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Koster’s Knob (pg 3-7) A while
back I saw a piece on Judd
Karlman’s blog, The Githyanki
Diaspora, which awesomely
Welcome to VRA#5. This will combined a traditional
be the last issue of the zine for the Tolkienesque hobbit shire with
immediate future. I do have plans elements drawn from Willow. I
to continue at some point (Winter asked him to replicate something
2016 at the earliest), but for the similar here and he did a
moment I’m going to take a break, wonderful job. You’ll note that
build up material, and work on Koster’s Knob is intended to
some other, bigger projects. This connect directly to the Dragon
first volume has been both a joy Trench region presented in
and a pain to produce, but the VRA#3. I’m planning to use both
feedback and camaraderie I’ve in conjunction in an upcoming
received from readers has made beginners’ campaign that I’m
it very fulfilling overall. Perhaps running.
the greatest benefit of the zine so
far has been that it provided an Weedwise Wizarding (pg 8)
opportunity for me to meet and examines some of the Knob’s more
work with Sean Poppe, whose popular strains of pipeweed.
illustrations fit so easily and
naturally with my imagination. The Ritualist (pgs 9-12) Kathryn
His work has appeared in every Jenkins brings us a new “deal-
issue and if there is a VRA MVP with-the-devil” character class for
award, it goes to him hands down. LotFP.
I count myself extremely lucky
to have had the chance to work Unholy Inversion of Hope (pgs
with so many talented writers 13-14) This article outlines the
and illustrators over the course of precepts of the primary psuedo-
VRA’s initial life cycle. My endless Catholic religion in my campaign.
thanks to everyone who contributed
life to this project in one way or The Sineater Wolves (pgs 15-16)
another. I hope you enjoy the appeared in my campaign when
issue. I’ve tried to pack in as much my PCs were trekking around
useful stuff as I could. And, as Zak Smith’s Red and Pleasant Land.
always, thank you for your kind Call me simple, but I wanted a
support. faction of playable werewolves to
Underworld it up with Voivodja’s
CONTENTS vampiric natives.
The Evangelism section (pg
2) is yet another accounting of On the Raggi (pgs 17-21) is an
inspirational material. interview I conducted with James
Raggi, the father of the Flame
My primary campaign group has EVANGELISM
split into two. We were pretty
commonly running games with FICTION
8-10 players and decided it would The Wine-Dark Sea by Robert
be more fun to divide the group Aickman - I recieved this book as
so everyone could have a little a Christmas gift and Aickman has
more agency and referee attention. since become one of my favorite
Group A (The Pembrooktonshire authors of weird fiction. He hits on
Chapter) has gone into the realm exactly the sort of subtle, sensual
of Faery to rescue the daughter of stories that I dig the most. I’m
one of the PCs who was taken as very excited to explore the rest
a changeling. My Faery realm has of his work in the coming year.
so far been influenced by Tolkien’s If you like the style of weirdness
The Smith of Wootan Major, Lady presented in this zine and our
Gregory’s books of Irish folklore, other publications, you will very
and Faraenyl from Beyond likely love Aickman’s work.
Countless Doorways by Malhavoc
Press. Group B (The Walfismeer
Chapter) is exploring the coastline
The Whispering Vault by Mike
of Walfismeer, playtesting material
Nystul (1993) - Aside from LotFP,
for my upcoming setting book
The Whispering Vault is my other
The Driftwood Verses. They’re still
RPG obsession at the moment. Just
getting their feet wet, but have
search for “Whispering Vault”
so far bounty-hunted a fugitive
over on Lulu.
poacher and taken to the sea to
transport their quarry to a major
city to claim the reward on him. CREDITS
A third branch of the campaign is
Writing and Design by
likely to open up in 2016 as we’re Clint Krause
putting together an introductory
game for my young son and some Additional Writing/Design by
of my wife’s co-workers. Judd Karlman (pgs 3-7)
Kathryn Jenkins (pgs 9-12)

Illustrations by
LEGAL CRAP Jeremy Duncan (Cover)
Aaron Hamric (pg 13)
Olli Hihnala (pgs 19-20)
© 2016 by Red Moon Medicine Show Sean Poppe (pgs 3-6)
Xolis (pg 8)
This product is an independent production
by Red Moon Medicine Show and is not Interviewee
affiliated with Lamentations of the Flame James Raggi IV
Princess. Lamentations of the Flame
Princess is a registered trademark owned Published by
by James Edward Raggi IV. Red Moon Medicine Show
A Guest Article
By Judd Karlman

Koster’s Knob is a
hobbit shire whose major
exports are pipe weed
and stubborn rural
adventurers. The
more cosmopolitan
and money-hungry
Kosterlings rent out
an extra room for
wizards who often
stay in the shire
to get away from
their cutthroat academic pursuits The Lake
or to help recover from dungeon- Very old and very
related PTSD through a mix of deep.
long country walks, pipe weed
and pie.

