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Class  Score ___ / 24

Unit 8 Short Test A Group 1
Vocabulary 1: relationships Grammar 1: relative clauses

1 Label pictures a–j.
a b c d e

He’s a__________ She’s p__________ She’s listening She is n_________. He’s in love
with her. of her results. ______ music. ________ her.
f g h i j

He needs to He’s arguing a d________ an o_________ a d____________

c__________. ______ her. forest dog sport
Score: ___ / 10
2 Circle the correct option.
1 The man what / where / who lives next door is an artist.
2 I have a friend whose / what / who brother is a fire fighter.
3 The blue bag, that / what / which is on the desk, is Diana’s.
4 This is the place what / that / where we first met.
5 The dog what / that / where attacked me is over there.
Score: ___ / 5
3 Complete the sentences. Use the relative pronouns in the box below.
when    where    which    who    whose

1 The boy ______________ is in love with me is in class 8B.

2 I remember the time ______________ you asked her out, and she said no.
3 Physics, ______________ most people say is very difficult, is actually my favourite subject.
4 This is the road ______________ the accident happened.
5 That’s the guy ______________ parents are so proud of him.
Score: ___ / 5

Extra Task
4 Read the text. Fill gaps 1–4 with words from the box. There are two extra words.
belonged    listens    obedient    proud    strong    trusts
My uncle has a dog called Tiger. He’s a lovely dog and he’s very (1) ____________ . He always does
exactly what my uncle tells him to. Before my uncle got him, Tiger (2) ____________ to a police
officer, so he’s been very well trained. When my uncle talks to Tiger, you can see that he
(3) ____________ to everything my uncle is saying. Tiger also won a prize in a dog show last year,
so my uncle is very (4) ____________ of him.
Score: ___ / 4

Teen Explorer 8 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018
Class  Score ___ / 24
Unit 8 Short Test A Group 1
Vocabulary 2: phrasal verbs Grammar 2: reported speech

1 Label pictures a–j.
a “Boy: Do you want to go b
to the cinema this evening?” Mark and his friends g______
The boy is a_________ her ___ very well together.
o______ .
c “Why didn’t you help me with d
Leo is l_________ because he
the maths homework?”
doesn’t have any friends at his
The girl’s friend l_________ her
new school.
e f
Tom and Selena aren’t going Dave admires his grandfather
out with each other anymore. a lot. He really l______ __ __
They b_____ ___ last week. him.

g Boy 1: Who keeps sending you h

all those messages? Tina likes to h______ o__ with
Boy 2: My e__-______________. her friends at weekends.
She wants to go out with me again.
i j Girl: The teacher p_________
Boy: I’m sorry about what I said.
me d______ in front of the
Can’t we m______ ___ and be
whole class. It wasn’t fair, I felt
friends again?
really stupid.

Grammar Score: ___ / 10

2 Circle the correct option.
1 She told me that she feel / felt / fell ashamed of what she had said.
2 He asked me if I knows / known / knew where his brother was.
3 He said he would call / calls / is calling me the next day.
4 They wanted to know if I saw / had seen / was seeing my neighbour recently.
5 She said she waited / was waiting / wait for her parents. Score: ___ / 5
3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs below.
argue    be    get    not think    trust

1 She said that she _______________ they were going to come to the party.
2 He told me that he _______________ still jealous of his brother’s success.
3 She admitted that she __________ with her parents the day before about being late back home.
4 The police officer asked him how much he _________________ his work colleagues.
5 He wanted to know if I _________________ on with my classmates. Score: ___ / 5

Extra Task
4 Translate the phrases in brackets into English. Fill each gap with a maximum
of three words.
1 She said that she (poczeka na)  me at the bus stop.
2 It all started when he said he (zgubił)              his mobile. Score: ___ / 4

Teen Explorer 8 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018
Class  Score ___ / 14
Unit 8 Short Test A Group 1
Listening & Speaking

1 29 Listen to the recording and answer questions 1–3 in English.

1 Who should you have in your group of friends? 
2 What should friends do if you have a problem? 
3 What are some examples of negative feelings? 
Score: ___ / 6
2 Complete the dialogue. Use the words in brackets. Don’t change their form.
A: So how are you feeling in your new class?
B: It’s OK, but I don’t get on with many people.
A: Really? I thought you said that you (similar) (1) ____________________ a lot of the other
B: Yes, I did say that but now I’m not so sure.
A: If I (you) (2) ______________________ wait a few more weeks until you get to know them
B: Yes, I suppose you’re right.
Score: ___ / 4

Extra Task
3 Write a dialogue (a minimum of 6 sentences) about someone giving a friend some advice.
Score: ___ / 4

Teen Explorer 8 Short Test A Group 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2018

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