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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on Freedom of Speech and Expression in India

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on the intricate topic of Freedom of Speech and
Expression in India is no small feat. It's a task that demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and
a deep understanding of legal, political, and societal dimensions. As you delve into this subject,
you'll encounter numerous complexities and nuances that require careful navigation.

One of the primary challenges of writing a thesis on Freedom of Speech and Expression in India is
the vast and diverse landscape of laws, court judgments, and socio-cultural contexts that influence
this fundamental right. From the constitutional provisions to the evolving judicial interpretations,
there's a plethora of material to explore and dissect. Additionally, the interplay between free speech
and other competing rights, such as public order, morality, and defamation laws, adds layers of
complexity to your research.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of Indian society and politics means that the discourse around
freedom of speech is constantly evolving. Recent developments, whether they are legislative
reforms, landmark court rulings, or societal shifts, must be incorporated into your thesis to provide a
comprehensive analysis.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis requires more than just compiling information; it necessitates critical
thinking and the ability to present original insights. You'll need to formulate a clear thesis statement,
develop coherent arguments, and support them with evidence from reliable sources. This demands
rigorous analytical skills and a keen eye for detail.

Given the challenges involved, seeking expert assistance can significantly enhance the quality and
effectiveness of your thesis. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. With a team of
experienced academic writers and researchers, ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized assistance
tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need help refining your research questions,
structuring your arguments, or polishing your prose, their professionals can provide invaluable
support throughout the writing process.

By entrusting your thesis on Freedom of Speech and Expression in India to ⇒ ⇔,

you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated with this daunting task. Their expertise and
dedication ensure that your work meets the highest academic standards while effectively addressing
the complexities of the subject matter.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on Freedom of Speech and Expression in India is undeniably

