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Unites. PDF by | Abu Digan FEE 16 1092 ¥ Theories of Light fsx teots tre propose over the easovory of vv fet ight Thoth igh sin exsee since heen exiene of sn bata he effet of ih ae nl dacovered sine ea 13" ony A, these theories expla Hoth ight sd how the igh Sone otha most inportat theo on ligh we Toe 1) Newtons vorpuscu theory qa’ 2} Hays wave theory 3) Manel esto gets wave theory 4 Pine’ quant theory [Newton's corpuscular theory A source of tight continously mits tiny elastic particles called corpuscles. These particles or the corpuscles maves with high velocity as that of light and gets scattered inal diectons of ight. This 'sony says thatthe velocity of light changes with the ehaige in density af dhe median in whic iis se This theory could explain three main phenomena of igh tat is reflection, setrction, end vectlinear Propagation of ight. This theory also says tha the color af ight is dependent on the size othe sorpuscles, Drawbacks 1) This theory could not explain the phenomens of inference diffinction. and poettation of 2) According 0 this theory the velocity of light in densev medium i greater than the velocity of ht in ‘rer mediums bu this is proved weong later. 3) This theory assumes that the source of light loses the mas us it emits corpuscles; but not such determent in mass ofthe source af ight is detected 4) Tis theory proposes thut velocity ofthe corpuscles inereasos asthe temperature ofthe source insteases| 1s the temperature inereases experiments have proved thatthe velocity of light i independent of temperature Huygen's wave theory ‘The locus of all medium particles vibrating in the sume phase is called « wave fiat. Each point ina source of ight sends out waves in all directions in hypothetical mediwi Caled ether, Faber was assumed {o be 2 coatinuoys medium, which provides all space having very large elastictycand eatrenely low ‘hich is homogeneaus and isotropic. This theory assumes that the light waves are mechanical ‘and transverse in nature. This theory is successful in explaining the phenomena of reNection, refraction interterence and diffraction phenoniena of light. This theory also assumes in stilt the previous theory that the velocity of light is dapendent on the density ofthe medium but color depends onthe wavelengths of the fight. Drawbacie 1) Thee is no existence ofa medium ‘eter 2)1 falls explaio polarization, photoelectric elect end Compton effet 3) I fils to explain why tight has n0 longitudinal component. Bowls ana nok creme aint t maltirn fi ” + geil — gle is feokrorte Maus tetra maguete wave theory Theale and magnate Hells eto agi wave aro continously varying with pcs tine Ad apce, Any itt cli and nt kh re perpendicular enh te anda perpenditarto the deton af ight The lato magtie wave sa anoverse pve Servaveat eal ntti the lca gna ll tenths we pal Meslec 2, epee of electro maguetc wave depen onthe set ahd mayne pret of he, ie naga wave depends oth eletic ad magnetic rept ofthe maduy : Teen drach of thither i till to onlin ie phot este! a Comp ete = BF isonet a le espn Hs ox atin ‘ ah : Phanck’s Quam theory Aco ion Ht ny ft fone ipl in ence cle plots or quant Photons ie pose swans rnc a ‘sth ate patie. Ths eons of Compo elt psec keane tet, The man daback of hither icon wa epiuw how sis conmcs a a ced with fxm of energy packets of Enbension F wagers cowerttany | Uses paapooed te HE owe tterny aes which he seid aeP ea print om sonmee oL Uart sends out comes Gu at dination TE loens fay the portals of ott medlign, hich of O04 farbal ore vibrottes bh the same phase Ts calle the Loavefaont, “Bach 6. of tle evavefnof— ads an conten of new Eisfunbanca on ante i ron seh fF onulals y an Qe di locas of Thue Wardle ifn the Fons ine a to gion of te neo covefnet oF sue wet tanes op Hegfees Peveiple Peli photon jeeplwe — phelor + : pe tek on weve (such os Left wre) os a ihe . é rans vena oAee Ligh is «form of energy that creates sensation of vision nthe fo explain the nature of light five theories have been presented, They are (@) Corpurcular theory: Newton states that light emited by luminous objet consists of particles called corpuscles. S {() Wave theory:Huygen states thet light somite in a sexios of waves rom a sure in al direction (6) Electromagnetic theory: Discovered by Jumes Clark Maxwell. According 10 this theory, ight 0 electromagnetic radiation. EM waves travel in vnccum at the speed of Tip Quantum theory: Discovered by Max