AIAA. Kinney, D. Conceptual Design of A Sharp-CTV (HGV) (RTN)

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AIAA 2001-2887

Conceptual Design of a 'SHARP'-CTV

David J. Kinney and Jeff V. Bowles

NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035

Lily H. Yang and Cathy D. Roberts

Raytheon ITSS
Moffett Field, CA 94035

35th AIAA Thermophysics Conference

11 - 14 June 2001
Anaheim, California

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1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344.
Conceptual Design of a 'SHARP' - CTV

David J. Kinney* and JeffV. Bowles t

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035

Lily H. Yang *and Cathy D. Roberts §

Raytheon ITSS, Moffett Field, CA 94035

Abstract Carbon (ACC). This material capability opens a de-

The design of a crew transfer vehicle that makes sign space that now includes the possibility of vehi-
use of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics {UHTCs) cles with very sharp leading edges, perhaps leading
is investigated. The use of UHTCs may permit the to increased hypersonic aerodynamic performance.
design of hypersonic re-entry vehicles with sharp The Slender Hypersonic Aerothermodynamic Re-
leading edges, which in turn lead to improved hyper- search Program (SHARP) at NASA Ames has the
sonic aerodynamic performance. The current crew following goals to 1) develop UHTC materials, 2)
transfer vehicle is designed to meet the same mis- test these materials, and 3) investigate their use in
sion and vehicle requirements as the NASA Langley next generation vehicles. To date, two flight test
conceptual HL-20 crew transfer vehicle. A direct vehicles, the SHARP B-1 and B-2, have been flown
comparison of the conventional blunt, lifting body to investigate various UHTC compositions and inte-
of the HL-20 to the current, sharp leading edge vehi- gration issues. The B-1 vehicle, shown in figure 1,
cle highlights a number of important differences, the was a modified re-entry vehicle with a sharp UHTC
primary one being the increased cross range capa- nose. The B-2 vehicle, shown in figure 2, had re-
bility of sharp leading edge vehicles. This increased tractable fins to investigate the use of UHTCs for
cross range can have a direct impact of the overall swept leading edge devices. Both of these tests have
vehicle safety during an abort situation, and pro- added to the knowledge base for the design and use
vides a high degree of flexibility on selecting the re- of UHTCs on next generation launch vehicles.
entry trajectory. The SHARP 11 test vehicle, currently in devel-
opment, is shown in figure 3. The SHARP 11 is a
Introduction wedge like vehicle, with a hypersonic L/D over 3.
It is this vehicle that was initially posed as a pos-
The NASA Ames Research Center has an on going sible crew transfer vehicle and initiated the study
research program for the development of Ultra High resulting in the current vehicle design.
Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) as Thermal Pro-
tection Systems (TPS) for next generation reusable
Design Methodology
launch vehicles. These UHTCs, examples being
Hafnium Diboride, and Zirconium Diboride, may The approach taken for the current study has been
enable the design of vehicle leading edges with tem- to make use of engineering level design methods,
perature limits of above that for Advanced Carbon- supported by computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
*Research Scientist, Senior Member AIAA at both low and high Mach numbers,. as well as
tResearch Scientist low Mach number wind tunnel testing. Support-
* Research Scientist ing analysis in the thermal protection system design
§ Research Scientist
was used to improve the detail and understanding of
Copyright ©2001 by the American Institute of Aeronautics both the acreage and leading edge TPS design. Mul-
and Astronautics, Inc. No coyright is asserted in the United tiple iterations between the engineering level codes,
States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has the CFD, and the wind tunnel have been used to
a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright
claimed herein for Government purposes. All other rights are arrive at the final configuration. This approach is
reserved by the copyright owner. presented graphically in figure 4.

AIAA Paper 2001-2887 2

Figure 3: Proposed SHARP L1 Flight Test Vehicle

Figure 1: SHARP Bl Flight Test Vehicle

!::•:. '\·-; .
Trajector:v Optimization
& Abort Analysis

CFD Analysis
Wind Tunnel Testing

Figure 4: HAVOC Integrated Design Process

Figure 2: SHARP B2 Flight Test Vehicle

AIAA Paper 2001-2887 3


The Ames Research Center developed hypersonic

aerospace vehicle optimization code (HAVOC) for
hypersonic vehicle synthesis is used to perform es-
timates of systems performance characteristics and
design specifications. It uses engineering analysis •BODYWAVE

