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y f Woves and. Oscillabiong OL Leckue - Of Refercance Book :Findamenkals of Physics by ‘Holiday ard. Resnick { [Topic : Wave ond. ikre Oscillation Wave. Process of Lreonsferting energy cithouk porimanently doplaing the lpacticles of a medium from iS expilibetium posikion - JOr Lhe basis of the divection of movement ef the individuel particles of the Jmediom nelative bo Lye dineckion.. Lhak the wave travel. wave ig of % Kinds, H eewbionsveme Weve — parcticle of & medium move in a direction pecpendiedare te the direction Lhat Lhe yw, ove MOVE. For example ~ light: wove. Meleogibubinnl wave ponbicle of a medium move in a dineckion poole ko the dineckion Lhok Lhe wave move on example — Sound. wave. 1 Gurfore woxe— fh wave in which porckicles of Lhe medium undergo a circular motion. Gueface wove undergoes along the surface of Qeaan, ¥ Viscosiky ineneore with the ineneode of depth of Ocean ond mokion deeneose . On Ye other hand Viseosity Jeenes>e with the decteore io depth of Ocean and mobion ineneese - ‘ X¢The Meghna river 18 Lhe most deop rivere in Bangladesh. Wave of Earethquake consists of thee bypes +f wae. On khe basis of ability, or wnability. of energy Lransmiesion Ene Vaccum. *Elecknomaqnobie Wave Wove— Imikbing eheegy haath a yaceum, ro ky vibration of cham The wave Lhak is capable of beans — = Pasties. Fon example ~ All light we 4 ¥ Mechanical Wave —~ the wove Lhak is nok capable of trons- mikeing enengy thaegh yocoum , need a medium fore Lronsponteli Fon example ~ Sound woves wakere weve and seismic use, EH Come Lenms regarding waves High poinks of the wove % Known od eneske, % Lower points of Lhe wave iS known ox tnoyg! 13. * Amplitvde- A al meter) ¥ Wavelength - L = t complebe. = 1% Frequeney — f sai of, vibreakion in one second Unit - Hertz Time period - T= r sT= a # Wove number =k — 24 Zs a 4,02. 2022 Ceci Reference, Book ~ Findamentols cf Physios ly Holliday ond Rooniok Az 2h [Topic ~ Prognerive Wave k a Gt Paognenive, oe % Tvellig wae 7 zd When o Laovely'p Pepageles Umegh a me: lium fe 4 % ak constant speod vee k Pe baanehen enengy in ferward. dinection: FX Without any ehange of amplitude ¥ olor ool Ling. the % sine we have be chang Lhe pel ot ealoulaere te reabian Y = —asin(kKe~ wl Eqyakion of png ry OVI ng ~—anieht gj = pridg ers} ving glo ight side of 9 * ive wave m 4 4 S| i Y =asin wk Eavation of wave & when diplecement oceure from Jefe to nig Y= a sin (wt - @) where, k = = Wave humbere =a sin (lot = kn) @ = phose ditfenence between =0si0( 2%, Hq) and 0. = Osm 7 ve a) =e wove tnovels in positive % ~ dines bien: Equation 9- dineetion y easin(vt +%) Problem — 1. Y = Josin (0.8%- 200k) whore % and yin Caloulate. omplibule, wavelength ond’ a | olvbion Y = losin (0.5% — 200k) = 708 = -[0 sin (got. — © 8X) = On oe A = 2 = 10.66 om la =-lo om 3% = 200 on. = B= gleate ‘ ; i Q am : > : » , ) ) ) ) fi 5 02.02.9022 RE Releaee book - Findamenksls of Physics ty, Holliday andl Ranick > Tf kwo Smoseidal wows of same ampli tud2 and. wavelength ‘enavel. in FT8PIC : Skabionany cave opposite direction along a skrebehed- 3 bning theire inberefenaner cui Lh each other pnedvce Skankigh wave- “Wemnbinakion of boo Pragnersive, wove inoving in opposike- dine otion , having same amplitude and frequency - Fi GkaLtcnony ore Skandling_ Wove 7) \% Confined. medio if Same, amplitude and frequency. e }f move in opposite, dinection- ~ mollaiaye. ‘ eal ep Abtere cuperposition the dis placement. of resultant wave Mey ay, zasin (we thy) + asin wk—kx) + 4 SKE] sin oot : BrlAt B) + 7 Tea (ees KB] in oe JL na D = ain A: “< gener eeceneeeererpeee! : rit 4r () = ohesswt+ @) |* ° a jz a 7 (t) =-wtsin@e+®) Jot . fo |Z [a on an cost: 4 lo -1 0 4 wor lo lA fo -A 0 sin oot 0 {4 lo -l @«@ ‘ Veuheoswe [wa | o -wA 0 wa os-othemut[o [oA [ov o 3 ele) _ EEE AD Atterereepooe Aecelascation - Time greaph 4) wh a(t) IG Displacement. —Time greaph Problem - ol, For & porkicle vi ibrating, GM the dele) = Bem , VIL) =G em and y(t) =< Gem , ME) =8 om. Find tamplitwe , fremecy , Hime period Solution: Th fash core: % ew\Ro : D6 ao fh 4 a Th second cor Ss Up z 1 x i‘. Neco ee : wy h- C4 =) 4 _ N-% _ & 2G" AE G4 oO =) 16-4094 sop 994 =) tA = 900 . & =loem 1 21 readlS _ fe hte T= an second. ae 202.2022 Releconce fook — Topic — Differential equation and ibis solbion of SHM [ADIffenenbiol Equation of sHM V-~ We knows yd [dey dh >) S(%)- Ge-- ke 2-0 1. TE te -0 feos (wes) Cuopsin (ut @)) Asin (ok+ @) A gt (e+ @) = —Avteos (ok +) Zk) = ° oe He e(nomseere) = mi i = -Asint +)o = — whein Et ®) =vi4) Qo ep ee a Foe Wg Pode, = 0 x ghse of wibnatig panticle change? with bime 1 buk epoch nemain