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The maps below show the changes in an art gallery ground floor from 2015 to the present


Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The two given maps provide information on transformation in the art gallery ground floor
between 2015 and present day.

Overall, the area witnessed dramatic changes over the period. The exhibition room 4 was
removed to make way for several rooms and amenities.

According to a given map in the present day, the largest exhibition room was destroyed to build a
temporary exhibition and children’s area. Besides, the gallery office and cafe were knocked
down to make room for a vending machine and a gallery shop respectively with a smaller space
compared to their space in 2015. In the entrance hall, the receptionist table was relocated closer
to the entrance and opposite to the temporary exhibition. At the end of the entrance hall, there
has been a change in the location of the stairs and a new lift was built to the right of its corner.

While the rooms in the left corner and the entrance hall underwent many changes, the exhibition
rooms 1, 2 and 3 built in the right corner have remained unchanged since 2015.

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