methods to compute vehicle performance and design WJNGWAVE Meyer Shock Expansion
BLUNTNESS I ~ & Newtonian
characteristics, including aerodynamics and thermo- BASE 70%Vacuum
dynamics, propulsion, structures, trajectory, and
system cost. In the design process, the synthesis Figure 5: HAVOC Aerodynamic Methods
code closes the design to meet mission performance
requirements, matching vehicle weight and volume
required to that available. For the vehicle designs with exterior insulation, the
thermal energy conducted into the TPS is gener-
Aero- and Thermo-dynamics ally on the order of 5 percent of the total convective
heating. Neglecting this relatively small conduction
A summary of the aerodynamic methods used by term in the surface energy balance results in a some-
HAVOC is shown in figure 5. The subsonic and what higher radiation equilibrium surface tempera-
transonic aerodynamics for a given configuration ture, which is used as design margin for the TPS.
are computed as functions of the free stream Mach The reference Reynolds number is then computed
number, angle of attack, dynamic pressure, and the using the boundary layer edge velocity determined
gross geometric parameters for the body and wing. from the independent panel method and the run-
Experimental or high-fidelity computational results ning length for that panel. The local skin friction
are used to calibrate the empirical methods in the coefficients and local Stanton numbers are the calcu-
low-speed regime for the body, including the high- lated using the Reynolds analogy and the reference
subsonic, transonic, and low-supersonic base drag Prandtl number with the appropriate formulation,
model. In the supersonic and hypersonic speed depending on laminar or turbulent flow conditions.
range, the fuselage pressure and aerodynamic forces Finally, the convective heat film coefficient is com-
(lift and pressure drag) are computed using real- puted from the Stanton number, reference density,
gas tangent-wedge, tangent-cone, and other similar and edge velocity. The local recovery enthalpy is
independent panel methods. For the higher hyper- determined using the edge static enthalpy, the edge
sonic Mach number region, Newtonian methods are velocity, and the edge Prandtl numbers, with the
used to compute surface pressure coefficients. Fric- Prandtl number correction factor for laminar or fully
tion drag is computed using various reference en- turbulent flow as appropriate. The convective heat
thalpy methods (e.g. Eckert or van Driest). The flux is then computed. The radiative heat flux is
engine-off base drag is computed using empirical re- computed by determining the emissivity factor as a
lations for the high-subsonic, transonic, and low- function of TPS material distribution and the wall
supersonic speed range, and estimated at higher temperature. The iteration loop is repeated until
Mach numbers using a 70% vacuum in the base re- the surface energy balance is achieved.
gion, (i.e. Cpbase = -1/M 2 ). For blunt leading-edge heating calculations, a mod-
Calculation of the aerothermal environment be- ified stagnation heating Faye-Ridell method [13] is
gins with the flight conditions along the vehicle tra- used. The hot wall heating rate is computed for
jectory. With the flight conditions specified (i.e. off stagnation conditions using a modified Lee's
given free stream Mach number, angle of attack, and method [14]. The stagnation point is determined
free stream dynamic pressure), the boundary layer using a Newtonian model with the surface normal
edge conditions are computed for each surface panel. co-linear with the free-stream velocity vector. The
Calculations of local skin friction and convective actual wall temperature computed for stagnation re-
heat transfer film coefficient involve an iteration to gions, or acreage areas, will generally differ from the
balance the convective heat flux, the radiative heat radiation equilibrium wall temperature computed
flux, and the conductive heat flux into the vehicle. above. This conducting wall temperature depends
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 4

on the heating history along the trajectory. Up the vehicle longitudinal axis, the distribution of the
to the peak heating point, heat is conducted into loads and vehicle geometry is accounted for, pro-
the TPS, and the resulting wall temperature will viding an integrated weight that accounts for local
be lower than the non-conducting wall temperature. conditions.
After peak heating, the TPS begins to reject heat, The analysis begins with the calculation of vehi-
with the resulting conductive heat flux back to the cle loads. Three types of loads are considered: (1)
surface resulting in a higher wall temperature than longitudinal acceleration, (2) tank pressure, and (3)
the non-conducting value. bending moment. Four loading cases are computed:
(1) power on and tanks full, (2) power off and tanks
Trajectory full, (3) power on and tanks empty (Main Engine
Cut Off (MECO) condition), and (4) power off and
A three degree of freedom model is used to compute tanks empty (entry condition).
flight trajectories, using the equations of motion of
It is assumed that the structural materials exhibit
a point mass vehicle moving relative to a rotating,
elastoplastic behavior. The values of the properties
spherical earth. The trajectory path is computed
used are reduced by a percentage of the published,
using one of two methods [15]. For the first model,
minimum values to account for such effects are fa-
an energy-state approximation is used, coupled to an
tigue, stress corrosion, creep, thermal cycling, and
input schedule of Mach number versus altitude. The
thermal stresses that are not modeled as only cold
second method specifies a set of control variables
structures are considered.
(consisting of angle of attack, bank angle, throt-
tle setting, and gimbal angle), and then solves the The body weight analysis described has been ex-
equations of motion using a first-order integration tensively correlated. It has been applied to exist-
method. The integration time step, and the control ing aircraft for the purpose of determining the non-
variable settings are subject to a user specified set of optimum portion of the structural weight.
flight path constraints (maximum load factor, sur-
face temperature limits, etc.). For either model the
trajectory can be computed un-trimmed or trimmed
in pitch. TPS Weights

