ELPR 130 - Pre-Intermediate Wordlist - 2023-2024

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Pre- Intermediate
Units 1-12


Adapted from: Hughes, J., Stephenson, H., Dummett, P. (2019). Life Student’s Book |Pre-Intermediate.
Retrieved from https://eltngl.com/sites/Life2e/teacher-resources/british-english/pre-intermediate/word-lists
UNIT 1: Lifestyle
(page 9)
Definition: If you cycle somewhere, you go there riding on a bicycle.
1 Examples: We cycled along the bike lane.
I cycle to school every day.
Definition: The countryside is a land that is not in a city or town and where
there are not many buildings. The countryside is where you can
2 see nature and not buildings or roads.
Examples: I prefer living in the countryside.
We like to spend our vacation in the countryside.
Definition: To chat means to talk to someone in a friendly and informal way.
3 Examples: She spent the journey chatting to her aunt on the phone.
We chat with our friends on social media.
Definition: Social media is apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
which people use to share pictures and send messages to each
social media
4 other.
Examples: We chat on social media every day.
Social media is very useful for keeping in touch.
Definition: If you go for a walk, you go outside and walk somewhere for
walk pleasure.
Noun Examples: We went for a long walk in the countryside.
Let's go for a walk. The weather is perfect.
Definition: Jogging is the activity of getting exercise by running, but not
jogging very fast.
Noun Examples: I go jogging with my sister every morning.
Jogging will help you get fit.
Definition: If you can play a musical instrument, you can make music on it.
7 Examples: I'm learning to play the piano.
Can you play the guitar?
Definition: A musical instrument is an object such as a guitar, violin or
piano that can make musical sounds.
musical instrument
9 Examples: I wish I could play a musical instrument.
If you want to buy a guitar, you should go to a shop that sells
musical instruments.
1a How well do you sleep? (pages 10-11)
Definition: When you get home, you return to where you live.
get home
1 Examples: I got home late last night.
What time do you usually get home from school?
Definition: Exercise is an activity you do with your body to help you
exercise stay fit and healthy.
Noun Examples: You need to do more exercise to lose weight.
Swimming is good exercise.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If you are tired, you want to rest or sleep because you have
tired done a lot of activity.
Adjective Examples: All that running made me tired.
Try to get some sleep if you’re tired.
Definition: If you are asleep, you are sleeping.
4 Examples: She fell asleep (started being asleep) in front of the TV.
Don’t wake the baby – he’s asleep.
Definition: When you are at work or doing a task, a break is when
you stop working and relax for a short while before starting to
5 work again.
Examples: I usually take a break in the cafeteria at about 11:00.
I work from 8:00 to 4:00 without a break.
Definition: A TV is a machine that shows moving pictures
TV along with sounds, and on which you can watch programmes.
Noun Examples: We like watching sports on TV.
What’s on TV tonight?
Definition: An hour is 60 minutes. Your working hours are the number of
hours you have to spend at work every day or every week.
7 Examples: My working hours are from 9:00 till 5:00.
Workers are demanding higher wages and shorter working
Definition: If you wake up, you stop sleeping and become awake. If
you wake someone up, you make them stop sleeping and
wake up
8 become awake.
Phrasal verb
Examples: The baby often wakes up during the night.
I woke up early and went for a walk.
Definition: When you get up, you get out of bed after you have finished
get up
9 sleeping.
Phrasal verb
Examples: I usually get up at 8:00. We get up late at weekends.
Definition: If you stay up, you stay awake for longer than usual and go to
stay up bed later than you usually do.
10 Phrasal verb Examples: I sometimes stay up late to finish my homework.
I had to stay up until Ali came home because he didn’t have the
Definition: If something usually happens, it happens often or in most
usually situations.
Adverb Examples: I usually visit my grandparents on Sundays.
They usually go to school by bus.
Definition: If something happens often, it happens regularly or on many
often occasions.
Adverb Examples: I often wake up at seven.
We often go to the corniche in Jeddah.
two or three times Definition: If something happens two or three times, it happens a few
Phrase times, but the exact number is not important.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Examples: My baby wakes up two or three times at night.
I visit my uncles in Dammam two or three times a year.
Definition: If you do something once or twice, you do it a very small
number of times, but the exact number of times is not important.
14 once or twice Phrase
Examples: He came to see us once or twice last year.
I meet my friend once or twice a month.
Definition: If you eat out, you go to a restaurant to have a meal instead of
eat out eating at home.
Phrasal verb Examples: We eat out once or twice a week.
My kids love to eat out.
Definition: If you check something, you look at it to see if anything has
check changed about it or to make sure that it is still in good condition.
Verb Examples: He checked his phone for messages before the meeting started.
Check the website to make sure the plane is still on time.
Definition: If you play a game or a sport, you take part in it
17 Examples: We play football every Friday afternoon.
It was raining, so we played dominoes all afternoon.

Definition: A board game is an indoor game that you play with someone
board game using a board, moving pieces around it according to the rules.
Examples: My favourite board game is Monopoly.
It was raining, so we played board games all afternoon.
1b The secrets of a long life (pages 12-13)
Definition: If you do something, you become involved in a particular
activity. Often, the real meaning is in the name of the activity
1 and do is a general word that means ‘carry out some action.’
Examples: I do a lot of exercises.
You should do your homework before dinner.
Definition: If you go fishing, go swimming, go dancing, etc., you travel
go to a place where you do that particular activity.
Verb Examples: We’re going shopping this afternoon.
Shall we go to the movie theatre on Saturday?
Definition: A card or a playing card is a small piece of cardboard with
numbers or pictures used for playing games. A pack of
cards usually has 52 cards in it. If you play cards, you play a
3 game using a pack of cards.
play cards | a pack / deck of cards | deal the cards
Examples: Let’s have a game of cards.
Uno is a fun card game.
Definition: If you go hiking, you walk a long distance in the countryside for
4 Go hiking.
Examples: We went hiking in the mountains in Scotland.
My hobbies are hiking and playing the piano.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If you do nothing, you do not do anything at all.
5 Examples: I spent the afternoon doing nothing.
She went home because there was nothing to do at the office.
Definition: Yoga is a set of exercises that help you control your
6 yoga breathing and to become fitter and more relaxed.
Noun Examples: I feel a lot healthier since I started doing yoga.
I used to do yoga when I was at university.
Definition: Karate is a sport that started in Japan, in which two people fight
karate each other using their hands and feet.
Noun Examples: His brother does karate on Tuesday afternoons.
She went to karate classes to learn how to defend herself.
Definition: Surfing is the activity of standing on a flat board and riding on
surfing a wave in the sea as it comes onto a beach.
Noun Examples: It was too cold to go surfing.
Tourists enjoy surfing on this beach.
Definition: Beyond is the other side of something or past it.
9 Examples: Very few people live beyond the age of 100.
The parking area is just beyond those trees.
Definition: If someone is in good health, they are fit and well and do not
have any illnesses.
good health
10 Be in good health
Noun uncount
Examples: Doing yoga will help keep you in good health.
You should eat more fruit for good health.
Definition: to catch is to stop something from moving and hold it..
11 Examples: He didn’t catch a single fish all afternoon.
Dad said he wanted to catch the mouse in the garden.
Definition: An active life involves regular exercise that helps someone stay
fit and healthy.
active life
12 Lead an active life
Examples: My parents have led very active lives.
You should be living a more active life.
Definition: An explorer is someone who goes to places to find out about
explorer them, especially places that no one has been to before.
Noun Examples: Columbus, the explorer who discovered America, was Italian.
The first European explorer came to New Zealand in 1642.
Definition: If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it
explanation so that it can be understood.
Noun Examples: See the next chapter for a full explanation.
There’s a scientific explanation for this.
Definition: Someone’s lifestyle is the way they live, the things they do for
lifestyle work and pleasure, the way they spend their money, etc.
15 a healthy lifestyle | a simple lifestyle | an active lifestyle
Examples: Our job is to encourage a healthy lifestyle for our customers.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
They’re doing less exercise now because of their new lifestyle.

1c Nature is good for you (pages 14-15)

Definition: If you feel better, you feel well again after you have been ill, or
you start to feel happy and relaxed after working
better hard or in a difficult situation.
Adjective feel better | get better
Examples: He said he felt much better after his holiday.
You should take the medicine to get better.
Definition: If you feel like doing something, you want to do it. If you feel
like something, you want to have it.
feel like
2 feel like (doing) something
Examples: What do you feel like doing after a long day at work?
I feel like a sandwich (I want to eat a sandwich).
Definition: You use that after some verbs to introduce something that
that describes what you are saying, thinking, or feeling.
Conjunction Examples: He didn’t think that it was a good film.
Khalid said that he wanted to go home.
Definition: If you feel that something is true, you believe it is true. If you
feel better, you are happier or healthier than you have been
recently. What you feel about something are the ideas and beliefs
feel you have about it.
Verb feel like (doing) something | feel that | feel better
Examples: Her father felt that it would be disappointing if she didn’t go to
I feel very tired today.
Definition: If something is getting lower, it is becoming smaller in number
or quantity.
6 Get lower
Examples: The number of visitors is getting lower every year.
The level of the water was getting lower.
Definition: If you feel relaxed, you are calm and not worrying about work
relaxed or problems.
Adjective Examples: Everyone was relaxed and enjoyed the party.
He looked relaxed and happy.
The verb ‘feel’ can be used in different situations.
• To experience an emotion or a sensation.
Word focus Example: How do you feel now?
8 feel • To talk about your intention to do something.
Verb Example: I feel like going out today.
• To talk about an opinion.
Example: Many doctors feel that social media causes many problems.
1d At the doctor’s / 1e Personal Information (pages 16-17)

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If you have a headache, your head hurts.
headache A splitting headache.
Noun Examples: She took aspirin for her headache (to make it better).
I had a headache, so I stayed at home.
Definition: If you have a backache, your back hurts.
2 Examples: The bed was uncomfortable and now I’ve got a backache.
I’ve had a really bad backache all day.
Definition: If you have a runny nose, your nose fills with liquid because
runny nose you are ill.
Noun Examples: Have you got a tissue? I’ve got a runny nose.
She woke up with a sore throat and a runny nose.
Definition: If you have an earache, you feel pain in an ear or in both ears.
4 Examples: I always get an earache after I’ve been swimming.
Being outside in the cold wind gave him earache.
Definition: If you have a stomach ache, your stomach hurts
stomach ache
5 Examples: You’ll get a stomach ache if you eat too quickly.
Chocolate always gives me a stomach ache.
Definition: If you have a temperature, your body is too hot because you
are ill.
temperature have a temperature | a high temperature |
Noun take someone’s temperature
Examples: I’ve got a temperature and the whole of my body aches.
When I took her temperature (measured it) it was 38.5.
Definition: If you have a sore throat, your throat (area at the back of your
sore throat mouth and inside your neck) hurts.
Noun Examples: I’ve got a sore throat.
She had a runny nose and a sore throat.
Definition: If you have a cough, you cough a lot.
cough a bad cough
Noun Examples: He didn’t go to school because he had a bad cough.
I felt alright yesterday, but I woke up with a cough this morning.
Definition: Medicine is stuff that doctors give to people who are ill to make
them better.
medicine take medicine
Examples: He should take his medicine every day.
The doctor gave me some medicine for my headaches.
Definition: A pill is a small, solid piece of medicine that you swallow when
you are ill to make you better.
10 Examples: The doctor gave me some pills for my cough.
The pills are quite big, so break them in half before you try to
swallow them.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: A cough sweet is a medicine to help you stop coughing.
cough sweet
11 Examples: I bought a packet of cough sweets for my cough.
Do you want to buy some cough sweets?
Definition: If you are sick, you are not well.
sick feel sick | be sick
Adjective Examples: I need some fresh air – I feel a bit sick.
You will get very sick if you eat more ice cream.
Definition: If you are ill, you are not well and have a problem with your
13 Feel ill | be seriously ill
Examples: I’ve been feeling ill all afternoon.
I was too ill to go to school.
Definition: If you fill in a form, you write information in spaces on a piece
of paper or on a computer screen, for example, your name,
fill in a form
14 address, credit card number, etc.
Examples: Please fill in this form and return it to the hospital.
I had to fill in a lot of forms to get my new passport.
Definition: Your surname is the name that everyone in your family has.
15 Examples: Alghamdi is a very common surname in KSA.
What’s your surname?
Definition: Your address is the number of your house or flat and the name
address of the street and town where you live.
Noun Examples: He asked for my address and telephone number.
Have I given you my address since we moved to a new house?
Definition: A postcode is a short series of numbers and letters at the end of
postcode someone’s address to help a delivery person find the exact
17 building.
Examples: I can never remember my postcode. All cities have postcodes.
Definition: On a form, where it says gender, you have to write male or
gender female depending on whether you are a man or a woman.
Noun Examples: We had to write our gender on the form.
You have to mark your gender on the registration form.
Definition: Your dependents are people like your children or elderly parents
dependent who rely on you to provide their food, clothing and a home.
Noun Examples: My friend is a married man with three dependents.
How many dependents do you have?
Definition: Your country of origin is the country where you were born.
country of origin
20 Examples: I live in Germany, but my country of origin is Turkey.
His country of origin is India, but he has a British passport.
Definition: An occupation is a job. This word is used in forms and forms
occupation and formal writing.
Noun Examples: Please write your name, address and occupation.
What is your occupation?

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: Medication is the medicine that someone is taking because
medication they are ill or to avoid becoming ill.
Noun Examples: The doctor will always ask if you are on any type of medication.
I have to take a different kind of medication.
Definition: Surgery is a medical treatment that involves cutting someone’s
body in order to repair or take out a part that has a medical
surgery problem.
Noun heart surgery | brain surgery
Examples: After the accident, she needed to have surgery.
Surgeries can be dangerous sometimes.
Definition: If someone has an operation, doctors cut into their body in
operation order to repair it or take something out.
24 Examples: A minor operation is not a serious one.
He was able to walk after the surgery, the operation was
Definition: On a passport, the place of issue refers to the particular
place of issue passport office responsible for preparing the passport
25 and sending it to you.
Examples: Place of issue: Passport office, Jeddah
Definition: Your marital status is whether you are married or not
marital status married.
Noun Examples: What is your marital status?
Your driver’s license doesn’t show his marital status.
Definition: Your qualifications are the exams you have passed and the
qualifications courses of study you have successfully completed, for example
27 at university.
Noun plural
Examples: He left school with no qualifications.
Do you have any qualifications?
Definition: Your contact details are your address and telephone number
contact details where someone can write to you or get in touch with you.
Noun plural Examples: Can you give me your contact details?
I don’t have any contact details for him.
Definition: An emergency is a serious or dangerous situation that requires
emergency immediate action.
Noun Examples: Who should we contact in case of emergency?
Call me on this number if there is an emergency.
Definition: Your spouse is your husband or wife.
30 Examples: Employees could bring their spouses to the company party.
His spouse died a year ago.
Definition: Your next of kin is your closest relative. For example, your
next of kin husband or wife if you are married, or your father and
31 mother.
Examples: Police are still looking for the victim’s next of kin.
His mother was listed as his next of kin.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: An abbreviation is a short way of writing something using just
abbreviation the first letter of each word, or the first few letters of a word.
Noun Examples: DOB is an abbreviation for ‘date of birth’.
His tweets are full of abbreviations I don’t understand them.
UNIT 2: Competitions
(P 21)
Definition: A championship is an important sports event or competition in
championship which the winner becomes the champion.
Noun Examples: The Championship is being held in Riyadh this year.
| She won the school tennis championship.
Definition: A race is a sports event or competition in which you try to go a
certain distance faster than the other people in the competition,
2 by running, on a bike, in a racing car, etc.
Examples: I will run in the 100 metres race.
Who do you think will win the race?
Definition: A competitor is someone who is taking part in a sporting event
competitor such as a race, a tennis match, etc.
Noun Examples: Competitors start by swimming 3.86 kilometres.
The race had 35 competitors taking part.
Definition: A spectator is someone who is present in the audience at a
public event such as a football match.
4 Examples: Hundreds of spectators left the stadium before the end of the
The match was watched by over 30,000 spectators.
2a Crazy competitions (pages 22-23)
Definition: Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed
and what you are not allowed to do.
1 break the rules | against the rules.
Examples: The rules of football are quite complicated.
You just have to follow the school rules.
Definition: A team is a group of people who play a sport against another
group of people in a sports event such as a football match,
2 hockey match, etc.
Examples: Who’s your favourite football team?
There are 11 players on a football team.
Definition: If an event has a time limit, it must finish by a particular time and
time limit not continue after it.
Noun Examples: There’s a time limit of one hour on the match.
I had to hurry to finish within the time limit.
Definition: A player is someone who regularly plays a sport or who is
player playing a sport at the moment.
Noun Examples: He was the captain of the team and its best player.
Two of our players got injured last week.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: A match is a sports game played by two people or teams.
5 Examples: We watched a football match on TV last night.
Who won the match?
Definition: The winner of a competition or game is the player who does
winner better than everyone else who is taking part.
Noun Examples: The winner will receive $25,000.
The winner of three Olympic gold medals.
Definition: A goal is when a player succeeds in putting the ball into the net
in a game, such as football or hockey, or kicking the ball over the
goal bar in American football or rugby.
Noun score a goal
Examples: The winning goal was scored at the last minute.
Harry Kane scored 28 goals this season.
Definition: If something is obligatory, you must do it or have it.
obligatory Examples: It’s obligatory to wear a seat belt in a moving car.
Adjective English is an obligatory subject at my school (everyone has to
take English).
Definition: If you are allowed to do something, you have someone’s
permission to do it.
9 be allowed to do something
Examples: It’s not allowed to eat during class.
We’re not allowed outside after 11:00 p.m.
Definition: A hole is a gap in the ground with empty space underneath it.
In the game of golf, a hole is a small, shallow space in the
10 ground.
Examples: Be careful, or you will fall into the hole.
I took three shots to reach the hole.
Definition: In some sports, the referee is the person who controls the players
and decides if anyone has broken the rules.
11 Examples: The referee is wearing green.
The referee sent our captain off (said he had broken the rules
badly and had to leave the game).
Definition: In football and hockey, the goalkeeper is the player whose job is
to stop the other team from putting the ball in the goal. In football,
the goalkeeper is the only player on a team who can use their
12 hands,
Examples: Our goalkeeper dropped the ball and the other team scored.
The goalkeeper made a brilliant save (very skillfully
stopped the ball going into the net).
Definition: If you pick something up, you lift it up from the place where it is
pick up with your hands.
Phrasal verb Examples: I bent down to pick the money up from the floor.
Be careful how you pick up heavy objects.
throw Definition: If you throw something, you make it go through the air using a
Verb quick action to let it go from your hand.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Throw something at someone or something
Examples: The boys were throwing stones into the river.
Throw the ball to me.
Definition: A pitch is an area of land where you play games such as football or
15 a football | rugby | hockey pitch | a football pitch
Examples: At last, the teams ran onto the pitch to start the match.
The rugby pitch was too wet to play on.
Definition: In sports competitions, a point is a unit of scoring. Usually, the
player or team with the most points wins the match.
16 Examples: We lost by four points (the other team got four more points than
we did.
You get two points for getting the basketball into the basket.
Definition: A beard is the hair growing on the lower part of a man’s face, on
beard his chin and up the side of his cheeks.
Noun Examples: Beards have become fashionable again.
His beard is a different colour from the hair on his head.
Definition: A moustache is the hair growing above a man’s upper lip.
18 Examples: He had a thin moustache, brown hair, and green eyes.
He shaved off his moustache before he started his new job.
Definition: a person or an animal that runs, especially one taking part in a
runner race.
Example: Your brother was the winning runner.
Definition: An international sports festival held every four years in a different
Olympic Games country.
Example: Olympic games take place every four years.
Definition: a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport.
Noun Example: Every October, the island hosts a world championship windsurfing
Definition: a game played by two teams of 13 or 15 players, using an oval
rugby ball that may be kicked or carried. Teams try to put the ball over the
22 other team’s line.
Example: Rugby is a popular game in India.
score Definition: To win points, goals, etc., in a game or competition.
23 Example: Our team scored a point at the last minute of the game.
Noun / Verb
I won with a score of 3.
2b Winning and losing (pages 24-25)
Definition: A runner is someone who takes part in a running race.
1 Examples: The runners lined up at the start of the race.
Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: An athlete is someone who takes part in sports such as running,
athlete jumping and throwing. Those sports in general are called athletics.
Noun Examples: The athletes came out onto the running track.
We sent a team of 30 athletes to the Olympic Games.
Definition: To cycle is to ride a bicycle.
3 Examples: My kids cycle to school.
I like to cycle.
Definition: If you box, you take part in an organised sport that involves
box fighting against another person while wearing soft gloves.
Verb Examples: I go to a gym to box once a week.
She wanted to learn to box properly.
Definition: Baseball is a team game, played especially in the USA, Canada
and Japan, in which two teams of nine players take turns to try
5 and score points by hitting a ball with a round stick.
Examples: He is a professional baseball player.
Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Canada.
Definition: Chess is a game played between two players on a board with 64
squares. Each player has 16 pieces, one of which is called the king.
The aim is to move the pieces and force the opponent into a
6 position where his or her king cannot move.
Noun uncount
a chess player | a chess tournament
Examples: She’s a very good chess player.
You need to concentrate a lot to play chess well.
Definition: Gymnastics is a sport in which the competitors do different
gymnastics physical activities on the floor and using special equipment.
Noun Examples: She represented France in gymnastics at the London Olympics.
They’re showing gymnastics on TV tonight.
Definition: Surfing is the sport of riding on a wave on a special board.
8 surfing Examples: I like to go surfing in the summer.
Noun Surfing is one of the most popular water sports.
Definition: If you work hard, try hard, etc., you use a lot of effort and
hard energy while you are doing something.
Adverb Examples: You need to try hard if you want to succeed.
I’ve got to work harder at my English pronunciation.
Definition: Teamwork involves several people working together in order to
achieve the same aim.
10 Examples: Good teamwork requires good communication.
Noun uncount
We hope to improve our teamwork by getting to know each other
Definition: A champion is a person who won a competition, especially in
champion sports.
Noun Examples: She’s a famous judo champion.
He is the world motor racing champion.
2c Bolivian wrestlers (pages 26-27)

