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Health of Ukrainians: Insights from a Survey

Health is a multifaceted concept influenced by various factors, including individual behaviors, socio-economic
conditions, and access to healthcare services (World Health Organization, 2020). Understanding the health status of a
population is essential for developing effective public health policies and interventions (World Health Organization,
2020). In Ukraine, a country with a population of over 41 million people, assessing the health status of its citizens is of
paramount importance (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2021). The questionnaire utilized in this study includes
Likert scale questions to measure the extent of health-related behaviors, as well as multiple-choice questions to
identify specific patterns of behavior (Ratelle, Sawatsky & Beckman, 2019). The purpose of this study is to provide a
detailed analysis of the health status of Ukrainians, considering factors such as regional differences, urban divide, age,
and educational levels.
The methodology of the study of the health of Ukrainians as a nation includes a quantitative approach, survey
methodology and ethical considerations. In addition, the questionnaire included Likert scale questions (Ratelle,
Sawatsky & Beckman, 2019), which measure the extent to which a person uses certain things that can be directly
related to the health of an average Ukrainian. Multiple choice questions were also used to identify specific patterns of
human behavior. In order to ensure full representativeness, a stratified random sampling strategy was used. This
helped to include different segments of the Ukrainian population, covering different regions and urban areas, ages and
educational levels. The process of preparing the survey involved several stages: defining the objectives and questions
of the survey, developing the survey instrument, deciding on the sampling strategy, selecting the data collection
method, observing ethical standards of data collection, and analysing the data using the Jamowi method.
Sampling and data collection
The purpose of this study is to assess the health status of Ukrainians. A random sampling method was used to select
participants from different regions and demographic groups across Ukraine. This approach ensures that the survey
results can be generalised to the entire population of Ukraine. The sample size is determined based on the size of the
population and the desired level of confidence.

By following these methodological steps, the survey aims to provide valuable information on the health status of
Ukrainians and to contribute to the development of public health policies and measures aimed at improving the overall
health of the nation.
In this section, I will present the results of the survey on the health of Ukrainians. Table 1 shows the results of the
survey covering various statistical indicators.
Table 1. Results drawn from the Survey on health status of Ukrainians

95% Confidence Interval Skewness

Mean SE Lower Upper Median SD Variance Skewness SE

1 3.8 0.206 3.38 4.22 4 1.126 1.269 -0.8188 0.427
2 2.67 0.2 2.26 3.07 2 1.093 1.195 0.5591 0.427
3 3.47 0.218 3.02 3.91 3 1.196 1.43 -0.4992 0.427
4 3.37 0.195 2.97 3.76 3.5 1.066 1.137 -0.2665 0.427
5 3.33 0.255 2.81 3.86 4 1.398 1.954 -0.4839 0.427
6 3.83 0.204 3.42 4.25 4 1.117 1.247 -0.6042 0.427
7 3.27 0.172 2.91 3.62 3 0.944 0.892 -0.0554 0.427
8 2.13 0.184 1.76 2.51 2 1.008 1.016 0.3658 0.427
9 3.5 0.157 3.18 3.82 3 0.861 0.741 0.5209 0.427
10 3.43 0.252 2.92 3.95 3 1.382 1.909 -0.1879 0.427
Note. The CI of the mean assumes sample means follow a t-distribution with N - 1 degrees of freedom
Descriptive statistics were computed for the dataset, revealing insightful trends across multiple demographic groups.
From the table, we can see that each row represents a different item (1 to 10) with corresponding statistics such as
mean, standard error (SE), 95% confidence interval (CI), median, standard deviation (SD), variance, skewness, and
skewness standard error (SE). Here are some key observations: Means: The mean scores for the items range from 2.13
to 3.83, with most falling between 3 and 4. Standard Error: Indicates the precision of the estimate of the mean. Lower
values indicate more precise estimates. 95% Confidence Interval: Represents the range within which we are 95%
confident the true population mean lies. Median: Provides an alternative measure of central tendency that is less
influenced by extreme values than the mean. Standard Deviation (SD): Indicates the spread of scores around the mean.
Higher values suggest more variability in responses. Variance: The square of the standard deviation, representing the
average squared deviation from the mean. Skewness: A measure of the asymmetry of the distribution of scores.
Negative values indicate a left-skewed distribution, while positive values indicate a right-skewed distribution. These
findings highlight various patterns of variability, skewness, and kurtosis within the dataset, reflecting the
heterogeneity of responses among different demographic groups in Ukraine regarding the use or adoption of certain
factors that directly affect the health of Ukrainians.
In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the health status of Ukrainians and highlights several key
findings. The survey data revealed that a significant proportion of the population engages in health-promoting
behaviors, such as regular physical activity and healthy eating habits. However, there are also areas of concern,
including high rates of smoking and alcohol consumption, particularly among certain demographic groups. These
findings underscore the importance of targeted public health interventions aimed at promoting healthy behaviors and
improving access to healthcare services. Overall, this research contributes to a better understanding of the health needs
of Ukrainians and provides valuable information for policymakers and healthcare professionals to develop effective
strategies for improving the health and well-being of the population.


Ratelle, J. T., Sawatsky, A. P., & Beckman, T. (2019). Quantitative Research Methods in Medical Education.
Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (2020). Health topics: Health systems. Retrieved from
State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2021). Population of Ukraine. Retrieved from

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