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Versión: 01

TEST 1A Fecha de emisión: 2022-03-04

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Name: 5. Does he can / Can he drive a car?


A. Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible.
Example: They are from New York.

1. The food isn’t Chinese. Japanese.

2. ‘Are they from Asia?’ ‘No, they ’
3. he a student?
4. ‘Are in our class?’ ‘No, I’m not.’
5. ‘Is Maria Spanish?’ ‘Yes, is.’

B. Underline the correct word.

Example: My / I name is

1. London are / is the capital of England.

2. Are / Is Lee and Tony from China?
3. What’s your / you address?
4. They / Their mother is from Spain.
5. Mark and Amy aren’t / isn’t students.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb in brackets.(simple past)
Example: She reads (read) the newspaper every day.

1. The restaurant (close) at 10 p.m.

2. Luis (not like) tea.
3. I (speak) German and English.
4. Tony (study) at the university.
5. It (rain) a lot in Ireland.

D. Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: My mother is an / a

1. Do you work / work you in a hospital?

2. Tom play / plays tennis every Sunday.
3. Her cousin is a / an teacher.
4. I’m a good student. I never / I never am failed a
single test.
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E. Order the words to make
questions. Example: want / what /
you / do
What do you want?

1. you / live / do / Where / ?

2. they / uniforms / Do / wear / ?

3. your / computer / you / use / do / When / ?

4. car / What / he / have / of / does / kind / ?

5. your / play / Does / tennis / husband / ?

F. Underline the correct word or

phrase. Example: This is our car new
/ new car.

1. They have an expensives / expensive house.

2. It’s a day nice / nice day. Let’s go out.
3. Is she a French / France singer?
4. These DVDs are cheap / cheaps.
5. Juan has eyes blue / blue eyes.

G. Complete the sentences with the auxiliar DO or

DOES. Example: Do they live in France?

1. your sister work in a school?

2. ‘Does Jim live near here?’ ‘No, he .’
3. What your parents do?
4. you like Japanese food?
5. This phone have a camera?


A. Complete the lists with the correct
word. Example: eight, nine, ten,
A. thirteen B. eleven C. twelve

1. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, .

A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Tuesday
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2. five, ten, , twenty. 5. We the dog for a walk twice a day.

A. Fifteen B. Twenty C. five-fifty A. Take B. go C. make.
3. twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, . E. Underline the odd word out.
A. Forty B. Thirty C. thirteen
Example: Tuesday Friday July Sunday
4. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, . 1. dictionary magazine TV newspaper
A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Tuesday
2. daughter uncle mother sister
5. seventy, eighty, ninety, . 3. rich fair tall thin
A. one hundred B. one thousand C. sixty
4. bad beautiful dangerous dirty
B. Underline the correct word. 5. nephew son father aunt
Example: She has coins in her purse / diary.

1. This is the key / umbrella for the door. VOCABULARY TOTAL 25

2. They’re the watches / headphones for my iPod.
3. My photo / tissue is on my identity card. Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C.
4. Read the newspaper / glasses. A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF ...
Two busy people take time to tell readers about their lives.
5. Write with a wallet / pencil.
William Jones lives in Winchester. He works in a museum in
C. Complete the phrases with the correct
the city Centre. William usually gets up at half past seven
word. Example: watch TV
and has a shower. He makes some sandwiches for his lunch
Listen / speak / watch / housework / and then he has breakfast (tea and cereal) with his wife
sunglasses / sorry and their son, John. At half past eight William drives John
to school, then he goes to the museum. When William
1. Do .
arrives, he has another cup of tea and plans his day. At five
2. to music. o’clock
3. Say .
William closes the museum and drives home. He usually
4. French. has dinner and watches TV with his family in the evening,
5. Wear . but on Fridays he plays football with his friends. William
works from Monday to Saturday, but he always has
D. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Sundays with his family. They get up late, have breakfast,
Example: I often wake up late on Sundays.
and read the Sunday newspapers. In the evening, they
1. I a bath every morning. usually go to William’s parents’ house for dinner.
A. Do B. get C. have.
Christina Sanders is a police officer in Fort William, a small
2. We to school by car. town on the west coast of Scotland. She gets up at six
A. Are B. go C. take. o’clock every morning, has a shower, and takes her two
3. She school at half past three. dogs for a long walk. After her breakfast of fruit and cereal,
A. Goes B. Does C. finishes Christina puts on her uniform and goes to work. Christina
works hard. Her job isn’t easy, and she is sometimes
4. He breakfast every morning. stressed. She thinks that it is important to do exercise and
A. Has B. Does C. go. have a healthy diet. She usually has fish or pasta for dinner.
She hardly ever eats meat, and she doesn’t drink alcohol.
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Christina has a very
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TEST 1A Fecha de emisión: 2022-03-04
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good social life. Her friends often visit her in the evening, 1. Where does Kelly usually have breakfast?
and she cooks dinner for them. She doesn’t have a TV, but A. in a café B. at work
once or twice a month she goes to the cinema. Christina
2. What does Pete do when he arrives home?
also loves sport. She usually works at the weekend, but on
A. make dinner B. have a shower.
her days off she always plays basketball and tennis.
3. How often do John’s parents see their son?
A. Read the text again and write Christina or William.
A. three times a year B. every four weeks
Example: Christina is a police officer.
4. What does Jill do on Saturday afternoon?
1. lives in a city.
A. go shopping B. go to the cinema.
2. gets up very early.
5. What time does Phil usually get up on Saturdays?
3. eats sandwiches for lunch. A. 8 am B. 9 am
4. is sometimes stressed because of the job.
5. goes for long walks every day. LISTENING TOTAL 10

6. plays football on Fridays.

7. never works on Sundays.
1. What´s your name?
A. Choose the correct option. 2. How old is your father?

1. William to work. 3. What time do you usually get up?

A. walks B. takes the bus C. drives. 4. What is your favourite colour?

5. What do you do when you arrive home?
2. He doesn’t usually in the evening.
6. How do you get to work/college/school?
A. watch TV B. have dinner C. have a shower.
7. What kind of films do you like?
3. He meets his friends a week. 8. What’s your phone number?
A. Once B. Twice C. three times 9. What is your profession?


A. Listen to Dan talking about his family photos. Mark Answer the questions. Write 25–35 words for
true (T) or False (F) each question.
1. Dan has two sisters. 1. Describe the clothes you usually wear.
2. Lola is Dan’s cousin. 2. Describe your family.
3. What do you usually do on Sundays?
3. Victor and Miranda are brother and sister.
4. Alma is Dan’s grandmother. WRITE A TEXT!!
5. Toby and Dan are cousins.
B. Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct option.

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