Qontont ® Thetead of gowbigg the Yime from the Jnstek the particle 4» jak © fe combed (nom the instant when neletance posticle BS ak A, Then Z20P =wk ~ % tok +00 =P iS colled phere of vibrabiog pacciele- ¥IE Lime 19 counbed from ponticleie—P the inmrtant the pankile ig P jo above X-4k B, then wh+@ =O: ree = 08 Relerconce Book— jTopie — ekol Enexgy in SHM eee energy hor bwo forms. Kinetic Energy and Paten- Hi NeRAY. fobentiol Energy, U ak. position % ie lu = [0 dee = [¢ kz) dy noel ars = 4 ket °° Kinelic Energy. K = Lemmy wve = wes (Ot +0) = Tutt oost w+) I = rm K peost (uty) wt = = Lk ateost (ott ®) eae Po Lentil Energy, U = Leet = Limostgh $9 9425% — FP =m x ‘AP sio™ (ok + @) = o K AP sin© (oot. + 7) 7. 3 ae) ry iS) Enengy =K 4+U = Ek Poort +9) + ak Absit (Wes @) = Aye = LKN Gacaphieol Repneentakion £0) t & Mechanical Energy ok point A Mechanicol Energy at pant & PE=0 ond KE #0 KE =0 ond PE#O “ ME =kKE “ME = pe Mechenicl Enexgy ot 0 PE #0 ond KE#O ).ME =KE+PE. 0% 02.2622, Lecture —0F Refenance book— Topie— Spring. mors eystem Simple and Compound Pendulum Pe Spring 1 ; . PMG. home eyslem is an example sof simple harmenic oscillakor» The 7 : system mainkoins perciodiciby of Lime which is wlated to prgolere froqyenel » oo = # We know " GH Simple pendulum . 7 [k Ingthigg whioh ex oscillabe aout an honizonbal agua 1 Known pendulum. A simple pendulum & made of otbackin =)T 297 ra a bob of mard> 'm' of negligible mow ut {ee lion ze (-tgsing)L = -eMggING wortkS od a redboring once end mgeos@ belance bre Lension of eng: we 8 > angle qceelackion of bob - ‘ 2 4 sing v ‘Time ponicl of simple pendslum is T. 07, A compound pendulirn j a a tt Oempand finds Foo Ue toe cea eit et aero Pendulum excopt simple are compound pendulum- h compound pendulum displaced from its equiliterior position ab = ; Fou this eq? of motion Time. period * To calculate = ate wre ral Lime period. we x 28 = (-mgsne)l = ie te see eo 52) el cain waste 5 L 7 VE Tee ‘i « an samt >= om| ar =Mk* +1 y ¥ Compound. perdulum 42 yon uniform. # Effective loggth (L) 0. dirtance belween pivok ond cenle of mor. FPeqe~ The Lendengy of a forvee bo retake Une body te which ik fo applied, meaduned in peloton-metee a? 23 144:02.2029 ig Refercance Book ; Leokune -o8 [epic — Damped. [oremonic Oscillation GrOomped Yosemonic Qseilladion, When the motion of an oscillator: js redwood ey an exleznol force fhe oscillotore and LS motion are said be be dampod-« Ai =-bv ins sign indicates Fi oppossas the motion. ¥ The force which opposser Le motion per uni mekere pare second velociby din colhed. daring eons tank. _> Lp = DP 2 2 2 2 > < 2 2 2 = > J . > 2 2 s 2 e 7 u 2 L ation fore DH ma = —bv~ koe Es =m ie +b gh tke =o We Potresdueeds the parcomebere 22 ak ol ap FR, de wee +0*t =o Genecol Eavation is, = hy Oo, wk wv Eregy Time Qmph fore OHO oh Resbording, Force The forece which Lakes an oscillator ok equillibenivm posikion is called mloring forcee . Fa-% =F =-kx b Restoring forcee- Y= demping co-efficient Go =l02 * . cos (360 xo) =lOxtx4 =I0 Lasts ' ~ 005 (60x 7) 19.02.9029 ecbune — 08, 7 Releronce Book — Topi - Forced Harmonie: mokion : nescnance Ft Forced Haemonic Molin (FHM) L-—~ . Qecillabions preodveed under Lhe effect of an external periodic orcee. of Freeney ether Lhan the nabural frog neqvency of Lhe oscilla for one Called, forced oscillations, RAmplikede of the skeady stale ceillakiong produced in an lectacol cieovit. for different MIStoneS are anokhere examples PF forced oscillations. {Et Resonance. —~ The ineneore tm amplitude when driving force is neared to the halinl froqyency of Ue oscillation i called naonance- LQ ew op = Irerpemey, ot an exlennal = natural frequency: REE eee eee Fe ee | ——_—— Example: i Jobe. J. When a Long fork vibraled er a neonance lo. When external fonced of Lhe skeps of grmed- fonce one, nearer Lo Lhe abunel. frecveney of a baidge fh tabio % Lied bo obbsin a cleat sound such that the fecavoney of Ure nadio her to concide with the Ineayeney of the, inecring declnomagnetie (wo. 20-02 .2022 iLechure - 09 Refercance Book — Hpie~ arcovp velocity and phose- velocity. FB Phone. Velo The velocity of any wowe individual wave Jp known 05 phese. yelociby. IG Gnoup Velocity, The velocity of ware ina grep i9 known oy group veliey. x Newly produced wore 15 knovn os wove enelope « The velocity with which the wxve envelope obkuined due to supenpsition of waves travelling ‘in a grap jo known 03 © group Neloclky ond its denoted. by a. eDennaben % = Asin (wrt - ki) ozgav yp = Rain (oot kX) ke 2 a ly=y t% = = Asm tort kin) + Asin (xt hex) = A [pin (ore-hit) 48 Asin (rt~ t94)] e™ know: cos aint +2einf) = 2 sin = ae 30, ¥ =ZA ein [atte 7 Aah «| = 00s [ 12h _ Kirke x| K = 2A 005 (42-4 - FE %) sin wt —tx) = %X sin (we- ke) K Hem x = ph oe (AP 4- 4x) 18 amplitude of wave loshene» (wk - kx) = phase of the wove: i > o= an = mean angola. Frequency — kitke Ke —“o = mean Propagation ponskank of ane humber Aeeonding ko eupenposikion principle amplitude of an wave envelop nemaln constant. Differanbiakiyg iret Lime oe gob ak de i velooits = go _ AK. 20 Hey io Be ky of the modula, Vion one enveleps of the waver Propagating we, Mi, . > ge ~ wt in space: Ft Phose, Volociey. The mote ak which the phore of a gore Propagakes in space KS called. phode vebity INow oeeonding Lo superposition principle , Lhe phore js constank. sowk -kt =e iffenentinking web» Lime cohene Dif fen i ce ' Yp 1 the phere velociby_ of a fe wet) = EO eh ow -k ft <0 NB WZE H GCC Ne >No . dt P SMe = 2 + \ 22.02.909 a Leotune — 10 aa [Refercance” book — Topic— Genove vdocity and phase srebeciley | Aecoeding le sepecpasikion phone principle Amplitede of wave, ‘ envelope, remains constant. ‘ X = QA cS (ee - aK x) =e 4 Ak d. " te Ha} * EO el = Ae 7 Ak : a =o _ According. Lo superposition , aK Wy bo Principle phove is eonskant, =) Petr Y = Xsin (cok - kx) =) # - be wk-kx =e ; ot . 2 lw : , a vet 4 eRe TE Pea Relenance book — Topic — “Theories of light @ Light ; Lighk is 0 form of enengy hk eneale> sensobion of vision ak he errr Theoniod of [ight There ane five importont Lheonies of lhe. Such os M.Newkon’s Conpusculare bheowy The velocity, of light change with the change in donsiby of the Imedium in which ik. jo used. This host eotld. exphin ‘eo jphenomena of igh. hak ie nelleckion, nefwsolion and setilineare ipnepagation of light «This remny also BAYS hak Lye caleure of bgt. is dependent on the size of Lhe conpuseled, jh somce of light conkinuovs|y emit Ling ellie. particles called, eonprecle- These eonpdcle moves with high velocity o> that of Nght and get scattered in all Lincckion af lhe. TT Hamitakions & 4. could. nok explain phenomena of interfertance, diffnrckion and pelanisation of Hight 2. velocity of Tight in dere madivm is greater then natere medivm jg wai explained. according. bo hese Lheogy . bu jk is prove nse 2. As Ue particles one emitked° fur, the source ime» of the sounce of light should. decnesse bok experiment. Proved Tom of the source of light is conskank, se Pre teepenteaseett sty (Ar This theony propose, hal. rele of the conse ineneotes n bod the Lemponatune of the souneo inenesdes, Frost hoe proved Uh Lhe webs of ght iS independent. of Lempaning, tf “ee rsJ SCSeee eet _ s—Bigigg toy SSOS~*~<“~*~s‘“‘~*~*~*~S~S~S~S This theory orsumes Lhat lighk waves one meshenioal and. beans Nee In nakune. This theogy is suesastul, in explaining ther pheno- frenm of nefleckion , nofnoction ,inbercfonence and diffraction phane of light pelt. of light io. dependent on density of medium but. colour depend: fon wovelength of light» FFEsch point. in a eource of light sends ot umes in all dinco- Hons in a hypothetical medium oableh ebhod Eben gun wrumed Lo be a eonkinvovds medi , which Provider ll space hoving ven Lange clorbieily ond exknemely lou density» which is home genau)’ gl. iso — hnoph tnopic. Limitations, (L. Thene is no eriskence of a mediwn ether” 2- TL fale 40 explain polarization . phokooleeknie effect ard Complon affect. 3 TE fails bo explain oby. light ‘eno legitudinal com ponenks “fiWae Fenk The breve of all the parkicles of Lhe medim which ak an Instant gne- vibrakigg, in the same phar is called the cvavefrent: Woxe front. depends on source of light. 8 sphenieal comekont- Tf ue hae a poink source of ahh ther the loces a all the poinks which ane sHrcaking in some. Pheve lies on a sphene and te wine fnonk ane formed is known o> —epherical wavefnonk» ii. Clnkiod wovefnonk — sovrece of light 9 linea in shape Lhen Lhe loewd of all Lhe points whieh ane equidistant, from the lina. gounce lie on a linden ji. Plane wove bron TL fe op moll pant of Spherical on fsfnkical, wovelnonk. whan source of light ex ak, lange diskanee acm Lhe uve, Font. &, A SS Frag Hay ger'> Principle wa d According. Le hyhuygen's principle jas Light Lwvels in fou of wave fronks and each points on Lhe wove front acts a anew source of light from whieh freash light: ores called secondo eovelels travels in all dinections with Lhe, lsame speed. fos he envelope of all Lhe pwelicles vibnaking in the same phode ges the new posikions of wave fronk [called ve-condany Junvefront ] ak ony. imebank. Ket Sopereposikion principle ~~ Whenevere a number of ume? Lnovel, Uneough a same medium hon the napulkant displacement of a particle is equol bo lhe. veotor leur of individtol displacement. produced by bo the waves. 