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Part A.
I. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
1. An access - доступ
2. An attachment
3. A data
4. databases
5. desktop
6. A device
7. download
8. Embedded computers
9. Hardware
15.Personal computer
23.To access
24.Tower case
25.To surf
26.To update
Score _ / 1
II. Read and translate the text (ex.3, page 112). Refer each paragraph (1-8) to its
heading (A-H).
8 A. The necessity of computer skills
B. The potential uses of computers
C. Two main elements of a computer system
D. Different types of computer
E. E-commerce
F. The central idea of computing system
G. Personal use of computers
H. The use of computers in education
Score _ / 3

III. Complete the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. A computer is an electronic machine which …can be used to store, process and
display data - Комп’ютер – це електронна машина, яку можна використовувати
для зберігання, обробки та відображення даних.
2. There are different types of computer: a desktop, a laptop …
3. A computer system consists of …
4. The central idea of computing system is …
5. The most common current uses of computers are …
6. People use the Internet to access …
7. Computer users make contacts and…
8. HTML is …
9. A blog is …
10.Students use word-processing programmes to …
11.VLE is …
12.Through its website, a company …
13.Computers enable users to …
14.Many career choices are …
Score _ / 2
IV. Group up the devices in the box into two columns.
Keyboard speakers monitor scanner headphones printer microphone


Score _ / 1
V. 1) Look at the Word Map with verbs that are used before the word ‘a file’


close move

delete a file copy

rename open


2) Translate the words in the box. Complete the paragraph below with the words in
the box and in the Word Map.
Compress directories folders subdirectories subfolders

Files can be organised into … (1) directories… or … (2) and … (3). This allows the user
to create categories for files, which can be organised and accessed easily. It is possible to
… (4) and … (5) files to folders, to … (6) them, … (7) them, … (8) them or … (9) them
from one area to another. It is possible to … (10) or … (11) files, so that they use less
space. This can be useful, for example, when sending files via email. File compression
programs such as WinZip can be used to do this.
Score _ / 2
VI. Write a paragraph on the following items (100 words).
 How well do you get on with computers?
 Do you love them or hate them?
 What are the best and worst things about PCs?
Score _ / 3

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