the
absolute population densities; __________ serve the purpose equally well.
160. For instance, the number of ___ caught per trap is good enough measure of
its total population density in the ____.
161. We are mostly obliged to estimate population sizes ____, without actually
counting them or seeing them.
162. The _________ in our national parks and tiger reserves is often based on
______ and ________.

Population Growth
163. The size of a population for any species is not a ___ parameter.
164. It keeps changing with ____, depending on various factors including food
availability, _________ and adverse weather.
165. In fact, it is these changes in population density that give us some idea of what
is happening to the population – whether it is _____ or ________.
166. Whatever might be the ultimate reasons, the density of a population in a given
habitat during a given period, fluctuates due to changes in ___ basic processes,
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two of which (______ and ________) contribute to an ____ in population

density and two (_____ and _______) to a decrease.
(i) _______ refers to the number of ____ during a given period in the population
that are added to the initial density.
(ii) ________ is the number of _______ in the population during a given period.
(iii)_______ is the number of individuals of the same species that have ___ into the
habitat from elsewhere during the time period under consideration.
(iv) ________ is the number of individuals of the population who ___ the habitat
and gone elsewhere during the time period under consideration.
167. So, if ___ is the population density at time __, then its density at time _____
is _________________
168. Population density will ____ if the number of births plus the number of
________ (B + I) is ____ than the number of _____ plus the number of _______
(D + E).
169. Under _______ conditions, births and deaths are the most important factors
influencing population density, the other two factors assuming importance only
under _________.
170. For instance, if a _________ is just being colonised, _______ may contribute
more significantly to population _____ than birth rates.

171. Growth Models: Does the growth of a population with time show any
specific and predictable pattern? _____
172. We have been concerned about ____ human population growth and ____
created by it in our country and it is therefore natural for us to be curious if
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different ____ populations in nature behave the same way or show some ____
on growth.
173. Perhaps we can learn a lesson or two from nature on how to _______
population growth.
174. Exponential growth: _____ (food and space) availability is obviously
essential for the _______ growth of a population.
175. Ideally, when resources in the ____ are _____, each species has the ability to
realise fully its ____ potential to grow in ____, as Darwin observed while
developing his theory of _________.
176. Then the population grows in an ______ or _____ fashion.
177. If in a population of size __, the _______ (not total number but per
capita births) are represented as __ and _______ (again, per capita death rates)
as __, then the increase or decrease in __ during a unit time period __ (dN/dt)
will be
178. dN/dt = __________
179. Let _____ = r, then
180. dN/dt = _____
181. The r in this equation is called the __________________ and is a very
important parameter chosen for assessing impacts of any ____ or ____ factor on
population growth.
182. To give you some idea about the magnitude of r values, for the _______ the r
is 0.015, and for the ______it is 0.12.
183. In ____, the r value for human population in India was _______.
184. Find out what the current r value is. For calculating it, you need to know the
birth rates and death rates. ________________.
185. The above equation describes the _______ or _______ growth pattern of a
population and results in a ________ when we plot N in _________.
186. If you are familiar with basic ______, you can derive the _____ form of the
exponential growth equation as ________________where
i. Nt = _____________________-
(ii) N0 = Population density at time zero
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(iii) r = ___________________
(iv) e = ________________________________
187. Any species growing _______ under _____ resource conditions can reach
enormous population densities in a short time.
188. Darwin showed how even a ___ growing animal like elephant could reach
____ numbers in the absence of ___.

189. the Figure shows: Population growth curve __ when responses are
________ the growth, plot is ______,__ when responses are ______ the
growth, plot is _______, K is _________.
190. Logistic growth: No population of any ___ in nature has at its disposal
______ resources to permit ____ growth.
191. This leads to ____ between individuals for ____ resources.
192. Eventually, the ‘_____’ individual will survive and ____.
193. The governments of many countries have also realised this fact and
introduced various _____ with a view to ___ human population growth.
194. In nature, a given habitat has enough ____ to support a ____ possible number,
beyond which no further _______ is possible.
195. Let us call this limit as __________ for that species in that habitat.
196. A population growing in a habitat with ____ resources show initially a
______, followed by phases of ________ and ______ and finally an _______,
when the population density reaches the __________.
197. A plot of ___ in relation to ____ (t) results in a ___________.

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198. This type of population growth is called ______________ and is described by

the following equation:
i. dN/dt = ______________
199. Where N = ____________
i. r = ____________
ii. K = ___________
200. Since resources for growth for most animal populations are ____ and become
____ sooner or later, the logistic growth model is considered a more ____ one.

