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Huginn ok Muninn fljúga hverjan dag Thought and Memory each morning fly
Jörmungrund yfir; Over the vast earth:
óumk ek of Hugin at hann aftr né komit, Thought, I fear, may fail to return,
þó sjámk meir um Munin. But I fear more for Memory.




Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory) are Óðinn’s
ravens. They once perched on his shoulders and re- Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read
connoitred to the ends of the earth, returning each aloud or paraphrased for the players. It often includes
evening to whisper him news. That is, until the Skuld NPC dialogue or specific information that is import-
Order captured the Raven God and stripped him of ant to convey.
his spies. From the secrets they stole, they built the
first Thought & Memory Drive. But, as Óðinn might
have warned the thieves, knowledge comes as a cost.
Their unwise incisions also cut loose his wolves, Geri Text that appears in a blue box is designed to of-
and Freki, spreading greed and avarice across the fer background information. Feel free to use the
Níu Heimar. detail provided to add colour to the campaign or
The Sons of Ivaldi, already covetous and deceit- provide context for the players.
ful, were driven mad with hunger. They contracted
with Tricksters to destroy the Skuld and their base at
Mímisbrunnr, triggering the cataclysm known as the
Swordfall. In an instant, the mechanists and all their Text that appears in a grey box is for your eyes only.
hubris boiled away to nothingness. It is intended to highlight vital clues and secrets that
Now, five years after the Swordfall, the Ívalda synir will help your storytelling.
are as voracious as ever. They have seized the man-
tle of Mímisbrunnr and gained control of the Skuld’s
technologies. Still consumed by wolfish fervour, they When a monster name or an NPC’s character type
crave even more wealth and wisdom, including the appears in bold, refer to that statistics box to play
greatest prize of all: immortality. the creature. Most of the creatures that appear in this
Huginn and Muninn, meanwhile, never rest. They book are detailed in Chapter 10: Bestiary in When the
still fly far and wide on pointed wings, searching for Wolf Comes. Monsters new to these adventures ap-
the instruments of their salvation. It just so happens pear in this book’s appendix, while NPCs with me-
the ravens have selected the player characters as their chanics have their statistics boxes in the adventures
fated champions… themselves.
As with all When the Wolf Comes adventures,
Ragnarök is all around. The campaign features the
RUNNING THE GAME effects of Surtr’s Sword, Brother Shall Strike Brother,
Thought and Memory Tear, Naglfar Returns, Fimbul-
Thought and Memory Saga is a campaign designed winter and Fall of Civilization (see Chapter Nine in
for five characters. It uses the rules for the When the main rulebook). You may, of course, add other
the Wolf Comes RPG, based on Robert J. Schwalb’s catastrophes to suit your table!
Shadow of the Demon Lord. This book is intended
for would-be Game Masters. To run the campaign,
you need a copy of When the Wolf Comes rulebook. MAKING MISTAKES
Before you run one of the adventures, be sure to take
a few minutes to read through it and make notes. Games Masters are fallible, just like everyone else,
Each adventure is a lot like a road map, showing a and even the most experienced GMs make mistakes.
final destination and a number of different routes the If you overlook, forget, or misrepresent something,
characters can take to get there. The player characters correct yourself and move on. This is a hefty saga
are the heroes of the story; this campaign describes with lots of interconnecting elements and Viking lore;
the foes and creatures they must overcome and the no one expects you to internalize or memorize every
locations they must explore to bring the adventure to aspect of it.
a successful conclusion. It is left to you to fill in the
details, to find ways to connect the characters to the CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT
story, and to present the world as a believable and
coherent place. This might sound like a lot, but you’re Thought and Memory Saga includes eleven adven-
smart, capable, and more than up to the task. After tures to provide you with a complete campaign. If
all, you’re the Game Master! you run each adventure in order, you can take your
characters from their humble beginnings to their pin-
nacles of power. You can also take adventures from
this book and connect them to other adventures to
create your own campaign. The characters begin the
adventure at Level 0. The saga begins in rime-scarred


wastes of Heimsslit (literally, ‘the end of the world’ in The Swordfall

Old Norse), the northernmost inhabited remnant of
empire, but ultimately stretches across the Níu Hei- The Roarer himself went into hiding, hunted across
mar to the binary world of Muspelheim/Niflheim. the Níu Heimar. When he eventually surfaced, it was
to plant the seeds of his revenge. He used his talents
to sow confusion throughout the imperial hierarchy,

