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Newsweek US and INTL, June 2024 , US & World Edition &

Mohammed Al Alhathal
VP of Shared Services – Saudi Broadcasting Authority

Saudi Arabia’s economy is booming, unemployment is at a record low, the output gap is closed, inflation is
contained, and fiscal and external buffers have been rebuilt. The continuation of Vision 2030 reforms has
helped advance the country’s economic diversification agenda, including through reduced reliance on
oil.What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in order to achieve the Kingdom’s
vision 2030goals?

Just a little over 10 years ago, the MENA communications industry spanned most of the region’s countries,
three main languages and hundreds of dialects, and was valued at an estimated $500 million. This figure is set
to double to exceed $1 billion by 2030. Exploring the Media Industry: A Look at Its Challenges, Opportunities,
and the Value of Global Collaborations

Strategic Vision and Media Landscape Evolution:As the VP of shared services of the Saudi Broadcasting
Authority, how do you envision the future of broadcasting in the Kingdom in light of the rapid technological
advancements and changing media consumption habits? Could you elaborate on the strategic initiatives being
undertaken to adapt and thrive in this evolving landscape?

Content Creation and Cultural Representation: The Saudi Broadcasting Authority plays a crucial role in
shaping the cultural and social narrative of the Kingdom. Can you discuss the approach and challenges in
creating content that both represents the rich heritage of Saudi Arabia and appeals to a modern, global
audience? How do you balance traditional values with the push for modernization in your content strategy?

Digital Transformation and Innovation: In an era dominated by digital platforms and streaming services,
how is the Saudi Broadcasting Authority innovating its delivery and distribution models to meet the demands of
a digitally savvy audience? Are there specific projects or partnerships aimed at leveraging new technologies to
enhance viewer experiences?

International Collaboration and Exchange: With the global media landscape becoming increasingly
interconnected, what role do international collaborations play in the strategy of the Saudi Broadcasting
Authority? Could you share insights into any ongoing or planned partnerships with international media entities
and how these collaborations benefit the Saudi media ecosystem?

Regulatory Challenges and Freedom of Expression:Navigating the complexities of content regulation

while ensuring freedom of expression remains a delicate balance for broadcasters. How does the Saudi
Broadcasting Authority address these challenges, and what measures are in place to ensure that content is both
responsible and reflective of diverse viewpoints?

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The concept of sustainability and corporate social responsibility
is gaining importance across all sectors, including broadcasting. How is the Saudi Broadcasting Authority
incorporating sustainability into its operations and content? Additionally, could you highlight any initiatives
aimed at using the platform for social impact, such as promoting education, health, or environmental

The fully digital business needs to add new skills to its workforce, lose some traditional skill sets, and forge a
dynamic team out of old workers and new. This is arguably the toughest leadership challenge as traditional firms
transform themselves for the digital age. What sort of corporate culture is most likely to succeed?

The annual trade between the United States and Saudi Arabia reached a value of USD 20 billion by the end
of 2021. Economic ties between these two nations are undergoing diversification, with significant American
investments establishing Saudi Arabia as a key regional ally. These investments encompass various sectors,
including industry, shipping, real estate, and finance.
- SBA and the United States: Forging alliances in investment, conducting commercial research,
and facilitating the transfer of technology with American firms and investors.
Final message to the readers of Newsweek

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