The Elfpaths
Ancient trails into the
western woods.

Shelma Hardcotton
The shire’s most
renowned piewright.
Crow Hill
The birds feast on the
wicked and the scorned.

The Crossroads
Marks the way to the
the tall world.

The Sheriff’s Office

Seat of law and order in
the shire.

The Knob
Home to the shire’s
most prominent citizens.

The Weed Fields

The source of the shire’s
valuable pipeweed crop.
Haunted by uneasy
The Knob
Kosterling: “The majestic seat
of our shire’s power, where the
mayor lives while serving and
where former mayors live once
they retire. The most prestigious
sheriffs are allowed to retire
there too; it was built by a fine
LOCAL LEXICON Kosterback whose full riches are
Kosterling: Halfling who was born still buried deep in its most secret
and raised in Koster’s Knob and halls.”
never left because why in all the
tall hells would ya want to leave? Kosterback: “It is a grassy hill
that is a bit higher than all of the
Kosterback: This is what you call a other grassy hills around here,
Halfling who went abroad, had an filled with the most opinionated
adventure and has returned with Kosterlings in all of the Shire.”
odd, foreign ideas, arcane curses
and the rumors of treasure hidden Knob: “An adorable and quaint
in their cupboards. It can be good hill, where the elders dispense
or bad, depending on the context. their homespun wisdom and often
Kosterbacks have to be back for share their finest pipe weed if you
30 years before they can run for pay them proper respects.”
Mayor; no Kosterback has ever
won such an election. The Lake
Kosterling: “It is deep, dark and
Knob: Local parlance for a wizard not to be trusted. Some leisurely
who settles down in Koster’s Knob fishing from the shore is fine but
and refuses to leave. going out on a boat is courting
disaster and ruin.”
“She’s a Kosterback and knows her
way around blades and is steadfast Kosterback: “Adventurers are
when the sling bullets fly; deputize one thing but boaters are quite
her if yer smart.” another. At least adventures can
lead to riches. Boating just leads to
“She’s a no good Kosterback with drowned relatives - or so aunt and
a head-full-o ideas spawned from uncle Kosterlings will tell ya.”
licking fountains of the immortal
elves, whose ideas work great as Knob: “Sometimes I row out, stare
long as you are immortal and filled at the sky and chill.
to the tits with puissance.”

Last time something big bumped Knob: “Crow Hill is a sign that
the boat but maybe that was just shire-folk have both steel and
the weed fucking with my head.” hatred in them that many overlook
due to their pipe weed and
The Crossroads pastries.”
Kosterling: “It is a good place
to get news so we know what is The Weed Fields
coming.” Kosterling: “These fields have
always been wrong, ever since the
Kosterback: “You can almost smell family that owned it, whose name
civilization from here.” was lost, brought some foreign
arcane evil back to our shire.”
Knob: “They say the relaxation we
accrue in the shire starts to erode Kosterback: “Naturally, the old
as soon as we hit the crossroads.” timers say it is a foreign evil. It
could just be that the wrong family
The Elfpaths member died on Crow Hill and
Kosterling: “If you want trouble their family haunts these fields to
fast, that is the way. Nothing good this day.”
ever came to Koster’s Knob over
them elfpaths.” Knob: “No, I won’t go there.
I didn’t come to the shire for
Kosterback: “If you want adventure! I came for the weed
adventure fast, that is the way. and the sweets!”
Nothing good ever came to anyone
who died with regrets.” Sherriff’s Office
Kosterling: “Part shack, part lean-
Knob: “These are trails the elves to with a good view of Crow Hill
use when they travel to their secret - a sign of the kind of down-home
bays and havens.” go-getter the sherriff needs to be.”

Crow Hill Kosterback: “They treat the law

Kosterling: “Sherriff Dorcas Crow better than a shack with a leaky
started this practice, locking up roof outside of the Knob. I tell my
criminals where folk can see ‘em. relatives that and they say that
It is a fine way to deter wrong- is why the tall world is a lawless
doing.” mess.”

