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Arena of eltcompentlion, ith rept tight neo efor fd deny changes cat be tatodced tough the eof oa wih & deny fice that te td being metered. which case an increase of {opertentinp wll produce doce a ony 0 percent in fre sna reading The exentofimmusity to changes in fid Vaconty depends on “according to Band and Cheema [Can Chem. Bg. 4 205-292 (1968)] tao prsene of quae mane puestions ance a rotates to ween by ‘rrmuch a 100 pereet The Rgher he pulsation fequeney the ls the oat Sheilaton although the erorcan be appreciable even when the requ ‘high enoagh that the oat ively stationery Use of damping chambet beeen the pulsallon soure andthe flamer wl reduce heer ‘dation information on votameter theory i presented by Bacher chom ng. 59(), 180-181 (1950, Coleman [Trans Int. Chom Bg 4'ts-a0h bse), ond MeCabe, Shy and asst (Unt Operant 97 henal ngincering tho Netra Hi NewYork 1986 p92 205) TWO-PHASE SYSTEMS Xe generally poersbeto meter etch ofthe nds] components of be fare mbue sopra roo mking since fis ica to eter “ichmitureaccurney Problems ae bese of Mutasins in compo Son with tne and vnstins compost over he rss aecton oe Channel Inormaton on metering of ach mstarsexn be ovtaned om the fallowtag ares ‘GeaSold stares Caron, Prase, and Bogda [rane Am. S00 Mach bng 657 (190) dese te ts offer nce and a oar ed onic in ss forthe tcanrersent of Bath the gu tae aa Us Sols eaten th ow ofa Sy dade sda gat mista The nome Stern! i sentivet the fw a both phaser whereas Ue one teens not inlenced bythe Sold ow arbres Am Soe ch Bg 78 989-951 (1959)]deserbs how a vewan mutar can ood ona ade ow ele ins gar clide re we the grates held constant Separate cation carves ck lw Verse ifn rc requred tag ate entre. ‘Gheng Tang endo ng Power 92: 195-199 (170) deve thewseof sn aertan pate foc manuemeto sbdeHow nage solder ‘oldberg el Boutvoy ar Chm Eng 4s 702-1908 (1969) Eset sever psi tf lowmeters od gv an exenie ior ‘See Ligeid MtsturesAnempiseal equaton wes rvlped by Mock ase Bog an ssa (960 forthe mecureest of gurl es wing sharp edged oie pats vith edu ange o pe abs ‘Anon or st wih retrmcterwar en by Chol Che Bg sat4ct'as (M7). A pocdae fr dnening seat quay apes ep sameeren whee tog ere ees shar eae Cee aes was gen by Calinsand Cac [Bae ng 901-31 (OTD geld seus ipa [Che Eg 740) 151-158 (96 ie iigud suspensions or sles Theaencade metering pupa weigh tak, ‘maple omer uso flowmeter goncope owmetes te firato, Gotoh Oras and User js Chon. fg Japan 1 168-167 (Ganuay 960) poset & etd for determing the has fw ete of ftpendedsole'ns geld seam wheren the igi voce ane ip tnclectomagnete fowler andthe ow eal elated fom the presse dope aos cach oft vertical scons of pipe of dierent thster trough which he suopenson flaws in serce FLOWMETER SELECTION Web tear proce equpment nd intrumenttion. sch x won gblapc fom andwetnomsane rom, are valhlooeihen one esting fie ‘tees hore etch ange can ean the writs cefactned Gy oe than 60 companies for apecte products that meet the users specications the accuracies lame are acleved only under del condions when the Flowmeters are clean propery installed andcalbrated forthe application. PUMPS AND GanpnaRerencns.Sebenan Royer F Cpl opr Ase ‘Sng od, Ou Prestona Plating Houston, Tos 205 jres Coley, “he Vibeton Anais of Pumps A Tatar’ Furth Ineratonal Pan Sp sh Tense A M Unessiy Heuion, Tes May 1387 os W Dulas Wily itl ar rel: ee Sow Bahr PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS 10-21 TABLE 10-9 Flowmeter Classes Naan ‘The purpose of this subsection eto summarize the prefered applications as wellas the advantage eal dvedvantagee of ome othe connmon flow ‘eter technologies Table 10-9 divides flowmeter ito four