Life History Variation

201. Populations evolve to ____ their reproductive fitness, also called _______
(high r value), in the habitat in which they live.
202. Under a particular set of __________, organisms evolve towards the most
efficient ________ strategy.
203. Some organisms breed only ___ in their lifetime (___________, ________)
while others breed _______ during their ______ (most ___ and ________).
204. Some produce a large number of _______ offspring (Oysters, _______) while
others produce a small number of ______ offspring (____, mammals).
205. So, which is desirable for maximising fitness? __________
206. Ecologists suggest that ______ traits of organisms have evolved in relation to
the _____ imposed by the abiotic and biotic components of the ____ in which
they live.
207. Evolution of ________ traits in different species is currently an important area
of research being conducted by _______.

Population Interactions
208. Can you think of any natural habitat on earth that is inhabited just by a single
species? There is ___ such habitat and such a situation is even _______.
209. For any species, the minimal requirement is ___ more species on which it can

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210. Even a ____ species, which makes its own ____, cannot survive alone; it
needs soil ____ to break down the ____ matter in soil and return the ______ for
211. And then, how will the plant manage pollination without an animal agent?
212. It is obvious that in ____, animals, plants and ______ do not and cannot live
in _______ but interact in various ways to form a ____________.
213. Even in ______ communities, many interactive ____ exist, although all may
not be readily apparent.
214. __________ arise from the interaction of populations of ___ different species.
215. They could be ______, _______ or ______ (neither harm nor benefit) to one
of the species or both.
216. Assigning a ___ sign for beneficial interaction, ____ sign for _______ and __
for neutral interaction, let us look at all the possible outcomes of interspecific

Species A Species B Name of Interaction

+ + __________

– ____ Competition

______ – Predation

+ – __________

+ ____ Commensalism

– 0 _____________

217. Both the species _____ in mutualism and both ___ in competition in their
interactions with each other.
218. In both parasitism and predation only one species benefits (parasite and
predator, respectively) and the interaction is detrimental to the other
species (host and prey, respectively). (T/F)
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219. The interaction where one species is harmed and the other is neither
benefitted nor harmed is called commensalism. (T/F)
220. In _________ on the other hand one species is ____ whereas the other is
221. Predation, _______ and ______ share a common characteristic– the
interacting species live closely together.
222. Predation: What would happen to all the energy fixed by autotrophic
organisms if the community has no animals to eat the plants? ___________
223. You can think of predation as _______ way of transferring to ____ trophic
levels the energy fixed by ____.
224. When we think of _____ and ____, most probably it is the tiger and the deer
that readily come to our mind, but a ______ eating any ___ is no less a predator.
225. Although animals eating ____ are categorised separately as _____, they are,
in a broad ecological context, not very different from ________.
226. Besides acting as ‘_______’ for energy transfer across trophic levels, ____
play other important roles.
227. They keep ___ populations under control.
228. But for predators, prey species could achieve very high population densities
and cause ecosystem instability. (T/F)
229. When certain ___ species are introduced into a _________, they become ____
and start spreading ___ because the invaded land does not have its ____
230. The ______________ introduced into Australia in the early ____ caused
havoc by spreading rapidly into _____ of hectares of rangeland.
231. Finally, the invasive ____ was brought under control only after a _________
(a ___) from its natural habitat was introduced into the country.
232. ____________ methods adopted in agricultural ____ control are based on the
ability of the ________ to regulate ____ population.
233. Predators also help in maintaining ________ in a community, by reducing the
________ of competition among competing prey species.

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234. In the __________ of the American Pacific Coast the starfish ______ is an
important predator.
235. In a field experiment, when all the ____ were removed from an enclosed
intertidal area, more than _________ of invertebrates became extinct within a
year, because of inter-specific competition.
236. If a predator is too _____ and ________ its prey, then the prey might become
____ and following it, the ____ will also become extinct for lack of ___.
237. This is the reason why predators in nature are ‘prudent’.(T/F)
238. ____ species have evolved various _____ to lessen the impact of predation.
239. Some species of insects and frogs are _________ (______) to avoid being
detected easily by the ____.
240. Some are _____ and therefore avoided by the _____.
241. The Monarch butterfly is highly distasteful to its predator (bird) because of a
special chemical present in its body. (T/F)
242. Interestingly, the butterfly acquires this _____ during its caterpillar stage by
feeding on a _____________.
243. For plants, herbivores are the predators. (T/F)
244. Nearly _________ of all insects are known to be _________ (feeding on plant
sap and other parts of plants).
245. The problem is particularly severe for plants because, unlike animals, they
cannot run away from their _______.
246. Plants therefore have evolved an astonishing variety of ______ and ______
defences against herbivores.
247. Thorns (_____, _____) are the most common morphological means of ____.
248. Many plants produce and store _____ that make the herbivore ___ when they
are ____, inhibit ____ or digestion, ____ its reproduction or even ____ it.
249. You must have seen the weed ______ growing in abandoned ____.
250. The plant produces highly poisonous cardiac glycosides and that is why you
never see any cattle or goats browsing on this plant. (T/F)

