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by Savanah Gail Reeves

Condensed tannins (CT) are high molecular weight compounds, comprised of flavan-3-ol
monomers stabilized by C-C interflavan bonds. They are found in plants and affect food
astringency, protein availability, and biogeochemical cycles. Tannins are highly sorptive, making
them difficult to analyze using existing methods. Recently, we developed methods using Fourier
Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization mass
spectrometry (FT-ICR MALDI-MS) to obtain exact masses of polymer species. Using CT from
Sorghum grain, we obtained spectra that exhibited peaks consistent with the (epi)catechin
composition, previously proposed. However, the spectra also exhibited peaks that suggested the
tannin contained ester groups. Using thiolysis, methanolysis, NMR, and Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), we confirmed that the tannin does not contain ester groups.
Instead, we propose that the MALDI matrix 2,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid forms adducts with the
procyanidin that survive ionization and yield misleading MS peaks. To further characterize CT,
we are developing reversed phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC)
methods that separate polymers based on molecular weight. This is an improvement over
previous methods that give a “hump” for most tannin extracts. Combining MALDI analysis with
better HPLC methods will improve the potential to establish the roles of CT in diverse


Submitted to the

Faculty of Miami University

in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science


Savanah Gail Reeves

Miami University

Oxford, Ohio


Advisor: Dr. Ann E. Hagerman

Reader: Dr. Neil D. Danielson

Reader: Dr. Andrea N. Kravats

Reader: Dr. Heeyoung Tai

©2020 Savanah Gail Reeves

This thesis titled




Savanah Gail Reeves

has been approved for publication by

College of Arts and Science


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Ann E. Hagerman

Dr. Neil D. Danielson

Dr. Andrea N. Kravats

Dr. Heeyoung Tai
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction ………………………………………..……….………...… pg. 1

Chapter 2: Characterization of high molecular weight polyphenols by

FT-ICR-MALDI-MS and HPLC …………………...…...…………….…………… pg. 11

Chapter 3: Improving RP-HPLC separation of condensed tannins ..….................… pg. 32

Chapter 4: Conclusion ………………………………………………………............ pg. 52

List of Tables

Table 1. Thiolysis and HSQC NMR structural data for condensed

tannin from Sorghum bicolor, Neptunia lutea, and cocoa. ….…………………...… pg. 25

Table 2. FT-ICR MALDI-MS data for condensed tannin from

Sorghum bicolor, Neptunia lutea, and cocoa. ………………..…………..………… pg. 26

Table 3. FT-ICR ESI-MS/MS data of the peak at 864.69266 m/z

for condensed tannin from Sorghum bicolor. …………………...…………….…… pg. 27

Table 4. Preliminary analysis of main peaks for Cocoa and

Sorghum CT separated by three HPLC solvent methods. ……………………...…... pg. 48

Table 5. Thiolysis data of Sorghum CT HPLC fractions. ………………………….. pg. 49

List of Figures

Figure 1. Condensed and hydrolyzable tannins. ………………………….……...... pg. 5

Figure 2. Diversity of condensed tannins. .………………………...………....……. pg. 6

Figure 3. FTIR spectra of EGCg, Neptunia lutea CT, catechin,

cocoa CT, and Sorghum CT. ………..………………………………………..…….. pg. 22

Figure 4. Methanolysis HPLC Chromatogram. ………....……...……..………...…. pg. 23

Figure 5. 1H NMR spectra of DHB and DHB-Sorghum CT mixture. ....................... pg. 24

Figure 6. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 1

with solvent gradient profile. ………………………………………….…………… pg. 41

Figure 7. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 1

with solvent gradient profile. ………………………………………………….....… pg. 42

Figure 8. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 2

with solvent gradient profile. ……………………………………………….....…… pg. 43

Figure 9. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 2

with solvent gradient profile. ……………………………………………….....…… pg. 44

Figure 10. Chromatograms of reinjected fractions of Sorghum CT,

analyzed by Method 2 with solvent gradient profile. …....………………........…… pg. 45

Figure 11. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 3

with solvent gradient profile. …………………………………………….....……… pg. 46

Figure 12. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 3

with solvent gradient profile. …………………………………………….....……… pg. 47


I dedicate my thesis work to my family and friends who helped me along the way.

I am grateful for the support and encouragement of my loving parents. They always push
me to achieve my very best. I want to thank my family, with a special thanks to Macie.

Thank you to Brayden for always believing in me. I also want to thank my wonderful

I also dedicate this work to my advisor, Dr. Ann E. Hagerman. Without her mentorship,
none of this would have been possible. I am so appreciative for her guidance and her
patience throughout this process. I’m so lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from


Dr. Ann E. Hagerman

Dr. Arpad Somogyi

Dr. Wayne Zeller

Dr. Theresa Ramelot

Dr. Neil D. Danielson

Dr. Andrea N. Kravats

Dr. Heeyoung Tai

Dr. Andre J. Sommers

Rosie Magro

Mai Nguyen

Chapter 1: Introduction

As the fourth most abundant biochemical produced by plants, tannins play a large role in
plant metabolism and interactions with other organisms1, 2. Tannins are a broad class of “water-
soluble phenolic compounds having molecular weights between 500 and 3000 [Da ... with] the
ability to precipitate alkaloids, gelatin and other proteins”3. The basic properties of tannins
include antioxidant activity, protein binding, metal binding, and astringency. Tannins are highly
bioactive compounds with diverse fates in diverse environments. When plants or fruits
containing this material abscise, the tannins end up in the soil or water. In these environments,
tannins contribute to plant, animal, and microbial metabolisms, as well as biogeochemical
cycles1. When tannin-containing foods are eaten, tannins end up in the gut and digestive tract,
contributing to human and animal metabolisms4. The microbiome plays a major role in the
conversion of complex molecules, such as tannins, in both physiological systems and
ecosystems5-7. Greater understanding of tannin structure may help to elucidate the functions of
tannins in metabolism and biogeochemical cycles. There are two types of tannins: hydrolyzable
and condensed tannins (Figure 1).
Hydrolyzable tannins are derived from gallic acid; a core polyol such as glucose is
esterified to gallic acid, with additional esterified or cross-linked galloyl groups (Figure 1b,c)8.
These molecules are found in plants, including many that we consume, such as blackberries,
pomegranates, and raspberries9-11. Hydrolyzable tannins are degraded by acidic or basic
conditions, cleaving the ester bonds by hydrolysis or oxidation, into smaller phenolics 11. They
are also degraded by enzymes, such as phenol oxidase12 and tannase enzymes4, 13. While
hydrolyzable tannin degradation has been thoroughly investigated, very little is known
concerning the degradation of condensed tannins14.
Condensed tannins (CTs, proanthocyanidins) are flavan-3-ol polymers with variations in
hydroxylation patterns, cis- and trans-stereochemistry of C-ring substituents, interflavan bond
connections (A or B type), mean degree of polymerization (mDP), and degree of esterification
(Figure 1a, Figure 2)15. Condensed tannins, like hydrolyzable tannins, are present in plants
including foods, such as grapes, persimmons, and Sorghum grain16-18. The C-C interflavan
bonding between monomers of condensed tannin molecules makes them much less susceptible to
degradation than the ester-linked hydrolyzable tannins. Therefore, the degradation of condensed

