NL400RISformer 150917

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a,c(,Lkd ~- 1J Lo(~

,oaO Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands

As approved by Rec .C .4 .7 of the Conference of the Contracting Parties, Montreux, Switzerland - July 1990
NOTE : Please read the accompanying guidelines before attempting to complete this form . An example of a completed data sheet is also included .
Completed sheets should be returned to : T .A. Jones, Ramsar Database, IWRB, Slimbridge, Gloucester Gl2 7BX, England

1 . Country : -11w- I kYv" Cc ~ 2 . Date : 14-2- 52, 3 . Ref: office use onl y

4. Name and address of compiler : •

It~n :gory c'1{ Aoetcc4t1.C, tvcefLtfe NtitAN c.wte T1E SeS
~t V • . o~ 2040 l
2Sz~o Ek TL-w- t ctoic .e 7Tk, . Ne;+kerlands
5. Name of wetland : 7A-,c,ne„c,,Q,}e4-

6. Date of Ramsar designation : tg 3 c. t,5&&

7 . Geographical coordinates : 52° e. t 5 4 !V 1-t"4,2' r-
8. General location : (e .g . administrative region and nearest large town) 4 " VK*rwr
lM 1 f tw, n u Nt4 ` Hotlot~cl a of pptorci n to,7~ ely 4L V"44, Ljaf of 4,C C-7

9. Area : (in hectares)


10. Wetland type: (see attached classification, also approved by Montreux Rec .C .4 .7)

11 . Altitude :
(average and/or maximum & minimum)
o (sn,aM 1"p-j ) '#e +20 .2 f .4- e- 4ap ) rn.N.A • P
12. Overview : (general summary, in two or three sentences, of the wetland's principal characteristics)

oil' s :we! akwpmi~#~

- 71+ta wetlpncd 2taov-e.r aWly is c
ms tonsFad area t,, :N„ Vov+o s ~y ~ of h0
.h'~oi~S {1+Ks r¢atAlhn3 :n a h,5b Spec-)C,5 d-\ .crs: '
s p1ou a .,4 L ti'FC • fl.c s;is rs rkca 6t' ik Spc~ongyp;tl colony
13. Physical features : (e .g . geology ; geomorphology; origins - natural or artificial ; hydrology ; soil type ; water quality;
water depth ; water permanence ; fluctuations in water level ; tidal variations ; catchment area ; downstream area ; climate)
Q*tU -tL4 rjj--t ~ c, .fare. leu - -
- r" , ~J47
c. nc! cA-,v, ~-vm • .Lol,r. 'b /-or.,. } : ,-%r to { La e .~a r
.A-i3e,* ,jCC- JL, r
U O'.~ec f c4 ( . d1 g c t re s,, l t v } i, S c t u `, . P
tl~ rar ;>h 5 ho.,tt tx,r,r,~ ! #rs o, rorl.c • .,f ,
.tr, .,. ,k.tle,l, Cp;,
to ~re~4 .,x.+v' it+) erCv ~, .t l„~ Salt' e .s *er l e-foci (o e P
t- a to S x t,,, n. _ • ~ r r S L, ~~x l c! , .a pt's L? L ..J a Jn x ,,~C4 -~f o•b u4 f' 4
t. •
l y: ,J ~,.r{ •}~ A else r, L evr~e *~+ ~ .J~ 'fir! s - o~ t Q IA Jvt n . reP (a.:jt.( . , , ; ii, •(•L fi ad d.y ., i ctiht~
s (aswll- - 't( .-Se (tJ,, '.rte not
9~.f v(~ :c e.- e.S t ~c L cyr~p, .~t c : .a l
14. Ecological features : (main habitats and vegetation types)

lw,!!S r W:F~, WG~ olunG .SIAC~tS 'La CI .n~- lt~,(cGS r

Sc`G`K Scft~b coc I mc.rS~Cs andc( •cwoodloond
16 46 Ma : .n L1wlv7 4'ul1 corkcernS S

CL,crq.ct-?~i1TcL e .
i rent su Itc ,x~C t -c,F , wtse~ n tr> zvt,'
It tk
r~.rc r3k~~h ~ . t-uxn c.~f~,
15 . Land tenure /ownership of :

(a) site G.,nac{ o-icA rlne nc. SEd 6 y kkc- Soc;e.4~ for 4k (?c -e-vrv~Kor c4 ~JcaAt tcA Ho nL, r.., eJ 4.j
n t~ NC ~arJc.~+cl~ Cdt ~~A .5 , e~
Son n, : . ,e- zc }~ c f4 c~J ,~c l l t14- .r c 1'a ~ flu c'r t .y S~Jv c4 ) Qnct
tiL~cJt1 ate,, ., ~Jxi No x •~J _ htol{cwi 1.~c .qc c r ,~ uc.;r`+; QJ- ~ a ~'ra_` c b r
(b) surrounding area
Sfo~e a ,rsJ ,,, r,,1+t ,lc Pr; Jov - ouvu~S~rt(r ~

16 . Conservation measures taken : (national category and legal status of protected areas - including any boundary changes
which have been made ; management practices ; whether an officially approved management plan exists and whether it has been implemented)
-I-L,- cM-A ;S de),5n;Lt,cJ W Qp,l.,.scr- is "fle C is-G • tci cRP) carol 0'-. . J`C \„IId l3rrdy
SP(9 u.ndcl +i-e
b :t-cE l, Z~ --V-t~M . TL,c ceca rs , s1r .o~ rtuftrc rcsert~2 a. .~cf.,- 6e& c ias;S„e .t2cI
.sI ottso .,
r,,,..dty +ht Nam Coi ,i..e .k .or lkt . Ma . oSe~,rz~~ +Itic Socvety 's 6rseaJ o ., a c f c c tly
a,ffccuro( n-, otewayn..c- 4 p( an .