SAGA OVERVIEW convincing them that it was easier to rule an emp-

ty room than a house of potential traitors. The new
empress, Trumba, began to dream of sweeping the
The story at the heart of this campaign is a tragic tale Hindoo slums clean, boiling away the Skuld ants, and
of sacrifice and sorrow, involving the twilight of gods bringing her faithless jarls to their knees. Under the
and menn, as told in the novel The All Father Paradox. influence of the Roarer, the Empress transacted with
the ever-grasping Sons of Ivaldi, promising them un-
The Jötunn War told riches if they were to help her bring her recal-
citrant empire to heel. The Sons of Ivaldi had long
A century ago, revolution rocked the Norse Empire. been jealous of the Skuld, especially their discovery
A fanatic known as the Roarer pledged to free ordi- of Thought and Memory Drive. As hungry as wolves,
nary menn from slavery, using new technology to they were only too willing to seize the opportunity.
twist his disciples into jötnar. War erupted shortly They devised the means to obliterate all the Empress’
thereafter, when Jötunheim seceding from the Em- problems in an instant: a portable black hole made
pire, demanding its freedom with menaces. The em- of meta-materials, which caused the star Surtalogi to
peror Dietbald swore to excise the jötnar corruption explode, cleaving the heavens like a blade.
with all the might at his command. The counter in-
surgency proved a decades long disaster, at least un- The World’s Ruin
til the Skuld delivered Thought and Memory Drive.
The technology provided the means to finally cage Midgard is the birthplace of mannkind, and the for-
the jötnar and changed the course of the war. Tragi- mer seat of the Empire. After the Swordfall, it was left
cally, Dietbald did not live to savour victory: when he a frigid wasteland prowled by nightmares—and all
eventually breached the jötnar defences, he was am- but abandoned by the empress. Now, in the far north,
bushed and slain. The imperial fleet rained retribu- a new power has arisen amid the anarchy. Under the
tion down on the surviving rebels: the orbital barrage pretence of studying the great, sweeping winter, an
brought Jötunheim to ruin, wiping away all trace of Ivaldian magnate named Bangsi has led a group of
treason. his kin to Hjálpmakaar, a small town that has some-
how survived in the shadow of the marching glacier.


Still goaded by Geri and Freki, Bangsi grasps for providing them with the coordinates for the Drift. In
yet more power: the mantle of the gods themselves. the present day, the rift appears as a crimson scar,
The havoc wrought by the Swordfall has given his an unexplained aurora in the ionosphere. MIM hopes
so-called Winter Wise the cover they need to source to bait the heroes into the past, to expose what truly
the rare metals and minerals for their ascension. They occurred on Mímisbrunnr and prevent its future iter-
have opened exploratory mines across the polar ring ation coming online.
worth trillions and are preparing undersea explora-
tion programs, planning to exploit the untouched re- Secrets of the Ice
sources of the region.
Centuries ago, the original inhabitants of the polar
The Fimbulvetr wilds sold the land around Hjálpmakaar to a mar-
itime explorer named Bjarnarðson. The land deed
The Swordfall has led to abrupt climate change across has been passed down the generations and, over the
Midgard, the size, extent, and rapidity of which had course of the campaign, is likely to end up in the pos-
not been seen since the Younger Dryas 12,000 years session of the player characters. Should it come to
ago. The average temperature across the imperial light, the deed could completely derail Bangsi Ivald-
heartlands has plummeted to −5 °C (23 °F), disrupt- ison’s plans.
ing the age-old tango between ice and trees. Glaciers
are advancing, and the boreal forest, a crown of nee-
dles and leaves around the northern hemisphere, is
in rapid retreat. Until recently Heimsslit was a series
of islands; now it is connected to Bjarmaland to the
south by a barren, windswept frozen sea.

The Drift

As far as most people in Hjálpmakaar are concerned,

Roðrekr’s Drift is just another failed mining venture,
abandoned during the war. The Sons of Ivaldi bought
the land from the destitute owners and began to con-
struct a great vault in preparation for a future after
the Swordfall. The Drift has proven an ideal location
for their stolen Skuld secrets, far from any conflict,
geologically stable, well above sea level, and drilled
deep into the mountain. The new vault has proven
so secure that Bangsi has persuaded the empress to
move the whole imperial archive there.

MIM 2.0

Under this cloak of legitimacy, the Sons of Ivaldi se-

questered the backup for the supercomputer MIM
into cold storage within. Stolen from under the very
noses of the Skuld, the machine is being regrown and
reconnected in utmost secrecy. When it comes online,
Bangsi’s followers hope to use its vast widsom to ac-
celerate their ascension to godhood.

The Raven’s Song

The Sons of Ivaldi have no idea that Huginn and

Muninn form a part of the consciousness of their new
machine—the Vikingverse equivalent of CPU and
RAM—or that the ravens continue to whisper news
across time and space. Given advance warning of its
destruction, and the treachery of the Sons of Ivaldi,
the original MIM took a risk to attract the attention of
saga worthy heroes. Moments before the Swordfall,
the machine opened a rift between past and present,
catapulting a hijacked orcneas craft through, and



Thought and Memory Saga is divided into then chap- For 5th-level characters
ters, as shown in the Adventure Flowchart below: The characters must defend an archive from an orc-
neas incursion.
For 0-level characters
The characters escort a dying man on his last jour- For 6th-level characters
ney only to find themselves drawn into a bitter blood The characters track down a derelict ship, marooned
feud. on the ice.


For 1st level characters For 7th-level characters
The characters are cursed by a jötnar headman and The characters stage a daring rescue and evade an en-
must earn his forgiveness. emy fleet.


For 2nd-level characters For 8th-level characters
The characters are asked to investigate a mysterious The characters uncover the dark truths behind the
aurora. Swordfall.


For 3rd-level characters For 9th-level characters
The characters must clear their names of murder and The characters battle a fracture, sent to repair the
bring the real culprit to justice. timelines.


