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Paraphrase the following sentences using the learnt techniques in class:

1. Many people are now spending more and more time travelling to work or school.
- These days, more and more people have a tendency to spend a lot of time communing to
work or school.
2. Many people are working longer hours (20/3/21)
- The fact that these days, more and more people are spending more time working.
3. Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school (10/4/21)
- A large number of students believe that concentrating or paying attention in school is not
really simple.
4. Some people argue that we should do research into their family history (17/8/19)
- The question of whether conducting some research into their family history has become
topic of discussion.
5. Many companies sponsor sports as a way for advertising themselves. (22/08/20)
- A large number of companies have a preference to support sports, which is considered a
wise way to advertise themselves.
6. International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more
and more tourists (18/11/19)
- These days, people find it easy to travel international due to its cheap cost. Therefore, many
countries show a tendency to open their doors to tourists all over the world.
7. Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than
famous people in the history of their country. (28/11/19)
- In this day and age, a lot of young people have more knowleadge about international pop
and movie stars than well-known people who dedicated for their country in the history.
8. In some countries, more young adults continue to live with their parents even after they
have completed education and found jobs (23/1/21)
- These days, in some part of the world, a large number of young adults show a tendency to
continue to live with their parents although they have graduted and got jobs.
9. Some people say that sports play an important role in society. Others, however, think that
it is nothing more than a leisure activity (28/05/20)
- It is said that sports are necessary in society. However, the question of whether it is just a
simple leisure activity has become topic of discussion.
10. Countries should try to produce all the food for the population and import as little food as
possible. (30/11/19)
- Some people think that producing all the food for the population and trying to import as
little food as possible is a wise way for countries.

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