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I’ve never thought of myself as creative until I stopped and looked at

what I have done. I cannot draw, sing, or dance, but what I can do is
create props, minis, stickers, and other technical things I never saw as art,
thus not creative. Once I redefined the word I was excited to try my
hands at a zine, thus Nuggets #1. After It was assembled I found what
needed to be improved, focus, word count, and art. Making the leap
(however small) into layout too the most time for me to adjust, but
looking back was easier than I thought it would be. By asking questions
and listening to advice I have come farther than I could have on my own.
If this zine proves anything it’s that you too can do whatever you want if
you try, ask, and do.

Made possible by patrons at

Thanks in general to the OSR Anchorites who have encouraged me in

making this. Special thanks to Aron Clark, Collin “Spikepit” Green,
Donald McCarthy, John Riccardi, Larry Hamilton, Logan Howard, Ray
Otus (who did the picture on page 6) and Rob C. who all read, gave
advice or made a nice comment.

Thanks to my gaming group, who test my weird ideas. Alex Gentile,

Alysia Middagh, Christopher Merrill, darshan Siegman, Jeff Diaz, Jordan
Lance, Landon Sepulveda, Lucielle Belle, Reverend Quinton T. McCain,
Tom Wiegienda, Tristan, and Will Flores.

And my wife, who encourages me to do the crazy things I do.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Table of Contents
Hexcrawling System .......................................................................................... 2
Hex Travel Table ......................................................................................... 2
Area 2 ................................................................................................................... 3
Encounter tables.......................................................................................... 3
Map of the area ............................................................................................... 4
General Description........................................................................................ 5
Rumors Table .............................................................................................. 5
14.12 - Keraptious’ Lair .................................................................................. 6
14.13 - Haunted Mine ..................................................................................... 7
15.11 - Stinging Winds Gulch ........................................................................ 8
15.12 - The Sword Maus’ Lair ....................................................................... 9
15.13 - Lake of the Ancients......................................................................... 10
16.12 - Garden of Monox ............................................................................. 11
16.13 - Grotto of the Lion ............................................................................. 12
Dungeon – Dragon’s Home ............................................................................ 13
Dungeon - Haunted Diamond Mine .............................................................. 14
Magic Items ....................................................................................................... 16
Ghost Rune .................................................................................................... 16
Mysterious Medic Periapt ........................................................................... 16
Covillian Ring of Casting ............................................................................ 17
Talia’s Ring of Casting ................................................................................. 18
Torch of Seeing.............................................................................................. 19
Vandrin’s Greatsword of the Dead ............................................................ 19
Credits ................................................................................................................ 21

Rich Fraser 1 Nuggets #2

Hexcrawling System
Crossing or moving through a six Roads can make travel easier
mile hex will be our standard of through rough terrain, so they
movement. Using a movement will decrease the time by one
rate that assumes twenty-four step. Horses, on the other hand
miles in eight hours breaks down would make travel more difficult
to three miles per hour, making a without a road and increase the
flat, plains like hex two hours to travel time by one step. Searching
traverse. Going through a hex for something will take twice the
with a different terrain will cause (unmodified by horses or roads)
travel to be slower, simulating a time to search.
varied path through the terrain.
Now that I’ve come up with a
Making a few quick divisions I
system, we can organize it into
came up with Flat / Plains,
something usable at the table.
Heavy Forest, Swap / Hills, and
Extrapolating that out to the sub-
Mountain / Desert. Each step
hex system I use (24-6-1) we get
increasing the time it takes to
this table.
move through the hex by twenty-
five percent.