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: Wrestling is a sport in which two people fight each other by
holding and pulling each other, but are not allowed to hit or
wrestling punch each other.
Noun uncount Examples: The aim of wrestling is to throw your opponent onto the mat (the
covering over the floor).
Our school has a good wrestling team.
Definition: A mixture of different things is a lot of them all together.
mixture a mixture of things.
Noun Examples: Bread is a mixture of flour and water that is then baked.
Stir the mixture of oil and vinegar for a minute.
Definition: Entertainment is things that give people pleasure, like films,
concerts, television, etc.
entertainment Examples: The city club is offering a series of concerts and other
Noun entertainment.
The airline offers in-flight entertainment (films you can watch
during a plane journey.
Definition: In sports such as boxing and wrestling, the ring is a square area with
ropes around it where the boxers or wrestlers fight each
other. People sometimes use the ring to refer to the sport itself.
4 Examples: After 12 years in the ring, he decided to retire (after 12 years as a
It looks small, but when you’re inside it, a boxing ring can seem
quite big.
Definition: A crowd is a very large group of people in a place, for example
ia shopping centre or watching a sports event.
5 Examples: It’s a sport that attracts big crowds.
I had to push my way through the crowds of shoppers on Oxford
Definition: A commentator is someone who describes what is happening in
a sports event to the people who are watching or listening to it
commentator while it is being broadcast on TV or radio.
Noun Examples: The commentator started shouting with excitement when Mexico
A commentator has to be able to recognise every player instantly.
Definition: if someone screams, they shout in a very loud, high voice
because they are very excited, or suddenly afraid, or in pain.
7 Verb
Examples: The crowd were screaming with delight when Bale scored for
The baby started to scream in the middle of the night
Definition: If you wave, you move your hand from side to side to say
goodbye to someone or to indicate that you have seen them.
8 wave at someone | wave to someone
Examples: She smiled and waved to her fans.
I waved at him, but he didn’t see me.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If you throw something or someone, you make them go through
throw the air and onto the ground using your hands.
Verb Examples: Fahd threw the paper on the floor.
The boys were throwing stones into the river.
Definition: If you lie on something or lie down, your body is flat and your
lie head is on the same level as your feet.
Verb lie on something
Examples: I usually watch TV lying in bed. He lay down and fell asleep.
Definition: If you say that people go crazy, you mean that they get very excited
crazy and start behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way.
Adjective Examples: She went crazy when she knew she won a ticket to France.
Everyone went crazy when the goal was scored.
The suffix -er is added to the end of a verb or noun to make a new noun to
describe a person who does the action:
Wordbuilder Golf – golfer (a person who plays golf)
12 Play – player (a person who plays a sport, e.g., tennis player, squash player,
suffix ‘-er’
Football – footballer (a person who plays football).

2d Joining a group / 2e Advertising for members (pages 28-29)

Definition: A membership fee is the money you pay to be a member of a
1 membership fee Noun
Examples: The gym membership fee is SR2000 a year.
I forgot to pay my membership fee this year.
Definition: If you are fit, you are healthy and can do physical exercise without
fit becoming tired. If you are not fit, you can get fit if you start to do
Adjective regular exercise and eat a healthy diet.
get fit | keep fit
Definition: Enthusiasm is a feeling of lively excitement about something and
an eagerness to be involved in it.
enthusiasm enthusiasm for something
Noun uncount Examples: He is a great pianist with great enthusiasm for music.
Make sure you express your enthusiasm for the job at the
end of the interview.
Definition: If something is important, it can have a big and serious effect on
4 the importance of something
Examples: It’s very important that you don’t arrive late.
I’ve got an important message for you.
Definition: Talent is a great skill or ability to do something very well.
talent Examples: Every student has different
Noun natural skills and talents
She had an extraordinary talent for singing.

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Definition: If you are good at something, you are able to do it very well
be good at something.
6 Examples: She’s very good at drawing.
If you’re good at singing you should join the choir (organised
group of singers).
Definition: If you are interested in something, you would like to see more of it
or know more about it.
7 be interested in something
Examples: I’m very interested in music.
He wanted to show us his new car, but we weren’t interested.
Definition: If you join an organisation, you officially become a member of
join it.
Verb Examples: She wants to join the tennis club.
He joined a gym to try to get fit.
Definition: An advert is a short piece of text in a newspaper or magazine,
often with a picture, or a short film on TV that tries to make
9 people want to buy a particular product or do a particular activity.
Examples: An advert for the new shampoo.
There are too many adverts on TV.
Definition: A notice is information about something that is put in a public
notice place for people to see.
Noun Examples: A notice on the door said the shop was closed until 2 o’clock.
We put a notice about the concert in the shop window.
Definition: A headline is a short piece of text in very big letters at the top of an
article in a newspaper.
11 Examples: The headline said: “Britain votes to leave Europe”.
The new prime minister is always in the headlines (his or her
name is always mentioned).
(page 33)
Definition: A ferry is a boat or ship that carries passengers regularly from one
ferry place to another.
Noun Examples: The ferry from Dover to Calais takes about 90 minutes.
There’s a ferry to the island every hour.
Definition: If you go somewhere on foot, you walk there rather than go by
on foot bike, car, or another form of transport.
Phrase Examples: It’s easy to get around Paris on foot.
The restaurant was very close, so we went there on foot.
Definition: A lorry is a big vehicle that carries goods by road.
3 Examples: His father is a lorry driver.
The lorry got stuck in a narrow street.
Definition: To commute means to travel regularly to and from work or
4 school every day.
commute to/from somewhere | commute between places.

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Examples: They were commuting between London and Cambridge
I live in Cambridge and commute to London.
3a Transport solutions (pages 34-35)
Definition: Ordinary people can be referred to as the public. Public transport
public transport is buses, trains, etc. which anyone can use if they have a ticket.
Noun Examples: Most people go to work on public transport.
Public transport in London is very expensive.
Definition: Energy is things like electricity or gas that you use to make
machines work. It’s also the strength needed for physical and
energy mental activity.
Noun uncount
Examples: The washing machine uses a lot of energy.
The boy was no longer sleepy, but full of energy and excitement.
Definition: If there is a traffic jam on a road, vehicles cannot move forwards
because there is too much traffic or there is something that is
traffic jam
3 blocking the road.
Examples: We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours.
We were half an hour late because of a traffic jam.
Definition: Rush hour is the time of day in the morning and evening when
there is a lot of traffic and a lot of people on buses and trains
rush hour because everyone is going to work or school or going home after
Noun work or school.
Examples: I left an hour early to avoid the rush hour.
There’s a train every ten minutes during rush hour.
Definition: A container ship is a very large ship that carries goods in
containers that can be easily transferred onto lorries.
container ship
5 Examples: It took two days to unload (take everything off) the container ship.
The container ship had a crew (team of people who work on it)
of just 12 people.
Definition: Fuel costs are all the money that has to be spent on petrol or diesel
fuel costs for a car, lorry, ship, etc.
Noun plural Examples: Our fuel costs were very high last year.
We managed to reduce fuel costs after we replaced the old lorry.
Definition: Carbon emissions are the harmful gases carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide that get into the air when petrol is burnt.
carbon emissions
Noun plural Examples: We need to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50%.
Air travel is responsible for a lot of our carbon emissions.
Definition: The highest speed at which you can legally drive on a particular
8 speed limit
Example: You need to drive at the speed limit to avoid a fine.
3b Transport around the world (pages 36-37)

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Definition: When something freezes, its temperature falls below 0° C.
When liquid freezes, it stops being liquid and becomes solid.
freeze When a machine freezes, it stops working properly because the
Verb parts cannot move easily.
Examples: When water freezes, it converts from liquid water to solid water.
Your engine might freeze during the night.
Definition: A sledge is an object people use to travel over snow. It has pieces
of metal or wood instead of wheels so that it can slide. Some
2 sledges are pulled by dogs called huskies.
Examples: Dogs can pull sledges for hundreds of kilometres.
I fell off the sledge halfway down the hill.
Definition: A camel is an animal with four legs, a long neck, and one or two
humps (raised parts) on its back. Camels are found in deserts and
3 can go for a long time without drinking water.
Examples: A camel can travel over 40 kilometres per day.
A camel’s hump stores fat, not water.
Definition: A degree is a unit for measuring temperature. At 100 degrees
Centigrade, water boils, and at zero degrees Centigrade, water
degree freezes.
Noun Examples: It’s three degrees below freezing outside (three degrees below
Normal body temperature is about 37 degrees.
Definition: A husky is a strong dog that is often used to pull sledges over
husky snow and ice in cold regions.
Noun Examples: The sledge was pulled by a team of six huskies.
Huskies are much more useful here than cars or bikes.
Definition: Something that is convenient is easy to use or helps you to do
things easily. For example, if a place is convenient for the
station, it is near the station so you can get there easily. If it is
convenient to do something, then you can do it without any
6 problems because you are not busy with anything else.
convenient for something
Examples: Taxis are a very convenient way to get around London.
The wide door makes it convenient for getting furniture into the
Definition: Something that is frequent happens regularly and often.
frequent Examples: The buses are very frequent during the day but stop at 8 o’clock
Adjective in the evening.
My uncle was a frequent visitor to the museum.
Definition: Something that is traditional has existed for a long time and has
traditional not changed or become more modern.
Adjective Examples: I enjoy riding in traditional black cabs.
The restaurant serves traditional Chinese dishes.
punctual Definition: Someone or something that is punctual arrives at the expected
Adjective time and is not late.

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Examples: Please try and be more punctual this term.
I was never very punctual for meetings.
Definition: If something is reliable, you can trust it and know that it will
work well every time. If someone is reliable, you can trust them
and know they will do what they need to do or what they promise
10 to do.
Examples: The trains aren’t very reliable (they’re often late).
She’s very reliable – if she says she’ll do something, then she’ll do
Definition: If something or someone is a bit bigger, a bit colder, a bit less
intelligent, etc., they have a small amount more or less of that
a bit
11 quality than something or someone else.
comparative modifier
Examples: The bus is a bit slower than the train.
She’s a bit taller than her sister.
Definition: If something or someone is a little bigger, a little colder, a little
less intelligent, etc., they have a small amount more of that quality
a little
12 than something or someone else.
comparative modifier
Examples: Taxis are a little faster than buses.
Getting to school is a little easier now that I’ve got my bike back.
Definition: If someone or something is much colder, much taller, much less
interesting, etc., they have a large amount more or less of that
13 quality than someone or something else.
comparative modifier
Examples: His sister was much younger than he was.
Her second film was much less exciting.
Definition: If someone or something is a lot colder, a lot taller, a lot less
interesting, etc., they have a large amount more or less of that
a lot
14 quality than someone or something else.
comparative modifier
Examples: I’m feeling a lot better now.
The weather got a lot colder in October.
comfortable Definition: Feeling physically or psychologically relaxed.
Adjective Example: I feel very comfortable in this chair.
3c The end of the road (pages 38-39)
Definition: A rickshaw is a vehicle with two wheels that has a seat for two
rickshaw or three passengers and is pulled by someone on foot.
Noun Examples: Kolkata has around 2,000 rickshaw drivers.
We went back to the hotel in a rickshaw.
Definition: Commuters are people who regularly travel to and from work or
school every day.
commuter commute to/from somewhere | commute between places
Noun Examples: Angry commuters waited over an hour for the train.
The commuter service carries over two million passengers a
Definition: If you pick someone up, you go to where they are and let them
pick up
3 into your vehicle so that you can take them where they need to go.
Phrasal verb
pick someone up from somewhere

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Examples: I’ve got to pick up my daughter from school.
I’ve missed the bus – can you come and pick me up?
Definition: If you drop someone off, you let them out of your vehicle when
drop off you have taken them somewhere.
Phrasal verb Examples: The driver will drop you off outside your house.
Can you drop me off at the station?
Definition: Pedestrians are people who are walking in a town or city, and not
driving or cycling or riding in buses.
5 Examples: Crossing the highway can be dangerous for pedestrians.
The government provides better facilities for pedestrians and
Definition: A vehicle that is hand-pulled does not have an engine and moves
only when a person pulls it.
6 hand-pulled Adjective
Examples: Kolkata has a lot of hand-pulled rickshaws.
In 1890, the local fire engine was a hand-pulled wagon.
Definition: A symbol is a picture or object that is used to represent a
symbol particular place, idea, or feeling.
Noun Examples: The rickshaw is a famous symbol of Kolkata.
The national symbol of England is a lion.
Definition: Politics is the work of getting power and running a country.
politician People who do this are politicians.
Noun Examples: People don’t always trust politicians.
Politicians from all parties agreed that the war should end.
Definition: A passenger is someone who is travelling on a bus, train, plane,
9 rail | bus | tube | coach passengers
Examples: Most of the passengers got off outside the cinema.
Hundreds of rail passengers were left waiting outside the station.
Definition: If you can’t afford something, you do not have enough money
can't afford to buy it or rent it.
Phrase Examples: Suad can’t afford a new car.
I could never afford to live in London.
Definition: Someone’s way of life is the way in which they live, including all
the things that they usually do and that is typical of them and the
way of life group or society they belong to.
Noun uncount Examples: Their traditional way of life is disappearing fast.
A way of life that has hardly changed for the last five hundred
Transport Verbs Definition: To be able to get on a train on time.
12 catch a train
Example: You need to hurry up to catch the morning train.
Transport Verbs Definition: To walk somewhere instead of using a car, bus or a taxi
13 go on foot
Phrase Example: My kids go to school on foot.

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Transport Verbs Definition: Take someone from one place to another.
14 pick up (someone)
Phrasal verb Example: I have to pick up my children from school every afternoon.

Transport Verbs Definition: To be unable to get on (the bus / train / plane) on time, so it leaves
miss (the bus / without you.
Phrase Example: If you don`t move now you will miss your bus.

Transport Verbs Definition: To ride in a taxi to take you where you need to go.
16 take a taxi
Phrase Example: Don’t worry, I will take a taxi today.
Transport Verbs Definition: Take someone or something to a particular place, usually by a car.
17 drop off (someone)
Example: A rickshaw is a suitable transport to drop you off with your
Phrasal verb shopping during rush hour.
3d Getting around the town / 3e Quick communication (pages 40-41)
Definition: A rank is a place where taxis wait for customers, for example
outside a station.
1 a taxi | cab rank
Examples: There were several taxis at the rank.
You should get a taxi from the rank outside the station.
Definition: The fare is the amount of money you have to pay for a particular
journey on public transport or in a taxi.
fare bus/train/air fare | one-way/return fare |
Noun standard/ second class/first class fare | taxi/cab fare
Examples: The bus fares here are quite cheap.
The return fare to New York is £475.
Definition: Change is the money that a shop assistant gives back to you
when you have handed over more money than you need to pay.
change For example, if you are buying a newspaper that costs £1.80 and
Noun uncount you give the shopkeeper £2, he or she will give you 20p change.
Examples: I left the shop and forgot to wait for my change.
She gave me seven pounds change all in coins!
Definition: A receipt is a piece of paper that shows the amount of money
receipt that you have paid for something and proves that you have paid.
Noun Examples: I asked the taxi driver for a receipt.
I forgot to get a receipt, so I can’t take it back.
Definition: A gate is a place in an airport where you get onto a plane.
gate Examples: Our plane was waiting at gate 6.
Noun Please go to the gate now as the plane is ready for boarding (for
passengers to get on).
book Definition: If you book something, you arrange to have it or use it at a
Verb particular time in the future.