Structural Weights Estimation of TPS weight is based on transient,

one dimensional heat conduction analysis. The
As part of the aircraft structural weight, the items aerothermal environments are computed as a func-
estimated are: shell, walls, frames, tension ties, tion of time along the flight trajectory. The recov-
span wise beam, non-optimum, and tank. The non- ery enthalpy, enthalpy based convective heat trans-
optimum weight accounts for non-calculable weight fer coefficient, local surface pressure, and adiabatic
items, such as fasteners, welds, cutout reinforce- temperature for each surface panel are stored for use
ment, and manufacturing constraints. in the thermal analysis. A one dimensional materi-
The tank item is an estimate of the weight of a als stack up is specified for each body point, with
discrete tank or of the bulkheads and other items associated internal boundary conditions (e.g. inter-
necessary to convert the body structure into an in- nal gas bulk temperature and film coefficient), and
tegral fuel tank. An option for non-circular vehicles internal radiation gap conditions input as a func-
is an integral, pillow tank arrangement in which the tion of time. Soak out boundary conditions are also
intersecting circular shells are fitted with the vehicle specified. Material thermodynamic properties are
outer mold line. specified as a function of temperature and pressure.
The body structural weight estimation method in The energy balance at the exterior surface is com-
HAVOC is based on a one dimensional beam theory puted using a temperature dependent emissivity for
structural analysis. The resulting weight estimate the correspond TPS material. The TPS sizing pro-
is directly driven by material properties, load con- cess then consists of iterating on the required insu-
ditions, vehicle size and shape. The weight estima- lation thickness until all interior bond line tempera-
tion method is not confined to an existing database. ture constraints are satisfied. Minimum gauge TPS
Since the analysis is done station by station, along thickness constraints are also imposed.
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 5

Subsystem Weights

The weight and volume of the vehicle subsystems

are computed using correlation equations developed
for space-launch and hyper-velocity vehicles. Cor-
relation parameters typically used are related to
overall vehicle gross or empty weight, vehicle size,
and mission related requirements. Correction fac-
tors for each subsystem element are made available
to match .a specifically known subsystem compo-
nent weight. The subsystems accounted for are:
flight controls and actuation (electrical, hydraulic,
and pneumatic), power generation and distribution,
environment and life support, thermal control, and
propulsion feed systems.


The Rapid Aircraft Modeler (RAM) is a real time

CAD like tool for quickly defining geometry for
aerospace vehicles. RAM evolved from the AC-
SYNT /VPI institute project to provide a fast and
interactive means to generate geometry for the Air-
craft Synthesis (ACSYNT) code, used for subsonic Figure 6: RAM Model of HL-20
and supersonic aircraft design [1].
Figure 6 presents a RAM model of the HL-20 vehi-
cle. The user can quickly generate geometries built
up of components that are. parametrically defined.
For instance, the wing component can be driven
by specifying aspect ratios, spans, chords, sweeps,
and dihedral angle. Airfoil sections can be chosen
from a supplied list or read in from a user supplied
file. RAM has been tightly coupled with HAVOC,
as well as with a number of CFD codes such as FPS-
3D [3, 4], FELISA [2], and FlowCart [5].
In addition to the ease in which the RAM geom-
etry can be exported to CFD, the process of mov-
ing from RAM, to CAD, through to wind tunnel
model generation has been successfully performed
for a variety of geometries, including the current
SHARP CTV-v5 [12]. Figure 7 shows the wind tun-
nel model developed from the RAM model for the
current SHARP CTV configuration.


While the aerodynamic methods used with HAVOC Figure 7: Wind Tunnel Model of SHARP CTV-v5
in the hypersonic range are sufficiently accurate, at
the low supersonic and subsonic range the empirical
methods used by HAVOC are inadequate to reason-
ably predict the low speed aerodynamic characteris-
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 6

tics. VORVIEW is a vortex lattice code based on the Aerothermal Performance Constraint (APC)
Lockheed VORLAX code [6]. A graphical user in-
terface, and an automated paneling routine has been
added to VORLAX to speed the process of concep-
tual vehicle aerodynamic assessment in the subsonic
to supersonic range. VORVIEW is tightly coupled _ 200000
to the RAM software, permitting the rapid analysis 3l
a RAM model. VORVIEW has automated the pro--;.
cess of calculating trimmed aerodynamics as well as -g
the prediction of stability and control derivatives. ~ - 100000