MINE For 10th-level characters
For 4th-level characters The characters seek to return Thought and Memory
The characters travel to a deserted mining town to to their rightful owner and thwart the Sons of Ivaldi.
uncover its secrets.


plans. MIM directly engages with the player charac-
ters in the Well of Fate. Further background on MIM
can be found in the novel, the All Father Paradox.
This orðalista contains some of the key names you’ll
find in the pages ahead. You might be familiar with MIMics
the names from Norse mythology, but it is import-
A religion devoted to the worship of MIM. Adherents
ant to note how they are remimagined for the Vi-
believe that science and technology will deliver a way
for mannkind to live forever. In this saga, the Church
Surtalogi of the One Zero is a vigorous new offshoot that plans
to use the MIM backups to achieve immortality.
Surt’s fire, the name given to the star in the Gimir
system. When the star went supernova, it hurled an Sons of Ivaldi
immense burst of energy at Midgard known as the
Swordfall. The perpetrators of this planetcide are re- A family of clones who seek to transcend their bio-
vealed in this saga, and it is up to the player charac- logical form through cybernetic augmentation. Many
ters to bring them to justice. Ivaldians are devout MIMics, their actions driven
both by greed and faith. The main antagonist of this
The Roarer saga, Bangsi Ivaldison, has lied, cheated and killed
over the past decade in his pursuit of power, includ-
The nom de guerre of the revolutionary, Mikjáll Hof- ing engineering the Swordfall to cover his tracks.
gard, creator of the jötnar. The Roarer is neither mann
nor jötunn, but a unique Fracture. Part avenging en- Skíðblaðnir
gill, part Trickster God, he aims to bring about Rag- The finest of ships built by the Sons of Ivaldi, the flag-
narök thereby restoring the Kristinn (our) timeline. ship of their fleet, used to defend their interests.
The Roarer plays only a small part in this saga, con-
tent to use other pawns in his cosmic game. Gungnir

Geri and Freki The name of Óðinn’s spear, known for always hitting
its target, here recast as a sleek warship used by the
The two wolves that accompany the god, Óðinn. Sons of Ivaldi to send Surtalogi supernova.
Accidentally set loose by the Skuld, these spirits of
greed and hunger have corrupted the Sons of Ivaldi
and caused them to reach for the mantle of the gods.

Huginn and Muninn

A pair of ravens, named Thought and Memory, that

bring information to Óðinn. Ripped from his shoul-
ders, their attempt to return to their master is the
driving force behind the events of this saga. Muninn
appears directly in the campaign in the form of the
Hrafn-hauss artifact.


The widely revered god of wisdom, poetry, death,

divination, and sorcery. Óðinn lurks on the fringes
of this saga, wandering the wastes, shorn of his com-
panions. He will never quite reveal himself to the
player characters, but can be a source of inspiration
— a mysterious stranger who offers timely advice only
to disappear, for example.


A sentient supercomputer modelled on Mímir’s

head, that recites secret knowledge and counsel to the
imperial elite. The Sons of Ivaldi cover MIM’s power
and aim to use its backup to accelerate their nefarious



The beginning of this adventure throws the char-
acters together, without assuming they are familiar
with each other. The following Threads of Fate are
inspired by the setting and polar legends. They can
Have the players create their characters togeth- be used to give characters a reason to be in the frozen
er. You can download copies of the character sheet north (and help facilitate a sense of loyalty to their
from, so have the players print off warband!) and used either instead of, or in addition
their own or print them yourself. Before the players to, those listed in the main rulebook. Each Thread of
choose their origins, make sure to tell them they all Fate comes with a Hidden Effect, that is only revealed
come from Hjálpmakaar and that the saga takes place to the player when they encounter a specific person or
there. Some suggestions on how to fit the origins into event. The GM can expand on these individual story
the community follow: hooks as they see fit – for example, the Firefox hunter
Menn: Mennfólk are the most common inhabitants may hear rumours of a literal shimmering beast or
of Hjálpmakaar, drawn to the World’s Edge for work be fed distractions about the atmospheric anomalies,
or adventure. before realising they are fated to fight the head of the
Dvergar: Most dverg in Hjálpmakaar are used as Firefox Institute. The ‘rune-tongue’ might want to in-
either skimobiles or snowploughs, or employed in vestigate the Troll’s Tongue or come to imagine they
construction and mining. are a god, before finding out how they really fit into
Álfar: The álfar of Heimsslit are often pines, born of the puzzle. Each thread of fate is a ættarstapi of its
the Yfir knot. Specifically charged with the protecting own, a jumping off point for adventure!
the land, some have chosen to partner with menn to
do so.
Jötnar: Jötnar characters might be refugees, settling
in remote Heimsslit after escaping their chains. Most
dwell in the whaling town at Spikborg or live solitary
lives as trappers.
Dökkálfar: The dökkálfar maintain an enclave un-
der the abandoned mining town of Kóngssteinn, and
occasionally send traders out across the ice.
Son of Ivaldi: Ivaldians can be found in the Firefox
Institute or research stations, hoping to reverse the
Fimbulvetr...or so they think.
Járnviðjur: Children who find themselves at the
World’s Edge might have escaped a laboratory cage
at New Kœnugarðr, or come to prove their skills
alongside the jötnar.
Jöfurr: A jöfurr character might be a champion ski-
er or hunter, with a large private estate on the former
archipelago, or a dim-witted second son out to prove
his Hyperborean lineage.
Orcneas: Orcneas are almost unknown on Heims-
slit. A player character is probably an exile or spy and
will have to work hard to keep their identity a secret.
Wanes: The wanes regard the whole of Heimsslit
as a sacred site. Small groups wander out of the Yfir
forest on occasion to visit ancient tombs, locked in the
ice, or to learn directly from the sacred bears.


d20 Threads of Fate Hidden Effects

You have come to Heimsslit to hunt the legendary Firefox: catching

1 The character makes attack rolls against Bangsi Ivaldison with 2 weals.
one would make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Like Bragi, you have runes graven on your tongue. You have come to The character is a living clue for The Well of Memory adventure. The
Heimsslit to find out why. carved rune on their tongue is Óss.

