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Remedial Activity G6.

B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj



Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj
Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Under each picture, write the correct word, as in the example.

e.g. 1. 2.

cat m _ _ _ e _ _

3. 4. 5.

fr _ _ _ _ ch_ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

You are going to hear five short texts .
For each text, there is one statement. Is each statement True or False?
Listen, and shade in the bubble under the correct option.

Statements True False

1. Ahmad's father is a farmer.

2. Khalid travelled to Canada.

3. My older sister is selfish.

4. Salma and Noor are in grade9.

5. Ali wants to be a pilot in the future.

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


You are going to hear five short texts.

For each text, there is one statement. Is each statement True or False?
Listen, and shade in the bubble under the correct option.

Statements True False

1. In Egypt they eat a lot of fish.

2. Mustafa's favourite food is cheese burger.

3. Italians are the first people who made coffee..

4. Muhammad's Family like healthy food.

5. Fatma usually doesn't eat her breakfast.

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Under each picture, write the correct word, as in the example.

e.g. 1. 2.

poli _ _ _ _ m_ _ sc_ _ _ _

3. 4. 5.

w_ _ _ cl _ _ _ sh _ _

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Under each picture, write the correct word, as in the example.

e.g. 1. 2.

Che _ _ _ Volle _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _

3. 4. 5.

t_ _ _ re _ _ k _ _ _

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


You are going to hear five short texts about free time activities.
For each text, there is one statement. Is each statement True or False?
Listen, and shade in the bubble under the correct option.

Statements True False

1. Every weekend, Hamad goes shopping with his father.

2. Sara enjoys playing computer games.

3. Mari keeps photos of her friends in an album.

4. Khalid likes reading a story.

Salem's favourite activities are playing volleyball and making

5. models.

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


You are going to hear a text about a rooster and a fox.

Listen and for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. A rooster was sitting on a _________.

tree mountain rock

2. The rooster was________.

playing dancing crowing

3. The fox said that animals became______.

friends brothers relatives

4. The fox was afraid of_______ .

cats dogs cows

5. The rooster was very________.

angry stupid clever

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Under each picture, write the correct word, as in the example.

e.g. 1. 2.

moun _ _ _ _ d_ _ _ ho _ _ _

3. 4. 5.

Car _ _ _ bask_ _ _ _ _ _
w_ _ _ _

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Under each picture, write the correct word, as in the example.

e.g. 1. 2.

jun _ _ _ sp _ _ _ e _ _

3. 4. 5.

f _ _ r _ _ Ice _ _ _ _ _

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

You are going to hear a text about Hani on the beach
Listen and for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. Salim and Amal went to a _______park.

Al-Naseem Riyam Al-Qurum

2. Amal saw ________.

tourists animals clothes

3. At ______they went to Marah Land.

ten O'clock eleven O'clock twelve O'clock

4. They ate_________ for lunch.

rice rice and chicken chicken

5. They turned home at_______ in the evening.

7:03 7:13 7:30

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. Yesterday, Ahmad and his friend ________ go to school.

can't weren't didn't doesn't

2. Did Sami write an e-mail? Yes he__________

did was do does

3. How _______ sisters do you have?.

much many old long

4. Look! The baby _________ crying.

were has is are

5. My mother________ drawing. She draws every day.

like liked likes is liking

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Match the texts with the pictures. For each text, shade in the bubble under the
correct option.
A. B. C.

D. E. F.


Texts A B C D E F
1. Lazy people spend too much time
sleeping without doing anything else.
Don’t be one of them.

2. Football is a very interesting game. I

love it very much and I always play it
with my friends.

3. Climbing trees or mountains is one of

the most difficult sports for teenagers.
They may fall down and get hurt..

4. Although fast food is unhealthy,

young people often eat in restaurants
and also in houses..

5. In summer, most children prefer to go

swimming either in seas or in
swimming pools.

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Match the texts with the pictures. For each text, shade in the bubble under the
correct option.
A. B. C.

D. E. F.


Texts A B C D E F
1. Some families are big and some are
small. In big families you can find
parents, grandparents and even
uncles living together.
2. Liza likes helping her mother in the
kitchen. They enjoy cooking chocolate
cakes and making salads.

3. Salma is not feeling well today. She

has cold and fever. The doctor told
her to stay in bed.

4. Iman has a lot of homework to do in

the weekend.

5. The children had a lot of fun last

Friday. They went to a beautiful
garden with a swimming pool.