For this study, two primary CFD codes were used

to validate and enhance the HAVOC analysis. For 10000 20000 30000 40000
Mach numbers below about 3, a Multi-Block, Par- Velocity, Feet per Second
allel Navier Stokes solver was used. Reference [10]
details the methods used in the solver. For Mach Figure 8: APC Curve
numbers greater than 3, the real gas Navier Stokes
code GASP was used. GASP has been extensively
validated, and is discussed in references [8] and [9]. pled with a model of the aerothermodynamic envi-
ronment experienced by the vehicle. To define the
performance constraint curve, of altitude vs. veloc-
UHTC Thermal Analysis ity, an iterative process is performed. The altitude is
specified and the flight Mach number is iterated on
The integration of the UHTC materials into a CTV
until the Mach number at which the UHTC reaches
design, at the conceptual stage, is challenging. The
its maximum allowable temperature is found. A new
high temperature capabilities and high thermal con-
altitude is chosen, and the process is repeated until a
ductance of UHTCs lend themselves to their use on
complete altitude vs. velocity curve is created. The
sharp leading edges of vehicles such as the current
final Aerothermal Performance Constraint (APC)
CTV. These same properties, most notably the sec-
curve characterizes the performance capabilities of
ond, also drive the required level of analysis that
the UHTC material, as integrated on the vehicle.
must be performed to correctly characterize the ma-
The curve defines a constraint line in velocity- alti-
terial's response to the aerothermal environment.
tude space, above which the material will survive
When integrated onto the leading edge of a ve-
and below which ablation and ultimately failure of
hicle, the UHTC materials will encounter very high
the material will occur.
temperatures and large heat rates. Because of their
An example of a typical UHTC APC curve is
high. conductivity these materials actually conduct
shown in figure 8. For this study, the HAVOC pre-
this heat away from the UHTC leading edge. At
some point, down stream of the leading edge, the dicted trajectories were at all times constrained by
the predicted APC curve for the UHTC configura-
heat is re-radiated or convected back into the flow
field. The remaining heat is conducted into the vehi- tion under analysis. The equivalent analysis for a
cle structure. This multi-dimensional heat transfer blunt vehicle would be the Faye-Ridell method of
reference [13]. For both blunt and sharp vehicles
problem is complex and can not be adequately mod-
the acreage thermal analysis described above still
eled with the simpler one dimensional heat transfer
methods generally used over the acreage of the ve-
For the current study, a detailed analysis of the Baseline Vehicle and Design Requirements
UHTC leading edges was performed. The details
of this analysis are covered in reference [7]. Briefly, The HL-20 Crew Transfer Vehicle, described in ref-
the method of reference [7] consists of a two dimen- erences [16] through [30] was chosen as the baseline,
sional finite element heat transfer model that is cou- blunt, crew transfer vehicle concept. The HL-20 was
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 7

analyzed in detail at the NASA Langley research Hypersonic Lift to Drag Ratio
HL-20, Mach 15
center in the late 1980's and early 1990's.
The HL-20 was conceived to provide a Person-
nel Launch System (PLS) in support of the Space
Shuttle to provide crew transfer to and from the
then named Space Station Freedom. The require-
ments placed on the HL-20 vehicle are similar, but
not identical to those currently being discussed for 0.5
the 2nd Generation Launch System. The current ii:;
study has adopted these same requirements to allow
a direct comparison of the SHARP CTV design with - - GASP Solution, Mach 15
0 ------ HAVOC Solution, Mach 15
the more conventional blunt HL-20.
o Wind Tunnel, Mach 10
While references [16] through [30] detail these re-
quirements, we list just a subset to highlight the - 0 ·5 o.____1..._0_ _2......o_ __.30-~...
Angle of Attack, degrees
1. Reusable
Figure 9: Lift to Drag Ratio Comparisons
2. 8 passengers and 2 crew

3. Launch on an expendable launch vehicle

HAVOC was used to predict the aerodynamic
4. Cabin pressure of 14.7 psia and aerothermodynamic environments of the HL-
20. The wind tunnel data of reference [17], along
5. On orbit ~V of 1100 fps with CFD, was used to calibrate the HAVOC pre-
dictions in the subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic
6. Maximum on orbit time of 72 hours speed range. A comparison of the HAVOC, GASP,
and wind tunnel data at Mach 15 is presented in fig-
7. On pad abort escape capability ure 9. The HAVOC engineering methods are seen to
match the wind tunnel and CFD data very closely.
8. 10 psi overpressure driven by abort
Figures 10 and 11 compare the CFD, VORVIEW,
9. 8g's longitudinal acceleration driven by abort and wind tunnel data at a subsonic Mach number
of 0.3. VORVIEW was used to predict the trimmed
10. Subsonic L/D greater than 4 driven by landing aerodynamics of the HL-20 and the results of that
analysis are also shown in Figures 10 and 11.
The 10 psi overpressure limit, and the 8g longitudi- Using the HAVOC predicted aerodynamic and
nal acceleration requirements come out of a need to aerothermodynamic data base the HL-20's reentry
assure safe escape in the event of an on pad booster trajectory was analyzed and compared to that pre-
failure. The 8g limit assures the HL-20 is capable of sented in reference [20]. The HL-20 weight and size
being boosted away from the pad to a point approx- reported in reference [25] were used for this part
imately 430 feet away from the exploding booster, of the study. The HAVOC altitude reentry pro-
at which point the blast pressure is estimated to be file is compared in figure 12 with the results of ref-
approximately 10 psi [28]. erence [20]. The HAVOC approach to flying the
reentry trajectory was to maintain a constant heat-
Analysis of the HL-20 ing rate, while limiting the maximum stagnation
point temperature to below that acceptable for Ad-
The HL-20 is a lifting body configuration, with his- vanced Carbon-Carbon (ACC). Figures 13, 14, and
torical ties to the NASA HL-10, M2-F2, Air Force 15 present the heat rate history, angle of attack and
X-24, and the Russian BOR-4 [16]. A RAM model bank schedule, as well as the vehicle lift to drag ratio
of the HL-20 is shown in figure 6. The details of the during reentry.
HL-20 configuration can be found in references [16] With the HAVOC trajectory providing a good
through [30]. comparison to that presented in reference [20], HAVOC
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 8

