Astm D 1056 98-2

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Base Requirements and 1 Sux Number Requremant Basie Roqurements Sux Number 1 Set Number 2 ‘Sf Number 3 Suto Number & r or Sut Later Campeonato Speaeatan B TO86. Bos ) tons 1719 22 Hest restarce ‘SpecticatonD 1056, Sec- (Ot reitene (18 and 16 risber on) Compression st (1A, 18, ‘tnd TC rubber ony), Compression set (10 and breve any) &p eetiis absorption (2A, 28, 26, ana 20 tbe on) ‘Sabi eat roitance rs (: ie em Boye: ws tions 1810 22, change in compression cefecton, ister agng ? dave a 7o°C (56°F) Speciation D 1056, Soc. ‘ton 23 0&3, 2h at 70°C (150°) ‘SpectieatonD 1056. Seo- tions 4910 $5, 22 at 70°C (158°F, 50% 3o- factor, Soin size 2cqaes 36%) ‘Speciation D 1058, Sec- tions 491055, 22 at 100°C (212°F 60% de. {octon, 30 min atass 2c (ras 36 ‘SpectcatonD 1056, Sec- tons 421048, © tons 16 to 22, change in compression dolocton ‘ter agng 22a 175, 2190 (002 18°, bse "tons 16 1 2, change “tons 181 22, change tons 18 fo 22 chango 125" shor agag 22 hat 150, SVC @I=18%) SiC Qereter) Sacto: 18h, isn Speciation D 1056, See- SpecfcaonD 1058, See: Specicaon 1086, Soo ons 49067, 22h at tons 49067, 22h at Wore 401067 22h at FOOSE, BORde 22 AC 7B4LIER, Be RC TAI 36H 50% dotocton, 50% detection, 26. 2A recovery a 23 Be20 734 BC Ta4s err) 25% S36) Tost Method D1¥71,% Test Method D1171,9 Test Method 0 1171,2 ‘zone expos, ‘utcecr exposure” ozone exposure, Motes & Mabed 8 " spectonion 0 1056.2 ’ Speciation 0 1056,° ‘Sections 2810'53,-Gectios 26 1 93, 80% 150% mae max Speciation D 1056, SpeciicatonD 1058, __SpeccatonD 1056, ‘Scions 56 9 60,5h "Sections 561960, 5h Sacto 38 to 60:5 AOC (AOR) aE ESMCEETHE) at 75°C (10094) 19, Test Specimens 4194 Standard test ees alm? (107) ss. 9:2. Test specimen size may vary provided the indenter {851 Gt the apparatus used is larger than the staple Teat ‘may be cylindrical or square. They shall be cut so EP opposite edges are parallel, ether from the finished Product in a manner agreed upon between the parties concerned or, as shown in Fig. 2, from standard test slabs or from flat sheets. The thickness of the test specimens may vary, but shall be measured and stated in the report. The ‘minimum thickness shall be 6.0 mm (0.25 in.). Thin samples may be plied-up to obtain this thickness, or a standard test specimens can be used for this test 243 yD 1056 ‘TABLE 4. Tolerances on Dimensions of Cellar Rubber Products fr Gener ‘Applications Trees ns ora, engin ana Wath arenes, =n Fom ‘Denese, mm @n) ay ‘Demenlon a Gn.) ai Spare Rubber Shoot and we Saas) od oer 04 0018) “2 (and unde Te 10065 Bree 32 (0195) 10127 @50), me 08 (0002 ve 152 (10 47 (18), 32 (0.125) Over 12.7 (050) 12(0047) Over 457 (18) ose Molded or speci! shapes 614 (0280) ana under 0 (0082) 6 0.280) and undo. 080.000) Feereps0) 0 Te2@).nd 18,0089) Girt 6 (0250) 0 76). $610.06) Goer 76.0) to 487 (1, re 3210125) Ser 457 08) 05% Capa Raber Soot and SEG TH ara onder 75 0085) Tew oa tor 3410250) £32 (0.26) to 127 (50. nd 416 0.089) 1826) and under 640.250) Over 127 (080) 24 (0098) Goer 162 (6) 0.905 (12), ne 60378) ver 305 (12) ae Molded or speci! shapes 82 0.125) 0 127 (0.50), 15 (0069) 152 (6 and unde 4 025) Bre 127 (0.50) 10 38.1 (160, nel 24 0088) Gee 152 (6) 1 206 (12) 4 9610375) Geer 36.1 (180) 10 782 @).mel__—_ 9.210428) ver 305 (12) 3%. slab may be used if agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. [Nore 3—In sponge rubbers, using the same compound, thin sections under 6 mmm (0.25 im) do not blow inthe same manner as those over ¢ imm. The thinner sections are usually higher in deflection ‘Ind density, However, in closed-cell (expanded) rubbers where thin Sheet are apt from thicker sheets there is usually very litle diffrence ‘between the thin sheet and thicker sheets. 20. Procedure 20.1 Cellular rubber less than 6 mm (0.250 in.) in thickness shall be tested by plying up the proper number of plies to obtain a thickness as near 12.5 mm (0.50 in) a3 Bossible, Compress the standard test specimen between the parallel metal plates of the machine until the thickness has been reduced. 25%, and take the reading of the load immediately, Repeat the test with the same specimen until tp load readings do not change more than 5 The top and ‘om plates shall be at least 38 mm (1.5 in.) im diameter. 