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Pride Sample

My Mom is someone I am proud of. She came to the United States as an

immigrant over 21 years ago. Having to leave everything behind and start a new life. She
started her new life in Plant City, Florida. Then after meeting my father came to
California. But in that process she was alone with all 3 of us girls. Being alone until
moving back with my father. My Mom has achieved so many things in my eyes raising
all 4 of my sisters. She has worked hard for us to be able to provide the necessary things.
Working and still being able to have time for us. She has been able to build a house back
in her town in Mexico. Just by herself saving and saving to now her mother can have a
better living situation in Mexico. My mother has had her ups and downs but still has had
motivation to continue to support us. I have always looked up to my Mom in so many
ways. Giving us so much advice so we can have and do better. I know all that she has
done was for us. So when I am older I'm doing everything for her so she can be proud of
what I've become.

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