Hex Travel Table

Hours per Hours per Hours per

Hex Terrain 24 Mile Hex 6 Mile Hex 1 Mile Hex

Flat/Pains 24 6 1

Heavy Forest 32 8 1:20

Swamp/Hills 48 12 2

Mountain/Desert 96 24 3

Rich Fraser 2 Nuggets #2

Area 2
Encounter tables (that the players are involved in) or
making rounds.
d4+d6 Encounter
5. Lizardfolk Hunters - Either they
2 Spooked miners (2)
will be traveling to a hunting spot,
3 Explorers (d4+6) lunching, or returning home. There
4 Lizard Folk Warriors is a 60% chance of fishermen, and
(2d6) returning hunters will have an
5 Lizard Folk hunters average haul (50%), great haul
(30%), or no haul (20%).
6 Lizard Folk Families
(2d6) 6. Lizardfolk Families - 80% are
7 Local Wildlife (3d6) adults, the rest are children. They
8 Bandits (2d6) are wandering about (1-2) fetching
9 Treasure Hunters water, (3-4) gathering herbs, (5)
(d6+4) having family time, or (6) lost.
10 Dragon (1)
7. Local Wildlife - based on
number appearing. (3-4) bear, giant
2. Spooked miners - two (of 12) spider, or mountain lion, (5-10)
miners occupying the mine at boar, wolf, or giant badger, (11-18)
14.13. If asked about the mine, they ravens, rats or centipedes.
will mention the ghosts. They are
8. Bandits - 30% chance of a leader
transporting 1000gp in gems to a
among them. If they outnumber the
business partner.
party they may attack, otherwise
3. Explorers - a group of people will parley as fellow adventures.
from a neighboring area come to
9. Treasure Hunters - They will
find (1-3) the fey in the grotto, (4-5)
offer to buy supplies from the
the ancient gem mine, or (6) meet
characters. (1-2) light, (3-4)
the miners for an exchange.
bedding, (5-6) food, (7-8) tools.
4. Lizardfolk Warriors - A group of
10. Dragon - 80% chance will be
warriors with a 25% chance of a
encountered flying. The dragon is
shaman among them. Either
friendly and will parley as a neutral
investigating something suspicious
Rich Fraser 3 Nuggets #2
Map of the area

Rich Fraser 4 Nuggets #2

General Description
This rolling grassland area that looks out toward the mountains of the
north is inhabited by mostly small lizardfolk tribes roam the area. They
converge around the lake and ruined church in 15.13. There is a dragon
who lives in 14.12 who keeps watch on the explorers and adventurers that
roam through. There are many reason one might come to these hexes
detailed in the rumor table on the next page.

Rumors Table

d6 Rumor

1 A haunted mine lies in the hills (somewhat true).

2 An ancient tribe with great treasure were rumored to live in the clouds
and came down bearing gold to people in ancient times (false).

3 A fey living in Lion’s Grotto know the location of a great treasure (false).

4 The dragon here is looking for friends to entertain (true).

5 An evil gang has a hideout somewhere in the grasslands (true).

6 The church used to be a place of great, good power (true).

Rich Fraser 5 Nuggets #2

14.12 - Keraptious’ Lair
A rocky peak juts out of the shrubs and makes the lair within
surrounding grasslands like a lone easily defendable.
jagged tooth, the last remains of a
Young bronze dragon, Keraptious,
long dead, giant beast. The area
lives on top of the tall peak jutting
around the tor is flat with low
out of the grassland. See Dragon’s
Home page 13. She can be
encountered flying around the
larger area. She guards a key to
an unknown lock as well as her
treasure horde. Her excursions
are generally to keep watch on
the local lizardfolk tribe.

There is a copse of trees in the

area that lizardfolk revere.
They tell a story of their
ancestors coming here to
challenge one another in tests
of skill and intelligence to settle
disputes. They now come to
play games of skill and chance;
sometimes for fun and
sometimes for the right to
sacrifice. This is a place sacred
to their people and they will
draw no blood here.

The competitions are with not

only the tribe, but with those
they capture and deem strong
enough to win. Those that enter
a challenge hope to be set free
as the lizardfolk say, but to the
lizardfolk to be set free means
something different.

Rich Fraser 6 Nuggets #2

14.13 - Haunted Mine
The rocky hills here have cracked, miners. There are two mages
opening up a passage to the deep involved in the mine who help with
dark. Inside of this cave, a mining illusions and communication with
operation has sprung up and is the xorn.
kept hidden by a group of six
The miners keep vigilant watch
miners masquerading as ghosts.
over the entrance to the mine and
Finding the mine requires try to scare away any intruders
searching the hex. The mine goes with costumes and minor illusions.
deep before disclosing its secrets, a Before anyone goes too deep they
xorn lurks in the depths eating will attack with low level spells and
silver from the vein here and thrown
saving the diamonds for the
miners, if pressed they may defend like a rock slide, but if investigated
their mine with personal violence. closely, a passage can be found by
squeezing between the rocks.
The ghosts leave footprints and a
tar smell after they are gone. The See Haunted Diamond Mine page
footprints lead to what at first looks 14.