Subsonic Trimmed and Untrimmed CL Altitude Profile

HL-20 HL-20 Re-Entry Profile
a Wind Tunnel Untrimmed
-- Navier Stokes Untrimmed - - HAVOC
0.6 --- VORVIEW Untrimmed
300000 ------ Wurster & Stone
....J o Wind Tunnel Trimmed ,~' _....
(.) . ..,/-'U ,..,.. ..0...
---- VORVIEWTrimmed ,,- ...- -a;
-~ 0.4 ;,
., ,. , ... . . . . o ~
, ..........0 <Ii
. 200000
uf',..,.. .~
;, -0
:::o; .a
(.) ~~ .
5 100000

- 0 ·2 oL.----'5'--~---'10-~--1-'-5-~---'20 0
0 1000 2000 3000
Angle of Attack, degrees
Time, seconds

Figure 10: HL20: CL Comparison

Figure 12: HL-20 Re-Entry: Altitude

Subsonic Trimmed and Untrimmed UD Stagnation Point Heat Flux

HL-20 HL-20 Re-Entry Profile

4 a -
------- a
a Wind Tunnel Untrimmed
- - Navier Stokes Untrimmed
0 ---- VORVIEW Untrimmed
o Wind Tunnel Trimmed
I ----· VORVIEW Trimmed
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1000 2000 3000
Lift Coefficient, CL Time, seconds

Figure 11: HL20: L/D Comparison Figure 13: HL-20 Re-Entry: Heat Flux
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 9

Cross Range
HL-20 Re-Entry Profile

Angle of Attack and Bank Angle Schedule 1~ 800

HL-20 Re-Entry Profile
100 . - - - ~ - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - , ~
- - Angle of Attack
-----w Bank Angle
~ 600
Q) 80 •
" I

C) _____ .!'I \ "' 400
60 \ : 1___ 1

'I I I
co '
I II 'I 200
al I I I

0 40 '' I I

co '' ,,
I '
I 0 '------=:;;._____.______.
<( 20 I ''
0 2000 4000 6000
Down Range, Nautical Miles
0 .___ _ ___,__ _ __.__.__ _ ___.
Figure 16: HL-20 Re-Entry: Cross Range
0 1000 2000 3000
Time, seconds
was then used to size the HL-20 vehicle. Structural,
Figure 14: HL-20 Re-Entry: Alpha and Bank TPS, and subsystem weights were predicted using
the HAVOC methods previously described. The
weight statements of reference [25] were then used
to calibrate the HAVOC results. The weight break
down, as predicted by HAVOC, is shown in table 1.
The TPS stack up for the HL-20 is presented in fig-
ure 32.

Lift to Drag Ratio SHARP Crew Transfer Vehicle

HL-20 Re-Entry Profile
2.2 ..---~----.-----~---~
The vehicle requirements for the SHARP CTV are
the same as those listed above for the HL-20. The
2 application of UHTCs to the current SHARP vehi-
cle have been limited to the sharp nose region. The
g> 1.8 wing leading edges remain blunt and are baselined
0 as ACC. Figure 17 illustrates the evolution of the
-.. SHARP CTV concept. The study began .with the
:5 1.6 shape of the proposed 11 flight vehicle, show in fig-
ure 3, and attempted to pack and size the vehicle to
1.4 meet the HL-20 mission. Questions about this con-
figuration's ability to safely land initially drove the
1.2 ==----_..._____,....____ _i decision to do low speed wind tunnel tests of the 11
0 1000 2000 3000 configuration, shown in figure 18.
Time, seconds The hypersonic performance of these configura-
tions, and its implication to the vehicle design are
Figure 15: HL-20 Re-Entry: L/D illustrated in figures 19 and 20. Representative hy-
personic lift to drag ratios and moments for both
the HL-20 and SHARP CTV-v5 are presented in
figures 19 and 20. The much higher L/D of the
SHARP CTV is evident, as is the lower angle of at-
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 10

Hypersonic Lift to Drag Ratio Comparison

HL-20 and SHARP CTV-v5, Mach 20
3 ..-~--.-~"""T"----.----r-~--,

,,.,.---- ......
2 ,' ' --....... --
-- --
' ------ ...........