Kosterback: “Dorcas Crow was a Knob: “What is that shack? I never

terror and was known for sticking gave it much thought, really.”
foreigners and Kosterbacks into
cages for minor infractions. Crow
Hill is the worst of shire life. She’s
still alive and she stands by her
The mayor of Koster’s Knob is
elected by local Kosterlings and 1: Stoned wizard and a young
stays on for 20 year terms. The hobbit guide
Sheriff is appointed by the mayor.
2: Distrustful Kosterlings
The latest mayor, Liz Kosterknob,
isn’t the first woman to hold the 3: Stoned Kosterlings who want
position but it is rare enough that to know your tale
folks can count the lady-mayors on
the hand of their’s that is missing 4: Busy Kosterling, on an errand,
the most fingers, if you catch my running late
5: Orc running away after
Mayor Kosterknob has appointed having lost its eye to Kosterling
a young Kosterback by name of rangers’ sling bullets
Dale Devonspickle. Dale was
gone for ten years but he left at 6: Dungeon-shocked wizard,
an unusually young age, young on their way in to rest up and
enough that a former sheriff recoup
considered him a runaway and
unsuccessfully tried to track him 7: Wraith looking for a
down. As with all Kosterbacks, Kosterback who brought trouble
Dale exists amidst a maelstrom of back upon the Knob
rumors that float around him like
pipe smoke after dinner. The most 8: Your favorite Monster
scandalous of the rumors are that
he spent some of his time away
in a prison and that he spawned
some tall children out there CROW HILL CRIMINALS (d6)
somewhere. 1: Kosterling
2: Kosterback
KOSTERLING Armor 12, Move 3: Knob Wizard
120’, HD 1, HP 4, Pitchfork 1d6 4: Knob Ranger
damage OR Thrown stone 1d3 5: Goblin Trespasser
damage, Morale 5 6: Something Weird


Armor 14, Move 120’, HD 2, HP 1: Crab-Man
10, Shortsword d6 damage OR 2: Were-raven
Sling d4 damage, Morale 8 3: Devil-baby
4: Moss-animated skeleton

It is widely known in the tall
world that Koster’s Knob produces
the very finest pipe weed in the
land. The Kosterlings harvest at
least a dozen fine strains. The plant
is enjoyed across the realm, but
especially so by wizardfolk, who
claim the weed provides them a
more complete connection with
their art as well as a relief from the NEW SKILL: PIPE ARTS
mental burden of their spells. This skill is only available to Magic
Users. Its base skill level is equal to
Standard pipe weed can be the character’s Wisdom modifier.
purchased at a rate of 2sp per The character can spend one turn
dose. Its effect is typical, stoned (10 minutes) smoking a pipe weed
euphoria, but it has no mechanical of his or her choice (any strain
ramifications. There are, however, will do) and forgetting spells that
a variety of strains available in have been prepared for the day.
Koster’s Knob which are both For each spell forgotten, the Magic
more expensive and have more User recovers HP equal to the spell
direct mechanical effects. These are level multiplied by his or her Pipe
catalogued below: Arts skill level.

Violet Wander, 6sp/dose Honey Dream, 4sp/dose Sweet Gully, 4sp/dose

The user enters a calm, Smoking this strain User gains 1d4 Wisdom
contemplative state for results in extremely for 1d3 hours. Any
1d3 hours at the end of restorative rest and a resulting increase in
which they have a 1% voracious appetite. User Wisdom modifier can be
chance of gaining a point doubles natural healing applied to the Pipe Arts
of Wisdom. rate and required food skill described above.
intake for the day.
a day which they must roll for.
Additionally, they can cast as
many spells as they want through
A new LotFP Class the day but they must sell their
soul each time. See Soul Selling.
By Kathryn Jenkins
Their power as they grow in level
increases significantly but so does
Magic Users have instant the cost, moving from just physical
powerful spells that require little ingredients to the souls of the dead
effort to cast. This class challenges or hard-to-come-by artefacts.
the player’s reliance on instant
spells and gives the party some The cost and availability of
extra flavour when dealing with items is down to discussion
magic. between the player and the game
master, but remember, it is quite
For pseudo-historical systems like unfavourable to make items
Lamentations of the Flame Princess I completely unavailable to a player,
like to view magic as a thus limiting their class spells,
terrifying taboo; it is illegal, and players should always be
dangerous and the consequences rewarded for their ingenuity.
of being discovered outside of the
party are key to role-playing smart The ritualist could be a learned
and building tension. This class scholar, a witch huddled in a hut
plays on that taboo; reminiscent of in the woods, an alchemist from
the black magic witches and hags the 14th century with a burning
in old tales and religious depiction desire to create gold, or they could
of magic as the work of spiritual be an 18th century voodoo queen
horrors. from New Orleans. The ritualist is
varied, there is no storyline they
With this class, the whole party are restricted to.
will have an involvement in the
ritualist’s spells. This class uses All ritualists have entered into a
pin dollies to inflict pain, potions pact. They agree to give a piece of
and powders, amulets, and, more their soul to a demon, dark god
importantly, rituals to cast spells. or spirit of the player’s choosing.
This role is a support class with a This creature has dominion over
tinge of the old style witches. This them and may occasionally request
class will encourage the looting of favours through vivid dreams
not just gold but monster bones, or strange bloody notes etched
rare gems and useful foliage for into trees. The ritualist must use
use in dangerous spells. pieces of their soul for higher level
spells. The more soul the creature
The ritualist starts off much like receives, the more power they
a magic user, however they have have over them.
no spell slots, they have one spell
SOUL SELLING part seems to fuse with the metal.
When a spell requires soul selling, Only the one who gave their blood
the caster must save vs magic or may wear the amulet of strength.
lose 1 HP or ability point (player’s This amulet gives the wearer +1d6
choice) permanently. A character damage to their successful melee
cannot sell more than half their HP attacks. If the wearer forgets to
in a day. If the player, when selling remove the amulet by the end
their soul, rolls a 1 then they must of the day, they will think they
make a save vs magic, or else the are the animal used to make the
demon, dark god or spirit they amulet for the entire evening and
sell their soul to can reach from will not be able to rest. The amulet
the otherworld take their body for lasts 12 hours.
themselves for 1d20 hours. At the
end of this possession they must Pin Dolly of Deflect Wounds
make a further save vs. magic, to Ingredients: A human figurine; can
avoid being possessed forever or be crudely made from straw or
for a further 1d20 hours (1-3 D6 for a marble statuette. Two cords of
eternal posession, 4-6 for 1d20 fabric. Hair of the beneficiary.
The ritualist will create the figurine
The spells below are an idea of and they will plait the rope and
what you kind of spells you can hair around the pin dolly’s neck.
craft. This class is customisable The ritualist will then tie a piece of
for your game and suits someone string around their or the intended
who likes to talk about their beneficiary of the spell’s finger.
spells rather than just use a magic The Pin Dolly of Deflect Wounds
missile. All spells require Soul will allow the beneficiary to deflect
Selling, except for the ritualist’s one successful hit back into the pin
daily spell. dolly. The pin dolly will mimic
the effect e.g. if they are hit with a
flaming branch, the pin dolly will
EXAMPLE SPELLS burn whereas the beneficiary of the
spell will feel no effect.
Amulet Of Strength
Ingredients: Cord of any material.
A piece of silver, bronze or gold.
Blood of the wearer. An animal’s
tooth, fur, hair, or scale.