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. Hamed likes to draw. He is ___ artist.

a an be The

2. Rashid __________ football every day.

play playing plays played

3. __________ does he live?

Who Why What Where

4. ________ I was writing my project, my pencil broke.

Where While Why What

5. They _______ reading a story last night when I visited them.

was is are Were

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Complete the unfinished words in the text. Shade the correct answer.


I ___ Bader. I am a policeman. I help people when ______have

problems. I have three sons _____ two daughters. I have a lot __

friends. I like reading books, ____ I don’t like computer games. Last

week, I visited Dubai ____ my family.

is was am

it we they

and with but

but for a
of with and

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Read the text. For each question, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).


Subject: Holiday

Dear Hala,

How are you? I am writing to tell you about my family.

Most of the people in my family have interesting jobs. My father builds houses. He is a
construction worker. He builds schools. He also builds houses. He uses many different
tools such as hummer and saw. He likes his work but he comes home after five in the

My brother Jamal is an engineer. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and
a calculator. He makes drawing of beautiful building. I think he is very smart.

My son Ahmad is an athlete. He plays football and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.he
does exercises to keep fit and strong in the club near our house. He runs in the morning
for half an hour every day.

My daughter Yasmeen is an artist. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a
pencil and a piece of paper. She meets many people from different places. Her life is
interesting and fun.

What about your family?



1. Who is the e-mail to ?__________________________________

2. Who is the construction worker ________________________

3. How long does Ahmad run ?__________________________

4. Why did Yasmeen become an artist ? ____________________

5. Where does Ahmad do his exercise ? _____________________

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Read the text. For each question, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).
Dear Muna,

How are you? And how is your father? I felt sorry for him. In fact, I got shocked when I
heard about his accident from our friend Laila.

Last week, you sent me an e-mail asking about the English Club in my school. I am sorry
dear for being late to write you back because I traveled with my parents to Qatar. We
went there to visit our relatives. Qatar us a very beautiful country. I like its long sandy
beaches. We had a nice trip there. We ate delicious fish with bread. I took many fantastic
photos. I will show them to you when I come visit you.

Now I will send you another e-mail. Just open the attachment and you will get all the
information about our amazing English club

I can't wait to see you again.



1. What happened to Muna's father ?


2. Where did Sara travel to ?


3. What did Sara's family eat?


4. What information did Muna want?


5. Who wrote this e-mail?


Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Complete the unfinished words in the text. Shade the correct answer


In summer Salim __ going to fly _____ Oman ____ Australia by

plane. He will visit ____ friend Paul there. He decided to stay there

for about a week. He made his plan to see wild animals like kangaroos

and Koalas. He will also visit famous places such as Sydney's Theatre

at the famous Red Rock in the desert. He will ride camels and dives in

the sea. There ____ many types of fish in Australia. He thinks his trip

will be interesting but the weather will be hot.

is will are

at from for

to at in

his him her

am is are

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Write a biography about a famous writer called Taha Husein Use ALL the information in
the box. Your paragraph should be correct and well-organised.

Taha Husein

famous / writer

children/ Ameena and Moenis

studied/ AL-Azhar University


wrote/ about 100 book

born/1889/ Egypt

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Read the text. For each question, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

Sami is 10 years old. He was born in Salalah. He lives in a big house with his
father, mother, sisters ,brothers, grandma and granddad also with them. He
goes to school by bus. He wears uniform to school. It's white dishdasha, cap
and trousers. His favorite subject is Math. He doesn’t like science.

1. How old is Sami ?


2. How many people live with Sami ?


3. Where was Sami born?


4. What is Sami's Favorite subject?


5. Does he like science?


Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Write a biography about an explorer called Yuri Gagarin. Use ALL the information in the
box. Your paragraph should be correct and well-organized.

Yuri Gagarin

born/ Russia/1934

first man/ space

travelled / around the world

spaceship/ "Vostock"

famous explorer

killed/1968/plane crash

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj

Write a biography about a great Muslim called Abd-Alrahman Al-Sumait Use ALL the
information in the box. Your paragraph should be correct and well-organized.

Abd-Alrahman Al-Sumait

born / October 1947/ Kuwait

doctor/ 5 children more 11million/ muslim/ Africa

more than 8600 well

died/ 15 August 2013

Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Write about the picture. Write at least 40 words. You can use the words in the box.





Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Write about the picture. Write at least 40 words. You can use the words in the box.







Remedial Activity G6.B 23rd July School Girls Done by Lamees Alfaraj


Write about the picture. Write at least 40 words. You can use the words in the box.






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