W1 - WT1 - Trend + Line Graph

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14/9/19: The line graph below shows the number of international conferences in three cities.

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The given line chart illustrates data about how many international conferences took place in three
cities between 1965 and 2010.

Overall, there were significantly downward trends in both cities A and B, while the figure of city
C experienced a dramatic increase over the period in question.
Looking at the details, the trend was similar in both city A and B. The data started at 35 and 32
conferences in 1965 respectively. After that, while conferences in city A experienced a sharp fall
to 20 in 1975 before going up substantially by 10% in the next decade, the figure of city B just
decreased slightly to 27 and increased slightly by 1% in 1975 at the same time. Over the next 20
years, the data of both cities fluctuated slightly between about 26 and 30. Finally, while the
figure in city A dropped dramatically to 20 in 2005, the figure of city B just fell slightly to 25.

By contrast, the number of international conferences in city C went in the opposite direction.
Starting at 0 conference in 1965, the data experienced a dramatic increase to about 28 in 1995,
before fluctuating to 30 at the end of the period.

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