The ritualist spends five minutes

in deep concentration fashioning
a primitive necklace. They smear
the blood of the wearer on the
amulet and bind the animal part
to the metal. Suddenly, the animal
Ritual of Resurrection Skin Ouija Board
Ingredients: Piece of soul from each Ingredients: Carving tool, blood of
party member, blood, hair, flesh caster, body to use as a board.
and bone from each party member, You carve a Ouija board into your
chalk/marking material, a plucked own skin or on a nearby corpse.
flower for each person involved,
the corpse. The corpse must be humanoid,
your own living flesh, or a member
As long as there is an intact corpse of the party. This allows you to
available the ritualist may perform then communicate with the dead.
a Ritual of Resurrection to bring You must make a successful save
the player character back to life. vs. magic to contact the other
This is an incredibly high cost side, and you will need a ring like
spell. The ritualist gathers together object or pebble to use as your
the body of the fallen; these can communicator when it passes over
be in pieces as long as nothing words. If you make a successful
is missing. They prepare a ritual save vs. magic, you can ask the
circle with chalk. On the north, undead any question you desire,
east, south and west point they however, it can only be one and
place a piece of bone, a piece of depending on who you have
hair, blood and a flower picked contacted, depends on the answer.
by each of the party members If you are contacting a specific
involved, plus one for the deceased individual, then you
deceased. The ritualist calls upon must make a further save vs.
the netherworld and each party magic, if you fail any of your saves
member spills their blood within you take 1d6 damage per level
the circle over the corpse, chanting as the spirit strikes you down for
their name. All must make a your disrespect.
successful save vs. magic as they
begin, if someone fails, then Pin Dolly of Pain
this will automatically cause a Ingredients: Drop of ritualist
Summon. The ritualist must then blood, flesh of an enemy, a human
make a separate save vs. magic, to figurine.
see if they are able to coax the
dead soul from underworld back All you need is the flesh of a fallen
into their body. If the party are enemy or animal, freshly removed.
successful, they will sacrifice a As you craft your pin dolly you
fraction of their permanent HP. sew the flesh into its body and
E.g. if 3 members are involved, chant your devotions to the other
they will sacrifice a 3rd of their world. You rub the pin dolly
permanent HP. They will all lose a against your face to warm the flesh
piece of their soul to the ritualist’s and you pour the your own blood
chosen god/demon/spirit. The onto its sewn mouth as a tribute.
deceased will rise but they will
lose -3 Charisma.
Once during battle you can select are successful in communicating
an enemy and mutilate the pin with the dead. If not, nothing
dolly. The pin dolly does 1d6 happens. You gain 1d6 to your
damage per level (e.g. Level 3 will AC, and if the bones are from a
be 3d6) as long as the monster fails magic user, one of their spells, if
its save vs. magic. Whatever you this is successful. If a specialist,
do to the pin dolly, happens to the two points temporarily in a skill of
victim. If you try to decapitate the your choice, if a warrior, you are
pin dolly, this may not decapitate able to open doors more easily (2
the foe but it will hurt. The Pin points in open doors). The armour
Dolly can only be used once. lasts for 2d6 hours hours then falls
away. You can occasionally hear
Truth Concoction the voices of the dead.
Ingredients: Eye of a Mythical
Serpent (e.g. a gorgon), a daffodil,
a mortar and pestle, the Ritualists
blood, a piece of the “Questioned

The ritualist creates a concoction.