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make a booking | have a booking
Examples: I booked a flight to Rome.
I’d like to book a table for four.
Definition: If you check in at a hotel or airport, you give your personal details
and show tickets, etc. so that you can use the hotel or travel on the
flight. If you check your bags in at an airport, you leave your bags
check in at a particular place so that they can be put into the luggage area of
7 the plane.
Phrasal verb
check-in desk | counter | check out of somewhere
Examples: If you check in online, it will save time at the airport.
You must check in at least an hour before you fly.
Definition: On a train or plane, the most expensive seats are first class.
first class
8 Examples: I wish I could afford to travel first class.
A first class ticket to Riyadh, please!
Definition: On a train or plane, the most expensive seats are first class, and
cheaper seats are second class.
9 second class Adjective
Examples: I booked a second class return to Dammam.
The second class seats are booked.
Definition: A return, or a return ticket, is a ticket to go somewhere and
return come back again.
Examples: It’s cheaper to get a return ticket than two singles.
I bought a return ticket to Paris.
Definition: A single, or a single ticket, is a ticket to go somewhere in one
single direction only.
Adjective Examples: A single ticket to Yanbu, please.
I bought two singles to Al-Madinah.
Definition: On a train or plane, a window seat is one that is next to the
window window.
Noun Examples: Do you prefer a window or aisle seat?
I managed to get a window seat.
Definition: On a train or plane, the aisle is the long, narrow area along the
middle that passengers walk down to get to their seats. An aisle
13 seat is one that is next to the aisle and not next to the window.
Examples: They only had aisle seats left.
I’d prefer an aisle seat if there’s one available.
Definition: If you apologise, you say that you are sorry for something bad
that has happened or something wrong that you have done or said.
apologise apologise for (doing) something | apologise to someone
Verb offer an apology | accept an apology | owe someone an apology
Examples: We were both very angry and I didn’t want to be the first to
apologise. I apologised for being so rude.
Definition: If you suggest something, you describe a plan or possibility for
15 someone to consider.
Examples: I suggest we give up and go home.

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He suggested meeting outside the theatre at 7.
Definition: If you are stuck in traffic, you are in a car or bus that is moving
very slowly or not moving at all because there is too much traffic
16 stuck in traffic Phrase on the road.
Examples: We will be at least an hour late stuck in traffic.
He spent two hours stuck in traffic on the M25.
Definition: At an airport, the arrivals area is where passengers finally come
out after they have left the plane, been through passport control
arrivals area
17 and got their luggage.
Examples: Mum and Dad were in the arrivals area waiting for me.
There’s a taxi rank just outside the arrivals area.
(p 45)
Definition: Someone who is crazy does silly or dangerous things.
1 Examples: All my colleagues think I’m crazy.
You’d be crazy to jump off the bridge in the dark.
Definition: Something that is dangerous might cause damage or harm to
2 be in danger
Examples: Texting while you’re driving is really dangerous.
Riding a motorbike can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Definition: An achievement is something good that you have done, usually
after a lot of time and effort.
achievement a sense of achievement | an impressive/remarkable/
Noun outstanding achievement
Examples: Graduating from university was my biggest achievement.
They were impressed by Sarah’s academic achievements.
Definition: A caver is someone who goes into caves under the ground as a
4 go caving
Examples: I always go with other cavers, never alone.
Ali’s sister is an experienced caver.
Definition: If you take a risk, you do something which you hope will
succeed, although you know it will be bad for you if it does not
5 take a risk | run a risk
Examples: I can’t take the risk of spending all my money on this
Sometimes you have to take a risk when you travel at night.

challenge Definition: A challenge is something difficult that you want to try and do
Noun set (someone) a challenge | rise to the challenge

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Examples: Every game gives you a new challenge.
Climbing this mountain will be a real challenge.
4a Adventurers of the year (pages 46 - 47)
Definition: When a person or animal dies, they stop being alive and their life
die ends.
Verb Examples: Her parents died when she was young.
If you don’t water plants, they die.
Definition: A mountain guide is someone who helps climbers on difficult
and dangerous mountains. Mountain guides are often people who
grew up in the area and know the mountains very well.
2 mountain guide Noun
Examples: She worked as a mountain guide near her village.
Tenzing Norgay was the mountain guide who went up Mount
Everest with Edmund Hillary in 1953.
Definition: An earthquake is a very powerful movement of the ground that
earthquake causes damage to buildings, roads, bridges, etc.
Noun Examples: The hotel collapsed (fell to the ground) in the earthquake.
2,000 people lost their homes in the earthquake.
Definition: Voluntary work is work that you choose to do to help other
people, and for which you do not get paid, or get paid only a very
4 voluntary work Noun small amount.
Examples: Nora is famous for her voluntary work.
I spent two years in Nigeria doing voluntary work.
Definition: Your ambition is a particular thing you want to achieve, or
a strong wish to become successful at what you do.
5 to do something | realise / fulfill an ambition
Examples: My sister’s ambition was to become a doctor.
One of Laila’s ambitions is to join Harvard University.
Definition: If you enter a competition, you become one of the people who
are competing in it.
6 enter for something
Examples: I’m going to enter for the London marathon this year.
You have to be over 18 to enter the competition.
Definition: A race is a sports event or competition in which you try to go a
certain distance faster than the other people in the competition, by
race running, on a bike, in a racing car, etc.
Examples: I will run in the 100 metres race.
Who do you think will win the race?
Definition: When someone is born, they come out of their mother’s body at
born the beginning of their life and start to be alive.
Verb Examples: She was born in Saudi Arabia in 1997.
My grandfather died before I was born.
so Definition: You use so to introduce a reason why something happens.
Conjunction Examples: It was raining, so I took an umbrella.

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I didn’t have enough money for the bus, so I walked home.
Definition: If you study, you learn about something in detail at school or
study study for something
Verb Examples: He studies architecture.
She worked in a restaurant every lunchtime and studied every
Definition: Architecture is the work involved in planning and designing
architecture buildings.
Noun uncount Examples: He studied architecture in Paris.
You need to be able to draw well to do architecture.
Definition: If you go abroad, you go from your country to a different country.
abroad If you live abroad, you live in a country that is not your own.
Adverb Examples: I worked abroad for a few years.
About 5 million British people live abroad now.
4b Impossible decision (pages 48 - 49)
Definition: If you are experienced at something, you have done it a lot and
can do it well, and you also know a lot about it.
highly experienced
1 experienced Adjective
Examples: She’s an experienced teacher.
Our experienced staff is ready to help with any problems you
might have.
Definition: If someone is friendly, they talk to you and are very nice to you.
friendly be friendly towards someone.
Adjective Examples: The other students are all very friendly.
Our neighbours are not very friendly.
Definition: Someone who is hard-working works very hard and uses a lot of
hard-working effort in what they do.
Adjective Examples: The manager was a hard-working woman aged about 30.
She’s so hard-working and always gets good exam results.
Definition: Someone who is intelligent is good at thinking clearly and
intelligent understanding things.
Adjective Examples: His parents were educated and intelligent people.
Faisal’s an intelligent student but he doesn’t always concentrate.
Definition: Someone who is kind is generous and helpful to other people.
kind be kind to someone
Adjective Examples: She sent us some flowers. How kind!
It was kind of him to phone on your birthday.
Definition: Someone who is patient is able to stay calm when something
takes a long time and does not become angry or upset.
6 be patient with someone or something
Examples: Thanks for waiting. You’ve been very patient.
Nouf is always very patient with the children.
Definition: If you are positive, you believe you can be in a good situation
7 positive
and that you will succeed, and you do not think about any bad

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Adjective possibilities.
Examples: He stayed positive even after he failed the first exam.
She was always smiling, positive, and hard-working.
Definition: A close friend is someone who is a very good friend.
8 Examples: Two of my closest friends have moved to Germany.
I never made any close friends at university.
Definition: A tent is a sort of building made of cloth that you can fold up and
take with you when you travel somewhere. You sleep in a tent
9 when you go camping.
Examples: It took nearly an hour to put up the tent in the camp.
The tent fell down during the night.
Definition: If you break a bone in your body, you damage it very badly and
break it cracks or splits.
Verb Examples: This glass will break when it falls.
She broke her leg when she went skiing.
Definition: A rope is a thick length of string made by twisting together
rope several lengths of string to make it stronger and thicker.
Noun Examples: Ahmad used a rope to lower Adel down the mountain.
It’s too dangerous to climb here without using ropes.
Definition: If you cut something, you use a knife or other sharp instrument to
cut break the surface and separate it into two or more pieces.
Verb Examples: He cut some bread to make a sandwich.
I used a sharp knife to cut eight slices of meat.
Definition: If you crawl, you move along the ground on your hands and knees.
13 Examples: Babies learn to crawl at about six months old.
We had to crawl through the entrance to the tent.
Definition: A camp is a place in the countryside where you stay in tents.
camp Examples: They spent a pleasant evening in the camp around the campfire.
Noun At nine o’clock we pitched camp (put up tents and made the
camp ready).
Definition: Bones are the hard parts that form the skeleton (frame) of a
bone human’s or animal’s body.
Noun Examples: Broken bones usually take about six weeks to heal (become better).
An adult human body has 206 bones.
Definition: To achieve a goal is to successfully bring about or reach
achieve the result by effort, skill, or courage.
Verb Examples: He achieved his ambition to become a press photographer.
You should work hard to achieve the best possible results.
Definition: An accident is something bad that happens to someone, and that
was not planned but happens by chance.
17 have an accident | do something by accident
Examples: He had a serious accident at work.
She broke her leg in an accident.

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Definition: A president is the leader of a country.
Example: Obama is the 45th president of the U.S
4c Challenge yourself (pages 50-51)
Definition: A crossword is a word game in which you have to write the
answers to questions (called clues) into boxes in a big square.
Some of the answers are written from left to right and some are
crossword written from top to bottom.
Noun do a crossword | solve a crossword
Examples: I do the crossword every morning on the train.
She solved (got all the answers right) the crossword in less than
ten minutes.
Definition: A quiz is a set of questions that you have to answer in a
competition or a game.
2 Examples: Did you see that quiz about the capital cities of the world?
Take our free quiz now to discover what sort of personality you
Definition: A puzzle is a question or problem that is quite difficult to find
the answer to.
3 solve a puzzle
Examples: There’s more than one answer to the puzzle.
Scientists think that doing puzzles can improve people’s memory.
Definition: Evidence is facts that support an idea or prove that something is
evidence of something | evidence that |
4 evidence against someone | hard evidence
Noun uncount
Examples: The police don’t have enough evidence to arrest him.
There was no evidence against him (no facts to suggest he was
Definition: a challenge is something difficult that you want to try and
challenge set (someone) a challenge | rise to the challenge
Examples: Climbing this mountain will be a real challenge.
Teachers have to provide a challenge for their students

Definition: If you achieve something, you succeed in finishing it. If you

achieve achieve an aim, you reach it
6 Verb
Examples: She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing.

memorize Definition: If you memorize something, you look at it carefully for a while
Verb so that you can repeat it again without looking at it.

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Examples: I have to memorize a poem for homework tonight.
She tried to memorize her speech so that she wouldn’t have to
read it out.
Definition: To test someone means to make them answer a set of questions in
order to find out how much they know about a subject.
8 test someone on something
Examples: Mr. Williams is going to test us on Friday.
We were tested twice a week in maths.
Definition: The solution to a problem or puzzle is the answer to it.
9 Examples: The solution to the crossword is on page 47.
I still can’t find a solution to the problem.
Definition: An answer is a response to a question in a test, puzzle or quiz. If
the answer is correct, it is the right answer. If it is not correct, it
answer is a wrong answer.
Noun a right/wrong answer
Examples: The answers are printed on page 47.
How many of you got the right answer?
Definition: A player is someone who takes part in a sports event such as a
player football match or a tennis match.
Noun Examples: Ronaldo is the most famous football player in the world.
She’s a very good tennis player.
Definition: A study is a piece of research into a particular subject that is
study described in a report.
Noun Examples: A study showed that children prefer meat to vegetables.
They carried out a study of the effects of global warming.
Definition: The score is the number of points or goals that a player or team
has got in a match.
score final score
Examples: What’s the score?
The final score (the score at the end of the match) was 4-1.
Definition: Geometry is the branch of maths that deals with shapes, lines and
angles and their relationships to each other.
geometry Examples: The book contained the elements of geometry and algebra
Noun uncount in addition to calculus.
The Greek mathematician Euclid is considered to be the father of
geometry (the person who first made it a subject of study).
Definition: A cube is a solid object with six square faces all of the same size
cube – a top, a bottom and four sides.
Noun Examples: I usually add a cube of sugar to my coffee
The building was a large cube with windows on three sides.
Definition: To solve a problem is to find an answer to, explanation for, or
solve means of effectively dealing with a problem or mystery.
Verb Examples: She solved the crossword in less than ten minutes.
Our brains like trying to solve problems.

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Definition: A problem is a difficult question that is hard to answer or a
situation or task that needs a lot of thought.
problem solve a problem
Noun Examples: Professor Saad spent over a month solving his own problem.
The problem you have to solve is how to get three chairs into this
small space.
Definition: A toy is an object that children play with.
18 Examples: The children were playing with their toys.
The toy shops are very busy during Eid.
4d The stories / 4e The story of survival (pages 52-53)
Definition: A mechanic is someone who is skilled in dealing with engines,
and who can look after them and fix them when they go
mechanic wrong.
Noun Examples: We found a garage where a mechanic fixed our car.
After working for a few years as a mechanic, I decided to study
engineering at university.
Definition: A campsite is a place where people are allowed to camp in tents.
2 Examples: Can we make a fire on the campsite?
We found a wonderful campsite by the edge of the lake.
Definition: If you are lucky, something good happens to you by chance.
3 Examples: I was lucky and got a job very quickly.
We were lucky that it didn’t rain.
Definition: If the sea or the weather is calm, there is not much wind and no
calm rain, and it is quite peaceful.
Adjective Examples: The sea was calm as we left.
The kids were very calm during the movie.
Definition: An islander is a person who lives on a particular island.
5 Examples: The islanders are very friendly.
The islanders earn money by fishing.
Definition: If there is no sign of someone or something, they cannot be seen
sign and no one knows where they are.
Noun Examples: He went outside but couldn’t see any sign of the boys.
There was no sign of the boat on the lake.
Definition: Someone who is dead has stopped being alive.
dead Examples: Everyone thought the boys were dead after they fell off the
Adjective motorbikes.
My grandparents are all dead.
Definition: The distance between two places is the amount of space between
them. If something is in the distance, you can see it or hear it,
8 but it is a long way from where you are.
Examples: We could see a small boat in the distance.
The distance between Mecca and Jeddah is 89 km.

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Definition: Someone who is alive is still living and has not died yet.
9 Examples: Luckily, they were still alive after the accident.
Are your parents still alive?
(p 57)
Definition: Cardboard is very thick, stiff paper used to make boxes.
1 Examples: We can recycle cardboard but not plastic bottles.
Noun uncount
Cardboard can’t burn easily if it is wet.
Definition: Glass is a solid material that lets light through it, and that is used
to make windows, mirrors, and objects such as bottles and
2 containers for drinking out of.
Noun uncount
Examples: Put the jam in a clean glass jar.
I served the soup in a glass bowl.
Definition: Leather is the skin of an animal (usually a cow) which is used as
leather a material to make clothes, belts, bags, etc.
Noun uncount Examples: I bought a pair of leather shoes and a leather jacket.
My new handbag is made of leather.
Definition: Metal is a solid, hard material such as iron, steel, or gold.
4 Examples: The box had a metal lid.
The bed was made of metal.
Definition: Paper is thin material that you use to write on or to wrap things in.
paper a sheet/piece of paper.
Noun uncount Examples: The students wrote their essays on a piece of paper.
Have you got any paper for the printer?
Definition: Plastic is a light, strong material that can be made into different
plastic shapes, and that is used to make all sorts of everyday objects.
Noun uncount Examples: The camera is mostly made of plastic.
Bottles used to be made of glass, but now most bottles are plastic.
Definition: Wood is the material that we get from trees, and that we use to
wood make furniture and other things.
Noun uncount Examples: Our furniture is made of wood.
We burn wood in the fire, not coal.
Definition: A household appliance is a piece of electrical equipment such as
household appliance a vacuum, cleaner, or a washing machine.
Noun Examples: Extra is a shop that sells a range of household appliances.
Turn off household appliances to save electricity.
Definition: A sculpture is an object that is a work of art made from wood,
stone, plastic, etc. The art of making these works is also called
9 sculpture.
Examples: She studied sculpture at art school.
I prefer paintings to sculpture.

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Definition: A dictionary is a book, website or app which tells you what
dictionary words mean.
Noun Examples: I look up words that I don’t know in a dictionary.
You can’t take a dictionary into the exam room.
Definition: A mobile phone is a telephone that you can carry around with
mobile phone you.
Noun Examples: I text and call my friends with my mobile phone.
Please turn your mobile phones to silent during the exam.
Definition: A pen is an object that you can write with, using ink.
12 Examples: Have you got a black pen?
Here’s a pen – write your address here.
Definition: Scissors are a tool with two blades joined together, which you use
to cut things like paper or material.
13 a pair of scissors
Noun plural
Examples: She was using a pair of scissors to cut her hair.
Younger children were using plastic scissors to cut paper.
Definition: A tin can is a metal container, especially for drinks or food.
tin can
14 Examples: We left a row of empty tin cans in the camp.
I cut myself on the tin can while opening it.
5a Recycling (pages 58-59)
Definition: Electronics is a general word for equipment such as TVs and
computers that use electronic parts – parts that involve
electronics transistors, microchips, etc.
Noun uncount Examples: He sells household electronics (electronic equipment that people
buy and have at home).
We need to make more environmentally-friendly electronics.
Definition: A jar is a glass container for food such as jam or honey.
jar a jar of something
Noun Examples: I bought a jar of honey.
Make sure the jar is clean before you put the jam in it.
Definition: Aluminium foil is very thin aluminium (a light, shiny metal) in a
aluminium foil sheet. People use aluminium foil in the kitchen to wrap food.
Noun uncount Examples: Use aluminium foil to cover the chicken.
Don’t forget to buy some aluminium foil.
Definition: A milk carton is a container for holding milk, usually made of
milk carton cardboard or thin plastic.
Noun Examples: I bought a one-litre milk carton.
He put the milk carton back in the fridge.
Definition: A cereal box is a cardboard box containing breakfast cereals.
cereal box
5 Examples: Don’t throw away your cereal boxes – you can recycle them.
There was a whole shelf full of cereal boxes at the supermarket.
Definition: E-rubbish is old electronic equipment such as computers and
6 old mobile phones that have been thrown away.
Noun uncount
Examples: E-rubbish includes old fridges and microwave cookers.