tannins, including the mechanism and products, is currently unclear. While the pathways for
transformation of the flavan-3-ol subunits of CT to small molecule metabolites are well
established19, more research needs to be performed to understand the initial steps of polymer
decomposition. Degradation studies can afford greater understanding of the roles fulfilled by
condensed tannins in diverse environments, and how those contributions affect and are affected
by other environmental factors.
In order to perform degradation studies, a large quantity of the target substrate is needed.
For example, a soil microcosm experiment with one level of tannin amendment and all the
appropriate controls requires 750 mg of tannin (McGivern, B and Wrighton, K personal
communication). Obtaining a large amount of condensed tannin through extraction and
purification techniques can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Our lab group, however,
has optimized a technique that allows for purification of Sorghum CT with yields as high as 1.25
mg per gram of grain. Using this method, we routinely obtain 250 mg of tannin in just 4 days,
making it easy and feasible to obtain enough CT for biological degradation studies.
In order to trace the metabolic fate of tannin, it is necessary to have accurate structural
information about the starting material. Hydrolyzable tannins are ideal targets for metabolic
studies, because they accumulate in plants as discrete compounds that can be purified to
homogeneity20. In contrast, condensed tannins are produced as a series of polymers with closely
related structures that cannot easily be resolved into discrete compounds based on current
separation methods21. The methods used in previous studies to determine the average
composition of condensed tannin preparations include thiolysis, heteronuclear single quantum
correlation (HSQC) NMR, Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Electrospray Mass
Spectroscopy (FT-ICR ESI-MS), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Fourier
Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization mass
spectrometry (FT-ICR MALDI MS)18, 22, 23. This thesis describes how those methods were
employed to establish that the Sorghum CT prepared in our lab is composed of epicatechin
extender units with catechin terminal units and an average chain length of 16 (Figure 1a) 18, 22.
Thiolysis relies on acid catalyzed depolymerization of the CT polymer at the
4→8 (B-Type) interflavan linkages, followed by nucleophilic attack by toluene--thiol group to
the carbocation extender units24. The terminal unit is released as an unmodified flavan-3-ol. High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is then used to separate the components, which

can be identified by comparison to standards (retention time, UV/Visible absorbance, mass
spectrometry, and electrochemical response)25. Mean degree of polymerization (mDP) and
procyanidin/prodelphinidin (PC/PD) ratios are calculated using peak areas 25, 26. Thiolysis
provides valuable structural information that can be verified through NMR and other
techniques15. However, thiolysis does not work well for branched (4→6 interflavan linkage)
condensed tannin polymers, or those that contain A-Type linkages27. Thiolysis provides average
structural information for the molecules in the CT sample. The information details the overall,
average composition of the heterogeneous sample mixture, not exact structures of individual
components of the mixture.
HSQC NMR determines subunit composition and mean degree of polymerization28. This
method is especially useful for observing interflavan linkages, A-type and B-type. It provides
reliable and detailed structural information, and helps to verify results gathered through other
methods. NMR, like thiolysis, provides overall, average structural information for the sample
mixture. Although very useful, NMR analysis requires a large sample mass; it is difficult and
very time-consuming to purify the amount of condensed tannin needed. In addition, HSQC NMR
is a very specialized technique. Although a database of 1H and 13C chemical shifts of condensed
tannins up to tetramers (in the literature until 2015) exists, interpretation by experts in the area of
condensed tannin NMR is necessary for identification28.
FT-ICR MALDI-MS is a high resolution, soft ionization technique that allows for more
detailed analysis of exact tannin species composition. Peaks can be assigned as polymers
containing specific subunits with identifiable linkage types. High resolution FT-ICR MALDI-
MS is a somewhat new technique for structural analysis of condensed tannins, and has proven to
be extremely valuable, especially when used in tandem with fragmentation experiments. In order
to gather the high-resolution spectra, the analyst must test many different MALDI matrices,
matrix–sample ratios, sample preparation/drying methods, and replicates. This is quite time-
consuming. Improving the signal to noise ratio is also a challenge for condensed tannin samples.
FT-ICR MALDI-MS is a specialized technique that requires an expert to perform the experiment
and interpret the results. Furthermore, our investigation into verifying the structure of our
Sorghum CT preparations demonstrated that CT samples can form supramolecular complexes
with a commonly used MALDI matrix, 2, 5-dihydroxy benzoic acid (DHB), to yield misleading
MS peaks and patterns. A combination of several methods, including thiolysis, NMR, and FT-

ICR MALDI-MS, must be employed to corroborate data gathered from each technique, such that
more complete and consistent information can be used to characterize the structures of
condensed tannin polymers15. Our new understanding of FT-ICR MALDI-MS data and our
detailed structural information about Sorghum CT are described in Chapter 2 of this thesis.
Once degradation experiments have been performed, the next crucial step is to observe
degradative changes in the tannin sample. Normal phase (NP) HPLC is capable of separating CT
samples according to increasing degree of polymerization (DP), up to 10-1129. However, NP-
HPLC techniques face issues with incomplete elution and acidic degradation of the CT sample29.
Reversed phase (RP) HPLC is more commonly used to separate the heterogeneous CT sample
components21. In preliminary experiments, we have employed RP-HPLC to compare the
chromatogram of the original, undegraded CT and the chromatogram of the degraded sample to
show changes in peak area distribution toward different chain-length polymers. For this analysis,
it would be ideal to make use of HPLC with MS detection to obtain exact structural composition
information of each sample peak fraction, but substantial information can be obtained by more
widely available detection, such as diode array and electrochemical detection. One significant
barrier my lab group has encountered with this technique is maintaining PC solubility in samples
from the microbial cultures, due to side reactions during sample workup with microbial culture
media, minerals, or soil. One of my fellow lab group researchers is currently working to resolve
these issues. Achieving highly resolved separation based on molecular weight is another
formidable challenge, especially for the longer chain-length polymers30. To try to overcome this
challenge, we implemented a modified saw-tooth gradient solvent method, that has been shown
to be useful for separation of other high molecular weight polymers31. That method is described
in the third chapter of this thesis.
Discovering and solving problems associated with qualitative and quantitative analysis of
CT will help advance techniques for better understanding of these important molecules. Gaining
knowledge of tannin degradation can improve our knowledge of carbon cycling, the role that
tannins play in this process, and how they are impacted by global climate change1, 12. This can
also improve our understanding of the role of tannins in the metabolisms of plants, microbes,
animals, and even humans14, 32. Tannins are widely prevalent in our ecosystems and our diets, so
the more we can study them, the more we can comprehend their impacts on the health of our
own bodies and our environment.

Figure 1. Condensed and hydrolyzable tannins. Representative structures are provided for
Sorghum CT, a typical procyanidin (PC) (a), the small phenolic acid gallic acid, characteristic
of hydrolyzable tannins (b) and the simple hydrolyzable tannin pentagalloyl glucose (c).

Figure 2. Diversity of condensed tannins. The B ring can be substituted with 1-3 phenolic
groups yielding chain extender units classified as propelargonidin (1), procyanidin (2), and
prodelphinidin (3). The polymer is often esterified by gallic acid on the C ring (4). Interflavan
C-C bonds between the A and C ring are most common, but the ether-containing A-type
linkage (5) is typical of some plants. More uncommon modifications are glycosylation (6) or
occurrence of a flavone such as myricetin as the terminal group (7).

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Chapter 2: Characterization of high molecular weight polyphenols by
As the fourth most abundant biochemical produced by plants, tannins play a large role in
plant metabolism and interactions with other organisms1. Tannins are a broad class of “water-
soluble phenolic compounds having molecular weights between 500 and 3000 [Da ... with] the
ability to precipitate alkaloids, gelatin and other proteins”2. The basic properties of tannins
include antioxidant activity, protein binding, and astringency. There are two types of tannins:
hydrolyzable and condensed tannins.
Hydrolyzable tannins are derived from gallic acid; a core polyol such as glucose is
esterified to gallic acid, with additional esterified or cross-linked galloyl groups3. These
molecules are found in plants, including many that we consume, such as blackberries,
pomegranates, and raspberries4-6. Condensed tannins (CTs, proanthocyanidins) are flavan-3-ol
polymers with variations in hydroxylation patterns, cis- and trans-stereochemistry of C-ring
substituents, interflavan bond connections (A or B type), mean degree of polymerization (mDP),
and degree of esterification7. Condensed tannins, like hydrolyzable tannins, are present in food
plants, such as grapes, persimmons, and Sorghum grain8-10.
When plants or fruits containing tannins abscise, the tannins end up in the soil and water.
In these environments, hydrolyzable tannins are degraded by acidic or basic conditions6 and
enzymes, such as phenol oxidase11. While hydrolyzable tannin degradation has been thoroughly
investigated, very little is known concerning the degradation of condensed tannins 12. The C-C
interflavan bonding between monomers of condensed tannin molecules makes them much less
susceptible to degradation than hydrolyzable tannins. Therefore, the degradation of condensed
tannins, including the mechanism and products, is currently unclear. More research needs to be
performed to understand the fate and degradation of condensed tannin in soil, and its role in
metabolic and biogeochemical cycles1. Understanding of condensed tannin degradation in soil
environments may also provide insight into the fate of proanthocyanidins in the gut, as well.
Previous research has shown that Sorghum CT, which is readily purified in hundred mg
quantities suitable for metabolic studies, is composed of epicatechin extender units with a
catechin terminal unit10. Due to its simple structure and convenience, we are using Sorghum CT
in large scale soil decomposition experiments to help elucidate CT degradation mechanisms and

