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Ksjald kjañldkaj ñdlkj ñoijeño ijfñoiwej eñaoidjaslkdla

Day on February 6th.

Final Task: Students are assigned to create a digital poster or video titled "Click Smart,
Click Safe" aimed at enhancing online safety within the school community. Through
diverse sessions, students will acquire the necessary skills to confidently tackle this final
task, gaining insights into responsible social media use and considering well-being. The
goal is to have the completed project prominently displayed within the school.

As part of the Educational Digital Transformation program, my learning scenario is

closely aligned with a key CIMA principle, prioritising the promotion of emotional
well-being and mental health. This Learning Situation focuses on raising awareness and
preventing the improper use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT),
specifically addressing addictive behaviors linked in particular to inappropriate social
media use. The overarching goal is to collaborate with the school to establish an
educational environment that not only supports academic development but also strongly
emphasizes our students' emotional and mental well-being.

Additionally, this learning scenario aims to motivate students to actively engage in Safer
Internet Day, a significant annual event for online safety which is celebrated globally in
approximately 180 countries. Students will actively contribute by allocating two
sessions of this Learning Situation to work on resources provided by the United
Kingdom Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) and showcasing their efforts on UKSIC Social
Media platforms.

- Focuses on social media's impact on students' well-being.

- Integrates language acquisition with responsible social media habits.
- Empowers students with practical digital citizenship skills.

2. Learning Situation Description:

- "Click Smart, Click Safe" for 3rd-grade English learners.
- 12 sessions, 55 minutes each, from January 13th to February 7th.
- Aligned with Safer Internet Day, February 6th.
- Final task: Creating a digital poster or video on online safety.

3. Context:
- High school in an urban area with diverse population and economic challenges.
- Well-equipped school with digital resources.
- Diverse student group with varied language levels and needs.
- Inclusive learning approach based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

4. SWOT Analysis:
- Strengths: Ethnic diversity, inclusive measures, UDL principles.
- Weaknesses: Academic challenges for repeating students, language barriers.
- Opportunities: Collaboration, technology integration, peer tutoring.
- Threats: Communication gaps, limited time for individual support.

5. Educational Objectives:
- Promoting emotional well-being and mental health.
- Raising awareness on responsible social media use.
- Engaging students in Safer Internet Day activities.

6. Implementation:
- Collaborating with the school to establish an educational environment focusing on
- Utilizing resources from the United Kingdom Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC).
- Showcasing student efforts on UKSIC Social Media platforms.


1. Utilization of Various Methodologies:

- Cooperative work activities (numbered heads, expert-base groups, pair-check).
- Engagement of students individually, in pairs, and small groups.
- Fostering participation and cooperation for deeper learning.

2. Integration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

- Ensures accessibility for all students.
- Provision of laptops to each student.
- Primarily conducted through Google Classroom, offering materials beforehand.

3. Implementation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Groups:

- Encourages diverse collaborative dynamics.
- Alternatives to individual work.

4. Utilization of Visual and Oral Cues:

- Provides scaffolding based on activity requirements.
- Advanced students support their peers.

5. Lesson Structure:
- Includes warm-up, starter, presentation, practice, production stages, or input opt-out.

6. Multilevel Practice:
- Caters to varied student levels.
- Tasks predominantly sent through Google Classroom.
- Extension activities available for faster learners.

7. Integration of Bloom's Taxonomy Framework:

- Shapes learning objectives.
- Integrates higher-order thinking skills, cooperation, and communication.

8. Adoption of a Common 6-Phase Cycle:

- Motivation, activation, exploration, structuring, application, and conclusion.
- Employs inclusive vocabulary and considers gender equality.

9. Diverse Input Sources:

- Videos, listenings, and readings from real contexts.
- Students maintain an online portfolio.
10. Extensive Use of Computers and Digital Resources:
- Utilized for research, creation, sharing, and cooperation.

11. Fostering Comprehensive Understanding and Development of Vital Social and

Communication Skills.

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