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E-rubbish is a growing problem for the environment.
Definition: If you resell something, you sell something that you have bought,
usually without making any changes to it.
7 Examples: They resell the old computers to local people.
They buy the vegetables from the farmer, then resell them at the
Definition: If you recycle things that you no longer need or use, you send
them away so that they can be treated in special factories and
8 used again somehow.
Examples: You can recycle those plastic bottles into jars.
We’ve been recycling our old newspapers for years.
Definition: If you do something safely, or if something happens safely, no
safely harm or damage is caused.
Adverb Examples: He landed the jet safely.
‘Drive safely!’ she called as I set off.
Definition: Rubbish is stuff that people throw away.
rubbish a rubbish bin.
Noun uncount Examples: Put your rubbish in the bin.
The streets were full of rubbish.
Definition: A few things are a small number of them. You use a few with
a few countable nouns.
quantifier Examples: I’ve got a few books for you to read.
Only a few of my classmates cycle to school.
Definition: A little is a very small quantity of something. You use a little
a little with uncountable nouns.
quantifier Examples: It just needs a little paint round the edge.
There’s a little soup left if you’re still hungry.
5b Managing the environment (pages 60-61)
Definition: If you describe a number as being about a hundred or about 25,
you mean that it might not be exactly a hundred or exactly 25, but
1 only a little more or less.
Examples: I spent about an hour waiting for the bus.
It cost about a hundred pounds.
Definition: You use exactly to emphasize that a number, amount or quantity
exactly is absolutely right, not more and not less.
Adverb Examples: I started my new job exactly a week ago.
The bill came to exactly £120.
Definition: You use nearly to say that a number, amount or quantity is not
nearly quite as much you say, but only a little bit less.
Adverb Examples: I paid nearly £200 for my new bike.
We’d better go, it’s nearly ten o’clock.
Definition: You use over to say that a number, amount or quantity is actually
over slightly more than you say.
Adverb Examples: I waited over an hour for the train.
It cost over 20 Euros.

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Definition: A tower is a very tall building. You can also use tower to refer to
tower a very tall mass of something.
Noun Examples: There’s a good view from the top of the tower.
Have you ever been up the Eiffel Tower?
Definition: A pipe is a tube for carrying water, gas, oil, etc. from one place to
6 Examples: Water comes into the house through a pipe from the street.
A gas pipe was leaking (letting gas out where it was not meant to
come out).
Definition: When something freezes, it becomes hard because it is so cold.
When water freezes, it becomes ice because it has reached a
freeze temperature of 0 degrees centigrade.
Examples: The water in the lake had started to freeze.
The lake had frozen so we went skating on it.
Definition: A fountain is a stream of water or other liquid that goes upwards
fountain before coming back down again.
Noun Examples: There was a fountain in the garden.
A city square has a fountain in each corner.
Definition: If something melts, it becomes so hot that it turns to liquid.
9 Examples: The ice melts in the spring and turns to water.
The ice cream melted very quickly in the sun.
Definition: Fog is a thick cloud close to the ground.
10 Examples: A thick fog lay over the village.
Noun uncount
We couldn’t see anything through the fog.
Definition: If you collect something, you get an amount of it and keep it
collect somewhere where it will be useful.
Verb Examples: They collected data from four different airports.
The police are collecting information about the fire.
Definition: A net is a large piece of cloth with holes in it that allow air or
water to pass through. Nets are used to catch fish. If the holes are
net very big, small fish can go through, and only big fish are caught.
Examples: We are using a fishing net to catch fish on the boat.
a butterfly net (used for catching butterflies).
Definition: A drop of liquid is a very small amount of it.
drop a drop of something
Noun Examples: I could feel a few drops of rain starting.
There were drops of milk all over the kitchen floor.
Definition: Something in space that goes around and around the earth, such
as the International Space Station, is a satellite. The Moon isalso
a satellite, and is known as a natural satellite because it was not
14 natural satellite Noun
created by people.
Examples: The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.
Jupiter has 67 natural satellites.

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Definition: A search engine is computer software that helps you find
search engine documents and websites on the Internet.
Noun Examples: Google is the only search engine that most people use.
Most search engines put our site at the top of their results.
5c A boat made of bottles (pages 62-63)
Definition: The crew of a ship or plane is the group of people who work on
1 a crew member.
Examples: Crew members wore a blue uniform.
All 68 passengers and crew were killed in the crash.
Definition: The length of something is the distance from one end of it to the
length other, or the amount of time from the start to the finish.
Noun Examples: The length of the swimming pool is 50 metres.
School terms are usually about 12 weeks in length.
Definition: The width of something is the distance from one edge or side to
width the other.
Noun Examples: It has an area of 290 metres length and 28 metres width.
She measured the width of the radiator.
Definition: The weight of someone or something is how heavy they are.
weight gain/put on weight | lose weight
Noun Examples: I need to lose some weight.
The weight of the bag is about 10 kilos.
Definition: Your average speed is the overall speed that you can measure at
the end of a journey. For example, if you have travelled 80 miles
average speed
5 in two hours, your average speed was 40 miles an hour.
Examples: The average speed of traffic in London is about 12 miles an hour.
Hamilton’s average speed in the race was 138 miles an hour.
Definition: A knot is a measurement of the speed of a ship travelling through
knot water, and is about 1.8 kilometres an hour.
Noun Examples: The boat had an average speed of five knots.
The fastest ships could reach 27 knots.
Definition: If you take a plane, bus, train, etc., you use that particular form of
take public transport to go somewhere.
Verb Examples: We took a train from Riyadh to Dammam.
Take the bus from outside the university.
Definition: Break is a time when you stop working and relax for a short
while before starting to work again.
break a lunch/tea/coffee break | a short/long break |
8 take a break | be on your break
Examples: I need a long break between the two semesters.
The teacher gave us a break after the exam.
care Definition: Care is providing watchful attention.
Noun uncount Examples: Parents provide support and care to their children.

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The doctor treated his patients with care.
Definition: Take is used with a lot of different nouns to say that the action
take described by the noun happens.
Verb Examples: I’m going to take a shower.
Shall we take a break now?
Definition: When you talk about how much time something takes, you are
take talking about the length of time between the start and the finish.
Verb Examples: It’s going to take another week before we can finish the project.
The journey took many days.
Definition: Having a specified extension from side to side.
12 Examples: The room was 6 metres long and 4 metres wide.
This box is three feet wide.
Definition: An environmentalist is someone who cares about looking after
the environment (the land, air and natural water around us) and
environmentalist takes action to stop bad things from happening to it.
Noun Examples: An environmentalist protects the environment.
The government planned a meeting between government ministers,
and environmentalists.
Definition: If you throw something away, you get rid of it because you do
throw away not want it or need it anymore.
Phrasal verb Examples: I threw away a pile of old clothes.
The old cooker was broken so we threw it away.
Definition: If you cause something, you make it happen or make it start to
cause exist.
Verb Examples: Plastic rubbish causes about 80% of the pollution in the sea.
You’ll cause an accident if you drive too fast.
Definition: Pollution is things like chemicals and smoke from factories that
damage the air that we breathe or the rivers and land.
16 air pollution | noise pollution | industrial pollution
Noun uncount
Examples: There’s a lot of pollution in Beijing.
Air pollution is a big problem in London.
Definition: Something that is environmentally-friendly does not cause
damage to the environment.
17 friendly
Examples: Please use environmentally-friendly soap and shampoo.
Cycling is an environmentally-friendly form of transport.
Definition: Something that is user-friendly is easy for people to use or
user-friendly understand.
Adjective Examples: The website is very user-friendly.
The instructions weren’t particularly user-friendly.
Definition: Renewable energy is energy that does not use up the earth’s
renewable energy supply of things like coal, oil or gas, but instead uses the power
19 of the sun of the power of wing or waves that will not run out.
Noun uncount
Examples: The boat is powered by renewable energy.
The country plans to get 60% of its electricity supply from

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renewable energy by 2025.
Definition: If you survive, you manage to continue living, even in difficult
survive conditions. If a machine or object survives, it does not get badly
20 damaged in difficult conditions and continues to work properly.
Examples: People can’t survive for long in the desert without water.
No one can survive for long in freezing temperatures.
giant Definition: Something that is giant is extremely big.
21 Examples: There were giant waves and strong winds.
The father looked like a giant version of his baby son.
wave Definition: A wave is a line of raised moving water on top of the sea.
22 Examples: During the winter, some waves were three meters high.
The artist painted the waves beautifully.
5d Online shopping / 5e Emails about an order (pages 64-65)
Definition: If something is available, you can use it or have it straight away
and do not have to wait for it.
1 make something available
Examples: I’m afraid the model you ordered is currently not available.
Do you have any rooms available for the 15th and 16th of June?
Definition: If you expect something, or expect it to happen, you think that it
will happen or arrive.
expect expect someone or something to do something
Examples: We expect delivery in seven days.
I didn’t expect him to get so angry.
Definition: If there is a delay, something is not going to happen when it is
meant to but will happen at a later time.
3 a long/short/brief delay | a delay of something | without delay
Examples: There were long traffic delays because of the accident.
You must leave the country without delay (immediately).
Definition: Confirmation is a statement saying that something is certain or
confirmation definite.
Noun Examples: Did you receive a confirmation by email or text?
I got a confirmation of the booking.
Definition: If you are on hold, you are connected by telephone but have to
wait for someone to speak to you.
5 put someone on hold | be on hold
Noun uncount
Examples: Can I put you on hold for a moment?
I was put on hold for about 20 minutes.
Definition: If you cancel an event that was planned, you decide that it will
not happen.
6 Examples: Would you like to cancel the order?
They had to cancel the meeting because the chairman was

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Definition: If you get a refund, a shop gives you back the money you paid
for something, for example, if it was broken or does not work
7 a full refund
Examples: He took the watch back and they gave him a refund.
We received a full refund (all the money we had paid) after we
had complained to the manager.
Definition: Correspondence is letters or emails that are sent from one person
correspondence or organization to another.
Noun uncount
Examples: Here’s our correspondence with the garage.
We’ve had no correspondence with them for over a year.
Definition: You use dear in front of the name of the person you are writing a
dear letter to.
Adjective Examples: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Petersen | Dear Sir | Dear Madam |
Dear Ms. Al Oraify
Definition: If you inform someone of something, you officially tell them
about it.
10 inform someone of something | inform someone that
Examples: They informed us that the books will be delivered tomorrow.
Please inform me as soon as you arrive in New York.
Definition: The stock of a shop or company is the amount of goods it has that
are available and ready to be sold or sent out to customers.
11 Examples: The camera I wanted was out of stock (there were no more
available to buy).
Everything on the list is in stock and is immediately available.
Definition: If you are delighted, you are very happy about something. If you
say you would be delighted to do something, you are politely
delighted saying that you are very willing to do it.
Adjective be delighted to do something | delighted with something
Examples: Everyone was delighted when they heard the news.
She was delighted with the new car.
Definition: If you reply to someone, you give them an answer. If you reply
to a letter or email, you send a letter or email back to someone
reply with more information.
Verb reply to someone or something
Examples: She replied a week later to say she wasn’t coming.
Her mother just smiled and replied, ‘Of course you can’.
Definition: If you require something, you want it and need it. If something is
require required, it is necessary.
Verb Examples: Do you still require the furniture you ordered?
The problem requires more thought.
Definition: You write Yours sincerely at the end of a letter, before your own
15 name, when the letter has been addressed to someone by name.
If the letter has been addressed “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam”,

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
then you write Yours faithfully.

Examples: Yours sincerely,

Yours faithfully
Definition: An order is a request to make, supply or deliver something.
place an order
16 Examples: Please cancel my order.
They were late with my order (it was delivered later than it was
meant to be).
Definition: If you request something, you politely or officially ask someone
to do something for you or to provide you with something.
request request someone to do something
Verb Examples: I request the manager to send me a refund as soon as possible.
Passengers are requested to remain in their seats until the plane
has stopped.
Definition: If you apologize, you say that you are sorry for something bad or
wrong that has happened.
apologize apologize for (doing) something | apologize to someone
Examples: She apologized for not listening to her mother.
The students apologized for not attending their classes.
Definition: Assistance is the help that you give someone.
Noun Examples: Can I be of assistance (Can I do something to help you?)
We’re here to provide you with any assistance you might need.
Definition: You write Best regards before your name at the end of a letter
best regards
20 or email that is friendly but not very formal.
Examples: Best regards, William
Definition: Language that is formal is very careful and correct and used in
formal official situations rather than in relaxed social situations.
Adjective Examples: He used formal language during the company meeting.
It’s a good letter, but the language is not formal enough.
Definition: When you receive something, you get it from someone because
receive they sent it to you or gave it to you. Receive is formal way of
22 saying “get.”
Examples: I received another letter from the bank today.
Did you receive the parcel we sent last week?
Definition: A supplier is a person or company that provides goods to
supplier customers.
Noun Examples: We changed suppliers last year to improve our service.
The suppliers apologized for the delay in delivery.

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(page 69)
Definition: A child is a young human who is not yet an adult.
1 Examples: They have a party when a child is born.
I have two children, a boy and a girl.
Definition: A teenager is a young person aged between 13 and 19 (because
teenager all those numbers end in -teen).
Noun Examples: A new magazine aimed at teenagers.
It’s difficult being the parents of teenagers.
Definition: A young adult is someone who is aged between about 16 and 20.
young adult Examples: They publish books for young adults.
Noun The centre offers advice to young adults who are having problems
at home.
Definition: People become adults when they are about 18 years old.
4 Examples: Entry to the museum is £5 for adults, but children go in free.
The club is for adults only (children are not allowed in).
Definition: Someone who is middle-aged is not young and not yet old –
between the age of about 40 to 59.
5 middle-aged Adjective
Examples: A middle-aged lady stopped me and asked the time.
Most of our customers are middle-aged.
Definition: If you describe someone as elderly, you are saying in a polite
elderly way that they are old. The elderly are people who are old.
Adjective Examples: An elderly lady sat down next to me on the bus.
Our neighbours are an elderly couple.
Definition: If you text someone, you send them a typed message using a
text mobile phone.
Verb Examples: I always have to text my son as he never answers the phone.
He texted me to invite me to a party.
Definition: Social media are websites and applications that enable users to
create and share content or participate in social networking,
such as blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Instagram and other forms of
social media mobile apps.
Noun uncount Examples: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
more are giving people a chance to connect with each other
across distances.
Online advertising in social media is cheap.
Definition: A pension is money that a government or company pays to
someone regularly when they do not work anymore because they
pension are old.
Noun a state pension | a private pension | draw a pension
Examples: I’ll receive a small pension at the age of 65.
Everyone gets the government pension after they retire..
10 career Definition: Someone’s career is the job or series of jobs that they do over

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Noun the period of their working life.
Examples: She had a long career in the newspaper business.
Ramy began his career with an engineering company in Dubai.
Definition: If someone retires, they stop having a job at the end of their
retire career, usually because they are old.
Verb Examples: When are you planning to retire?
My brother retired when he was 58.
6a Changing your life (pages 70-71)
Definition: If someone is over 20 but less than 24, you can say they are in
early their early twenties.
Adjective Examples: The boys were in their early teens (about 13 or 14).
My parents were in their early thirties when my brother was born.
Definition: If someone is between 24 and 27, you can say they are in their
mid mid-twenties.
Adjective Examples: The girls were in their mid-teens (about 15 or 16).
My parents were in their mid-twenties when my sister was born.
Definition: If someone is in their fifties, they are between 50 and 59 years old.
3 Examples: A tall man in his fifties came into the restaurant.
She looks as though she’s in her fifties.
Definition: If someone is between 27 and 29, you can say they are in their
late late twenties.
Adjective Examples: The twins were in their late teens (about 18 or 19).
My parents were in their late twenties when I was born.
Definition: A campervan is a vehicle that is designed with enough space at
the back for people to sleep on beds and prepare food, and used
5 for holidays.
Examples: They bought a campervan to travel across Australia.
We hired a campervan for a month when we were in Scotland.
Definition: Money you earn is the money you are paid for doing your job.
6 Examples: I need to earn some money to pay for my holiday.
Top football players earn millions of pounds a year.
Definition: If you intend to do something, you have a plan to do it and
believe that you will do it.
7 intend to do something | intend doing something
Examples: I intend to get a job before I’m 20.
I intend to drive to Abha at the weekend.
Definition: If you hope something will happen, you want it to happen but
you are not sure if it actually will happen.
8 hope to do something | hope (that)
Examples: I hope you pass your driving test.
We’re hoping to go on holiday to Spain next year.
freedom Definition: Freedom is the state of being free and not having to do things
Noun uncount you do not want to do.

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Examples: I got more freedom when I left school.
You have no personal freedom if you’re in prison.
Definition: Your salary is the money that you receive each month for doing
salary your job.
Noun Examples: They pay us a fixed salary.
He gets a good salary of £60,000 a year.
6b World party (pages 72-73)
Definition: A party is an event where people enjoy themselves by doing
things like eating, dancing and talking to each other.
1 throw a party
Examples: We had a party at the weekend.
We decided to throw a birthday party (have a party).
Definition: A costume is a special set of clothes that people wear for a
costume particular occasion or event, such as a parade or street festival.
Noun Examples: We all dressed up in costumes for the parade.
A national costume is the typical costume of a particular country.
Definition: Fireworks are things that explode and make colourful moving
shapes and patterns in the sky, often making a loud noise.
fireworks a firework display/show
Noun Examples: The fireworks started going off at 7 o’clock.
At midnight there was a big firework show to celebrate the
National Day.
Definition: A parade is a big event when a lot of people or vehicles go
parade through the streets of a town as part of a big celebration.
Noun Examples: The parade will set off from the Town Hall.
The parade took over an hour to pass by us.
Definition: If you celebrate, you do something enjoyable to show that a
particular day or event or occasion is special. This activity is a
celebration celebration.
Noun a birthday/anniversary celebration | a big/small celebration
Examples: The graduation celebration lasted all day and all night.
We organised a big celebration for the opening of the new school.
Definition: A mask is something that covers part or all of someone’s face.
mask People sometimes wear colourful masks at a party or celebration.
Noun Examples: She wore a gold mask with a white nose and red lips.
The children wore masks and costumes at the party.
Definition: A jazz band is a group of musicians who play jazz music, a kind
of music with a strong beat and rhythm, which is often made up
jazz band
7 during a performance instead of being prepared before.
Examples: I could hear a jazz band playing in the park.
She plays the trumpet in a jazz band.
Definition: A decoration is something you put on or around something else
decoration to make it look more attractive.
Examples: Why don’t we put up some party decorations?

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We’re making some Ramadan decorations.
Definition: A candle is a stick of a material called wax with a piece of
candle string through the middle that you light so that it has a flame.
Noun Examples: We had to use candles because the electricity wasn’t working.
It’s a tradition to have candles on a birthday cake.
Definition: A float is a moving platform pulled by people, or vehicles, that
float carries people who are performing in a carnival or festival.
Noun Examples: There was a nicely decorated float in the show.
There were 20 floats in the parade.
Definition: Stew is a dish of meat and vegetables that are all cooked together
stew in the same pot.
Noun Examples: We had beef stew for dinner.
The stew will take another hour before it’s ready.
Definition: Steel drums are drums made from steel barrels (large containers
steel drum for oil and other liquids).
Noun Examples: He plays steel drums in a band.
Every town on the island has its own steel drum band.
6c Coming of age (pages 74-75)
Definition: A country’s culture is the particular way it does things, especially
culture in connection with art, literature, music, etc.
Noun Examples: The carnival is a display of local culture and traditions.
He wrote a book about East European culture.
Definition: A ceremony is a formal event which involves a traditional set of
ceremony actions.
Noun Examples: They were married in a religious wedding ceremony last weekend.
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games lasted for 4 hours.
Definition: A formal event is a serious occasion where people have to behave
formal event according to traditional rules.
Noun Examples: A wedding is a formal event.
You need to wear a suit to a formal event.
Definition: At a wedding, the bride is the woman who is getting married.
4 Examples: Every bride is beautiful on her wedding day.
I took a photo of the bride and groom.
Definition: At a wedding, the groom is the man who is getting married.
groom Examples: On the day of the wedding, the groom is not meant to see his bride
Noun before the ceremony.
The groom looked really happy.
Definition: A wedding is a ceremony at which two people get married.
a wedding reception | a wedding guest | a wedding ceremony |
6 a wedding anniversary
Examples: They invited me to their daughter’s wedding.
The wedding ceremony will start at 3 o’clock.