products in soil (McGivern, B; Wrighton, K & Hagerman, AE unpublished). An important step
towards understanding condensed tannin degradation is to confirm the starting structure and
improve techniques for structural analysis.
There are well established methods for the structural analysis of condensed tannins.
Thiolysis with HPLC is a depolymerization technique, widely used to ascertain the average chain
length and molecular weight of the polymer, as well as the composition of extender and terminal
units9, 13. HSQC NMR determines subunit composition and mean degree of polymerization
(mDP), and is especially useful for observing A-type linkages14. Fourier Transform Ion
Cyclotron Resonance Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization mass spectrometry (FT-ICR
MALDI-MS) has been proven a valuable tool for the characterization of structural features and
linkage types of condensed tannin molecules15, 16. While thiolysis and NMR provide overall,
average structural information for the mixture of polymers in the heterogeneous sample, high
resolution FT-ICR MALDI-MS provides exact composition of individual tannin species in the
We had planned to use this combined suite of tools to confirm the structure of our large-
scale Sorghum CT preparations in order to assist in our studies of the fate of CT in soil. Thiolysis
and NMR provided consistent results, but we were surprised to find that the MALDI-MS results
suggested the presence of galloylated subunits. In this paper, we demonstrate the formation of
supramolecular complexes between condensed tannins and the common MALDI matrix, 2,5-
dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), and the misleading MALDI-MS data arising from this
complexation. Uncovering this weakness in MALDI analysis improves our ability to interpret
MALDI data. Enhanced data interpretation facilitates the use of MALDI in our soil degradation
studies and other studies of tannin structure-function relationships.

Two genetically distinct, mature lines of high tannin Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench grain
were obtained and stored at 4oC (Hi-Tannin Sumac NM03-9905, Scott Bean, USDA Manhattan
Kansas), (ICRISAT line IS8260, Gebisa Ejeta, Purdue University Department of Agronomy).
Analysis was performed on at least two different preparations of CT from each of these two
varieties of Sorghum for each of the techniques utilized.

Purification. Sorghum tannin was extracted from ground grain with methanol containing
ascorbic acid and purified by ethyl acetate extraction to remove small phenolics, followed by
Sephadex LH20 chromatography to isolate the high molecular weight fraction17, 18. The freeze-
dried powder was stored at -20oC.
Commercial (Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened) cocoa powder, obtained at a local
supermarket, was defatted using Soxhlet extraction with hexane. The sample was then extracted
with acetone:water (70:30, v/v) four times, discarding the solid. Acetone was removed from the
extract and replaced with ethanol by successive rotary evaporation, and the final ethanol-water
mixture was centrifuged to remove insoluble solids before applying the sample to Sephadex
LH20 equilibrated in 95% ethanol. After eluting all of the non-adsorbing components
(theobromine, sugars, small phenolics) with ethanol, the condensed tannin was eluted with 70%
aqueous acetone. Acetone was removed from the solution by rotary evaporation, and the aqueous
solution was freeze dried. The freeze-dried powder was stored at -20oC.
Neptunia lutea CT was a gift from Prof. Harley Naumann, University of Missouri. Tannins
were obtained from acetone-water extracts of leaf tissue (Neptunia lutea) followed by
purification on a Sephadex LH20 column19. EGCg was a gift from Lipton Tea, Newark, NJ.
Thiolysis. Purified CTs were analyzed by thiolysis according to published procedures 9, 20.
Briefly, approximately 1 mg of tannin was dissolved in 200 µL of methanol containing 30 µL of
the HCl reagent (32% (v/v) HCl in methanol) and 72 µL of the thiol reagent (5% (v/v) toluene-
-thiol in methanol) and incubated at 40°C for 30 min. The thiolytic degradation products were
analyzed by HPLC using an Agilent 1100 HPLC with ChemStation Rev. A.09.03 software. The
column was a Thermofisher Hypersil Gold C8, 160 x 4.6 mm, 3 µm packing. Sample injection
volume was 10 µL. The gradient program employed 0.13% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in
nanopure water (A) and 0.10% (v/v) TFA in acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at
27.0oC for a 48 min duration, as follows: 0-3 min, isocratic at 15% B; 8 min, increase to 20% B;
10 min, increase to 30% B; 28-32 min, increase to 70% B; 37-40 min, decrease to 15% B, then
hold isocratic at 15% until the end20. Reaction products were detected at 220 nm and were
identified by their retention times and spectral characteristics compared to authentic standards 9,
20. Products were quantitated based on peak areas and converted to moles of extender and moles
of terminal units. The chromatograms from control samples that did not contain acid or thiol and
were not heated were used to confirm that all of the tannin was degraded by thiolysis, and to

confirm that the tannin did not contain any flavan-3-ol contamination that would interfere with
terminal unit determination.
NMR. 1H, 13C and 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectra were recorded at 27°C on a BrukerBiospin
DMX-500 (1H 500.13 MHz, 13C 125.76 MHz) instrument equipped with TopSpin 3.5 software
and a cryogenically cooled 5 mm TXI 1H/13C/15N gradient probe in inverse geometry. Spectra
were recorded in DMSO-d6 and were referenced to the residual signals of DMSO-d6 (2.49 ppm
for 1H and 39.5 ppm for 13C spectra). 13C NMR spectra were obtained using 1K scans
(acquisition time 56 min). For 1H−13C HSQC experiments, spectra were obtained using between
200 and 620 scans (depending on sample size and instrument availability) obtained using the
standard Bruker pulse program (hsqcetgpsisp.2) with the following parameters: Acquisition: TD
1024 (F2), 256 (F1); SW 16.0 ppm (F2), 165 ppm (F1); O1 2350.61 Hz; O2 9431.83 Hz; D1 =
1.50 s; CNST2 = 145. Acquisition time: F2 channel, 64 ms, F1 channel 6.17 ms. Processing: SI
=1024 (F2, F1), WDW = QSINE, LB = 1.00 Hz (F2), 0.30 Hz (F1); PH_mod = pk; Baseline
correction ABSG = 5 (F2, F1), BCFW = 1.00 ppm, BC_mod = quad (F2), no (F1); Linear
prediction = no (F2), LPfr (F1). Sample sizes used for these spectra ranged from 5-10 mg
providing NMR sample solutions with concentrations of 10-20 mg/mL.
High Resolution FT-ICR MALDI-MS. Solutions of purified CT samples were prepared (15
mg/mL) using reagent grade methanol. The CT sample (1 µL) was mixed with 10 µL of 2,5-
dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) matrix solution (0.1 M in acetonitrile:water, 1:1, containing 0.1%
formic acid). A 1 µL aliquot of this sample-analyte mixture was deposited on the plate and
allowed to dry before inserting in the Bruker 15T FT-ICR MALDI-MS. Calibration was run on a
standard peptide mix (Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA) in the negative ion mode. Typically,
20% of the Yag/Nd (351 nm) laser power was used for the spectral acquisition.
FT-ICR ESI-MS negative ion analysis. Ultrahigh resolution mass spectra were acquired on
a Bruker SolariXR Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS)
(Bruker Daltronics GmbH, Bremen, Germany) equipped with a 15 Tesla superconducting
magnet (Magnex Scientific Inc., Yarnton, GB) and an Apollo II ESI source (Bruker Daltonics
GmbH, Bremen, Germany) operated in the negative ionization mode. Negative ionization has
already been proven to be the preferred ionization mode in fingerprinting wines by FT-ICR
MS21. Tannin samples were dissolved in acetonitrile:water 1:1 solvent mixture in a concentration
range of 3-5 µM . These solutions were then introduced into the electrospray source at a flow

