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Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Sheikh Ali Alwaleed Al-Thani

Chief Executive Officer, Investment Promotion Agency Qatar

Your Excellency

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the contract QATFB- 1001 that
was signed between our two companies and to request your reconsideration regarding
its cancellation.

As you well know, the contract stipulates that Thinklink would publish a two
full-page advertorial and a banner on Forbes China Magazine. These clauses
were carefully drafted withthe intention of maximizing exposure and promoting your
organization's brand in one of the most prestigious business publications in China.

These two full pages and banners were approved and provided to us . They are ready
for publication and at this stage it is not possible to cancel. Once an advertisement
space has been reserved and work has begun on it, canceling the campaign becomes a
complex issue.

The contract also includes a clause on page 1 “Payment within a month of signature
of the contract” which was never honored causing delays in the publication

The publication includes dozens of high caliber interviews with Qatar´s leadership .
The amount of resources and dedication put into this project has been tremendous.

The publication of the approved double page and banner on Forbes China Magazine
would provide numerous benefits to InvestQatar. Firstly, it would significantly
enhance your visibility among potential investors in China, as Forbes is widely
regarded as a trusted source of information forbusiness professionals. Furthermore,
given Forbes' extensive reach and readership base, this advertisement could
potentially attract high-profile investors who are interested in Qatar's investment

Considering these advantages, we believe that cancelling the contract at this stage
wouldnot only deprive InvestQatar of valuable exposure but also undermine our
mutually beneficial partnership. As such, we kindly request that you reconsider your
decision and explore alternative solutions together.

In order to find a resolution that satisfies both parties involved, we propose

considering several alternatives. One possibility could be extending the contract
period or negotiating additional advertising opportunities within Forbes China
Magazine or other reputable publications. Alternatively, we are open to discussing
financial compensation or exploring different avenues for promoting InvestQatar's
brand awareness.

We sincerely hope that through open dialogue and collaboration, we can find a
solution that meets everyone's needs while preserving our partnership moving

Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We look forward to hearing
from you soon so that we can address any concerns or questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Ignacio Goyeneche
Partner Think Linnk

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