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Steadfastness to truth - Surat Al- Ahzab (1-8)

 Surat al Ahzab is a Madani Surah,

 it has 73 Verses.
 In first Aayah Allah order prophet to do his duty to obey Allah and
disobey disbelievers and hypocrites.
 In Jahliya period (before the PROPHET MUHAMMED SAW) they had
some practice devoid of reason and logic such as:
 Three unlogic practices
1)They said man has two hearts, even the prophet.
2) A wife becomes a mother if her husband said to her: You are to me as my
mother. (Al-Dhahr)
3) A mother's adopted son is just like her real born one.
 The three expiations of dhahr are:
1) Freeing a believing slave
2) If not find, he fasted for two consecutive months (60 days fasting)
3) If cannot, feed sixty poor people of the basic food.
 Allah honor the status of Allah’s Messenger (SA)
Surah addressed Prophet Muhammad (SA) as “Nabiy” ( Prophet) to
honor him and to draw our attention to his lofty status.
 The two attributes of knowledge and wisdom often occur together in the
holy Quran.
‫( َع ِليًم ا َح ِكيًم ا‬Allâh is All¬Knower, All¬Wise)
(Learn the last para Pg no: 18)
 Allah's covenant with His prophets
(Pg no:19)
Allah honoured the wives of the prophet through made them the mother of
They had double rewards. Allah prohibited them to remarry after the death
of the prophet.
 The practice of 'Dhihar', and its abolition by the Quran:
Dhihar (Jela) was a false practice followed by people during the pre-Islamic
period. It is to make one's wife haram for himself by saying, "You are for me
like my mother." The holy Qur'an abolished this false practice by declaring that
one's wife can never be his mother, but the mother is only she who gave birth to
him. The Qur'an also commanded the husband to take back his wife, and expiate
for the sin of the false statement.

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