Every time the character sees Rognvaldr Áss, they must make a Will
You played lead tagelharpa for Svartur Sunnudagr, until they kicked
3 challenge roll or gain 1 Trauma. However, they are immune to the
you out mid-tour in the middle of nowhere.
hypersonic song of fangstones.

The character gains 1 Honour by returning Fenja’s ashes to

Your friend Fenja gave her life for yours. Her last wish was for her
4 Kóngssteinn. If they somehow forget to do so, they instead gain 1
ashes to be scattered in her hometown on Heimsslit.

People say you are crazy. but you have come to the World’s Edge to The character gains 3 Honour if they organise a bear cavalry charge
race a sled team of ísbjörn. during The Raven Roads.

The character is immune to the Frightening trait of the stoor worm.

6 You flushed a failed anguiform experiment down the drain. However, they will be targeted by the creature if they fall into the
water during the Book of Daniel.

The character makes social attack rolls against the dvergar of Mine 7
You have staked a claim to Mine 7 near Hjálpmakaar and have come
7 with 2 woes. However, they can automatically find the secret elevator
to collect the Mother Lode.
in B-Shaft.

When this character arrives on Mímisbrunnr, they must get a success

Your parents belonged to the Skuld Order. They died screaming on
8 on a Will challenge roll with 3 woes or gain 1d6 Trauma. However,
Mímisbrunnr when it was destroyed.
they are immune to the Horrifying trait of the Nágríma.

You are the original Drunken Sailor, the subject of a dozen sea-
The character cannot be rendered defenceless by jötunn ale in the Book
9 shanties. Your last ship sailed without you, leaving you stuck in
of Daniel or any other recreational drug.

“Hail, nīðing! Your balls droop below your dress”. You were
The character cannot participate in the holmgang during Nobody Dies
10 grievously insulted in a flyting but fled to the far north rather than
in Hjálpmakaar or any other formal duel.
fight a duel of honour.

You aim to join the Winter Wise and are pledged to reverse the impact The character makes challenge rolls related to the polar environment
of the Swordfall. with 1 weal.

You have compelling evidence that the Firefox Institute thirsts for the
12 The character gains 1 weal on attempts to Intimidate the Sons of Ivaldi.
region’s mineral deposits.

You were married to a ísbjörn, who told you he was a prince who
13 The character is immune to the Frightening trait of ísbjörn.
shape-changed at night.

The character makes attack rolls against ísbjörn with 1 weal. However,
14 You once gifted a she-bear and her two cubs to a local jarl. ice bears cannot be charmed by any means while this character is in

The character treats all ísbjörn as Horrifying instead of Frightening.

You had a prophetic dream of a bear breaking into your home. The
15 However, they know exactly when the blizzard will strike in Ship of
soothsayers tell you it means a blizzard will descend from the east.
the Dead.

You avenged your dead father by hunting and eating the ísbjörn that The character inflicts double damage on the Bone Mother in the Book
killed him. of Daniel.

The Bjarndýrakóngur, the “King of the Bears”, is said have a single

17 If the character obtains Daniel’s sceptre, they gain 3 Inspiration points.
horn on its forehead that you desperately covet.

You were born with hound’s feet after your mother ate bear meat
18 The character ignores difficult terrain related to snow, ice or tundra.
while pregnant.

The character must make a Will challenge roll every time they ride a
You were the inventor of the famed Skíðverg but forgot to trademark
19 Skíðverg or gain 1 Trauma, but make Sleight challenge rolls related to
your motorised toboggan design.
the vehicle with 3 weals.

The character is immune to the Frightening trait of orcneas. However,

You have been infected with a parasitic fungus that threatens to turn
20 they will become compelled by the Roarer during the prison break in
you into a zombie slave. You are desperate to find a cure.
The Well of Memory.