rate of 120 µL/h. FT-ICR-MS was externally calibrated by using an Agilent calibration standard
(Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) diluted tenfold with acetonitrile:water 1:1. Some
well-known background ions (generated e.g., from alkylbenzene sulfonates) were also used for
calibration of the lower m/z range. The mass accuracy was <1 ppm.
Methanolysis/HPLC. Equal volumes of 2 mg/mL Sorghum CT in methanol and 1 M HCl in
methanol were mixed and the reaction tubes were evacuated. A control sample was prepared
without HCl. The anaerobic tubes were incubated at 70oC for 24 hours. After incubation, the
samples were diluted 10-fold with MeOH before injecting 10 L on the HPLC. Analysis was
performed with an Agilent 1100 HPLC with ChemStation Rev. A.09.03 software. The column
was a Thermofisher Hypersil Gold C8, 160x4.6 mm, 3µm packing. The gradient program
utilized 0.13% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid in water (A) and 0.10% (v/v) TFA in acetonitrile (B) at a
flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at 27oC for a duration of 35 min, as follows: 0-4 min, 2% B; 8 min,
increase to 20% B; 10 min, increase to 30% B; 30-35 min, increase to 70% B. Reaction products
were detected at 220 nm and were identified by their retention times and spectral characteristics,
as compared to authentic standards9, 20. Commercial methyl gallate (>99.5%) was used to
determine that the lower limit of detection was 0.3% galloylation, or less than 1 gallate ester
group in 100 subunits.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Condensed tannin from cocoa served as a
reference compound for ungalloylated tannin22. Condensed tannin from Neptunia lutea served as
a reference compound for galloylated tannin7. Samples of EGCg and catechin acted as positive
and negative monomeric controls. About 1-2 mg of each sample was pressed into a pellet.
Infrared spectra were collected with a Harrick Split-pea ATR microscope interfaced to a Perkin-
Elmer Spectrum 100 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. This accessory employed a
germanium internal reflection element (IRE) and the standard deuterium triglycine sulfate
(DTGS) detector on the Spectrum 100 macro bench. Spectra collected using this device represent
the average of 32 individual scans possessing a spectral resolution of 4 cm-1. The samples were
brought into intimate contact with the IRE using a loading of 0.5 kg.
NMR of matrix-tannin mixtures (Complexation). 1H NMR spectra were recorded at 298 K
on a Bruker AV500, equipped with Topspin, 5 mm BBO probe with Z-gradients (1H outer coil,
broadband inner coil), and 5 mm TXI probe with Z-gradients (1H inner coil, 13C, 15N outer coil) ,
VT: ~190 K - 373 K. Spectra were recorded in D2O, using water suppression on the solvent

signal at 4.8 ppm, and were obtained using a NOESY method with 8-16 scans (acquisition time
less than 2 min.) Samples were composed of 4 mg of tannin or matrix dissolved in 5 mL of D 2O,
and 300 µL of each solution were combined to create the mixture sample.

Results and Discussion:

Routine thiolysis of our scaled-up Sorghum condensed tannin preparations indicated that
the material consisted of epicatechin extender units with a catechin terminal unit and mean
degree of polymerization (mDP) of about 16 (Table 1), consistent with earlier studies of
Sorghum proanthocyanidin structure10. In an attempt to probe the molecular weight distribution
of the polymer, we used FT-ICR MALDI-MS23, 24. Surprisingly, the peak patterns from this
analysis were consistent with a galloylated condensed tannin structure (Table 2). Galloylation is
not consistent with our thiolysis data, and has not previously been reported for CT from
Sorghum. In order to resolve this discrepancy, we used a variety of analytical tools to evaluate
whether the tannin does contain gallate esters. Our data shows that the tannin is not galloylated,
but that strong complexes between the DHB matrix and the condensed tannin interfere with
accurate structure determination using MALDI-MS.
Matrix assisted laser desorption MS (MALDI-MS) is a soft-ionization mass spectrometric
method, that does not promote fragmentation. This technique is widely used for structural
analysis of high molecular weight compounds, specifically peptides24. MALDI-MS with a time
of flight detector (MALDI-ToF-MS) has become well-established as a technique for structural
analysis of CT15, 16, 24. More recent work has demonstrated the additional power of FT-ICR
MALDI-MS for exact structural determination due to its superior mass resolution and accuracy23,
25. Like thiolysis and NMR, FT-ICR MALDI-MS provides structural information, including
chain length, linkage types, and subunit composition. However, unlike other techniques that
provide overall, average structural information for the polymers in the heterogeneous sample
mixture, FT-ICR MALDI-MS provides exact structural composition of individual tannin species
in the mixture. Using this high-resolution mass data, we were able to identify Sorghum CT
polymers consisting of (epi)catechin subunits up to 13 DP (Table 2). Peaks were also assigned as
polymers containing A-type linkages (Table 2). The polymer composition and presence of A-
type linkages is consistent with our thiolysis data and is confirmed by HSQC NMR as described
below (Table 1).

The FT-ICR MALDI data revealed that the A-type linkages were found preferentially in
shorter length polymers, with degrees of polymerization (DP) from 3–6 (Table 2). A similar
pattern was revealed in a structural survey of CT from a wide range of fruits, with A-type
linkages more prevalent in tetramer-heptamers and less abundant in octamers and larger
oligomers26. It has been suggested that A-type linkages are formed through oxidation of B-linked
proanthocyanidins. The oxidation may be mediated by polyphenol oxidase (PPO) or laccase27, 28
or by free radical mechanisms29. The preferential existence of A-type linkages in shorter
polymers may provide indirect support for the enzymatic mechanism, if there is a tannin size
limitation to the oxidizing activity of PPO or laccase. Alternatively, addition of A-type linkages
during the normal polymerization process may halt further polymerization of the CT, preventing
extension to longer polymers. Additional research into factors dictating numbers of A-type
linkages in condensed tannin is warranted based on the many studies suggesting bioactivity of
this type of CT30.
Upon further analysis of the FT-ICR MALDI data for our Sorghum CT, an unanticipated
peak interval pattern was discovered. There were secondary peaks that appeared at an interval of
+152.011 m/z from the peaks representing polymers consisting of solely (epi)catechin units
(Table 2). This +152 m/z interval is typically attributed to gallate esters at the C3 position of the
flavan-3-ol ring for some units in the polymer7. The data suggested that each of the tannin
species (trimer, tetramer, etc.) existed as both an ungalloylated oligomer and as a monogallate,
implying that the 16-mer Sorghum tannin could be about 5% galloylated. This surprising finding
contradicts our thiolysis data, as well as published reports on Sorghum tannin composition10, 15. It
prompted further detailed investigation of the Sorghum condensed tannin structure, focused
specifically on possible gallate ester groups.
We validated our ability to detect gallate esters by including appropriate large or small
molecule positive and negative controls in the analyses. For positive controls, we used Neptunia
lutea tannin, which is known to contain a high degree of gallate esters7, and epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCg). For negative controls, we used cocoa condensed tannin22 and catechin.
We confirmed that in our hands, the Neptunia tannin contained about 30% gallate esters
(Table 1). The FT-ICR MALDI data showed that the Neptunia condensed tannin existed in
multiple galloylated forms of mono-, di-, and tri-esterified polymers (Table 2). This range of
galloylation implies a high level of heterogeneity in the Neptunia lutea sample, but is consistent

