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This picture means alot to me because first off my mom is a single parent and works two jobs

for me and my siblings. And no matter what on her days off she would always do something to
keep us entertained and happy. But little does she know how much we appreciate her and how
grateful we are to have someone like her who is so strong. No one in this world is even close to
her determination and dedication She has my mom who will forever be my hero and this is
exactly why I have to be somebody because she deserves the world If no man will give it to her
than her son will make sure she is happy and will make sure she is okay. My mom always
showed us there is hope no matter which situation you are in keep your faith in god and yourself
and you'll be good. I cant even imagine how many days my mom felt like not going to work or
just wasn't feeling it but she still goes My mom only misses work if she is extremely sick. She is
the best mom I could ever ask for I promise her I will repay her when the time comes. She does
everything by herself My dad left when I was a baby and she has worked hard ever since.

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