The green liquid that forms smells
disgusting; like the contents of
someone’s stomach. The potion
seems to bubble and occasionally
a plume of dark smoke writhes up Wall of Flesh
in protest of its capture. You can Ingredients: Flesh of the dead.
inject or have someone consume it.
They are then compelled to speak You take out the flesh of the dead
only the truth for 2d8 rounds. and you slam it down on the
ground. You call upon your spirit,
Armour of the Dead demon or god to lend you the
Ingredients: Humanoid bones, the dead flesh of the fallen. From the
stronger the better. Leather straps/ ground, vines of fleshy tendrils
Rope/Binding material. twist and writhe in agony from the
bones of the earth. These fleshy
The ritualist carves a symbol of worms then bind together to form
their chosen spirit, god or demon a thick wall of pale and dark flesh.
into the bones and then once on When this is hacked, it bleeds and
their chest or neck. They slather the wall pulsates in agony. You
the bones in the blood, attach the can feel the pain, but you do not
bindings to the bones and strap take the damage. The wall lasts
them to themselves. They reach for 1d8 turns and can block a large
through the spirit realm and graft area. You can hear the screams of
the dead souls of the bones onto the wall in your head, pleading
your body as an armour. Make with you to release it from its new
a Save Vs. Magic to see if you and horrifying duty. 12
The Litany is the Synod’s sacred

text. It is a massive, seemingly
endless scroll channeled by Lector
Phage and interpreted by the
OF HOPE Lectorate, who are the only ones
permitted to read it (it is written
in the channeler’s own coded
“Stoke the pyres, ye faithful throng,
language known as “Phagian”).
that our burning world may light
The Litany’s tenants are basically
the path for the return of our fallen
this: God is dead. When the mortal
father.” - Lector Phage
races discovered the secrets of
magic they became decadent, like
The Synod serves as my gods unto themselves, corrupting
God’s creation beyond all repair.
campaign world’s primary
grimdark, monotheistic stand- When he could no longer bear the
in for the Catholic Church. It is corruption of his world he cast
a complex organization, full of himself into the Gnawing Void.
schisms and grey moralities. Now he drifts eternally through
the void, dead, but waiting for his
creation to be cleansed that
he may return once more
to reign. The practical
effect of the Litany’s
teachings is that it makes
the Synod and deeply anti-
magic organization and,
in it’s more fringe sects, a
powerful cult that literally
wants to set the world on fire
so that God can find his way
back home.

Lector Phage is the Supreme
Arch-Prophet of the Synod.
At any given time, there are
six other Lectors who are
personally appointed by
Phage. While it holds no
direct political power,
the Lectorate is extremely
influential in the King’s court.

Lector Phage addresses the throng

The Grigoria are quasi-angellic
beings who were once mortal
women, but who so impressed
God (before his suicide) with their
beauty and grace that they were
empowered by his divine favor.
These guides are reverred by the
Synod as the highest divinities
that exist in God’s absence, a
living echo of his divine power.
The faithful raise shrines and utter
prayers to call upon their favor.
There are many Grigoria, but the
most commonly call upon are:

Kasia, the Teacher of Men

A beautiful scholar. Watcher of THE FLAGRAFIX
wisdom and learning. The Flagrafix (shown above) is
the holy symbol of the Synod. The
Kara, the Enfeebled upper circle represents the earth
A perpetually ill layabout. Watcher ablaze. The lower circle represents
of the mortal curse of infirmity. the Gnawing Void where God
awaits the fiery beacon of a world
Kyrami, the Fallen in flames. Flagrixes are generally
A poet and painter. Fell from made of iron or silver and are
God’s will when she pursued often large enough to be wielded
the love of a mortal. Watcher of as a weapon. Before battle, the
creative endeavors and renegades. faithful often dowse the symbol in
burning oil to further intimidate
Kyren, the Sea Runner sinners and heretics.
A graceful sea maiden. Watcher of
the deep.
The Templars are the original
Krissa, the Lady of Blades
guardians of the Lectors. Equal
The blade mother, clad in knives.
parts cleric and knight, these
Watcher of war.
agents of God are rightly feared
as the inquisitorial arm of the
I’ve not yet had the need to stat Lectorate. Even the Lectors
up a Grigoria for my game, but themselves fear falling out of favor
when I do, I’ll probably use with the Templars, who have been
Mateo Diaz Torres’s Advanced responsible for deposing more
Angelology entry from his blog than a few of those they deemed
gloomtrain. corrupt or inept.
“Lost god guide thy snout, that the
pure of heart may avoid thy hunger,
that the wicked may feel thy fang, that
thy howl be the death knell of all evil.”
- Sineater Benediction