with the average assessment of 30% gallate ester from thiolysis and NMR (Table 1, 2). We
analyzed cocoa CT, which contains no galloylation22, by FT-ICR MALDI-MS. Again, we
observed the unexpected +152 m/z peak pattern interval that implied the presence of monogallate
oligomers (Table 2).
HSQC NMR verified tannin compositional data gathered from thiolysis and helped to
describe the nature of interflavan bonds within the Sorghum condensed tannin polymers. Cross
peaks centered around (4.4, 36) ppm and (4.4, 39) ppm were identified as epicatechin and
catechin, respectively (Table 1). A ratio of the areas presented a cis isomer composition of
90.4%. Although thiolysis revealed traces of (epi)gallocatechin thiol, in the NMR there were no
cross peaks that could be identified as prodelphinidin-type subunits (Table 1). Cross peaks
centered at (4.4, 38) ppm and (4.3, 29) ppm were identified as corresponding to A-type linkages
and B-type linkages, respectively (Table 1). Based on the relative peak areas, it was determined
that the Sorghum condensed tannin contained 5.3% of A-type linkages. Neither the HSQC NMR
nor thiolysis data provided any evidence of galloylation.
We also analyzed Neptunia lutea CT and cocoa CT by HSQC NMR. The Neptunia lutea
CT was determined to contain 34.4% galloylation, while the cocoa CT was found to contain no
galloylation (Table 1). The NMR results verified the thiolysis data for these control samples, as
well (Table 1).
We implemented Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance electrospray ionization (FT-
ICR ESI) as a mass spectrometric method which promotes fragmentation. This allowed us to
further probe the structure of our scaled-up Sorghum CT preparations. The ESI-MS did not
display any evidence of the +152.011 m/z interval, supporting the conclusion that gallate esters
were not present in the sample. A tandem MS/MS analysis was performed on the peak at
864.69266 m/z (Table 3). Results of fragment ions formed through retro-Diels−Alder (RDA)
reaction, heterocyclic ring fission (HRF), and quinone methide fission (QM) suggested
predominantly B-type interflavan linkages, and some A-type16 (Table 3).
Infrared spectroscopy was employed to attempt to detect gallate ester groups in the
Sorghum condensed tannin. The Fourier Transform (FT) IR spectra of the positive galloyl ester
controls, EGCg and Neptunia lutea condensed tannin, displayed ester carbonyl peaks at 1691 cm-
1 and 1687 cm-1, respectively (Figure 3 A,B). Neither the catechin nor the cocoa condensed
tannin spectra displayed carbonyl peaks at these wavenumbers, or even near 1700 cm-1 (Figure 3

C,D). The FTIR spectra of Sorghum condensed tannin did not display a carbonyl peak near 1700
cm-1 (Figure 3 E). Thus, the IR spectroscopic technique provides evidence that the Sorghum
condensed tannin does not contain gallate ester groups.
We established methanolysis reaction conditions for releasing methyl gallate from
esterified condensed tannins with a limit of detection of 0.3% galloylation, or less than one
gallate group per 100 subunits. No methyl gallate was released from Sorghum CT under these
conditions (Figure 4).
HSQC NMR, IR Spectroscopy, FT-ICR ESI-MS and methanolysis all verified the results
from thiolysis, and supported the conclusion that Sorghum condensed tannin does not contain
gallate ester groups. The FT-ICR MALDI-MS results posed a puzzling contradiction to our other
data. Since condensed tannins are known to have good binding properties, we began to consider
the possibility of complexation during MALDI analysis as the source for the 152 m/z intervals in
the spectra.
Supramolecular structures are complexes that form due to strong noncovalent interactions
between molecules. These supramolecular complexes can form through several different
mechanisms, such as ion pairing, electrostatic interactions, ion- interactions, hydrogen bonding,
solvophobic interactions, dispersive interactions, and stacking interactions 31. In the case of -
stacking interactions, complexation can be evidenced through the use of 1H NMR to observe an
increase in shielding experienced by aromatic protons32. In particular, copigmentation is the
formation of a supramolecular complex by - stacking interaction between pigments and
usually colorless copigment molecules32. Copigmentation is also referred to as color
stabilization, due to the increase in color intensity and stability attributed to pigment-copigment
complexation33. Good copigments typically contain extended -conjugated systems that favor -
stacking interactions, and H-bond donor/acceptor groups32. Flavanols, phenolics, hydrolyzable
tannins, and benzoic acids have been found to act as copigments in natural systems such as
flowers and in plant derived beverages such as wine, with anthocyanins as the pigment
molecules32, 33.
Anthocyanins are structurally similar to other flavonoids, including the flavan-3-ols,
catechin and epicatechin, although the cationic anthocyanins are more highly oxidized than other
flavonoids17. Anthocyanins are produced from condensed tannin molecules during oxidative
cleavage in hot alcohols17. Due to the structural similarities between flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins,

and condensed tannin, it is reasonable to hypothesize that our Sorghum CT could participate in
supramolecular complex formation with other phenolics, such as the DHB MALDI matrix.
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) provided evidence for changes in the
chemical shifts of the aromatic protons in the DHB due to complexation with condensed tannin.
The pure DHB 1H NMR spectrum showed three doublets at 7.236 ppm, 6.95 ppm, and 6.79 ppm,
as expected (Figure 5). The 1H NMR spectrum of DHB mixed with Sorghum condensed tannin
shows that those aromatic proton peaks were shifted upfield, by 0.026 - 0.049 ppm (Figure 5).
This change indicates that the aromatic DHB protons were more shielded in the mixture with
Sorghum condensed tannin, suggesting that a supramolecular complex had formed. This upfield
shift is consistent with the complex formation mechanism of - stacking interaction32. A similar
upfield shift was also observed for a mixture of DHB and Neptunia lutea CT to suggest that the
complexation occurs with galloylated CT samples, as well.
We propose that a strong supramolecular complex is formed by the insertion of a DHB
molecule between the aromatic rings of the flavan-3-ol subunits of the CT. Our data suggest that
the complexes are stable during the “soft” ionization process of MALDI, such that the spectra
include discrete mass peaks for the tannin itself and for the tannin-DHB complexes. Previous
studies have shown DHB-sample supramolecular complexation with cyclic and linear
oligosaccharides during MALDI-ToF analysis34. Their results of showed an interval pattern of
+152.26 m/z for analyte-DHB complexes, as [M + DHB – H]- structures34. With our FT-ICR
MALDI-MS analysis, this mass interval and the size of the tannin-DHB complex is
indistinguishable from that of gallate esters. The structure of the tannin-DHB matrix still needs
to be analytically determined. Future work includes structural modelling of the complex, as well
as CD spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography to discern structural details.

Using the techniques of thiolysis with HPLC, NMR, FT-ICR MALDI-MS, FTIR
spectroscopy, FT-ICR ESI-MS and methanolysis, we were able to confirm the structure of
Sorghum CT prepared in large quantity for metabolism studies. Thiolysis and NMR provided
overall average structural data to support the simple, flavan-3-ol structure of the tannin. FT-ICR
MALDI-MS provided complementary data to show exact structural composition of individual
polymer species. It offered new insights into the positions of the A-type linkages, which were

found predominantly in the smaller CT oligomers. However, this MALDI-MS technique
incorrectly suggested that our Sorghum CT polymer contained about 5% galloylation. We
demonstrated that the misleading MS peak pattern observed in the FT-ICR MALDI-MS data is
the result of supramolecular complexation between the tannin sample and the DHB matrix. This
complexation was evidenced through the use of 1H NMR. These results suggest that the
complexation occurs through - stacking interactions. We also show that IR spectroscopy and
methanolysis techniques are valuable tools for the detection of galloylation in high molecular
weight polyphenols to verify other analytical techniques.
FT-ICR MALDI-MS has proven to be a very useful technique for structural analysis of
CT, and it offers important information to complement other analytical techniques. However, the
results must be interpreted cautiously, taking into consideration the formation of tannin-matrix
complexes, which are indistinguishable from gallate esters by MALDI-MS, alone. Awareness of
this issue can help to prevent misidentification and subsequent error in structural determination
of CT molecules in future research. A suite of analytical tools must be utilized for complete,
accurate structural determination of condensed tannins.

Figure 3. FTIR spectra of EGCg (A), catechin (B), Neptunia lutea CT (C), cocoa CT (D), and
Sorghum CT (E). EGCg (A) and Neptunia lutea CT (C) are galloylated, and the characteristic
ester peak is indicated with an arrow. There is no ester peak in C, D or E

Figure 4. Methanolysis HPLC Chromatogram. Sorghum CT reaction chromatogram is in black,
while methyl gallate (MeG) standard chromatogram is in green, with elution of MeG at 21.4 min.

Figure 5. 1H NMR spectra of DHB and DHB-Sorghum CT mixture. The pure DHB spectrum is
shown in red. The spectrum of the mixture of DHB with Sorghum CT is shown in blue.

Table 1. Thiolysis and HSQC NMR structural data for condensed tannin from Sorghum bicolor, Neptunia lutea, and
cocoa. Peak areas from thiolysis HPLC chromatograms and HSQC NMR cross peaks were used to calculate mean
degree of polymerization (mDP), epicatechin composition (% Cis), hydroxyl (gallo-) substitution on the B ring (%
Prodelphinidin), gallate esterification, and A-Type Linkage composition.