clases. Flowmeters in class 1 depend on welled moving pats tat can wea log or bresk The potential for eatasrophie fale i «disadvantage. However in ean Buus, clas 1 faowmetee have oRen proved rable snd sable when property installed, ‘allbrated. end onatened, ‘Clas Il fowneters have no wetted moving pats to break and are thus not subject to eatastropie fare. However the flow srlaces each so Fee plates may wear eventually biasing ow meesuremeats, Other vad ‘Yantages of some fometets in this clas inclide high prenire drop and ‘scepiity ta plugging ery ditty and abrasive ude shouldbe avoided. Because clas ewaneters have nether moving parte nor obstructions to flown they are table for cry and abrasive hide provided tat appro Pate material of eosteuchion ar avalable ‘Clsee IV flowneters have sensors mounted external to the pipe, and would thas sorta to be Hen but peobleans of accurmcy sind soil bate bon encountered in ealy devices These comparatively new technologies ro under development, and these problems maybe overcome inthe fare Seclion 8 oullnes the following ceria for election of easement devices measurement epan, performance relay, materials ofconstac- ‘Son prior use and potential far releasing proces materials to the enviton ‘meni eeceeal casseation physical acess, nvauve or not invasive, and Uteesele cost Spite Industria ow Measurement 200, cits four itended end utes othe fwmeter rate ndiation contrl totals, ad lara, Thus high Scennaey maybe important for rat indestion, wile control ma ost need. food repeatability Valumetre Now or mage loindicaion another choice ‘Baker, How Measurement Handbook 200 denies the ype of id iq ov gus erry. mpage special fa eonteints (lean o cit. hygiene ‘otosive brave, high laesabty, low libre, ude easing sling) He lists the folowing flowmeter constraint: accuracy ot measurement teresting, Sumcbes range toperatere tangy Prestre tangs, scoely ange: How tang, pressurelons eaved bythe Moweter seus to natal [ation sensi to pipework supports sentty to paletion. whether the flowencter has deur bore arta ofa clazron version, response time and ambient condtions Finally Baker identifies these environmental Considerations ambient temperature, humidity exposure to weather level lelectromagnetc edation vibration, terperproo! for doretc Use, ad ‘Gassication of area requiring explosion prot ntinsi safety ete ‘ole thet the scturteies ted in Tabi 104 ean be achieved by those Atowmeters only under deal conditions of applieation, instalation, and faliration.‘Thie sbeectiom hae giv only an intodtion to eter 29 foneider in the choles of « lewonetce for 4 given epplcalion So Bakes, 200s Sie, 1995; end Spitzer, 205, for further guidance. To further ene ‘Choices abla appliesion speci data rom flowmeter vendors. COMPRESSORS Tule, Obla. 200 Paul N Garay. PE. Pump Applian Derk Book Falmmont PreweLibra, Ga 183. Pracr amps Pad Technalagy Corporion 133. Igor Karas o ly Pan Mondbok 98, Mera Raw Yok 201 Ya 5 [bana und Raber Roe Conruga Psp Deni and. Spent. 24 alt Frotssonl PbishingHotston fee 1992 jstagbanoll Eonar end sal Fo ape Try, Dn nd ipcaton Bd gs Ping bo 10-22 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE OF FLUIDS. INTRODUCTION ‘The following subsections deal with pumps and compressors. A pump oF compresor is «physical contrivance that i used to debver Mids fom one Ineation to ancter trough conduls The lem pump used wien the Od ‘saliguld whee em compresorisused when the Dudisa gs Thebes requiements to define the application are suction and delivery pressures, ‘rose low in transions td flow rate Speral equrencal oy ene. ‘food pharmaceutical nuclear and other industries that asp material {election requirements a the pump. ‘The primary ec of Wansfer of energy