The Sineater Wolves are a

heretical order of Synod monks
whose desire to cleanse all sin
from the world has led them to
abandon their humanity and
embrace the curse of lycanthropy.
SINEATER WOLF Armor 15, Move
The order was founded by Brother 180’, HD 4, HP 24, 2x Claw 1d8
Samuel Gogan who was bitten and damage, Morale 10 *Suffers double
cursed by a werewolf during the damage from silver weapons.
3rd Conflagration. In his shame,
Gogan ascended Mount Moldovan New members of the order
with the intent to throw himself must be selected by established
off, but just before he lept, Gogan members. Before the initiation is
claims that he received a divine performed, the candidate must
vision which inspired him to spend a full moon cycle in isolated
instead embrace the curse and use meditation, learning the mental
his bestial strength to combat the discipline required to “harness the
forces of evil in the world. wolf.” At the end of this period,
the initiate is brought before the
Brother Gogan was quickly order and ritually bitten upon
excommunicated for his heretical the wrist by his or her sponsor.
ideas, but he felt driven to a higher The initate suffers 1d8 damage
purpose. He began to pass the from the bite. If they survive, they
curse to other excommunicants automatically acquire the curse
whose desire to cleanse the world of lycanthropy. Upon completion
was stronger than their loyalty to of the ritual, the candiate is
the Synod’s bureaucratic sanction. considered a full member of
Gogan came to call his order the order, a brother or sister of
“sineaters” and established hidden the wolf, and presented with a
outposts in remote and embattled distinctive silver sword which
areas of the world where they serves both as a mark of rank
could set upon their righteous, in the order and as an effective
hungry work. weapon against supernatural evil.
Unbeknownst to many, the The first time a character is
curse of lycanthrophy is caused damaged by a Lycanthrope they
by an imprisoned demon, the must succeed at a Save vs Magic or
Wolfmother. She is the mother of acquire the curse of lycanthropy.
all wolves and in ancient days was
the scourge of the mortal races. Once the curse is acquired the first
tranformation occurs during the
The Wolfmother was eventually
next full moon at which time the
defeated and imprisoned in a following effects occur:
remote mountain, where she
remains hungry and longing • You automatically shift into
for freedom. When a victim of werewolf form when the full
lycanthropy takes on the form of a moon rises. You can shift
werewolf, he or she is temporarily intentionally by spending 1
summoning the essence of this round and succeeding at a Save
trapped demon, giving her a vs Magic. If you suffer damage
you must succeed at a Save vs
taste of freedom, and feeding her
Magic or shift unintentionally.
everhungry maw.
• Gain “Canine” as a known
THE SCHISM language.
Recently, a pack of Sineaters
• Suffer double damage from
unwittingly established an outpost
silver weapons
on the very mountain where the
Wolfmother is imprisoned. Their While in werewolf form . . .
proximity to the god led them to
abandon their Sineater oaths and • Double your maximum and
give in fully to their inner hunger current Hit Points.
(werewolves who come close to
the wolfmother must make a Save • Gain 2 claw attacks per round
vs Magic or fall under the full that inflict 1d8 damage each.
control of the entity). They began
• Gain +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity,
to ravage local villages, devouring and +4 Constitution
their fill and expanding their
number. After hearing of these • Add 60’ to you movement rate
atrocities, Brother Grogan has
called for the remaining members • You can attempt a Save vs
of the order to set upon the Magic to shift back into human
renegades and end their wanton form. If you fail, you cannot try
feast. And so, the war of the again until you kill and eat a
human or demihuman.
wolves has begun . . .
New Waxing First Waxing Full Waning Third Waning
Moon Crescent Quarter Gibbous Moon Gibbous Quarter Crescent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ON THE people, and little by little, drip
by drip, they get finished and
RAGGI CK: You’ve mentioned a number
I figured that before I close of rules changes for the new
down the first volume of the zine printing of the Rules & Magic book,
I ought to have a few words with can you give me a rundown of the
the man whose game I’m most major ones?
directly supporting, Lamentations
of the Flame Princess creator James JR: This is still a-ways away, and
Raggi. James has been interviewed at this point I’m not even sure
a lot, so please forgive me if my this is going to be a new thing for
questions leaned toward my own Rules & Magic or just a new rules
interests and away from some of appendix on a new magic system
the more generally available info book. The major points: Getting
that’s out there already. rid of Clerics and demi-humans.
Change the attribute modifiers
CK: What’s the state of the union so that none of them influence
for LotFP? What’s going well? combat. Changing the spell system
What’s sucking? Where are things so that all spells are first level (and
going? therefore potentially accessible to
any starting Magic-User) and scale
JR: The state of LotFP is as it’s in power with the caster.
always been. A million things in
the works by a million different CK: I greatly enjoyed your early
modules, which had interesting
takes on traditional “D&D fantasy” a future LotFP project, and the
stuff. While I also like the real other two are pretty much in limbo
world/historical stuff you’ve been right now since without the larger
doing lately, I’m curious if you concept, it really makes no sense
have any plans or inclination to for me to release Mutant Future or
go back to traditional fantasy at Hillfolk material.
any point. Are there any modules
from the DFD, HotG, TGG-era that CK: What’s your take on the
