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Name: Vanesa TP Number: 4 Length: 45´ Date: 01/03/2024

Main Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to understand and use the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements in the
context of Festival plans.
Subsidiary aims(s): To speak about.’ Students will be able to …
To activate students prior knowledge about Festival´s celebrations and future plans.
To help students understand the main idea of a short text about festivals and holidays by reading quickly and getting the general meaning.
To enable student to review language about festival and holidays.
Evidence: By the end of this lesson students will have developed…
Learners can accurate use the target language in control practice and also use the language to talk about their own future arrangements in freer practice, I’ll
know my aims have been achieve.
Personal Aims:
- To use clear and effective instructions when setting up the tasks, including demonstration and checking questions.
- To engage students actively throughout the lesson.
- To give students feedback on successful and unsuccessful language use.
- Title: Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Work Book
- Authors: Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Frances Eales
- Publisher: Pearson Longman
- Year of publication: 2013
- ISBN: 978-1-4479-2996-2
- Exercise 8 A page 21 Work Book
Mins Stage name Procedure (describe how you will Interacti Anticipated Problems and Solutions Comment box for tutors (leave blank
What’s the aim of manage each step) on (with management, learners and when planning)
the stage? (S/PW/ tasks)
5 Lead-in (5 I will engage students in a brief Problem: Lack of engagement in the
minutes): To discussion about their experiences and OC discussion.
generate interest plans for Festivals. (Semana Santa) Solution: Encourage participation
and curiosity in Example (3 mins) through asking them questions about
the theme of - Last semana santa, I spent the Festival in their countries.
Festival plans and evening with my family, watching
introduce the topic “the pasos”. It was a memorable
of future
- Have you ever been to a festival in
your country?
- What´s the next festival in your
- What do you usually do? Do you
have any favorite traditions or
I will encourage students to share
their thoughts on how they usually
celebrate the holidays in BOR and any PW
special plans they have for this year. (3
mins) and then check their opinios in OC

5 Stage 2: Present a I will display visuals aid booking a flight OC Problems: Students may encounter
Situation online, packing luggage, meeting unfamiliar vocabulary related to
Mins Stage name Procedure (describe how you will Interacti Anticipated Problems and Solutions Comment box for tutors (leave blank
What’s the aim of manage each step) on (with management, learners and when planning)
the stage? (S/PW/ tasks)
Aim: To present friends, and participating in Semana travel and Semana Santa festivities.
the target Santa festivities. Solution: Pre-teach or review key
language (present I will narrate the pictures: I am vocabulary words before presenting
continuous for searching for flights to go home for the visuals
future Semana Santa celebrations, I am
arrangements) in packing my bags and getting ready for
a context. the trip. My family and I are planning
to meet up for a dinner before the
festivities begin.We are looking
forward to experiencing the vibrant
Semana Santa processions and
traditional events.
Students would match the
descriptions with the images as
Planning for watch the procession
Booking a flight online
Meeting my family
Packing a suitcase
Ss complete the task with the whole
8 Stage 3: Language I will explain the use of PC for future OC Problem: difficulty Understanding
clarification arrangements and check they know Present Continuous for Future
Aim: To clarify the with a task. Arrangements
meaning, form - Analyzing the Form Solutions: Provide a clear and
and pronunciation - Are we talking about past, S concise explanation of how the
of target present or future? With an present continuous tense is used to
language. activity. OC describe future arrangements.
Student complete the task togegher.

17 Stage 4: Activity: Workbook Exercise 8, page S Problem: Ss may take longer than
Controlled 21. Complete the sentences with expected to complete the workbook
Mins Stage name Procedure (describe how you will Interacti Anticipated Problems and Solutions Comment box for tutors (leave blank
What’s the aim of manage each step) on (with management, learners and when planning)
the stage? (S/PW/ tasks)
Practice: to Present continuous form of the verbs exercise, resulting in insufficient time
provide the Ss in brackets. (10mins) for pair checking or whole-class
with controlled I will do an example with them, Ss review.
practice of the complete the task on their own then PW Solution: Set a timer to keep track of
target language in check in pairs in BORS (min) and then the allotted time for completing the
order to on open class. OC task

10 Freer Practice Instruct students to work in pairs, PW Problem: some students may feel
Aim: To provide taking turns to interview each other anxious about speaking English or
students with using the provided questions. conducting interviews with their
freer practice of Monitor student interactions in peers.
the target breakout rooms, providing support Solution: Create a supportive and
language in a and feedback as necessary. encouraging environment where
more authentic Bring students back to the main students feel comfortable practicing
context to session for open class feedback and their English skills
promote fluency. discussion, allowing students to share
interesting responses or experiences OC
from their interviews.

Language Analysis
Target language: Present Continuous for Future Arrangements

How will you deal with meaning, form and pronunciation in the lesson?
What is the meaning? How will you convey How will you check if students What is the form of the target Analyse the pronunciation of your
(e.g. definition and model meaning to students? understand the meaning? language? target language: use the phonemic
sentence) (e.g. a visual, a context) (plan your CCQs) How will you analyse it for alphabet and highlight word or
students on the whiteboard/on a sentence stress and other relevant
handout? phonological features (silent
letters/linking/tricky sounds etc)
The present continuous Visual Context Analysis - Are we talking about Subject + to be (am/is/are) + [aɪ æm ˈɡoʊɪŋ "I AM going to
tense is used to talk about form: Use pictures or a things happening now or present participle (-ing form a paraty”
future arrangements or visual story showing in the future? of the main verb)
plans that have already been people making plans - Do we use the present Example: Emphasize stress on the
made. for future events like continuous for plans we auxiliary verb "to be" and the
- I am going
Model Sentence: "I am parties, meetings, or have already made? main verb.
- She is meeting
meeting my friends tonight." trips. - Is it something we are
Contextual Examples: doing right now? - They are traveling
Provide sentences or
dialogues where
characters discuss their
upcoming plans.

Analysis of problems & solutions

What’s the target language / key vocab? What difficulties/problems do you expect students to Suggest solutions for each problem.
have with meaning, form and pronunciation?
Present continuous tense for future Meaning: Solution:
arrangements Difficulty understanding the concept of using the When we use the present continuous tense to talk
Vocabulary related to future plans, present continuous tense to describe future about future plans or arrangements, we're indicating
arrangements, and events arrangements or plans. that something is already scheduled or planned to
Confusion about how actions happening now can relate happen. For example, 'I am meeting my friend for lunch
to future events or plans. tomorrow.' Here, 'am meeting' shows that the
Form: arrangement is already set, even though it's happening
Incorrect conjugation of the verb "to be": in the future.
Example: "She am going to the party tomorrow." Solution:
Incorrect use of the present participle form of the main Break down the structure of the present continuous
verb: tense, emphasizing correct conjugation of the verb "be"
Example: "He is go to the cinema tonight." and the use of the present participle form of the main
Errors in forming questions, negatives, and statements: verb. Offer exercises and activities to reinforce
Example: "Are you are coming to the meeting understanding and usage of the present continuous
tomorrow?" tense for future arrangements.
Confusion in understanding how actions happening now
relate to future events or plans. Solution:
Pronunciation: Model correct pronunciation, stressing and intonating
Mispronunciation of the present participle (-ing form) of the present continuous forms, and give students
verbs: opportunities to practice pronunciation.
Example: "He is walkING to school."
Errors in stress and intonation patterns:
Example: "They are GOing to the beach next weekend."

Analysis of appropriacy
Is the language specific to certain situations? E.g. formal. Informal, slang. What difficulties/problems do you What are the solutions to these
expect students to have with problems?


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