02.04.2022 lLeeune — 42 Releranee {hook — Hepic— Inbercferance of light Bt Tnterferance 1 EL 19 a proce in whioh Iwo om mone war of came pepeney be ik light sound, glockmomegnetio. wave - either: infonce on coneol each other , the amplitude of khe wend bing Ne being exe equl Los the wm of the amplitude of be, leombining waved. [Et Toberfexonce of light \/ hen 0 light eoaves of came amplitude & ank conskank. Jphose ditlenence superimpose then the interniby. of ther nebu|ban\@” fave rah be inewared on Jearored jo allernate ‘bright and joe donk light ringe® one prodvead. This phenomenon is called finkenfenance of light - ~“heApplicalion : o. . wv H. Gignal preoconsing 2. Tonge processing “BH wave. simplifice ion» “feat dickribution mapping: §, Ligh. simplifiention IThlecfercance Diffraction. eke [lorstewtie inlerferance- ITF Luo inkeracking waves meck ak a psink whene Urey one kn phose ikhen eonetnveki, inkefercance will oceut- PE Conditions — 1. phove diference Lekween Lwo caves are 09%, AN... In7, a. path dikeence bebwerh Lwo wows of OL, OL... nh. Ly. Resultant amplide will be aA Ke conn pon ding inkersiby is Tx AR {Bt Deskavekive inbereferance IF Luo inkeraebing woes meek ak a poink shone they ane oub phot 1 then deotmekie inkerterancd will ocevn co) % Conditions — Iphone diference i mm 3a Bm... (anet\z Bs pal y is A path difference, is 4, aA, Sha. tone 3.Rapultonk omplike is 0. Jy. Connesponding, intersiky Teed, Conditions fon inkerferenc2. i-two source of light should emit eonlinvoes waves of «, avelength i ii. Two sourced shold be close to: each obler- ik Te caves amitked by two soureess should have constank, hove ditfenence - AF the 71S Lhe source Imudk be coherent. Coherenk Gouree Two waves one said to be eonhenent. , if the ied of Freqvency on uve length and ane. i Phase, ae the ithenen ce he Conditions — It. obkdined from a singe source: f- source must be emit monochnomatie Light . B- poth difference pelween wo lighk source should te final. “oe 07.03.9022. Letne — 13 " Refenance book — poring theagh Lise narrcow elite Wminaler a ddkank- , semen , baught. and dark - Young’ ble slit enk Topic - Young's double slit expenime dl honed. Cl Heh Young's double Slik expeniment. ‘mlerlercance pableren is cxted by superepositinn of overclappin f p Fgh ees Si * —|r onaginaling b =— fron Le ~ FS L slits. 7p oe ‘ |-— p——— Fo the figure, Sli igure, Slik 6 , seagate - : sends sperical wove fnonks. 6, and 6 i | sided Engg. ane eohenant tp eno}, Lhere. a 0 . (Bright fringeo seen in P.0/R.0n the other hank. deak tp: pan in TQ tinge one Distance bekween Lwo corecubinve dark/brighk {2 az = 42 ign fringes , From 8; and So Vaght iS Indi lane. superimposed in phos? then bright fringes ane produced - AL lhe rnidpoink. of the seneen the path and phose ditfenenter are eame- 0 a bright fringe 16 pralueed ab the mid poink > CondikionS fon bright. fringe: 6 =0,A,94, 9A we DA *. Cenfibions foe dank fringe + a be Bee ge 4 pe ep 23.03.9099. —“Wookene = 14 ieleronce- book - Topic Theony of Fringe Wilh A RO * Delenminakion of Jiskance bebween bwo consecutive bright fring lore width of dosck fringe ‘ INow » Tene 2s o bight. fringe, ak point P From %16P aight. ongled, baiongle i = 6,834 (BP) 20 teh From 8, 0P night. ore Cringe \ = (6a¢)h+ (op) = ph 4 ut ay .- Gin ED ° ‘@® an ae Re on wel = + (He 4f- p ws} = 2 . o +O em Se 4 + FoR harm = = Ia Lb amie a tok” \ Ithen polit. Pie ny “new Lo point mi h-p) shel = BHR Leo! 20°" 7B hs poink Pig Kaighk Lhal“ means“ eonkavolive nlerelercance. wl .. tt : - apht ol x, =m (Psikion of peh bright. forge lon scneen {norms genta breight. tninge) ‘ Position of nth Jock fringe on seager from eentrol Laight. [Fringe becormad jo gen > we) = (nei dd_ IZ Pisbance, = eon LwO sonteaulne might fringe width of -dorek is us 0 b Dac= widdh of Sninge D= distance of the semen ifeinge- P — th+)AD % = m= Beh Frum feinge cone AL [ip 2B] ae tow ben oft PeDekeaminakion of diskanee belween kwo consecutive dack ng [th oh ii in % = (on+4)XD” 30 h = Lewener4o = fon e3) LD af qa het = (an+3)AD lan et) LD 20 20 = 2 (on+3 -an -1) JT pio— Thin film inkerefercan ce FB Thin film inkerlereance AL LE is on opkical medium which hos the thickness Joes Lm — asllm. (of of wieible bight), in te course of the order of Lhe osovelengty In this inkenfereance, multiple edlevics seen in light. roflecled, inom soap bubbles and. oil {ils on woken ; 4 |[laie =1] Rellecte light. 