remain unpublished? various zines (such as this one)
and 3rd-party projects that have
JR: It’s a crowded field, “D&D sprung up around LotFP?
fantasy,” especially since 5e has
recaptured a lot of traditionalists. JR: Excellent! I probably have
a rather narrow view of what
The only things that were LotFP is, and I try to make sure
finished but unpublished were everybody writing for me at the
a couple adventures for an owls very least doesn’t break that idea,
supplement from a couple years even if it’s now focused on it. It’s
back. The idea was for 10 different my ass and one bad big project
designers to each design a new and it’s all over, and there are only
adventure relating to the owls so many resources to sink into
from Monolith. Only Michael projects, so I figure go with what
Curtis (turning in a Mutant Future I believe in so if it all goes tits up
adventure), Robin Laws (turning and I don’t have to deal with the
in a Drama System series pitch), shame of ever failing because of a
and Zak (D&D) completed their thing I didn’t really believe in.
things. Zak’s using his thing in
So other people publishing LotFP CK: What’s your opinion on the
stuff is great, because it shows state of the “mainstream” RPG
the game can be more than what industry? Pathfinder, Fantasy
I think it is, lets people really Flight, etc . . .
work different ideas without
butting heads with me or getting JR: The more boring and generally
caught behind somebody else in crowd-pleasing they are, the better
a production queue or what have it is for me. They create and pursue
you. large general audiences, keep
game stores stocking RPGs, and
CK: What’s the craziest accusation so they’ve created a marketplace
or criticism that’s been leveled where I get to be the freakshow
against LotFP or you as a in the corner being experimental
publisher? and/or naughty and/or cool in
JR: That the more “interesting”
content in LotFP might put CK: What’s the typical writing
someone off of RPGs altogether. session like for you?
Tonight, I’m not going to the show
but the band Pussy Regurgitation JR: Usually it’s a pencil and
is playing. They’ve got songs notebook to get sketches and
like “Poo Pumped Pop Idol” and keywords and ideas down,
“Erotic Urinary Odour.” I’ll bet the then doing some “real” writing
quality of the music matches the (sentences and structure etc.) to
quality of the titles. But even so, solidify the idea in my head, then
can you even imagine somebody play to determine what needs
listening to that and then saying better explanation, then patching
they’re never listening to music up.
again? Or watching A Serbian Film
and deciding movies just aren’t CK: What’s going on in your
their thing? Reading any novel and campaign right now?
not liking it and therefore rejecting
every other novel that exists or JR: I haven’t played for a bit but
ever will exist? The entire concept I’ll be getting back into things
is absurd on the face of it and early in the new year to try out
only encourages the most bland the potential new rules and the
and cowardly creative concepts in adventures Covered in Sick and
whatever medium one works and You’re Fucked Now (working title,
I’ll have none of it. hopefully I’ll have something more
clever after playing it).
And frankly if anyone does behave
like that we’re all better off for CK: I know for a while you were
their absence. running with a pretty large game
group. What’s your preference on
group size/number of players?
JR: 6-7 players a session, with CK: I remember a while back on
a bit of a rotating player base. G+, you mentioned being a listener
When I have small groups with of Coast to Coast AM. Do you have
regular attendance, I run into too an opinion on George Nooray’s
much standard procedure and handling of the show?
less surprise and I end up creating
adventures to challenge the group JR: It’s shit. My heydey with the
instead of more freely creating and show was over ten years ago.
then discovering what happens. My favorite C2C format is when
some nutcase is on talking about
CK: Do you play anything aside something that’s almost plausible.
from LotFP these days? Bigfoot. Alien encounters. Secret
government conspiracy. Giants of
JR: Tabletop? Not really. the Solomon Islands. The guests
will have their shit together and
CK: What are you listening to, their delusions will be well-
music-wise? thought-out. But that never
happens anymore. It’s all angels
JR: Just got the new Jess and and numerology and New Age
the Ancient Ones album today, soft-brain horseshit while George
along with the reissues of hawks emergency food supplies
Dødheimsgard’s and Immolation’s and paranormal dating services.
first albums. Recently also picked
up Malady’s debut, a few Sammal CK: Are there any fortean topics
albums, and the absolutely that you’re particularly fond of?
monumental Mirror debut. If a mix
of Dio-era Sabbath, Dianno-era JR: I like things that don’t rely
Maiden, and Deep Purple Mk 2 on the supernatural, things that
sounds good to you, you need to I could be wrong about. Like
be all over that one. Bigfoot, what are the chances that
there are large hairy creatures
CK: What was the best horror film running around the woods at this
you saw this year? point? Absolutely none. But...
BUT... it’s just plausible enough
JR: It probably doesn’t count but that they could exist. And if some
that Jessica Jones series was the hunter finally bags one or if one
most fucked thing that I’ve seen in wanders out onto a road and gets
quite some time. It’s just hell. The hit by a car and a news outlet more
Visit (Shyamalan’s) was actually credible than the Weekly World
pretty good. What We Become, News presents the story... then the
The Pool, The Corpse of Anna Fritz world doesn’t change, there’s just
were pretty good. I’m probably one more unusual thing (that used
forgetting a bunch . . . to be) in it. Same with the Loch
Ness Monster, things like that.