Plank, According to this theory. emission or i (igh) consists ofthe summation of innunerablequnnn called photon. (8) Wave- particle duality: Discovered by De Broglie. According to 1s theory, light is considered w ‘ave and sometime itis considered as particle, ight has wave and poticle character Huygens initially assumed Tig waves wo be hong i er Proved many prepetes of ligh wing lonetaina Behavior of Vit 9 Imei isovered polrzsnan he eld na xpi ast Lond tc oh “The tansverse tre of ight can be experitonly wef! ‘Sz recut in two cardboard pieces A tung x pst through Sand Ss und vansvere viatins parallel length of sli yar given tothe en of heating wae 8 ‘Sot the ‘ibrtions il pass trough Pa irae length a si Se pal tut of 5 Le anpliude of emerge vibabone bororee ae. Unt If lenges me ‘Seton here feng flo of rive renaton oF Sy and So pie Tivough'S goes on decreasing and wien the let of Sy becomes pall taxes are parallel to each other) aie (anes are perpendicular to each A similar behavioue was abyerved in tight waves by using ro tourmaline erysuls which ue et Yt ‘heir ani ein tir plane ‘a demonsrae the tameverss ature of ih, the ordinary light is nee nay onthe pair of wo Nichol Prism or ourmalje erp ew pr! crystallographic asi the intensity wf emerge Roun fx mule ‘wna se ais to ery ipa! wo each other wd becomes Mi Wht as te perpen ‘ther, econ that de ight transverse are, ight a source of light Send oH articles ofthe mediums in sme hose whlch are lente a 3 ae nas ibraungin se at anyinstanc are vibrating Oe che tron te sourc of WHE ‘The locus of ail the particles of the medium whi phase ie caled the wavefront The shape ofthe woven ‘Wavefront can be 3 types [a] Spherical Wavefront: If we have a point source of ight then the locus ofall the pon hie are wratingin sume phaeleson aspera the ware ont forme sald seca [b)eytindricel Wavefront: When the source of light i lear in shape then te locus ef all {he point which are equidistant fom the linear source les on 8 cylinder and the waveFont Formed s called cylindrical wavefont {c] Plane Wave front: Ivica small part of sheriea or eylinrical wavelont when te source flight ites st large datance am the wavelront Ray of light. An arrow drawn normal to the wavefront and pointing in the direction of propagation of dstrbonce i called ayof light and a ks lvays arma othe wavelren E sometimes called wave normal . a spheric? onvednent When prick Seume fn an thehaple medium, iE sends ont conven fn cthnee Smersieng te warefreen are spheres conberuS an “tx Stance» Buch oneednadt “6 ene a -opfarienl conefrl me apie seek potty eas eas lis Sram ether tbdnce is % sphere iindeiceh cotivects run Ae vennee Arlene oh eqtindriced caret rent poids aquidistont Brun the Vater srance Ma se the * He snnface of a cy linden one x coneelonk cylin detent awehrorf , Brtfiets me 8 fendi, fn sphorind oe Pode cnb consefaod- gripes fe Hsbed swonce an 145 tice te” convednedt” which ia obtei nent 1h Mao, gy aoe compe dd F olevefrord exkiiien » We we dno a small s, 2 calm — pool of tee, comes spread uf Cun print of impaels Evany prick on the sunfaco ¢, oscittch ng cite Hee. AE ary intent, a Phfo gna, of fe sunfare would shoo cinerlan nerngs on ate Apshuabencey mation cleanly atl poiats the puch. = cinele ane oseittati in pheoe becaus trey one af fe Some disprare From the so ane such bens of pots hich estilltly fy pling called a vo ehnonh which suse co thugens’s principle is geometrical constrcton which used detrmin he new postion of the wavefront at ater time {S porton aay insane According to Huygens principle a {a] Lighe travels in the form of wave fronts and each point on | thewave fon ect as snow sours of ght from which fresh Bred sly waves vel vo arecoons Eee (5) the anvlpe of ate pares voraing tn he same © teats kta tons oso fae anda Consider point source fight nd A bea eson of primary spherical wavefrontat anytime "norte ttn he ne pain of waveontr une + a-cnsderponts 09 Brimary wave rant (AB). These pot acts ae sure of secondary wavelet nthe time dt he secondary wavelets travel a tance eit Taking pots 3, ea canter, daw spheres of tac The angers on hese spores eres the pane sendy wave Fo a Note Backward wave front doesn't exit atl because enerty can't Mow in opposite direction Superposition principle ener a numberof mies etl thrangh «save mem ae ee overlap, the resultant disphe Seok ak egy wit an of any Instant is ‘tin reefon me insberdareors dsplecemati that woonld ba

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