to Ube Mud that causes ow are roi diplacemont. entefga fore, electromagnetic free, Wanstr of ‘omentum, mechanical impulse and «combination of Ueve energy rae fer mechanlems, Displacement aid ential ore aze the mos omion ‘nergy transfer mechanisms in se ‘Fun and compresors are devigned per technical epeciclione and standatde developed over years of operating and maintenance experience, ‘Table 10-10 line some ofthese nandards for pumps and compressors and {or tlated equipment such as lbrcation ayter and gearboses which if rot properly specified. coud leed to many operational and maintenance ‘robles wth Ue pune end cemprestors "Those tancands speci design, onstruction, maintenance and tevtlg details such as terminology, mat ‘halsletion, shop inspection and tests drswings elesrances,contreion procedures and oon, ‘Three major types pumps are discussed here) postive displacement, (0) dynamie fine), and (3) i Paton pumps are positive diplacerent pumps The most common centfugl pumps are of dynamic type ancient bucket type pumps are it pumps. Canned pps ao also becoming pop Trin the perorbomlcal Industry because of te die to einine fags ‘isla Rgure 10-20 shows pup cassbeation. TERMINOLOGY Displacement Dschargeofa id roma vessel by partially orcompltey| duplacingistnternalvolume with second Mader by mechanic eansisthe rs paso TEE os Sesto Vr Line Conran for hence FTC i019 et Caen Compress ond Ears BI93:931 Sty Standard Camprenorfr Proc nda A SendansAmeean Peeleumaete ating Ae Sanat Conrfaga Pumps tan Roch on etal as hare Aoponot 80 i Oeber Sot Ati Standad th psi Prpon ear tor Potstam, Chemis and Gat uaa Some oraay 08 AP Standard 1. Labiention Sha Sealing and Conroe an Aare “pr bartan hemi an Garay Secs gr 98 bt sonar Gus tere Pusan haa nd Ca dat Servers A Renard Asan Confua Comprenor and agenda Compresirs ir Palan Chana sn at ay Sr ae 2088, Ai reer Conran Feta ind at AP Sta 68, oa oi Dpacoment Comprar Panam AviSendrd Macy Poet toe Nowe 20 [AD1Sandard 7, Spec pov Coping for Pre Chel and Gu “nas Semces Seber "Chel ad Gerba tre caso ener noc, Auth ofr an hc tat Sin APT aendard 61, Pont Dptacement Pompe Reprocing ne 1985 ‘vtstandrd es nn epson Pope Conta Vane Mate 200) ‘Av Saar. Gna Pon Gar tr lao and Garay ‘eve pai APT Star 0, Packged Rcprocting Plan and ramen Ar Compressor Genera fey Serves Oras A Sandal gud ing non Peon Corer or ean emia ted Ger tut Sorte une ne AE Suna Pps Sh Sagem Corel outa Panps At Standard 4, elles Corgan fr Pere Hey Duty Chea id Ges dy Soma coh 200 iret Pnpany 8} Grp) "RNS Pang Stade 265 ar coop verte retry and ecpoctng atone Protein Avion Qu Mase ot) Standard for npn indie presen yet neiple upon which gest many i trngport devies operate Inchided in {his goup we eeprocetingpion and Gaphragn machines rotary vane ad {grat pes ad piton compressors acd egs. anda is "Thc ange veto daplcement type hid-ranapor devices alk iil cults characters comunon teach, However for moet Iyperitiscoret {stats that (1) they areadaplable‘o high presi operation.) the leat ‘hough the pump vail (aualary damping seems maybe employed to rece the mhgutude of pressse pulsation ad fw vriaton-(}) mechanical ‘Cnnderelind int arm Unonghpuls and the devices are cope ‘eticient performance a exemelyiow-olume toughpu ates ‘Centrifugal Force —Cenrifigal force is applied by means ofthe cen tetugal pap to aliquid Though he psa sppeerance ofthe many types ‘of eenefugl pumps and compressors vases greatly the base function of ‘ach tthe same, eto produce Knee energy by the atom of cenriigs Torce and then to coer this energsto pressure by elieenly reducing the ‘veoeity of the owing tu, I general, engl Maid ranqport device have thee characteris (1)

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