None of those things are any all times, my “what I’m doing
stranger to me than a platypus, now” and “what I’m thinking
and I have no actual investment about now” and I need to distract
in their existence or lack thereof myself in order to focus. The
so they’re fun to think about. first RPG book I ever finished
Spending a weekend Bigfoot was written during Finnish and
hunting or visiting Loch Ness Swedish classes because my mind
hoping to see a dinosaur could still just wanders. Popcorn or other
be fun trips even though you’re refreshments is there to control
never going to see anything. Beats distraction during a movie, etc. So
LARPing, anyway. It’s when during work, the loud music acts
people get obsessive that I’m to control the distraction control.
glad I only read about them and
don’t actually have to spend time CK: Are you in this for the long
around these people. haul? Does LotFP continue until
you die? Or do you feel like you’ll
CK: You’re a rare bird among RPG eventually move on to something
creators because LotFP is your else?
full-time gig. Can you walk me
through your typical workday? JR: It better continue until I die.
I started the company because I
JR: I have no typical workday. didn’t have any other way to make
Because my “office” is in the living money . . .
room of a two-room apartment, I
pretty much have to work around
my wife’s work schedule because
not a lot gets done when she’s
around. And she doesn’t keep
regular hours. Although this is the last issue
of Vacant Ritual Assembly for the
It also greatly depends whether time being, I’ve got a shitload of
I’m writing, or editing, or doing art projects planned for 2016. First
assignments, or dealing with the up is The Driftwood Verses, a
printer, or if there’s a new release gloomy, nautical
and I have to process orders, or campaign setting
do the monthly bookkeeping, that’s something
dealing with publicity, or travel like Moby Dick
arrangements for conventions meets Dark
(nine on the schedule for 2016, Sun. Keep an
yikes!), etc. eye out for a
Driftwood Verses
The only constant is if I’m being Kickstarter
at all productive, there’s some sometime in the
really loud music on at the time. first half of the
My mind works on two levels at year!
The Stygian Garden
of Abelia PremTM
The Stygian Garden of Abelia Prem is an eerie,
location-based adventure module for low-level
characters. It’s directly compatible with Lamentations
of the Flame Princess and more broadly compatible
with a huge selection of OSR rule sets.

Explore the abandoned estate of Abelia Prem, an

eccentric noblewoman who spent the last years
of her life searching for a subterranean rose
reputed to have power over life and death.

“The anachronism . . . it burns.”

- Some dickhead reviewer

Highlights Include:
• Multiple sessions worth of deadly adventure
• New monsters, appendix of magical plants
• Cover by George Cotronis
• Interior Art by Marcin Sciolny
• Maps by Todd Gamble
• Written by Clint Krause
• 30 pages –– $10 Print, $5 PDF The Driftwood VersesTM
Don’t Walk in -- Coming Soon
The Driftwood Verses is a dark, nautical campaign
Winter WoodTM setting for Lamentations of the Flame Princess and
other OSR games. It’s like a combination of Moby
Don’t Walk in Winter Wood is a storytelling game
of folkloric fear. Players take on the roles of hapless Dick, Dark Sun, and the computer game Sunless Sea.
villagers who must enter a legend-haunted forest and
uncover its sinister secrets. The game uses simple Highlights Include:
rules and a unique narrative style to help you create • Cover by George Cotronis
spooky stories with your friends. • Interior Art by Sean Poppe
• Written by Clint Krause
Highlights Include: • Page count and price TBD
• Art by George Cotronis
• Map by Todd Gamble
• Written by Clint Krause Vacant Ritual AssemblyTM
• 44 pages –– $5 PDF Vacant Ritual Assembly is an OSR zine. Directly
compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess
but easily adaptable to other OSR games. Each issue
Red Moon Medicine Show® has 22 pages of content, directly inspired by my own
734 Foucher St, New Orleans, LA 70115 quasi-weekly LotFP campaign.

Not available at hobby shops Highlights Include:

• Dark fantasy adventures, NPCs, and locations
because they generally suck balls! • Art by Sean Poppe, Jeremy Duncan, and more!
Red Moon Medicine Show is not actually a registered trademark. This ad • Written by Clint Krause
is an homage to the wonderful Palladium Books Dragon Magazine ads of • 22 pages –– $4 Print, $2 PDF
the mid-90s. Buy our shit at redmoonmedicineshow.com


First Printing
Medicine Show
or $2.00 PDF

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