Table 2. FT-ICR MALDI-MS data for condensed tannin from Sorghum bicolor, Neptunia lutea, and cocoa. Peak composition
and calculations for CT samples analyzed with a 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) matrix.
1 This mass unit value represents the number of (epi)catechin subunits.
2 This mass unit value represents the number of (epi)gallocatechin subunits.
3 This mass unit value represents the number of apparent galloyl ester groups.

*Gallate ester groups are not actually present in the Sorghum or cocoa condensed tannins. These peaks are misleading and
could be misidentified as galloylated polymers, but they are actually the result of sample-matrix complexation.

Table 3. FT-ICR ESI-MS/MS data of the peak at 864.69266 m/z for condensed tannin from
Sorghum bicolor. The fragmentation described includes quinone methide (QM) fission,
heterocyclic ring fission (HRF), and retro-Diels-Alder (RDA) reaction.


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Chapter 3: Improving RP-HPLC Separation of Condensed Tannins

Limitations in current HPLC separations methods for condensed tannins (CTs) have
impeded research into structural analysis. As a result, our understanding of structure-function
relationships is lacking, such as in the area of CT degradation. The pathways and mechanisms
for the degradation of condensed tannins is unclear. Studies have identified many final
degradative products as small phenolics1, and have suggested possible microbial degradation
pathways from oligomers to form those products2. However, the mechanism of initial breakdown
from long chain CT polymers is still a mystery. In order to elucidate this mechanism, it is
necessary to visualize changes in the size distribution from the undegraded tannin sample to the
degraded sample (McGivern, B; Wrighton, K & Hagerman, AE unpublished). By observing
conversion of area under one peak in a chromatogram to another and identifying the size of the
component represented by each peak, we can gather information about how tannin degradation
occurs. We could gather evidence to suggest that degradation proceeds, for example, by the
removal of one subunit at a time from polymers to directly form small, monomeric phenolics, or
perhaps by random fragmentation of long polymers into smaller ones until monomeric phenolics
finally result. Being able to separate CT samples by size and chain-length is important for
analysis of degradation studies.
Because condensed tannins are highly sorptive molecules and interact with the stationary
phase column, size-exclusion chromatography cannot be properly utilized to separate CT
samples, especially the larger polymers, by length3, 4. Normal phase (NP) HPLC has been proven
capable of separating CT samples according to increasing degree of polymerization, up to a
degree of polymerization (DP) of 10-113. However, NP-HPLC techniques face issues with
incomplete elution of the CT sample due irreversible adsorption to the column, and acidic
degradation due to the highly acidic solvents that are used for most methods 3. Reversed phase
(RP) HPLC is more commonly implemented for the separation of CT samples, and is the
technique utilized by my lab group5. However, it is very difficult to obtain good resolution and
separation of CT samples, especially longer chain-length polymers. Longer chain-length
polymers have more opportunity to display slight variations, and the similar structure of these
variations make separation extremely difficult3. The chromatograms tend to show a large,

unresolved hump of tannin material, rather than individual, distinct peaks 3, 6. This lack of
separation makes it difficult to make comparisons between tannin polymer size distribution in
different samples. Several techniques have been studied in an attempt to resolve this “unresolved
hump”. NP-Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) HPLC was proven
unsuccessful, with the unresolved hump still present in the chromatogram of grape tannins6.
Another technique that achieved more success was centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC)
with an ethyl acetate/acetone/water (2:1:1, v/v/v) solvent system6. This method was able to
separate the “unresolved hump” of grape procyanidins as observed by RP-HPLC into distinct
peaks, based on DP6. Very few labs have CPC available to them, so the method has not been
widely adopted.
To overcome these weaknesses in CT separation, studies have been performed to create a
RP-HPLC method that is able to separate and resolve CT samples according to their molecular
weight7. One such method presented by Putman and Butler utilizes a combination of linear and
step gradients to achieve separation based on increasing molecular weight7. However, they were
only able to achieve separation and resolution of different length polymers up to a peak with a
DP of 137. Our Sorghum CT has a mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of 16, and we have not
been able to achieve good separation and resolution of these samples using similar linear and
step-wise gradient methods. Putman and Butler also found that CT sample components eluted
with the change in solvent composition, at the step up to higher solvent organic content7. This
finding suggests that solute-solvent interactions play a role in analyte adsorption/desorption to
help achieve better peak resolution.
A study performed by Durner et. al. similarly found that solute-solvent interactions for
desorption, along with solute-column interactions for adsorption, are important factors in
achieving good separation and resolution of polymers via RP-HPLC8. This study utilized
principles of gradient polymer elution chromatography (GPEC) and high performance
precipitation liquid chromatography (HPPLC) to introduce a novel technique, called high-
resolution polymer HPLC (HRP-HPLC). HRP-HPLC is based on a saw-tooth gradient method,
which achieves separation of polymers based on molecular weight, by using changing solvent
compositions to alter adsorption/desorption interactions8. Chromatograms of poly(vinylchloride),
poly(methylmethacrylate), poly(dimethylsiloxane), and polypropylene glycol show the ability of

this method to achieve molecular weight-based separation with good resolution of peaks for a
variety of different polymers8.
Based on the separation results achieved by Durner et al.8 for several different polymers,
we created modified saw-tooth gradient method for our RP-HPLC system to try to achieve better
size distribution visualization of our Sorghum CT samples. We propose that the HRP-HPLC
technique, making use of a saw-tooth gradient, improves separation and resolution of CT sample
components based on their molecular weights. This advancement in analysis of condensed
tannins with RP-HPLC will allow for better understanding of tannin size distributions in a wide
variety of systems, including our current studies of tannin biodegradation.

Mature grain from two genetically distinct lines of high tannin Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench were obtained and stored at 4oC (Hi-Tannin Sumac NM03-9905, Scott Bean, USDA
Manhattan Kansas), (ICRISAT line IS8260, Gebisa Ejeta, Purdue University Department of
Agronomy). Sorghum tannin was extracted from ground grain with methanol containing ascorbic
acid and purified by ethyl acetate extraction to remove small phenolics, followed by Sephadex
LH20 chromatography to isolate the high molecular weight fraction9, 10. The freeze-dried powder
was stored at -20oC.
Commercial (Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened) cocoa powder, obtained at a local
supermarket, was defatted using Soxhlet extraction with hexane. The sample was then extracted
with acetone:water (70:30, v/v) four times, discarding the solid. Acetone was removed from the
extract and replaced with ethanol by successive rotary evaporation, and the final ethanol-water
mixture was centrifuged to remove insoluble solids before applying the sample to Sephadex
LH20 equilibrated in 95% ethanol. After eluting all of the non-adsorbing components
(theobromine, sugars, small phenolics) with ethanol, the condensed tannin was eluted with 70%
aqueous acetone. Acetone was removed from the solution by rotary evaporation, and the aqueous
solution was freeze dried. The freeze-dried powder was stored at -20oC.
All HPLC samples were analyzed on an Agilent 1050 HPLC with ChemStation Rev. A.09.03
software. The column was a Thermofisher Hypersil Gold C8, 160 x 4.6 mm, 3 µm packing.
Sample injection volume was 10 µL. The gradient program employed 0.13% (v/v) trifluoroacetic
acid (TFA) in nanopure water (A) and 0.10 % (v/v) TFA in acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of 0.5