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Definition: Your rights are the things that you can have or do according to a
set of rules. Your legal rights are things that the law allows you
legal rights to do or have.
Noun Examples: Consumers have legal rights to demand their money back if the
product has a problem.
Women here have the same legal rights as men.
Definition: A country’s social traditions are the cultural habits that have
existed for a long time.
8 social traditions Noun
Examples: Young people don’t always follow our social traditions.
Marriage is one of our oldest social traditions.
Definition: The law is all the official rules that people in a country have to
9 against the law | break the law
Examples: The law doesn’t allow you to carry a gun in public.
It’s against the law (not allowed) to sell cigarettes to children.
Definition: If two people are engaged, they have agreed to get married to
each other but are not married yet.
engaged get engaged | engaged to someone
Examples: My sister is engaged to someone she met at work.
An engaged couple usually plans their wedding for months.
Definition: The birth rate is the number of people who are born in a year,
usually measured by how many births there are for every thousand
birth rate
11 people in a country.
Examples: Japan has a very low birth rate.
The highest birth rates in Europe are in Ireland and France.
Definition: A line of things or people is a number of them next to each other
line or one behind the other.
Noun Examples: We stood in a line waiting to get into the theatre.
A long line of people waited to buy tickets for the match.
Definition: A goat is an animal related to sheep. It usually has horns and
a beard. Goats live wild on mountains or are kept on farm to
goat provide milk, meat and wool.
Examples: The farmer has three goats.
My neighbor raises goats for milk.
Definition: A cow is a large animal that farmers keep for milk and meat.
14 Examples: Every morning we milk the cows (take milk from them to sell.)
There are 200 cows on the farm.
Definition: If you have financial control over your money, you can spend it
or keep it for yourself and you can stop anyone else from using it
financial control
15 if you want to.
Noun uncount
Examples: She has financial control over her children’s money.
My dad has financial control over the family money.
16 cattle Definition: Cattle are cows and bulls that are kept on a farm and used for

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Noun Plural meat and milk production.
Examples: My uncle spent 20 years as a cattle farmer.
There are 2 million dairy cattle in the UK (cows that produce milk).
The verb ‘get’ has different uses in different situations:
• to become
Word Focus Example: I got married last week.
17 get • to receive
Verb Example: She got a gift for her birthday.
• to start
Example: You need to get a job when you finish your studies.
6d An invitation / 6e A wedding in Madagascar (pages 76-77)
Definition: An invitation is when someone asks you if you would like to go
invitation to a social occasion that they are organising.
Examples: We received an invitation to Alice’s wedding.
We sent 300 invitations to the opening ceremony.
Definition: A barbecue is a meal cooked outdoors, for example in someone’s
barbecue garden or on the beach, often as a social occasion.
Noun Examples: We’ve been invited to a barbecue tomorrow night.
I love to grill chicken on the barbecue.
Definition: A client is a customer who is paying someone such as a lawyer or
client accountant for their professional service.
Noun Examples: Diane’s out visiting a client.
She had an appointment with a client at three o’clock.
Definition: If you accept an invitation, you say yes to it.
4 Examples: They’ve accepted our invitation to the party.
I accepted the new job offer.
Definition: If you decline an invitation, you say no to it.
5 Examples: It’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid we have to decline the offer.
Only two people have declined our invitation to the party.
Definition: Something that is wonderful is very good and you enjoy it very
wonderful much.
Adjective Examples: We had a wonderful holiday.
The food was wonderful.
Definition: If you convince someone, you succeed in making them believe
something that they did not believe at first.
convince convince someone of something | convince someone that
Verb Examples: He managed to convince them to sell the house.
The article wouldn’t convince all its readers, but it was well
Definition: A festival is a period of time during which a lot of events take
8 place somewhere, such as concerts, theatre performances, films,

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a music/jazz/rock/theatre festival

Examples: The festival is held every year in August.

I attended a festival of classical music.
Definition: Nature is all the plants, animals, mountains, rivers, etc. that are
nature not made by people but exist independently.
Noun uncount Examples: We can learn a lot from nature.
I like to spend my holidays in nature.
Definition: Geographical features are things like mountains and rivers that
give a place its special character.
geographical feature
10 Examples: The main geographical feature of the island is the mountain in
the north.
He bought a map showing all the geographical features of KSA.
Definition: Something that is enormous is extremely big.
11 Examples: The truck was carrying an enormous load.
Most of the rooms are enormous, but the kitchen is tiny.
Definition: If someone is miserable, they are very sad.
miserable feel miserable
Adjective Examples: I felt a bit miserable when everyone had left.
He had a miserable childhood.
Definition: Something or someone that is beautiful is very nice to look at.
13 Examples: Jeddah is a beautiful city.
Elizabeth Taylor was a very beautiful actress.
Definition: Something that is colourful includes a lot of bright colours.
14 Examples: The women all wore very colourful dresses.
The wall was covered in colourful paintings.
Definition: Smart clothes are clean and nice. You can also say that a person
smart is smart if they are wearing clean, nice clothes.
Adjective Examples: I had to buy some smart trousers for work.
I wore smart clothes to the concert.
Definition: Something that is dull is not interesting or exciting but boring.
16 Examples: The ceremony began with some long and dull speeches.
The film was really dull.
Definition: Something that is massive is very big and very impressive.
17 Examples: They live in a massive house in Jeddah.
The factory is absolutely massive.
Definition: Food that is delicious tastes or smells very nice.
18 Examples: That was a delicious meal, thank you.
A delicious smell of chocolate cake was coming from the kitchen.
view Definition: The view is everything you can see from a particular place.
Noun Examples: We had a nice view of the mountain from our hotel room.

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I would love to have a room with a sea view (a view over the sea).
tasty Definition: Food that is tasty is very nice to eat.
20 Examples: I’m looking forward to a tasty lunch.
I had a salad that was both tasty and healthy.
disgusting Definition: Something that is disgusting is horrible and makes you feel sick.
21 Examples: What’s that disgusting smell?
That fish smells disgusting!
(page 81)
Definition: If something is interesting, you would like to see more of it or
interesting know more about it.
Adjective Examples: I watched an interesting programme on TV last night.
That’s an interesting idea.
Definition: Something that is dangerous might cause damage or harm to
dangerous someone.
Adjective Examples: Texting while you’re driving is really dangerous.
Riding a motorbike can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Definition: Physical means relating to your body rather than to your mind.
3 Examples: The doctor carried out a physical examination.
You need a lot of physical strength to do this job.
Definition: If you work hard, try hard, etc., you use a lot of effort and
hard energy while you are doing something.
Adverb Examples: You need to try hard if you want to succeed.
I’ve got to work harder on my English pronunciation.
Definition: Something that is boring is not interesting at all.
5 Examples: My job is really boring.
The film was so boring we left before the end.
Definition: Someone who is skilled is able to do something very well.
skilled skilled at (doing) something
Adjective Examples: The factory needs more skilled workers.
She was a skilled piano player.
Definition: If something is challenging, it tests one's abilities and can be
7 challenging Adjective
Examples: Mohammed found a challenging job as a computer programmer.
The new teacher gave the students some challenging questions.
Definition: Something tiring is what causes someone to need rest or sleep.
8 Examples: Looking after preschool children is very tiring.
I have had a very tiring day at work today. I am going to sleep.
Definition: If you refer to something as a proper job, you mean that it is a
serious and useful job, rather than something easy that will not
proper job
9 last long and is not suitable as a career.
Examples: It’s time you got a proper job.
You’ll never get a proper job unless you pass your exams.

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Definition: Construction companies employ people to build buildings such
construction company as, houses, offices, bridges, shopping centres, etc.
Noun Examples: She’s a director of a construction company.
I worked for a construction company that built the Queen Tower.
Definition: Steel is a strong metal, made from iron and carbon.
steel Examples: This knife is made from stainless steel (steel that will not get
Noun uncount weaker if it is wet for a long time).
The windows have steel frames.
Definition: You use pretty to say that something has quite a lot of a particular
pretty quality.
Adverb Examples: It gets pretty hot in there.
It was pretty clear that she was angry with us.
Definition: Fashion is the style of something that is popular for a time. If
something is in fashion, it is popular and done, used or worn by a
lot of people for a time. If it is out of fashion, people no longer
13 want to do it, use it or wear it.
in fashion | out of fashion
Examples: They talked about music, travel and fashion.
These shirts are back in fashion.
Definition: An assistant is someone whose job is to help another person in
their work, for example by doing the easier parts of it.
14 a personal assistant
Examples: She works as an assistant to a professor.
He has been promoted to assistant manager.
Definition: A designer is someone who decides what something should look
designer like and draws it so that other people can make it.
Noun Examples: I want to go to art school and become a designer.
She works as a fashion designer for a clothes company.
Definition: A representative is someone who works for a company and tries
to sell its products to customers.
representative sales representative
Noun Examples: She’s a sales representative for Givenchy.
We have 12 company representatives in the south of England
and just four in the north.
Definition: An officer is someone who has a senior rank in the army, navy or
officer air force. All members of the police force are officers.
Noun Examples: A police officer came towards us after the accident.
One of the officers was injured during the attack.
Definition: When you arrive at a hotel, the receptionist is the person who
receptionist gives you your room key and tells you about the hotel.
Noun Examples: He’s a receptionist at the Hilton in Montpellier.
The receptionist took my credit card details when I arrived.
7a Changes in Pennsylvania (pages 82-83)

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Definition: An accountant is someone whose job is to organise the financial
accountant records for a company or for a person.
Noun Examples: He’s an accountant for a big law firm.
My accountant sorts out all my finances.
Definition: A chef is someone who works in the kitchen of a restaurant or
chef hotel and prepares the food.
Noun Examples: He’s the head chef in a big London hotel.
Chefs have to work very long hours.
Definition: A computer programmer is someone whose job is to write
computer computer programs – instructions that make the computer do a
3 programmer particular task.
Noun Examples: She spent five years working as a computer programmer.
A team of computer programmers are working on the programme.
Definition: An electrician is someone whose job is to fix and repair electrical
electrician equipment.
Noun Examples: He’s training to be an electrician.
The electrician is putting in a new light switch.
Definition: An engineer is someone whose job is making or repairing
machines, buildings, roads, etc.
engineer Examples: Civil engineers (who work on roads, railways or buildings) are
Noun building a new bridge.
He’s a mechanical engineer (who works with machines) at the
Ford car factory.
Definition: A journalist is someone who writes for a newspaper or magazine,
journalist or who reports on the news on television or radio.
Noun Examples: She’s a journalist who reports for the Times newspaper.
My daughter wants to be a television journalist.
Definition: Marketing is the work involved in deciding how to advertise and
sell a product, what price it should be, where it should be sold, etc.
A marketing manager is someone who is responsible for doing
marketing manager
7 this sort of work.
Examples: She joined the company as the new marketing manager.
He moved from the sales department to become a marketing
Definition: A nurse is someone whose job is to look after people who are ill,
nurse especially in a hospital.
Noun Examples: He’s a nurse at the local hospital.
The nurse gave him his medicine.
Definition: A shop assistant is a person who works in a shop and helps
shop assistant customers.
Noun Examples: He’s a shop assistant in the supermarket.
I had to wait five minutes before a shop assistant came to help me.
Definition: Energy is things like electricity or gas that you use to make
energy machines work.
Noun uncount Examples: The washing machine uses a lot of energy.
The boy was sleepy, but full of energy and excitement.

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Definition: Your income is money that you earn from the job you do or the
things you sell.
income Examples: They pay him a monthly income for the gas they take from his
Noun land.
The job has a starting income of £22,000 which will rise to
£25,000 after two years.
Definition: A bottle factory is a factory where bottles are made.
bottle factory
12 Examples: She used to have a job at the local bottle factory.
This bottle factory makes bottles for Coca-Cola company.
Definition: A truck is a very large road vehicle that is used for carrying
goods. In British English, the word lorry is often used instead of
truck truck.
Noun a truck driver
Examples: The truck was carrying a load of cabbages.
It took half an hour to load the truck.
Definition: Natural gas is gas that comes out of the ground as gas rather than
natural gas being made by burning coal.
Noun uncount Examples: We started using natural gas in the 1960s.
The cooker runs on natural gas.
Definition: If a number or quantity increases, it gets bigger.
increase Examples: His profits increased last year.
Verb The number of students at the college increased from 2,000 last
year to 2,500 this year.
Definition: A farm is a large area in the country with several fields, used for
farm growing plants and keeping animals for food.
Noun Examples: It’s a rural area with a lot of farms.
My family have a farm where they grow rice.
Definition: Economics is the study of the economy–all the business activity
economics that goes on and the money that is moving around.
Noun Examples: She’s studying economics at Sheffield.
She writes a blog on economics.
Definition: Science is the study of things like physics, chemistry and biology.
science Someone who studies science is a scientist.
Noun Examples: Science helps us understand the universe.
It’s very important to have a good understanding of science.
Definition: If you drive a car or other vehicle, you control it while it is
drive moving.
Verb Examples: I want to learn to drive a car.
He drives a taxi.
Definition: Politics is the work of getting power and running a country
politics or part of a country. Someone who does this is a politician.
20 Noun uncount
Examples: She studied politics at university.
I’m not interested in politics.

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Definition: To direct an activity means to control it and decide what is
direct meant to happen.
21 Verb
Examples: She’s directing the new advertising campaign.
Who’s going to direct the next stage of the project?
Definition: If you train, or someone trains you, you learn the skills
train that you need to do a particular task.
22 Verb
Examples: He trained as an engineer.
My brother is training to be a pilot.
Many jobs often contain a suffix at the end of the root rword, such as -er,-ant,
Suffixes for jobs -ian, -ist.
-er Examples:
-ant account – accountant
-ian law – lawyer
-ist politics – politician
journal – journalist

7b X-ray photographer (pages 84-85)

Definition: Flowers are the coloured parts of a plant or tree that appear once
a year for a while. People use flowers to make a room look nice.
1 a bunch of flowers
Examples: He gave her a bunch of flowers on her birthday.
I grow vegetables and flowers in the garden.
Definition: An X-ray is a photograph that shows the inside of something.
X-ray Examples: The dentist took an X-ray to make sure there was nothing else
Noun wrong with my teeth.
He went to the hospital for an X-ray of his broken leg.
Definition: In a house or other building, a basement is a room that is below
basement the level of the ground outside.
Noun Examples: The furniture department is in the basement.
We store a lot of stuff in our basement.
Definition: In an office or factory, the canteen is a large room like a
restaurant where the people who work there can have a meal at
4 lunchtime.
Examples: The canteen is on the first floor.
I prefer to make my own sandwiches than eat in the canteen.
Definition: A corridor is a passage in a building with doors to rooms on one
corridor or both sides of it.
Noun Examples: Go down the corridor and my office is on the left.
Go up the stairs at the end of the corridor.
Definition: An emergency exit is a door in a building that you use to get out
emergency exit quickly when there is a fire or other dangerous situation.
Noun Examples: In case of fire, leave the building by the emergency exit.
People were screaming as they ran for the emergency exit.

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Definition: The entrance to a building is the door where you go in from the
entrance back/front/side entrance | main entrance
Noun Examples: You can go in through the main entrance.
After six o’clock we have to use the back entrance, not the front
Definition: In a building, a floor is one level. In Britain, the ground floor is
the same level as the ground outside the building, and the first
ground floor floor is the one above that. In the US, the first floor is the same
Noun level as the ground outside (they don’t talk about a ground floor).
Examples: My office is on the ground floor.
Our flat is on the ground floor.
Definition: A lift is a small room that can carry people up and down a
building so that they do not have to use the stairs
9 take the lift | call the lift
Examples: She pressed the button to call the lift.
Let’s take the lift – it’s a long way up to the fifth floor.
Definition: An office is a building or a room where people work, usually
office sitting at desks.
Noun Examples: My office is on the second floor.
I don’t want to work in an office.
Definition: A reception is a place inside a hotel or office building where
reception visitors go when they first arrive.
Noun Examples: There was free Wi-Fi in the reception area.
Please leave the key at the reception when you go out.
Definition: Stairs are a series of steps that you use to go from one level in a
building to another.
12 Take the stairs
Noun plural
Examples: The lift isn’t working so we’ll have to take the stairs.
Please don’t run down the stairs.
Definition: A price list is a document on paper, on a computer, or on a
website which tells you the price you have to pay for a company’s
price list
13 products.
Examples: I’ve only got last year’s price list – this year’s isn’t ready yet.
I checked the price list, and it’s £99.99.
Definition: If you go through somewhere, you go across it from one side or
through another.
Preposition Examples: We went through France and Germany through Poland.
I had to go through her office to get back to the reception.
7c Twenty-first century cowboys (pages 86-87)
Definition: If you make a mistake, you do something wrong or bad, although
1 you did not intend to.
make a mistake | by mistake

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Examples: I kicked a ball through my neighbour’s window by mistake.
I didn’t make a single mistake in the maths exam.
Definition: If you do someone a favour, you do something kind that is
useful or helpful for them without expecting anything in return.
2 do someone a favour | ask a favour (of someone)
Examples: Can you do me a favour and take this to the post office?
She lent me her bike as a favour.
Definition: A symbol is a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent
symbol something else.
Noun Examples: A heart shape is the symbol of love.
The pigeon is a symbol of peace.
Definition: Freedom is the condition or right of being able or allowed to do,
say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or
freedom limited.
Noun Examples: Children are allowed much more freedom these days.
Everyone should be allowed freedom of choice (the ability to
make their own choices).
Definition: Adventure is an exciting and interesting activity. If you have an
adventure adventure, lots of exciting and interesting things happen to you.
Noun Examples: Cowboys had a life of freedom and adventure.
She travelled across Asia in search of adventure.
Definition: If you think something is romantic, it makes you feel good and
romantic excited, even though your ideas about it are not very realistic.
Adjective Examples: Our view of cowboys is a very romantic image.
He told a rather romantic story about his childhood in Paris.
Definition: Your image of something is what you think it is like, even if what
image you think about it is not right.
Noun Examples: Our view of cowboys is a very romantic image.
My image of the way the world works is very different.
Definition: Freezing is extremely cold.
8 Examples: It's freezing in here - can I close the window?
After walking through the snow, my feet were freezing.
Definition: If you refer to a place as being in the middle of nowhere, you
mean that it is a long way from anywhere interesting and you do
not want to be there or go there.
9 middle of nowhere Examples: We were in the middle of nowhere so, of course, there was no
Phrase mobile phone signal.
He went to live in the middle of nowhere and none of his friends
ever went to visit him.
Definition: A man’s moustache is the hair growing on his upper lip.
10 Examples: I decided to shave my moustache off.
He grew a moustache, but it didn’t suit him.
Definition: A cowboy is a man who used to look after cattle and horses in the
11 western United States. A lot of adventure films, called westerns,
have been made about cowboys.