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251. A wide variety of ____ substances that we extract from plants on a

commercial scale (____, caffeine, ____, ____, opium, etc.,) are produced by
them actually as defences against ____ and _____.
252. Competition: When ____ spoke of the struggle for ____ and survival of the
_____ in nature, he was convinced that __________ is a potent force in organic
253. It is generally believed that _____ occurs when closely related ____ compete
for the same resources that are ____, but this is not entirely true.
254. Firstly, totally unrelated species could also compete for the _______.
255. For instance, in some ____ South American lakes, visiting ____ and resident
___ compete for their common ___, the ________ in the lake.
256. Secondly, resources need not be limiting for ______ to occur; in interference
competition, the ____ efficiency of one ____ might be reduced due to the ____
and ____ presence of the other species, even if resources (____ and ____) are
257. Therefore, ________ is best defined as a process in which the ____ of one
species (measured in terms of its ‘__’ the ___________) is significantly ___ in
the presence of another species.
258. It is relatively easy to demonstrate in laboratory experiments, as ___ and
other experimental ecologists did, when ____ are limited the competitively
______ species will eventually ____ the other species, but evidence for such
_______ occurring in nature is not always conclusive.
259. Strong and _____ circumstantial evidence does exist however in some cases.
260. The _________ in Galapagos Islands became extinct within a decade after
___ were introduced on the ___, apparently due to the ____ browsing efficiency
of the goats.
261. Another evidence for the occurrence of _____ in nature comes from what is
called ‘___________’.
262. A species whose distribution is restricted to a ____ geographical area because
of the presence of a ___________ species, is found to expand its distributional
range dramatically when the ________ species is experimentally removed.
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263. ______________ experiments showed that on the _________ of Scotland,

the larger and competitively ____ barnacle ______ dominates the ____ area, and
excludes the ____ barnacle ______ from that zone.
264. In general, _______ and ______ appear to be more adversely affected by
competition than carnivores.
265. Gause’s ‘_____________’ states that two closely related species competing
for the ___ resources cannot _______ indefinitely and the competitively ____
one will be eliminated eventually.
266. This may be true if resources are ____, but not otherwise.
267. More recent studies do not support such _________ about competition.
268. While they do not rule out the occurrence of _______ in nature, they point
out that species facing _____ might evolve mechanisms that promote ______
rather than ____.
269. One such mechanism is ‘______________’.
270. If two species compete for the same ____, they could avoid ____ by choosing,
for instance, different times for ____ or different ____ patterns.
271. _______ showed that ___ closely related ____ of warblers living on the same
tree were able to avoid ____ and co-exist due to ______ differences in their
_____ activities.
272. Parasitism: Considering that the ____ mode of life ensures _______ and
____, it is not surprising that parasitism has evolved in so many taxonomic
groups from ____ to higher ____.
273. Many parasites have evolved to be _________ (they can parasitise only a
single species of host) in such a way that both ___ and the ____ tend to co-
evolve; that is, if the host evolves special mechanisms for ____ or ____ the
parasite, the ____ has to evolve mechanisms to _______ and _____ them, in
order to be successful with the same ___ species.
274. In accordance with their ______, parasites evolved special ____ such as the
loss of unnecessary _______, presence of _______ or ____ to cling on to the
___, loss of _______ and high _______ capacity.