mL/min. Samples were analyzed using three different separation methods. Method 1 was a linear
gradient and lasted for an 80 min duration, as follows: 0-4 min, isocratic at 2% B; 55 min,
increase to 55% B; 60 min, increase to 85% B; 65-70 min, decrease to 2% B, then hold isocratic
until the end. Method 2 was a more step-wise version of Method 1 and lasted for an 80 min
duration, as follows: 0-4 min, isocratic at 2% B; 22 min, increase to 19% B; 45-55 min, increase
to 55% B; 60 min, increase to 85% B; 65-70 min, decrease to 2% B, then hold isocratic until the
end. Method 3 was a modified sawtooth gradient and lasted for a duration of 80 min, as follows:
0-4 min, isocratic at 2% B; 10 min, increase to 20% B; 15 min, decrease to 5% B; 17 min,
increase to 30% B; 22 min, decrease to 10% B; 24 min, increase to 40% B; 29 min, decrease to
20% B; 31 min, increase to 50% B; 36 min, decrease to 30% B; 38 min, increase to 60% B; 43
min, decrease to 40% B; 45 min, increase to 70% B; 55 min, increase to 80% B; 70 min,
decrease to 2% B, then hold isocratic until the end. After separation, the main peaks in each
chromatogram were analyzed for peak areas and peak symmetry, using the Agilent software11.
Some samples were analyzed by thiolysis according to published procedures 12, 13. Fractions
were dried and redissolved in 100 µL of methanol containing 30 µL of the HCl reagent (32%
(v/v) HCl in methanol) and 72 µL of the thiol reagent (5% (v/v) toluene--thiol in methanol) and
incubated at 40°C for 30 min. The thiolytic degradation products were analyzed by HPLC using
an Agilent 1100 HPLC with ChemStation Rev. A.09.03 software. The column was a
Thermofisher Hypersil Gold C8, 160 x 4.6 mm, 3µm packing. Sample injection volume was 10
µL. The gradient program employed 0.13% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in nanopure water
(A) and 0.10 % (v/v) TFA in acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at 27.0 oC for a 48 min
duration, as follows: 0-3 min, isocratic at 15% B; 8 min, increase to 20% B; 10 min, increase to
30% B; 28-32 min, increase to 70% B; 37-40 min, decrease to 15% B, then hold isocratic at 15%
until the end13. Reaction products were detected at 220 nm and were identified by their retention
times and spectral characteristics compared to authentic standards 12, 13. Products were quantitated
based on peak areas and converted to moles of extender and moles of terminal units. The
chromatograms from control samples that did not contain acid or thiol and were not heated were
used to confirm that all of the tannin was degraded by thiolysis, and to confirm that the tannin
did not contain any flavan-3-ol contamination that would interfere with terminal unit

Results and Discussion
The Sorghum CT and cocoa CT were previously analyzed by HSQC NMR and thiolysis
to gather information about relevant structural features (Table 1). These techniques provide
overall, average polymer composition of heterogeneous CT samples. Analysis revealed that the
cocoa CT consisted of (epi)catechin subunits with a mean degree of polymerization (mDP)
between 1.7 and 4 (Table 1). The cocoa CT shows no evidence of A-type linkages. This
information supports the structure proposed by previous studies14. The Sorghum CT was found to
contain (epi)catechin subunits and 5% A-type linkages, with a mDP of about 16 (Table 1). This
structural information is supported by previous studies15. The Sorghum CT polymers were, on
average, longer than the cocoa polymers, but both preparations were heterodisperse mixtures.
HPLC chromatograms of both the Sorghum and cocoa CT samples analyzed by Method 1
show large, unresolved humps (Figures 6, 7). There are several small spikes towards the
beginning of the cocoa CT hump, which we speculated could be the small, monomeric, dimeric
and possibly trimeric polyphenolic components, characteristic of cocoa tannin14 (Table 1, Figure
6). However, the rest of the hump shows no distinct peaks (Figure 6). The Sorghum CT hump
shows no distinct peaks (Figure 7). Based on the assumption that the peaks on the early side of
the hump were lower dp oligomers, we postulated that the difference in the shapes of the humps
obtained from Sorghum and cocoa CT could result from the difference in average DP between
the two CT samples (Table 4). The cocoa CT peak may show tailing to the right because it
contains more smaller chain-length oligomers, while the Sorghum CT peak may show tailing to
the left because it contains more longer chain-length polymers (Table 1, 4).
The HPLC chromatogram of cocoa analyzed by Method 2 shows two peaks, the first
eluting during the isocratic phase of the separation and the second peak eluting during the second
gradient in the solvent program (Figure 8). The first peak appears to include many unresolved
compounds, similar to but more complex than the peak in Method 1 (Figure 8, Figure 6). The
second peak does not reveal underlying components. The ratio of the area of the first peak to the
area of the second peak is about 1.5:1.
The HPLC chromatogram of Sorghum CT analyzed by Method 2 shows a similar two-
peak separation (Figure 9). There are several, very small bumps along the beginning of the first
peak. The second peak, like in the cocoa chromatogram, does not reveal any underlying
components. The ratio of the area of the first peak to the second peak is about 1.4:1.

Fractions of the eluate from Sorghum CT separated by Method 2 were collected and
pooled as follows: 18-24 min (fraction A), 24-27 min (fraction B), 27-30 min (fraction C), 30-33
min (fraction D), 33-37.5 min (fraction E), 37.5-43.5 min (fraction F), 53-57.5 min (fraction G)
(Figure 9). Fractions A, B, C, D, E, and F were from the first peak, while fraction G was from
the second peak. These fractions were analyzed by thiolysis. Thiolysis results yielded a trend of
increasing mDP for the fractions (Table 5). This suggests separation based on increasing
molecular weight and DP. These fractions were also reinjected and reanalyzed by HPLC Method
2. Surprisingly, the reinjected fractions A, B, C, D, E, and F did not elute as single peaks
corresponding to their original time of elution. Instead, each of these fractions re-separated into
two peaks similar to the original chromatogram (Figure 10). However, in these reinjected
fractions, the first peak was asymmetric, skewed towards the time at which the fraction was
collected (Figure 10). The relative sizes of the first and second peaks in each chromatogram are
different, as well (Figure 10).
The separation of the fractions into two different components upon re-chromatography
suggests that the CT may exist in aggregated and disaggregated forms, and that these forms can
be separated chromatographically. The thiolysis data shows that the fractions of the first peak
have mDP ranging from 4 to 12. Each of these fractions separate to yield two peaks, with the
later peak corresponding to a fraction with mDP of 21 (Table 5). These results may suggest that
CT polymers have a tendency towards aggregation at a certain equilibrium constant or ratio, and
that the second peak could represent this aggregated component. The aggregation equilibrium
constant could differ for different types of CT, explaining the difference in peak area ratios for
cocoa and Sorghum CT chromatograms. The Sorghum CT has a slightly lower peak area ratio to
suggest that it may have a slightly higher tendency towards aggregation and a higher aggregation
equilibrium constant than cocoa CT. Aggregation tendencies could also be affected by polymer
size, as evidenced by the differing relative areas among the reinjected fractions of the Sorghum
The analysis of reinjected fraction G showed only a large second peak, but no evidence of
a first peak. This result suggests that aggregation is accompanied by formation of covalent
linkages, such that the aggregated CT cannot disaggregate. Irreversible crosslinking of
aggregates has been noted for wine tannins under some conditions16 and is consistent with our
thiolysis data. Thiolysis is a degradative method of polymer analysis in which the extender units

of the CT are released as thiol adducts, but the terminal unit is not modified during the analysis.
The ratio between thiol adducts and terminal units is the mDP for the polymeric CT. Formation
of simple, reversible aggregates will not be reflected in the mDP of a polymer as determined by
thiolysis, since the individual polymers in the aggregate will still have their original extender-to-
terminal ratio. Aggregation accompanied by covalent linkage formation would increase the mDP
determined by thiolysis because the new aggregates would have longer chain lengths and higher
extender-to-terminal ratios. We propose that under some abiotic conditions, CT can undergo
aggregation and polymerization to yield larger molecules than those found in the original plant
extract. In the future, we will need to define the conditions and establish the structures of these
higher polymers. Understanding this abiotic pathway for polymerization could provide
significant insights into understanding both the fate of tannins in natural systems, and also the
pathway for CT polymer formation in vivo.
The HPLC chromatograms of both the Sorghum and cocoa CT samples analyzed by
Method 3 show the elution peaks corresponding to the “teeth” of the saw-tooth gradient (Figure
11, 12). As with the other chromatographic methods used here, the first peak of the cocoa
preparation appears to be a series of partially resolved components (Figure 11). The remaining
peaks for cocoa, and all the peaks for the Sorghum CT do not reveal individual species (Figure
11, 12). The cocoa CT chromatogram shows a ratio of about 4.5:6.0:4.8:1 for the peak areas,
while the Sorghum CT chromatogram shows a ratio of about 2.0:8.0:6.9:1 (Table 4). This
difference in distribution could correspond to the difference in mDP of these CT samples (Table
1). Since the Sorghum CT is composed of longer polymers, the peak area distribution is shifted
towards the peaks that represent the higher DP components. Conversely, the cocoa CT peak area
distribution is shifted towards the earlier peaks that represent the smaller DP components.
Fractions of the Sorghum CT Method 3 chromatogram were collected as follows: 16.5-
18.5 min (fraction H), 23.5-26 min (fraction I), 30-31.5 min (fraction J), 36.5-37.7 min (fraction
K) (Figure 12). These fractions were analyzed by thiolysis. Thiolysis results yielded a trend of
increasing mDP for the fractions (Table 5). This confirms the postulate that separation is based
on molecular weight and mDP. Using the thiolysis-determined mDP of each peak and their
relative areas, we calculated the weighted mDP of the Sorghum CT sample to be 17.95. The
average mDP we have obtained for our Sorghum CT is 16.0, based on many replicate analyses of
many preparations. However, a value of 17.95 mDP is not an unreasonable calculation. This