Rich Fraser 7 Nuggets #2

15.11 - Stinging Winds Gulch

A gulch is dividing the forest to the is a 200 foot trickle of water coming
North West and the hills here, all from the creek. This cave can be
that remains of a once fast moving used to enter the deep dark
river. A creek flows through here underground of the area.
into a small pond. Switchback go
Many curious explorers have
from the top to bottom in several
ventured forth, but most never
areas, making it easier to traverse
return. The ones that do speak of
than it would appear.
great flying insects using the
The bottom of the gulch is used as hollow inside as a hive. The insects
a fishing spot and can be seen easily will ignore those who venture into
from the top on either side. Local the underground without
lizardfolk come to fish and a few disturbing the hive.
are always in an outcropping of
Deep in the hive the contents of
rock, hiding from onlookers and
many failed expeditions lie, one of
watching for trouble. There is a
the unlucky’s bag contains a book
secret area locked away her at the
of magical knowledge. It’s contents
end of the gulch.
can be used as scrolls. It contains
The river that used to cut through one scroll each of friendship,
the stone and flow underground, sending and sleep.
all that remains of a great waterfall

Rich Fraser 8 Nuggets #2

15.12 - The Sword Maus’ Lair
A small rock A cart is parked outside, covered
shelter with tarps colored to camouflage it
leads from onlookers. They use the cart
to a to transport goods and people in
cave hidden compartments. They are
dug into the very well armed, keep a secure
treasure vault containing their

They have a cage with three

prisoners from a nearby
village. They have extracted
ground. It is information about a party at a
here where an manor not far to the north.
active bandit The plan is to impersonate
group, The Sword the prisoners and rob the
Maus, lairs. The place during the party
bandits are organized after everyone is
and crafty. Led by a inebriated.
rakshasa in disguise, the
bandits terrorize the
surrounding areas and
keep to themselves around
their home. They know of
the mine and let the
miners control it, finding
greater riches from the
explorers and small
dwellings farther away.

Rich Fraser 9 Nuggets #2

15.13 - Lake of the Ancients
A lake stands here with no The creature is an ancient angel
connected rivers. It is filled from a who is recruiting bodies for war.
combination of the rain and the The angel thinks that fighting is the
water table below. The hole was key to beating back the legions of
created by an unknown ancient fiends in the lower planes.
impact. The center of the lake is a
The local lizardfolk believe that the
small island with the ruins of a
angel will destroy the area if a
small church. Under that island
sacrifice is not made every full
dwells a fallen angel, on an ancient
moon. All investigation leads to the
mission to recruit warriors for the
angel's disguise (illusion) and
celestial wars.
natural disasters connected to
Her memory fades in and out, but sacrifices missed.
she is focused on the mission. The
There is a book in the ruin below
lizardfolk bring her sacrifices each
that describes one of the first to see
full moon, the strongest they can
the creature and the conversation
muster, from their own or from
they had about the sacrifices.
those they capture. The angel cares
not race or species, only strength of The lizardfolk tribe has set up a
those surrendered. village around the shores of the

Rich Fraser 10 Nuggets #2

16.12 - Garden of Monox
The mists in this cloud forest hide taken away from him. This keeps
more than just the trees, Monox, an Monox aggressively attacking any
intelligent insect, keep its home who roam near his home.
and garden deep in this forest.
Recently, a false rumor has led
Finding the flower garden requires
many to come here seeking great
the party to search the hex.
treasure and finding only death.
Monox eats the nectar of the
Monox meets with a neighboring
flowers in his garden to keep his
fey on occasion who helps to tend
sentience. Monox fears that if the
the garden in exchange for some of
flowers are found and its
the leaves.
properties discovered they will be

Rich Fraser 11 Nuggets #2

16.13 - Grotto of the Lion
A grotto lies near
the center of this
hex over which
looms a rock that
looks like the bust
of a lion. Local
hunters have
targeted the water
fey, Lewin, who
lives here for his
knowledge of a
nearby treasure.
The fey knows not
of a great treasure
(unless Monox’s
garden counts),
but in fact is
hiding the burial
site of his former

