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We were able to complete this project with the great deal of additional research. We
took help from some experienced people and even from webpages. This project is
basically prepared as the project assignment assigned by Mr. Saroj Shakya. This helps
us to gain practical knowledge about System Development. We would like to deeply
thank Institute of Engineering, Thapathali Campus for allowing us to broaden our
knowledge and concepts on programming specifically C language with the
accomplishment of this project.

We are very glad to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our
respected supervisor Er. Saroj Shakya, Er. Rajad Shakya and Er. Prajwal Pakka as a
mentor for us for providing their valuable supervision, guidance, encouragement, and
support for completing this work. Their inspiration and guidance have made this
project successful.


LMS (Learning Management System) is the proposed system to interact with the
education system covering academics performance as well as the overall participation
of students as well as the Teachers.

The main reason behind choosing this topic is to establish a better relation of the
traditional education system as well as the modern tech to a better outcome for both
the sectors. The use of this system will also help the students to interact with
technology which will be a better opportunity that can improve the student’s skill as
well improve the teaching skills of the teacher.

LMS (Learning management System) generate a wide area of academics assigning

them to roles administrator teacher and students. The accessibility or are covered by
students are assignments as well as Teacher subject details where for teacher’s
students details and the assignments submission making it easy to see the
performance. The administrator panel supervises everything there is to the system.

System architecture design is the process of defining the structure, components, modules, interfaces,
and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. It involves making decisions about the
organization and arrangement of software and hardware components to achieve desired functionality,
performance, scalability, reliability, and other quality attributes. A well-designed system architecture
provides a blueprint for building and maintaining complex systems efficiently and effectively. The
different blocks of the system architecture are explained below:

3.1 Block Diagram or System Architecture

Figure 3.1 Top Level Flowchart

3.2 Parts of Program

3.2.1 Main Menu:

The home page of this project contains the title “Food Vendor System” and it consists of sign in option
for user. After signing in it shows the menu of the food available.

3.2.2 Sign in:

After selecting the option, the user needs to enter his/her password to sign up according to the option
choose by user which is checked from the data stored in the file.

3.2.3 Admin Pannel:

The admin can perform different activities like viewing, confirming the orders and scheduling the
delivery. The admin can edit the menu at any time if there is any shortage in food available.

3.2.4 Customer Pannel:

The customer can view the foods available and can give the order. The admin will look after the order
and confirm it. Then, the payment option will pop in from where the customer can pay the bill. After
payment is successful customer will get transaction script.

3.2.5 Exit:

It will exit the program after transaction script is provided.

3.3 Data Flow Diagram


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