To the west, Heimsslit is blessed by the Dumbshaf

Drift, a strong but narrow current of warm, salty wa-
This adventure takes place in Heimsslit (literally, ‘the
ter that creates an ice-free corridor called the Helsund
end of the world’ in Old Norse), the northernmost
(Hel Strait). It is an unpredictable stretch of water;
inhabited remnant of empire, and the last best hope
sailors must battle constantly against fierce winds to
for Jörð to recover from the Fimbulvetr. A group of
reach a mainland port, a journey of three days. Locals
the Winter Wise have remained in the frozen north to
use dog sleds or skíðverg (a modified Niss-E with
study the increasingly harsh conditions brought on
snow running attachments) to get around.
by the Swordfall, making the best of the short, dry
summers. Until recently Heimsslit was a series of is-
lands; now the landmass is connected by a barren, SACRED BEARS
bleak, frozen sea.
Many of the diverse cultures of the Niu Heimar share
the belief that the ísbjörn that roam freely across the
THE WORLD’S EDGE World’s Edge are sacred animals, blessed with pow-
erful spirits. Observing, protecting and occasionally
History gifting the bears is part of the reason Hjálpmakaar ex-
ists. The treaty makes it clear: it is prohibited to lure,
The discovery of the World’s Edge landmass is post- pursue or otherwise seek out ísbjörn in such a way as
humously credited to Vilhelm Bjarnarðr, whose ex- to disturb them or expose either bears or mennfólk
pedition was lost after relentless attacks from the ice to danger. For the people of Hjálpmakaar, the ísbjörn
bears who make it their home. Perfectly preserved are the kings and queens of beasts, the rulers of the
journals, found many years later, suggest that the wild. Many locals refuse to even call them bears, for
primitive guns of early pioneers failed to kill the fear of offending them, naming them Óðinn’s Dogs,
bears on first or even second shot (unless well aimed Old Menn in the Fur Coats, or the Ever-Wandering
at the heart), and the intense cold made metal weap- Ones. They are seen as wise, powerful brothers, a me-
ons so brittle they often shattered or bent. diator between mennfólk and spirits, a guardian of
the worlds of the dead.
Politics Nevertheless, there is a thriving black market for
bear DNA: it is fashionable for the imperial elite to
The Empire maintains nominal control, but access to pretend they are descended from ísbjörn, and they
the former archipelago was granted to all signatories go to great lengths to procure the genetic splices to
of the Ísbjörn Treaty at the end of the Jötunn War. prove it.
The result is a multicultural region with hundreds of
Northmenn, Kvenlanders, Skræling and Khitai eking
out an existence alongside machines and mutants. Skalds often refer to the bears poetically, with
names like White Sea Deer, the Seal’s Dread, the
Settlements Rider of Icebergs, the Whale’s Bane and the Sailor
of the Floe.
Long considered “no-mann’s-land,” Heimsslit has
one main town: Hjálpmakaar. The name literally
means “help each other” in Noor and is as much a
recommendation as a noun. Looming above the town THE TOWN WHERE NO-ONE DIES
are glaciers. In fact, everywhere to the horizon there
There is one very extreme law made by the people
are glaciers. To the north of Hjálpmakaar, there is a
living in Hjálpmakaar: you are not allowed to die.
significant dökkálfar presence at Kóngssteinn and ro-
The town’s Death Law legally prohibits people from
tating groups of Ivaldian researchers at New Kœnu-
dying and being buried at the settlement. If you’re
garðr. Along the southern coast is a small whaling
close to death, you’re forced to leave. Townsfolk of a
settlement, Spikborg.



certain age, or those suffering from prolonged illness
or injury, are taken to the ættarstapi and encouraged
to jump into the sea to their deaths.
There are two very good reasons why this is the
case. The first is the permafrost, which stops bodies
from decomposing. The natural heaving of the per-
mafrost gradually brings bodies to the surface and The ættarstapi is the precipice where townsfolk go
dead bodies attract isbjörn, which puts both bears to die. The cliff edge is also known as the Troll’s
and settlers in danger. The second is the fear that the Tongue, a flat area of rock that sticks horizontally out
cryogenically preserved bodies may still contain trac- of a mountain, 700 meters from the ground.
es of the Rabboon Fever virus that killed seven min-
ers several decades ago. The town’s small graveyard
stopped accepting newcomers after the last outbreak. KÓNGSSTEINN
The mining town of Kóngssteinn, named for the dia-
Cremations or “Viking burials” are relatively mond rich mountain towering over it, has been aban-
rare in Hjálpmakaar as firewood is expensive and doned for over twenty years. The town’s residents
must be shipped in. Few plants grow higher than moved out in a hurry after digging into a dormant
a few inches this far north. In rare cases of death dökkálfar colony, leaving cups on tables, newspaper
by violence or misadventure, corpses are tossed cuttings on the walls, and skiing equipment in the
from the ættarstapi. hallways. Today its only inhabitants are seabirds,
winter foxes, and the occasional ice bear.


Hjálpmakaar is the only well-settled area of the ar- As far as most people in Hjálpmakaar are concerned,
chipelago, and when you leave the town boundaries, Roðrekr’s Drift is an abandoned mineshaft. It used
characters are required by law to carry a gun or be to belong to a prospector by the name of Roðrekr,
escorted by someone with a firearm. After all, the who committed suicide by gunshot after he went
last thing anyone wants is to run into a blood-thirsty bankrupt digging up an empty hill. Better that than
mama ice bear and her cubs. While in town firearms drink himself to death, locals said. The name drift ei-
must remain unloaded, and they are not allowed in ther came from the wood that bundled on the nearby
stores or taverns. shore, the flurries of snow that piled high around the
empty shaft, or the wanderings of the poor mann’s
broken mind. Many years later the Empire set up the
Sökkvabekkr Data Archive in the abandoned shaft to
preserve vital data.



New Kœnugarðr is military base, originally built as This old growth forest on the southern spine of the
a launch site for polar exploration and long thought island is known for its millennia-old bristlecone
abandoned. In recent years it has seen significant pine trees. The green pine needles give the twisted
investment from the Sons of Ivaldi. It has a harbour branches a bottle-brush appearance. The trunks have
with one large berth for icebreaker ships to dock, a reddish-brown bark with deep fissures. The Knot is
dozen prefabricated buildings used as barracks, and locked tight and the whole area is cordoned off with
a sick house. The buildings are set in a circle around razor wire and warning signs, as an attempt to pro-
the state-of-the-art twin telescopes with huge, fast tect the trees from glaciation.
slewing antennas that the Empire uses to monitor the