21. Report “21.1 The unit load require forthe last reading, express in Kilopaseals (or pounds per square inch, shall be reported as the result ofthe compression-deflction test. Precision and Bias 22.1 See Section 68. (O1L-IMMERSION TEST, OPEN-CELL SPONGE (GEE TABLE 1) 23, Scope 23:1 This test method determines the uid resistance (ci) of a sample (open cell sponge) by means of measuring Yetume change afer a specie immenson ‘ime/tempera- 24. Test Specimens 24.1 Standard test specimens approximately 12.5 nit (0.50 in.) in thickness shall be used for this test. The diame'st ‘and thickness shall be measured before and after reser) in the specified petroleum-base oil for 22h at 70°C (158) and the percent change in volume calculated. Tree speci- mens shall be run on each test and the average of the thes values reported. 2, Procedure "35.1 Follow the procedure of Test Method D471, uss petroleum base oil No. 3 (RM 903). None 4 ASTM 3 i was discontinued, IRM 903 68 reams replacement Results may vary between oil YLUID IMMERSION TEST, CLOSED CELL (EXPANDED) (see FOOTNOTE B, TABLE 2) 26. Scope “Sé1 This test method determines the fluid reser Gach of a sample (closed cel foam) by means of measurité (weight change after a specified immersion time /temperatot= 27. Apparatus ‘y11 Equipment requited are an andl scrcsis, ASTM Reference Fue B, paper towel (8-oz) containers (minimum size). 28. Test Specimens ape test apecimens shall be 25 by, $0 DY Sr orminally 1 by 2 by 0.250 in). It is preferable att Gfecimens be cut with clean, square edges tical balance jg, and 2504 29, Procedure 39,1 Weigh the specimens to the nearest OOF & pcre ereen having 2-mm openings (10-1) jon Potten of the container. Alternatively place specimets ° dottomaterial and screens into the cans. U one al Fill the cans with ASTM Reference £UC With their ids. Store the cans for 7 days at & temperaiu Ne (iad + 3.67). Remove one specie aa 2 ean Mid, Without squeezing the sPecre. a fn top of one sheet of paper towel and jmmediateld Steondd paper towel on top of it. Biot lightly Squeezing, then remove the top paper squeeting, fe mnass ofthe specimen to the meats! 30. Calculation 30.1 Calculate the percent change in ™: We (A — BY/B)X 10 ass as follo¥ @) v 1056 of a sample when subjected to a constant deflection for a Specified time/temperature/deflection by measuring its gage before and after the test period. 50, Test Specimens 50.1 Standard test specimens shall be used for this test. “They shall he eut so that opposite edges are parallel, either from the finished product in a manner agreed upon between the partes concerned or, as shown in Fig. 2, from standard fest slabs or from commercial flat sheets. The thickness of the test specimens may vary, but shall be measured and tried in the report. The minimum thickness for open-cell Sponge rubber shall be 6 mm (0.250 in.). These samples of open-eell sponge rubber may be plied up to obtain this (ckness, The minimum thickness for closed-cell expanded Hubber shall be 12.5 mm. (0,50 in.) Thin samples of {losed-cell expanded rubber shall not be plied up to obtain th ckness. A standard test specimen may be used for ithe. open-cell sponge or closed expanded material, if agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 51. Procedure Slut The apparatus and procedure shall be the same as that prescribed in Method B of Test Methods D 395, except ‘as follows: For open-cell (sponge) rubber, compress the test specimens to 50 % of their original thicknesses, Release the Toad at the end of 22 h and measure the thickness after a 30-min rest at room temperature. For closed-cell (expanded) rubber, compress the test specimens to 50 % of their original thicknesses. Release the load at the end of 22 h and measure the thickness after 24 h at room temperature. In both cases {open-cell sponge and closed-cell expanded rubber) measure the thickness as described in 15.3.2. The temperature of the test for open-cell (sponge) rubber shall be 70 + 2°C (158 + 56°F), except for Class 1D rubbers. The temperature of the {est for closed-cell (expanded) rubber shall be 23 + 2°C (73.4 36°F), except for Class 2D rubber. For Class ID and 2D Th the temperature of the test shall be 100 + 1°C (212 the «The time of the test shall be as specified. Chromium- plated metal plates are not required. Aluminum plates or any Sti plates that are clean and smooth, and that will not deflect measurably under the load necessary for deftection of the specimen, may be used. 52, Calculation 52.1 Calculate percent compression set as follows: compression set, % = [lo — fille 4 100 (4) where: fo = original thickness, = thickness of specimen after specified recovery period, and 1, = thickness of spacer bar used. 53. Report 53.1 Report the following information: 53.1.1 Duration and temperature of oven exposure, 33.1.2 Original and final thickness for three specimens, 33.1.3 Percent set for each specimen, and 53.1.4 Average percent set for the specimens. 