challenging, but it's also a rewarding endeavor that contributes to our understanding of democracy
and human rights. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate these challenges
successfully and produce a thesis that makes a meaningful contribution to academic discourse. So
why struggle alone when ⇒ ⇔ is here to assist you every step of the way?
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Published on Nov 19, 2015 No Description View Outline MORE DECKS TO EXPLORE
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Someone has put it correctly that your freedom ends where my
nose begins. The PCI can at the most warn, admonish or censure or disapprove or ask the
newspapers to publish clarifications. It is protected under article 19(1)(a) as long as it is not violent
and does not fall under the grounds for reasonable restrictions enlisted under Article 19(2). Article
19(1) grants the right to freedom of speech and expression to all its citizens. A person or group
cannot be allowed to incite others to commit any offence just because he has a right to freedom of
speech and expression. 8) Sovereignty and Integrity of India: The 16 th Constitution (Amendment)
Act, 1963 added this ground. Fazlul Huq has also been involved in various community projects
including the establishment of a number of mosques. They may answer you; Do you actually know
what is FDI. In the instant case Court directed the Superintendent of the Tihar jail to permit the chief
reporter of Hindustan times newspaper to interview Ranga and Billa two death sentence convicts
under article 19(1) as they were willing to be interviewed. Countries like New Zealand, USA or UK
fare high in terms of freedom of speech of its citizens. Whoever by words, either spoken or written,
or by signs, or by. Expressing one’s opinions or views through speech is the right of every individual.
Short Essay on Freedom of speech essay 200 Words in English Freedom of speech is the gold
standard to measure the health of democracy in any country. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Does the contention that “the right of expression be
suspended in light of the serious trouble India is in” deserve a place in a democracy like ours. Its’
clearly mention that state can impose reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech in the interests of
the sovereignty and integrity of India. Union of India, ((2016) 7 SCC 221) propounded, “A person’s
right to freedom of speech has to be balanced with the other person’s right to reputation,” it held,
upholding the constitutionality of the criminal offence of defamation under Sections 499 and 500 of
the IPC. The sedition law, through section 124A of Indian Penal Code, says that if a person by
words either by written or spoken brings hatred, contempt or excites tension towards a government
or a person can be fined or jailed or both. The process of issuing blocking orders is criticised to be
“opaque and the reasoning offered in orders is not subject to public scrutiny”. The health of a
democracy depends on the extent of freedom of expression of its citizens. Both of the freedom of
speech essay mentioned below covers the topic well and can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9
and 10 for a school project, assignment, essay writing, class test and examination. Free speech is
valuable because it leads to the discovery of truth. This is aimed to prohibit anyone from making the
statements. It does not refer to the ordinary breaches of public order. Contempt refers to scandalize
or tends to scandalize, or lowers or tends to lower the authority of any court. Yes, every Indian have
right to freedom of speech, form associations and protest peacefully etc. The requests of suspending
the internet were put on hold under the Internet Suspension Rules were dependent upon judicial
review, the court, however, avoided considering the shutdown in the Union Territory as illegal. In a
healthy democracy, it is very essential to keep a bay with people’s rights. The ubiquitous news of the
massacre related to the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in the year 2015 led to a new debate
worldwide that whether the freedom of speech granted by the democratic nations to its citizens
should impose limitations on it or not. Of Madras banned the entry of it in the state issuing an order
saying Its for public order and safety.
So, in this case, the decision was taken by the Supreme court and the expression “public order” was
added to Article 19 (2) to impose certain restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression. The
constitution of Pakistan has clearly postulated this fundamental right and Apex courts of Pakistan
have always interpreted the right to speech with prudent mind. Facebook Twitter Pinterest
WhatsApp Linkedin ReddIt Print Telegram Koo Tags cbfc charlie hebdo Civilization European
freedom Korea North Korea South Korea speech Swati Verma A dreamer with an ardent love for
writing, can be found gasping with delight at the sight of dogs, new technology, pop music and bold
influencers, believes in breaking stereotypes and at the same time, a total dreamer who wishes to
travel the world. The restrictions that are in coherence with the national interest can be illustrated as-.
Justice Patanjali Sastri rightly observed that “Freedom of Speech and of Press are at the foundation
of all democratic organizations, without free political discussion no public education is possible.”
Freedom of speech and expression helps in attaining a rational mindset resulting in the holistic
development of an individual. How a country deals with dissent brings out the truth of its
democracy. If the notification signed by the President on November 10 means another attempt to
curb the criticism. Billa, the death sentence convicts, as they wanted to be interviewed. Incitement to
offence means something said, or done in way which may incite hate and Violence and which may
lead to an offence. Promises made in elections are just the political game. Freedom of speech has
limits and can’t be used for illegal purposes like threat, violence, hatred and anarchy in the society.
Please note that all submissions need to be previously unpublished. Then, they may called you anti-
national or simply they can reply that its’ just a result of corruption. Freedom of speech is thought to
be indispensable worth and basic right for the realization of other rights. The offences regarding
decency and morals are contained in Section 292 to Section 294 of Chapter XIV of Indian Penal
Code. A person or group cannot be allowed to incite others to commit any offence just because he
has a right to freedom of speech and expression. 8) Sovereignty and Integrity of India: The 16 th
Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1963 added this ground. Thus calling for and holding of bundh