To keep his lover’s

soul from falling
into the hands of
the unseelie he
must perform a
tea ritual every full moon. The Obtaining the items is simple,
ritual requires one each of blue although there is a forty percent
quartz, turquoise, and lapis lazuli chance that hunters have stolen his
gemstones, musk of a skunk, a rare gemstones. Lewin needs a lookout
egg from a bird that nests high in to protect him so he can perform
the trees of the cloud forest, and the ritual uninterrupted.
leaves from Monox’s plant.

Rich Fraser 12 Nuggets #2

Dungeon – Dragon’s Home
The entrance door will open only if garden, twenty in the the barracks
the password (dragon's home) is and five groups of five on patrol in
uttered in draconic. The door is the maze. If the players encounter
immune to non-magical attacks more than five groups in the maze,
and has 100 hp. There is a fireball replace any new encounters from
glyph inscribed on the door that the barracks and then the garden.
will go off it the door is attacked.
After traversing the maze, the
A difficult hedge maze occupies the second floor is littered with well-
lower level of this lair. The ceiling hidden pit traps. The pit traps are
is forty feet tall, the hedge walls are difficult to see and require four
thirty feet apart and have a two foot successful search rolls or some
gap at the ceiling. To navigate, pick other means of detection (tapping
a direction and make a survival or the floor, hands and knees, etc.). A
navigation roll, four successful successful saving throw will allow
checks get the party out of the maze a character to catch onto the edge
and into one of the four sections before falling. The pit traps drop
around the maze. The entrance is in the players forty feet to the maze
the south, to the west is an indoor below.
garden kept up by the fey minions,
The third level is a huge audience
to the north is the stairs to the
chamber and where the dragon is
second level and to the east is the
unless she is not home. The dragon
barracks where the fey cook, eat,
will offer congratulations to the
and sleep. One encounter with
party for making it this far and ask
minions (pixies and sprites) for
what their intentions are. If they
each failed check. Each failure
attack, the dragon will defend her
removes one success. If navigating
home until her hit points are
the maze a second time, whether
knocked down to twenty-five
exiting the lair or falling back into
percent, then she will fly out the
it, rolls are made with advantage.
top, recuperate and hunt the
There are a total of sixty pixies and players down. There is a secret
sprites (thirty of each) in the lower door here that leads to her treasure
area. There are fifteen in the chamber.

Rich Fraser 13 Nuggets #2

Dungeon - Haunted Diamond Mine
The miners keep vigilant watch of the mine, but if investigated
over the entrance to the mine and closely, a passage can be found by
try to scare away any intruders squeezing between the rocks.
with costumes and minor illusions.
If the players squeeze through the
There are twelve miners in total,
rock slide wall for twenty feet they
two usually out selling gems, seven
will emerge in a small room with
at the mines, and three foraging in
food, used candles, liquor, cards,
the area around the mine. Three are
costumes, raw diamonds and lamp
mages, all are dressed in dirty
oil that smells of tar when it burns;
clothes, have dirty hands and faces,
investigation shows all these items
and squint in the sunlight.
are recently used.
The entrance is guarded by a ward
Upon leaving the small room and
that casts an illusion of ghosts
returning to the main area, players
moving around inside the cave and
are attacked by three of the miners
going through walls. Before
(one of them a mage).
anyone goes too deep they will
attack with low level spells and Pressing forward, beyond the
thrown weapons, if pressed they hidden room, leads to the real
may defend their mine with mine. The tunnels carved here look
personal violence. like they were scratched out by
claws. There is a room off of the
They leave footprints that lead past
main passage that functions as a
the mine cart and into a rock slide
sleeping area for the miners. There
wall and the faint smell of tar
are eight beds, seven look recently
used. Unless all the miner have
Their last line of defense is a mine been defeated three miners (one of
cart rigged with explosives if them a mage) are here with their
ridden to the end of the line. The two pet dogs.
mine cart turns to a side passage
The passage leads deeper into the
and the explosives trap or injure
earth and opens into a chamber
those inside.
with the glittering of ore. This ore is
The footprints lead to what at first worthless; fool’s gold, but may
looks like a rock slide near the back have some interest to an illusionist,
Rich Fraser 14 Nuggets #2
boosting the duration of their spells With the miners defeated, the
by half. There is enough to mine players are free to take over the
out ten uses, each use taking an mine, the xorn will negotiate for the
hour and weighing one quarter of a silver and save the gemstones for
pound. the players. Hours or days later, the
remaining miners may return with
The next chamber is the location of
mercenaries and try to retake the
the crisscrossing silver and
mine by first killing the xorn and
diamond veins. The corn is here
then the players.
with a mage. They will attack, but
may be convinced to surrender.