17 . Conservation measures proposed but not yet implemented : (e .g. management plan in preparation; officially
proposed as a protected area etc .)

18 . Current land use : principal human activities in :

(a) site P%akm cornSQ r.4 ,on , .~Sjt~I dQ c~ wtct inttx ..~tpKet~~ ~ ~~~~ ar c
c9L +4& ct .n e rr ,,7 L ci I.,oA

(b) surroundings/catchment
.{ ~,., rcl
W041 A canwlx~Yc>n, fcd2cc~-ov PO1~~~ ~L -c , 'aahr C~"tcc

19 . Disturbances/threats, including changes in land use and major development projects :

(factors which may have a negative impact on the ecological character of the wetland)
(a) at the site
{~rec(ahor+ • 5~oor.~$I cotonl! pox
c aC"r'{ C?< i,.-, ocrtc-
4rit -


(b) in the surroundings/catchment

;t.r ~ n, I ;i a t3 I,d(L') kt• .2 r:c
WkAt tAh4OWv~ last .,fi,c'a
fThc u~(t ~y .se+func/ ;tse l f .
-~ NL°(n

20 . Hydrological and physical values : (groundwater recharge, flood control, sediment trapping, shoreline stabilisation etc .)

21 . Social and cultural values : (e.g. fisheries production, forestry, religious importance, archaeological site etc .)

22 . Noteworthy fauna : (e .g . unique, rare, endangered, abundant or biogeographically important species ; include count data etc .)

'&e9cl" " 156f-l 3f)Cr)e1 ;nGluc~c l~vfcunn.$ 5 1 e~(crl, ~AtcIc'c, (elncorcL:c, (60 - 5o
C; .cKSocd,~,~~ :nc»u3 C , ~Jc,,, , ) r2~Lltn~ a~~ .o c 4,~(iY ;f3) I 7w Za,n0
. lovl2c (I c4rrs)
N~.tin e • nS Atgtea~~ 2 s ncnrJ~
( 0,.4 i4J :O yc,,
4>'Varc-3C ;I„ l+o
~, d~( f¢r+z. .i 5(xaZea Io- .Qom( i-o .,..o5r~ .
lo •rets ,rH4,tc,,(y -fr( 1.~~,oSa.Les ct C+ .k i mss)
"Ch c1Ca L, c lr f5 aJ LXAI' td Mc fytn.c~ pcp f ca+O_ i ^ J4w h Sr-01J, l .}2ccy~( r IPvr~ t. A
{'GJJ«t V~V nSe Tltc Z<1c.~,G,~~.>c_~ ei(SJ ; .~ .C .-11 C 1i - to tMCa / :n jfe~ S ~5~ . b (
~.bav PCC C--, L-1-AV
fir, r Lca P_~¢. •.~'& Co~.,n~c. .. ktc .)r c"c{ Sct,ct btc.. rr 9 . A +i -_ , - c.L i.
1 L a roc,~
o c .-4-~ 'U L4 L.~ ~c . a( .x,tar-1n01a-s

23 . Noteworthy flora : (e.g. unique, rare, endangered, or biogeographically important species/communities etc .)
24. Current scientific research and facilities : (e.g. details of current projects ; existence of field station etc .)
1`1o rlo^,mJ rv,P *tom, c - O ff'?C-,a rlc4A~,/t' Mnc n4 . {tnoal~` ~ .ic:, CSC., rLc_

25 . Current conservation education : (e.g. visitors centre, hides, information booklet, facilities for school visits etc .)
-11"? rc- '. ; o-±•. - -) z .td cY

26 . Current recreation and tourism : (state if wetland used for recreation/tourism ; indicate type & frequency/intensity)
1 ore-- 4'5 **40% cr¢ . . +e p- 6 'L oy,ly o~ ~oo rL pr ks .

27 . Management authority : (name and address of body responsible for managing the wetland)

~/erszn :5,~~ * l €',or ..c( ., (~k IW%On ;. ~ .~en }e-' Necjv{a,,,a

NoGq-ckIianalt Go
1Z1~ '3 "s-6t-awec od

28 . Jurisdiction : (territorial e.g. state/region and functional e .g . Dept of Agriculture/Dept of Environment etc .)
~,,,roEtpno ( : .'apt of Ay f ; c 1t-vt , F.k,~F~ frla .,att mr,G .,~ a . of 'i sk 1c
CL, d , tKbr AF jam;

TtJrf~U~c,( _{~rWt .~ee lJCtr~'Hollo, ..o'r

~ M1~.v, t W ~s+l- 0~, Cc ll ct htSUU~ c eJ ? &

29 . Bibliographical references : (scientific/technical only)

fh=' ~:" .~~,'J : •J c .~
s StA>•PJR' ~7-6!{-~'.} 4, Ec •, c-ro'
k,?,vm par, .~tf, vrc5. nJ
n r a, .7 r +kI- Sfycy> ;4l iT2 firHj w.t

__ ?; t ,K 0c~t f1 . hL~ t t<< r t~j-5c+ r,~q c(, c~t~~ ; y i, o .,ra¢n ;n n i .~u ~

30 . Reasons for inclusion : (state which Ramsar criteria - as adopted by Rec .C .4 .15 of the Montreux Conference - are applicable)

'1 (a)


31 . Map of site (please enclose the most detailed and up-to-date map available - preferably at least 1 :25,000 or 1 :50,000)
atraaa.vIy u-' pn`» C-'1't-1^
.' Y !

Please return to : T .A. Jones, Ramsar Database, IWRB, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7BX, England
Telephone : 44 - (0)453 890634 Telefax : 44 - (0)453 890827 Telex : 43 71 45 WWF-G

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