400% 4% Ny Theidant. / * BN ee eee ewe ewwWIUVIGS NS. he Be year Toe tallest @ dight- Roflecked. reays GC anh EF DF PB ond. GF one noremals. | Geemetnical path difference , a= BF +FD - BH “Optical path _ditference, "fet (Fs FO) - te zy (BFF) - BH ---- @ IFiom AGFG Leiongle » 008 (=) = a k or, OF = fot BF =FD [accordit to, triangle eqyal and having : commen aso equ] “ge OF +FD <28F = se eo Jor: where Le =f = + ~ OF BF Now Jus oben so aege oth ane cide en nok, bio sil ont igen” BOE = GD 1 BD = BR+ED = IRE Faom AGF Lniagle. kane = & “O0G2 EF kone = b. bance 1 BPs 96G@ =2b. bane From HBO Leiongle, /HBD = 90°—i Cog (90°-1) = 45 or, sini = ae or BH = BDsini = 2b dence sini Faom Gneblis favo, pe sini eink = ain} = Lene From @) we gh Ue Be. te o abi sine = oe X Cosh re ear wese] qPEEEE eee Eee 4) 1403.99 | - Leekune ~ 46 Relenance book - Tepie— Thin film intenlerance % Path difference beLween two aefecled Teas ot = gihcos re — = ® Condition fore maxima (Gnighkness ) ih eend on 9 Wkeosre - % anh om 2 UL coor = nh + + ath +) ond He. Minima’s condition ( Dawekne>s ) in te Goat) E = aiberse- B= em) =) qlkesr = (antl) “E+E 4A =p oben ow dul vere fs sublaacked: ot M added from ayy of the inkenferacing aes. 6 =< ITf monochnemakic. light. 1s allowed bo fall normaly on khe phno- comer lens ang the cite film fe viewed in notlegbed. light, | or albennate, bnight. and dork concentric eye ank- en arcound Lhe print of omnlsck. “his aings finsk discovered by Newton, a. hak ’s why, TE is known a — (Nesihon’s Ring 7 « Ft Rodive of Neskon's ming, ig e leo e >—= anil . e i alc film. = 6 - * q o iL : . e From (ope OF AFere oe “x Newton's ring ane formed - by inkerdocance letween . thin film onifererly, incre gy aL L ‘ jor, RY = (R- EIU ee qe ende ee . ont, Ph = RL ape tthact ie bright ore dasck conkteah oe oe fouice® =oQk civeole 5 A. OE* = 08*+ BES joe OE (OA-AB) 4 gee . -e _e fe Sina PSL we hae TALS SES In thin film, path difference fore dak eng ig 2tn=mh Fon aiv, n={ *. gt =md J+ Rodivs of yh dark wing. tm = Am . excaae Fore bright. ning. Diameter fore bright. ring. math ant = Gms JADE <4 (om +t) when nat , =0;,cosr=t ab = (amt) dj on 2. FE, = Omat yy | ory reg = om +f) AB x len = ene) 8 ~ Ay OS yt S Dram = 2YR(2rmq] + =2.]Rhem) + Be “De men = ARAL Oren) + QAR 4 - eo oo - - hee ; Van Dm = ARL Gmtn) 4 248 — AR Em +1) $ = ARLOM#h)+ OAR — AR0m 4 —4Q 2 SARL mth) +24R - BAmIR — 949 = AAR Um +h 1m) “2 guRn coh eq Din Dor “a (wavelength ol mondehroma bio light) a oo - o- - - ow? xX = Rekenance book- Py. Newbon's sing: We know ok = bh Do oe = wn _ nh da. tp = ah =) » lk = (r =\| nk iL Fore aire film tn = \(nieh Loic Relekie ines of « Inuid aUbcowre = wm np (for liquid. Film) —_ 6.0%. 209, s: ILeokone — (> Diametere of pth order dork ring Dn = 2 fy = Arey ndR 7 al J } and Ave “Dean = Aten) 8 “Dean ~ Deo. Amat a's dhs [inn = Didie [Phen - Plug “Gove e! ate 27.03.2092. — jLeckore — 18 - Relerance- book — ee eo Pa aed [Topie- Diffraction of ight. jet HEE Diffreackion The herding of hight aceind the edges of an obskaeles ov lon opening Jo cabled diffraction of light. — ron example: ile lingg ght berdigg, araund the orindasS = l = is H Type of diicection Oe re or a [om Dill between inkerfercance, * i jo yee Ditemence een in lL. Fresnd- diffracti a tea 9. Freounhere JAbrackion® ‘ibe ehaealne 4 lye pproopegattion from dikinek par’ of came wavefront. interferon Ye woul of Lie Whercaction of Nigh corsing, fram use seporceke, wavefront. wr » a. we Rone Wiican DS ST WWARUURALLULLELT A — incidenk wovefnonk i@ spenicol I Refnockion pakbenh is not distinct. L- Sourcee. and Seneeh nemein in dlosune position I— Conver lene is nek. used. As the sepoeation bekweeh Lhe senean and the aperture inenesx> «the image of bhe apentune become ineneoringly mene, jgknicluned, fringe become mone prominent | 8 2c | atit. soreah Freonel Difteaction Eli Ramhee IMlmckion each other: [~ Seuss ond ooneen ane far owed Grom — Wave front whieh ane incident. ane plane: L Relwekion patkenn 18 distinct. LE conver lend is used. As the geparabion ineneres s Lhe size of the pattem changes bob ok £9 shape. Source lit sine reeeesgggy * A foam of difheoebion in whieh Lhe light, source ang the neceiving seneen are in OF etfeck ak. infrike distanced ar from the. diffreacti ob = tak Lhe wove © fronkS con be kneated « © planer reakler En $ =phentcal. trreeee 99999948 a 1 Pee Met eatse rst a An A ate ACS S18 tone - 19 Relenanee book — peti - Freaonkekavs ithackion be a Seneen tee AC ®o fk is Warinated. by poral beam of menachno- er 4 =)[d nd =] [eendibion fore 1° arinima] dy h eZ 378 aa >) [Fine =o }or4 eonki'tion. |p sin@ enh s parenow slik of width 'd’ perpendicular bo HE lLre-plarte he © ae ed = ly eonereging dens Ly on someon %% Lek 'D' im the ditone #7 bekween scunee- slik x, According be Heggen's br seneen. : prineiple each and even a P Cminimay PRE ot Lhe” 4 2 dik ack od & source of seondany_wore- . ets, prea bi Zoneen in oll dineetion » A ABD sng - #2 _ w A hh =) BD = 4 09 =)\ = + sind Again e 7 “Width of cenbral maxima and = 20). 