0 - - HL20
-----· SHARP CTV -v5

0 10 20 30 40 50
Angle of Attack, degrees
Figure 19: HL-20 and SHARP CTV 1/Ds
Figure 17: SHARP CTV Evolution
tack at which the maximum L/D occurs. The peak
L/D for these SHARP vehicles is generally at rel-
atively low angles of attack, and hence low lift co-
efficients. For a given reentry weight, the SHARP
vehicles will generally require a lower wing loading
to effectively generate the same amount of lift. As a
rule of thumb, the maximum L/D of these SHARP
vehicles correlates closely with the half angle of the
wedge like body, with a small correction due to vis-
cous effects.
Finally, figure 20 shows how the natural trim
points for both vehicles matches the style in which
they are flown. The HL-20 naturally trims at ap-
proximately 30 degrees angle of attack with the cen-
ter of gravity (CG) located at 54 % of the body
length. This is consistent with the current trajec-
tory results, as well as the results of reference [20).
The SHARP CTV-v5 CG trims at approximately
15 degrees angle of attack with the CG located at
57.5% of the body length. This is again consistent
with figure 28 which presents the SHARP CTV-v5
control history during reentry.
Referring back to figure 17, the SHARP CTV-
v5, is characterized by large, swept wings. These
wings aid in the vehicles ability to make use of its
Figure 18: SHARP 11 Low Speed Model maximum hypersonic L/D. However, the planform
and span of the wings were most strongly driven by
the low speed wind tunnel results of the initial 11
configuration (figure 18).
The 11 low speed wind tunnel test indicated a
very large base drag for the 11 fuselage shape. Pres-
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 11

Hypersonic Moment Comparison

HL-20 and SHARP CTV-v5, Mach 20

0.04 - - HL-20
------ SHARP ClV-v5

0 10 20 30 40 50
Angle of Attack, degrees

Figure 20: HL-20 and SHARP CTV Moments

sure taps showed a very low base pressure coeffi-

ceint of approximately -0.35, resulting in a very Figure 21: SHARP CTV-v5
high base drag. This base drag data, along with
the CFD code of reference[lO], was used to predict
the subsonic aerodynamics of the SHARP CTV-v5 of full span elevons (from the dihedral break point
configuration. The CFD results were used to cali- out to the tip). Based on the VORVIEW analy-
brate the VORVIEW vortex lattice code (through sis, control surface chords approaching 45% of the
the use of leading edge suction and wake parame- wind chord, and deflections of 30 degrees are re-
ters). VORVIEW was used to estimate the trimmed quired to trim the SHARP CTV-v5 during landing.
aerodynamics of the candidate SHARP vehicle con- These trim issues are addressed at the end of this
figurations. The estimated untrimmed L/D max of paper with regards to current and future work on
the final SHARP CTV-v5 configuration was slightly the SHARP CTV family of vehicles.
over 5, with a trimmed L/D max slightly under 4. Referring to figure 21, the interior layout of the
To validate the analysis, a wind tunnel test of the SHARP CTV-v5 is similar to that of the HL-20. An
SHARP CTV-v5 was performed [12]. The wind tun- interior, pressurized, crew compartment comprises
nel tests showed a much lower base drag, the result the main load bearing system. Many of the sub-
of a base pressure coefficient of only -0.05. systems are packed exterior to the pressurized crew
The CFD and VORVIEW results, combined with compartment - a strategy borrowed from the HL-20
the SHARP CTV-v5 wind tunnel data for base drag design. Except where the larger size of the vehi-
estimates are compared with the wind tunnel data cle mandates, the subsystems are identical to that
of reference [12] in figures 22 through 24. Figures 22 of HL-20. Using the same mission, and the weight
and 23 show the CFD and VORVIEW predictions of estimation correlations from the analysis of the HL-
lift and moment to be reasonably accurate. The pre- 20, the SHARP CTV-v5 vehicle was analyzed and
diction of L/D as a function of lift coefficient is pre- closed.
sented in figure 24. Both the CFD and VORVIEW Figures 26 through 29 present the SHARP CTV-
results are conservative. The untrimmed SHARP v5 trajectory predicted by HAVOC. The closed ve-
CTV-v5 has an L/D max greater than 8. hicle subsystem weights are presented in table 1.
Figures 22 and 24 present the trimmed aerody- The current analysis does not include the weight
namic predictions based on the VORVIEW vortex or design of the UHTC leading edge, as this is cur-
lattice code. A trimmed L/D max slightly over 5 is rently beyond the capability of the one dimensional
estimated. The analysis was based on the modeling heat transfer analysis performed with HAVOC. The
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 12

Subsonic Trimmed and Untrimmed CL

Subsonic Trimmed and Untrimmed UD
1.5 -----,----.----.----.---.---, SHARP C1V-v5

....I □
(_) □
□ ,,- --
0.5 □,,,''

.,,-.,,,. --- ----

□ 9-,' ---"
q,," -- --
~-- / □ Wind Tunnel Untrimmed ....I
0 □ □ Wind Tunnel Untrimmed
0 □□ -- Navier Stokes Untrimmed - - Navier Stokes Untrimmed
----- VORVIEW Untrimmed ----- VORVIEW Untrimmed
---- VORVIEW Trimmed □ ---· VORVIEW Trimmed
-o. 5 _L- - '-__._s_ _.10__1_._5_ _.2~0-2......5--:>30 -5 L__ _,...__ _,___ _.,___---:-'
5 0
-0.5 0 0.5 1.5
Angle of Attack, degrees
Lift Coefficient, CL