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Examples: John Wayne played the part of a cowboy in lots of films.
Life as a cowboy was hard, but fun.
Definition: An acre is a measurement of land equal to 4,047 square metres.
12 Examples: The farm had 116 acres.
The larger field covered two and a half acres.
Definition: A plain is a grassy area of open land.
13 Examples: Cattle walk across the huge plains to eat the grass.
The plains and valleys were good for farming.
Definition: A ranch is a large farm in the United States for cattle, horses or
ranch sheep.
Noun Examples: I grew up on a ranch in Colorado.
We visited my uncle on his ranch last year.
The verbs make and do are used in different situations:
Word Focus Make:
15 make and do a cake, make a plan, make a mess
Verbs Do:
homework, something fun, a good job
7d The job interview / 7e Applying for a job (pages 88-89)
Definition: The staff of a company, shop, etc. are the people who work there.
1 Examples: The staff is friendly and efficient.
Noun uncount
The company has more than 200 staff.
Definition: If you have a full-time job, you work all day for five days a week.
2 Examples: Both parents have a full-time job.
I found full-time work at the local school.
Definition: If you have a part-time job, you work for some of the time, but
part-time not all the time.
Adjective Examples: I’m looking for a part-time job while I’m studying.
I found part-time work at the car factory.
Definition: A position is a particular job within a company or organization.
position Examples: Full-time and part-time positions are available.
Noun He left the firm to take up a position (start a new job) in an
engineering company.
Definition: Experience is the knowledge or skill you get from doing, seeing,
experience or feeling things.
Noun Examples: Do you have any experience working with kids?
The best way to learn is by experience (= by doing things).
Definition: Something that is essential is important and absolutely necessary.
essential Examples: It’s essential to pass my exams, otherwise I won’t get into
Adjective university.
Speaking French and German is essential for this job.
provide Definition: Provide is to give someone something that they need.
Verb Examples: This booklet provides useful information about local services.

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A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.
Definition: If you apply for something such as a job, you write to say that
you want to have it.
apply apply for something
Examples: You should apply for jobs before you leave university.
Did you apply for that job at the BBC?
Definition: Your CV is a document which describes your education and
work history, and which you show to people when you apply for a
9 job. It is the initials of the Latin curriculum vitae.
Examples: Please send your CV by email.
Can you help me write my CV?
Definition: Contact details are the information needed on how to contact a
person, typically including a telephone number, email address, or
contact details address.
Noun plural Examples: The police officer asked for the names and contact details of all
their staff.
Please include your photos, CV, as well as your contact details.
Definition: If you are polite, you talk to someone in a nice way that shows
polite respect.
Adjective Examples: Most customers are OK if you are friendly and polite.
The letter was short and polite.
Definition: Your past experience is the sort of jobs you have had and the
past experience work you did in them.
Noun uncount Examples: They’ll ask you about your past experience in the interview.
Can you tell me something about your past experience?
Definition: Qualifications are an official record showing that you have
qualifications finished a training course or have the necessary skills.
Noun plural Examples: You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
Do you have any academic qualifications?
Definition: Your salary is the money that you receive each month for doing
salary your job.
Noun Examples: They pay us a fixed salary.
He gets a good salary of £60,000 a year.
Definition: Your address in the number of your house and the name of the
street and town where you live, which people write on an
envelope when they send you a letter. On the Internet, your email
15 address is the series of letters people need to use to send you an
email, for example ‘john.brown99@garglemail.com’
Examples: Write your name, address and email address at the top of the form.
My address is 43, Abdullah Hamid, Al Nasseem.
Definition: Your date of birth is the exact date (day of the month, month,
date of birth and year) when you were born.
Noun Examples: Her date of birth is 12th June 1992.
Write your full name and date of birth at the top of the form.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: Your education is the process of learning things that you go
through at school and university. When you apply for a job, you
usually have to describe your education by saying what school
17 or university you went to, what subjects you studied and what
Noun uncount
exams you passed.
Examples: She had a good education at a top school in Scotland.
I don’t think they were impressed by my education.
Definition: Your home telephone is the telephone number for the telephone
in your home, the phone number at the house or apartment where
you live.
18 home telephone Noun
Examples: You can contact me on my home telephone or on my mobile.
They rang my home telephone when I was out, but they left a
Definition: Your interests are the things you enjoy doing in your spare time
interests (when you’re not working or studying).
Noun Plural Examples: I wrote tennis and reading as my main interests.
My interests are music, sports and travel.
Definition: A reference is someone who used to be your boss or teacher and
supports you when you apply for a job by telling someone that
you are a reliable and good worker.
20 Noun A reference is also the document that they write saying this.
Examples: They asked me for two references.
I’ll write you a good reference.
Definition: Your skills are the things you can do very well, especially the
things that you have been trained to do and are part of the work
21 you do.
Noun Examples: You need leadership skills to be a good manager.
I went on a course to improve my writing skills.
Definition: Your work experience is the sort of jobs you have had in the past
work experience and the work you did in them.
Noun uncount Examples: They’ll ask you about your work experience in the interview.
Should I put ‘babysitting my sister’ as work experience?
Definition: Happening now; occurring or existing at the present time.
Example: I want to quit my current job.
(page 93)
Definition: A mathematical problem is a sort of question that makes you use
mathematical mathematics in order to find the right answer.
1 problem solve a mathematical problem
Noun Examples: Technology solves mathematical problems for us.
With a computer, these mathematical problems are easy to solve.
repetitive Definition: Something that is repetitive happens, again and again, often in a
Adjective very boring way.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Examples: I get bored of doing simple and repetitive jobs.
The teacher asked her to rewrite her essay because it had lots of
repetitive information.
Definition: An astronaut is someone who travels into space in a space
astronaut rocket.
Noun Examples: Astronauts carried out experiments while they were in space.
Neil Armstrong is the most famous astronaut ever.
Definition: An experiment is a scientific test that you do to see what happens
under certain conditions.
do/conduct/carry out/perform an experiment | an experiment
4 shows/proves something
Examples: The experiment showed no harmful effects of the drug.
We carried out the experiment twice to make sure the results were
Definition: If you are bored, you are not enjoying something because you are
not interested in what you are doing or in what is happening.
5 get bored | bored stiff
Examples: I got bored after waiting for an hour.
You’ll soon get bored if you don’t have a book to read.
Definition: If you are hungry, you want to eat something as soon as
6 Get hungry
Examples: Take some biscuits in case you get hungry.
I’m always hungry after I swim.
Definition: If you have a new idea, you think of something that no one else
new ideas has thought of before.
Noun Examples: He couldn’t come up with (think of) any new ideas.
They discussed a number of new ideas for the story.
Definition: If you make a decision, you choose what you are going to do or
8 A decision to do something | come to a decision
Examples: She made the decision to go back to France.
It’s a difficult choice, but we’ve finally come to a decision.
Definition: If you make a mistake, you do something wrong or bad, although
you did not intend to.
mistake make a mistake | by mistake
Examples: I kicked a ball through my neighbour’s window by mistake.
I didn’t make a single mistake in the maths exam.
Definition: When you sleep, you rest with your eyes closed and you are not
sleep awake.
Verb Examples: I sleep eight hours a night.
She slept on the plane journey to Los Angeles.
Definition: If you solve a problem, you find the right answer to it.
11 Examples: Our brains like trying to solve problems.
Sherlock Holmes solved the problem, of course.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: A problem is a difficult question that is hard to answer, or a
situation or task that needs a lot of thought.
problem solve a problem
Noun Examples: Professor Saad spent over a month solving his own problem.
The problem you have to solve is how to get three chairs into
this small space.
Definition: If you can speak a language, you know it and can talk to people
using that language.
13 speak a language
Examples: I can speak English, German and Italian.
How many languages can you speak?
Definition: If you understand something, you know what it means or how it
understand works.
Verb Examples: I don’t understand this word.
I still don’t understand how mobile phones work.
Definition: Instructions are a detailed description of how to do something,
for example, how to use a machine, such as a dishwasher.
15 follow instructions
Noun plural
Examples: He gave me instructions on how to operate the new machine.
You should read the instructions before you plug it in.
8a Mobile technology (pages 94-95)
Definition: If you connect to the Internet, you do something with your
computer, phone, PlayStation, etc. that allows you to get
1 documents, games, music, etc. from the Internet.
Examples: If there’s no Wi-Fi, you can’t connect to the Internet.
My phone is always connected to the Internet.
Definition: If you download something, you take it from the Internet and put
download it on your computer, phone, tablet, etc.
Verb Examples: It took an hour to download the film.
You can download the whole book from our site.
Definition: If you log in to a computer, you put in your password to start
log in using it.
Phrasal verb Examples: If you can’t remember your password, you won’t be able to log in.
Make sure you log in before the Zoom meeting starts.
Definition: If you play games, you do the activities that are involved in them.
4 Examples: A lot of my friends play online games.
They played football in the park.
Definition: Search means you look for something or try to find something by
looking. For example, when you search, you try to find something
search on the Internet by putting words into a search engine such as
Verb Google or Bing.
Examples: I searched the Internet for a good English dictionary.
If you search online, you’re sure to find the answer.
set up Definition: If you set up an arrangement or agreement, you do what is
Phrasal verb necessary for it to start.

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Examples: It’s easy to set up an online account with us.
It took all morning to set up the five computers in a network.
Definition: If you subscribe to something, you pay to be able to use a service
such as a TV channel, a telephone network, an online newspaper,
7 subscribe to something | take out a subscription |
renew/cancel a subscription | a monthly/annual subscription
Examples: We subscribed to Netflix.
Over 1,000 people have subscribed to my YouTube channel.
Definition: If you upload something, you move it from your computer to
upload somewhere in the cloud or on the Internet.
Verb Examples: She uploaded the pictures to her Facebook page.
It’s a brilliant video – you should upload it to YouTube.
Definition: If you write something, you put words down on paper using a
pen or pencil, or you put them on the screen of a computer or
9 phone using a keyboard.
Examples: I write a weekly blog with all the family news.
I wrote six emails last evening.
Definition: A signal is electrical waves that carry sound and pictures to
signal mobile phones, computers, etc.
Noun Examples: I can’t hear you very well, there’s a really bad signal here.
I can never get a signal in the back garden.
Definition: Your skin is the outer covering of your body.
11 Examples: If you’ve got dry skin, don’t use this soap.
My skin is darker than my brother’s.
Definition: If you touch something, you put part of your body on it, especially
touch your hand or fingers.
Verb Examples: Touch the screen to start the program.
Please don’t touch the paintings.
Definition: A match is a thin, short stick of wood with a special substance
on the end that produces a flame when you rub it against a rough
match surface.
Noun a box of matches | strike a match
Examples: She struck a match to light the fire.
The matches got wet, so we couldn’t light a fire.
Definition: Sun cream is a liquid that you put on your skin to stop your skin
from getting a sunburn.
sun cream
14 Examples: Don’t forget to put on some sun cream before you go swimming.
Noun uncount
Make sure the children put the sun cream on while playing on the
Definition: A towel is a piece of cloth that you use to dry your skin, for
towel example after you have had a bath or been swimming.
Noun Examples: I dried my hands on a towel.
There’s a clean towel in the bathroom.

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Definition: A hairdryer is a piece of electrical equipment that blows hot air
hairdryer out so that you can dry your hair after you have washed it.
Noun Examples: Can I borrow your hairdryer to dry my hair?
I bought a new hairdryer to style my hair for the party.
8b Invention for eyes (pages 96-97)
Definition: An optician is someone whose job is to examine people’s eyes to
check how good their eyesight is and to decide if they need to
optician wear glasses.
Noun Examples: The optician told me I was short-sighted (not able to see things
well if they are a long way away).
I made an appointment to see an optician.
Definition: An effect is something that happens because of something else.
effect have an effect (on something)
Noun Examples: Smoking has a bad effect on your health.
These chemicals can have a bad effect on the environment.
Definition: A pump is a device that forces liquid or gas through a pipe so
pump that it goes into or out of something.
Noun Examples: The pump pushes the silicone oil through the pipe.
The mechanic replaced the oil pump in the car.
Definition: Silicone oil is a kind of oil that is often used as a lubricant – a
substance that stops two surfaces from getting damaged when they
silicone oil rub together.
Noun uncount Examples: The pump pushes the silicone oil through the pipe.
Some lipsticks contain silicone oil to make the colour stick to the
Definition: A pipe is a hollow tube for carrying water, gas, oil, etc. from one
place to another.
5 Examples: Water comes into the house through a pipe from the street.
A gas pipe was leaking (letting gas out where it was not meant to
come out).
Definition: A wheel is a small, round part of a machine that you turn in
wheel order to operate the machine.
Noun Examples: You turn the wheels on each side to open the gate.
The wheel was stuck so I had to get some oil.
Definition: A lens is a curved piece of glass that can help someone see things
more clearly if their eyesight is not good. A pair of glasses has two
lens lenses, one for each eye.
Examples: The lenses in his glasses were very thick.
When you buy glasses, the lenses are the most expensive part.
Definition: The water supply to a place is the water that is available there
water supply
8 through a public system that delivers the water through taps in
Noun uncount
people’s houses.

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Examples: The water supply in our village is very bad.
The island has no fresh water supply.
Definition: An inventor is someone who has invented something or whose
inventor job is to invent things.
Noun Examples: Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite.
Thomas Edison was the inventor of the electric light bulb.
Definition: An invention is something that has never been made before, or
the process of creating something that has never been made
invention before.
Noun Examples: The world changed rapidly after the invention of the phone.
The invention of the silicon chip was a landmark in the history of
the computer.
Definition: The source of something is the place where it came from.
source source of something | main source
Noun Examples: The river is our only source of water.
When he was at university, his dad was his main source of money.
8c Designs from nature (pages 98 - 99)
Definition: A wind turbine is a tall tower with large, flat bits of metal at the
top that turn around when the wind blows on them and make
wind turbine
1 electricity.
Examples: Wind turbines provide extra income for some farmers.
A single wind turbine can provide power to 1,500 houses.
Definition: A flipper is the flat arm or leg of a sea animal such as a whale or
flipper a penguin.
Noun Examples: Whales move easily through water because of their flippers.
The flippers help it swim very fast.
Definition: A bur is a covering of the seed of a plant that sticks to things
bur such as clothing or animal fur that come into contact with it.
Noun Examples: He pulled the burs off his trousers.
My pullover was covered in burs after I fell in the bush.
Definition: If liquid runs off a surface, it flows down and away and does not
stay on the surface.
run off
4 Examples: The bottle fell, and the milk ran off the table.
Phrasal verb
Water ran off the fields onto the road where it froze during the
Definition: Dirt is a substance such as dust or soil that is not considered to
dirt be clean.
Noun uncount Examples: His jacket was covered in dirt.
He swept the dirt up from the floor.
8d Gadgets / 8e An argument for technology (pages 100-101)
Definition: If you turn on a piece of equipment, you do something such as
turn on
1 move a switch or press a button to make it start operating.
Phrasal verb
Examples: It was getting dark, so she turned on the light.