9% = = >. : ¢ D 4k . + oH d= distonce from central. maxima, D =diskonee bet? slik and seneon. T= slik width. aqMokh - ; Light igh of wovelergth ooo A i$ in cident On & narenow -slik The seneen i 4 minim — 16 plced 2m aunt from the slit Tf the 18 rin \ie> gmm on ei side of e maya, Lak (a there side the central, > Colculake bk lik widkh 7 We know = Goooxte 2 7 Bxjor> = 94x16 4 m- J Bs . 04.04.2092 = Leckone — 2 | Reloronee book - = 7 [Topic - Diffrockion groking HK fh Diffrcackion grnking JA device fore the preeluction of diffraction that comicks of a ea Jarege numbere of rarcroud hike of equal widLh side by sides Hom diffrackion gwkig conkain Jo/000 Jina. az i grating element. /eonStank— he distance from the skanking of slik Lo the skanking. of the next another slit, dy cabled greking eonSkant » Jeb, ovridth of the each of the slik og how * opoqe line = b J. grating corbant, db sath 4 4 Nunbere of re® ty unit. Lenghh = T to en® = He AB lmbton |, 92. cing AB = OP) sin pate) inn = 1A ne endo fy y+ ein@nz 0h whe Nn 2 dst [ath sn@ = nr) & X Dekanmination of the cxrelegth of tho mnmochreomebic Light. by plane Lransmission goteg: (ath)sinn 2-4 sing =n A fo. - 04.09.2092 Leobune - ZI, = er Relerance book- , Topic ~ folanizalion of Sight. #36% FE Rlorizakion of light Atnpslarciged. tight - Vibralion of light coves one present in all Ak Blorized ligh ty : © phenomenon due Lo which the ubrations of light ane. hedlnicked in a puntjendare plone is calle pelanization of light. e « possible diteckion ‘th o plane perpendiculac Lo the dineckion of = Propagation . L- Vibreakion + tah ° jah, Waves gre, prosenk. ¢ dineckion in a plone perzpendicul are to -the oe gotion. ony ia eeeeoe ee aaa aaa aa eae AL K€ Plone of vibreakion | Plane of polauzation, (tHE poloined. ight Unpelarined Wight polarizer The plane conksining. Yh dinection of vibreakion and wave propagation ie colled Lhe plane of vibration. The plane perpendi~ lore et to the plane of sibration is called plane of polanization. Ith Plane Application of pobsniza Lion 14 Used in sunglore> bo noduce, glone- Ir. faodection of 4) movie 6. sed: oe diferrbiting Lraswoe ond bydend wave, i Tnfroned- ae ponknoscory: A G. eiloniey, cproperty, of being non jdeonkieol Yo one's mireron. tage) of ongorile compand- WEE Male Taco: When a complele plane polarised Mahe. ie incident. on an prelyzer) the inlerviky of the emergent light vasias od bee payane of re cosine of the angle between the planed of Kaonsmiesion of analyser and Le polarizer. Te = magimenn intertity of Lranemitbed light . Th cove of incident. unpolanised, bight rT = 2B # Device used in veniows phenomenon of Seght. ¥ polonization —> polaizere /polewoide ¥ dilfrockion —> diffraction grcalingy a ¥ inkenlorhee —> Thin fin newken’s ring /yougg's double silk experiment. v4 RE ETEETERAAAAAA AANA EEL ERLR LEP E RSNA AAAS SRE! \ a ee 05.04.909. le Refercance book Topic : folanization ky netlection (Bh Polonination by nefleokion \ *Rdllecked posck. vopsertel Glam Pa*blolly. polavcizedl ) Lhe Heatewo~ongle % hagle petlected pork onl, netracted part ig 90° EF Wor-oapol the angle ak whieh unpelorised. light. ore other ekctno mogtekic tadition must. be incident. upen a ron-melallic eurface oz tre reflected readiakion Lo aequine magimum plane polarization 1S brown od Pefonicing. ongle / Breeten’s angle. RE (i Brewsker’s Taco For incident ight ab baewler's angle Og / we find expert merely that netlecked and, nefracked, rays ane penpendieulare a pay EO each ofhet x Op + Qe =90° Now tL q 4 _ _ ain in GB _ ainGe lg = gh = Shah = Stecay > Sap = bong Tih Application of Gg law 4. Rbrised. sung lors 20% | 8B = Lon! alla 2. Brewster esindow. Fit Clomsiiesbion of polarised. ight: 1s Lineoe 1g. Cirecwse ~ omplikude same -Phose diflencnee 90° 95. FE Wipkieal — different. ampli tude 1 phose- diffenenee “90°. : eee eee OOO COU ee eee eee eeeebens | Polocoid t-~ A device which is used oy a polarizer re on analysere that filler> ovk one Ill of the vibrestion upon knonsmission of the light through the filkew>. J Laege umber of ergystols of iodosulphate. of quinine colled Horpathike. ane sprecd ore 9 -nanspercan ilrocellalose film sc Phat Lhelte axis cemcin porcall to cach otbere. New this ankwichel, Lekueen the two taex breonepanent. ilm 1s gle» sheeks. * Applicakions— Me vsed. in sunghor Lhnnald freeqyeney. Hf ckopping, potenti Minimum amount. of negalie pokenkicl cpplied on an deplabe with frevpest bo cabhele plake fore whieh photeclecknic effeek Gust SLPS iS known os shopping pokential - J ? , ) ) ) ) , v Recording to EmstanS Pholocletne feck equotion, E = Knog + ¢ Seven LL Ae then Kinetic myo KE Wher LD Qo then there oz bY = Smvyei+hUe Gall be no emigaion of eleckns ¥ When Ld ho ther electron will be emikted~ FE Applicakion of phoboelecknic etleck, iL. ved bo genercabe electricity. in solace pandb: YE. wwe in decays ko pw irrmadiake a suzface and measure ue Kineetie enengios of the omikted eleckon. 