Rich Fraser 15 Nuggets #2

Magic Items
Ghost Rune
Wondrous item, uncommon

The ghost rune can be transferred to a non-magical suit of armor or

weapon. If attached to a weapon, the weapon can instead do cold or
necrotic damage. If a creature is immune to cold damage, it is reduced to
resistance for this attack; if it is resistant it is reduced to normal damage. If
the creature does not have a resistance or immunity to cold damage and
cold is chosen, critical hits do three times the normal effect.

Mysterious Medic Periapt

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by cleric)

Preparation lie not only with armor and weapons we carry, but what we
carry in our hearts. Today we not only prepare to fight, but also prepare to
heal in the name of our deity.” –Codym, combat cleric, servant of Asclepius

You always have cure wounds and healing word prepared, and they do
not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Rich Fraser 16 Nuggets #2

Covillian Ring of Casting
Ring, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

When casting a spell with a level greater than one apply the following
effects depending on the damage type. Saving throws use the caster’s spell
save DC. Roll d12 + d2-1 or pick one.

1. Acid: splashes onto another target within 5’

2. Bludgeoning: strength saving throw or be knocked prone

3. Cold: con save or 0 movement

4. Fire: continues to burn, doing half damage next round unless target uses
its action to put out the fire

5. Force: advantage on next attack on tearget due to searing pain

6. Lightning: jumps to additional target within 10’

7. Necrotic: gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt, cannot be
greater than your current hit point total.

8. Piercing: bleed doing d4 damage for 3 rounds unless bandaged

9. Poison: constitution saving throw or lose next turn vomiting

10. Psychic: intelligence saving throw or gain a temporary madness

11. Radiant: wisdom saving throw or become blind for one round

12. Slashing: armor malfunction, disadvantage on attacks until next round

13. Thunder: constitution saving throw or deafened for one round

Rich Fraser 17 Nuggets #2

Talia’s Ring of Casting
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

“One should be careful when wearing any item created by a wild mage,
chaotic magic can create chaotic items.” – From the notes of Vantax the mage,
missing since last month

While wearing this ring, you gain +1 to your Spell Save DC and Spell
Attack Modifier. Also, while casting any spell that does damage roll 3d6
and add or subtract the corresponding number of dice on the chart below.

Damage Dice Modifier Table

3d6 Result
3 -1
4 -2
5–6 -3
7 – 13 +0
14 – 15 +1
16 – 17 +2
18 +3

Rich Fraser 18 Nuggets #2

Torch of Seeing
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

“The torchbearer claimed he only needed one torch. The one he brought
cleared away the fog and burned the entire duration of our journey.” –
Tagart Greataxe, dwarven adventurer

As long as you possess the torch and it is lit, you can see through heavily
obscured areas as if they were lightly obscured. You can spend a hit die to
extend this benefit to another creature who stays within 120' of the torch.
This effect ends when you regain hit dice or the creature moves farther that
120' from the torch.

Vandrin’s Greatsword of the Dead

Weapon (greatsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

A famous lich changed his loyal ally into a special revenant, capable of
directing his vengeance on the enemies of his regent. This sword was
created for him, to smite the living where they stand. Woe to any who
possess it, for surely he will seek it out.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic
weapon. If the creature being attacked is a beast, giant, or humanoid the
bonus is +3.

Proficiency with a greatsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus

to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
Rich Fraser 19 Nuggets #2
Cover image- Marc Radle

Page 6 image – Ray Otus

Cockatrice Nuggets logo by Carter Sepulveda

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

International Public License available at:

©2019 rich fraser productions

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