There are seven working mines in the Heimsslit re-
gion, owned and operated by Ivaldian shell com-
panies. The Polar Ring holds large quantities of Hjálpmakaar is almost mild during the polar sum-
minerals, including phosphate (used as fertilizers mer, when the midnight sun dominates the sky.
throughout the agricultural zones), bauxite, iron ore, Beneath the town’s rough, industrial exterior lies
copper, an nickel (an important part of the produc- a vibrant community. Reindeer mope in between
tion of steel). In fact, unknown to the townsfolk, the the abandoned mining gear that doubles as surreal
Sons of Ivaldi are building an expanded icebreaker monuments at street corners. The air is alive with the
fleet and preparing undersea exploration programs, excited yips of the hundreds of huskies that call the
planning to exploit the untouched resources of the town home and seeing whales swimming in the fjord
region. from the tavern window is not an uncommon occur-
rence. There is a sickhouse, a bank, newspaper, ho-
SÖKKVABEKKR DATA ARCHIVE tel, temple, dverg garage and general store, a couple
of restaurants, and several bars. The town also has a
Sökkvabekkr is a doomsday vault, specially prepared research institute for the Winter Wise and their stu-
for a remote future after Ragnarök. It is also the secret dents.
location of the rebuilt supercomputer MIM. The facil-
ity is a large steel vault located 300 metres below the HOUSING
ground inside a decommissioned bauxite mine and
secured with a concrete wall and a steel gate. Houses are often made of stone and bright paint-
ed aluminium, raised on stilts to avoid melting the
SPIKBORG permafrost underneath. Newer homes are mounted
on steel pilings driven 10 to 15 meters into the bed-
Spikborg (‘Blubber Town’) is made up of sixteen rock beneath. Houses tend to be nice, tidy, and large
buildings, including a fort at its centre, built to ward enough to accommodate families of modest size.
off interlopers. The alleys between the buildings are Player characters can claim some of these buildings
cobbled with drainage gullies. The settlement is built based on their starting wealth. Characters that are
around the remains of Vilhelm Bjarnarðr’s centuries Thegns or possess greater wealth might own houses,
old and only partially excavated camp. About forty while poorer characters might live in trapper cabins
jötnar work here, boiling blubber into oil, flensing that dot the tundra beyond the town.
whales, and coopering casks to pour the oil into. The
town headman, Daniel, came to the island following TRAPPER CABINS
a messianic vision of a great bear risen out of the sea,
and is a bitter rival of the álf Öldungr. While the island has few trees in the classical sense
of the word, it isn’t totally devoid of timber. Local
THULE STATION beaches are choked with salt-saturated logs that have
floated down ice laden rivers and been taken by the
Thule Station is a coastal útvarp station, research out- summer meltwaters to Heimsslit, where they bundle
post and meteorological facility comprising an ob- together into peculiar building depots. Locals use the
servatory and several adjoining buildings and ware- precious driftwood to build small cabins and to pro-
houses. tect existing ones against the more inquisitive bears.
The essential element of every decent trapper cabin is
a pot-bellied stove, which serves as a heater, cooker
and dryer.



The Temple of the Bear sits slightly apart from the The Law-Thing is a tribunal of lay judges, the adju-
town proper, accessed by a long gravel track. It is dicating body of the town council. The current law-
an expansive wooden building that boasts statues of speaker is the young, cultured and well respected
Óðinn, Thórr and Jómali, officiated by a lichen-cov- Krapti Thorfridson. The assembly hall sits immedi-
ered álf by the name of Öldungr. Inside the temple ately opposite the temple, and in summer, votes and
is a wide, rectangular hall with a fire burning in its court proceedings often spill out into the street.
centre to provide much needed heat. The temple dou-
bles as a sanctuary for three orphaned bear cubs who
roam freely inside.
This local cookhouse has been a gathering spot for
locals for decades, long before the Swordfall. The
last few miners are still served their meals here be-
tween long shifts, so the establishment is open 24
hours per day. Unusually for a mess hall, a dairy


has been established in the cellar, along with the pay FIREFOX INSTITUTE
office where miners and administrators come to col-
lect their wages. The proprietor, Solveig Soðketill The Firefox Institute is a private facility financed
(“Cooking-Kettle”), seems to spend more time fend- by the Sons of Ivaldi, ostensibly focused on bore-
ing off the unwanted attentions of her patrons than al geophysics and technology. The three months of
she does managing the business. darkness mid-winter make the Institute the ideal
place for ground-based observations of the Northern
GUNNAR’S GUNSTORE Lights (many locals still maintain these aurorae are
caused by firefoxes, hence the name). The scientists
This sporting goods store deals mainly in goods for here, dubbed the Winter Wise, are the reason Hjálp-
the Great Outdoors: tents, sleeping bags, skis, and makaar continues to thrive – without their patronage,
hiking equipment. It also sells rifles and other items it might have been abandoned long ago. The Institute
vital for self-defence, such as flare guns, tripwire is managed by Bangsi Hvítr Ivaldison, a senior but
sets and binoculars. The owner, Gunnar Veðrbel- reclusive member of the Ivaldi family.
gr (“Weatherbag”) actively hates camping and is a
very poor salesman. He also rents and repairs dverg,
which may have influenced his dour demeanour.