246 ‘54, Requirements 54.1 See Tables 1 and 2. 55, Precision and Bias 55.1 See Section 68. LOW-TEMPERATURE FLEX TEST 02°C (-40.2 2F) £0C (672 2F) 8 £ 1°C (-103 FF) 56. Scope 56.1 This test is to determine the brittleness of cellular rubber at low temperatures. 57. Apparatus $7.1 A low-temperature chamber capable of —75'C (-103°F) that can be accurately controlled for low tempers ‘tures. Ifthe box is cooled by dry ice, the specimen should not make direct contact with gaseous CO>. This chamber must be large enough to permit the bending of the test piece while it is still in the box. 57.2. Mandrel diameter shall be approximately 4 times the sample thickness. 58. Test Specimens '58.1 ‘The test specimens shall be 50 + 10 mm (2 0.5 in) wide by 140 10 mm (6 + 0.5 in.) long by 3 mm (0.125 in) to 12.5 mm (0.50 in.) thick. 59. Procedure 59.1 Place three test specimens and mandrel in a low- temperature chamber for 5 + 0.25 h at ~40°C (40°F). 35°C (67), of -75°C (—103°F) as specified by the sufi letter and number. '$9.2 At the end of the test period open the cold box and ‘bend the specimen 180° around the mandrel taking no onger than 2 to 3s to perform the bend. If there are multiple samples, bend and record results as soon as possible t0 maintain temperature to within +5°C of set temperature. 60. Report 60.1. Report the following information: 60.1.1 Whether the sample showed any indication of cracking or if it was still pliable. All specimens must show 10 signs of cracking. ‘TEST FOR DENSITY SUFFIX W 61. Scope 61.1 Density Calculation (Suffix W)—This test method describes the procedure for determining the density by calculation from the mass and volume of a specimen. 62, Test Specimen 62.1 Representative specimens of regular shape not les* than 16 em? (1 in.2) in volume shall be cut from the sample 10 be tested. 43, Proced 63.1 Wei it w "fo Dev 41% of the displacemen 64, Calcula 64.1 Cal 67, Precis 61. Sep 68, Precis 68.1 Pr on a roun dance wit laboratori pared at prepared é was the 4 laboratory ‘umber ¢ laborator a8 Nore 1- Note 2- procedure + Weigh the specimen ona balanoe or sale wadune So weighing within 1 % ofthe mass be Mensur permis ermine the volume of the specimen to within ovat tne ‘ample either by direct measurement or volume olaement 4, Calenlation “out Caleulate the density as follows: density, kg/mm? = A/B 6) ere i “Peas of specimen, kg, and = volume of specimen, m?. ors §—To convert tis value to Th/® multnly by 0.0824, or eport “1 Report the following information: (5.11 Mass, volume, and density of each specimen as wal as the average value. 66, Requirements G1 To be determined between the supplier and the purchaser. 67, Precision and Bias 67.1 See Section 68. pais PRECISION AND BIAS (8, Precision and Bins 68:1 Precision and bias for Specification D 1056 are based on a round robin study conducted in 1996/1997 in accor. dace with Practice E 691, involving 3 materials tested by 14 laboratories. For each material, all the samples were pre- pared at one source, but the individual specimens were Prepared at the laboratories that tested them. Each test result ‘the average of three individual determinations. Each “ratory obtained two test results for each material. The umber of data points for each test varied because not all Laboratories were able to participate in each test. The data ‘TABLE 5 Compression-Deflection in Accordance with Specification D 1056, Sections 17 to 22 Nove 1—vauos expressed in unts of KPa Gh) D 1056 TABLE 6 Compression Set in Accordance with Specification D 1056, Sections 49 to 65 Nore 1—Values expressed in percent 2 bata bese on rests rom 12 borates nore me CCC SRS fess zr 8 Be ter sus tar_980 75, wan eran wanna devon foe ated meri cues mg en inboratty sander codons of te west resuts Seino te paripatg laboratories, 5 Toows: 5, USP + (SF FAY 5 = petwoan iboats rere, exrestad es 2 anders dev tion, ows: Sg US + (SF wear = slander deton of oratory Mean, rm wit oratory cite! terval etven the two tes rats hy Br renee btn te rene = 28% Sy [Absorption in Accordance with Specification ‘TABLE 7 Water 1D 1056, Sections 42 to 48 Nore 1—Vatis expressed in percent. Note 2cbata based en results rom 7 fboratanis Tiara loverage) SAS = ca — SR 8 oe gos OT 0k 208 A eC 75, wn aberainy sanded deviion fo he acted trl conics by noclng ne winn tboratry standard datos ofthe test esuts ‘nb of te partopating borstoves, a folows S.= SYP + 63F «+ API ‘agg = between laboratories roproducbity, expressed as 0 standard devi tion, a lows: Sa USE + ST whore $= standard devaton of abortion means.

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