Figure 22: SHARP CTV-v5: CL Comparison

Figure 24: SHARP CTV-v5: L/D Comparison

Subsonic Moment Predictions

□ Wind Tunnel

E 0.05 - - Navier Stokes

------ VORVIEW
'ECl) □
i -0.05
Cl) -0.1
~ -0.15
-0.2 L__ _.,__~_....__~_......___ _....J
-0.5 0 0.5 1.5
Lift Coefficient, CL
Figure 25: SHARP CTV-v5 Low Speed Model
Figure 23: SHARP CTV-v5: Cm Comparison
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 13

HL-20 CTV-v5 Altitude - Velocity Profile

Re-Entry Weight, lbs 24479 25841 400000 .--~-~--~-~--.--~---.
Empty Weight, lbs 19982 21377
Fuselage Weight, lbs 3513 3081
Wing Weight, lbs 1176 2180 300000
Landing Gear, lbs 1164 1210
Propulsion Weight, lbs 1370 1436 j
Fixed Equipment, lbs
Payload and Crew, lbs

Consumables, lbs 726 726 ~

Acreage TPS lbs/sqr ft avg 1.3 1.74 100000
Body Length, ft 28.6 36.6 - - SHARP CTV-v5
Wetted Area, sqr ft ---- APC Curve
935 1486 0 ...__ __........._ _ _..___ ___.__ ___,
Reference Area, sqr ft 286.45 347.9
0 10000 20000 30000 40000
W /S, lbs/sqr ft 66.9 50.1
Velocity, feet per second
Center of Gravity, % Body 54.0 57.5

Table 1: HL-20 and SHARP CTV-v5 Vehicle Data Figure 26: SHARP CTV-v5: Altitude vs. Velocity

Aerothermal Performance Constraint {APC) curve square feet, while the SHARP CTV-v5 is 861 square
described above, and discussed in reference [7], has feet. The lower fuselage wetted area, combined with
been used to include the material constraints of the the fact that both vehicles are constrained by min-
UHTC leading edge. The TPS stack up for the imum gauge structures, leads to a lower fuselage
acreage TPS of the SHARP CTV-v5 configuration weight for the SHARP CTV-v5. This lower fuse-
is presented in figure 33. lage weight offsets the higher wing and landing gear
Figure 26 presents the altitude vs. velocity pro- weights, resulting an overall weights similar to the
file for the SHARP CTV-v5 plotted against the HL-20.
aerothermal performance constraint as predicted with The final point to made from the data in table 1
the methods of reference [7]. The SHARP CTV- and the altitude histories shown in figure 27 is the
v5 trajectory drops down onto the APC and rides higher acreage TPS weight per square foot seen with
the constraint until a point at which it leaves the the SHARP CTV-v5. This overall increase in the
curve and begins to fly a maximum L/D trajectory. SHARP CTV-v5 TPS weight is a direct result of
Figure 29 shows the SHARP CTV-v5 to have more the increased integrated heat load incurred while fly-
than 2.5 times the cross range as the HL-20. Refer- ing the APC to provide increase cross range. The
ence [11] details how this increased cross range ca- increased cross range results in a longer heat soak
pability can be used to improve the abort capability and drives the requirement for a thicker TPS system
of a SHARP CTV over a more conventional blunt compared to the HL-20.
vehicle such as the HL-20.
The weight and geometry data presented in ta- Low Speed Issues and Current Work
ble 1 highlight a number of important points. The
first of these is the size difference between the SHARP The SHARP CTV-v5, and the SHARP family of
CTV-v5 and the HL-20. As detailed above, the size Crew Transfer Vehicles is a continuing area of re-
of the SHARP CTV-v5 was driven by the low angle search at NASA Ames Research Center. As dis-
of attack at which the hypersonic L/D is a max- cussed above, CFD and wind tunnel testing was
imum, as well as the estimated low speed perfor- used to initially size the wings and define the plan-
mance of the vehicle. The second point is the sim- form of the SHARP CTV-v5. Subsequent CFD
ilarity in the gross weight of both the HL-20 and analysis and verification by low speed wind tunnel
the SHARP CTV-v5, despite the differences in size. tests have verified that at low speeds the SHARP
The main driver for this similarity is that the fuse- CTV-v5 has: 1) less base drag than estimated using
lage wetted area for the HL-20 is approximately 935 the L1 data, and 2) has a trimable maximum sub-
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 14

Cross Range
Altitude Profile ~ 2500
400000 «i
.Q 2000
- - SHARP ClV-v5 ca
z 1500
---- HL-20 ai
300000 C>
a> ca
a: 1000
ai 200000 rn
100000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Down Range, Nautical Miles