calculation was similarly performed for the cocoa CT to obtain a weighted mDP value of 16.46.
This is quite a big difference from the mDP determined by thiolysis and NMR (Table 1).
However, in gathering the data for the cocoa CT Method 3 peak areas, there was a technical
difficulty, and the blank could not be subtracted from the chromatogram signals. We need to
pursue more careful study to determine the reliability of weighted mDP calculation for samples
analyzed by Method 3.
Method 3, unlike Method 2, does not reveal aggregation. The two-step gradient of
Method 2 allows unaggregated components to elute during the first step’s isocratic period, while
the much higher organic content of the second step elutes the stronger adsorbed aggregated
components. Another avenue of further research could attempt to gain more understanding of
this aggregation. Replicate samples could be analyzed, following different resting periods to
study the effect of time on size distribution and aggregation. Additionally, fractions gathered of
the eluate from the second peak of Method 2 chromatograms could be reanalyzed using Method
3 to investigate the size distribution of these aggregates. Method 3 should also be studied to
probe the effects of sample concentration and volume on the separation8.
We propose that Method 3, a modified saw-tooth gradient technique, shows promising
results for achieving improved resolution and separation of CT samples based on molecular
weight. Method 3 could be very useful in our degradation studies, as well as other CT structural
analysis research. Future work includes further testing of this method, such as reanalysis of
reinjected fractions and analysis of other CT samples.

The separation of polymers is much more challenging than small molecules, simply due
to the focus of the separation; the goal of polymer chromatography is to separate the sample
based on polymer characteristics, such as molecular weight distribution, size distribution,
chemical properties, or chain structure8. All of the slight variations in these characteristics among
polymer species in a sample impose challenges on the separation. However, the saw-tooth
gradient method achieves good separation of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymers, based
on molecular weight, using HRP-HPLC principles of solubility versus precipitation, and
adsorption versus desorption interactions8. The changing solvent composition facilitates solute-
solvent interactions that improve separation7. This method overcomes the weaknesses of RP-

HPLC to allow for improved condensed tannin polymer separation. RP-HPLC is much more
common, useful, and more accessible than the techniques of NP-HPLC3, HILIC-HPLC6, CPC-
HPLC6, and ion-mobility MS17. This means that more researchers can perform improved analysis
of procyanidins to enhance our knowledge of structure, structure-function relationships, and
degradation. This advancement will allow for greater insight into the roles of CT in physiological
systems and ecosystems.

Figure 6. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 1 with solvent gradient profile.
Partially resolved components at lower retention times may be dimers, trimers and oligomers.

Figure 7. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 1 with solvent gradient profile.
There is no evidence for abundant dimers, trimers or oligomers.

Figure 8. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 2 with solvent gradient profile.
Partially resolved peaks at low retention times may be dimers, trimers and oligomers.

Figure 9. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 2 with solvent gradient profile.
Gathered fractions are labeled with letters (A-G) and are delineated by the yellow boxes for the
first peak.

Figure 10. Chromatograms of reinjected fractions of Sorghum CT, analyzed by Method 2 with solvent
gradient profile. A) separation of fraction A from Figure 9, B) fraction B from Figure 9, C) fraction C
from Figure 9, D) fraction D from Figure 9, E) fraction E from Figure 9, F) fraction F from Figure 9, and
G) fraction G from Figure 9.
Figure 11. Chromatogram of cocoa CT separated by Method 3 with solvent gradient profile.

Figure 12. Chromatogram of Sorghum CT separated by Method 3 with solvent gradient profile.
Gathered fractions are labeled with letters (H-K).

Table 4. Preliminary analysis of main peaks for Cocoa and Sorghum CT separated by
three HPLC solvent methods.

1 For the Cocoa samples with poorly resolved strong initial peaks, the ChemStation
software used the time for the highest peak as the retention time, although the peak
was clearly broad and poorly resolved with a later average retention time.
2 The area estimates were made on the raw data without subtracting the background,
which was negligible for these runs with high analyte concentration. In some cases, the
areas are only estimates because the peaks were off scale (max abs > 2AU).
3 The symmetry was calculated by the ChemStation software as the ratio between the
area of the leading half of the peak and the lagging half of the peak. Symmetry = 1, the
peak is symmetrical. Symmetry <1, the back half of the peak comprises a larger area.
Symmetry > 1, the front half of the peak comprises a larger area. For the Cocoa
samples with poorly resolved strong initial peaks, the Symmetry is underestimated
because of the incorrect instrumental assignment of retention time.

Table 5. Thiolysis data of Sorghum CT HPLC fractions. Fractions A through G represent the
fractions collected from a Method 2 chromatogram (Figure 9). Fractions H-K represent the peaks
from a Method 3 chromatogram (Figure 12). Mean degree of polymerization (mDP) for each
fraction was determined by thiolysis.


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Chapter 4: Conclusion

In this thesis, we demonstrated that the techniques of thiolysis with HPLC, NMR, FT-
ICR ESI-MS, FT-ICR MALDI-MS, FTIR spectroscopy, and methanolysis are useful methods for
the structural analysis of condensed tannin samples. Thiolysis and HSQC NMR provided overall,
average structural data for condensed tannin samples. FTIR spectroscopy and methanolysis
techniques are valuable tools for the detection of galloylation in high molecular weight
polyphenols to verify other analytical results. FT-ICR ESI-MS provides information about
interflavan linkage types. FT-ICR MALDI-MS provides complementary data to show exact
structural composition of individual polymer species. It also offers new insights into the
positions of the A-type linkages, which were found predominantly in the smaller CT oligomers.
However, this MALDI-MS technique presented a misleading MS peak pattern, found to be the
result of supramolecular complexation between the condensed tannin sample and the DHB
matrix. This complexation was evidenced through the use of 1H NMR. The results suggested that
the complexation may occur through - stacking interactions.
Therefore, although FT-ICR MALDI-MS has proven to be a very useful technique for
structural analysis of CT, the results must be interpreted cautiously. Analyses must take into
consideration the formation of tannin-matrix complexes, which are indistinguishable from gallate
esters by MALDI-MS, alone. Awareness of this issue can help to prevent misidentification and
subsequent error in structural determination of CT molecules in future research. A suite of
analytical tools must be utilized for complete, accurate structural determination of condensed
We also demonstrated that a modified saw-tooth gradient RP-HPLC method shows
promising results of achieving improved resolution and separation of CT samples based on
molecular weight. It overcame the weaknesses of previous RP-HPLC methods, and is more
convenient than other separation methods, such as NP-HPLC1, HILIC-HPLC2, CPC-HPLC2, and
ion-mobility MS3 techniques. Our modified saw-tooth gradient RP-HPLC method could be very
useful in our degradation studies, as well as other CT structural analysis research.
Uncovering and solving problems associated with qualitative and quantitative analysis of
condensed tannins will help advance techniques for better understanding of these important
molecules. Expanding knowledge of tannin degradation can improve our knowledge of carbon

and nitrogen cycling, the role that tannins play in this process, and how they are impacted by
global climate change4, 5. This can also enhance our understanding of the role of tannins in the
metabolisms of plants, microbes, animals, and even humans6, 7. Tannins are widely prevalent in
our ecosystems and our diets, so the more accurately we can study them, the more we can
comprehend their impacts on the health of our bodies and our environment.


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