4, ved én digitol camerr 50 that Ungy_ ean dekect and necond Hight. light . vved iin @marcphone $0 Lhak tk oan adwisk Lhe brighLnow of cenven av orlielly. 1K eed in motion ark position $8 DonGOr~D. xg fe Pasperlin of photon Wegpilade of Pol eIecbels coraak W] depends on~ Aion inkensily orf ight. ; VE inenasse of pokenkiol differ I- virtual, parckiclay 4 Sreaverey of insiden readiakion, — her no mors. I~ hos no chorge i We BE DC curcrenk. from pholpeleck nie eHfeck . Lecture ~94 48.04. 202 2 Refercance: book — | pC — Modern Physics HE Nucleore: inking energy ~~ Energy required bo split, an akom’s vel land. ethers orc energy reqeitied bo comb hue kreon Od ko Preo kenay ine Eheny Eegeb here Ae apt | an * mor of folon ={ yr P = 1.009896 omy —> p = Mx 2 =2.01965 am He Mer» of nuelnon = 4.008665 AMOS = Hn ee 29.0193 Gyn Azabomie. numbere 7 = me numbert U-92) abomic opines mor 409998 om f + nueleon Acta mors 400181 am atbinding eneraa 19 Ls Wom defack 190-0814? om” GE _ 2315. [Loopsaz 41-0008 aOR 2 Bemet x (4-2) -M] A294 x10" 3 = 29.6 Mey Energy rrequied, to separate Heliom . “Binding energy, > best pe nucleon > Jota emregy fore nucleon - lLeoluce no- 26 48.04.2022 RB. Concept of modern Physio by Arcbhure bese» Shobhit Mokajon and S. Rai Che daz. Topie— Radioackivity. fb Rodioootiviky —~ FLE is ~ sponteneod emiaaon of readiakion in forem of puchele ore high ~ eneegy photons (usually alpha. beta, garma) rays robo ing. {rom a nueleare rceaction. 93: Tt Radkoaokive pore tiol ave ALomie Tum abe Ge «A x on 4 ane unstable in pabunes ——— — en ha w yoru + etek mae ose wel rs or FRadioackive decay pa a preobabilily of decay ef one atom of ie a lence j nik ki To unik t vs : i rn unlk kime, SF Unik ie Becque * Q.. W A becqvend <4 by =¢ deals de ° Aounie = 4.90% 10° decay | = 99GB = * @ Wp of readivactive decay Ke Meha decay ~ Tp thio decay an eneregetic. helium ion is ejected ecsing 0 daughter mele of aLomle numberc Jo» Hhan the. pavent ant of alonic mama mon number foure doy than the parent. 934 Pal) — goth + tHe a ee dX Beka radi ve cay — Pn energetic negative eobnon 19, ithed. preadosing, a dghlae ryeleows of one highere: akornie nvidber ard same mord number- 994 234 Th —> 2 - » a + & 4 Yrfanbiwelaino ) 5. Gearnmo, meadow kive- decay ~ An excited pucleovs ray revlon bo a Jowere “a obote, ‘y ejecting, on electnon from the flout srerordig the nwcleavs a like of peadioackive decay mean We = 19 the aoe ime of sueviel of @ radio Lotive nveleow- ean bb = sum of oll: molet 1 year =1v9.cxl0* vo. of nwelet second yea cat At Ms “> 0-699 Math-{ The halt fe of Rv Wink is the activi of 19 sample of os8y g Solubion « 7 Ty = 45x10? Yeon = 45410? 73.6 X 0” Years /secands = 142.X10!? second. We know 1k mol isokepe contain ¢. 25 . Pe AY G08 K10™ eleeulss aborn fh 2°U eonkain 609x103 on 798 trelesule. abo m = B-B05.9 x10 alom Now R= NA = 965 x0? 9:693 [42x10 1? ‘ = 129x104 Bq 238 ; = la a7 onderegoing w - decay 's 45 x10? OSES GT TBS SSESESSUL GE TLLALATT 16 , Nielewe neaction A precors in whieh wo ore mone nuelei ore nuclear pardicles Lrollide Lo produce different. prodieks than the, inikiol porchicles , SLi 44H >a jHe oa issi we fiesion ~ 4 heavy nveleovs splits vp inke Lwo nueled of Meany comparable mars ond emit. enonmovd aroun is of enengy # When fission Lakes places Lhe excited. compomd nveleous fo sree, Sher absonpkion of a nvetnon bneaks up inko buo — nvelet called. fission fragments . " 236()* 140 on as8t 4 h X, of : _ 2 sale + Sm 40h senengy i Nuclear Suiion— -tis5 gee mone lighlere i oo! fegetinr to fowm a elabinely beavis nvele and [ibercal> tnemendoy lomoink. of anergy + « a a The power plank whieh generate elecnioliey val by nueleore Fishoogt he called nvelean power plant. Thy. bo this by wing nveleas. © eacter> in combinalion wikh the RebRarkine oyele whene the heak. genezatel by the neackor convents water inko Jetoom which spins a tunbine and a genera bor | ynook up My of total elect riciky of the world. t Jaregont. prodicere United Skates and France- Nuclear: Power plant. in Bangledsdb L Reppue: = |. stoctel comlwek jon in noveriber. - 2019. Lo comm ssione: in 209% — F- second. une comtwclin stented in Suly 2018 a ewe eae eneeeeeseeeseeeencas Eleckniciky and. Mognebiam NLeckune nO- 24 Refercance book— Findamental . of Physios by Halide