doesn’t comes under Right to freedom of speech and is unconstitutional. Grounds of restriction on
freedom of speech, under article19(2) are as follows; Sovereignty and integrity of India. It serves to
bring out both the sides of a coin and reach a better truth. Expressing one’s opinions or views
through speech is the right of every individual. The set of Freedom of Speech Examples Template,
Graduation Speech Examples Template is available on web to help everyone express their exact
thinking, ideas, and thoughts with great comfort. Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th March 2016 Episode
Written Updates. Act, 1951. The Constitution also prohibits a person from making any statement
that incites. Though under Article 19(2) some restrictions can be imposed for this right under certain
purposes. The magazine was sued in 2007 by two French Muslim associations which were rejected by
the French Court. Both of the freedom of speech essay mentioned below covers the topic well and
can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for a school project, assignment, essay writing,
class test and examination. Blocking the internet services is the highest form of limitation on the
media and communication. A good democracy will involve all the stakeholders before formulating
policy but a bad one will blindside its critics and takes unilateral and authoritarian policies and force
them down the throat of their citizens. This Act imposed criminal liability of “intermediaries” for the
content that they upload or circulate. Right to strike 7. Freedom of silence. The above mentioned
particulars may be illustrated with the help of following case laws.
It is one of the most important fundamental freedom liberties guaranteed against state suppression or
regulation. State of kerala (8) In this case the three children belonging to a sect Jehovah’s witnesses
who only worship Jehovah the creator and no other were expelled from school for not singing
national anthem because it was against their religious belief. It includes the liberty to propagate one’s
own views as well as the right to publish the views of other people. King Emperor: “The freedom of
the journalist is an ordinary part. The busy work schedules and every-changing requirements often
makes you feel annoyed while writing a report, reporting an instance or even making others
understand about their national rights. It may include rebellion, waging war against the State,
insurrection, etc. We specifically focus on the larger picture and discuss ways to improve access to
Justice for the world's biggest democracy. Both of the freedom of speech essay mentioned below
covers the topic well and can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for a school project,
assignment, essay writing, class test and examination. The freedom of speech is significantly limited
in countries like China, North Korea and South Korea whose Government is officially atheist. Then
only the public will be able to exchange error for the truth. All our rights will become callous if we
are not allowed to express our sentiments and thoughts. Using these templates you can easily
increase awareness among your readers, encourage their participation in legislation, and empower
them to fight for change. The expression should receive full protection as it is necessary for the self-
realization of the person who is expressing that idea. It includes the right to share one’s thoughts or
views at any topic through any medium be it words (orally or written), painting, film etc. In modern
time, it is widely accepted that the right to freedom of speech is the essence of a free society and it
must be safeguarded at all time. The Court struck down the rebuttal of the Government that it would
help small newspapers to. Experiments in multiculturalism, of which the French is one, have left the
question of onus of. Acknowledging the fact that the extreme step taken by the terrorists, who were
overtly offended by the cartoon, is to be condemned but the tragedy could have been surely avoided
if the magazine’s workers considered the sentiments of the Muslims once. The template contains all
the descriptions and instances that can help you in understanding your rights, and advocating for
them. The economic system in a democracy would be disabled if there is no freedom of commercial
speech. Article 19(1) grants the right to freedom of speech and expression to all its citizens.
Association for democratic reforms? Supreme Court laid down the decision and directed the election
commission to issue a notification making it compulsory for those who contest elections to make
available information about their education, assets, liabilities, and criminal antecedents for the benefit
of voters. The ubiquitous news of the massacre related to the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in the
year 2015 led to a new debate worldwide that whether the freedom of speech granted by the
democratic nations to its citizens should impose limitations on it or not. State of Madras (10) Romesh
thapper was a noted communist and Editor of English Weekly Crossroad. Constitution. In an English
case of R. v. Hicklin, the test was laid down according to which it is. Short Essay on Freedom of
speech essay 200 Words in English Freedom of speech is the gold standard to measure the health of
democracy in any country. Section 499 of Indian Penal Code criminalizes defamatory statement and
Section 500 of IPC provides punishment for two years of imprisonment or fine or both. 7)
Incitement to an offence: The first constitution (Amendment) Act, 1951 added this ground in Article
19(2). This section was upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional. Whoever by words, either
spoken or written, or by signs, or by. Her fault was that she wrote essays and novels with feminist
views and criticism of her religion Islam.
It says “All the citizens shall have right To freedom of speech and expression” This means that all the
citizens of India have the right to express themselves. It is accepted as one of the fundamental
liberties around the world. After the Supreme court judgement in Romesh Thapper’s case. 5.
Decency or morality Section 292 to 294 of Indian penal code provides for punishment for offences
of indecency or obscenity. These ready made templates ensure that you quote or report correct things
without creating any hype or misunderstandings. In Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State of Maharashtra (11) A
bookseller was convicted under section 292 of IPC for selling a book said to be Obscene “lady
chatterley’s lover”. The validity of Section 5 (2) of the Telegraph Act was challenged in this case. It
includes communication of one’s thoughts or opinions and right to publish an opinion. People,
although still appreciate their fundamental rights, but now they have found the way to abuse it. The