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275. The life cycles of parasites are often complex, involving ___ or ___
intermediate ___ or ____ to facilitate ______ of its primary host.
276. The human ____ (a _____ parasite) depends on ___ intermediate hosts (a
___and a ___) to complete its ____.
277. The ______ needs a _____ (_____) to spread to other hosts.
278. Majority of the _____ harm the host; they may reduce the ____, growth and
reproduction of the ____ and reduce its population density.
279. They might render the host more ____ to predation by making it ____ weak.
280. Do you believe that an ideal parasite should be able to thrive within the host
without harming it? ___________
281. Then why didn’t natural selection lead to the evolution of such totally
harmless parasites? _____________.
282. Parasites that feed on the _____ surface of the ___ organism are
called ectoparasites.
283. The most familiar examples of this group are the ___ on humans and ___ on
284. Many ___ fish are infested with ectoparasitic ____.
285. _____, a __________ that is commonly found growing on hedge plants, has
lost its ______ and leaves in the course of ____.
286. It derives its nutrition from the host plant which it parasitises. (T/F)
287. The female mosquito is not considered a _____, although it needs our blood
for ___________.
288. Can you explain why? ____________
289. In contrast, _______ are those that live inside the host body at different sites
(liver, ___, ____, red blood cells, etc.).
290. The life cycles of ____ are more complex because of their extreme ____.
291. Their _______ and ________ features are greatly simplified while
emphasising their _______ potential.
292. ___________ in birds is a fascinating example of parasitism in which the
parasitic bird lays its ___ in the nest of its ___ and lets the host incubate them.

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293. During the course of evolution, the eggs of the parasitic bird have evolved to
resemble the host’s egg in size and colour to reduce the chances of the host bird
detecting the foreign eggs and ejecting them from the nest. (T/F)
294. Try to follow the movements of the _____ (___) and the crow in your
neighborhood park during the breeding season (________) and watch ___
parasitism in action.
295. Commensalism: This is the interaction in which one species ______ and the
other is neither ____ nor _____.
296. An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a guava branch, and barnacles growing
on the back of a whale benefit while neither the mango tree nor the whale derives
any apparent benefit. (T/F)
297. The ________ and _________ in close association, a sight you are most likely
to catch if you live in farmed rural areas, is a classic example of commensalism.
298. The ____ always forage close to where the cattle are ____ because the cattle,
as they move, _____ and ____ out insects from the vegetation that otherwise
might be difficult for the egrets to ___ and ____.
299. Another example of commensalism is the interaction between _______ that
has ________ and the clown fish that lives among them.
300. The fish gets protection from predators which stay away from the stinging
tentacles. (T/F)
301. The ______ does not appear to derive any benefit by hosting the ________.
302. Mutualism: This interaction confers ___ on both the interacting species.
303. ______ represent an intimate mutualistic relationship between a ____ and
photosynthesising ___ or ________.
304. Similarly, the ______ are associations between fungi and the ___ of
305. The fungi help the plant in the _____ of essential ____ from the soil while the
plant in turn provides the ____ with ___________ carbohydrates.
306. The most spectacular and evolutionarily fascinating examples of ____ are
found in ________ relationships.

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307. ____ need the help of ____ for pollinating their flowers and dispersing their
308. Animals obviously have to be paid ___ for the services that plants expect from
309. Plants offer ____ or ____ in the form of ___ and ___ for pollinators and juicy
and nutritious fruits for seed dispersers.
310. But the mutually beneficial system should also be safeguarded against
‘_____’, for example, animals that try to steal ____ without aiding in _______.
311. Now you can see why plant-animal interactions often involve _____ of the
_____, that is, the evolutions of the ____ and its _____ species are tightly linked
with one another.
312. In many species of ___ trees, there is a tight _______ relationship with the
____ species of ____.
313. It means that a given ___ species can be pollinated only by its ____ wasp
species and no other species.
314. The ________ uses the ___ not only as an ____ (egg-laying) site but uses the
developing ___ within the fruit for nourishing its ____.
315. The ___ pollinates the ___ inflorescence while searching for suitable ____
316. In return for the favour of pollination the fig offers the wasp some of its
developing seeds, as food for the developing wasp larvae. (T/F)

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317. The given Figure shows: Mutual relationship between ________: (a) ___
flower is pollinated by ____; (b) ____________________.
318. ______ show a bewildering diversity of ___ patterns many of which have
evolved to attract the ___ pollinator insect (___ and ____) and ensure guaranteed
pollination by it.
319. Not all orchids offer rewards. (T/F)
320. The Mediterranean orchid ____ employs _______ to get pollination done by
a species of bee.
321. One _____ of its flower bears an uncanny _____ to the ___ of the bee in size,
colour and _____.
322. The ___ bee is attracted to what it perceives as a ____, ‘__________’ with
the flower, and during that process is ____ with ____ from the flower.
323. When this ___ bee ‘_________’ with another ___, it transfers pollen to it and
thus, _____ the flower.
324. If the _________ colour patterns change even slightly for any reason during
evolution, _____ success will be reduced unless the ____ flower ______ to
maintain the resemblance of its ___ to the _____ bee.

325. The given figure depicts: Showing bee-____________ on orchid flower

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