ond, Resnick Opie - Ejeckrie charge Chorege (Cherege in an elecknic propercky ob the akomic particle ct which Imatkere consists yneasuned in coho” coulomb (c) 4c eacharege = 604x108 elecknons. | el Oharege with same electnle sign oblnacks each othere and. with opposite sign re atbrock’ each obher: Mhe attraction and nepulrion bobueen charged. be by ave indo we: i— electnoS Lakie paint spraying. — powder coating: _— Hy — ash collection in chines. L— hon - impack vak Sek painking » phobocaping — bene of Yeroe oor. machne- Tt Eteetae Field 7 The space arcound- a changed. ‘body where ik exerk if gaqgaee Sw influence that 18 if another chaged. body is brough. then thee Naody cil empeniance an atknac'kive om nepubie force, such © space ts called, eleotnic field mohich is mesuned in vg = n=! E-F Be ET FF Ejectnic imbersiby. the force experienced. by unit positive ohange placed ne lat & poink ina electric fell is called electaio. inkersity. #7 which is mesduned- in wer! “ eeeeeeece fF e-F 16k a * Tee charge - \ mall positie charge hak is wed bo debeck the pnesence of an electnic. fold. # Bint, change An elecknic charge cousidened bo exis ak a aingle- Point and Lhus having, neither ane nor volume. aaa ge hen a physical qankity sueh o> charge can have only. dicnebe Nalued rathere Lhan ong. valve, we ean say bhak Ue oyantiby 1% quan ized. 3 Taney whee Hast, 0,43... [Et@te Covlombs lacs V— AL o particular medion, the mognitule of attnackive or repulse, force ohueen Lo charg» is dinctly propor Lisnal Fr the prado of the chorges ond. inversely proportional to the eqyare of the dikence - belween two changes, ie. Foe ae oe, Fee oa cahene C= Ox(0? Nmte® bo tag SOT RR EAKIE Bey " fms dh y ms “4 0% 06,22 “s. A Eveekic line of force a ed o* he path followed. by a beak charge ane cabled electnte ine> of foreces Ejectnic lines of force oxtend ae freom posite ohage ard towards negate charege: Elecknie ig Frlecknt Lines of mel force Math - Charcae Q acke on a point. charege bo oneate a, electric Weld ib’ ebnength mesuted aba ditance of 3.0m away is Yo NO~'. Whak ane the smegnebic. magni bude. of elecknic hield sbaength to be meossned ak a ditence af Co em, |Gem and SIL em away * Solution: “4 we Ese oe =) 4o = 9xlo? + exe “Le Anto’e EEE ED EAA OSSSGSeage vy Eg. = 9x10? AXIO” 0 er IE 15 = x10? ta = \e0 Nov! 7 2 = lo \ Es = 9x10 ‘OOF = ho wer! Ht Etecknio Fur. Net Number: of electnic nes of force paring. thre jeuttace: is known a> electric Flix. mearined in tess Niel #b E ded da The cirecle et on tho inbegreal gn indicates thak the inbegration is to be Laken over the entined elosod suclace. Fiecltnio {a @ Lhnovgh a Giavasian sunface % number. of 2lecktic eld. (ne> fra Jay "FET Shoes Uhak Ure lobol elecke: fu beep Lhe pte cylinders ig zero. Ay Aah, = Ay =A ——t. AL 4 ims > 0, = Eficova sil =Eh, ec {80° % = Efscosg? =-EA = EA 0, = EAgeosog? — 0 L Tokal, ® = Q + + Os =-EA+EA £0 +0 (hoon) (eh Geaven!s Jaws % the elecknic Hue Linked to a closed. eurckace kept in an elestnie field ise. Lied the” chorged erlosed. i the lsurtace. q Go PUT TTITITTGGATIRALAA ATH LC HLL CL KEL IIIT 10.08. 9022, @ =e ccawion, cuclacey me eee A chesed eurhace in Uhnee dimensional. Space. Unrough whieh the Hur of a yeckon field is colculobed . Prepentien — ;, olosed- imaginary surbaee hi =ymmel nical electric field. Hi, vole of @ is sarmenical~ HI Applieakion of Gaaorian dus Glep- 1: Conviderc a gavrrion suthace. of fixed. shape. eLep-2 + Calelake $ E.ds akeP-D! Oateulake chonge q imide the surchyce: lotep- 4: Apel eu Jour avd delemined the volved E. Example - Determine Lhe valve of E on a epenical suctace/shell che k lo poink charege- Bkep- 4: Consider a gaussian surckace in a chape of a ephene with charge Ff od a conber whee readivd re, do olep-2: P -$ E dA 2050 =EAersd DY = Ele’ = EA = Edar® SASP-*~ —“TEol ohare’ 1 as¢ @e 2Amnske - + a 4m Enrc* 17.05.2022 te Electric field due bo Ly alee na, charged cr ccharcge-density ) def Te Dade we pfeee hans tat —_ | —_— We Knoco “+ E dA 0058 fe sacrre'sfe shen ofc gues = 046A+0 pte dineclion of B is wadally a from the line of c e@ if theo i j gl a horege 's positive =>) & ce, one and. readily inosored if Lhe charge 18 negative. =A Meapreast | TUTTAAATTTUeeKKCeeeeNTS ee ale len ohoreger- plane. ; dA et REE We Know q } E.JA =e.(EA+EA)=04 E= FB Elecbsic fi ds spherical symme bay E< £ Ie. ct fo fF Cunnont. dewiky. a Cunnenk. flow Enough a coveelor im unik apnea 1S cobled. cornent dessity: meosunck in Am ? => [Fa =3 | Th =3A 8G [i A mpene’s hao The line inbegral of magneble field in a closect Joop is Mle Lime® Lhe evanenk. poring Lhaough the oop. fo = Met

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