Size 1 mannkyn

NPCS Awareness 16 (+6); Sightless

Defence 10 Health 25
Might 9 (-1) Sleight 9 (-1)
Wits 15 (+5) Will 12 (+2)
Bangsi Hvítr Ivaldison is the Lector of the Firefox In-
Speed 10 Spirit 2
stitute. A high-ranking member of the Sons of Ivaldi,
and a fervent MIMic, Bangsi uses the Institute as a ATTACK OPTIONS
cover in order to appear as a reclusive, if somewhat
irritable, scholar. In fact, he is an absurdly wealthy Fylgur Fangs: (melee) +4 with 1 weal (3d6)
and utterly ruthless businessman, with designs on
all the energy and mineral riches of Midgard’s po- TALENTS & GIFTS
lar ring. A member of the shadowy cabal who helped
engineer the Swordfall, he has no interest in revers- Deep Minded, Improved Meditation, Guest Coun-
ing the damage it caused. He lacks any natural sense sel, Counterweave, Ancestral Wisdom, Law-
of compassion or empathy and sees life as a series of speaker, Freeze Time, Soul Sight, Mind Fortress,
power games to be won. Yet Bangsi’s arrogance is Dream Stealer
also his weakness. He refuses to acknowledge that he
has limits or flaws, even when it is clear his health is CRAFT
Player characters with an Honour score of 9 or more Power 4
can see that Bangsi Ivaldison has two fylgjur, which Seidr Concealment, Glamour Sight, Hallow, Boon (5)
take the form of the slavering wolves, Geri and Freki.
Spá Sacrificial Chip, Foresight (2), Kvasir’s Blood (2),
Wish Hour (1), Doom of the Norns (1)



Bláinn Blár Ivaldison is young clone, recently birthed. Even for a jöfurr, Finnbogi Ásbjarnarson is loud-
Totally subservient to Bangsi, he handles Firefox mouthed, childish, and vain. His family have owned
public and investor relations, ensuring the smooth mines around Hjálpmakaar for centuries, although
running of the Winter Wise facilities up and down most have now ceased operations or been sold to the
Heimsslit. Sons of Ivaldi. With his income dwindling, Finnbogi
is desperate to get his hands on the Bjarnarðson land
BLAINN DIFFICULTY 50 deed that he hopes will reverse his fortunes.


Awareness 15 (+5); Sightless Size 1 mannkyn
Defence 10 Health 19
Awareness 9 (-1)
Might 9 (-1) Sleight 9 (-1)
Defence 18 Health 33
Wits 14 (+4) Will 11 (+1)
Might 13 (+3) Sleight 12 (+2)
Speed 10 Spirit 1
Wits 9 (-1) Will 10 (+1)
ATTACK OPTIONS Speed 10 Spirit 1
Pistol: (intermediate range) -1 (1d6+3) ATTACK OPTIONS
TALENTS & GIFTS Hunting Rifle: (extreme range) +2 with 1 weal (3d6)
Deep Minded, Guest Counsel, Counterweave, Free Bear Claw: (melee) +3 with 1 weal (2d6+2)
Form Fabrication, Soul Sight, Mind Tug
Rising Fortunes, Energy Burst, Weapons Handling,
Power 2 Weapons Prowess, Forceful Strike, Brawler,
Shield Bash, Steadfast, Ring Oath, Blood Drinker
Rúnar Finding Runes, Lock Break (3), Sharp Runes,
Speech Runes, Bind Runes (1)
Spá Foresight (2)


Gunnar Veðrbelgr came to Heimsslit to propose to Krapti Thorfridson is the town lawspeaker, the third
Solveig Soðketill, and then lost his nerve. To spare his of his family to hold the position, and by far the
blushes and salvage some pride, he invested in the youngest. He had just finished his studies in Jórsalir
only business for sale—the sporting goods store—de- when the Swordfall struck, but rather than escape to
spite hating everything about the snow and ice. Love- the hinterworlds, he chose to return home to Hjálp-
lorn and miserble, Gunnar hasn’t so much as set foot makaar to provide whatever help he could. Univer-
in the Cooking Kettle in three years, let alone spoken sally respected, Krapti has a keen mind, a ready wit
to Solveig about his feelings. and a rare appetite for hard work.


Size 1 mannkyn Size 1 mannkyn

Awareness 11 (+1) Awareness 13 (+3)
Defence 13 Health 16 Defence 10 Health 26
Might 10 (+0) Sleight 12 (+2) Might 10 (+0) Sleight 10 (+0)
Wits 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0) Wits 13 (+3) Will 12 (+2)
Speed 10 Spirit 0 Speed 10 Spirit 1


Hunting Rifle: (extreme range) +2 with 1 weal (2d6) Pistol: (intermediate range) +0 (1d6+3)


Moving Target, Quick Hands, Adrenaline Rush, Determined, Song of Praise, Enthralling Perfor-
Gut Feeling, Udal Right mance, Mocking Taunts, Ancestral Wisdom, Udal
Right, Promise Cup


Power 2
Spá hallow, boon (3), sacrifical chip, foresight (2), kva-
sir’s blood (1)



Following the destruction of Mímisbrunnr, the impe- Öldungr is the kindly guardian of the Temple of the
rial navy took over responsibility for Gap research. Bear. The álf looks a gnarled and stunted bristlecone
Headquartered at Nóatún, brave menn like Gunnar pine, with a dense pale wood. In summer, Öldungr
Bromhead and Geir Adenþorp maintain a vigilant beams with the pink flowers of moss campion. The
guard over the skies of the Níu Heimar. Disruptions álf has a deep love of ísbjörn, and the preservation of
of the space-time continuum, ripples in the void and their island ecosystem is his chief goal. A Songsmith
changes to the laws of physics are just part of the job. by trade, he officiates ceremonies in Hjálpmakaar,
but is often found trekking through the tundra to
GAPMANN DIFFICULTY 50 monitor his charges.