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Turn the TV on please - the movie’s about to start.
Definition: If you pull something, you make it move it towards you using
pull your hands.
Verb Examples: If you pull too hard, the chain will break.
I pulled the suitcase out from under the bed.
Definition: If you charge a battery or an electrical device, you put electricity
charge back into it so that you can use it again.
Verb Examples: I need to charge my phone.
Charge the batteries overnight so they’ll be ready in the morning.
Definition: If you press something, you push on it with your finger or hand.
4 Examples: Press the button to call the lift.
Which switch do I press to get the light to come on?
Definition: If you push something, you put force on it and make it move
push away from you, using your hands.
Verb Examples: Push the button to start the washing machine.
She pushed the gate open.
Definition: A battery is an object that stores electricity and is used in
equipment such as phones, tablets, cameras, etc.
6 a flat/dead battery | recharge a battery | battery life
Examples: I need some new batteries for this toy.
He changed the battery in his camera.
Definition: A button is a small round thing that you press in order to make a
piece of electrical equipment start working or stop working.
7 Examples: The on/off button is on the side of the TV (the button you press to
make the TV come on or go off).
Keep your finger on the button till the light comes on.
Definition: A remote control is a device that lets you control a piece of
equipment by sending radio signals to it so that you don’t need to
remote control touch the equipment or be next to it.
Noun Examples: Where’s the remote control for the TV?
She pressed the button on the remote control to turn the sound
down on the TV.
Definition: A lever is a long handle or bar that you pull or push in order to
lever operate a piece of equipment.
Noun Examples: Move the lever forwards to make the drone climb higher in the air.
Push the lever up to signal that you are going to turn left.
Definition: If something moves backwards, it moves in the direction behind
backwards it, or in the direction away from you.
Adverb Examples: Push the lever backwards.
The car rolled backwards down the hill.
Definition: If something moves forwards, it moves in the direction in front
forwards of it, or in the direction towards you.
Adverb Examples: Pull the lever forwards.
Move your chairs forwards a bit.
12 go up Definition: If something goes up, it rises to a higher place or position.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Phrasal verb Examples: Push the lever forwards to make the drone go up.
Go up the escalator to the second floor.
Definition: A propeller is a device on a plane or ship that consists of blades
propeller that go round and round and make the plane or ship move.
Noun Examples: If you pull the lever back, the propellers will slow down.
The propellers were still turning when he climbed out of the plane.
Definition: If something slows down, it starts to move more slowly
slow down
14 Examples: The car slowed down and stopped at the traffic lights.
Phrasal verb
Slow down – I can’t keep up with you.
Definition: If something comes down, it moves to a lower position or place.
come down
15 Examples: She came down the stairs very quickly when we arrived.
Phrasal verb
He came slowly down the ladder.
Definition: A vending machine is a machine that sells things such as
chocolate bars, tea or coffee, bottles of water, etc. You put money
vending machine
16 in the machine and it releases the thing you have bought.
Examples: The vending machine takes coins but not notes or bank cards.
I put a pound in the vending machine.
Definition: You use firstly to introduce the first of a number of statements
firstly you are going to make.
Adverb Examples: Firstly, you need to take warm clothing.
Firstly, let me just say how pleased we are to see you here.
Definition: You use for example when you are about to refer to something
that is typical of what you are talking about.
for example
18 Examples: The classrooms, for example, were all very clean.
The shop sells all sorts of things, for example newspapers,
magazines and sweets.
Definition: You use in addition when adding extra information to what you
have just said.
in addition Examples: This will bring your temperature down. In addition, it will help
Phrase you sleep better.
In addition, around 1 million birds are killed every year because
of plastic pollution.
Definition: You use in other words when explaining something for a
second time, often in a simpler way.
in other words
Phrase Examples: In other words, LED lights need less electricity to produce more
This could be very serious, indeed - in other words, he might die.
Definition: You use on the other hand to introduce a fact that is different
from what you have been saying but that is just as important.
on the other hand
21 Examples: I’d like to visit Florence; on the other hand, I need to save money
Phrase to buy a new car.
His TV was very old, but, on the other hand, his computer was
very new.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: You use however to introduce information that is surprising
however or unexpected after what you have just been saying.
Adverb Examples: The following week, however, had a lot of rain.
He was, however, a qualified accountant.
Definition: You use as a result to say what happens or what a situation is
as a result after you have mentioned the cause or reason for it.
Phrase Examples: He fell ill, and, as a result, lost his job.
She was very shy and, as a result, very lonely.
Definition: Contrasting things, opinions, people, etc. are very different from
contrasting each other.
Adjective Examples: They gave contrasting explanations for what had happened.
His shirt and jacket were in contrasting colours.
Definition: A result is a situation, event etc. that happens because of
result something else.
Noun Examples: The result of the election was that we have a new government.
The result of her hard work was a place at Oxford University.
Definition: A music download is a song or other piece of music that you
music download have got from the Internet and put on your computer.
Noun Examples: We have to pay for our music downloads.
Illegal music downloads are a problem for musicians.
Definition: Wireless technology is a way of transferring information,
pictures, sound etc. without having a physical connection between
wireless technology two points but by using radio waves. Examples of wireless
27 technology are mobile phones and Wifi.
Examples: Wireless technology has improved a lot over the last few years.
Wireless technology lets you talk to your house.
(page 105)
Definition: Sunbathing is the activity of lying outside when the sun is shining
to make your skin become brown.
1 sunbathing
Examples: We spent the afternoon sunbathing on the beach.
Noun uncount
Cycling, swimming and sunbathing are popular activities here.
Definition: Accommodation is a place such as a house, flat or hotel where
Accommodation you can live or stay for a while.
Noun uncount Examples: How was the accommodation on your holiday?
The university provides accommodation for foreign students.
9a Holiday stories (pages 106-107)
Definition: If you check in at a hotel or airport, you give your personal
details and show tickets, etc. so that you can use the hotel or travel
on the flight. If you check your bags in at an airport, you leave
check in
1 your bags at a particular place so that they can be put into the
phrasal verb
luggage area of the plane.
Examples: If you check in online, it will save time at the airport.
You must check in at least an hour before you fly.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If you unpack, or unpack your bags, you take all the clothes and
things out of your suitcase, backpack, etc. when you have arrived
2 somewhere.
Examples: Let’s unpack first and then go and get something to eat.
We didn’t have time to unpack before dinner.
Definition: If you go abroad, you go from your country to a different
country. If you live abroad, you live in a country that is not your
3 own.
Examples: I worked abroad for a few years.
She spent a year abroad as part of her university French course.
Definition: If you book something, you arrange to have it or use it at a
book particular time in the future.
Verb Examples: I booked a flight to Rome.
I’d like to book a table in your restaurant for four people.
Definition: If you rent a boat/bike/car, you pay money to be able to use it
for a period of time. If you rent a house or flat, you pay money to
5 the owner so that you can live in it.
Examples: She rented a car for a week.
They rented a house near the beach.
Definition: If you stay somewhere, you do not go anywhere else for a while.
stay If you stay in a hotel, a campsite, etc. you live there for a while.
Verb Examples: We stayed in a hotel in Paris for a week.
I’m staying with my brother for a few days.
Definition: The entrance to a building is the door where you go in from the
entrance back/front/side entrance | main entrance
Noun Examples: You can go in through the main entrance.
After six o’clock, we have to use the back entrance, not the front
Definition: You use fortunately to describe something that happens because
of good luck.
8 fortunately
Examples: Fortunately, the train arrived as soon as we got to the station.
Fortunately, my passport was in my other bag.
Definition: If you go sightseeing, you go around a town or city looking at the
interesting buildings and places that tourists like to see.
sightseeing go sightseeing | a sightseeing tour
Noun uncount Examples: We went on a sightseeing tour down the river.
On Saturday, you can choose between going sightseeing or going
Definition: If something happens suddenly, it starts to happen very quickly,
suddenly often when you are not expecting it.
Adverb Examples: Suddenly, the lights went out.
We thought we were lost, but suddenly we saw the hotel.
Definition: A candle is a stick of a substance called wax with a piece of string
11 through the middle that you light so that it has a flame.
Examples: We had to use candles because the electricity wasn’t working.

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It’s a tradition to have candles on a birthday cake.
Definition: If you sing, or sing a song, you make musical sounds with your
sing voice.
Verb Examples: We all sat around the fire and sang songs.
We used to sing during long car journeys.
Definition: A song is a piece of music with words that you can sing.
song sing a song
Noun Examples: I heard a great song on the radio this morning.
I can remember all the words to that song.
9b A different kind of holiday (pages 108-109)
Definition: If you are amazed by something, you are surprised and
impressed by it. If something is amazing, you think it is
1 surprising and impressive.
Examples: I was amazed to hear that they were getting married very soon.
We had an amazing view from the hotel window.
Definition: If you are bored, you are not enjoying something because you
are not interested in what you are doing or in what is happening.
2 Something that is boring is not interesting at all.
Examples: I got bored last weekend because there was nothing to do.
My neighbours are so boring, they never want to go out.
Definition: If you are fascinated by something, you think it is extremely
interesting. Something that is fascinating is extremely interesting.
3 fascinating
Examples: As a child, Kevin was fascinated by dinosaurs.
Jeddah is a fascinating place.
Definition: If you are interested in something, you would like to see more
of it or know more about it. If something is interesting, you
interested/interesting would like to see more of it or know more about it.
Adjective be interested in something
Examples: I’m very interested in fashion.
The results of the new research were quite interesting.
Definition: If you are frightened, you are afraid. Something that is
frightening makes you feel afraid.
5 frightening
Examples: I was frightened of the dark when I was a child.
It was very frightening when the lights suddenly went out.
Definition: If you are worried, you are thinking about problems or about
something bad that might happen. If something is worrying, it
worried makes you think that something bad might happen.
Adjective worried about something
Examples: I’m worried about my exams.
The guide was great, so I wasn’t worried.
Definition: If you are annoyed, you are a little bit angry. Something that is
annoyed/annoying annoying makes you a little bit angry.
Adjective Examples: She had an annoyed expression on her face.
The website has too many annoying ads on it.
Definition: If you are tired, you are in need of rest or sleep. If something is

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
tiring, it is making you feel tired.
tired/tiring Examples: I was so tired when I got home from work last night that I had
Adjective a quick nap.
Looking after the kids is extremely tiring.
9c Two sides of Paris (pages 110-111)
Definition: Architecture is the style and design of buildings.
1 Examples: You’ll see some fine architecture when you go to Paris.
Noun uncount
She’s studying 20th century American architecture.
Definition: A place is a particular area where something can be.
2 Examples: Can you find a place for us to sit?
There’s a nice place to eat near here.
Definition: If something takes place, it happens somewhere.
take place
3 Examples: The wedding took place in Riyadh.
The Olympic Games take place every 4 years.
Definition: Something that is underground is under the surface of the earth.
underground Examples: The mall has an underground car park.
Adjective The airport has an underground train (that travels through
tunnels under the ground).
Definition: A tunnel is a long passage under the ground that carries trains,
cars, etc. underneath hills, rivers, etc.
5 Examples: The tunnel is 20 metres long.
The tunnel under the English Channel connects France and the
Definition: A catacomb is a tunnel or other area under the ground where
catacomb dead bodies are buried.
Noun Examples: We went on a tour of the Paris catacombs.
There are nearly 3,000 catacombs in this city.
Definition: Your bones are the hard parts that make up the frame of your
body. An adult human body has 206 bones.
7 Examples: She broke a bone in her foot.
Children’s bones are softer than adult bones because they are
still growing.
Definition: A skeleton is a set of all the bones that support a body.
8 Examples: The museum had a skeleton that was over 3,000 years old.
We saw lots of skeletons in the catacombs.
Definition: Something that is secret is not known about by most people.
secret keep something secret
Adjective Examples: There’s a secret door into the garden
He lost his bike and then tried to keep it secret from his parents.
Definition: Stone is the very hard substance that makes up a lot of the
stone surface of the earth and that is used as a building material.
Noun uncount Examples: Bricks are cheaper than natural stone.
The garden had a stone wall round three sides of it.
ceiling Definition: The ceiling is the top surface in a room or passage, over your
Noun head.

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Examples: The ceiling was so low I kept bumping my head on it.
Water was coming through the ceiling from the bathroom upstairs.
9d Tourist information / 9e Requesting information
(pages 112-113)
Definition: A senior is a person who is aged over 60.
1 Examples: Entrance costs £10, and £7 for seniors and children under 16.
The front seats on the bus are reserved for seniors.
Definition: If you request something, you politely or officially ask someone
to do something for you or to provide you with something.
2 request someone to do something
Examples: She requested to see the manager.
You can always request an invoice.
Definition: If you provide something to someone, you give them what they
3 Examples: Bonus was paid to workers to provide an incentive to work
The government provides primary education to all citizens.
Definition: If you confirm an arrangement, you tell someone that it is certain
confirm and will definitely go ahead as planned.
Verb Examples: We will confirm the reservation in writing.
I can confirm your booking for 7:30 this evening.
Definition: If you are grateful to someone, you are glad that they have helped
you or given you something.
grateful feel grateful to someone | be/feel grateful for something | be
Adjective grateful if
Examples: I’ll always be grateful to the doctor who saved my sight.
I’m grateful for all your help.
Definition: If you inform someone of something, you officially tell them
about it.
6 inform someone of something | inform someone that
Examples: Why wasn't I informed about this earlier?
● We'll inform you when a decision has been reached.
Definition: If something is available, you can use it or have it straight away
and do not have to wait for it.
7 make something available
Examples: Is this dress available in a larger size?
There's no money available for a graduation ceremony this year.
Definition: If you do something in advance of something else, you do it
before the other thing happens.
in advance
8 Examples: Thank you in advance for your help (they did not help yet).
We began planning the concert a year in advance (a year
Definition: If you are looking forward to something, you think you will
look forward to enjoy it or be pleased when it happens.
Phrasal verb
look forward to doing something

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Examples: I look forward to reading your reply.
I’m looking forward to going to France for a holiday.
Definition: Best regards is a polite greeting and expression of affection
best regards usually at the end of an email.
Phrase Examples: Give my best regards to your parents.
Best Regards, William
(page 117)
Definition: to find and stop a person or animal that is trying to escape.
1 Examples: Did you catch any fish this afternoon?
I spent all day out there and didn’t catch any fish.
Definition: A basket is a container that you put things in and that you can
carry in your hand.
a shopping basket
2 Examples: He went to the market with a shopping basket (to carry the things
you buy at the shops).
If you haven’t got a basket with you, you’ll have to buy a plastic
10a A lesson in logos (pages 118-119)
Definition: If you recognize someone or something, you see them and know
who or what they are because you have seen them before and
recognize they are familiar to you.
Examples: I didn’t recognize you with that hat on.
He’s very tall, which makes him easy to recognize.
Definition: An advert, or in more formal English an advertisement and in
less formal English an ad, is a short piece of text in a newspaper,
magazine, or on a website, often with a picture, that tries to
make people want to buy a particular product or do a particular
2 activity.
an advert for something
Examples: I paid for a front page advert in a national newspaper to sell my
I saw an advert for a new mobile on TV.
Definition: To produce something means to make it.
3 Examples: This factory produces washing machines.
They can produce ten cars an hour.
Definition: If you design something, you have the idea for it and decide
design what it will look like and how it should be made.
Verb Examples: Jonathan designed the the theme for the party.
All our products are designed and made in the UK.

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Definition: If you complain about something, you say that there is
something wrong and that you are not satisfied with it.
complain to someone | complain about something |
complain complain that
Verb Examples: You should complain to the manager if your problem is not
I complained because my food was cold.

10b Product design (pages 120-121)

Definition: Something that is user-friendly is easy for people to use or
1 Examples: Samsung software is very user-friendly.
We are continually looking to improve the service and make it
more user-friendly.
Definition: Something that is old-fashioned is not very modern or
old-fashioned fashionable.
Adjective Examples: His clothes are so old-fashioned.
The inside of the shop was very old-fashioned.
Definition: If something is basic it is simple and not complicated.
basic Examples: I really need to get some basic financial aid.
Adjective He only has a basic command of English (he only knows the
most important and simple words and expressions).
Definition: If something is up-to-date it is the most recent and modern.
4 Examples: Is your computer software up-to-date?
This report is based on the most up-to-date information.
Definition: If something is fashionable it is popular at a particular time.
5 Examples: Teenagers like to go to fashionable restaurants.
She was wearing a fashionable dress.
Definition: Classic styles are very simple but beautiful and do not go out of
classic fashion.
Adjective Examples: She always wears classic designs.
This suit is a classic.
Definition: A cassette is a small plastic object containing a length of tape
that plays music or other sounds when placed into a cassette
cassette player. Cassettes were used especially in the 1980s and 1990s.
Noun Examples: My dad has a collection of over 300 cassettes.
I’m sure you can find a cassette player (a machine to play
cassettes) on eBay.
Definition: Headphones are equipment that fit over your ears so that you
can listen to music when they are connected to a radio, phone or
8 other piece of equipment.
Noun plural
Examples: She was wearing a pair of blue headphones.
I wear my headphones when I listen to music in public.
download Definition: If you download something, you take it from the Internet and put
Verb it on your computer, phone, tablet, etc.

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Examples: He downloads all his favourite songs to his laptop.
I downloaded their latest album on my phone.
Definition: If you used to do something, you did it regularly in the past but
do not do it now.
used to
10 Examples: I used to go to school on foot when I was a kid.
We used to go for walks by the river before they built the factory
Definition: If you use something, you do something with it.
11 Examples: Can I use your phone?
You can use your dictionary to find what the words mean.
10c Is stuff winning? (pages 122-123)
Definition: In informal English, you can use stuff as a general word to refer
to any kind of thing or collection of things without saying exactly
1 what they are.
Noun uncount
Examples: We did football and boxing and stuff like that.
We did a lot of fun stuff at the holiday camp.
Definition: A digital device is any sort of equipment such as a mobile
phone, laptop, computer, etc. that stores information in the form
digital device
2 of digits (the numbers 0 and 1).
Examples: The airline won’t allow you to take digital devices on board.
Please turn all your digital devices off before the show starts.
10d Website design / 10e A review (pages 124-125)
Definition: On a website, the page called About us is a page that has
information about the company or organization whose website it
About us
1 is.
Examples: You can click on the About us for more details and information.
The About us page has disappeared.
Definition: On a website, the contact page is the page which tells you how to
contact the person or organization whose website it is, giving
contact email addresses, phone numbers or providing a form for you to
Noun fill in and send directly from that page.
Examples: I can’t find a contact page.
I went to the contact page and found the phone number.
Definition: The content on a website is the material it presents, such as
writing, music, photos, etc.
3 Examples: Make sure you put up new content every day, otherwise people
won’t come back to the site regularly.
News website visitors want up-to-date content.
Definition: On a website, the home page is the main page that people first
home page get to, which has links to all the other pages on the site.
Noun Examples: The home page has no content, just links to the main areas of the

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Click this link to return to the home page.

Definition: On a website, a link is a button or short piece of text which sends

you to another page when you click on it.
5 click a link | follow a link | a broken link
Examples: There’s a link to our other site here.
There are links to all sorts of interesting sites.
Definition: A search is what you do to try to find something, for example,
on the Internet
or on a particular website by putting words into a box on the
6 screen.
search box | search results
Examples: The search box is in the top right corner.
The history button will show you the last searches you did.
Definition: A feature is a typical or interesting quality that something has.
feature Examples: The site has a lot of really good features.
Noun New features include automatic translation from other
Definition: If you comment on something, you say or write your opinion
about it.
8 comment on something
Examples: You can comment on other people’s photos.
Over 50 people have already commented on my latest blog post.
(page 129)
Definition: An expedition is a journey that a group of people make,
especially one that they make because they want to go somewhere
expedition where no one has gone before or do something that has not been
Noun done before.
Examples: The expedition will start in June and will take seven weeks.
Sir John Hunt led the expedition on Mount Everest in 1953.
Definition: A connection is a relationship between people or things.
a connection between things or people |
2 a connection to/with someone or something.
Examples: I had no connection with him at all.
Scientists discovered a connection between smoking and cancer.
Definition: You use actually to emphasise what you think is the real or exact
actually truth.
Adverb Examples: He’s actually very friendly when you get to know him.
I know it sounds like a joke, but it actually happened.
Definition: Equipment is the machinery, tools, etc. that you need to do a job.
4 Examples: The photographer came early to set up his equipment.
Noun uncount
The medical equipment in the hospital is disinfected every day.

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Definition: A copy of a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. is one of many that
were printed at the same time and that are all the same.
5 a copy of something
Examples: Have you got a copy of today’s paper?
I’ve lost my copy of my math’s book.
Definition: If you draw something, you use a pen or pencil to make a picture
of it. The activity is drawing, and the picture that you make is
drawing also called a drawing.
Noun a drawing of something or someone
Examples: She showed the drawing of the Eiffel Tower to the teacher.
I’m going to do a drawing of the palace.
Definition: A diary is a book which has a space for every day of the year.
You use it to write down the date and time of things you need to
do, or to write down the interesting things that happen to you
diary every day.
Noun keep a diary | write a diary
Examples: I wrote the date for our meeting in my diary.
During her year in France, she kept a diary (wrote down what
happened every day.)
Definition: A coin is a round, flat piece of metal money.
8 Examples: The coffee machine works only with coins.
I collect old French coins.
Definition: A note is a piece of paper money that has a special design on it
note saying how much it is worth.
Noun Examples: Can you give me two five-pound notes for this ten-pound note?
Some shops will refuse to accept a five hundred pound note.
11a The history of video gaming (pages 130-131)
Wordbuilding Certain verbs in English require a preposition to follow it. For example,
verb + preposition ask for, help with, work with, ask about, etc.
11b Messages from the past (pages 132-133)
Definition: An advert, or in more formal English an Advertisement and in
less formal English an ad, is a short piece of text in a newspaper,
magazine, or on a website, often with a picture, that tries to make
advert people want to buy a particular
1 product or do a particular activity.
an advert for something
Examples: I put an advert in the paper to sell my mobile.
You can place your house classified property advert for free.
Definition: An email is a message that you send to someone using the
2 send someone an email
Examples: I got an email from my manager this morning.
She spent half an hour reading her emails.