United Nations recognizes Freedom of Speech as a basic human right. Contestation between religion
and politics has chiefly occurred on 3 boundary questions: Which. An FIR can be lodged by the
police when any of the provisions under these sections is violated. Please note that all submissions
need to be previously unpublished. These are the proud incidences where people have sacrificed their
everything for what they believed was right and their right. Our journal aims to bring out the latent
research talent and the professional work done by Scientists, Engineers, Architects, Planners,
Practitioners, Administrators, Scholars, Graduate and Post Graduate students across all fields. While
violent protests in Islamic countries are contrary to the teachings of forbearance and tolerance
practiced by Prophet Muhammad and deserve condemnation, fanning flames of hatred by assaulting
esteemed religious figures is equally appalling. Defamation 8. Incitement to an Offence Freedom of
press Freedom of expression and social media Should freedom of expression have limits. The
rationale offered by the Court was that it couldn’t make such an order on the basis of a mere 49-
second promo clip of the broadcast, and that advised that caution must be exercised in imposing a
prior restraint on the publication or the airing of views. What they don’t understand that the
fundamental rights, especially the freedom to speech carry with it duties and responsibilities that
can’t be put aside while applying the rights. Regarding defamation, you can suggest it too make a
civil offense. 2nd ARC recommendations regarding sedition too might be incorporated briefly. Right
to freedom of speech and expression also comprises the right to information, right to press, right to
broadcast, right to commercial speech. In fact, it has been referred to as the fourth pillar of
democracy. State of Madras (10) Romesh thapper was a noted communist and Editor of English
Weekly Crossroad. Fundamentalism arises from a dispute about the content of a religion and how
determinative. Good that you have mentioned both positives and negatives. According to the
estimates of Reporters Without Borders, India ranks 120th worldwide in press. The grounds such as
the sovereignty of India, the security of the states, public order and friendly relation with foreign
states are concerned with national security. The Government of France, at least at this stage, should
take remedial steps in order to restrict their freedom. Did buying or not buying of any product can
prove patriotism. It is absolutely free of any form of charge which predator journals get in the name
of registration fee or processing fee. Intro is decent, you have mentioned laws too- you can add the
blasphemy law(Section 295A of IPC).
The article discusses the concept of Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression granted under the
Constitution of India. With the help of some early cases involving Freedom of Speech and
Expression, my paper would try to emphasize the importance of Freedom of Speech and Expression
in any society and political set up. He is also an accomplished poet with over 12,000 compositions
covering diverse themes including life, science, society and philosophy. The intention behind
inserting the provision in Article 19(2) is to restrict anyone from making any such statements which
challenge the integrity and sovereignty of India. The main cause behind was that nothing should be
spoken, published or done in other way which may strain the friendly relationship with foreign
states. 4. Public order This ground was added in constitution 1st amendment act 1951. Last month
the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan claimed the country was in the virus’ “ endgame,”
justifying the export of medical resources to other countries. The process of issuing blocking orders is
criticised to be “opaque and the reasoning offered in orders is not subject to public scrutiny”. Down
the line a few years back, M.F. Hussain’s controversial paintings of Hindu Goddcascs created such
an unfavorable situation for him that he had to leave India. The Right to Freedom of Speech and
Expression has been provided in Article 19 of the Constitution of India. These ready made templates
ensure that you quote or report correct things without creating any hype or misunderstandings. It
acts as a check against the actions of the government. In fact, it has been referred to as the fourth
pillar of democracy. If you ask why I can’t choose what to wear and what to eat. The freedom to
practice religion, the freedom to express love and affection, the freedom to express our opinions and
dissenting views without hurting sentiments and causing violence is an essential part of what India is
made up of. These are not Muslim prophets.” This typical quote from Pamela Geller perfectly. With
this executive power, the Government has made the foreign digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube to comply with these demands. It was added to the constitution of India by the (1st
amendment) Act, in 1951. Ensuring participation of the citizens of the country, giving them the
power to question their government, makes it vital for a healthy democracy. The rights and duties go
hand in hand and never be looked through different visions. The press has now expected to do the
job of the teacher making formal and non-formal instruction conceivable in an enormous scope
especially in the developing world, where TV and different sorts of communication are not as yet
accessible for all areas of the society. Freedom of speech and expression enables a person to express
his opinions freely with certain reasonable restrictions. A strong media reflects a strong, liberal and a
healthy democracy with an appetite to take criticisms and dissent in a positive manner. International
instruments such as ICCPR and ECHR has stated possible grounds where the right to freedom of
speech and expression can be limited. It explores the democracy argument as the primary
justification used by the courts in free speech cases, and its consequences. Our journal aims to bring
out the latent research talent and the professional work done by Scientists, Engineers, Architects,
Planners, Practitioners, Administrators, Scholars, Graduate and Post Graduate students across all
fields. Right to freedom of speech and expression doesn’t give any person an absolute right. They
stood respectfully when national anthem was sung Thus they did nothing disrespectful and Freedom
of speech includes freedom to not speak. Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code defines the offence
of. But these values are washing away with dust of materialism and political immaturity in present
scenario. An FIR can be lodged by the police when any of the provisions under these sections is

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