Size 1 mannkyn OLDUNGR DIFFICULTY 50

Awareness 11 (+1) Size 1 mannkyn
Defence 14 Health 38
Awareness 11 (+1); Treesight
Might 11 (+1) Sleight 12 (+2)
Defence 11 Health 22
Wits 11 (+1) Will 10 (+0)
Might 11 (+1) Sleight 11 (+1)
Speed 10
Wits 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
ATTACK OPTIONS Speed 10 Spirit 1
Automatic Rifle: (extreme range) +1 with 1 weal ATTACK OPTIONS
Staff: (melee) +1 (1d6)
Determined, Energy Burst, Weapons Handling,
Weapons Prowess, Forceful Strike, Headshot, Yggdrasil’s Gift, Guardian Tree, Wisdom of the
Deep Fake, Duck & Cover Ages, Vulnerable to Fire, Deep Minded, Medi-
tation, Guest Counsel, Alfar Mysteries, Dream
Sight, Bird Charms


Power 2
Galdar Sun Song, Biting Charms (3), Secret Path,
Weapon Song (2), Warden Stone (1)



Solveig Soðketill is the flash, fast-talking owner of the Steingrímur Grǿnn Ivaldison is a renowned MIMic
cookhouse and bar that bears her name. Solveig used preacher. After years acting as nuncio for his church,
to be a backing singer for experimental álfsöngr band he has come to Heimsslit to convert the local popu-
Svartur Sunnudagr, but returned home to Hjálp- lace. A firebrand and a demagogue, he thinks noth-
makaar after her relationship with the band soured. ing of sacrificing his flock for the greater good...of his
Thanks to her effervescent nature and extensive net- own bank balance. The godsman doesn’t interfere
work, the Cooking Kettle is much more than just a with Firefox business, but works closely with Bangsi,
backwater dive, and is full to the rafters most eve- knowing he will profit from the Firefox’s plans.
nings. Solveig has always done things her own way,
and although her bark is usually worse than her bite, STEINGRÍMUR DIFFICULTY 50
Óðinn help anyone who crosses her!
Size 1 mannkyn
Awareness 13 (+1); Sightless
Size 1 mannkyn Defence 12 Health 29
Awareness 11 (+1) Might 9 (-1) Sleight 10 (+0)
Defence 11 Health 14 Wits 12 (+1) Will 11 (+1)
Might 10 (+0) Sleight 11 (+1) Speed 10
Wits 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1) ATTACK OPTIONS
Speed 10 Spirit 1
Pistol: (intermediate range) +0 (1d6+3)
Hunting Rifle: (extreme range) +1 (2d6)
Determined, Song of Praise, Enthralling Perfor-
TALENTS AND GIFTS mance, Mocking Taunts, Cutting Insults, Frith,
Incite to Victory, Soul Sight, Mind Tug
Moving Target, Quick Hands, Udal Right

Power 3
Lyf Cure Runes, Leech Hands (4), Life Stone (2), Pre-
serving Runes (1), Disrupt Magic (1)


It takes a certain resilience and resourcefulness to VAL-Tóki is a medical dverg able to perform a myr-
make a living at the World’s End. Menn like Magnus iad of surgical procedures. Designed and manu-
Ljósfót and Heimrik Veiða have found a way to make factured by Sigmund Systems in the years after the
themselves useful to the Winter Wise, and are always Doom, VAL-Tóki was built for the Fimbulvetr, with
ready to lend a wrench or hammer to any situation. wide tire tracks and leirstál joints able to handle the
Long term inhabitants of Heimsslit, they are full of ice and snow. The dverg is directly linked to the sick-
idle gossip, technical jargon, and outright smut. If house, using the Evergreen to communicate with the
they join the ranks of the MIMics, it is more out of elevators, automatic doors, and fire alarms—devic-
practicality than piety, foolishly betting their futures es it regards much more highly than the ‘meatbags’
on the Winter Wise. it is forced to treat. It should go without saying but
VAL-Tóki has no bedside manner of any description.
Size 1 mannkyn
Size 1 machine
Awareness 11 (+1)
Defence 12 Health 14 Awareness 13 (+5); Infrared

Might 10 (+0) Sleight 10 (+0) Defence 13 Health 16

Wits 11 (+1) Will 11 (+1) Might 9 (-1) Sleight 9 (-1)

Speed 10 Spirit 0 Wits 12 (+4) Will 12 (+1)

Speed 10
Immune disease, poison
Wrench: (melee) +0 (1d3)
Probe: (melee) -1 (1d6)
Deep Minded, Guest Counsel, Udal Right
Deep Minded, Guest Counsel, Meditation, Guid-
Power 2 ance, Unravel Magic, Faultless Recall
Rúnar Finding Runes, Lock Break (2), Branch Runes (1) CRAFT

Power 2
Lyf Life Signs, Helping Runes (3), Cure Runes, Life
Stones (2), Healing Herbs (1)


Writing and Design

Ian Stuart Sharpe
Art Direction
Tom Lai

Graphic Design and Layout

Tom Lai

Editing and Development

Robert J. Schwalb

Bill Hopkins

Ger Curti

Viking Ornaments
Jonas Lau Markussen

Published By
Schwalb Entertainment LLC
PO Box #12548
Murfreesboro, TN

Thought & Memory Saga and When the Wolf Comes: A Vikingverse Roleplaying Game are ©
2023 Ian Stuart Sharpe. All rights reserved.
Shadow of the Demon Lord© 2015 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.

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