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Definition: Your Facebook page is a page on the Facebook website where
you put information about yourself, photos, etc. so that you can
Facebook page
3 share them with your friends.
Examples: Click this link to add a photo to your Facebook page.
Visit my Facebook page for more information.
Definition: A letter is a message that you write on paper, put in an envelope
and send it to someone through the post.
letter send someone a letter | write someone a letter
Noun Examples: I used to write lots of letters, but now I just send emails.
She wrote him a long letter explaining why she wasn’t coming
back to work.
Definition: A card is a piece of stiff paper folded in half, often with a picture
on one side, that you write a message on and send to someone.
card a gift card
Examples: She got lots of birthday cards from her school friends.
I’ll send you a card from Australia.
Definition: A newspaper is a set of sheets of paper with stories and pictures
about the news printed on them. They are usually published every
Newspaper day and are often called just papers. Most newspapers also have
Noun websites.
Examples: Okaz is one of the top Saudi newspapers.
He owns a local newspaper (sold only in a small area) agency.
Definition: A phone conversation is a period of time during which you talk
phone conversation to someone on the phone.
Noun Examples: We had a long phone conversation yesterday evening.
We don’t need to meet, just a phone conversation will be OK.
Definition: If you give a presentation, you stand in front of a group of people,
for example, in a meeting or in a class, and give them information
presentation about a particular subject.
Noun give a presentation
Examples: I have to give a presentation at the meeting.
We sat through a two-hour presentation on the company’s plans.
Definition: A Post-it note is a small piece of paper that you use to write
something on. It has glue along one edge so you can stick it
Post-it-note somewhere, and the glue is specially made so that you can easily
Noun remove the note later.
Examples: The fridge was covered with Post-it notes.
I left a Post-it note on her desk to say that Laura had phoned.
Definition: A fridge is a large piece of kitchen equipment which keeps food
fridge at a low temperature so that it will stay fresh longer.
Noun Examples: Put the butter back in the fridge.
There’s a full bottle of milk in the fridge.
radio programme Definition: A radio programme is an individual show that you can listen to
Noun on the radio.

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Examples: I heard a really interesting radio programme last night.
There’s a good radio programme on at 8 o’clock.
Definition: A text message is a written message that you can send from your
text message mobile phone to someone else’s mobile phone.
Noun Examples: I’ll send you a text message when we get to the airport.
We’ve been exchanging text messages all week.
Definition: A WhatsApp message is a written message, which might include
pictures, video or sound that you send from your mobile phone
WhatsApp message using the messaging service WhatsApp.
Examples: I got a really funny WhatsApp message from Summaya.
Did you get my WhatsApp message?
Definition: A news reporter is a journalist who reports on the news for a
news reporter newspaper or magazine or for a television or radio station.
Noun Examples: A group of news reporters waited outside the singer’s hotel.
She’s a very successful news reporter for CNN.
Definition: If you are curious about something, you want to know more
about it.
curious very curious | be curious (to know/hear/learn) about something
Adjective Examples: He had been very curious when he saw the bottle with a message
I’m very curious to know what’s inside the suitcase.
Definition: If something is disappointing, it makes you slightly unhappy
because it is not as good as you wanted or expected or because it
16 did not happen the way you wanted it to.
Examples: The film started well, but the ending was disappointing.
It was disappointing to hear you failed the exam.
Definition: If you are surprised, something has happened that you were not
surprised expecting.
Adjective Examples: People are sometimes surprised with the news.
I was quite surprised when she said she was quitting the job.
11c Stealing history (pages 134-135)
Definition: An archaeologist is someone who studies very old objects in
order to learn about how people lived hundreds or thousands of
archaeologist years ago.
Noun Examples: Archaeologists found pots and cooking tools that were 1,500
years old.
The temple was discovered by archaeologists three years ago.
Definition: A soldier is a member of an army, who has to fight when there is
soldier a war.
Noun Examples: Six soldiers were killed in the attack.
German soldiers entered Poland in 1939.
Definition: A robber is someone who takes things from other people usually
robber by force.
Noun Examples: The robbers escaped in a white van.
The bank robbers were caught the next day.

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Definition: A collector is someone who buys and collects lots of a certain
collector type of object, such as stamps, paintings, coins, etc.
Noun Examples: She’s a well-known art collector.
Several book collectors offered to buy it from me.
Definition: A tomb is a place where a dead person is buried.
5 Examples: The temple contains the tomb of the last emperor.
There are five people buried in the tomb.
Definition: A statue is a large copy of a person or animal made of wood,
statue metal or stone.
Noun Examples: I took a photo with the statues of lions in Trafalgar Square.
The Statue of Liberty is 46m high.
Definition: If you paint something, you use paint and a brush to make a
picture of it. The activity is painting, and the picture that you
painting make is also called a painting.
Noun a painting of someone or something
Examples: It’s a lovely painting but it isn’t worth much.
I visited an exhibition of paintings by Picasso.
Definition: A pot is a container that is used for cooking, storing food or
pot growing plants in.
Noun Examples: People there often cook in clay pots.
I bought a red plant pot.
Definition: Sand is the stuff you find on lots of beaches or in deserts. It is
like a fine powder and is made up of very tiny pieces of white or
9 yellow rock.
Examples: We came back from the beach with sand in our hair.
He likes to walk on the sand at sunset.
Definition: Stone is the very hard substance that makes up a lot of the
stone surface of the earth and that is used as a building material.
Noun uncount Examples: This ancient building is built of stone.
We like to throw stones in the lake.
Definition: To steal something that does not belong to you means to take it
without permission and not give it back.
11 steal something from somewhere/someone
Examples: He stole some jeans from the sWehop.
Thieves stole millions of pounds from the bank.
Definition: If you are desperately trying to do something, you want to
desperately succeed in what you are doing very much.
Adverb Examples: She was desperately trying not to laugh.
He was fighting desperately to get out of the water.
Definition: A law is an official rule that people in a country have to obey.
law a law against something | break the law
Noun Examples: Every country has a law against murder.
Have you ever broken the law?

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
The noun one can have different uses depending on the phrase it is used in.
• one of = one in a group
Example: He is one of my students.
Word Focus • one or two = the emphasis is that the number is very small
14 one Example: There are only one or two pieces of chocolate left.
• one by one = a step-by-step process
Example: We entered the classroom one by one.
• one day = an unspecified time in the past or the future.
Example: One day, I will have my own company.
11d A journey to Machu Picchu / 11e The greatest mountaineer (pages 136-137)
Definition: Oxygen is a gas that is one of the main gases in the air that we
oxygen breathe.
Noun uncount Examples: There’s not much oxygen in the air at the top of a mountain.
All living things need oxygen to survive.
Definition: A village is a place with buildings where people live. A village is
village smaller than a town and much smaller than a city.
Noun Examples: They live in a village near Jazan.
It was difficult moving from a village to a city.
(page 141)
Definition: Bright colours are light and strong, not dark. If it is bright
outside, or if the weather is bright, the sun is shining and there
1 are no clouds.
Examples: It was a lovely bright morning.
I hope the weather stays bright for the picnic this afternoon.
Definition: Clouds are the white or grey things up in the sky which can drop
cloud rain onto the ground.
Noun Examples: There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
We could just see the moon through the clouds.
Definition: If somewhere is dark, there is no light there or only very little
dark light.
Adjective Examples: We have long, dark winters in Norway.
You won’t be able to see the stars until it gets dark outside.
Definition: If something falls, it drops down through the air from somewhere
fall high up.
Verb Examples: He falls a lot while playing the football pitch.
A lot of snow fell last night.
Definition: If something is shining, there is a lot of light coming off it.
5 Examples: The sun was shining brightly when I woke up.
We could see a light shining in an upstairs window.
Definition: A storm is very bad weather with very strong winds and heavy
storm rain or snow.
Noun a heavy storm | a storm breaks
Examples: Heavy storms hit the south of England in 1987.

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The school was damaged by a storm.
Definition: A storm chaser is someone who goes to places where there are
heavy storms and follows the path of the storms as they are
storm chaser happening in order to take photographs
Noun Examples: Jim’s been a storm chaser for 20 years.
Jameela has a Facebook page where she shares photos with other
storm chasers.
Definition: A tornado is a very powerful storm that moves along with strong
winds that spin round and round very fast and that can damage
8 buildings, trees, cars, etc.
Examples: The last tornado caused about $7 million of damage.
The house was lucky to survive the tornado without being damaged.
Definition: A spaceship is a vehicle that travels in space.
9 Examples: The spaceship came back to Earth after three weeks in space.
Engineers are busy working on a new spaceship.
12a What if? (pages 142-143)
Definition: A flood is a large amount of water that comes into an area or
flood building where it is not meant to be.
Noun Examples: A flood destroyed the bridge.
There’ve been a lot of floods with all this rain.
Definition: Hail is rain that falls as drops of ice.
hail Examples: Hail lay on the ground for a few minutes before it turned to
Noun uncount water.
I could hear the hail as it landed on the roof.
Definition: A snowstorm is an occasion when a lot of snow falls very
snowstorm quickly, often with a lot of wind.
Noun Examples: We had to stay at home because of the snowstorm.
We’re expecting a snowstorm in the next two or three hours.
Definition: Thunder is the loud noise that you hear in the sky during a
4 a clap of thunder
Noun uncount
Examples: The thunder was so loud it woke me up.
The thunder came about three seconds after the lightning.
Definition: Lightning is a very bright line of light that appears and disappears
suddenly in the sky during a storm.
5 a flash of lightning
Noun uncount
Examples: Did you see that flash of lightning just now?
The sky was suddenly bright with lightning.
Definition: If something is unlikely, it probably won’t happen or didn’t
6 highly unlikely
Examples: It’s highly unlikely that he will win the election.
It’s unlikely that she’ll ring now – it’s after 11 o’clock.
scientific Definition: If something is scientific, it is related to science, or using
Adjective the organized methods of science.

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Examples: The university team has made an important scientific discovery.
The book included a lot of scientific terminology.
Definition: A submarine is a kind of ship that can travel underneath the
submarine surface of the sea.
Noun Examples: He served on submarines during the war.
A submarine can stay underwater for weeks at a time.
Definition: A surface is the top of something that faces upwards.
surface A flat surface is level, with no bumps or dips in it.
Noun Examples: Put the paper down on a flat surface.
The surface of a CD scratches very easily.
Definition: A thunderstorm is a heavy storm with lots of rain and with the
thunderstorm noise of thunder.
Noun Examples: Did you hear the thunderstorm last night?
You should stay indoors during the thunderstorm.
Definition: Electrical energy is another way of referring to electricity, a kind
of energy that can travel down wires, and that is used to heat
electrical energy houses, give light, etc.
Noun uncount Examples: A battery stores electrical energy.
A generator is a device that turns mechanical energy into
electrical energy.
Definition: If something spreads, it gradually begins to cover a larger and
spread larger area.
Verb Examples: Unfortunately, the cancer continued to spread.
The fire spread quickly through the farm buildings.
Definition: If something moves outwards, it goes in the direction away from
outwards the centre of somewhere.
Adverb Examples: The electrical energy spreads outwards across the water.
The door opens outwards into the corridor.
Definition: A windscreen is a sheet of glass at the front or back of a car that
the driver can see through.
14 a front/rear windscreen
Examples: The hail was so hard it nearly broke the windscreen.
The windscreen is cracked.
Definition: If you break something, you damage it badly so that it doesn’t
break work anymore or so that it goes into lots of pieces.
Verb Examples: I dropped a plate and broke it.
He broke the window with a football.
Definition: Glass is a solid material that lets light through it, and that is
used to make windows, mirrors, and objects such as bottles and
16 containers for drinking out of.
Noun uncount
Examples: Put the jam in a clean glass jar.
She bought me a necklace made of coloured glass.
Definition: The west coast of somewhere is the land by the sea in the west
west coast part of the place, facing the direction where the sun goes down.
Noun Examples: Countries on the west coast of Europe are warmer because of the
Gulf Stream.

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We have a cottage on the west coast of Jeddah.
Definition: When air or water flows, it moves along in a steady and
continuous way.
18 Examples: Blood was flowing from the cut in his arm.
I left the tap on in the bathroom and water started flowing down
the stairs.
12b Nature in one cubic foot (pages 144-145)
Definition: A forest is a large area of land that is covered with trees.
1 Examples: We went for a walk in the forest.
They are clearing some of the forest in order to build a road.
Definition: A mountain is a very high hill.
2 Examples: He liked climbing mountains.
Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Definition: A field is an area of land on a farm used for growing plants or for
field keeping animals.
Noun Examples: I enjoy walking in the fields near my house window.
We saw fields with cows in them from the train.
Definition: A river is a long stream of water that runs through a country and
river goes into the sea.
Noun Examples: I like swimming in the river.
The government built a bridge over the river.
Definition: A garden is an area at the front or back of a house where people
have plants, grass, trees, etc. Public gardens are spaces in public
5 places in towns and cities that have plants which people can enjoy.
Examples: The garden is full of flowers in the spring.
He’s out in the garden, cutting the grass.
Definition: An ocean is a large area of water, bigger than a sea.
ocean Examples: Who was the first person to cross the ocean between Europe and
Noun America?
We sailed out into the Indian Ocean.
Definition: A park is a large open space with trees and grass in a town or city
park where people can go and relax away from traffic and streets.
Noun Examples: The children were allowed to play in the park for an hour.
I usually take my sandwich and eat it in the park at lunchtime.
Definition: A desert is a large area of land where there is not much rain and
desert not many plants can grow.
Noun Examples: The Sahara Desert is one of the largest deserts in the world.
We didn’t have enough petrol to get across the desert.
Definition: A species is a type of animal or plant. The plural is also species.
Examples: Nobody knows how many species of insects there are on the
9 earth.
Tigers are now an endangered species (in danger of dying until
none are left).
metal frame Definition: A metal frame is an object with 12 equal-length strips of metal
Noun making the shape of a cube.

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Examples: She designed a picture frame made of a metal frame.
There’s a metal frame around the window.
Definition: A cubic foot is a measurement of how much space there is inside
an object that measures one foot high, one foot wide and one foot
cubic foot
11 deep.
Examples: David’s metal frame measures one cubic foot.
A good size for your bin is three cubic feet.
Definition: Something that is multi-coloured is lots of different colours.
12 Examples: We bought multi-coloured balloons for the party.
The walls were multi-coloured, but the ceiling was plain white.
Definition: Coral is a mass of hard, usually pink, substance in the sea, which
coral is made up of the bones of tiny sea creatures.
Noun uncount Examples: Warmer sea temperatures can kill the coral.
We found pieces of dead coral on the beach.
12c Living with chimpanzees (pages 146-147)
Definition: A discovery is some new information or facts that someone has
just found out about.
1 make a discovery
Examples: Scientists have made an important discovery.
Professor Marks announced the discovery of a new planet.
Definition: A tool is an instrument that you use to help you do something.
2 Examples: The shop around the corner sells hammers, drills and other tools.
We keep all our tools in the garage.
Definition: The natural habitat of a living thing is the sort of place where
they exist in nature, rather than a place that has been made or
changed a lot by people.
3 natural habitat Noun
Examples: The chimpanzees lost their natural habitat when the forests were
cut down.
The natural habitats are being destroyed by pollution.
Definition: To survive is to continue to live or exist, especially after coming
close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or
4 threatening situation.
Examples: The baby was born with a heart problem, but managed to survive.
These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.
Definition: A lecture is a talk about a serious subject, given by a teacher or
an expert on the subject.
5 give/deliver a lecture | attend a lecture
Examples: He attended several lectures given by Professor Z. Abdurahman.
She gave a two-hour lecture on biochemistry.
Definition: Conservation is the activity involved in protecting plants,
animals, rivers, etc. from the bad effects of human activity and
conservation climate change.
Noun uncount Examples: They do a lot of conservation work at the zoo.
Our efforts at conservation seem to be succeeding at the

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
Definition: If someone starts a new life, they change their job, where they
live and how they live so that their whole life becomes different.
start a new life
7 Examples: They started their new life in Africa in 1960.
After our parents died, we started a new life living with my aunt in
Definition: At the start of a period of time is at the very beginning of it.
at the start Examples: At the start of every lesson, the teacher gave us a quiz.
Phrase It was difficult at the start, but I really enjoyed university life
after a while.
Definition: If something starts, it begins to happen.
start start to do something | start doing something
Verb Examples: I’m going to start learning Korean.
She starts work at 9 every morning.
Definition: The east shore of a sea or lake is the land on the edge and to the
east of the sea or lake, facing the direction where the sun comes
east shore
10 up in the morning.
Examples: The road runs along the east shore for another hundred miles.
We went to a campsite on the east shore of the island.
Definition: Your luggage is the bags and suitcases you take with you when
you are travelling. Be careful: luggage is always singular.
11 Examples: Shall I carry your luggage for you?
Noun uncount
You’re only allowed one piece of hand luggage (a bag that you
take with you onto a plane).
Definition: A chimpanzee is an African animal that looks like a monkey but
chimpanzee does not have a tail.
Noun Examples: I’ve seen chimpanzees, but only in a zoo.
There are a lot of similarities between chimpanzees and humans.
Definition: A foreigner is someone who comes from a country that is not the
foreigner one you live in.
Noun Examples: The hotel has a lot of foreigners staying in it.
Saudi Arabia is a country that welcomes foreigners.
12d Discussing Issues / 12e The Eden Project (pages 148-149)
Definition: If you have a lack of something, you do not have it, or do not
have enough of it, although it would be useful if you did.
lack a lack of something
Noun Examples: The idea failed because of a lack of interest (people weren’t
interested in it).
Their biggest problem was lack of money.
Definition: A destination is the final place you come to on a journey. A
tourist destination is an interesting place that lots of tourists go
tourist destination and visit.
Noun Examples: The Eden Project is one of England’s most important tourist
Khamees Musheyet is a popular tourist destination in KSA.
climate Definition: The climate of an area is the sort of weather it typically has over
Noun a year.

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024
a hot/warm/cold/cool climate | a wet/dry climate | climate change
Examples: What’s the climate like in Bahrain?
The climate in this part of Italy is lovely.
Definition: An exhibition is an event where people can go and look at
paintings and other works of art. Some exhibitions last just a day
and others go on for months.
4 an art exhibition | an exhibition of something |
put on/stage/hold an exhibition
Examples: The students organised an art exhibition at the end of term.
The university organizes an annual photography exhibition.
Definition: A performance is the presentation of a play or musical event in
front of an audience.
5 put on/ stage a performance
Examples: They planned several theatre performances for the festival.
They put on musical performances in schools across the country.
Definition: A tourist attraction is a famous place which gets lots of tourists
coming to visit it.
tourist attraction
6 Examples: The Eiffel Tower is the biggest tourist attraction in Paris.
There’s a two-hour bus tour around all the tourist attractions of
Al-Madinah city.
Definition: If you protect someone or something, you keep them safe and
prevent them from being hurt or damaged.
protect Protect someone/something from/against something
Verb Examples: Parents need to protect their children more because there are
more risks these days.
How can we help protect the environment?
Definition: Danger is the possibility of harm or death to someone.
8 Examples: He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
The doctors say he is now out of danger.
Definition: If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where they
disappear cannot be seen or found.
Verb Examples: The ship sank and the sailors disappeared in the storm.
The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

Happy Learning!

Pre-intermediate Wordlist_2023-2024

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