0 Figure 29: SHARP CTV-v5: Cross Range

0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time, seconds
sonic L/D just over 5 [12]. Based on the study found
Figure 27: SHARP CTV-v5: Altitude in reference [19] a trimable L/D over 4 is generally
required to gain a Cooper Harper Level 1 rating for
piloted landing. However, as discussed above the
control required elevon deflections are excessive and
points to the need for revisiting both the vehicle lay-
out and wing planform design.
The above low speed issues, as well as high speed
heating issues discovered with the GASP code [8, 9]
Angle of Attack and Bank Angle Schedule drove modifications of the SHARP CTV-v5 config-
SHARP CTV-v5 uration. The current configuration, SHARP CTV-
v7, shown in figure 30 has a smaller wing planform
- Angle of Attack
1 I
r- - - - Bank Angle with more area forward. The wing twist distribu-

I5r 80 I \
I \
tion has been designed, using both the VORVIEW
and HAVOC code, to minimize the required control
\ surface deflections at both subsonic and hypersonic
60 \
~ \
Mach numbers. The reduction of dihedral is the out-
\ come of both a linear stability analysis and a desk-
0 40 top 6 degree of freedom simulation that indicated
ca '' ' ,_..,. I\JI the sweep of the wings produce sufficient dihedral
<i: 20 effect. Finally, the interior layout of the subsystems
has been rearranged to aid in trimming of the vehi-
1000 2000 3000 4000 The SHARP CTV-v7 is currently undergoing fur-
Time, seconds ther analysis and design. Both Euler and Navier
Stokes analyses are being used to analyze the SHARP
Figure 28: SHARP CTV-v5: Alpha and Bank CTV-v7. A combination of Euler, Navier Stokes,
wind tunnel, and engineering based methods will
be used to model the full set of aerodynamic data
needed for a full motion vehicle simulation planned
for the fall of 2001 in the NASA Ames Research Cen-
AIAA Paper 2001-2887 15

act as a baseline to the SHARP CTV designs. The

results show that a SHARP configuration can lead to
higher hypersonic lift to drag ratio and correspond-
ing improvements in cross range. This improvement
must be tempered with the need for a larger overall
vehicle, capable of making use of the higher hyper-
sonic L/D's which generally occur at much lower an-
gles of attack than typically flown by blunt reentry
vehicles. The current conceptual study does not ad-
dress the actual design and integration of the Ultra
High Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) that are be-
lieved to allow the design and fabrication of such
a vehicle. The UHTC material constraints have
'f been introduced, to first order, through trajectory
constraints via the use of aerothermal performance
constraints that characterize the behavior of the
UHTCs over the vehicle trajectory. More detailed
study is required to further characterize the actual
design and integration of the UHTCs into the vehi-
Figure 30: RAM Model of SHARP CTV-v7 cle leading edge.


This work was partially funded under the 2nd Gen-

eration Reusable Launch Vehicle Office at NASA
Marshall Space Flight Center. The authors would
like to thank Steve Smith of NASA Ames Research
Center for access to the wind tunnel models and
data for both the SHARP Ll and SHARP CTV-v5

[1] S.G. Wampler, A. Myklebust, S. Jayaram, and

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PhD thesis, Department of Mechanical and
Conclusions Aeronautical Engineering, University of Cali-
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The conceptual design of a SHARP Crew Trans-
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search Center's extensive and detailed work on the "Validation of a New Unstructured Full Poten-
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a Crew Transfer Vehicle". AIAA Paper 2000- Guidance and Control-Entry Analysis of the
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[10] J. Reuther, J. Alonso, J. Vassberg, A. Jam- Heating Environment Definition/Thermal Pro-
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[21] James K. Weilmuenster and Francis A. Greene.
[11] D. Saunders, G. Allen Jr., P. Gage, and "HL-20 Computational Fluid Dynamic Analy-
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[12] S. Smith, J. Reuther, and D. Kinney. "Low
Speed Aerodynamic and Landing Characteris- [22] Lance B. Bush, James C. Robinson, and Deb-
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AIAA Paper 2001-2887 17

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AIAA Paper 2001-2887 18

nose, chines, flaps,

wing leading edge windward surface leeward surface

! ! !
O.l"ACC 0.0.12" RCG Coatin!:! 0.027" outer sheet
6"Gae HTP-6
Ll-2200 0.0625" GP Face Sheet
(GP: Gr!e!!ite Polyimide) 0.011" inner sheet
0,02"RTV (E-glass)
0.09" AL-2219 0.02"RTV
0.0625" .GP Face Sheet
0.09" AL-2219

0.5'' Q-Felt


0.09" AL-2219

Figure 32: HAVOC: HL-20 TPS Stackup

nose, chines, flaps, max. temperature

wing leading edge 2500 °F X > 26'

! ! !
0.027" outer sheet
0.1"ACC 0.1"TUFI (Astro-Quanz)

6"Gap AETB-12 Q-felt (microquartz)

0.011" inner sheet
Ll-2200 0.02"RTV (E-glass)

0.02"RTV 0.0625" GP Face Sheet 0.02"RTV

(GP: Graphite Polyirride)
0.09" AL-2219 0.09" AL-2219
0.5" GP Hone;i::comb

0.0625" GP Face Sheet


1.0" Q-Felt


0.09" AL-2219

Figure 33: HAVOC: SHARP CTV-v5 TPS Stackup

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